This is WHY we love Vietnam! First Day Back in Hanoi

This is WHY we love Vietnam! First Day Back in Hanoi

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welcome to Vietnam Vietnam woo a country  that holds irresistible charm the world's   most friendliest people an absolutely  mouthwatering Cuisine and a country that   I probably think is the easiest to live in  why it's got some of the most delicious food   absolutely incredible and cheap coffee and we're  going to be showing you around starting right   here in Hanoi we going to see some unbelievable  Landscapes really amazing tradition and culture and it's all starting right now welcome to  Vietnam we have just spent a week exploring   Hong Kong we went to Hong Kong Disneyland and  then we went to Macau before flying directly   to Hanoi Vietnam what a country what a place we  did so much in our first time here in Vietnam   we started in Ho Chi Minh city where we did  a bike food tour taking a first class 20-hour   train ride from Da Nang to Hanoi and then we  got onto a boat in Ha Long Bay and there is   absolutely no doubt in my mind that season 2  is going to be a whirlwind and I can't believe   we're back and it's loud I forgot how loud it  is here in Hanoi why do you love it so much?   what's the big deal? well have you tried  the Pho have you tried the egg coffee my goodness hello hello people  go like around and come back uh no no around just  five minutes 10 minutes it's okay how much for 10 minutes 200 200 200,000 wow expensive how about 100,000 50 50 10 minutes 1550 150 for for 10 minutes 10  minutes okay okay okay okay 150 okay where are   you going? hello we going around uh what's your  name Tum Tum nice to meet you Shev nice to meet   you thank you and good morning from Hanoi Vietnam  we are starting the day off in the old quarter of   Hanoi and we've just met our amazing driver of a  Rick Shaw named Tum nice to meet you we were here   about 16 months ago ever since we left all we've  wanted to do is come back so let's go on a rick   Shore the last time we were in a rick shaw was in  India so this feels like a bit of nostalgia and it   feels special to be back thank you Vietnam Vietnam  baby hello I feel like a celebrity yeah you feel   really special when you're on one of these yeah  like you're riding on a red carpet somewhere yes   hello hello everybody watches you go by this is  amazing oh I'm so happy about it previously we   went from South to the north seeing and eating  everything in between and this time it's going   to be a little bit different we're going to see  and do probably a bucket list crazy adventure   we've always been wanting to do so stay tuned for  that but we'll let you know what that is a little   bit later right now it's all about exploring the  streets of Hanoi and what I love about Hanoi is   it's busy it's loud you got all the bikes honking  but it's organized chaos there's no traffic lights   because everyone just drives I love it Tum is  enjoying he's having the time he's having as much   fun as we are I wonder what it would look like  from his perspective yes should I should I should   you should I um can I drive? I drive really you  said here is that is that okay then you said yeah   you can have a rest what about down here down here  that sounds so good I did this in India wow very   good give the rick shaw driver a rest you sit here  you have a rest okay I'll film you you film me don't you just hate being constantly monitored and  having your online activity tracked that's why we   want to thank surfshark for sponsoring this video  we've been using surfshark VPN for over 2 years   now and if you don't know what a VPN is it stands  for virtual private Network encrypting all of our   information sent between between our devices and  the internet so no one can steal your sensitive   data since we're always connecting to public  Wi-Fi like on the streets or in cafes or hotels   we're always at risk of being hacked but our VPN  acts as a mask protecting our data but it's more   than just security we use our VPN to access our  favorite shows on Netflix from back home that we   don't get access to here in Asia it's so easy  to change your virtual location and get access   to unlimited content libraries plus surfShark is  the only VPN to offer one account for unlimited   devices and if you use our code Shev and dev you  can get an exclusive surfshark deal plus an extra   3 months for free and there's a 30-day money back  guarantee so there's no risk in trying it out so   get surfshark Now by clicking the link below oh  he's turning around for you turning around okay   I need to do my stretches every time I see a rick  shaw now this is what I do oh this is the brake   okay yes brake oh that's quite clever that's  quite easy hey oh this is a oh this way this   way oh oh oh oh ah okay he's teaching me there  you go oh this one's okay so this is the break   ah ah to stop stop okay good okay we come sit here  together Tum and I are going to sit together yeah   you said Tum I will go slowly straight yeah just  down the road what do you think sounds good this   is perfect what a day we're having this is really  hard is it really? okay here we go we on the Rick   shaw with some Hello Shev and Dev's Rick shaw  adventures how is it to drive? it's really hard   you've got to be really strong you're strong  Tum wow very strong this has started