Touring a $32,500,000 MEGA MANSION Designed for ROYALTY - Dubai Hills

Touring a $32,500,000 MEGA MANSION Designed for ROYALTY - Dubai Hills

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hey guys it's Nestor we're back with another Mansion Tour this time we're in the Dubai Hills one of Dubai's most exclusive gated communities and right behind me is the most expensive home per square foot ever sold in the Dubai Hills recently completed by teraciel properties the exterior has a classical Majestic look that you may find in ancient Rome and an interior Fit For A King we'll leave the price and the specs in the bottom corners and of course if you're new here and you want to see more property tours like this please hit that like button and subscribe to our Channel now without further Ado let's just begin the tour [Music] [Music] tour [Music] Weep the [Music] end [Music] so we'll start the tour on the entrance of the property you have the automated gate which leads onto the driveway you actually have two driveways in essence one on each side of the property you'll see why that's significant later on in the tour now as we look at the home check out that magnificent architecture now this this looks befitting of somewhere in Italy or ancient Rome even Paris for instance these are the types of buildings I saw when I was living there you can see the intricate details around the windows and those pillars you also see Venetian windows on the exterior with a mosaic above the front entrance now we have the stone banisters around the staircase now the staircase made out of marble leading up to the front door and by me just standing here you can see the incredible scale of this Archway and one of my favorite parts of this home is the stone paneling underneath the archway it really does look incredible now as we come up to the doorway you can see a little bit more closely those Venetian Windows how they add a lot more character and you can see the level of luxury that we're going to be sort of introduced in with a home has those Crystal on the door handles so this door is automated but I have to put a pin code in just so you don't see it and head straight into the lobby now as we come into the lobby you can see the interior design of the home is just as Majestic as we saw the architecture on the outside I was speaking to Marco recently how okay I do love the new contemporary style luxury homes with the minimalistic lines but I miss architecture and the design inside these homes where you can see how they've carved the edges on the marble the reason why they don't do this that often is because it's super hard to do and is really expensive as we look at the lobby you got the chandelier cascading down in the center beneath us you have the marble floors with a sort of semi-precious stone called mother Pearl which is super expensive right behind me is the hallway to the office and the entrance to the rest of the home by the staircase but we'll continue around this way first you can see from here again through the Venetian windows that we saw on the exterior we're looking into the courtyard which is probably my favorite spot in the home and I can't wait to show you guys we got one seating right in front of that with another just behind this mirror now if you follow me this way we're going to head into our first guest bedroom before we to the rest of the home this in itself is an apartment right and I remember the first time I came in here I said I couldn't believe this is a guest bedroom I hope over the camera you can feel just how Grand it is with those 5 m ceilings in here but let me take you through the on Suite first so we'll continue into the bedroom you got the marble wrapped around in here you have the vanity with the Jesse sanitary you will see Jesse used throughout the whole home now even this mirror here has a unique design just check it out on top the walls as we saw in the lobby area if you come in with me I just want to show you how big this bathroom is so you got the water closet and the shower closed off by a glass door and as we come in there's so much space in here and they've even used that design on the walls in here with that custom built shampoo nage on the side now in the bedroom itself you have the bed right in the center with that unique backboard at the back also from here we have an exit directly into that courtyard so if you have guests staying over they have their own sort of privacy and don't have to sort of disturb the rest of the home opposite the bed you got the TV setup built into the actual wall with a seating in front now off to the side here with this marble Archway which leads into the walk-in wardrobe you'll see the quality of the materials that have been used in here like on the outside you got leather on the inside it's even lined with leather with pockets for your belts your watches you have a safe in here with a vanity mirror with those glamor lights right in front of it now if we head back through the lobby will continue the tour now you'll notice little details in here like the AC grates above how they've not used used you know the plain black material it's a metal surface which matches the theme of the home now on the entrance to the hallway you'll notice that they've even put this metal around the archway which sort of is a fine detail and gives a lot more character to the home in front of the office we have a seating or the waiting area for the office with wooden furniture dotted around you'll notice on the walls how they have that Wayne scotting design now the entrance to the office has Jewel doors now these doors you can feel quality of these doors just by the weight of them and they remind me of my apartment back in Paris you'd have these type of doors but like on the inside you have like a metal latch which you'd have to