This Trip Changed Everything We Know About Travel

This Trip Changed Everything We Know About Travel

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well Trinity and I got on today is expected  to be the busiest travel day and then here's   another thing we dropped the ball on we look  more different than they do have like key boox   is hidden he got sick I got sick you need money to  use the toilet we've made a ton of rookie mistakes   this trip so I'm double cheing my packing list  even though this is our RV packing list and this   is not an RV trip per se I feel like that some of  the stuff crosses over so do the kids need their   Nintendo switches no is that a no cameraman  no nope okay no switches uh sunglasses some   of these things we just can't bring passports  I've got deodorant underwear socks Chargers   does everybody have Chargers charers yep we even  got that converter got the converter this is going   to be the biggest experiences over things than  we have done yet this is excited our Christmas   gift to the kids our Christmas gift to the family  Christmas day is going to be epic and uh it's a   big undertaking so we're going to take you along  we're going to show you what it's like but we're   going to also share tips and tricks and tours  and stuff along the way CU we're going to be   learning this is our first time traveling out of  the country so we're going to show you where we're   going what we're doing it's this is going to be  an epic epic series that you don't want to miss   yes so let's do this thing so this time we are  going to get a different form of transportation   to the airport this is going to save us about  40 bucks right versus taking our own vehicle so   we're just waiting for the driver to get here y  the one thing that I do like about like just the   ride sharing apps like lift and Uber and stuff is  like you can stay really updated on the app like   even down to right with GPS you know location  did you reserve this cuz I was a little worried   like are they going to get us to the airport in  time yeah I mean that's part of the reason too   I wanted to leave earlier because I was watching  like some of the news and they were saying today   is expected to be the busiest travel day so I  don't think getting to the airport's going to   be as much of an issue as like security when  we get there could be a fiasco I don't know so   that remains to be seen but that's why we're just  plenty of time building in plenty of time so that   it's just not stressful yeah you got to have a  good planner in your family all of our bags ready   to go hi hi Uber will be here in 1 minute cool  going to back in so we can put our bags in the back teaching to go to how to play Tetris  all right Dad you're in the middle I'm in   the middle yeah you're in the middle what  45 minutes to there for yeah 45 minutes all   right the kids put me in the midle so at  least they're separated so there's going   to be no fighting [Music] [Applause] [Music]  today he's over there try to hurry up [Music] no you're go ahead what are you looking  for currency exchange so supposedly it   says terminal a hold on let me call this place  we're in terminal B we're in terminal B but   Terminal A and B are connected it's Terminal C  that's like the one that's not connected well   hopefully we can get some currency we'll  find out stay tuned so I think I think   it's where this says cxi right over here  it's the currency exchange okay we need   to go we need to go get some Europe all right  because you need money to use the toilet in Europe so if you could write down 41 us I have  do Bill count it out for you okay we got 20 40   60 80 80 90 500 how much do I get just kid and  I'm going to put those okay so I've got this   gave me my money all right so we made it through  security without any issues it was super fast like   I am very surprised they stopped quick that  was they stopped directly over my laptop this   your back sir yes it is I'm going have to hand  check it go ahead I have nothing to hide in my   bag I'm scared for my life they always stop over  every bro well no they were taking extra long and   there were two people looking at it extra long  em pocket knife we made it made it on the train barely it's like 80 should be oh right  there right there first where are we   going first here where the box of star  I want a tall skinny sugar-free Decap   soy vanilla latte extra hot  whipped cream double sleeve no [Music] [Applause] [Music] cup so what do you do what what is this Cherry you don't French you  don't want to what you don't want to say you don't   say B hold on what did you say bagot trying to  figure out how to sayag how do you say croissant   croissant croissant croissant ah fragile it must  be Italian well I think that says fragile honey oh yeah cuz I'm his mom I have well  Trinity and I got on so I don't know how   I look we look more different than they do  have like stuff on and then I I have and we   actually got on and they look we look  different than crazy funny all [Music] right Amsterdam [Music] d a few hours later time to go get the lift well it's you don't  want to use lift here from what I've been told so   this is is called Bett transfer and I found out  about it in one of the Facebook travel groups   and so hopefully all goes according to plan they  only take cash so you have to pay them cash hence   why we got the Euros at the airport in Orlando so  