off way   better than I expected Tum is having the best  time wow this this is really tough you said go   to the left go to the left this is really tough  but I'm doing well I'm doing well I'm having so   much fun Vietnam woo Vietnam yeah you're doing a  good job is he good is he a good driver? ah he's   a good driver yes I think go around the corner  he's giving me directions yeah he is this is one   way to experience Hanoi a bus behind me oh there  we go go to the side okay on the side right that   was awesome well done okay then wait let me  use The Brake here we go wow well done thank   you so much Tum thank you I will sit here what  an experience did you have a good time we take   a picture together yes take a picture hey keep  going keep going keep going okay what an epic   adventure we're having what a day you're having  back in the Rick Shaw back in the Rick Shaw it   feels strange to be on this side of the Rick Shaw  now I'm I'm so used to driving you did very well   and you dodged some cars and some traffic that  must have been nerve-wracking I can't believe   Tum let me do that this is our view as we ride  the rick shaw absolutely beautiful streets of   Hanoi lots of bikes everywhere that's the  Vietnamese way we got the beautiful trees   and in the French Colonial architecture everywhere  I'm so happy to be here I'm so happy to be back   woo Tum is happy I love Tum so much Vietnam  Vietnam we have never done this before like   seeing Vietnam in a rick shaw and from Tum's  perspective was just insane I mean you're just   seeing so much of an Ambience wow look at this  what I love about Hanoi and most of the Cities   throughout Vietnam is there's always something  to see you don't even know where to look there's   so much there's an energy in Vietnam there is  a certain energy it's got like an irresistible   charm but we're just going straight into  the traffic everybody just moves out the   way it's incredible it just flows so seamlessly  there's some other rick shaw buddies Rick shaw friends and there's just shops selling all kinds  of things all along here the streets in Hanoi are   so narrow and the shops come all the way up to  the road you just have to be in the road right   going into like some oncoming traffic right here  I think this might be a one way but we're going   the wrong way oh we're turning left oh oh as long  as Tum knows where we're going then it's okay it's   okay I trust him I'm happy with that I trust him  what a first day we are having this is our stop   we did a quick Loop just to see the streets 150  ah here is two here's 250 you can have it thank   you thank you so much come in thank you bye bye  bye bye have a good day bye bye Tum market this   way okay okay thank you bye bye bye bye what  a guy what an absolute Legend and so kind to   take us on a little tour of the street he was a  legend he laughed the whole time and that is why   I love being here what a start to the day time  to cross the street one of my favorite things to do he don't get run over so let's kick off the season 2 Adventure  starting right where we left off with a coffee   if you know us we love coffee but not any  coffee the original egg coffee and we have   made it to Cafe Giang which as you can see is  since 1946 this is the original egg coffee we   have to go down this little tiny Alleyway  so normally you have the best surprises if   you have to go through an Alleyway like  this it's going to be worth it [Music] can we have the egg coffee one hot one ice thank  you okay back to the land of tiny stools we just   received our menu from Cafe Giang Dev looks so  funny on these tiny chairs he's honestly got like   his knees up to his chest there are so many people  here and they've all come for one thing which   is the original egg coffee which was invented  by Mr Giang hence the name Cafe Giang in 1946   and most people surprisingly don't know this that  Vietnam was actually a French colony and there was   a massive milk shortage here so so Mr Giang was  very Innovative and he actually substituted the   milk for egg yolks and he whipped it up and it's  now creating a curious yet harmonious combination   and it's been popular ever since we've actually  now got our ice coffee and we've got our hot egg   coffee and they actually fill it with hot water  to keep the egg coffee warm genius and it's so   cute because it's actually mixed with a robuster  coffee with I think pretty much the egg yolks on   top and a little bit of condense milk as far as I  know so we're going to see which one is better the   hot or the ice and they both cost 35,000 dong each  look how much egg foam is here versus the little   robusta coffee at the bottom no way look how thick  and creamy it is I'm very curious to know if this   is going to be stronger or if it's going to be  very sweet wow this one is very creamy and it   actually doesn't smell very eggy I feel like a  lot of people would be put off if they thought   it was very very eggy it does look yolky but it  doesn't taste yolky you've got an egg moustache   is it gone? you're good are you lying to me?  no you're good have you ever asked your partner   if you have something on your face and they say  no but you really do this is one of those times   I feel like you got to mix it because at the  top it's very very sweet that's exactly what I   thought it would be like it tastes like a mering  