close now the office itself is it's a manave I'd say as well but you know if you own this type of home you need to maximize the time while you're here so you can work from here with the office at the back which has the seating in the front you got the wooden walls throughout and that's a eucalyptus that's been been used for the walls and you'll notice the grains what a beautiful design that is at the back you got a sort of touch of travertine in the wall with a shelving either side and This Magnificent painting goes really well with the theme at the other side of the office is the lounge area now this can be used s of whole meetings it can be used as a cigar room with that chandelier above and as we're looking up just check out the intricate design of the ceiling my my God they've even used that Eucalyptus in there this is all handcarved it's incredible design at the back is a fireplace made out of stone either side again a travertine shelving with the materials used in the office It Feels So ground like the rest of the home like this coffee table here it's made out of crocodile leather it's incredible now if we head a bit further down the corridor we got the first pad of bathroom right next to it is the entrance to the service quarters so you've got bedrooms bathrooms all kit out for the staff that lives here and right at the bottom it's connected to the service kitchen with these stairs that lead all the way up to the first floor now the powder bathroom has again Jewel doors on the entry and I just want to open it up so you can see the size of this bathroom and the design in here so we've got a vanity here made out of stone and it's actually made out of one piece of stone and you'll see it's got that intricate design which is handcarved all custom made specifically for this home and matches the design on the mirror with the side tables either side of the sink now I want you to follow me all the way back to the lobby just so you have that orientation we're going by the service quarters the office here and we're heading to the lobby which is right next to the staircase that leads upstairs now I'll go into more detail about all this and the piano as we go up towards the bedrooms now as we walk along I want you to notice little details like the trim on the marble floors these are all little parts of design which of increase the value and the sort of the design of this property and also if you look up make sure you look up as we're going throughout the home because the intricate details on the ceilings like even the recess lighting above has those ribbed edges like these are all amazing parts of the design like I love this home now at the back here is the informal lounge or the bar area so you'll see that this side of the property has been created with or designed with entertainment in mind so these spaces are all interconnected the ones that we're going to tour now the first one as I said is the informal lounge and bar you'll see the oak wooden floors throughout the furniture my God just by the touch and feel you can feel the quality these are all customade and I said to you guys earlier at the beginning of the tour that they Design Furniture for the royal families like for the Saudis and stuff so you can see that it's top quality and I love the colors that they use like the purple here that pops against all that dark wood you see the chandelier above this huge coffee table below you'll see a combination of the stone and the eucalyptus wood that we saw in the office you'll see that lining all the walls here right behind me is a TV built into that divider which sort of separates the bar and the lounge area with the fireplace underneath and also you'll notice a wine cooler right in between now behind the wall is the bar area now you'll see a transition from the oak wooden floors onto a back lit Onyx this has got to be one of the most unique design bars that we've tored so far if you come a little bit closer I don't know if you can tell but the material it's not just a smooth surface it has those veins this is all again custom made you got the leather lining here with that fireplace underneath and right at the back you have these shelving I love how they've dressed this home up for us this is probably the best dressed home that we've tored so far even they put whiskey I would that's that's a little bit strong for the morning it's too early for one of those we'll pull that a little bit later but the design in here so it's all Ked out you got these storage underneath with the shelves like this is a perfect place to host and you'll see with the Dual sliding doors here why it's right on the edge how it's connected with the bar and lounge outside across from us is the pad room again as the bar it matches the theme of the bar so I've never seen a design like this in here the veins that we saw on the bar itself you'll see that on the floating vanity here and I love this of contemporary design of the mirror right in front now as we move through some of the rooms you may have already noticed how it breaks up that classical style like we went into the office and it's just it sort of it popped out like even this bar here now there a lot of the rooms do that in here just sort of add a lot of Dimensions to the home and one of the the bedrooms upstairs I've got to say is probably the best bedroom that I've seen so far in any of my house tours now our next area is the formal Lounge you can see you have entry doors either side now this room has a soft classical theme and what I mean by that is you usually find this kind of theme with s of gold colors but with these nude neutral tones it doesn't stick out too much and it's actually really elegant now this seating here has that coffee table in the center again with the mother Pearl built into the table and right at the back