TOP 5 ROME for FREE - During Covid

TOP 5 ROME for FREE - During Covid

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Is this actually your favorite  placement, man? This small statue? After living in rome for more than a year we  discovered that there are a lot of things to   do in the city for free that's right guys you  heard me for free so we decided to put together   a video to show you guys more or less what we  do for example every time our friends come to   visit we take them around to all the free  places in rome and they absolutely love it   that's why we think this video will help you a  lot too especially if you're traveling on a budget   so come with us while we take you around in rome  for free our day tour starts here at the museum of   modern art of course we're not going to go inside  but it's really beautiful to look at and they have   these lovely lion statues that you can see over  here that are so cute for pictures guys this is   this museum is right at the entrance of the villa  bourgesi park which is our first stop of the day   totally for free the first sunday of every  month this museum is also for free which   isn't our case today and that's why it's not  going to be in our free rome video but if   you want to come check it out completely for  free come on the first sunday of every month this is the villa bugisi park and  it's our favorite park here in rome   it's really peaceful it's beautiful  for free of course and here you can   see all these beautiful landscapes they have  statues all around the park and this is where   we come every day if you want to see our video  on our rome routine just click on the link above so as this video is roam for free water is  also for free you can drink water at any   of the fountains that are spread out across the  city if you want to bring also an empty or a full   water bottle and then just fill it  up as you go that's also a great tip   i want to introduce you to my friend entenor he's  visiting us here in rome so tell us your story   man well usually i start by saying a little bit  about my experience as an internet sensation no   just kidding no i've been living in barcelona for  the last four years i was living in berlin before   we travel around the world a lot we try  to get to know as many countries as we can   as we as we travel so yeah it's a lot of fun  uh right now we are visiting our friends from   take us around um in rome where they're  based and hopefully they'll soon visit us   in barcelona yeah next month we're in barcelona  and we're gonna shoot some videos in barcelona   for you too in barcelona for free as well so  i'm gonna take his idea do the same thing but   in barcelona so that's what i'm gonna do yeah but  wait for us when you're there so yeah we're gonna   be in barcelona next month and they're gonna take  us around exactly because they're the locals there here all the tips comes from this guys  because they are the locals here in rome so   yeah hopefully we're gonna know get to  know the best places and well not spend   a dime that's the whole idea behind it  well apart from food and booze as hero   yeah what's the we we gave  you a bottle of cachaca today i drank it already it's like eight o'clock in  the morning it's the best time to drink kacha   you know if you wanna if you wanna get drunk  don't wait until the night to get drunk   because it's just gonna waste the whole day sober  so start the day drunk and and then end the day   drunk so that's the best way to optimize  your alcohol consumption yeah good tip yep they close here this this spot where you can see  the view of piazza popolo because of the pandemic   but when you come here it's  probably going to be open today there is like this  political party thing here we're not going to participate  today guys but next time so here we are at the spanish steps known as the  piazzi espana which is one of the most famous   squares here in rome it's beautiful also very  important information is that you can eat or   drink and since 2019 not even sit on the spanish  steps that way it's always clean and organized so here we are at the trevi fountain which  in our opinion is the most beautiful fountain   here in rome people from all around the world  come here to throw coins in the in the fountain   there's a myth that if you throw  one coin you will return to rome   if you throw two coins you will meet a handsome or  beautiful italian and if you throw three coins you   this ice cream is so good and the view is amazing  also look at that you have the pantheon over there   and you have this amazing gelato here this was a  recommendation of antenna the gelato was very good   how did you know about this place i googled it  very simple so yeah it was all it was all about   asking using the right keywords in the search  engine so it was based off like all base using my   internet knowledge and most of it was because i i  just typed ice cream in rome and uh but the real   secret here is to use spaces between each world so  and uh i don't know i just heard about the places   i knew it was going to be good good reveals  most importantly when you when you search you   you need to search in italian because you want to  read the italian reviews not the english reviews   so just or use something like that you  might be likely able to find reviews from locals   not the tourists previously another good too yeah  and here we are finally at the pantheon which is   one of the best preserved ancient roman buildings  here in rome it's beautiful there's a small line   to get in but it's totally for free so if you  want to go inside and check it out it's worth it this is an awesome place i  think this is the most pretty   building in rome and it's actually older than the  colosseum so you guys should come here for sure   like and it's free what reason do you have to not  come look at this my favorite place here in rome   is here in the pantheon what's yours my favorite  place is the coliseum but why it's magnificent   well not a very scientific reason but okay it's the most beautiful