Touring a Billionaire's Net Zero Carbon Malibu Estate

Touring a Billionaire's Net Zero Carbon Malibu Estate

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[Music] w [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] Malibu California a 21 Mile Long  strip of beaches north of Los Angeles which is   home to some of the wealthiest individuals in the  entire world now if I had to live in Los Angeles   and I had the means to do so without a doubt it  would be right here in Malibu and today we're   getting a rare look inside a billionaires Hawaiian  style Malibu estate the home is set on a prized to   2 acre lushly landscape blufftop with views of the  Pacific Ocean and total privacy the estate is net   zero carbon meaning it's 100% electric featuring  Tesla batteries solar panels and EV charging   stations it's the second Net Zero carbon home in  Malibu producing zero carbon emissions it's always   a good day when you can surve before work time  to finally get a look at this house we have been   given the door code maybe this is it are we in and  just like that welcome there's over 300 trees that   have been planted and meticulously landscaped on  this property to give you what you see behind me   and the main inspiration behind this property is  that Hawaiian lifestyle and architecture with a   very Polynesian theme I mean right off the bat  here look at this retaining wall built out of   lava rock there's little details throughout the  whole space that I'm going to point out that just   really well you'll see in a sec so before we even  go into the house which you can't even really see   because the landscape does such a great job of  camouflaging into the scenery I want to show   you are you ready for this I want to show you the  Beehive so there's actually a bee Colony on this   property those are the two boxes and I'm not sure  the exact amount but the agent was saying do you   remember it it's like 20 25 gallons of honey per  year from these guys so these bees are pollinating   this entire property and here we have all the  fruit trees lemons passion fruits fresh fresh   oranges like imagine coming out in your yard I  think this is actually a clementine but imagine   coming out to your yard on a day like today just  popping a clementine right off the tree oh wow   try some of this holy crap good right oh my God  just imagine this like what I'm trying to it's   the freshest you can get in this video my main  point is not to sell you on this house but to   really drive home the lifestyle that getting this  house would provide you which would be fresh fruit   and Scenic Vistas overlooking the sea you've got  the islands off in the distance Catalina and the   sun's going to go down right behind that Island in  a few hours we'll get some shots of that but just   look how beautiful this is pristine manicured  land landscaping and just imagine when this   matures in like 5 10 years how large these fruit  trees are going to be all these Palms are going to   be covering the driveway I mean right now it looks  fantastic but just imagine with time this place is   really going to flourish and then the beeh I still  can't believe there's a beehive on this property   super unique so back to the driveway you can  see we have these pavers below our feet and the   driveway extends all the way around to the house  but before we go to the house I want to point out   we have a tennis and basketball court right off  of the main driveway here so this is a full-size   regulation tennis court and basketball court on  the property here with a view of the mountains   off in the distance blue skies here but just  imagine having a tennis court at your property   and a basketball court you know I was sitting here  and I was thinking this is a a you made it house   this is one of those places where you would never  want to leave all of the tennis court though there   is a bathroom shower so after the match you want  to shower off you can do so right there and as you   continue on you have the motor Court we have some  parking up to the left and again just look at that   cool lava retaining wall here and all the palm  frons and all the flower oh like look at that do   we have tight shots of the flowers the Landscaping  is the first thing that sticks out about this   home I mean look at these Palms these are mature  Palms that were brought in to really have you just   escape to the Hawaiian islands and now with the  approach of the house you can really get a look   at that Hawaiian architecture where the house is  just one story which really is mainly to optimize   the views so every bedroom will have a view  in the house and before we head in there's one   more feature in the Landscaping I want to point  out here so a massive aspect of the Landscaping   is sound design so follow me this way there's a  little creek that was built to run along the house   here under the front porch with the sound of water  the entire day how tranquil is this the birds the   water the surf like I don't want to leave and if  you know Malibu one of the biggest I hate to use   the word issue but an issue typically is parking  but on two acres of land up here look behind me   you've got two garages that can each fit two cars  of Pop plus all this real estate here to park for   events having your friends and family over and F  finally approaching the house here check out this   Leni so this is a very typical feature in Hawaiian  homes is the massive front