another fireplace made out of marble I love those intricate details and those details match sort of above they've carved it into the wall with that Venetian mirror I mean how cool is that now right between the two spaces is this chandelier which is a highlight feature of this room it's leaves sort of falling in that vline right behind you is an exit to the outdoor so you can open those doors up and connect the two spaces I'll show you that as we head outside on the other side is another bit of seating just touching the materials it feels incredible now if we head through into the dining area now you can see how these are all connected and this has got to be the biggest dining table that I've ever seen it's made out of glass seats 18 and matches this side table now if you follow me down you can see even on the chairs the details that they have around the top and the quality of the materials I keep saying it's incredible at the bottom of the room is the wine coiler and if you look in there they've dressed it nicely even with these huge bottles of red wine I mean probably after this I'll pour myself a mega pint I don't know if you know what a reference that is to also as you're looking down the room you got the two chandeliers above the table and the ceiling even though it's 4 to 5 m High they've put a mirror so it feels absolutely massive inside you got an exit onto the outdoors here again like we did not with sliding doors just by a door which is next to to the corridor towards the pad room now this is not just any pad room I'm going to call this the grand pwder room as you come inside this is fully an experience i' even call it a place to hang out got the chandelier hanging down right in the center Above This seating I can literally imagine at an event or something people in here chatting you got the vanities on the other side and he's got glowing semiprecious Stone here with the Venetian mirrors right in behind also if you look at the walls on the opposite side how they've been carved and this is all handmade with the two water closets either side and as we open these doors here it leads directly to the outside which sort of functions with everything now opposite The Powder Room is the kitchen which has mainly White marble throughout it but it's broken up with the darker tones in the veins at the back you got the microwave with the cupboards either side below is the convection oven but it's not the main oven in here so at the back of the room this is the kind of oven you think about when you think of a dream home when I think of a dream home this is the type of oven and you usually find this in American homes in that style but this has been specially imported from Florence and it's called atin G Fen I probably butchered the name of that but we'll continue the tour anyway above it you got that huge extractor fan as we move along there's so much storage surrounding us even these cool Nifty little drawers as you open them up brings that storage to the side in the center we got the marble island with the sink actually built into it and a cooker system so the cooker system gives you cold water hot water and sparkling water directly from the tap and you can see the mechanism for it underneath we got a dishwasher off to the side and what I love in kitchens is functionality so as you open this is draw up you got the bins so when you're washing up you can throw everything directly in there right here is the Dual fridge freezer combo built into the cupboard so you don't notice it and right behind you is the service kitchen with kitchen grade fridge freezer and that six gas cook tub now the kitchen is connected directly to the outdoors down the side walkway that we saw at the beginning of the tour now as I was touring the downstairs I told you that this side of the home has is built for sort of ENT entertaining and the outdoors is a direct extension of that especially as the kitchen is connected so if you're catering you can serve all your guests out here now I'm really excited to show you this outdoor area guys as we're looking straight down there are so many features that I want to show you our first stop along the way is the barbecue area so we got a barretti barbecue at the back you've got fridges here and a sink all on This travetine Island and that's connected directly to to the dining table which is made out of wood and you'll notice that the wood matches the beams on the pergola above and it's 61 and I love how the sort of rustic boho theme of it contrasts really well with the travertine floors that we have throughout the whole backyard now our next stop along the way is the Five pit now I dare to imagine how many people you could fit in here but it wraps all the way around you got a huge fire pit in the center and it's looking directly onto the pool which has that waterfall edge here on the side and with the sound of that water feature really creates a relaxing sort of atmosphere my favorite part about it is these suab bomo tiles that they've used on the interior because they don't sort of stick out too much and at the back we have that Landscaping with those three trees protruding out of the back of the pool now opposite us from here we can see the home in all it glory and all those architectural lines see that guard rail on the Terrace above and those pillars which stretch across this whole downstairs area and is sort of a separation between this covered space in between the indoors and the outdoors now you can see with these doors open how there's a whole flow between the indoors and the outdoors you also have access from the bar at the back and the dining area with seating on both sides and of course Direct access to that grand Powder Room through that door there now if we head to the bottom of the pool there is a whole outdoor lounge and in any other