Tobago Party Week

Tobago Party Week

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[Music] We are back in Tobago again this  week. Three friends are celebrating their   birthday and they've all chosen to celebrate  their birthdays in Tobago. So we are going to   have three birthday celebrations of three  different [Music] types. We're heading   out to the first birthday celebration and  what a glorious Sunset to start us [Music] off. one of them [Music]  well take take off glasses and you have a good side. Yeah man I done  capture everybody except Julian. [Music]   Our first birthday celebration is a small  intimate Type. The man at the head of the table,  

it is his birthday and so we've taken him  out for dinner it's El Parico restaurant   in Crown Point in Tobago. Nice small  Italian style [Music] restaurant. So   happy birthday to my friend Francis. As  I said it's three birthday celebrations,   each will be of a different type ranging from the  small and intimate to the heavy party jamming and   going to see all of [Music] it. he like  well you to hold you to hold it up high   whereever that is that's perfectly all right  W yes indeed [Music] right all right okay. Seems like our plans for sea bathing  this week are going to be derailed.  

The Met Office has issued a hazardous  Seas alert for the next four or 5 days   and advise that persons should not go in the  sea on Northward facing beaches in Trinidad   and in Tobago. So I have come to take a look  at the sea this morning where we're staying   to see is it really um long period swells with  crashing waves. Taking a little walk just a look. Appears they may be right because this  is normally a very calm ocean at this point,   so taking along walking along  to see what it looks like.

We don't seem to be too lucky with Tobago these  days. Earlier this year when we came for the   jazz festival they closed the beaches because  of the shark attack now we've come back for a week and while they haven't actually  closed the beaches they said rough Seas. There's a pool where we're staying so we  could be in the pool but um when I come   to Tobago I'm not really looking for a  pool to bathe in I want to bthe in the sea. They' said that these rough Seas   are caused by Hurricane Kirk which is moving  somewhere in the Caribbean to the north of us. Later today I'll go and um check out a few  other beaches and see what the water conditions   look like. Can't believe that for the next 4  days it's not advisable for me to go in the  

sea. Just when I brought all my snorkling gear  and want to check out my new Hero GoPro 11 and   uh but I'm not going to be foolish, not going  to tempt fate. If the water looks bad I'm not   going to be foolish and um insist on going in the  water so I'll play it by ear and see how it goes. [Music] Have some friends coming across on the  boat this morning I have to ask them,   I suspect they're going to get a rough ride. Do you have me. Yes I have you ready  ready ready for the ready for the party,   very ready for the party very much so. We love  the outfit yes check it out perfect all right.

So now we're at the next birthday party  this is a 70th birthday celebration. I agree. Big big son in the kitchen putting  away and Bunny and Bunny busy cleaning up. Who you think who you think going to  be on YouTube. Yeah of course man so big   son and husband who dutifully cooked  all the food. the dutiful husband,   beautiful, I hope you get a good reward later. Sleeping. As the evening goes on more people  arrive and everyone starts to get together  

and greet each other especially those who  haven't seen each other in a long time. [Music] This was a very Scenic spot for a party, on top of  a mountain with a wonderful view, a little tricky   to get there but once you get there you enjoy  the view and you get the party vibes. [Music] h [Music] Meet the woman of the hour, this is her party. [Music]   he [Music] As the drinks flow and the music  pounds out you know the women   have to start dancing. [Music] I'm the  party my lips I'm the party my [Music] Lipsy party [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]   in my lips time to party my lips time to party my [Music] [Applause] [Music] lips. It would be unheard of to come  to Tobago and not go to the beach,   so as a break in between the  partying we went to the beach   today. The weather was reasonable I  was therefore able to enjoy the water.

[Music] [Music] I had not planned to return to this beach  the next day, however the others in the   group said this is where they wanted to  be. So we return to Mount Irvine Beach.   No it's gone. But the two of them gone.  Was two of them but but but they gone,   at least well in the areas where I  stood they gone now. No I went they gone. all right look yeah right in the center here. Not shark man, [Music] is Big they're very  big. No no no no no it's the same thing it's  

called Devil Ray but it it's not aggressive.  You only only problem you make the mistake   and hook it, you ask in trouble cuz it will  carry you deep water but other than that no [Music] problem. but is what they I'm just I'm [Music] [Music] Just I never get tired of snorkeling  at Mount Irvin Bay and so whenever I   come to Tobago mask and fins are  always packed in the car. [Music] [Music] [Music] trunk uhhuh [Music] [Music] She says she always watching the videos all  right, so this time you have to be in the   video. You're always watching the video so  this time now you have to be in the video,   right correct, so instead of watching all the time  now she can watch herself all right okay perfect.

yeah yeah [Music] [Music] This is the sunset to end the day. Everybody  from the second birthday party has come and   we had a wonderful time on the beach this  afternoon. Had not planned to come back   here today but they all said they were coming so  we came again. Good friends, all good friends,   wonderful time reminiscing and remembering  about time gone by. Really nice [Music]  

and we have one more birthday celebration  to look forward to and that will be tomorrow   evening. Different Vibe different type of birthday celebration. As it was Robbie's birthday  I took him to breakfast and when we got to   the place I met Neil and Christine, so we  sat and had a birthday breakfast. [Music]   Some of our friends were leaving that day so  they stopped by early to wish Robbie happy   birthday before they headed off to the airport  for their flight back to Trinidad. [Music] This party was a poolside barbecue so  Crosby and I are seeing about the [Music] meat. Yeah we will I think so  well we could wash out the the see yeah [Music] [Music] he [Music] n [Music] Oh I good I I thought um I thought I a see food  on on the table. Not quite not quite all right.

[Music]   oh all right okay okay [Music] okay all right okay okay.   [Music]   Each party had a different vibe and  this one was more of a sip and chat. As our Tobago party week drew to a close we had  a beautiful view of The Moonlight on the water.   We have one more day but that we're going to spend  relaxing by another another Beach. Well the plan   was to go to the beach today and we actually  did get to the beach, but it was wet, raining,   lightning, thunder. We stayed for 2 hours but  it's not fun being on a wet Beach under a tree  

with a drop dripping on you. So eventually  we decided that's it time to pack up and   head back to where we're staying. So I'm back  where I'm staying. I was thinking of going fishing   but I'm looking up at the sky and I'm seeing  the clouds rolling in again and I'm hearing   Thunder in the distance and if there's lightning  I'm not going to be standing up over a body of   water with a rod. So it looks like it's a wet end  to our Tobago party week. I hope you enjoyed what   I brought to you and if you want to see other  activities select one of the videos that will   be appearing on your screen shortly to see other  Adventures that we had, and look out for another   video from Tobago called Bathing in the Middle  that will be released soon. Bye for now [Music]

2024-10-20 12:43

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