Toraja Graveyards | Crazy Dark Tourism in Indonesia | South Sulawesi

Toraja Graveyards | Crazy Dark Tourism in Indonesia | South Sulawesi

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hey guys our next vlog in roasted pao South Sulawesi we are still at our Homestay that's our house right there how cool is that and we're not actually seeing the funeral today we are going to see one note we've been told there is one tomorrow so our next Vlog will be the funeral which is gonna be crazy but this one we're exploring yes and we are going to um we're going to see some places around and we'll tell you about it when we get there so we're going to explore this area what we didn't see yesterday but our house is so cool we're staying inside there yeah go so we had a quick stop because look how beautiful is here look at that bit cloudy but wow on the other side you can hear all the metal things flapping in the wing people working on the rice fields we're awesome the hills the mountains in the background and the cockerels and a traditional house up there oh yeah cool really cool yeah so yeah we're gonna carry on. Nice little Village it is actually yeah good morning chilled out doggies I think we go this way we're almost there now nice little cul-de-sac area so they've got an expensive buffalo so first thing we got attacked by people to wanting to take a picture of us this is a little bit like overwhelming second thing ticket third thing, rent a lamp so we said we got uh we've got lights on our phones and they said oh it's not enough you want to take pictures but it's fine but we'll see a little torch yeah a little head torch oh well so we're getting our first views of it now this is uh Londa ancient graveyard so again if you saw our last Vlog there's a lot to do with graveyard's food and funerals and stuff that is the big thing here so as you can see this is a natural cave just filled with coffins look at this look at all of them stacked on top of each other here yeah or it's gonna be happening do you think because it's all the same person well the same person I know yeah right up there a few up there like one hanging oh there yeah wow like a children's one I assume this is the ladder to go up to this where they've made all the figures of the people who have died the effigies wow and one in the style of the traditional house okay let's go in okay you wont like this oh my god look coffins clothes bones oh my god let's just have bones on the floor yeah so it'll be this way then I guess a bit dry out here skulls choose a body that has fallen out the body's falling out there oh my goodness this is yes body fell out Jesus bones another coffin okay bones we get sugary shops oh that is that the Romeo and Juliet this is a story about her two people because about a couple a guy and a girl who fell in love in a big city and then they came to introduce to their Village themselves like the other halfs to the family and turn up they were second cousin and they were not allowed to marry so they hung themselves here okay they hang themselves and maybe that's their bones yeah yeah Juliet no down there picture of a man big spider and it keeps going oh got a little pictures taken right now I know yeah okay okay okay so we had about a 20 minute photo sesh yeah I'm very friendly people very friendly very friendly friendly they like not they live not that fast yeah but they some of them are asking how come you came here to see this well you just like this is so fascinating like they probably don't understand how fascinating we find this but so you got these wooden Effigies here they're called Tao taos and they very closely look like the deceased here yeah even like they try to put the wrinkles and everything on them yeah this was a very intricate details put on these effigies so they use uh Jackfruit wood for the carvings of these Effigies as I said they very very closely resemble the people who are buried in these coffins and the Jackfruit wood like yellows as it ages to closely resemble the color of human skin yeah never I've never seen anything like this in the world ever and apparently the higher the coffin the more important more status the person has so yeah way out the top there they must have been very important and the actual cave is what came first and that's hundreds of hundreds of years old inside the cave where you see bones and coffins and stuff like the most important people there what if there is a more important person then and there is no more space I don't know or maybe there is a new one there do they carve it maybe yeah yeah interesting the torajans believe the dead can take with them the wealth that they had to the afterlife and that's another reason why they bury them so high up here is they bury the treasure with them protected protected from thieves and things like that that's fascinating so that's another reason why it's so high and the higher they put it the closer they are to reaching the afterlife I guess yeah like when once you start like learning about this it all makes sense yeah because yeah why like usually people bury the bodies under the ground closer to hell good point so the reason we did turn around we went a fair way into the cave but they are they can actually get to a thousand meters deep and imagine me and Kasia just with our phones we'd very much get lost in the cave with loads of dead bodies it's not a kind of situation we want to be in but hey it was kind of cool to watch and there's one Effigy there that's really creeping me out so let's have a quick look in here look at all the cigarettes so obviously people been giving money cigarettes visiting them we've never been to we've been to like place um in Peru where you could find bones all over but not like this oh wow oh God okay look at this coffins are kind of like haphazardly put on top of each other it looks like you can see like in the conference yeah oh this is a new one doing pictures and sightseeing but anyway off to the next location so we have arrived to Lemo our next stop rather nice short drive and I think Lemo Village how everything is very close and just looking at these traditional houses here so these are I guess no longer used as houses but for the roofs are like growing stuff on them definitely falling apart well I'm going in so that's inside this old one a bed there living area maybe a kitchen so that's what it looks like inside the house huh no it's abandoned and these places wouldn't be these Villages wouldn't be complete without some sort of cool graveyard hello yes yes so this is the last touristy one it's a little bit cheaper we pay 20 000 each because it's less there should be hello this should be about no 70 70. so these are actually holes carved into the Rock and it costs them a lot of money to make these Graves so that's 2 100 pounds around to carve these graves in there we read some Legend we're not sure exactly if it's correct that according to that there used to be some Chief's house on the top and all his uh descendants descendants are buried here and it's about yeah 70 um Graves and like the last one we saw you can see the wooden Effigies other people just there we're gonna go closer we just had a little overview so let's go so this is where they make the Effigies of the dead people so this is