Touring Muhammed SanYang's Poultry Farms In The Gambia

Touring Muhammed SanYang's Poultry Farms In The Gambia

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Hi. Back. Humming. St. Yang's poultry. Farm, he's. Gonna show us something bit around and, we. Tried to get together with, him a little bit earlier. Because. We had some friends, in from the US and. You. Know it didn't turn out the way we had all plans so we're gonna get some contact, information find. Out about his. Operation. Here so, we can do. It in the future. Now. We've, moved from. What. You're doing. So. We don't have to import that's, fine, yeah. I'm not eating Muhammad cengage. Yes. Your chicken. Do, you make your own or you buy from somebody else and again I. Just. Want to write this down so when, we just started, yeah I buy, mine from you until I learn how it so. Good. No. No I'm just writing upside down. Makes. On. Let's. Go go here I grab well, she got a record so I'll see you. So. You make your own of feed, now yeah how many chickens. Do you have is that classified. Make, sure it's Pam, is that we have to somehow. Be concerned, about our seven. Years. You two slackers. How. Many chickens do you have lay, your chicken. So if I was starting how many chickens would I mean if I want to start different, from you you can stab anyone, we'll see I've got 20 Hector's in support. You can so how many yeah. That that will be better in terms of what really. Counts. Of fans. We, can do anything but what to say but I don't, know see I'm getting started, yeah and you're my teacher now yeah you see them saying so, I'm asking you how. Do we, help, beat. The game you okay Gambia need, if. You have the, power to go. By. Here two hundred thousand, that's, what I mean. We. Made this chicken and eggs because, right now we are importing, more than 95%. Recording for any, country. Again. It depends on the investor. Okay. So, if let's say a hundred. Thousand chickens to start is. That is that good or no for somebody doesn't. Know. That's. Why I'm asking you you're my teacher yeah that Mandy to be so what would I need to start with because I like this do that call you well. Actually, I. Like. The. Free. Rein where the chickens run but. I got dogs and, I think the dog so eat the chicken, yeah so I think this, is safe.

This. Is easier. Exactly. Put. Out here knock masses of courses later now there's, two different types of chicken he said these, are the layered chickens, and I think that means. That's, why they hit that - just the water. Okay. Got you. Didn't. Leave has been fun. Okay, I just have to. Got you they laid the eggs and this is the feed yeah does defeat okay, how, many chickens can you stick it up. That, made it there yeah okay chickens in there you said the machines are all in it yeah, so do you have that contact, information. Okay. Okay. Okay. Got you down. Sorry. Chickens. I'm. So sorry ticket. But. You can get out. Like. Chickens jug the white babies and a brown to construct, around the definitions. This. One is a new one. So, your business has got good now you can add more chin exactly, oh no. There's a white chicken. Outfit. Italy, give. Me I'm. Gonna build this. That's what I want. Only the. Cages. Phew okay God you did all right I got you did a kick now I don't, know if we are taught, this I don't want to beat it too much if, the, electrical, system, was set up this. Would spin and. All the chicken manure will come out and, deposit, it into a bag and we can sell it to farmers, for, fertilizer. Just like, we do with the other cows this. Is chicken manure - chicken, manure compared, to Calvin. A lot, richer better. Okay, got you didn't open him she reported this I remember that. Thank. You what's the purpose of this. Check, it out. -, Hector's. Okay. So this is not so one area. This. Right here is called the layers and he's got another operation, on. The other side for broilers and we didn't know the difference I have heard the term. Sargassum. Here - for, business not exercise I. Know. You're very busy and I want to thank you for spending some time with us yeah I just want to ask you how long have you been cultured. For. Did. You say 18, 18, years Wow, you're. Young looking guys so I mean. Really. 18. Years old over. There that's where we have the fit me okay. Aha. And, if you want to go to check on the umbrella form you can also go out together so at. The highway you'll see one can. I, just mention your name that she says okay exactly, you, are the boss right yes okay gotcha. Okay. Brawler's. Are meat chicken yes in layers later egg and two different you. Say you don't have guinea for dogs, you just deal with oh. Okay. So you do. Sell. Your own chickens not just grow them ya know you, know the brothers are for community, right you buy them from they all to five weeks and.