and then you've got the strong robusta coffee at   the bottom I love this I wonder how the ice one is  going to taste you're in the little corner I love   it here baby chairs baby cup feel like a giant  you literally look like a giant with this tiny   cup this is bringing back so many memories of the  first time we had an egg coffee here in Hanoi at   the train Street where we had the train go right  by us but to come back and have the original one   feels quite special now for the ice verdict it's  so thick that when you're stirring it nothing's   happening is this this is the one really this is  the one get the ice better than the hot one this   is just refreshing like it's sweet but not too  sweet oh this is delicious this is the one my girl you're right you're right this is the  one it's so foamy it's so strange actually   kind of like melted ice cream like drinking  melted ice cream that's kind of what it's like after trying an egg coffee which was really  special we worked up an appetite and we wanted   to come here to eat something very special.  previously when we were here in Vietnam we   ate Pho a lot which originates here in Hanoi but  we're going to try something a little different   this time hello can I have have two do  you want to sit outside thank you this   is why I'm happy to be back in Vietnam the  baby plastic chairs plastic so big for the chairs thank you I am so happy to have this bowl  of amazing Bún bò Huế in front of me even though   we are in Hanoi Bún bò Huế actually originates in  Huế province which is in central Vietnam and funny   enough Pho which we all love know I mean I love  Pho forever and a lot of people say that the Pho   is very similar to like a one pot beef that they  have in in France I don't know if that's true you   can fact check me on that the Bún bò Huế has very  different texture style noodles it's more like   round spaghetti looking rice noodles whereas the  Pho is more thin and flat and you've got loads of   cuts of beef in here you've got meat balls thinner  slices of beef and then you've got the greens   which is like coriander some chives and all sorts  of other Greenery in here with a lovely hearty   broth this is one of my favorite dishes here in  Vietnam and I am so excited because it doesn't go   without this red Dynamite this is the PowerHouse  potion right here you will have Pho no doubt but   you might miss out on the Bún bò Huế but don't  because it is so so delicious do you think this is   too much you got to make it spicy you got to make  it spicy if it is not piping hot red I don't want   it right so I'm going to add some of this but I'm  also going to add some of this darker more drier   chili oil it looks super dangerous but I actually  think that it gives it more of a vibrant red color   instead of a spiciness it's going to become the  super extreme red color this is without all the   chili and then that's with the chili just to  give you an idea of this is the color it needs   to be yes my mine looks so much better and what  I love about this place is Bún bò Huế is the only   dish that they serve so you saw when I arrived I  just said to we'll have two they don't have a menu   there's no menu you don't order anything else  and you've got all the condiments here so we've   even got some spring onion here some Sprouts we  got some Sprouts we' got all the different chili   sauces we got some garlic we've got some lime we  got chili and the Vietnamese food you can change   the taste to your liking so you can make it more  spicy more sweet more garlicky so we can make get   exactly how we like we like it spicy we like it  spicy how can you not you got to you got to have   it spicy and I saw when she was making it just how  much broth she is pouring into the bowl she just   keeps pouring and pouring with this giant Ladle  and speaking of broth I think it's about time we   do a broth test it is fire it is hot you know when  you've got a really sore throat and you have like   your mom's homemade like chicken soup but this is  like 500 times better did you just say 500 times   better than your mom's soup not my mom's soup I  was about to say I'm not sure what your mom will   think about that my mom's chicken soup is fire  okay and I think she would love this my mom's   chicken soup is the best hands down but I'm saying  if you're away from home and you miss your mom and   your mom's chicken soup this is a good alternative  okay I'm now going to taste the noodles with a   little bit of meat and then maybe Chase it with a  bit of soup after I could live here and eat this   every day and the meat is so thinly sliced and  yet so tender full of flavor this is a vibrant   dish I would not miss this if I were you plus  it's piping hot so while you're eating your   dish stays hot the entire time so you can take  a break you can drink some water because it's spicy thank you thank you bye bye bye  bye I'm absolutely Stuffed so I think   we need to take a very nice long  walk hopefully find some coconut   coffee on the way hello hello oh  you want to park here oh sorry sorry how cool is this vinfast taxi it's so cool  vibrant and blue well actually the last time we   were here we didn't see those vinfast taxis they  are the first and only electric taxi system here   in Vietnam and actually founded in Hanoi which is  so cool because right behind me is the craziest   intersection