Touring Lampung ke Bengkulu! 600 KM Sehari! | Tour de Hills & Coast SUMATRA (Eps 2)

Touring Lampung ke Bengkulu! 600 KM Sehari!  | Tour de Hills & Coast SUMATRA (Eps 2)

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Wow, this street is the best crazy way okay guys, back again on the Jodi Motovocade channel How are you hopefully it's okay Continuing from yesterday's episode so it's me and my friends from tokomoge Indonesia it was touring from Jakarta to Sumatra Island we will continue the touring trip start from Lampung and finish for the 2nd day we go to Bengkulu he he if people who Ordinary people, maybe like Lampung, Bengkulu, it's close, right? pas lihat google map everyone Buset already it turns out that Lampung Bengkulu guys are almost 600 kilos yes close so that's the plan How to do basically in a day that's from our Lampung to Bengkulu and for the route itself we happened to pass the coast of Sumatra Island in parts south or west yes basically the beach is like that and this path we will pass the route via the Krui line, guys which one many people say they like touring through there the route is awesome that's why I also can't wait to get to the crew cumman he he from the hotel we just go to the crew, maybe it's already spent 5-6 that's it guys so like that it fell like half a trip and only then from Krui we will continue to Bengkulu Yes, Hofuli, there's nothing wrong, guys okay then before you watch more don't forget to like the video too oke enjoy guys good morning great morning okay 2nd day of touring Sumatra yoi yes still with him yes because we are roommates as possible we will continue to room together for the next 4 days I will sleep with him and please look at the mattress okay so here you can see for yourself it's still early in the morning huh because it's still what time it is let's check oh half 5 4 two 8 it's only later that we plan to be a little more than half past five actually have to standby in the lobby so today we are going to Bengkulu we'll skip that path through route via the crew yes, I hope it goes well but I should feel safe anyway because uh if we look at Google map and info from friends, yes, the way is good, that's how it is let's just prove how the smoothness of the road that we will pass later and hopefully there won't be any problems same as that for gas station problems are also a bit rare so if for example we find a gas station immediately fill in full okay okay already in that case we want to continue it's possible yes, continue on the road great bye So, we're already gathering in the lobby we are as usual, guys headed by Mr. Arya the big boss of Tokomoge Indonesia so we briefed first pray first and fortunately yes touring this time The fleet from this MOGE shop is really great because the touring has a safety car, guys that is the car is beh enak So so if you see those touring friends the motor doesn't have anything like that because the goods are entrusted except me I happen This is carrying goods because it contains a drone there are all sorts of things like that but yeah, how come my stuff is left in his car? the most I left was just the clothes anyway the rest are like crucial items kayak toolkit keep kayaking drugs yes, I will definitely bring it at least that's it brief information and yes, it's over from here, let's go straight away bismillahirrahmanirrahim ok guys, let's go okay come on bismillahirrahmanirrahim it's time for us to go from Lampung limit Bengkulu The path is via Krui ok guys already find a gas station already on full tank earlier the road is actually pretty good anyway just before we were about to go to the gas station there's this big hole in front of me father this is grumbling to the arsy this is indeed sometimes if sports troupe adventure's arsy ah, it's already anjir reflex come on come on let's go in in and out Enter the driver in the capital of Pringsewu Regency pringsewu first pringsewu first rice field guys very fresh like in java the fog is crazy this is not pollution remember not pollution not just waste Haha yes, full petrol anyway but it's like you have to be economical dick all two 50 bang u have gas you have power if touring, oh that's it just follow the road from yes for 201 km goodbye oh welcome to the great city immediately greeted by sharp turns friends wah here it is Wow, this is really sharp ha ayo we are already in the big city kinda be careful there are streets that are streets the bend be careful be careful be careful the new tires are delicious watch out there is a hole delicious delicious delicious delicious come on ayo come on gas come on gas very sharp to the left be careful guys getting sharper wow crazy roads bro exciting guys really nice new year This is what I was looking for delicious Sumatra route this corner is so crazy it's crazy right, guys wow ok guys we are stopping again here we are again stopped because of one of our friends someone wants to go to the bathroom and after passing the road which is quite good too then we are actually going to enter again soon what is the name of the area row hill yes its name is Bukit Barisan so far it's been good you can see for yourself kayak the turns are smooth this is also illegitimate father use the touring ban super rush try already racing it's ready niku bend buset oh, the suspension is safe God willing, be safe sir God willing out of line jebluk-kan ya this is the point friends again to prepare prepare so yes then later we will continue on the path that he said was good here is Bukit Barisan interesting anyway So far Sumatra is really good very cool really exciting yes, just keep watching OK, where are you going to the row hill yes he said