setting this would be a sort of bar in a really fancy hotel or something my favorite feature about this bar is the hanging day beds right at the bottom of the pool and it's got a really unique feature where these tables are attached to it so you can pop your drink on there as you're getting your own tan as we head up the stairs we come into the actual Lounge area now you've got seated dotted all around so as you have guests over you can be moving from seat to seat talking to everybody and we're all covered underneath one of those perlar that matches the other one on the other side and of course you got to have a bar at the back so we got the travertine bar with the high chairs at the front and from here we can see the access down the side walkway from the front gate now the outdoor bar and lounge is connected directly through the indoor bar with the jewel sliding doors here and we get a little peek into that backlit Onyx floor that we saw in there now heading down these stairs this is what I imagine these sort of for court to be so once your guests arrive they get dropped off here they come outside and they have direct access to all these areas you come out you got the sound of that water feature to the side and a view onto This Magnificent structure now this reminds me of a sort of Roman Palace with those pillars stretching all the way up and those sort of pieces missing out of it now this is probably one of my favorite parts of the home as it has those sort of architectural lines as we come into the courtyard the concept of a courtyard dates back like 9 10,000 years and you'll see it in a lot of different cultures like in Japan you'll see those u-shaped homes with those Gardens in the center and in the Roman Empire it was very prominent now back then it was sort had this functional feature where it created that protection but today this has this design has become very popular as it brings in that natural light from the center of the home and creates this Safe Haven inside the middle of your home now this looking at it from here the architectural lines and everything it really reminds me of like a Piaza in Italy or somewhere in Paris so we have this seating right here with the water feature trickling making that beautiful sound surround rounded by these four trees on the Each corner with a bar at the back now that has a really unique handcarved art feature right behind it you'll see from here we have entries into the entertainment side you got an entry into that guest bedroom but what we're going to do is we're going to head into through this door directly to the bottom of the staircase [Music] o [Music] o [Music] o [Music] so right next to the staircase is the elevator which leads all the way up to the rooftop but we'll take that up there once we've toured the PED rooms on the first floor now right at the bottom of the staircase is the piano and you can see there how they've sort of engraved that detailing into the marble to make it the Highlight feature down here now in one of our other tours I did have a go so uh I'll take a seat and let's see if my skills have improved from the last [Music] time that's not actually me playing this is a self-playing piano so so when you have guests coming over you can have that playing and it's reverberating around the whole home with this whole open space around the stairway now if we take these stairs up you can see on the landing how the either side it connects in the middle and on that Landing there is a piece of artwork engraved into the wall this is all custom made but it's super minimalistic doesn't stick out too much so on the first floor there are two Wings right behind you is the family wing so you have the primary and two other bedrooms on the opposite side I would call it the guest Wing cuz it has a presidential suite you'll see why I'm calling it the presidential suite also while we're up here you can see as I was talking about that natural light coming in from the center you have all these windows surrounding it and it feels so bright in here now we have a long hallway down here one side leads to the service stairs and the other leads directly into the gym and the spa now the presidential suite you have a family seating in the middle which looks onto the 100 in TV built into the wall again all this furniture is custom made with the best materials I love the design up here it's a bit of a change from the rest of the home now as we look up as well there's that beautiful chandelier I told you to keep looking up whilst we're doing the tour you can see the design of the recess lighting how it's done in a circle with that trim around the edge and even the AC has been built into it like a circle now the reason why I call it the presidential suite or the guest department is that up here you're fully autonomous so you have your own kitchen now this is probably one of my favorite designs of a wet kitchen like you have the marble here which sort of separates it from the rest of this living area uh now we have the breakfast bar at the front with the high chairs in front they've even dressed it with Dior plates and cups now it's fully equipped up here so it's not a wet kitchen it's a fully functional kitchen you have the fridge freezer combo up here you have a induction cook top a sink with a cooker mechanism as well so that means that you have hot water cold water and sparkling water with the system underneath for that cooker system now what I love in here is how it's all wrapped in Marble you can see that shelving in front of it and the veins in that marble it kind of looks like a person with the head up there the arms sticking out I love that design now if we move further down we're going to head into our first bedroom as we're looking this way you can see that's the entrance to the other bedroom so as we come