ever you got buses you got Vans  you got motorbikes you got these vinfast taxis   plus you get vinfast little scooters as well so  you're just seeing everything all in one go it's   honestly like sensory overload Vietnam is like  so visually satisfying there's so much to look at   all the time so now it's about mid-afternoon and  you can see how much traffic there is it's just   getting busier and busier okay it's now or never  to cross this road okay okay here we go let's go okay bye hello we did it oh that's  like my favorite activity it's just   like a fun adventure when you're  here in Vietnam just crossing the   road you just want to go back and  forth just go just walk I love it uh no it's okay thank you so much no thank you  no thank you he's selling coins is he selling   coins selling coins like collectible coins no way  that's pretty cool cuz Vietnam currency doesn't   have any coins yeah so think it's like the old  coins that they used to have that's crazy what   a what an item to sell on the streets of Hanoi  hello it's delicious? it's good? okay can I have   one wow oh that's a lot okay that's okay that's  okay oh my gosh oh no no no no no it's too many   so it looks like a crispy ball it's a dessert  treat this one looks like it's got some cream   on top this one's got seeds and this one's been  dipped in something and then there's the stick I   take a stick okay this lady is so sweet thank you  wow four sticks we're going to have to find some   friends uh how much 50 50 oh wow I can afford so  you bought something but you don't know what it   is no thank you ah thank you thank you is sweet  sweet this one is sweet and this one is sweet   okay which is your favorite all of them okay she  likes all of them nice to meet you bye let's see   what they look like in the bag so we're going  to try our sweet dessert balls please let us   know what this is in Vietnamese and let us know  if we paid too much because we paid 50,000 for   just a few of them that's a lot though it is a  lot but I'm not sure if it's if it's 50,000 is   that a lot is that a good price well we paid 50  for the Bún bò Huế and 50 for this that's true   it's a perfect ball and then I think there's some  icing on this one so that's why this one is sweet   oh it's really good is it like a kooksister  that is exactly what it's like really I was   just wondering it is exactly I don't know how  to explain it besides saying that besides it's   a kooksister in South Africa where Shev and I are  both from we have something very similar to this   called a kooksister it's a very thick pastry  pretty much like a dough that's drenched in   syrup and sometimes coconut right coconut  shavings I'm so glad you gave us so many we can just see crowds and crowds and crowds of  people that have come to Hanoi compared to the   time we were were here last time it is absolutely  packed so good like to see so many tourists   instead of come back is amazing it keeps us  wanting to come back too okay we were just walking   through the park because we needed to really walk  off our Bún bò Huế and we just stumbled upon the   fanciest strip here in Hanoi there is Burberry  there's Gucci behind us there's Rolex and this is   the tran tien plaza which we've never seen before  we didn't actually come this far the last time   because we had such a short time in Hanoi but all  the kids are like riding little cars in front of   the Burberry and the Gucci there's a massive flat  screen so it's really awesome to see different   sides of Hanoi what is your name Fred we have  just met Fred on the street and he is learning   English and your English is so good nice to meet  you Fred your English is so good if you had to   give someone some advice what would you tell them  I would tell them that if you guys try and study   lot then you will be success you're are so true  wow excellent advice I hope you have a nice day   thank you you too by wow it feels so good to sit  here at the park and the lake and just enjoy a   nice Saturday evening everybody's come out to the  park and they've brought their families and lots   and lots of tourists are here which is amazing but  the reason we've come and sat here is we want to   tell you why we have come back to Hanoi obviously  today was just a bit of a refresh now that we've   come back to Vietnam as you may have known season  one of our channel was very lukewarm and season 2   of Shev and Dev we've actually stepped it up a  notch with our biggest Focus being our 12-day   Trek to Everest base camp and that was amazing but  after that we were craving a lot more Adventure   and this time we are going to be going on a very  amazing Northern trip we will be heading north   to three different destinations we will be doing a  bike trip for 3 days through the Ha Giang Loop and   we're going to be exploring lots more of Northern  Vietnam that's going to be our Focus this time so   if you have any recommendations please send them  through in the comments we're bringing two very   special people along with us so you might have  to guess who that might be and we're going to be   sharing a luxury side that Vietnam has to offer I  cannot wait and I hope you're just excited as we   are so don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and we'll  see you on our big adventure to Ha Giang

2024-02-08 14:06

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