the streets are fun bismillahirrahmanirrahim I hope all goes well just fine further the road again So, start from here, guys Coincidentally, we entered front group yes there is me there is father Arya it's illegal to have alcohol there are heroes either omg this is wise a total of 6 people in front and yes starting from here we will find the right street it's delicious, guys, from the start up turn turn oh, it's complete yes already enjoy okay one lane one lane Wow, someone is taking a shower Yes, yes someone's taking a shower ha ha direct it's just so unique yes, right away, it's just like unique, you know really fast rarely see anyone bathing in the rice fields eh in the field at times like that photo here so cool bro wow this is really cool really good huh the air is also fresh cats cats the cats wow that's dangerous it's that reflex it's that reflex Wow It's been warmed up, guys, be careful right right right yes right right yes this is a solid road this is coy well, that's actually possible oh, be careful, reduce the speed prone to landslides okay ready sir driver ready sir be careful wow guys empty up Wow, this street is the best want to type huh including let's go jetek two 5 come on CBR come on ha haha come on this is what you are looking for guys oh yeah second two 5 come on second two 5 Haha set gear set rpm set the gear set the clutch Yoi, keep on climbing this sharp sharp sharp right sharp right watch out for the motorbike be careful be careful gosh bambi bambi bambi set the rpm guys let's take a breath guys let's breath ayo directly gassed kanan skin limit solid left again solid Haha ayo cry cry wow but wow wow Haha this this this is it this is the one you are looking for this is what you're looking for, wow this is a hero full of a hero's smile wira full smile wira anjir watch out bambi again guys bambi again anjir that's not bambi sleeping position Well this is the way I've been looking for all this time this is the end Guys, it turns out that there are delicious roads here but the first road has gone up to the 2nd it's bumpy bumpy plus there are some pothole roads so it's like there's still peekaboo there what a pity yes, friends who use two 50 like that so chasing it desperately yes, that's it, guys, yes alhamdulillah luckily I use Diana like that really satisfied it's a steep climb I want to turn too because sport motorbikes are delicious that's great unless the roads are already damaged, yes the father of the hero is the best the motorbike is an adventure, isn't it? it's most correct already he is full of smiles when he meets broken roads But Most of the roads are smooth like this, guys lots of turns that's a fantastic turn Yes, how about gaspol, right? just us whatever the condition caution is necessary so yes, we basically have to safety ride too, guys Welcome to west coast West coast district south row hill Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park be careful beware of wild animals there are animals here if you want to stay here really good that's a lot of trees watch out, there's dung there is an iron truck be careful there is dung thanks thanks hole in the middle of this very big hole its derivatives wah rem rem rem rem truck brakes are not strong the truck is not strong the truck is not strong be careful many trucks are not strong uh it's so cold be careful stay alert right and left Yes, it's crazy, this is this area the roads are deliciously smooth even though there was a pretty big hole tapi mostly the street is really nice this asphalt Jos is very bad and here we enter the forest, guys national park forest and reportedly there will be wild animals here hmm what kind of wild animals huh just watch the video guys wow crazy it's really cold here it's cool, it's really cool watch out for the tree ouch the car like a dog safari park ha ha ha this is like game track crazy track bro crazy bro crazy bro watch out the asphalt is a bit cold the asphalt is a bit cold be careful hey monkeys crazy again killing monkeys very big wow monkey it's crazy and it's good to hold a monkey Be alert right and left cute forest this is anjir heaven the paradise for motor sport is here ugh the way is crazy wow this is crazy the gang is strong already asphalt is also good hey monkey hanging out where was it Yes, monkeys are hanging out very funny anjir wah start sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp oh sharp sharp right right right sharp sharp sharp solid is this out? It's out of the national park finish guys outside our national park ok guys we've passed national park trail south coast hill huh Western hills yes oh yeah that's the point really fun the way so we chanced is in the front row There is a cave, there is Mr. Hero and Mr. Arya madam father Arya crazy bring CBR two 50 tablets two 50 tablets lah where is this this is left where is this? These are two 54 cylinders even though it's okay earlier he said this was already screaming safe but yes safe Earlier, his father also had a skid earlier it's a humid forest keep descending right after that yes did you see the monkey earlier? take a look big really yes very big guys the monkey is crazy i can't say what's the point we don't know this what will the roads be like in the future? anyway crazy so far so exciting this 100 kilos more is still far away but the streets maybe it will be even more exciting than before that's the side seaside yes yes yes seaside anyway yes south wow crazy and have a nice weather yes it was it looks like it's been raining yeah hopefully not already I think we'll just have to wait for the clouds to get there first that's it Well, at least first, guys, we want a waterbreak wait a minute yes, change the battery too I had run out of battery At least we want to go first after that we go straight to our road again well after the waterbreak earlier this is a coincidence I only ride with Mr. Arya because of those other friends go ahead the problem was that I took the content first He does drones, doesn't he continue to make videos? so it's been a while for me Finally, my friends, I've just walked ahead we are also following the same route Yes, this is me and Mr. Arya

