Top 5 Things To Do in Bali, Indonesia (For Adventure Seekers)

Top 5 Things To Do in Bali, Indonesia (For Adventure Seekers)

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hey guys in today's video I'm going to be showing you the best things to do in Bali I basically live in Bali and I've been to Bali so many times so I figured I may as well show you guys my favorite things to do and these aren't the usual things like go to the temple go to the monkey Forest these are actual adventurous off the beaten path and probably you haven't heard of a few of these so I'm trying to do something different and yeah these are all really interesting and I love all of them so let's get straight into the video number one thing to do my favorite thing that I've done in Bali and I would highly recommend it is to hike up Mount Bato for Sunrise I did it with a group of us there was like 10 of us we got up in the middle of the night we drove to North Bali and you hike a few hours there's a few different hikes I would recommend going with the tour guide and you go up for the most incredible Sunrise I'll stop explaining and just show you guys a little clip of what we did and what we got up to because that will show you guys exactly what to expect it's so much fun what do you think of the hike mate oh my it's one of the most challenging hikes I've ever been on let me tell you this we're gonna get to the top I don't know how we're walking on Mars that sounds like Luke there don't it yeah I was the Aussie accent there but yeah I'll do my good good eye mate I'm just walking through the creek and I'm gonna play some Cricket oh [ __ ] here the Brits are coming to invade us again [Music] you know this one bro oh yeah oh yeah this is a classic rock [Music] and climbing there the mountain barefoot absolute Legend singing the whole way that is a Vibe I think I'm gonna bring my guitar on the next height exactly no shoes definitely no shoes is this the top this is the kitchen oh yeah that's warm [Music] chocolate eggs [Music] we made it guys you can kind of just see the start of sunrise it's like orange and you can see the clouds obviously it won't show on camera but give it a little bit and you'll be able to see it [Music] hello Bobby [Laughter] impression we started something hello I am your Emperor your Emperor has arrived what do you think of the views guys yeah the views are for the gods yeah give me one cup of red wine with the enemy's blood [Laughter] [ __ ] crazy crazy American over here for some mighty young lives Kingdom of Bali island of gods we are literally high on like dopamine exactly you what'd you guys think of their views oh my God just say thank you to Mana for arranging this especially with the broken heart commitment I'm so sorry such a good idea I know seriously see it worked out such a good idea like these things like when I woke up I was not wanting to do it the whole time I was like okay everything is worth it so worth it so yeah thank you so much so yeah hello there looks like it's pretty busy on the other side of the rock oh so whilst we've been up at the top they've been cooking in these uh seam holes the happiest man in all of it of Bali no I want to do it okay oh yeah that's incredible everyone's running so I guess we're gonna have to go for it oh I'm getting so much sand in my shoes here he is [Music] I wasn't lying when I said he's singing the whole way I just wanna lay in my bed it's crazy oh my God [Applause] you literally can't stop oh my God [Laughter] and he has survived it I want to quickly talk about my new community I'm setting up for travel content creators or other people who want to meet whilst traveling if you're traveling solo it's completely free to join you just got to use the link in the description below and sign up on school and yeah we'll just be sharing tips and tricks and great Community for meeting new people and potentially vlogging with them so yeah use the link in description below if you want to join next up we're actually moving just off Bali to an island called Gili tea which is famously known for its party island but I would recommend to go there to do your scuba diving course I went with a company called Manta dive and I did it with my friend Gabby we had a few days learning how to scuba dive and now I am fully qualified it's one of the most incredible things you can do and you just feel so calm it's pretty cheap it's one of the cheapest places in the world to do it um and so I'll show you guys a little clip of what we got so we are a few Dives in and this is the instructor Maori hello from Italy how many Dives have you done in your life uh about one thousand one thousand yeah that's insane are we good students yeah very good I'll pay you after um and so we've got to do four Dives and a test yeah the test is gonna be it's gonna be at the end it's a small small quiz yeah the the question we'll see if if we studied enough we were studying all night all night um and how deep do we go uh this diver 80 meters okay it's perfect it's gonna be our maximum depth today okay let's head out there and see what we can find foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ty is one of the most unique places I've ever been it's a very small island you can I did actually a run around the whole island it's very local so if you really want to feel like you're in Indonesia then go to guilty it's not busy there's