I'm assuming we just walk towards where it says   like transfers and I don't know I got the guy  on uh WeChat so like we'll figure it out okay uh if it is cold you can change the temperature from one thing we know we will really miss while  traveling is our mattress and why it's fun to get   out and explore nothing beats the sleep we get  when we are sleeping in our own bed with our own   pillows which are all from our friends over at rvm which thankfully is sponsoring this   video we've been loving mattresses and bedding  products from RV mattress and Brooklyn Bedding   and why we've been here in Europe we are hosting  guests at the glamer Hideway and because we want   to make sure that they are sleeping comfortably  as well we upgraded all of the beds at The glamper   Hideaway to Brooklyn Bedding mattresses now we  also recently gave our guest suite at the Hideway   a complete bedroom makeover including a new bed  platform mattresses sheets pillows all of those   items were from our friends over at Brooklyn  Bedding now you can find almost any size of   mattress for home or RV and their mattresses are  conveniently packaged in a rolled up box so it   makes it very very easy to install in an RV or at  your home everything is shipped quickly and free   from their Arizona Factory and they've added a  few new options recently like memory foam toppers   for those places where maybe it's hard to get a  mattress and their new Titan mattress for those   of larger stature RV mattress offers a generous  10year War warranty on all of their mattresses and   a 120 night sleep trial so you can make sure that  you're fully satisfied with your mattress you can   visit rvm SLG grateful to save 30%  now and check the description below we'll have   that link and all of the details and a huge thanks  to RV for sponsoring this video in   their support of our channel so what does this say  it says ENT to the driveway through the black gate   not everybody told them go to the small brown  gate towards the middle of the driveway after   the garage the key box is hidden behind the gate  accessible by leaning a little leaning a little   find it there's a key box right there wait this  is like a lock down C oh wow mhm see it's not that   hard to break I mean it is hard it is okay so we  made it we'll do a tour here in a little bit but   we are tired it's the longest travel day of my  life mhm and so like with with Paris and with   just this whole area you have to remember that  it's very old so like things are very small it's   not like our big American whatever we think so  it's a good thing that we have been living our   V life for as long as we have been because It  prepares you for times like this where you have   a lot smaller space and it's all good and we're  going to make it work yep and then uh I think   right now almost want to take a nap but then I  also am like well we need to find the nearest sh grocery store Monoprix all of the things and  it's probably better to do it before dark I don't   know I don't know maybe not either way we have  to get out our Apple Maps and yeah take a look   at what's in this specific area and then oh I  forgot to tell you I did look it up tomorrow is   the loop okay so you'll have to uh figure out  the whole subway system app tonight all right   sounds good while I downloaded it and set up  an account so give you a tour tomorrow [Music] yep what is that thing called I forgot it looks  amazing it's just like chocolate something I   don't know chocolatey goodness it's good  all right well let me know what you think   of it what' you get Saint-Tropez well they had a  different name for it but this is St. Trapez this   is what I used to get when I was a nanny at La  Madeleine in Dallas which La Madeleine is a very   like authentic like French Bakery Cafe that is in  Dallas all right but that's that's what that is this morning Dakota's not feeling very good he  got sick I got sick well you say you got sick   you guys aren't feeling got sniffles yeah and uh  charity went over to the pharmacy this morning   it's Sunday it's Sunday and it's like Chick-fil-A  in the US they're not open on Sundays they're not   open on Sundays so I'm looking is that say Monday  through Friday 8:30 to 8 I really hope that okay   tomorrow's Christmas Eve Eve I'm like still  trying to figure out what day of the week is   like flying overnight and losing a day and then  being 6 hours ahead and everything's got my head   messed up majorly when it comes to like what day  is it and what time is it and then the other thing   here and it's similar to the US right but like  Christmas like we know that A lot's not going   to be open on Christmas which is why we scheduled  to do Disney on Christmas Day because we wanted   to like then not run into a thing like well we  don't have a restaurant to eat at or something   like that on Christmas day so that being said  but okay so what's a plan for today uh we have   tickets to the L tonight I shall add the louvre  to my art collection so we are going to go explore   the louvre and then she the Mona Lisa yes and  then um I booked with an English-speaking guide   so that we'll have somebody that speaks English  but the other thing too that we've learned just   in all of our research with the loop it's so  huge that that's one of the places where if   you don't have just days and days on end to just  go and peruse and Muse around getting a guide is   