just past the road to get to the crew along the way anyway it's like it's raining so it's like the road is still wet then also the asphalt is also quite slippery and there are many incidents that are like a little bit of a drag Especially yes, I and Mr. Arya are like that Yes, you really have to be careful Let the road markings be smooth yes, don't go to road markings, it's like this Yoi, it's stiff like that when holding a camera yes, I have never tried it pegel crazy dog ha ha wow this bener-kan Jon Jon is right I just follow I don't dare either than from earth what should a stone be? i should come back oh ya ya ya the footstep is already footstep racing not the meaning about the gears rear brake yes yes oh the absurd caves are so inject oh Yes, right safe safe Yes, if the rear brake is stuck it sure hasn't rained yet it's raining bro rain yes yes yes it's raining recently of this is the condition of the road we are passing it's just sad just rain guys so I don't want to have to stop recording but after the rain Yes, more it's just the way it goes oh, I can't enjoy it if there is a gas station first time yes ok ok can be very possible crazy 2bar coy oh yes 2 bars 2 bars I'm ok yes, he went to school first I'll change the motor first Yes, what the gas station is also like the small one earlier it's okay this time the important thing is there is Pertamax yes, the important thing first satisfied really satisfied there's only one key full petrol You have the power but you're still sure still how much this man hasn't turned on the indicator yet, I haven't yet but yes it is similar I'm guessing at least 150 of them here I think sorry duh where is this motorbike from? don't know this like not from Italy Japanese motorcycle dude yes, this rhino motorbike really swears but it's not find a way like this it's stuck I think the engine is safe I've never been stuck in a traffic jam at the top of a kayak 6 hours is safe doesn't overheat either there's nothing there's nothing okay thank God in principle yes the more often used the healthier the rider also has a positive mindset it's already a healthy motor, that's it lest you suggest later yes arrived Finally we passed the road which is full of straights and fortunately there are also no wild animals crossing so yeah, you really have to be careful plus we missed like a kind of Balinese village, that's the model because there's a lot of pretending which reminds us in an area called Bali Island yes, it's very similar, guys and it's pretty busy the same in the end for both of us find a proper gas station, guys Wow, really saved because our motorcycle gasoline is already critical already a little Because We've passed a super nice street before we gasp gasp uh forgot oh yeah the motor also needs to be filled with gas because the fuel indicator is already on yes, let's fill it guys so yeah, that's all the tips, guys when you find a gas station immediately fill in full if it's here, it's mandatory and if you have filled the full tank crazy wow invitation We just eat invitations here, come on, gas don't rush yes, this is the bride first time to vlog mission, sir, guys mission sir steady steady great wow this is high speed suddenly like this wah this guys here they go guys solid this is just great this steady weh got ha ha turn around kunco turn crazy crazy spot the best aduh Indonesia is very broad Indonesia bad oath and when looking at the clock it turns out that the clock is about to show 11 o'clock in the afternoon, guys so I think we decided to find something to eat first because it is we actually haven't had breakfast since morning guys Yes, I only eat bread not like eating rice like that so yes wise indeed we have to eat and yes already and finally we arrived at this crew guys where is it We do plan to have lunch here Unfortunately, we didn't find that place okay for our friends too because we're busy like that so we decided to walk again a little bit ahead until finally this is this this is a great place, guys because apart from that we can find a place to eat but this restaurant has a good view wow you have to see this oke guys alhamdulillah until we also found a hidden gem in what is this walk Coastal road South East West So we skipped Krui in the end and already found nice place the boss of the photos so handsome diem the box is really beautiful want to eat but like still admire the beauty of nature here oh my god really just find this again so just the two of us guys just now it's like wih what is the direct left turn where the food that's right it's so good that you don't have an appetite this is really good a place to be dumbfounded guys it's delicious, the most we eat first, we eat chicken rice village same tofu, tempeh wow When again see Diana here try ih oh my god that's so cool Oh Diana exploration This motorbike is not just any motorbike ah motor touring nih guys crazy oh so cool see the view hi hi it's very exciting crazy this is the most hidden gem hidden gem that I've ever found in my life like an oath the front looks like it's lacking if you can be honest but when it's already in the back, you know, you know can so try the view is right it's bad like this guys it's a