Top 15 Places Canton Valais Switzerland – Best Attractions / Things to do [Full Travel Guide]

Top 15 Places Canton Valais Switzerland – Best Attractions / Things to do [Full Travel Guide]

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The Canton of Valais is one of  Switzerland’s most visited regions!   It’s a place full of surprises… some of the  worlds most famous attractions are in here   and yet, there is a lot more than people might  have thought about. Get to meet the many gems   in this very fascinating Canton; who knows?  Maybe this might be your next destination for   your travels. In this video, I proudly present  you the Top 15 places of the Canton of Wallis. hello everyone, welcome back to my channel  djemographic! indeed, the canton of Wallis. It's   full of beautiful places and hidden gems, just  like this one here up in Saas Fee. If you are new  

to this channel, my name is Djemo. i'm a swiss  traveler mostly posting videos about switzerland   and southeast asia. if you like this kind of  content, then you are definitely right in this   channel here and you most welcome subscribe!  before we're getting this video started,   I would like to acknowledge today's sponsor, which is  "Valais Promotion", this is the tourism office of   the canton of Valais. alright, and now let's get  started with the first place on this top 15 list:   it's the most known among all of them and  this would be Zermatt and the Gornergrat. once a small village at the upper end of the  valley, Zermatt exponentially grew in size,   making the village to one of the  places to visit in switzerland.   there are few reasons why tourists from all  over the world come flocking to zermatt:   The first would be to get a closer look at this iconic  peak called matterhorn, one of the many wonders of   the alps. the pyramid shaped tip of the mountain  makes the matterhorn stand out among the others.  

it's also one of the most photographed subjects of  switzerland and often is dubbed as the landmark   of this country. second, would be its skiing  resort, which is one of the largest in the entire   world... and then, third, would be the breathtaking  panoramas over the four thousander mountains one   can get when visiting Zermatt. when coming to  Zermatt, do not limit your visit to the village   but also consider going up a level by taking the  train to the Gornergrat. during the 40 minutes ride,  

you will experience the scenic views of zermatt  and the glorious matterhorn from various angles.   this is undoubtedly one of the most surreal train rides in switzerland. although it's common   to directly go all the way up to the terminal  station, i highly recommend first visiting the   Riffelsee at Rotenboden. here, if you're in luck, you  will get to see the reflections of the matterhorn, one of the most beautiful impressions you can get  in switzerland. make sure to come here during the   early morning, as usually by then, the Matterhorn  is quite visible and there won't be much wind.

Then, you may continue your journey to the Gornergrat to fawn over the Matterhorn and the glaciers. besides the Gornergrat, there are  a couple of more things to do:   going for the five lakes hike, an  activity with a lot of scenic views,   a ride up to the Rothorn to get a perfect  frontal view over the Matterhorn and then,   of course, exploring the village of Zermatt,  which is very charming. all in all, there are   many good reasons to come up to Zermatt and you  will be definitely having a great time up here.

the second place on this top 15 list is also  located in the upper part of the canton of Valais. This would be the Eggishorn and the  natural wonder called Aletsch glacier. first of all, the Aletsch glacier  can be seen from various places.   the most prominent viewpoint would be the  jungfraujoch. if you were a hiker and wish to   see the glacier from different perspectives,  you may want to consider traveling to "Fiesch". For 49 Swiss Franks, you can get a return ticket  to visit the Eggishorn. once you're there, feast  

yourself with the breathtaking scenery  over the glacier and the surrounding alps.   the most impressive thing about the glacier is its  length, which currently is 23 kilometers, making it   to the largest glacier of the Alps. You can also  get to see the mountains of Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau,   as well as the station at the Jungfraujoch itself!  what i can recommend in particular, is a trip up to   the Eggishorn for sunrise which costs 65 Swiss  Francs and includes an all-you-can-eat breakfast. when the weather is good, you would  swear that this is going to be an   unforgettable experience: Seeing the alps  and the glacier glowing in the golden   sunlight, accompanied by alporn music,  is a satisfying way to begin your day. another great idea is a hike from  the Eggishorn down to the Märjelensee   and then to the glacier cave further down.  when standing right in front of the glacier,  