probably a better way or like or going with like a  group tour because they can take you to the places   like get give you the highlights because it's  such a big place so that way we can make use   of our time the tour is supposed to just last a  couple of hours and then uh we'll see my biggest   concern is with Dakota not firing on all cylinders  how far that we're going to get today oh and then   here's another thing we dropped the ball on eims  don't let you make phone call anyway this is a   whole another thing it's it's a learning curve  this isar good thing I have a Google Voice so   we can actually make some calls out if we needed  to through my Google and I can forward my number   to my Google Voice too actually I facetimed my  friends last night yeah if they have an apple   apple to Apple Works through you know let's say we  needed to make a phone call to the doctor or to an   emergency number we have to go find find somebody  to use our phone or something yeah like that's a   a big problem so we should have before we came  gotten at least an international plan on one of   our phones 10 bucks a day on Verizon and we tried  to get it while we were here but then you have to   verify via phone and then you can't get a phone  call anyway so it turned into to be a big mess   yeah I don't know unless there's like a Verizon  store so lesson learned get an international   plan before you travel internationally  before you leave the US I have way to do all right we made it onto the train now to the L  next time we'll go talk to the person right well   we had a very nice local help us out yeah yep they  are super nice so we're grateful to have them come   in help us or else we wouldn't be we wouldn't  be here right now if it wasn't for yeah they're   understanding helpful people we are here and we  need to go to here so we have two more stops to go [Music] we at the Loop and it's raining out oh it's  so wet wow beautiful look at that   all right kiddos we made it to the  2 pm tour despite what other people   were saying I know just in the nick of  time what time is it now it is40 146 [Music]   this is the oldest part of the lube this is  on the outside of the tower this is basically   where they built a fortress to protect against  England and entrance to Paris there's the cross   so the Masons would Mark these with a cross  or a heart and basically that's how they   got paid and that's how they knew what group  of Masons built each of these bricks oldest   preserved Sphinx the Lou located in Paris France  is the world's largest Art Museum and a Historic   Landmark originally a medieval Fortress and a  Royal Palace it now houses over 38,000 works   of art including iconic masterpieces like  the Mona Lisa this is that most important room it is zoom land and Venus Deo Milo the overwhelming  feeling you get when walking from room   to room in the Lou is hard to describe  with words or capture fully on camera   the Magnificent Palace took over 800  years to build and was the result of   multiple construction campaigns by over  13 Kings created by Leonardo D Vinci [Music] [Music]   all right so what were your thoughts of  this today no this did not disappoint   like this is a must seat now it's huge the tour  in English oh my gosh if we hadn't done that we   would have just been wandering around lost it  was really really good it was shorter so it's   was like you know an hour and a half 2 hours  so it's good because then they just let you   go do your own thing after that but it gives  you the highlights like you know the mustsee   stuff and then you can go figure it out from  there so highly would recommend that I will put   a link below how I reserved hours just for info  what you think TR [Music] yeah hey Mom Mom Mom m you would not believe how stuffy it is in [Music]  there okay guys I found the perfect Cafe for us   I spent about 5 minutes doing research looking  wow a whole five minutes that's minut a lot of   effort but you know what it's called how far is  it not far viewers watch it be a 30 minute Vlog   no directions it ising walking okay 10minute walk  okay and what is it called it's called happy Cafe   yes you cannot go wrong with that but did you  look up the menu yeah look at the pictures okay   well about Pi so if we walk our way over there we  can go get some Happy food at the happy Cafe all   right let's go get some Happy Food it says close  at 10:30 p.m. perfect and has 4.8 Stars ready go   going down the stairs all right guys welcome  to the Happy C no no no oh no well no there's   not actually food well you have to sit outside  well that didn't work out too well that was very   touristy I mean we're over by like a casimi CMI  type of place where there's you know marle rounds   and rides and that was our first cue of not going  to this happy Cafe so we're going to find another   happy Cafe hopefully it's a lot happier than that  one so we're walking to a different place that is   going to be safe and apparently it's a chain  and the chain I like the gray here in Paris is   supposed to have better quality food so we'll see  1 minute there's a cafe over there one minute one   minute all right one minute that way all right  all right hey can I show you and hopefully it's   better than this other we have a plan B hey  you know sometimes you got to have a backup   we're hungry we want to get Dakota back [Music]  all right we found a spot nice job this is the [Music] seats