This is The Raw Beauty of Botswana vA 142

This is The Raw Beauty of Botswana  vA 142

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(Pandamatenga, Botswana) - Morning, my friends, from Pandamatenga! Ah, nice. In Botswana. Let's go! Bye-bye. - Bye, my friend. - From a beautiful lodge. Bye-bye! - Yeah! - Bye-bye! Let's go. Let's see which animal we're gonna see today.

Yesterday, probably five or six giraffes and two elephants. So, we are 200 kilometers from Nata. There is one lodge 150 kilometers away from here. But there is a headwind here. So it's too far for me to reach probably with my batteries.

So I have to do a lot of battery saving in order to reach this lodge. And because of the battery saving, then 150 kilometers is two days. So two days to reach a lodge to recharge my batteries. Let's go, guys, on the way to Nata in the empty part of Botswana. Hello! - Hello! - We're very close to Zimbabwe here, actually.

There's the border just on the left, probably just a couple of kilometers on my left. So this is Downtown Pandamatenga. Look at that! If you thought northern Zambian towns looked remote, well, look at the Botswanan towns. Hello! Hello. - Are you fine? - And the center of life is the petrol... - Hi! How are you? - ...station.

- What is this, this one? - It's a tricycle. - Yes! - A tricycle. A trike. Hello! Hello! Hello. - Hello. - So now, I venture into an area with no electricity, no petrol station, nothing for 150 kilometers.

Hello. - Hey! Where do you go? How do you go? - I go to Cape Town! - Cape Town? - Yes. Hello! - Hello! - You are okay? - Hello, hello. - Hello. - Good, good. I'm good. - Brother! - Hey. How are you? - Good, good. How are you? - Fine.

- Hello. Guys, I've got another safari. There's a giraffe just there. Look at that! That's awesome. Oh my God. Life is beautiful. Bye-bye, my giraffe friend. Botswana is incredible. Resting area. It looks like the picture. Hello!

So I've got a flat tire on the back. Here. Well, there was a thorn in here. And look at that. It's getting flat. Okay. Repair time. Can you hear it? Just here. Let it dry for one minute. Okay. Ready to resume, guys!

Hopefully, the puncture is repaired properly. Nobody came to visit me during my repair. It's the first time I had such a quiet repair in Africa. Let's go! And I met another giraffe friend on the way. Look at that. It's very close, and there is no fence this time.

Bye-bye! Honestly, Botswana feels like being in Jurassic Park. It's crazy. Nunga River. Quite empty. It's crazy. It's endless straight. There's just nothing. Just the bush, a few cars, and myself. As far as I can see, the road is straight. I don't know. It's already been maybe 20 kilometers I'm doing.

It's all straight. The landscape is never changing. It's kind of weird. I feel like I'm in a spaceship or in a parallel universe where humanity has disappeared and where I am one of the few last humans that survived somehow the apocalypse. There is nothing. It's just crazy.

It has a very weird effect on your brain: to be in the middle of nowhere and have nothing, it's like meditating. Hello! - Hello. - Good afternoon! - Is it real? - Yes, it's real. - Ah? - Is it what? - Is it real, or I'm dreaming? - No, it's real. - It's real? - Yes. - I saw you on TikTok. You were in... - Ah, you saw me on TikTok. - Yeah, you were in... What is that place? - Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania. - Tanzania.

- Tanzania. - Yeah, you were passing there, but... It was raining. You rushed to another mud house. You stayed... - Ah, it was in Rwanda. Rwanda. - Oh, it's Rwanda. - Yes. - Ah, cool! No, I don't believe it. Seriously? - Seriously. Yes.

- I heard you said you were going to Cape Town. - I'm going to Cape Town. Yes. - Now, where do you sleep? - I sleep near a tower. Somewhere there. - Oh, where you get the B&B. - No. Well, there is nothing here, so... Now there is some tower with a fence around.

With a guy working. - Okay. - 15 kilometers from here. So I'm gonna sleep there. And then tomorrow, there is a lodge. Elephants Sands Lodge. - Yes, yeah. On the right-hand side. - Yes.

So that's for tomorrow, but today... - Where are you going in Cape Town? - Cape Town. Why? - Where? - Where? - Yeah. - I don't know. I've never been to Cape Town, so... - You are from where? - From France. - So, to go back? - To go back with this again. - You are from France? - Yes, I came from France with this. Yes. - Ah, no, brother. No, no.

