Top 25 BEST New For 2021 Roller Coasters

Top 25 BEST New For 2021 Roller Coasters

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after a bad year in the industry 2021 has introduced many new roller coasters most countries will be receiving a coaster whether they are for kids [Music] families or high thrills some of them will be better than others and some of them will be worse but which ones are the best today i'll be counting down my top 25 most anticipated coasters for 2021. let's get right to it [Music] [Applause] [Music] starting at the 25 spot is primordial this roller coaster is coming to lagoon the coaster is still under construction some people think it will be postponed until 2022 but i'm still adding it to the list lagoon may in fact change the name also but right now it's still primordial in all honesty this was the perfect fit for the park with wicked roller coaster and cannibal the park is stacked but they were definitely in need of a dark ride i don't think they had a heavily themed coaster before this so it will fit into the lineup well up next at 24 is guardians of the galaxy cosmic rewind there is no question disney has some of the best themes out there when i visited epcot i felt the only thing missing was a roller coaster and this will finally solve that drought and to add on top of that that coaster spins and is a dark ride the trains are cool and the theme itself is cool easily one of the most overlooked new for 2021 roller coasters at 23 is mission ferrari like the other coasters on this list this will follow the trend of a stellar theme to add on top of that it has been revealed that this coaster will be really technical some people even say this will be the most technical coaster ever it's said that it will be like harry potter and the escape from gergotz but it will contain more thrills i myself think the theme is cool and the layout looks cool it's not going to be the most thrilling but the theme will easily make up for it next up at number 22 is all the 40 free spins there has been a lot of announced 40 free spins for this year some of them include john wick open contract coming to motion gate dragon slayer coming to adventureland and the 4d freshman coming to king's dominion adventureland was really in need of this edition i think more parks should receive these coasters as they are cheap and very popular in the park i myself am not the biggest fan of them but the general public loves them i do hope more parks add them in the future [Music] at number 21 is hamidji central park smaller custom looping coaster mower is infamous for making hollywood rip ride rocket however i think the coasters they produce look stellar i'm assuming this coaster will be similar to it because they are from the same manufacturers i wouldn't necessarily call it elite but it looks more throwing than the options i had below but i could be wrong cracking the top 20 is flipping the lens coaster this is focused on inversions in fact it will have 10. we have seen many of these 10 inversion coasters i have a feeling this will be the same but it's still unique it won't contain any moments of air time most likely but the inversions will easily make up for it i've yet to ride one of these coasters and i really want to hopefully we can see an american park get something over nine inversions up next at the number 19 spot is fantasy valley's wind coaster like the mower coaster this doesn't have a name yet i think this will also be an underrated 2021 roller coaster well actually most wing coasters are underrated anyways i've only ridden one and i've loved them vietnam wind coasters are smooth and fun but they certainly aren't forceless some may complain about the restraints but i didn't have a problem i can't wait to see this coaster in action at number 18 is a clone of accelerator and knott's berry farm this roller coaster will be going to golden city in china like most of the clones on this list i have yet to ride one of them but the launches look incredible and it contains many turns most people aren't a fan of turns but i think it adds something to what would have normally been a short ride of just a launch and a top hat this coaster will definitely get the praise it deserves at the number 17 spot is emperor sea world san diego needed a major coaster without a doubt and they finally got it i'm not disappointed in this choice because it looks amazing in this compact plot it will contain an insane drop in many whippy inversions i don't think the vest will be a problem with this ride because it never was i still think it will be forceful it would be cool to see more parks get this in the future as it is a cheaper alternative to the traditional dive barely missing the top 15 is triple loop indiana beach was another park in need of a major coaster and this is what we got it is a clone of camaro and it's known for pulling off insane forces and like its name suggests it will have three inversions being three loops this will definitely be a popular 2021 roller coaster but i still have 15 roller coasters ahead [Music] and number 15 is leviathan this roller coaster will be located at sea world in australia it is manufactured by martin influence this is the same manufacturer that made zip and pippin and if you know this channel i love zip and pin like zip and pivot this kosher will be designed by gravity group putting my bias aside i put this coaster at number 15. i can't wait to hear about the amazing airtime it has at number 14 we have steel type on mac rides have been very innovative in the past few years this coaster is an example one of the notable features this ride has is that spinning back row car we have seen this with a few coasters but i still find it unique and different plus the launches will be intense it will be a custom layout and different from the blue fire clones but i think the airtime and inversions will be the highlight of the ride coming in at the number 13 spot is the septa coaster this is a clone of incredible hulk at islands of adventure i have seen this coaster in real life however i didn't have the chance to ride it it's going to be pretty much the same as hallway except it will have the infamous being a best and a different theme the ride will be themed to transformers and i love it i can't wait to hear people's thoughts on this poster when it comes out at number 12 is stun pilot silverwood hasn't gotten a kosher in a while and most of their koshers are wooden so a steel coaster was perfect for the park rmc is located right by the park so we finally got what we asked for like the last few coasters i haven't ridden any of these models yet including a raptor but people praising them for their insane pacing although it is a clone i expect it to be a top coaster next up at number 11 is a coaster i have always hyped up for a while that coaster is monster this b m invert isn't messing around because it weaves in and out of the ground more than any of the other inverts in fact the station itself will be underground