into this bedroom there is a walk-in wardrobe with this space in between and you'll see two doors coming into this bedroom the reason why that is is because we got a 100in TV in there with a cinema surround sound system so you can close these doors off and create a soundproof room if somebody was sleeping in there also you'll notice again engraved into the mar marble are the mother pearls now the walk-in closet is fully kitted out just as we saw with the first bedroom with the drawers with the leather lining inside and on the outside but this is not the only walk-in wardrobe in here now as we come into the bedroom there is a seating right next to a fireplace with the TV above as we're looking on this side you can see how the walls have been made in that French sort of style and on the other side there's a door it's not actually a door that's just been put there to create a bit of symmetry on this wall all right in the center of the seating we have that chandelier hanging down with a coffee table down there you can even see another one of those Dior cups now this is the second walk-in closet here it's larger than the first one that we saw and you even have mirrors surrounding the bat wall so it feels double in size you got so much storage in here and even an island in the center with sort of space for your watches all lined with leather and I love love how they've used that Roman pillar Style on the edges of the island got drawers back here which pull out and even these I love how they've dressed it with these sort of Hermes boxes and stuff what a incredible home now at the back of the bedroom is the bed set up with a bed seit at the front this incredible frame here that's made of leather with the wallpaper that feels like linen now the onsuite bathroom has Jewel doors on the entry the first thing you see is the mother Pearl that's engraved into the centerpiece of the onsuite bathroom now as the day moves along you can see the Shadows move it really is beautiful now that mother Pearl matches the one on the marble countertop of the jewel vanity you have a Jessie sanitary and those mirrors either side with a glamour light and those wool fixtures lights now what I love about this onsuite bathroom is the Symmetry it creates with the water closet and the onsuite shower you have Jewel glass doors on the entry and that Archway and the pillar in between there's so much space inside with the hands grower rain head above and even that custom built shampoo nage into the wall now if we head back across the living room towards the other bedroom from there you can see a bit more clearly that chandelier above how beautiful it is you also have a little entertainment space with a pool table obviously I've got to have a go it's tradition so let's hope I don't uh go on got yeah we got one going lovely so this is all connected with an outdoor area so the home I didn't speak about this the home has an automation system designed by Lutron with a push of a button you can open these shears the curtains and with these Jewel sliding doors open you have an outdoor area so you're connected to the open air we have a seating on one side and a little swing on the other now from here we can also see more closely the stone guard rails that we saw from downstairs and as we look down we're looking onto that Fountain the lounge the fire pit I mean this is such a great view from up here also if we look down that way you have direct access from that first bedroom that we saw in the presidential suite now if we head back in our next stop is the second guest bedroom but hold on a second I just want to show you from that side just check out the lining of this sofa here it's made in leather and it matches these cushions I'm Amazed by this furniture now the second guest bedroom is absolutely huge you have those 5 m High ceilings with the recess lighting above and just check out the Trim Design on the edge of the ceiling now the whole back wall here is lined with cupboards with a vanity mirror and vanity table in front of the bed we got this seating and the bed right in the center has that huge backboard with the wall actually seemingly floating now that's machine cut marble with mirrors either side making it look even larger you also have access directly onto a balcony now the back door here is the onsuite bathroom with a beautiful red tone you can see that red marble on the countertop of the vanity with the Jesse sanitary and the mirror lining the whole back wall here nearly and that glamlite built into to it also you see that red matching the tones on the floor and you'll see this little leather seat behind me all that's custom made also the entry into the water closet and the on Suite shower is separated by glass with the marble pillar in between now let's head back through the bedroom right next to it is the entrance to the gym so you have direct access from the presidential suite or it's separated as well in the hallway so you don't have to disturb anyone in that presidential suite now coming into the gym we have wooden floors throughout now our first door here is a small little Powder Room you'll see that floating travetine vanity here in the back now what's great about the wooden floors it's sort of made for gym so it has that softer feel to it so you can work out in here we got mirrors surrounding us and even on the ceiling so it makes the space feel even larger we got the state-of-the-art Techno gym equipment got the treadmill here at the back and at the back of the gym is the spa area so between these two areas there is a screen and when I first tried to open this screen it start if you can see it's wobbled like that and for a second I panicked and I thought it was going to fall like I sweat through in a second so it's attached at the top you can slide it off to separate these two areas