So you don't get tired. - I get tired. I was resting a little bit now because I'm tired. - But you must be... Watch out for the lions. It's dangerous. - Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know. Yeah, but... Yeah.

- So this thing is done where? - In Europe. - In Europe? - Yes. - It costs how much? - It's expensive. Yeah. It's like a motorbike. - Like a motorbike? - It costs as much as a motorbike. Yeah, yeah. - But when you're tired, you can put... It's got an engine or not? - It's got a motor, an electric motor, but... It's still tiring. - I don't believe it.

Man, when I saw you on Tiktok, I didn't think I would see you on the road. - Yeah, you didn't… - And I was in... Me, I'm from South Africa. - You're from South Africa? Yeah. - Yeah. And the time I saw you, I was in Durban. - Ah, okay. In Durban? Okay. - ...going to load this cooking oil. - Oh, you were loading this one. Yeah. - Sorry? - You were loading this one.

- Yeah, cooking oil. - Ah, okay. - It's going to Lusaka. - To Lusaka? Okay. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Ay-ay-ay. - Ay-ay-ay. -I don't believe this. Are you serious? - It's serious. Yes.

- You said you're from France. - Yes. - So when you reach there, again, you have to go back with this. - Yes. - And then, what do you get from that? - I make videos. - You make videos, and then what do you get in return?

- I get money from YouTube. So that's why I can travel for so... And that's why it takes so long because I stop to edit the videos. It takes a long time. And then, I get money because if people watch, if many people watch, then I get some money. So that's why it takes so long and that's why I can travel for so long because I make money on the way also.

- So it's your work. You get money via this. - Now it's my work. Yes. - So you don't want to take a video with me? So you must show them I was with you in Botswana. I'm from South Africa. - Yeah, yeah. I'll take a video with you. - Yeah. - What's your name? - Sam. - Sam? - Yeah, Sam Luntzitze. - So I'm Yves. - Yves. - Sam? - Luntzitze. - Luntzitze? - Yes. - I'm Yves. - You are Yves.

From? - From France. - From France. - So you're from South Africa. - Yeah. I'm from South Africa. - What's...? You're a Sotho or...? - I'm a Tswana. - Tswana? - Yeah. - Ah, you're Tswana like here. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So you said you were traveling from? - Today from Panda. Panda... - From...? - Pandamatenga. - You are going to?

- 15 kilometers from here, there is a tower. - Yes. - And there is a fence around. And there is one guy that takes care of the tower. - Okay. - And usually, he allows cyclists to stay with him for one night.

- Okay. - Because the problem is between Panda and Nata... There is nothing to... There is no lodge. There is nothing. - Yeah. - And the problem is there are elephants. So as you said, there are elephants.

- Yeah. - There are lions. - Yeah. - So, I cannot sleep here. That's too dangerous. So that's why I'm gonna go there to this area. - But you said your town is? - From Soissons. Soissons. - Soissons. - Soissons. Yes. - No, your hometown. - Soissons, in France. - In France? - Yes. - Guys, I don't believe I'm with the guy here. He's from? - France, Soissons. - From France, Soissons. And then, I saw him on YouTube.

But now, we met here in Botswana between Pandamatenga and [the name of the place]. Me, I'm from South Africa. My name is Sam Luntzitze. Ah, I was in Durban last week. I saw this guy on TikTok. This is unbelievable. When I saw him in Botswana... I'm in Botswana right now with him. He's going to Durban. Me, I'm going to Zambia, Lusaka.

- Awesome. - Yeah. - It's very nice to... It's... - Thank you for meeting you, sir. - It's very nice. Where are you from in South Africa? Which city? - I'm from Germiston. - Germiston? Okay. - Yes. - I don't know it. Where is it? It's close to Joburg, close to Durban? - Yeah, yeah. It's close to Joburg, Johannesburg. - Close to Joburg. Okay. - Yeah.

- Okay. - Thank you very much, sir. - Thank you very much, man! - Have a safe travel. - Very nice meeting you. Yeah. - Yeah. Nice to meet you. Go well. - Thank you very much! Good luck to you, too. Yeah. - Yeah. - Oh, man. - So you're going to put it on YouTube? - Yes. - On your TikTok?