no cars at all it's just a really cool Vibe and obviously if you want a party you can but it's up to you now I'm going to show you guys what hotel options you have in Bali specifically in changu so I'll show you the room that I've got and then we'll go over the price at the end so this is a four-star hotel the Aston changu Hotel it's a really nice hotel got loads of amenities I'll show you guys and this is the room I'll show you the bathroom quickly we've got a nice tall mirror here we have of course the bathroom with a nice big rainfall shower there a nice huge uh window so you can peek at whoever's in the shower we have of course your standard shower cap dental kit you know you know the score guys you know what's going on and um yeah of course we've got the safe we've got coffees we've got the fridge place to put your bags a huge king size bed which is very soft just how I like it flat screen TV like again if any hotels are watching this please can you start putting Smart TVs in because no one ever watches the TV I don't think unless it's got Netflix or YouTube and it's not hard to put Netflix and YouTube on the TVs if you're buying a TV you may as well just get a smart TV anyway rant it over we've got the desk over here with the wi-fi turn up turn down pretty good could be better but really good and then coming onto the balcony we have a nice big balcony and overlooking this nice little creek down here lots of greenery which is beautiful and we have the pool on the fifth level up there we'll have a look I think one of the best things about this hotel is the location we're actually located probably a five minute walk maybe less from the beach and it's like near all the big restaurants in changu and if anyone knows changu is right next to Old Man's which is a club so I'm very happy with this place and I'll show you guys a little bit more but for something like this you want you're going to be paying you're going to expect to pay between 60 and 80 a night uh for this place so not bad in the grand scheme of things for Bali that's a little bit expensive to be fair um you could definitely get a cheaper I've got a lot cheaper but this is a four-star hotel with amenities and everything and great locations so I'd say it's a fair price the next thing I would recommend to do in Bali is something very unique it is getting a custom ring made you can do this with a friend you can even go with a girl or you can make a present for a family member you have to drive to South Bali I'll put all the address and the links in the description and it's it's a whole day experience you make the ring yourself and you get to choose a design it's really unique you get to see all the process of making the ring they're all really nice people and it's a really good day out something different as opposed to the usual barley Vibe which is just going to a pool party it's just something unique to do and there's not many places in the world where you can do something like this I would highly highly recommend it I didn't actually know I was going to be doing this but oh man oh someone's been annoying me and I just sprayed it with the fire you better be in my goodness yeah we better watch out gotta keep Sayer happy when he's got a flamethrower in his hand to walk out next day as well as making a ring [Music] it's a bit of a work out there you're gonna have intense concentrations if you're gonna coordinate your hands and your leg at the same time a Full Speed Ahead right now you can see the palace you're going on the legs are fine I can imagine all right guys Marcus being taken over for about two minutes three minutes and you can see it's now turned into the very viscous you like that that word biscuits and uh wow that's that's why I imagine silver to look like holy [ __ ] Bro oh my God oh my God can I put my finger in okay yeah you'll never forgive today if you put your fingers instantly whoa that's crazy that's absolute Madness mate absolute crisis there Mike this is Lord of the Rings part five part five we are making the new ring there my precious look at that it's always just on fire and it's like morphing next job now you can touch this doesn't it I think Carrie's gonna go first you uh give me a thousand thousands with the tweezers there we are not with your head oh whoa oh it's making some noise and the color doesn't changing always still mix with something the color be chain black oh okay because this is high quality of the material this is beautiful for 100 silver if you make jewelry in here and then you get guarantee until you're live oh wow that's amazing yeah because I use high quality of the material back we'll just Cruise right up here and oh whoa come see your boyfriend so within like 10 seconds you can touch it it's fine really it's pretty hot though actually no it's your normal I know it wasn't still right now process outside hammer time you ready for this bro hammer time I'm gonna put the song on yeah exactly okay here we go how's your DIY skills bro I will tell you that uh let's put it this way this is definitely going to be a training for me yeah it's been a while yeah I'll have to say this guys you know that some men are just naturally talented the DIY that's not me at all I couldn't be less talented at DIY uh I hate DIY um and yeah I'm just bad with tools good with my hands but bad with tools here goes the British Legend we're gonna see what those