now the spot area is wrapped in travetine you got a Swedish sauna wrapped in wood and the steam room with the Mosaic tiles and that Rolls-Royce staright ceiling and at the back here is the massage room also wrapped in travetine you've got a automated massage bed in the center if you just by the Press of a button you can lift close it this is a great thing to have at home I would love to have one of these now if we head back through the gym we're going to make our way to the West Wing of the home to the family bedrooms we go by that grand staircase again and to our left side is the primary bedroom but we leave that one for last we'll start right at the top and work our way down now this is the kids bedroom we've got dual doors on the entry which you can open up and you can see there's a blue theme so I'm guessing this is the boys bedroom we've got the bed off to the side with the bedsit in the front the materials here are so soft it really does feel like a kid's room you got mirrors to one side and opposite us there's this chest of drawers at the back is the learning area the k kids are you got a desk set up with the shelving to the side you'll see the metal railings like we see on some of the archways and we'll see those later in the tour now what I love about this is they've dressed it with Harry Potter books now Harry Potter is close to my heart a fun fact about me is that I have one and only tattoo on my body and that's a Harry Potter tattoo so that's my geekiness coming out now we walk in here into the walk-in wardrobe connected to the onsuite bathroom we got the storage space wrapping us here with the cupboards and that lighting that comes on as you open it up now the bathroom is wrapped in a Blue Marble again with those architectural lines you'll see the marble has been fully book Matched as well so those veins match perfectly we got the Dual floating vanity with the marble countertop it's kind of a different shade of blue but matches with everything and what I love about these bathrooms is again that symmetry you got the water closet separating the on Suite sh shower and so much space in here with that huge rain head above and that customade shampoo nage now if we head back down the hallway towards the next bedroom now if you remember I spoke about the home having different themes in different rooms this one has a totally different one we haven't seen before and it breaks apart that sort of marble and this is one of the reasons why this room made an impression of me I don't want to say it's my favorite room that I've seen in a luxury home but it kind of is it has a Japanese minimalistic theme and once you close this door off it doesn't feel like you're part of the home that we've toured already now we have wood surrounding us everywhere but they've broken it up with having these laser cut lines you got all this shelving space with these huge cupboards that open up with the drawers inside to store your watches also leather lined at the back you got the travertine back wall here with the recessed lighting in between those panels and the bed here reminds me of those sort of boho materials that you may find in barley with a bedsit right at the front and that little bed for a dog or even a cat I'm more of a dog person myself at the back of the room is the office space now I'm guessing this is sort of more of a kids's room maybe that's why I like it I'm a kid as I said I love Harry Potter but we got the office desk set up here with another little touch of travetine in with that wood and the TV built into it it's so minimalistic in here and especially as the sun sets this Archway window with the Mosaic design it creates all these Shadows moving across now the on Suite bathroom again has that wooden door on the entry and you can see how they've broken up that wood design with the laser cut laser cut details some of them are horizontal and some of them are vertical so it creates a lot of dimension enges the bathroom itself has those 5 m ceilings and is wrapped in travetine so they've broken up the wood in the bedroom with the travertine here they broken up the travertine with the wood you'll see lining the cupboards at the back even either side of the floating vanity you'll see that there's the wood with the recess Lighting in behind which seems like it's floating and it wraps all the way up to the ceiling with the lights actually built into the wood floating vanity has a travertine top with the mirror above it and that glamor light built into it at the back of the room are these two huge doors leading into the water closet and the onsuite shower also wrapped in travetine you have the customade shampoo nage and the rain head above now I'm not going to say this is my favorite bedroom of all the tours we've done so far but it's definitely up there it's my kind of vibe now if we head back out here we're finally into that primary bedroom you got the Jewel doors on the entry and the marble carpet which stretches all the way down now the reason why it's called a marble carpet is because it has that intricate design and this is actually made with water jets off to the side we've got a little coffee station they've dressed it up even with those Dior espresso cups and even some cookies off to the side but the primary bedroom it consists of two spaces you got the bedroom area and the lounge area all separated by these metal screens with a touch of eucalypt wood in them now we got seating wrapping around with the coffee table right in the center and the huge chandelier above this thing is magnificent and it shines a lot brighter than this we actually have to turn it down across from us is the travertine wall with the fireplace actually built into it and that TV also nestled into that wall now I'm going to take it off to the side I've talked about the home automation