a close-up of what they look like some of them the wood or yellow over time but very similar over a thousand pounds for one of these figures or does the necklace you see so we're heading towards the barrel so that guy so talented uh the guy there makes those wooden things for the burials and it's generation after generation his whole family we've been carving them so their statues are actually the ones here let's head up so they estimate this these Graves I've back head back to the 16th century and sees more to it look at this look at the graves here oh hello at least about 75 pounds in the world so look at this so look at our door it's like a door to a vault and it's one of those people up there is in that Vault or maybe both of them it's a bit of a closer look so this lovely lady is in here and all these offerings not litter nothing like that they're offerings and this is look how detailed you go down to the veins and this is the lady that would have been there and at the moment she's Sheltering us from the rain thank you the difference here is from the other grades this one's formed by humans like the holes and the rocks are carved out whereas the natural one like uh Londa but it's just the cave that's there and then they attach stuff to the side of the Rock and I think this part must be new so it's gonna head to the other part so this is another part to it yeah and then I come here and then you look at this wow wow look at that like that many yeah it's like gravesite surprises you like honestly he told me go to because we were thinking not to go to many we were just thinking to go to one because you have to pay for each one but each one is unique yeah yeah so high it is uh more important person this must have an important person this must have cost a lot of money yeah to do something like that and look at them all the fans are always hands out interesting yes Christian yes so this is very different than like in any like at least I'm from Poland so we like this we put people in the ground is it but I guess Dan is from England so he puts um people on his firefight fireplace and then you've got the cliffs kind of reminds me of I don't know bang bang I'm not sure really actually so you can tell these are just smaller holes carved with just like old wooden doors where the bodies are here I can't see the Effigies for these ones unless they're over there backward there I'm not sure but this path's taking us around we're not sure if we're going to see more this like it's so random that you see and there's an open coffin like like it's so Random was is there supposed to be someone in there that we're going to meet later yes it's definitely more to it than I thought because I was looking we LED that it's about 75 or more at least 75. but it didn't look like it but yeah wow you see bones photo photo okay where do we want us from okay [Music] all right back on our bikes and to the next place yeah trying to find our next location we're gonna Park up and walk a bit to try and find it but uh it took us through someone's house and the person's house so it took us through is now showing us the way a long way from her house how kind oh there it is before five five babies so there are many of these about and they are known as baby Graves let me show you a bit closer the baby graves are in the tree so behind these in this are babies unfortunately and I'll say in this area there are many baby Graves but this is how they're buried here so when a baby dies before having teeth a small hole is carved into the trunk of this tree just big enough for the baby's body to fit in the mother wraps the body in cloth and places it inside and the hole is then sealed with bark and as the tree heals over the time the tree trunk will absorb the body and the higher the three grounds closer the baby gets to this yeah yeah exactly and after 16 years their body reached the land of the souls that's like a really cool like fascinating way to bury children so this is her father some of her family is inside this tree so just like everybody see graveyards everywhere they have these everywhere because this is just what they do it's not like the main touristy one there are very touristy ones where you'll see tourists go to which are marked on the map but we found this one just randomly and it's just a local families one and just to show you like authentically this is what they do here with uh the babies that die but now we don't we're going back with this lady there we go that's so kind of that lady yeah incredibly we just yeah she was doing her work and then looked outside and there's the two of us just standing on her property and Cassie just said baby grave and she nodded and just walked us all the way there yeah I was expecting to be charged now I feel like we should have paid her yeah it was already a bit of a depressingly morbid Vlog with all the graves we thought we'd make a bit more depressing with the baby Graves so now we're going to end on a light note and hopefully get some fantastic views we've got a 50 minute drive ahead of us yeah so we're going to put the GoPro away and then show you when we get there so next time you see us hopefully we're at the Viewpoint and after a 50 minute drive we have arrived it was mountainous windy roads yeah yeah and we've come to low life Viewpoint I Love Lamp I love Lampe so let's show you this Viewpoint look at this I thought when if you come first thing in the morning the clouds are low and it's just you're above the clouds we were tempted we tried we set the alarm actually ten past five we set that alarm and then on that said that she's supposed to give us the key and stuff then but we message her nah nah no it's too early we went back to sleep the only thing is very cold we got medical it's like it would be very bright and green but because it's like cloudy it's a bit foggy yeah so I guess it's a little bit like in Ubud in um Bali yeah yeah but the amazing thing is this is very non-touristy non-touristy yeah it's great tourist attraction but one of the tourist attractions here we are the guy just was taking video of us yeah funny it's cool just dotted with these traditional houses you're going to see the roofs the curved roofs just dotted throughout the Hills oh sit on the bench with this view enjoy it and I think this is it for this Vlog but again don't forget the next one's gonna be the most interesting they're both crazy most insane you might have seen some weird stuff on this one but the next one's gonna be even we're dead it's gonna be yes not everyone might want to see what we're going to show but anyway it's gonna be fascinating so about today it was very interesting The Villages the culture their story why they do what they do um very interesting that the Christians that they just got their own different Traditions than everyone else it's a very unique region and most of people come here to see that most people come to this region for what we're going to do tomorrow uh I know this other extra stuff is just part of it sort of uh but you'll see tomorrow what we're gonna do so yeah we've had a really good day so we really love this place so far really looking forward to the next one and uh enjoy the view bye [Music]

2023-12-22 13:15

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