you will have a much better  impression of how gigantic it is! the glacier can be visited during all seasons, in  particular nice can be foggy cloudy days during   autumn, or summer when the snow is gone, there'll  be nice contrast between the rocks and the ice.   all in all, it's a fantastic place  surely the Aletsch glacier ranks   among the top highlights of switzerland!  with number three we're going more urban,   and this would be the old town of  Sion with its wonderful castles. Sion might not hold the same status of world  famous Zürich or interlaken, but definitely   it's a must visit should you decide to travel to  the canton of Valais. Sion has a very charming old   town that feels very southern european and its  positive vibes are surely going to enchant you!   while you're strolling through the old  city, you'll be seeing various old houses,   narrow alleys and also plenty of restaurants.  in particular during Summer, Sion is very lively;   a very positive mood is going to be present  in this old town, which nicely adds up to the   beauty of this city. what many of you might  not know is that Sion is a very foodie place!   there are a lot of great restaurants  that serve delicious food... and do not  

forget to try the local specialties, in  particular the meat of the Eringer (Hérens) cattles.   while the old town is very enjoyable, one shall not  miss out to visit seon's landmarks the Château de Valère   and Tourbillon. Sion's two castles much contribute to  the city's unique appearance, during day and night! number four is located in lower  part of the canton of Valais, in Martigny, and this would be the  museum called "Fondation Pierre Gianadda".   this is a kind of museum that you  might never have visited before!   founded by Léornard Gianadda, he originally purchased  this land, where he intended to build his home,  but then discovered the remnants of a roman temple.   thus, he decided to erect a museum which should  become a center of culture. to honor his late  

brother Pierre Gianadda, who died at the age of  25, he decided to name the foundation after him.   the museum showcases various roman artifacts that  were found at the archaeological site. Besides, you   may also get to see plenty of paintings of  the famous artists such as Picasso, Cézanne, Matisse and Renoir. a highlight is definitely the car collection  at the basement! There, you will find many cars   that are over a hundred years old. what is  very interesting, is that you may see how   the design of the early cars has been inspired by  carriages and over time evolved into modern cars.  

believe it or not: back in the old days, there were  a couple of swiss car manufacturers, which have   produced really great masterpieces! Also, don't  forget to roam around the garden with its many   different trees and sculptures, it's really  a great spot for relaxation and inspiration...   number five is not very far from  Martigny, it's located around verbier   and this would be the Mont-Fort with  its breathtaking 360 degrees panorama!   most of you might never have heard of Mont-Fort  before, but instead some of you might be familiar   with the names Verbier or "Quatres Vallées". the latter  is one of the largest skiing resorts in the entire   world; some even name it as the best place to  ski. the Mont-Fort is the highest peak that can be   accessed within this resort. it can be reached  from Banges, Nendaz or Sivier. If you start from Bagnes, then you will have to take five cable  car rides in order to reach Mont-Fort.

the day pass costs you 49 swiss francs and  the way up takes roughly 1 hour. the cabin   ride is very enjoyable, especially the arrival up in Verbier is something that i found very special. once you have arrived up on Mont-Fort, which is on 3300 meters, you may enjoy a stunning 360 degrees   panorama over the alps! from there, you can see over  a 50 peaks: The most prominent among these would   be the Matterhorn, the landmark of switzerland,  the "Dents du Midi" and you even can see Mont Blanc, the tallest peak of the Alps. if you're on to  add some thrill, then i highly recommend you   to take the zip line down to the Col des Gentiannes.  the ride costs 45 swiss francs and you need to   purchase your ticket at the restaurant, where  you would take the last cable car up to Mont-Fort (last cabin up at 3:30 pm).