porch so you have these   huge stairs leading you up to look at this well  one I don't know if you can see that but it's a   little it's a little blown out so you can't see  that yet but check this out so the Porsche runs   the entire length of the house here and like I  mentioned it's all one level so we'll show this   side too so this I like for many reasons and the  the main one is it gives a communal aspect to the   house like this house is massive it's over 16,000  sare ft and for some reason having the laai makes   it feel more intimate and more like a home rather  than some gudy huge mansion so I love this this is   one of my favorite areas about the house so off  of this porch we finally going to head into the   house and you'll notice that this entire front  door area is glassed because when you walk right   in you have the Pacific Ocean right in your home  here I'm going to take you outside you can only   say this in California indoor outdoor living at  its finest the entire back wall opens up taking   you out to your pool with an Infinity edged heated  swimming pool here with the blues of the Pacific   Ocean in the background I mean it doesn't get much  better than this this is what it's all about here   in California especially in Malibu and here you  really get the perspective of one how large the   pool is but two the architecture of the house  with that single level running the entire lot   we'll talk about this in a second I love this  little outdoor area but let's head on down   because another Rarity in this property again is  the land look at your Rolling Green backyard with   the blues of the Pacific like this I'm a beach guy  I live in New York City but the beach is where my   heart is and if I could wake up every day and come  out here and swim a lap or two go down and surf if   I wanted or even just look at the ocean is that  worth almost $30 million Maybe and at the end of   your lawn you've got a putting green right here  in your home and then all of your putting green   actually let's take them in here and show them  this and then we work through it that way yeah   so we're going to go back inside this is a very  impromptu tour cuz I just want to go through the   house and more so drive home how it makes you feel  being here rather than the specifics so heading up   this beautiful staircase this is the owner Suite  in the Mansion which is just about 2 th000 Square   ft of space upon to itself so the owner Suite  is bigger than most homes in America and here   just like the rest of the house it's all about  the views entire back wall opens up so you've   got the ocean in your house here bringing it back  in got this fireplace look at this just kidding   that's actually just steam look how cool that  looks with the LED lights underneath giving it   that fire feeling above the fireplace you've  got the flat screen and along the fire place   this is a very rare type of smoked Japanese wood  I'll put the name on the screen right here but I   just love how it continues with that feeling of  the Polynesian and Pacific island Heritage in   this house you've got your bed front and center a  lot of the furniture in here is kept low to again   maximize the views that's a staging tip whenever  you have views in a place you want the furniture   to be low so your eye goes to the view not in the  furniture if we look up we've got this beautiful   pitched woodwork on the ceiling here and then  I want to take you to the uh the the bathroom   because the bathroom is it's like a spa and there  is an actual Spa in this house aside from this so   welcome to the owner's bathroom where the focal  point is this porcelain soaking tub where you have   this window which opens fully to let indoor out  and outdoor in and if you look above that is your   shower and then you've got this marble vanity  running the entire space here this is like the   makeup station this is the water closet with the  smart toilet you walk in it opens it sprays it   Heats it cools and it even flushes and then you've  got the shower so this is the actual shower where   you have the Dual rainfall shower heads marble  on the back wall here nice little seat here drain   built right into that floor and then this oh yeah  this is some kind of an etched Stone here on the   back I love that a lot very minimal and clean  but not minimal in the way where you'd be like   I wouldn't want to live in here minimal where  it feels clean and it feels modern yet it has   the wood elements where it gives it that Hawaiian  Heritage the bathroom has the pocket door so you   can keep this open or you have this frosted  glass here there's also a little breakfast   bar here where you have pretty large refrigerator  coffee machine and then your coffee machine right   above and then we have where the lights at where  they at there they are this is the walkin closet   I just had to show this because this is bigger  than my first New York City Apartment huge closet   tons of space for clothing shoes whatever you're  going to put in here your watch collection whatnot   actually no that's that's the shoe rack look at  actually switch cuz that's kind of crazy that's   the shoe rack the whole back wall is the shoe  rack but this is what you you expect $30 million   you're going to have a closet like this so back  into the owner Suite you've got that view right   there in your face another thing that isn't in  your face but it's here is uh so on the plane to   Los Angeles I