so that wasn't the happy Cafe but I  think it was better than the happy Cafe it   was but it probably was not as cheap so we're  still trying to figure out I think the big   thing and we actually learned this from another  video but it was just one of those things where   we were all hungry we have a lot of time  yeah the closer you are to the major tour   attraction right we stumbled across  this Cafe that they packed him in so   you knew it was good it was good and it  was good it is definitely worth it so now   to navigate back to the metro and then for  the [Music] night pides all right let's go [Applause]   hold on do you want to rece no none none [Music] stop go [Music] ahead all right thank you  [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I happen stance found a Christmas Market  right across the street from the Eiffel Tower   and we've got time for a change we're not  pressed for time so we going go check that   out and then come back for our little  elevator ride all right going up to the [Music] top yeah that's cool don't take5  [Music] wow look at that look really good [Music] look at that all the different kinds of chees thank you Mercy Mercy oh my goodness smell   it oh my I can't smell it I  can't smell anything [Music] so we're at the top top top as high as you can go   as high as you can go it's a  long ways up there very long way what do you think Trinity [Music] I promised you a tour and I'm going to  give you a tour so this is our Airbnb   here in Saint-Ouen which is really looks like  St Owen or o uen in English but uh we've been   hearing it on the subway and everything  then they pronounce it San so there you go come on in when you walk in actually up the  first set of steps this is just kind of like your   whole entire living area so Dakota's actually been  sleeping here but this would be like a sleeping   space slash couch which is not much different than  the day beds that we have in the RV so that works   this is your eating slash sitting space right here  and then we have the kitchen so we have all of the   Comforts of home we have a microwave this this is  a separate freezer dishwasher refrigerator oven   stove top so our wonderful Airbnb hosts have  thought about everything we need so we've got   pots and pans and dishes and things got our cups  over here some of it's in the dishwasher clean at   the moment you know funny thing about this like  European dishwasher so when it's done it actually   like pops the door open automatically to like let  the air dry the dishes to to I was sleeping out   here and it like freaked him out one night cuz  it just came open out automatically he thought   that was funny here's the deal this is basically  like a three Lev flat so this is like your main   floor with your living area I'm going to show  you the downstairs and then we'll go upstairs   so basically we've got like two I guess bedrooms  if you will one up one down and then two baths   same thing one up one down so let's go downstairs  [Music] little stairs I guess I don't know if you   could really even call this a bedroom it's just  an area that is kind of separated but you have a   single bed here Dakota did try this when we first  got here he didn't feel like it was as comfortable   as the bed upstairs so he's been sleeping upstairs  we've just been using this to throw stuff on and   then I put my clothes out of my suitcase here  cuz the one thing again we're finding with like   Europe in general you don't have a lot of space  so like I don't have any floor space to like   set my suitcase out and open things up so put my  clothes over there and then in here is one of the   two bathrooms we've got this bathroom in here  shower here there's a washer but not a washer   dryer unit looks like a RV washing machine now  this is my guess maybe one of you guys out there   is really smart and you know and you can let me  know in the comments but my guess is is because   like the dryers need to be vented and since this  is like on a lower level anyway maybe there's   like it applications with trying to vent things  like a washer dryer combo so it's just a washer   that's it and then we have to hang everything  to dry but this little thing here this is like   a heated drying rack and it's really nice you put  your towel on it favorite when you get out of the   shower it's nice and cozy or your towel before  before you get in the shower then you get out of   the shower and you have a nice warm towel but you  can also use this to just dry your clothes as well   as the rack that I'll I'll show you over there  but man in the US if you were in a cold climate   this would be an amazing thing to have oh one more  thing I wanted to show you is this little feature   the small one is for number one big one for number  two small messes big messes so the other spot that   they have to just like hang clothes but I've been  using this also to like dry clothes so hang stuff   up here there's like a heat register here and then  there is this fan over here so I just turn the fan   on hang up the stuff to dry the heat register kind  of helps and like I've washed our sweatshirts our   jeans like heavy stuff and it's usually all dry  by morning so um not having a dryer has really not   been that much of an inconvenience per se there  are also laundromats so there's a laundromat   almost just across the street from where this  little uh it's like we're in a little Alleyway   