- Yes. - Yeah, you must put it so that... - So you'll see yourself? - Yeah. - Good luck, man! Oh, life on the road is good. - Hello. - Oh, hello. - Are you all right? - Yeah, I'm all right. Yeah. I was just resting a little bit. Yeah. - Okay, cool. - I was talking to this truck driver. - Okay. - Yeah. Where are you going?

- I'm going to the antenna. - Oh, so... Okay, we are going to the same place. - Oh, nice. Cool. All right. You've got an interesting bike there. - Yes. It's a tricycle. Electric tricycle. - Wow! All right, cool. Well, I'll see you there. - See you there then. Yes. - I don't know if you're gonna be faster than me or slower than me. - I'm tired. So you're probably gonna be faster.

And this is the antenna, guys! And that's where we turn. I can see the other cyclist already. Hello! Dumela. - Hi. - How are you? - I'm fine. - Is it possible to camp here for tonight? - Yeah. - Yeah? Thank you. - You are from? - From France. - From France. - Oh, I'm gonna get stuck. Up. I'm stuck already. You see many cyclists coming here, no? - Yeah, many. - Many? - Yes.

Many. - So you stay in the what? In the house there or...? - No. In that one. - Oh, in that one. Okay. You're here for what? You check that everything goes well with the... - Yeah. - With the tower.

- Yeah, we are security guards. - Oh, security. Okay. Oh, to make sure nobody comes to... - Yeah. - take things. Okay. - Yeah. - Hello! - Your name? - Ah? - What's your name? - Yves.

- Yves? I'm Brad. - Brad? - Yeah. - Nice to meet you. Where are you from? - From the United States. - Okay. - What about you? - From France. France. - Oh, nice. - You're going to... You're going where? - Cape Town.

- Cape Town. - How about you? - Cape Town as well. Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - And where did you start? - In Addis Ababa. - Addis Ababa? Okay. - What about you? - I started in France. - Oh, wow.

Nice. - Yeah. - Okay, so you've been on the road for a long time? - Yeah, yeah. Three years. - Oh, wow. Amazing. - And you? Since how long have you...? - Oh, I just started in mid-May. - Mid-May? - Yeah. - Wow, that's fast from Addis. Yeah. - Yeah, I know. I'm going fast. - You're very light. - Yeah.

- Oh, you note. Okay. Yeah, you're very light. Yeah. - Yeah. I guess if I don't have to be on the road for three years, then... - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then you can... Yeah, you don't need many things. Yeah. - ...carry much stuff. - Just a tent and some clothes and that's all, no? - Yeah, that's right. That's right. I started from Livingstone yesterday.

- From Livingstone yesterday? Okay. Oh, you're going fast. Okay. - Yeah. - You're going faster than me. - Yeah; so then I crossed the border, and then I stayed at the NCI service station, like the gas station.

- Ah, okay. Okay, past... Way past Kasane and then... Yeah. - Yeah. And then here tonight, and I don't know where tomorrow. - Tomorrow you're gonna reach Nata probably then. - I was thinking about it.

Yeah, maybe. - It's... - If I keep doing 115-120 kilometers a day, then I... - Yeah, then you should be able to reach there. It's... - Yeah. - It's 130 from here, no? Yeah.

- Yes. Yeah, I was thinking about stopping there just to... You know. - Just to see the elephants. - Yeah. Not that you don't see them every day anyway. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I was surprised. Today, I didn't see any. - Really? - Yeah. - Oh, I saw some. Yeah. - Yeah? - I saw six today. - Okay. Maybe I'm lower. So maybe... I don't know because...

I just saw two giraffes today. - You saw giraffes? - Yeah. - I didn't see any giraffes. - Really? - I saw six yesterday and two today. - Oh, I didn't know… I didn't know there were any giraffes around. - I didn't know either. I thought it was elephant land as well, but... - I saw zebras today. - Oh, really? - Yeah, I saw two herds of zebras.

- Yeah, it's funny we don't... I only saw giraffes and... - Oh, that's so funny. I didn't see any giraffes. No. - I didn't meet many cyclists. No, I met a guy, but he finished a long time.

I did Northern Sudan with a Dutch guy. I just met a few... No, one German girl, one German guy, and one French guy. But I think they've already arrived now, so... - Okay. - That's the last ones I met. It was at the border between Burundi and Tanzania.