the ride is very enjoyable, it's safe and  you're going to be very properly instructed.   it's europe's highest altitude zip line  and it has a total length of 1.4 kilometers!   once you arrive, it's going to slow down on its own... thus, a very smooth and safe arrival is guaranteed!   after having been three times in this  region, i can say when you arrive at   the Col des Gentiannes, there is actually quite a  good chance that you may spot some Capricorns.   definitely that is going to  be a very enjoyable moment! should have enjoyed watching this video so  far, then i would greatly appreciate if you   could press that SUBSCRIBE button. With that you  give me a lot of support and also if you would  

activate the notification bell, then you would  always be up to date with the latest uploads.  all right! And now, let's continue with  number six. with this we're going to add   some cuteness to this video! it's  a very family friendly attraction   located in the town of Martigny and this  would be the foundation of "Barryland".

the Barry is one of switzerland's national animals.  it's this cute dog that you might have met on one   of the alpine pass roads or peaks in the canton  of Valais. The Barry or Saint Bernhardiner played   an important role in the history of swiss  alpinism. it has often been used to assist in   rescuing missions in the event of avalanches. they  traditionally carried a small barrel of rum, from which   a rescued people could drink to warm up. nowadays,  the Barries are used for different purposes  

such as pedagogics and therapy, which you can  learn more about on the upper floor in the museum.   Barryland is the place, where you can meet the  dogs and see how they are being trained and   taken care of. there are shows on the daily  base, where you can watch their abilities.   the Barries are very friendly and affectionate  dogs. although my friend and i were allowed to   enter, for visitors, usually they can only get  to see the dogs from outside the enclosure. number seven is where i'm standing right now up  here in wonderful Saas Fee! However, we're going   much higher up to 3500 meters. for that, we have  to take the metro alpan to visit the ice pavilion.

Saas Fee is what you could consider the brother  of Zermatt, as both towns got quite a lot in common.   They are typical alpine towns, there are many  beautiful traditional wooden houses that the   locals call Stadel and both villages are car-free (only local electric cars are allowed). although there might be no Matterhorn   in Saas Fee, one can spot many glaciers, which is  something one would not be able to see from Zermatt! because of this beautiful surrounding, Saas Fee is often named as the village of the glaciers.   back in the 1970s, the glaciers were even that  large that they reached down to the village itself!   nowadays, the glaciers have retreated quite a bit,  but still much of them is there and one can come   up here to go for summer skiing. for that, one would  have to go up to the Allalin, which is on 3500 meters. There are two cable cars that you will have  to take and then, for the last bit, you'll be using   the Metro Alpin, which is the highest underground  funicular of the world! and by the way: that's just   one of a couple of world records that Saas Fee is  currently holding! once arrived up on the Allalin,   you'll be having a breathtaking panorama over  the alps. there is also the world's highest altitude   rotating restaurant, very similar to the one on  the Schilthorn. The greatest highlight awaits you  

inside the Allalin glacier, where you can enter  the ice pavilion: the world's largest glacier cave!   it's a man-made cave carved into the glaciers,  which is full of wonderful sculptures. There are some alpine ghosts that you will get  to see and then, also a dragon, seahorses,   the throne of the ice queen and at the  "Glaciarium" there is even a church! among all   the ice palaces that i have visited so far  in switzerland, i found this one was the best.   another plus might be that it's less visited and  it's comparatively low in price!    The town itself is a must to explore! the roads are less  busy, which makes this town very enjoyable.   do not forget to check out the old Stadel houses  on the rock; my favorite photo spot within Saas Fee.

other things to do would be a trip up to  the Hannig or riding the Feenblitz alpine roller coaster. All in all, there are plenty  of great things to do up here in Saas Fee! with number eight we're adding some wellness  to this video... and this would be the thermal   bath of Leukerbad. Hiking, enjoying breathtaking  views or visiting museums... but sometimes some  

retreat is also needed, to ensure your holiday  is going to refuel yourself with some energy!   a great activity for this purpose would be  a visit to the thermal baths in Leukerbad. there are in total 30 thermal bars up in Leukerbad. The most known would be the Leukerbad Therme. It was built in the 1970s and has been  attracting many visitors since. there are in total   10 bassins, most of them outside, and due to its size,  the thermal bath is the largest one in the alps.  