exits onto the main street so you could always  go over there if you wanted to like do laundry   that way but I just do like a load a day here  and and we've been keeping up just fine so in   here now when we first got here Ben and I took  the upstairs bedroom just cuz we figured okay   we'll put one kiddo in here one on that side let  the kids have the lower level Trinity was having   a hard time because this bedroom so you've got  these really interesting like screen things that   come down so obviously you don't want this open at  night and these are just like Cher curtains and so   when you put this down it makes it Pitch Black  in here and it was just too dark for her that   way so um she was having trouble sleeping Ben and  I were having trouble sleeping upstairs cuz I'll   show you in a minute how light it is up there so  we just flip-flopped after that first night took   this bedroom which has worked great by the way  and again the Airbnb host have fans in every room   which totally helps with white noise now here's  one thing double bed obviously you can't oh look   at the kitty there's Kitty visitors you know what  how to say cat in French oh not I don't know shot   what c h a t shot shot H interesting yes I saw  a magazine today down at the monoprix that was   like the shot was funny but yes we've been seeing  some cats too any so here's our view look at our   wonderful view of the brick wall this is like part  for the course now here's one thing I do want to   say we kind of like stumbled on this by accident  and I'm glad that we did it this way because we   are not really imp Paris proper we're more like  in a suburb here in St Owen and because of that   there are really not very many tourists here so we  are really immersed in the local culture we have   found a few people that speak some broken English  in the stores Google translate has been my best   friend but we would have a completely different  experience if we were saying in Paris proper and   we've been taking the metro back and forth now  here's the beautiful thing too like when we go   into Paris it's so busy and crowded which is fine  as part of the the culture and the life and then   you come back here and it's it's quiet and it's  less crowded and it just is like more peaceful   so I'm really really glad that we ended up doing  it this way and staying on the outskirts of the   major city versus like in the city itself and with  the Metro you could get any anywhere that you need   to go so let's go show you the upstairs now all  right guys why don't we go check out upstairs   for Trinity s room it's clean I promise okay  let's see come on up it's fairly clean it is   clean it looks like a girls room it smells like  a girls room too you know what I just noticed too   there's like a skylight thing here so if you  wanted to figure out how that works you could   yeah right here you can get up there and have a  romantic glass of go out on the roof I'm saying   I think it's like a skylight got it that you can  open up to have more light so double bed up here   she's got her suitcase on the floor here I can  come around it yeah everything's a lot tighter   here's the thing there is not a lot of space  to move around it's kind of like RV life like   seriously I don't know how she's doing it it's  easy like I'm going to have to crawl here hold on M parkour parkour and then you've got your  bathroom in here so this shower in this bathroom   is smaller than our RV shower so definitely  tight quarters in here you have your toilet   is they say here in France if you need to use the  bathroom or you need to find a bathroom you ask   the toilet and little sink thing over here  now here's a little mistake that we made   and here's a tip if you're going to travel  internationally I brought one converter not   enough we definitely needed more I a converter  was expecting I'll tell you in a minute I was   expecting USB right Universal USB no so you have  it's a whole different electrical system over in   Europe and then it's different in the UK it's  different in a lot of countries so I will put a   link below for the converter that I got on Amazon  cuz it works in four different countries so that   way when we go over to the UK next week we can  use it over there as well but I should have got   at least two I did find just a USB only one at the  monoprix so I did pick that up to at least be able   to charge like phones and our Apple watches  and things like that but that was definitely   a mistake on my part a rookie mistake we've made  a ton of rookie mistakes this trip a crap ton so   I feel like we will need another Europe trip at  some point because now I feel like we've learned   some things and we be better at it the next time  around anyway there you go there you go that is   the place doesn't take very long to give you  the tour because it's not that big anyway it's   time to jump on the Metro and we are going to  head down actually into Paris proper for some   more Adventures come along all right so we got a  little girl day going on cuz Dad and Dakota are sick oh my gosh that's so cute  okay we are at one of the top   things to see in Paris and that Isis France not Texas so we've been in line for how long an  hour and a half no two hours so Charities on   the other side cuz her phone didn't work  she set us up but she can't get across

2025-01-09 23:10

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