- That was the last time you met somebody? - I think so. That was the last time... - That was a long time ago. - That was the last time I met a cyclist. Yeah. - Oh my God. I feel like I'm meeting people all the time. - Really? I guess maybe because you go fast, you catch... You catch the people, right?

- Yeah. - Yeah. - But I've also... Are you on the WhatsApp group? - No, I'm not on the WhatsApp group. - Okay, so... - Maybe that's why. So I don't know who is where and... - Yeah. - Yeah. - So I have met people through that as well. - Ah, okay. Yeah. - ... - Yeah. No, I'm not in the group, so that's why... So that's the camp, tent pitched already. My bags are here, here.

Look at this beautiful tower. It's funny. What's very funny is that we don't have a signal. Yeah, I don't have Internet despite the big tower. I guess I don't have the right company. I don't have a SIM card from the right company.

But I had no choice in Kasane. That's our set up. You see, there is a lot... There's a lot of wildlife around. Morning, my friends! Yes.

Brad has left already. - Yeah, thank you very much! - You're welcome! - Yeah, yeah. - Have a good time, man! - Safe travel. - Thank you also! Bye-bye! - Yeah, I will close it for you. - Thank you. Okay. Thank you! Bye-bye, man! - Yeah, thank you very much! - You're welcome. Let's go, guys! Third day of the way to Nata. And today, we go to Elephant Sands Lodge.

Let's go, guys! 75 kilometers today. And let's see which animals we're gonna see today. Back on the endless straight of Botswana. Look at that, guys. Here are some kudus on the side of the road, guys. Oh, they're running away. Oh, what a pity. Some campers.

So basically, in this area, apparently... It's full of animals in the rainy season. Like in the compound where I stayed, the guy said that there are elephants coming, but... Even lions and leopards come around the compound, but that's only during the wet season. During the dry season, there's no water. All the water holes are dry here. The animals are basically... Most of the animals went deep into the bush on my left.

So that's why I don't see many animals on this road now. - Hello! - How are you? - Hello, my brother. Are you okay? Where are you going? - I'm good. I go to Cape Town! Hello! - There's one, babe. - Ah? - There's only one of you? - Yes, only one of me. - There's only one of him, babe.

- Man! - How are you? - Good, good, good. - Ice cold water. - Oh, wow! Nice. Yeah. Thank you very much. - My name's Andrew. - Andrew? I'm Yves. - Hello! - Yves? Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - I own a company that builds titanium gravel bikes. - Oh, really?

- Yeah. - Ah, okay. - It's called Sling Bikes. - Sling... - Anyway, I saw you, I thought that this is hardcore. - Okay. Yeah. Well, it's electric. So it's a bit easier than... - Oh, is it electric? - Yes, I have a battery here. - And how...? What's the range of the battery? - From 50 to 80. I would say. - Okay. - Depending on the slope, the wind. - And how far are you going? - Cape Town. - To Cape Town? - Yeah.

- And where have you come from? - France. - From France? - Yes. - And how long has it taken you? - It's been three years since I've been on the road. - Oh my God. That's amazing. - Wow! - That must be so much fun. - Yeah, yeah. It's really nice. Yeah. - But you're obviously not going on the sand roads in this thing. - No, no. It's too low. That's… - Yeah. - …the problem. It's not really gravel.

It's not like your bikes probably. - It's not like our bikes. Yeah. Amazing, man. - Well, that's amazing. - Will you take a photograph with us? - Yeah, yeah. Of course, yeah. - Yeah. - ...or you're just used to it. Oh, it's amazing. Thank you. - Come. Come. Come have a look here quickly. You'll see. - Where are you...? Ah, so you're from South Africa then.

- Yes. - Yeah. - From South Africa. - Okay. - From Johannesburg. So, this is actually full suspension. - Ah, okay. Nice. - Our main company builds airplanes. Our main company... - Builds? - Airplanes. - Airplanes? - Yeah. - That's quite different from a bicycle. - We've made our airplanes adventure airplanes.

And so we thought... - Okay. - ...another adventure product. - Okay. - These gravel bikes. And then, we built... - Yeah. - So these are all titanium.

- Okay, nice. - And that's our gravel bikes. This is an e-bike. - This is an e-bike. Okay. - Yeah, but it looks exactly the same. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It weighs 13 kg. - I mean, an e-bike is just a bicycle with a... - Exactly. - With a motor.