now you don't always have to be looking for a button you can actually just pull it to the side a little bit and it starts to open up automatically and reveals a lot of details like we've seen on the exterior of the building with a shears cloes you can't see that and I've talked about this through I've talked through this whole tour how these are Venetian Windows actually I made a mistake that's a little bit of a fail these are actually all Georgian style windows on the outside made by a German company now the bedroom area itself you can see another one of those screens you got the Royal bed here in the back with those royal colors and that gold carpet but it's not too much gold it's not sticking out in your face you can see the travetine machine cut wall in the back with the eucalyptus wood surrounding it and the bedset at the front with the wood from it matching the wood on the study table also have shelving either side and if you look into detail a little bit into the shelving the back wall has been padded with leather in that diamond design that you might find in a Rolls-Royce now we're off into the primary bathroom it has jeel sliding doors on the entry and the centerpiece is a bathtub this is a cola bathtub now it took the developer 2 years waiting for this and this is actually the last piece made exactly like this because it is so difficult to do you actually have two bathtubs in one and the first one that was shipped actually got damaged and that's why they stopped making them because they kept getting damaged through the shipment but what's awesome about it is with the Press of a button it creates this sort of waterfall Edge so it's a Jacuzzi a bathtub I mean this is incredible we actually haven't ever seen anything like this before head first to the other wet area where we have the onsuite shower across from the water closet now in the onsuite shower itself we have the most expensive shower head that H grow makes it's called ax or and it has so many features it has four Jets coming out either side you got the rain head feature and a Mist stream right in the middle all of this is custom built in here you have the marble surrounding with that custom made shampoo nage at the back of the bathroom you got a vanity either side of the entrance to the walk-in closet you'll see it has that back lit onx and those mirrors above with that wooden trim and the glamor lights built into it and if we just look up at the ceiling one final time on the bedroom floor you can see how it's been indented with those details around the edges and that recess lighting above now the walk-in closet is absolutely huge you have carpet all along the floors at the back of the room is the vanity setup with mirrors surrounding you so you can check yourself out from all angles and you'll even see on the drawers details like the leather which has that diamond stitching we have even more storage here around the back you'll see the cupboards have these glass glass windows so you can display your clothes if you'd like and right in the center is the wooden Island you'll see the gold trim around the edges and on the front again the leather with the diamond stitching with the chair right at the front now we finished our tour of the primary bedroom let's head to the lift and make our final stop which is the Rooftop [Music] oh [Music] o [Music] a [Music] so we're ending our Tour on the rooftop right behind you there's a covered area so as the sun moves along it sets over there so you can chill out there's a bit of Desert Landscaping with the turf it's beautiful with that Sunset now coming up this whole rooftop area is covered there's a walkway down here which leads to the barbecue area so let's head over there and work our way down it's kitted out you got the pizza oven a berretti barbecue with all this open space now it's connected with that indoor area now as we saw downstairs with the outdoor lounge now this in itself would be a bar and any sort of fancy hotel as soon as we come in we have the dining table which seats 10 now you can see this is all customade furniture as the inlays of the chairs themselves matches the sofa right next to it the quartz on the tabletop matches the quartz on the coffee table right in the center with the wooden Trims on the side now if you look above us you'll notice pockets of the indented ceiling with the recess lighting and surrounding us is all this seating just as we had in the lounge downstairs you can sort of be socializing hopping from one chair to another and of course up here you got to have a bar area it's wrapped in that eucalyptus wood although it's got a little bit of a gold trim this time in front of the actual bar you got the high seating you got the chairs with the high tables and I love the design of the actual tables themselves now if you move around a little bit you can see the intricate design on the bar it has that rib design which matches the glass on the bottom and the counter top has that sort of monochromic effect off to the side is a little bit of boho seating outside so you can of appreciate the sunrise if you want to and those views on the back wall it's lined with shelving with the wooden cabinets and drawers either side also you'll notice the metal railings that we saw on the archways downstairs and the wallpaper itself is woven and matches the ceiling above now it's only fitting that we end the tour in a bar we've seen so many throughout the tour and we want a little bit time to sit relax and maybe have a drink I hope you guys enjoy the tour as much as we did we surely enjoyed touring this Mega Mansion for you and if you did enjoy it please hit that like button and subscribe to our Channel I'll see you guys in the next [Music] [Music] tour [Music] fore

2024-02-10 18:06

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