piazza in rome   and that's it that's it good and you're  something is the romulus and remo statue   so these are the twin brothers that actually  founded rome by overthrowing their fathers   mars the king of war wow we should go there  now then we should we need to go let's go   we need to pay all respects to the founders it  wasn't in our plans but we're going there now tell us again the story about the wolf and the  kids so everything started a long time ago no i'm   just kidding actually what happened why are you  walking like that i like to play this old persona   and uh just because we're wrong you're very  wise when i walk like with a with a limp you   know i feel like yeah the whole time the whole day  everything so tell us the story yeah i was telling   you that so as i was saying in the old days there  was only two kids no just kidding again no the   string brothers they were left by their mother the  queen and they were found by a wolf a mother wolf   and she raised both of them yep and then um in the  later days they actually overthrew their father   the king uh the actually the god of war mars and  founded rome and that was how rome began became   the city it is so yeah beautiful story and i  i pretty much like to see the statue now to   pay my respect to those nice kids we're  gonna get there tomorrow on that pace two steps and we're there to your  favorite place man favorite let's see   i don't even remember this statue it's rambles  like romanos and reno's rubble on the brembos mr is this actually your favorite  placement it's just this small statue   it's from the small things that became such  a massive empire like the roman empire those   two little kids i think it's the smaller  statue in rome it is well as i said   they don't need more than that they're they're  actually the city is named after them so   it's much bigger than having a statue so everybody  can have a statue but only them can have the name   of a city and their name of empire after them so  that's a lot right yeah i think you're right look next offer here at the piazza venezia where  we can see the monumento of vittori manueli   this is my mom's favorite place to come in rome  and we totally recommend it as it's it's worth   it it's completely worth it it's free you just  there's a line here today i'm guessing because   of covet measures but it's free you can go  inside and check it out it's really beautiful from here we're going to walk to the coliseum  and we're going to take a look at the roman   forum while we're on our way if you can see the  colosseum is right down there it's a short walk   and that's where we're headed for our  last destination in roman one day for free to enter the coliseum and the  roman forum you have to pay   but we have a strategy when walking from  here to the coliseum you get to see a lot   of the roman forum so sometimes  you don't even have to pay to see we're now in front of the coliseum we came here a few times inside but  like from outside you have a nice view   you can take you can take nice pictures from  the outside you have the best view from the   outside yeah the best view of the colosseum  is from outside so of course you can go inside   it's a thing you have to do  at least once in your life   but if you come here outside you have this  amazing view well here you can buy a ticket   for both the coliseum and the forum so  the ticket booth is right over there   um you're gonna have to stay in line but  you'll get you'll get a ticket for both   coliseum and roman forum yeah it's all included  like when you buy one you get the other one for "for free" well guys this is the end of our roman one  day for free friends what did you think   of this fantastic tour i had  the most amazing time of my life i'm just i'm just amazing mind blown mind   what did you think sarah no i loved it every  every place we visit i i simply love it rome and   it's not my first time here but definitely  not my last time and all the tips that we   we were able to gather today for sure they  were good ones and i hope you get to visit   the city because it is fantastic it is see  guys so follow their channel on youtube follow them on youtube guys they they travel a lot  they have amazing videos they show you great tips   so totally recommended this tu so guys this is our last stop in roman one day for  free i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did please   click on the like button and also if you're  not subscribed yet subscribe to our channel   and click the bell button be  notified when we post new videos and since we visit everyone's favorite place we  couldn't let sarah unhappy so we had to visit   piazza navona her favorite place in rome  it's the most beautiful piazza in rome thank you so now we're here at piazza navona it's really pretty and the  brazilian embassy is here   sometimes we have to come here to solve  some problems and yeah it's a nice place what do you have to say about it this piazza  is beautiful there's a church here where you   can actually enter remembering that all  churches are also they're also for free   when you're in rome so any church you want to walk  in including the basilica san uh the vatican is   also free but this piazza used to actually be  a place where athletes would come so they would   have horse races here like um at chico massimo  um so now it's this beautiful place beautiful   three beautiful fountains and this fountain  here in the middle is the fountain of neptune neptune yes this church is awesome too   i think it's even prettier than the foundation oh  no it's so beautiful this this piazza is obviously   for free like the other piazzas we have been  to and it's fantastic you should come here so beautiful look where we end up look where we ended up  when lost in rome no we were just walking   around and um ended up at our favorite  gelateria if you want to see more about   the gelateria and our routine in rome click on  the link above this is our favorite gelateria right?

2021-03-27 04:25

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