Throw Back Vlog Part 1 from Feb 8 2018 - Trip to Las Vegas

Throw Back Vlog Part 1 from Feb 8 2018 - Trip to Las Vegas

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What. Up - so. Right. Now I, am, all. Loaded up ready to head out to Vegas, me. And my girl Hannah picked her up yeah I'm gonna go get her right now I'm gonna go clean. My windows for my trucks they're a little dirty I really I was gonna get a car wash but I don't want to do that because driving. Through the desert you're just gonna pick up a lot of bugs anyway so I'd rather save that money for when they get back I'm, just gonna go do. My windows real quick so they look a little bit more decent. It's. A silver truck so it doesn't really show anyway who cares. All. Right guys I'll get back with you in a bit I am. The. Market. Last-minute, thank you for a trip all the goodies for our room, why, not learn enough, no. That's not all the beer I'm taking, chest. My. Girl. We gotta make one more stop I walk. For. What so maybe. Mike. Hoggard. We're. Heading to Vegas ran off hi guys i am going Raider dog along, we are doing a new bigger package that we are going to go rapper's name. And. Right through the desert. Right, there. These. Are buried over. We. Are in the city of Baker. Like. Hours away so, big. Travel time right now, we. Stopped by to go to the restroom and. Some. People cleaning it up baby. We're. Doing this. Using. Innovative right Rob three o'clock right around check-in, time so they actually were doing a really really good time. Grimmy. Not. Innocent. In. This. Yes. To what I. Have. A balcony to go outside. We're down here. Yeah. There's a balcony babe open our balcony -. Got. A view the strip, guys. Right. Now doesn't, look like much but wait. Till the lights go out the, lights go out. Something. Gets really, fancy. This. Is what our view is looking like right here guys, remember, I showed you earlier or. Check it out now this. Is a nighttime view. Las. Vegas, strip. Zoom. In a little bigger so you got to see a little. That's. The pyramid, right there, Mandalay. Bay. And, we're.

Going For the concert, tomorrow is. Right. There, see, what that. See. What that ferris wheel is that's. What we're doing tonight. We're. Gonna be going up there. When. I head over there that's where the concert is tomorrow too so that's. What we're here for guys, I'm. Also doing the rule by. This time you probably already seen a little time that I've said you don't know so it's gonna be nice all, right guys. Vamanos. So. Much. My. Lord. Look at this guy's. Yes. It's, that, big. Biggest. Ferris wheel in the world. We're. Just about to go up on it right now too. Whoo. Let's. Go baby oh. Look. At oh. My. God look at this oh my. God oh. My. God. Oh, yeah. Nothing, else. You're. On it right now. Biggest. Ferris wheel in the world. Not. Gonna believe it. I love. A stripper, now that way. Way, up up a strip. Where this view. Hey. Guys, that's. What we're staying at right. Right. We're right here on, top. Of the world. Hi. Roland. Italy. I'm. Really liking this emergency. Emergency food, to her, alcoholics. She. I can fall out through, the net that catches you right when you drop. Do. That oh this, guys are already watching me he's ready to catch me in case I fall out I gotta. Tell him. What. I do. Right. Here. It'll. Be passed. Don't. Judge me. Okay, we're, having a good time it's. Vegas. What. Happens in Vegas stays in Vegas remember. That okay I'm going back after and I'm gonna fuckin man up and. We're gonna catch is this party don't, trust me remember what I said. It's been a long night, big y'all didn't run counts anymore, what it's been a long night. It's. Been a long long, night. People. Behind us and still alot of people walking but, it's been a long night. We're. Going back to our room. Okay. My. Friend I need you to take me to tacos. Outdoors oh. Thank. You oh. I. Like this guy that's good. Ain't. Your. Very good actor my friend. Very. Very good actor, I, could. Tell already this. Is. Where we wound up guys. Late, night. Go. Somewhere. Guys. Thank. You for your service thank you for your service thank you three service. Thank. You, your. Service. Just back off now. Oh. My. God. Right. Now he's over here. Oh. It's, our onions. I'll, take the green sauce. If. You walk among everyone. Tomorrow. Night is like this night. This. Was the best night.

2020-05-11 23:54

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