the water in the pools has a temperature  of roughly 35 to 36 degrees celsius,   just perfect for relaxation! you may enjoy your  time at the various whirlpools, waterfalls or   going more wild by trying out the various slides. for  those who prefer sauna or other spout treatments,   the Leukerbad Therme offers more than only bathing activities. Number nine is what i consider a true   hidden gem of the canton of Valais... and this  would be the wonderful lake of Champex-Lac! The wonderful town called Champex-Lac charms with its  lake embedded into this breathtaking environment.   canada meets switzerland! This is probably the  first impression you might get, when reaching this place. Te town can be visited all year. The locals  say the impression is unique during every season.  

there is quite a lot going on up here  during summer: You may rent a pedalo or   rowing boat to tour on the lake, which is  surely great activity! during sunny weather,   if the water is warm enough, you  may also consider going for a swim!   surely it's very nice to take a walk around the  lake... there will be many beautiful photo spots.   with the many pine trees in the background,  this lake definitely feels very unique! number 10 is europe's tallest  dam called Grande Dixence; it's quite an adventurous attraction...  and... don't forget to try the zipline! the dam is located in the Val d'Hérémence, a side valley  of the Val d'Hérens. From sion it will take you around   45 minutes to drive up there. the moment you  arrive at the very bottom, you will feel how   magnificent this dam is. it has a total height of  285 meters, which makes it to the tallest barrage   outside of Asia. in order to reach the top, you may  either take this cabin right for 5 swiss francs  

or you may hike up, which will take around 15 to  20 minutes. once you have arrived at the top, you   will get to see the Lac de Dix, which has a maximum  volume of 400 billion liters! what is important to   know is that depending on the season at which  you visit this place, the water level might vary. while to many of you walking along the dam might  be of sufficient thrill, some might prefer to seek for more! There is this awesome zip line right in  front of the dam, with a total length of 700 meters.

for 25 swiss francs, you may enjoy this thrilling  ride and slide along them back to the other side.   no worries, you'll be properly instructed and  the ride itself is very safe; myself saying   this who is afraid of heights. just make sure  to break down once you arrive at the other side!  when completing your visit, i highly  recommend you to take the trail down   and then enter the museum at the  bottom station of the cable car.   in there, you can learn a lot about the history  of this gigantic project of swiss hydropower.   spoiler alert! the current dam is not the  first one that has been erected at this site.   number 11 is another natural wonder of the  canton of Valais. It's located in Saint-Léonard

near Sion, and this would be the Lac Souterrain or in english called underground lake.   the Lac Souterrainis peculiar and fascinating at the  same time! you'll be exploring the lake on a boat,   which will take you from one end to the other  and then again back to the point of embarkation.   during the cruise, the tour guide will be  explaining you the various facts about this lake...   and in particular the history about its origin.  the lake is 300 meters long, 20 meters wide   and 10 meters deep and thus the largest natural  underground lake in europe. in the past, the water  

used to nearly reach the ceiling. However, an  earthquake in 1946 changed the water level   dramatically, leading to a substantial decrease.  This is what enabled the lake to be turned into   a tourist attraction. There are three sorts of  rocks present in this cave: Slate, marble and gypsum.   the water enters through the ceiling by slowly  eroding the gypsum, while marble and slate are   not permeable and keep the water from draining.  the cave furthermore provides brilliant acoustics.   thus, concerts are being held here on a yearly  base. number 12 is another very thrilling  

attraction here in the canton of Valais. This  would be the Verticalp and the dam of Emosson! this is the attraction that i thought is  going to be the least interesting on this list   and eventually happened to be one of the  most beautiful surprises! already when having   nearly reached the top, i sensed that this whole  environment is in fact very special. i eventually   happened to be lost in one of the most beautiful  alpine panoramas in switzerland. up at Emosson, you  