DIYs on the wrong surface then we just uh I'm kind of just spraying and praying okay there we go yeah you can see that thing morphing right into shape there there we go sorry it's time to design an ax so yeah we need a sword to Siege the fort take over all get the silver ready Netflix series bro I swear on the way up here I was thinking that like we need to all cast for a Netflix series one silver sword shall be slain get it ready to take out the enemy there Sarah these guys just have no idea what we're talking about good workout okay okay so we got more more fire I guess to make this uh soft again it's a bit of a workout eh yeah oh yeah break it already sir yeah the shield must be perfect make sure it's strong strong to be able to resist the enemy resist the Anglo-Saxons I'm just regurgitating any knowledge I know like any Netflix series you've ever watched like making pasta yeah oh yeah that's like making pasta that thing's getting long yeah can we eat it yeah mmm looks tasty she's actually getting easier I didn't film it but Max put it in the heater again so we just got the final process now we're really smoothing it down and making it flat yeah is it getting easier oh yeah it's pretty easy it's about the same wow that thing is getting long too see they're pretty easy or I've been going to the gym too much yeah that's bags that'll happen in Bali bro oh there we go no no no we're already flattening them down now oh yeah wow we're just getting along the sword is pretty ready the sword is almost there okay so guys as you can see it's really flanned out now you can kind of now see how it's going to become a ring you said this was hard bro oh it was very hard bro you got I left it easy for you now it's thin do all the work and so guys from like little pellets of silver um it's crazy that looks like 50 rings I know yeah that's four four rings or how many rings perfect foreign makes it look easy I will say yeah this is so hard he's going one-handed wow that's got to be almost a meter long so they're just checking their width because we we want to like especially so even when it's um cold uh you can still kind of it's very malleable whoa yeah very immobile whoa yeah okay so now he's splitting it up into the individual rings I think oh there we go looks like we're using the players ripping it out of there oh he's making it straight flat okay straight is narrow yes hello hello how are you good and you've never been better oh size well guys this is where you find out I have small hands but it's not what you think yeah that's good the the issue I have is that I buy rings and they fall off in the water they slip off so I want to make sure that it will be tight so this we get to put a little uh writing in our ring is this one mine yeah yeah so I'm just gonna put my name okay there we go I hope my handwriting is okay okay so now uh what's Happening Here boss splitting it into the rings size the first process for make the size and after size the process make outside of the design like wall um how many rings have you made in your life for me yeah from start until now thousands okay I cannot accounting thousand thousand thousands wow wow it's like 100 000. this is my ring so here we go guys this is my ring um I think I'm just gonna wear it like this yeah like that no I'm joking so this is before it's been shaped but yeah this is it so so cool to see it before and after look at this my friend bought hop doing the cut okay this most difficult I think I'm gonna have to change the world design in that case because there's no way I'm drawing a world on this it's gonna look like some kind of like it's just gonna look terrible especially from without without seeing the map I mean obviously typical letter I can hop I think I'll need some help because I got I failed art in school that's my friend your friend um very bad Oh no you're talking to the two worst artists in all in probably all of Bali right now yeah we're gonna need some serious help Harry's gonna be trying to make this actually I'm gonna put England in the center because you know of course we are the center of the world I'm gonna see okay so I I can we it's not final yes you can drink if you not good you can do it okay Africa done oh there we go that's progress It's kind of small but okay we've got no Express for Europe I'm gonna have to move Europe over a little bit we England is obviously going to be the center point so yeah England there okay well England was England's changed dramatically okay uh now let's do this to America Next easiest one to do oh God yeah don't forget about Florida greatest country in the world okay South America is going to have to become half the size sorry Peru I love you Peru but you're now oh God okay Colombia is not going to be too bad Colombia's done okay I mean Africa is going to be very happy but Europe is uh significantly smaller now how do we do Asia foreign guys geographically perfect map of the world uh sorry if I missed out your country uh it doesn't exist anymore don't forget you put Bali there yeah okay Bali is his own Island here Australia doesn't exist anymore sorry Australians no I'm joking in Australia if I have space here we go there we go guys if you want me to design you rings I'm now taking commission I'm now a professional ring artist um so yeah just let me know your designs and I'll make it perfectly is that a tier AJ right there you can see