i have written a b m invert and i can tell you they are intense they supply a ton of positives and they focus on inversions i'm glad grenoland received this coaster actually i think it looks overlooked and one of the best 2021 roller coasters it looks outstanding and elite cracking the top 10 is big dipper when this roller coaster was announced it was really hyped up i thought it didn't look good but after some thinking i think it deserves the hype this was intimate's play on rmc's raptor model i don't think it will be as intense but i anticipate this coaster because it is the very first of its kind the airtime and whip looks good however the inversions look slow but i'll take hang time any day to add on top of that the second launch looks very powerful most people will go in expecting a graceful ride but i think this ride has a few tricks up at sleep [Music] next up at number nine is icebreaker seaworld orlando has a few major coasters those coasters include mako [Music] manta and kraken but let's backtrack [Music] height doesn't make a coaster major just because a coaster is the fastest tallest or the longest doesn't make it the best seaworld finally understood and they added a family coaster icebreaker was that solution this thing is so underappreciated i'm telling you this will have strong ejector air time good pacing and pretty good laterals don't sleep on that drop either because it looks intense though don't take my word on this no one has written it and this is just another prediction but i still think it deserves more hype a not so underrated roller coaster is number eight that coaster is the ride to happiness yeah i know it's not the best name but names don't usually define a coaster and this is the case here what makes this ride cool and unique is the cars on the train spin the roller coaster is almost the same as time traveler at silver dollar city they both contain inversions and spinning cars though time traveler is known for containing air time especially on the drop out of the station in all honesty i wouldn't be surprised if ride to happiness did also i will for sure try to ride this in the future up next at number seven is all speeds this will be the last clone on this list it is a clone of terran most people really hyped up the ride and so will i a lot of people praised taryn so it wouldn't surprise me if this is the same taran weaves in and out of theming and contains crazy near misses hopefully all speeds will be the same actually it did test recently most people were disappointed because i nearly valued but it was warming up eventually it will get to that same level as tearing [Music] at number six is velocicosta most people would rank this a lot higher however i feel that it isn't perfect most of the coasters ahead are either perfect or very close to it the last coaster will be intense and all but its pacing doesn't look great i honestly think it has too many turns and they look forceless but the air time inversions and drop will pay off i'm not saying it's a bad ride at all in fact it looks like one of the best roller coasters in the world however it has received way too much [Music] hype in the top five is jersey double coaster i know a lot of people that would consider this the best but i disagree it looks to have it all but i still feel like it is missing something it is a long ride with a stellar looking drop multiple airtime hills and hang time and width on its inversions this out and back coaster could use one more thing and that thing is laterals it doesn't focus on turns throughout the layout but the air time and intensity will pay off unlike stone pilot this coaster will have an original layout and the pacing will be nuts you won't have a second to breathe until the brake run and i won't be complaining one of the cushioners i do think is perfect is abyssus i think this coaster is perfect and there are still three spots ahead but the reason i do think it is perfect it's because it contains what all us enthusiasts love forceful launches steep drops use of terrain snappy inversions and powerful airtime handles from the recent tests and povs i can tell that this will have very powerful eject and it will have a lot of it and if that didn't sound good enough it has both sustained and quick pops so it is something for everyone it has everything that makes a world's best ride although it still doesn't get the attention hopefully in the future it will get the hype it deserves at number three is pantheon the reason i have this higher than a business is i think this is more than perfect the ride looks to have everything and more it has a good drop intense turns phenomenal air time and forceful launches but what makes it different from a business is it looks to do everything with more force plus the outer bank airtime help looks out of this world and the best of its kind it's pretty much everything we like about rmc and intimate combined those are two of the most people's favorite manufacturers so yeah i had to put this high on the list but don't let the hype i'm giving you take away from your ride experience and number two is iron gwasi this is almost the same deal as pantheon except it is manufactured by rmz i was honestly pulling hair trying to decide which one would take the two spot on this list but i landed on iron gwazi what i find better about this ride is it's pacing it rips through the course and doesn't slow down until the final break run the whip on the wave turn is second to none and the inversions look to almost snap your neck but in a good way but i was surprised because pantheon could be better finally at the long-awaited number one spot is condo yeah i think this will be the best roller coaster in the world i already did an analysis on that so check that out if you want to hear more but it is a very long ride filled with an insane amount of ejector airtime and the first half looks amazing especially the first hill i mean this is everything we love in a coaster but recently it has gotten more popular i mean this is everything we love in a coaster but to the next level it hasn't gotten a lot of hype but recently it has gotten more popular i think when people finally get the chance to ride it they'll see what i'm talking about there's something special about it but again don't let me hyping up a ride ruin your experience just because i said a ride was good doesn't mean you don't have to like it [Music] and if i said a ride was bad don't let that influence your thoughts try to go out there and form your own opinions don't let someone ruin your experience i would love to know what you guys think of this list and comment down below what ride looks the best to you i'd love to know and if you enjoyed this video subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to watch all of my newest videos but for sticking until the end i'll reward you with one last montage so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you

2021-02-17 21:19

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