will get a perfect view over Mont Blanc, which is  as mentioned before, the tallest peak of the Alps.   the dam itself is built in a very similar way as  its more famous brother in the Verzasca Valley.   i believe each place is special in its own  way. while the one at the Verzasca charms   with its warm temperatures, james bond fame and  bungee jumping, the one at Emosson hosts the   steepest funicular of the world and it also  provides a great view over the snow mountains.   you can either arrive by traveling up here by  car or bus... or you choose to enter the Verticalp

funicular at Châtelard and enjoy a very scenic train  ride. the whole trip will take roughly 30 to 40 minutes and surely will be unforgettable!  thus, i suggest you to go for the latter. number 13 is a rather quiet place  in fact the canton of wallis is very   well known for its many water  irrigation systems called "Bisses" or in german "Suonen" and this one  here would be the Bisse de Clavau. many of you might be familiar with the  more famous Lavaux in the canton of Vaud, however, the canton of Valais also  hosts kilometer long wine terraces.  

due to the dry weather, the people of  Valais have built large water irrigation   systems, to ensure that their vineyards or other  plantations are going to have sufficient supply.   one of them is the Bisse de Clavau, which lays  between Sion and Saint-Léonard. in modern days, there   are various hiking trails that lead you along  the bisses. Some of them are quite difficult... but for beginners, the Bisse de Clavau is perfect to  start with. It leads you through the vineyards and   you're going to have a fantastic view over the  town of Sion. When hiking along the Bisse, you  

soon will see it's quite an old one it dates back  to 1450 and still is in use today. while the Bisse itself may look not as fancy as some other ones,  it lays in one of Vlais most beautiful landscapes number fourteen is a historic place located   in the town of Bris, and this  would be the Stockalperschloss. this is a castle that quite differs from  the ones that are typical for switzerland.   the inner yard charms with its many arcades,  which are very unique and much contribute   to the beauty of this palace. very prominent are  also the three towers that have these onion domes.  

their names are Melchior, balthazar and Caspar,  which is an allusion to the three biblical kings.   in front of the castle is a very charming garden  that is a great place for a picnic. also while   being at the Stockalperschloss, don't forget  to explore the center of the old town of Brig. and now, the last one on this top 15 list of the  best attractions here in the canton of Valais.

it's in fact a very historic one and this  would be the Furka steam railway train.   this last attraction on this top 15  list allows you to travel back in time:   the good old days, where trains  were operating with steam.   this historic railway line was built to connect  the town of Brig to Disentis and later in   1930 even became part of the famous Glacier Express to connect zermatt and Sankt-Moritz.

the completion of the Furka base tunnel in  1982 has put an end to his train line, as   the track then became redundant. However, many  people recognized the historic significance   of this track and tried to revive it. thus it  was renovated and eventually reopened in 2010.   nowadays, it's one of the best nostalgic tourist  attractions in switzerland. the ride can either be   started in Oberwald or Realp. It takes roughly  3 hours and costs 75 swiss francs, one way.  

important to know: the train only  operates from mid-june to early october   and you need to book your ride online. For that,  please check the link in the video descriptions   the entire ride is very scenic: there are  a few stops, where people can go in and out,   and surely do not forget to  take a look at the locomotive! we've reached the end of this video, i hope you've  enjoyed watching it. if you did, please give this   video a LIKE, leave a comment, share it to your  friends... that would be really awesome! also if you're  

new to this channel, then you're most welcome  subscribe, i really appreciate that and well...   then i would also like to take the opportunity to  once again thank my sponsor Valais Promotion, which   is the tourism office of the canton of Valais. Without them, it would not have been possible   to produce this video. In fact, it's the longest  episode ever made since i joined YouTube. Well, all in all, i'm just really proud to have presented  you this video; i've really put a lot of efforts in it and i think the results not bad. if you liked it,  please give this video a thumbs up. With that, you   give me a lot of support. alright, so that's it from  my side, we're going to see each other very soon!

2021-09-20 01:14

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