pleasure touring sometimes find places like this really do kayaks the vibe is unexpected we don't expect anything know how to get a place like this kayak very cool especially with my favorite motorbike really good Pandiga letter set that I've ever tried so yes we will continue another day This is to go to Bengkulu because to Bengkulu it turns out there are still more or less times 5 hours 6 hours maybe most like that and actually we also thank God the fall too fast anyway we should have been at 12 noon instead got a place for kayaking being crewed for lunch like that but because everything is so much more it's fast that's delicious we can have time to rest like that and yes already if so we continue on-road because to catch up on time for us to arrive to Bengkulu is crazy exploration bro Crazy Sumatra then we continue the journey again, guys because Bengkulu is still far away more or less from where we stopped That's another 295 kilos Yes, it's 300 kilos yes, so it's not so annoying that's why we have to leave quickly so that it's not too late to arrive yes, while walking as usual, guys like we all like taking pictures take all kinds of content it also happens that the cave is in the front position and it turns out we had an incident which is quite surprising namely crossing cows only difference is there is one citizen who are also on motorbikes but because the cow crossed in the end well that's it so there are people who are walking on motorbikes because the cow crossed, it was hit by the guys well, we just saw it coming yes finally surprised Wow, it's true Turns out there was a cow crossing it origin like that fortunately the local residents helped immediately too so thank God it's safe so we continue our journey and so do we Have you ever passed the hill road on the south coast? which is also where the streets are good but lots of bambi bambi ouch if you ride a motor sport when passing the full bumpy road that's the taste ouch really not really good guys I swear only after passing short short itu yes we are finally past the old man bridge everywhere this is really cool guys guys we just came out from the south row hill which is where the streets are super bumpy crazy guys we are in the middle of the road in the middle of a very wah wah wah bridge wow wow wow wow wow this is a true tourist bike it's so good to scream Sumatra is great after we are satisfied with the photos here content retrieval and others Yes, we will go straight to Bengkulu, guys oh my gosh it's still a long way really like there are still times 6 hours or so when we get there just I think from seeing our style of riding today after that we had lunch it looks like it's coming tonight and that's right guys hehehe don't feel like that today we've been riding all day it's late and yes, it's late, guys yes, this is already auto it happened tonight alright guys welcome back again hehehe yeah that's enough it's been going on for quite a while because first today we rode quite far crazy one day 54 eh 570 kilo wow 570 kilo yes mileage That's how crazy it is far away and this is approx yes tens of kilometers to go tens of kilometers we will arrive we will arrive at the hotel and many are misah guys Because Previously, we were together with Mr. Arya and his entourage just I wanted to stop just now because there is something that must be done so we decided to Yes, let's go straight to the hotel first along with other friends which is where they are already walking anyway so yeah more or less like that guys another hour and a half we will arrive wow that's great uh oh crazy finally Wow, the streets are full of twists and turns the Sumatra route especially those from Krui to Bengkulu because we pass the West coast wow really crazy glare wah the sunset and my intercom has also run out of battery, guys i forgot to say that's why it's just my voice this is recorded this let us focus first on the road Originally, there are lots of twists and turns ok guys so it seems we have arrived it's bent this has passed like Jalan Besar should have arrived already meaning at least it's entered into in the city of Bengkulu it's been a very long day today tomorrow is still long guys we will go to mandeh tomorrow crazy the sky is really nice Originally crazy, I was amazed at the sky I opened the visor because Mine's visor is rediumed it's just that in redium I'm really dirty lots of insects so it's like that it's not clear at night that's why I opened it want to change the visor clear bear in a while until it becomes like yes, just like this I already have the mindset to quickly go to bed oh god but it's really crazy Diana is my motorbike and I also salute you too that's it, anjir my body is strong too man thank God very much endowed with a strong body can tour using panigale thank god awesome really if touring yes, the seconds that are about to arrive are more like that it feels like It's been a winning moment ok guys finally arrived bent My voice is gone say tired yes tired but say happy yes happy too but yeah, how about getting mixed up? This body, if I'm honest, looks like it's been crushed keep the mouth of the street bumpy bumpy tapi I don't think so arrived Bengkulu use your Diana and we are the marathon model, dude I want to thank mine anyway like my body turns out to be strong I have to rest but very personal I swear it feels like you really do how is riding this touring? You like touring and you use your dream motorbike Oh, I see You come to a city where you've never been before with my favorite motorbike plus with friends who are exciting fun really crazy my body sucks ah

2023-08-13 22:26

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