was watching a movie about Ai and we  come in here and the agent's showing us around and   he sits here and he says Nicola TV out please  okay and sure enough the TV pivots out on the   wall so you can watch it from the bed any command  you can think of that involves automation that AI   built into the house will do so all the doors and  windows are automated hey Nicola TV in please and   just like that the TV closes flush onto your  fireplace the actual function of that is the   fact that when you're in bed your view is of  the ocean and you wouldn't want that blocked   with the TV or even if you had the TV here and  it was all automated it out you wouldn't have   this bench so that's the best of both worlds you  can sit in this chair or talk to your AI and she   can control everything in the house probably even  pay your bills got this huge pivot door here again   with that frosted glass the proportions in this  home are are pretty massive so now we're going to   head back into where we started and this is the  great room/ kitchen/dining room this is the Hub   of the house where if you look up we have that  traditional Hawaiian style pitched room overhead   here with a lot of modern finishes starting right  here in the kitchen where there's not one not two   but three kitchen islands in this home which is  pretty ridiculous because they are also of huge   proportions we have built in everything so you  have your induction gaging out cooktop the vent   comes seamlessly out of this marble countertop  stainless steel there and I really like what   they did here on either end of the far Islands  you got this big old slab of wood wood built   right onto the island that makes a nice breakfast  bar so you have the one here and then at the far   end on this island a book and one on the other  side I like how they have that mix of the wood   and the stone look at this sink trough sink here  proper sink for actually preparing a meal here   all stainless steel and then the back we have all  your cabinets these are polyform check this out   refrigerator freezer combo fit for a house House  of this calber look how big these things are and   I love how flush everything is with the poly form  real slick looking the sweet here is melee on the   back got your ovens here and then off of the  quote show kitchen this is the Chef's kitchen   so this you have again everything that we've seen  out there another one of those beautiful trough   sinks this is another induction cooktop industrial  size oven below tons of pantry space coffee maker   and then a whole another freezer refrigerator set  here so this really is a house I mean just look   at this like the space and how open it is this is  a house that you would have 100 people over you   could really have an event here and it wouldn't  feel cramped in the space this shot shows it a lot   better as far as the scale of the space and how  like I said you could have 100 people in here and   you wouldn't even notice it because this house is  so large and even for perspective these ceilings   are 20t here at the main pitch in this and for  a single level house like to have 20ft ceilings   it's pretty impressive what's even more impressive  is the laundry room and it's impressive for many   reasons but mainly in my mind because there's a  dog washing station I have a huge going Retriever   and in New York City if I had this in my apartment  my gosh no more $150 grooming Bill you've got four   washer and dryers another sink here we've got  all our gear l out for the time being but the   LA room itself is even impressive and off of the  kitchen this would be your Den family room media   room where we have another one of those cool water  vapor fireplaces that's like the old P party trick   you have people over and it's like hey check this  out and you touch the fire marble on the chimney   going up here and then again just more of that  nice minimal lowrise Furniture here in the space   and then on the back the fireplace is bookend by  these shelves here with that hard W again your Den   also has outdoor space because we're in California  and indoor outdoor living but also because come   on now look at this you've got the continuation  of that stream from the front of the house which   actually flows under the structure here into  a secondary Pond it has been proven that the   frequency of water can actually heal and I mean  obviously relax you but there's healing effects   to listening to water and you could just sit out  here and imagine how calm and peaceful it is then   right off of your pond your land also connects  to the backyard where you've got the putting   green and the pool and all that the views of the  Pacific but I mean man this house really is just   I hate the term but I love the term indoor outdoor  living cuz it's abused in real estate especially   in these kinds of videos but in a place like this  on a day like today indoor outdoor living that's   the name of the game here so we're going to make  our way back into the den and now we're going to   take the long journey to the guest house passing  through the mud room here some nice storage we've   got a powder room off of the mud room this is one  of the bedrooms so there's six bedrooms in the   property this is just one of the guest rooms in  the house but out of this first guest room we're   about to enter the glass hallway which leads to  the guest room which I love that they made this   an experience upon itself because