it says taggard okay is it Jay okay this is James you can fix it oh okay okay thank you sorry I should make it clear but yeah here we go guys we have the final this is the inside of the Ring Harry Jack out there that's perfect boss you very much thank you so much after about half an hour trying to figure out how to get world looking good um I basically just had a few drawings and it's turned out to be my best attempt it's obviously not very good but for me it's good and you know it's the story to say you know I drew it and so when people ask oh why have you got a terrible world map on your ring I'll say well I drew it mate so it's got a story to tell and uh yeah I'm happy with it so now the next the next spot is to get this world map onto the ring so I'll leave it with these gentlemen to do that okay so our man has taken my drawing and he's now gluing it to the ring I'm not too sure how they're gonna indent that onto the ring but it'd be interesting to find out I'm not too sure what's going on but I come with okay I guess we are going to the final final design what do you think looks like the world good yeah recently put daughter or Hall this is Hall where does Indonesia yeah dot or Hall uh what do you think is best uh I I kind of just wanted to do some islands what this is you prefer put dot or Hall up to you the dots dots yeah and then Dot and this is whole yeah whole whole this is whole yeah inside yeah so this is the machine that yeah makes the foreign foreign [Music] okay so he's dreading through the whole ring on each uh on each geographical location now he's using the saw to actually make the shape which is actually must be so hard to do this takes you know a lot of practice some really experienced and talented craftsmanship you can see here that's just soaring around the edge of the holes that he made earlier wow okay here we go here we go oh that is oh I like that I mean the world has changed this this is my mentality the world is changing all the time oh oh yeah honestly that's probably what the place will look like in like 200 million years from now once like the uh what do they call it pangiitis or whatever the name of the uh number one Pangea well that was what the one used to be one land mass yeah things have been slowly moving away yep I guess that's how you can say the man did some great work but unfortunately you just can't fix bad artwork from me okay so this is that's the final design and we have to roll it around to make it into shape and so actually guys what I didn't mention is that we've actually got two rings so this is uh the ring with the inside where it says Harry jaguard and that's got the outside and I think they will mold them together so cool and your man's got his wand over there gonna start calling him Harry Potter The Chosen One the final part is molding the two together and now you can see it's got really starting to take shape it's crazy oh whoa what's that quads ah it's too mold it together wow it's crazy the amount of steps there's take and just you know the fine details that people don't realize goes into making a ring this ring is going to have a special place in my heart I can always say I've been one of the final steps which is soldering so making sure that the indentation was stretched I have to say Okay the last you know half an hour these guys been working away whilst we've been waiting so they've been working really hard there's a lot more to it but obviously I don't want to film it all now he's just smoothing the inside making it extra oh now you're shining it is where we get the actual polish ah yeah you can see on the inside oh it's starting to really look shiny so this is how you get that perfected look that you see in the shops that you you know obviously it's hard for them to make it shiny without doing it like this something about like I read in books is like something about making things with your hands which is really um rewarding and fulfilling it's a shame because I make nothing with my hands I just type or click on the computer so we've lost that we've lost that thing that skill in life where we used to make things with hands but yeah it's proven that people that you know work with their hands and stuff is called the Ika guy when you you have like a passion for something you do with your hands they live a like a much longer time than people would expect that's just what I had no you want to try okay you want to try yes please okay yeah it's good okay okay so we're gonna Shine the inside you can see it's already looking pretty shiny it's ready you gotta really concentrate one false move and your finger is getting done by this sandpaper wow this is so cool it's very hard creates a lot of heat so the the ring is actually very hot it was hotter when he goes so he's obviously better we've been we've waited probably maybe another half an hour our man's been working on it very silent and impatiently oh my God it looks so shiny all right guys oh my god wow that is incredible so shiny look at that Harry jagas on the inside I know it says Harry tag eyes no hurry Jack guard and then we got the world what do you guys think of the world that's my obviously my uh my drawing we got uh a very small South America South America's got lots more now I'm sorry Colombia yeah also uh Europe is connected to uh Europe's not bad and then uh just a few Islands Australia's yeah don't tell Luke about