Okay Gotcha teen gotcha, okay now do you offer assistance, to other farmers, because again I don't know anything about farming but, I'm willing to learn and, come and help you. Know. Independent. Side I don't know if you're, familiar with Marcus Garvey you know you, know you, know independence. We feed ourselves we don't import our food definite, so so that's why you're not gonna came here and say hey you know I like that stuff. That's. What I was going to ask you do you offer assistance, to other, farmers, like myself, do. You have guys that like maybe additional. That you can say well you know you're trained I recommend. To us that. We go there. You. Can go to black, acres, of the Gambia yeah bag for short yeah that'll show you what we're doing in c4. On. YouTube. Video. So. You say you buy from Senegal or. You. Already answered this question is the chicken business profitable. You know I want to get involved with something I can't make money and pay these guys yeah, it depends, on you to tell you understand, the scale if, you want to start in big scale especially. So. What is a big. Scale you just said if you want to be profitable you start on a big scale what is that yeah that will be dependent like you. Like. What to say ok first, I want to talk into technical $2,000, okay, now one hundred. Three, hundred thousand, four hundred thousand. Okay. Let's, say I got somebody $1,000. - right, well let's just say I got some nice little money but. I don't know what I'm doing, so, what would you recommend, and. The person is a quick learner what would you recommend starting, off with that, want to make some money, again. Like I said in social, based on economic. Scale. Depending. If you have a very big capacity, or from your pocket but again that do not depend. On you as a person how much are you willing to start you think there's no only district run a bank. Okay that's. Good for a small response. Might. Be so, so what what's a good amount to start with let's just say is 10,000. Or 20,000. A good amount to start with yeah I think. Okay. 20 is no bad 20,000. It's not that you mean, the, chicks old - 24. - I again. I don't know anything about this I wanted to learn yeah. Well. I was talking about twenty thousand US dollars. Well. Know if it's not bad I don't like not bad I like good into say 30 hours. Okay. Let's say 30,000. Or is 50,000. Incubator, the feed and everything. That's. Pretty much it because as we walk through you, answered most of our portions, and, again I'd like to ask you if, you have any concern about who we are go. To our YouTube. Page is black acres of the Gambia or bag for short and, you'll see who we are so, we can kind of keep. In contact with each other. All. Right now there. Are some people that, were here but, they've gone back to America, yeah this. Person gave me your information, and said wow you're in a gamble you meet this guy you know and, so, he. Left, yesterday. Okay, and we weren't able to get in touch with you because our friend from Facebook, just reached out to his friend his, friend got your number for us and, so, anyway, is. There some contact, information, for. Somebody. Or. Something. Okay. We're gonna see this video and, that, at least link, you to our YouTube. Page. Okay. Oh. Okay. Sup do you know the product oh so you got this machine. Right here is the feed making, machine exactly, is it from China no it's from, everything. Why is everything from is, it better than. Most. Of the of course it's possible in China but you know China. Okay you have, to have a very good supplier. What, do you have to film commodity okay, so the time this ship good quality to us but quality, to gastric Wow, so but yeah, how long is not like that how long is not like just the limited, quality yeah sure did you catch that soon oh no you're even in cash you go here sweet mother yeah, thank. You thank, you for that information so, now I, know and. You have the contact information to get in touch with Harlan to say send this type of machine yes, something, like that okay, you, think.

Once. We get set up out here you can come and take a look at it wreck, them into little bit more tooth to, me, first. Time getting together we don't know each other really so. You. Can come and see our setup and, where, we like to put it in stuff. Thank. You for showing us the lair. Chicken. Out. Out. Outlet. You. Say what. After. Rainy season, after. Innocence, because the land where we are that is wrong it, used to be nothing. But farming. We. Start instructure now now we're starting to structure now we just kind, of ran into some gaming to work. Problems, so delay delay delay, so now delays are finished and, now we're looking at going to field and stuff. We. Have the area to area. To be so perhaps, if you're available one, day yeah, I'll give you a call and we can just go because we're not too far. Yeah, but you know that's what everybody say but when, I pull out the money everybody you know change, people. Change. No. No no I don't have see. I'd rather work with the champions, and run -. Yeah. That's what I wore nice and there's for, them yeah so I want to work with them and so I was talking to a person, that I think is a friend of mine one job yeah, I explained to what I want to do it he gave his number said call me if you need help right. Now I need help those champions are ripping me off. The. Point is before I run to him and say help me I still like to get my other team together and say hey you know maybe we can work together but exactly I'm losing money and I'm running out of time so I, might, just have to run to I'm one day you know. Oh sound I'm saying so thank you for talking to me brother I look forward to talk to you again in the future I'll, take it. Yeah. She's not married and. This. Is Kiki. I mean, this is Kiki my daughter not married, she's. Not married and. This is. No. She's looking for husbands have, a boyfriend, oh. We. Just welcome back on their. Table, African, you. Said to Bob African. That's. No problem okay. This, other brawlers. To. Meet chicken we're open to meet. These. All here, are all for. Months. Today. One. 104. Weeks I'm sorry got me out knocking it we're outta here why don't we do okay, one month two days okay got your bean so all this so what, today. What, are they standing. Chicopee. You make tomorrow. Just. From synagogue yeah we. Don't make our own. We. Don't make our own chicken feed, chicken. From. Down. There okay. That's what he said okay gotcha, so this walk down this way. Okay. Do. You have problems, with bird or snakes. Something. Coming eat the chicken, what. What no no do an animal come and you can check it like a snake, snakes. No. No no no way nice, for, me all right if. You know how to a, hole. Kick, it through. Okay. So who made this right here this is in The Gambia. Building. Gonna. Do every work so. So, birds. Birds, come in and maybe mess with them let them live, here that long. Okay. Can. We take. A look on the other side or the water see the water how. Often do you change the water. So. How, many chickens, until. Almost. Four thousand chickens. Alright, can I see the other side. She. Still. Are. You stealing. We, miss you too much mr., power. Hey. She. She, got jokes. Just. Marty arms and one. Other. Little chip separates. Until he got him separated, saw.

The Bigger ones down there so, here. You. Gave you before, yeah. I'm. Here she's something her foot. Okay. Thank. You very much what you go do this. What. You do with them. I'm. A planner. No. They don't nobody. All. Right right. Boss man thank you very much showing. His tools. Go. On YouTube or. Something. What, we do see. I like these yeah I see, these everyone I see I try to. You. Know go right am yours. No. He. Really was coming. He. Won't hurt you. So. You can touch. Ricky. There. You. Dim. Buck nice, to meet you dim bar thank. You. Mamadou. Mamadou, I'm a Dubai. Nice. To meet you.

2020-03-22 00:27

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