- So we put the... The battery goes down the main tube there. - Okay. - And then, in the hub is a 300-watt motor. - Ah, okay. - And I can do about 75k on a battery. - On the one battery? - Yeah, but... - On gravel? - Yeah. It's still so light. The bike only weighs 13 kilograms. - Yeah, that's probably the difference because mine is quite heavy. - Yeah. It's heavy. Yeah. Amazing, man.

- Nice. - So you're going... How far are you going? - Cape Town. - Are you coming past Johannesburg? - No, I'm going via Namibia. - Oh, so you're not gonna come to Johannesburg. - No, no, no, no.

- I was gonna give you my business card and tell you to come and... - No, sorry. - ...visit us and meet… - Yeah, it would have been nice. But I'll be quite far from Johannesburg. - Yeah, you'll be very far. - Yeah, yeah.

- Awesome to meet you, man. - Nice to meet you, too. Yeah, yeah. - I think you're an absolute rock star. That's so brave. - Thank you very much. Yeah. - Have fun, man. - Thank you! - Thank you very much for stopping by.

- You're welcome. No worries. Yeah. - Cheers then. Bye! - Have a good day. Ah? - Have you got enough food? - It's okay. I've got enough food. I'm gonna stop in the lodge there, so... - You've got some cold water at least. - Thank you very much. Yes. - Pleasure. - Yeah. Bye-bye! - Thank you very much. Let's do a small break then to enjoy the cold... Cuz it's not gonna stay cold for a long time. Some cold water.

Bye-bye! I love it when people give me water because it's just what I need, actually. Oh, nice. A good human meeting on the way. It always cheers you up and gives you back some energy. It's more than the water. It's the human support and the human friendship.

Some kudus again, guys. Oh, as soon as I talk, they run away. Look at that, guys. This is giraffe time again. It's very funny that I seem to only see giraffes on this road, while the other cyclist was seeing elephants and zebras and he never saw giraffes.

Bye-bye. Look at that, guys! Perfect spot for my lunch! Very nice, a tree. A resting area prepared just for me. Amazing.

Very nice. And I'm gonna have the company of some sanitary pads to accompany me for my lunch; nice. So, like always, some bread. Some sardines, a small can, and a bit of cashew nuts from Zambia.

I came with some weight from France, but... Oh, man. I'm losing it so fast here. Oh, this is so good. I'm lucky.

At least there is some good canned fish in this country. It's life-saving. That's good.

And I'm gonna turn back on the engine now because we are 40 kilometers away from where I stay tonight and 90 kilometers away from Nata. So I should be able to turn back on the engine now. Let's go! The engine. The motor. Motor. Sorry, motor. Cuz it's not an engine, it's a motor. And a tiny gazelle that I managed to film.

What's there? That was an elephant, I think. Nice. A nice, not fearful impala. Gazelle. Okay, guys. There is an elephant in the bush just in front there. So let's see if I can cross the road because I saw it's crossing the road from up here. Let's see if it's far enough. Well, there is another one behind.

They obviously saw me. Let's go smoothly not to scare it. There are two of them. Let's accelerate. Come on, guys. Let's go fast now.

Yes! Yeah. I passed! Yes. So obviously, this distance... That was probably 20, 30 meters. That's far enough for the elephants.

Very nice! Oh man, there is another one here. And there is a... Oh, two, three, four. Oh my God! Five, maybe. Yeah, the whole family. I think it was like three kids.

It's shower time. Three kids and a couple. There were two there. Seven elephants today. Yes! Yeah, so there is a minimum distance, basically. I can't figure out how many meters it is. The people... When I ask the locals, they can't tell me. But from what I understand, there is a minimum distance.

You can't get too close, basically. (On a bicycle) Ah, nice! Oh man, it's full of elephants here. There is one this way. Like my friend would say in Tanzania, it's a full safari today.

Uh-oh. F***. I'm in the middle... There is one crossing the road just ahead now. I'm stuck in the middle of the elephants now.

And five or six ostriches this way. What an end of the afternoon! Here is the one that just crossed the road. You can see it maybe. And a few more giraffes now.

I don't know if you can see all of them, but there are maybe ten giraffes, actually. And I'll try to approach slowly, but there are some gazelles crossing the road straight ahead. Sorry. Hello. I go there? - How are you? - Good. How are you? - You are not scared? - No, no. It's okay. - Ah? - I keep my distance from the animals. - How? - How far... - It's okay. - ...are you going, my brother?