Australia yeah I'm not sure what country this is over here I think I think that's Greenland I think England is now one of the biggest countries uh as it should be yeah guys um but yeah and we'll just do the final tip I'm not sure if I'll have it on this finger or this finger but uh wow I love it I absolutely love it the next thing I'd recommend doing is a little bit cliche so I have to just get this one cliche activity to do and that is to go surfing obviously surfing isn't for everyone I just started surfing a few months ago and I you know a few lessons in five lessons and I can stand up and I'm going on hardboard now so it's uh really good fun once you get the hang of it which is going to take a while it's great but it's a great way to meet new people everyone there in Bali pretty much stuff so it's really interesting and I don't actually have many videos of me surfing but I'll actually I'll put one on screen now this is me surfing in uh changu a few days ago you know like a small waves you know this is just a normal way for me um but yeah I actually broke the Guinness World Record um last week so you know it's minor okay next thing is you guys need to try the water parks in Bali specifically a water park called water bomb I went with my friend Mac and it was really new very fresh very clean in Denpasar so it's not too far away from where you'll probably be staying and yeah it's a great day out you can spend the whole day there there's so many activities to do and it's not that busy at all it's a really nice water park as you know if I had to say this is honest I'm not being paid to say this is probably the best water park I've ever been to and I've been to America I've been to lots of different countries so I'd recommend it no hello this is python in England we've always rubber dingy Rapids can I go down yeah are you gonna be able to survive this hair man I'm really scared I'm really scared yeah okay I'm having a pad panic attack bro come on Wilson [Applause] [Applause] oh my god oh bro we got a message oh here we go this is what we've been waiting for oh almost fell off will go yeah well now we know why GoPros are allowed on this one yeah [Music] we made it all right guys we've come up with a agreement with the guys here obviously we're not going to film on the ride because that's the rules but this is the one of the best rides we're going up to now and we're going to film each other's reactions on it because it's a glass see-through glass you guys will see what I mean when I get up there but needs a lot of walking because we're gonna have to do this multiple times but uh you know it'll be worth it just for you guys because this is like the coolest ride and I've always wanted to do is where you drop vertically I've always wanted to do this but when back when I used to come to a rides like this when I was like maybe 15 16. I would always be too scared to do it but not this time here we go so it's like a glass you just drop through it and we're pretty high guys pretty high oh wow oh yeah five out of five five out of five it's five out of five oh baby hello wow there's a really good view of the whole pace foreign guys so you stand in this block and then when the man presses the button you drop vertically down is your Harry Potter bro I've always wanted to do this oh you've never done it when I was a child when we were like 15 16 I always used to come to the cinema but I was always too scared to do it oh it's the first time doing it so whilst I'm up here waiting for Mac I'll give you guys a little overview of Photography so this is Kutta yes kuta is that the airport oh no this one airport oh yeah yeah I see which way is changu and uh okay down there this uh put a bit and then seminyak okay okay there we go guys ready mum Dad it's been nice knowing you I'll see you on the other side oh yeah I can tell sire's scared trust me once you're inside the coffin that's when you're gonna feel the scaredness us today oh baby you ready for this bro hello you gotta cross those legs bro be ready for Full Speed Ahead are you ready oh yeah don't worry it's very scary the floor is just gonna drop oh there he goes outside that is crazy like at least you can't see anything because so much water is just plummets in your face yeah then you just get pinballed oh my God and finally last but not least this is one of the more expensive things to do but it's still incredible is to take a helicopter tour around the island I traveled all the way down to uluwatu to go on this helicopter ride it's kind of expensive I want to say around 300 for only 12 minutes however there's 12 minutes though it does feel like a really long time and it's just an incredible experience it's something you could maybe do for you know like a birthday or a present but it's such a good day out and yeah you get to see Bali from a unique perspective from the vertical bird's eye view and I would really recommend it okay all right we're ready you ready guys you're very busy at the moment yeah lots of yes our schedule is very tight yeah today so yeah no problem this one is a hike season yeah so okay we can go now okay here we go so we just get a photo before uh maybe after yeah okay after we'll do the photos after okay okay oh oh we go one at a time pretty good guys you guys gone quiet back there foreign [Music] [Music]

2023-01-11 23:54

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