the Little  River Flows under the structure here you can   actually hear the water flowing and see it flow  into the second Pond here and again we are facing   west so you have the sunlight I guess this would  be kind of Southwest so you got some the whole   day coming through this space The Palms inside  but at the end of the hallway this is the guest   house I would love to live in this guest house  I was when we first tore this place I was like I   would be more than happy to live in just the guest  house the guest house has outdoor space of course   because that's the theme of the place I do want  to show you as well that there is a PR private   entrance it's actually multiple to the guest house  so for some perspective there's the little stream   and there's the two car or should I say four car  garages in two structures right off the motorcourt   I'm not even going to shut this typically I would  shut that but I mean the whole wall is open right   here so it's another door all for the main space  check out this bathroom there's a full bathroom   here with an oversized window with the views of  the palms and that lush green in the shower you've   got your laundry room room off the hallway right  here it's about half the size of that main one in   the house and then at the end this is the guest  house bedroom which is pretty large it's actually   really decent size again and here is the bathroom  in this space which has a beautiful shower look at   this shower in here walk on in there look how big  that is and then again because of the privacy of   this lot you can have huge windows in your shower  just because you don't have any neighbors here I   want to drive that home as well 2 Acres on a very  very secluded and private lot for instance your   back porch here or technically your front porch  all you have is the view of the mountain in the   distance the hills of Malibu and actually oh  I just noticed this the uh developer told me   that there was actually a garden and here's the  garden we've got chamomile right here bunch of   other herbs growing some carrots rhar like oregano  oregano this chives what else we have Sage lemon   Time Pizza Time like come on now I filmed a lot  of nice houses in my day and this one checks   every single box and also I want to mention this  is moving ready so you can move in to this house   like right now if you got 28.5 million you  can get the key all the furniture stays and   it's yours leaving the guest house we're going  to head back to the heart of the home [Music] and this is where we left off last time  so you've got the kitchen there this is   the formal dining room table right off of the  three kitchen islands and then this space Also   connects to the formal entertaining area so  You' got some couches here and then this at   the end of the great room check out this bar  you've got seating for six with this massive   colossal Marble Bar at the end of the space  here you even got a tap here with an actual   keg so this is coming with the house if you  want to buy this place right now it comes with   The Keg we're going to toss that in for you  but seriously you have a hotel grade bar in   your house we have four wine storage here on  the back these are gagging out then a little   prep sink we have the ice maker oh a drawer  dishwasher I love the alternatives to the uh   the storage of like dishwashers fridges you know  it's kind of cool that it's a drawer and then on   the other side here refrigerator stocked of  course cuz I mean you got the keg why not   stock the fridge you might notice that in this  room there's only one TV and it's right above   the bar it's definitely an afterthought and that  is because there's an entire home Cinema in the   mansion with tiered seating here totally blacked  out all soundproof got your screen right there   the projector is built in overhead and we even  have hey Nicola could you turn off the projector please powering off but this is the theater got  a nice little built in here got your candy the   controls for everything if you don't want to use  Nicola I'm sorry can you express it another way   Nicola we're making a YouTube video make sure like  And subscribe and it is pretty unique because then   you walk out of the the movie theater and you're  just boom back to Malibu back to this huge great   room where I want to show this really quick as  well we kind of skimmed past this when we walked   in because we went right to the view but this is  the entryway the home where we have a home office   off to the left here nice little space got some  built-ins there open shelving desk this Pockets   off this is the main entry and then on the other  side right when you first walk in you've got the   powder room right here just right when you come in  I I feel like it's worth shown because I want to   show the entire house and really give a feel for  what this space looks like the thing is on a day   like today it is hard to want to stay inside  with how nice it is outside and there's a few   features out here that I actually didn't mention  the first time we were out in this main back pool   area so you've got this covered loia here with  another fireplace where we have that volcanic   rock going up the chimney here with another flat  screen over top I just love these fireplaces cuz   it's not even real fire but it looks like it is  pretty cool and then again you got the backyard   and your views and there's still a whole lot  more house