- Today, I go to the Elephant Sands Lodge. - Okay. - I go to Cape Town. - Where are you from? - France. - Riding this? - Yes. - France? - Yes. Okay.

- Seriously? - Seriously. Yes. I stop? Ah? Okay? - What's happening with this thing? Does it have a power motor? - It's a motor. Yeah, it has a... It's an electric bicycle. - Seriously? - So it has electric assistance. - So there is a point where you put... - No, I need to pedal all the time.

It just helps to go a little bit faster. - Okay. - It's a little bit easier. But still, it's a bicycle. - Oh, okay. - I still need to pedal all the time. - I just step there? - Yeah, step. And now come here. - I can ride? I go this way? All good? The other side? - Yes. - Ah!

I'm clear. - Go. - Okay, thank you. Thank you! Have a good day. - Bye-bye. - Good evening! Hello. From France. Yes. - Seriously? - Three years. - Three years cycling? - Yes. - You're going back? - Yeah, I will go back via West Africa. Yeah. - You'll be cycling again? - Yes. - How far are you going?

- Today, I just go to Elephant Sands. - No, I mean your destination. Where are you gonna… - Cape Town. - …end your trip? Cape Town? - Cape Town. Yeah. - After Cape Town, you... - After Cape Town, I'll rest a little bit. - Okay.

- And then, I will go back via West Africa. - Cycling? - Yeah, cycling. Yes. - Oh! All the best. - Have a good day! Bye-bye! - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Enjoy! Nice one.

- And that's where we turn to go to the lodge. Elephant Sands. So apparently, it's quite sandy. So it might be a bit tricky for me. I have to go fast if it's sandy. Yeah, it's quite sandy indeed. It's 1.5 kilometers. I hope I won't have to push all the way. A bit of water already to please the animals.

I don't know how they do. It's so dry here. And elephants actually need 200 liters of water per day. So, I don't know how they do around here. Oh, f***. - Hi, man. Are you stuck? - Yeah, I'm pushing slowly, slowly.

But with the deep sand, it's a bit hard to progress. - I see. Will you get out, or do you need to...? - Yeah, I'll get out. Yeah, it's okay. I'll just wait that... - Okay. - So, I'll manage. It's not far. Thank you. Oh, man.

Oh, f***. - And where are you coming from with this bicycle? I don't know if it... Tricycle. - Tricycle. Yes. - Yeah. - From France. - From France? - Yes. - With this? - Yes. - How are you? I'm Cabo. - Good. - Yes. - Yves. - From France to here with this? - With this. Yes. - Wow!

And where are you going to? - Cape Town. - Wow! - Right or...? - I can push with the... - Yes. I will... We go straight or right? - I think right is better. - Right is better? - Yeah.

And how long have you been traveling with it? - Three years. - Three years?! - Yes. Wait. Sorry, I'm tired. - Okay. - I'm just very tired. Reception. Hello! - How are you, sir? - Good. How are you? - Good. Good. - Good. - Checking in? - Yes. - All right. - For the campsite.

- Okay, no problem. - How much is it? - 198 Pula. - Okay. For food, do I have to tell you in advance or...? - So, for the dinner... - Yes. - One dinner is a set menu buffet. - Okay. - 257 Pula. - Okay, so it's a... And it's a buffet.

Okay. So I pay when I get there, no? - No, you pay here with me. - I pay here. Okay. - Yes. - Do I pay now? - So, can I book for you? - Yes, please. - All right. Thank you. Okay. - Oh, he'll show me. Okay. Thank you. - Yes.

I will help you push. - Thank you. Okay. Ah, okay. Oh, okay. I'll just control it. - Yeah. - Okay, thank you. It's gonna be harder. Yeah, you cannot steer it when you push from there. - Yes. - This thing is really not made to be pushed. Oh, it's okay now.

- Okay. - Thank you very much! - See you when you check out. - Yes. Oh, man. Here is the campsite protected from the sun. That's very nice. With the small roof and the big thing about this,

is what you're seeing just in front. So there is a water hole, basically. And it's always full of elephants. Right, and all the houses are just around with the campsite so everyone has a view of the elephants.

A very nice place indeed. This place is totally unreal. Botswana is really something else.

2024-10-17 11:01

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