to show I didn't even point out   there there's a bar over there yeah you you got  an outdoor kitchen we're not even going to show   that but of course you have an outdoor kitchen  here so back on inside past the indoor bar this   is the guest wing of the house and even we will  show this cuz it's a part of the architecture   and it's pretty significant so again the porch  wraps from the front all the way around the side   of the house so you have another entry here to  the guest wi which is right down this staircase   and I like how it has its own like whole part of  the house here wow that looks like a a painting   you go in first look at that so this is just one  of the guest rooms again the house was built to   utilize that view there it feels like we're in  right now it feels like Po Seasons Resort I mean   it's one of those places where even for instance  I just noticed this there's an outdoor shower   right there every guest room has one every single  guest room apparently has an outdoor shower so   we'll break this room down really quick there's  not too much that I have to say you've got your   storage here and I like how it doesn't um take up  too much space and it's not like its own separate   closet very Tastefully done this is polyform you  got your bathroom off to the side here pretty   large bathroom and the fan favorite the outdoor  shower I would never shower inside if I own this   house so Serene outdoor shower to view of the  Pacific indoors though you have another shower   which is just as impressive take a little peek in  there you got a little bench and then on the side   here you've got typical vanity the water closet  and then another big mirror in the back here wow   that light though that's so pretty across from  this guest bedroom we got the fitness center   with glass to allow for a light but also to give  you the view of just the Lush Greenery of your   property and then again you're hit with the sounds  that uh that Landscaping sound design here the gym   pretty pretty functional pretty amazing got your  free weights you got a wrong machine here Pelon   and then your back patio with your yoga match  where you could come out here and literally just   disappear you could come out here and meditate do  some yoga just get in your mindfulness with the   view of your garden and your pond and the sound of  the water I'm not even trying to sell this place   to you cuz I'm already sold on it but I think I'm  just I'm thinking to myself like man I got to make   some more money off of the gym this is the spa  through these double doors got a skylight overhead   and then we have a fullon spa so you have your  steam shower here this is Redwood in the sauna   brand new never before been used just smell that  wood delicious then on the back wall you have a   dual vanity with a full length mirror here water  closet and then this is a nice little changing   station here with some lockers overhead and yeah  there's a spa like a full-on spa along with with   the spa on the owner's bedroom and then we have  a little wet bar here right off of the gym with   a little prep sink more cabinet space and then  a nice industrial Subzero refrigerator here so   back out of the gym into that main Gung hallway oh  look at this you you just pop in here and just get   a little view of that so this is a mere image of  that first guest bedroom and I don't have to say   anything because just look at that it's beautiful  I love m this is pretty sweet though in this room   is the brain of Nicola this runs the entire house  and it's all labeled out too so you can see media   room media room tennis court pool all that this  is where it all goes down I don't even know how   any of this works but it's pretty cool to look at  back into the hallway at the very end I like how   they glassed off this corner here just to really  immerse the Landscaping into the space you got a   view of the tennis court there and then behind  me this is the third guest room on this side   here which leads us out to the backyard which is  very distinct for a few reasons the first is that   here in Malibu when you do get up into the hills  it is extremely extremely rare to find flat land   so in here you have this beautiful flat backyard  perfectly landscaped and it's really from where   you are now Blake that you can see the Beauty and  the design and the architecture of the guest wi   where you see all three outdoor spaces and then  the use here of the landscaping for the function   of adding the Privacy between each outdoor back  Terrace now final thoughts on this property I I   want to buy it but I don't have the funds this  house checks off every single box for me as far   as what I look for in a home especially in  the wellness sector the fact that it it is a   zero carbon house the fact that you have this  beautiful landscaping with the water features   and the birds and just the overall layout and  aesthetic and feeling combined with that modern   Touch of top-of-the-line appliances the built-in  AI everything just comes together so nicely for   a truly one-of A- kind property I want to thank  the developers and the agents for letting us film   this home if you are looking to buy this again  it is TurnKey ready and the links Down Below in   the description so with that I hope you're while  watching this and I'll see you in the next [Music] [Music] episode [Music] [Music]

2024-02-13 16:05

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