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so the first little bit of the drive takes us  out through the valley down along the river   and through this canopy of eucalyptus trees   and through the cow pastures it's really a  beautiful ride you guys probably saw it in   the last video on the way in but we're headed to a  town for armenia it's a little bit of a chore day   we've gotta get provisions we gotta top  off with groceries we have to get fuel   what else we gotta do snow water we need to  start worrying about laundry we need to get   cash there's a lot of things coming up on our list  to do so we're gonna head to armenia and get it done one thing we've learned about colombia as  we've been driving through the country is there   are a lot of big cities now obviously you've got  the huge ones like bogota medellin cartagena cali   but between those there's a lot of large cities  and they have high-rise buildings very modern they   still kind of have that colombian culture and some  of the open markets but a lot of big modern cities but i don't know where we'll  park but that's what it says   so the first stop along the way is to get  groceries and we need some specialty items   so we had to come to the big store snow's in the  van it's difficult to find parking so i'm headed   over here now i'm going to walk back and after  i get groceries i'm going to try to find her   so if you're wondering about what  kind of groceries you can get   here you can see the produce section and they  have your typical wide variety of produce   as any store in america or anywhere  else in the world would have so i should say that malls are also very popular and  it's not uncommon for the nicer grocery stores   that have stuff like cat litter and other  things face products are here in the mall so   that's what brings us to this area  we finished all our chores here   we have to get fuel on the way out of town  and then we're headed to our destination   so another thing is cooler out this city we're  kind of going through the main way and they have   two lanes dedicated to the public transportation  and then our driving lanes are the other two lanes   but a lot of people in latin america and in  colombia take public transportation so this   is kind of the best solution because normally  they're just stopping right in front of us there's the poi urea i don't think  so i think it's all cooked chickens furnishings cookware electronics hardware store um one of those balls you're riding motorcycles  in all right looks like they have a carnival   set up and look they have one of those  big balls you ride the motorcycle in   i think you can do that for like  three bucks for a ride and go do that   the little stadium here actually it's a big  stadium probably a soccer stadium i think there's   a little a motorbike track out here that's what  that is a motorbike drag but look at this stadium armenia i should also add that  columbia is no stranger to toll roads   so this right here is thirteen thousand three  hundred pesos so this one's about three bucks   between three and four dollars which compared  the price of everything else is pretty expensive   and there is a lot of them so there's  loads of bamboo in colombia bananas as well   you probably noticed we came through all those  little stands but i love bamboo and we've seen   a lot of different kinds i'm guessing and  believing at this point it's native here   do in 200 meters turn it's in this little left i think i saw it when i looked back  where she wanted to turn originally take the next left then your  destination will be on the right your destination is on the right morning everyone so we found out that snow's  doctor's appointment was delayed for a big day and   we both agreed that it really wasn't a big deal  because we have so much work to get caught up on   the unfortunate thing is the hostile slash  campsite that we proved that we found looked   really really awesome had super fast wi-fi hot  showers as you guys can tell i need a shave and   shower but unfortunately and there was instagram  posts from not too long ago from people who stayed   there but unfortunately it's closed we found this  place just down the road a hotel villa julianne   and it's got all the amenities except it's  natural showers not hot showers the wi-fi is   not super good but it's gonna work so we'll be  here for another night getting caught up on work   and the good news is there's tons of  birds and there's even a pool here i should also mention that this place has this  nice walking trail it has all these little spots   i believe are for camping see it's random and  you set your tent up there i'm not sure what   the rate for that is they have some barbecue  grills basically an outside kitchen and uh   like i said this little walking trail is  full of birds there's a little soccer field   inside of it and then over there they have a  pool so i didn't get in the pool just really was   busy but they have a nice pull but it's worked out  pretty good we actually stayed an extra day here   but they do they have cut up fruit for us for  breakfast and made me a little arapa and stuff and   coffee and they've brought cake out to the van and  the security guard here is really super cool so   we've just enjoyed our time here but we definitely  have been able to get some work done which is what   we needed to do because snow's doctor's visit  got delayed an extra day nanner's on the dash   it's moving day we're headed to cali and  it is a very big day yeah it's the last   knee appointment before we pick who's gonna do  my surgery so yeah i'm getting nervous guys so   let's go get this done let's go we got an almost  three hour drive to get there let's go kurt has   made really good time on driving we're right on  schedule we'll have plenty of time to find a good   parking place by the hospital and i think we're  starting to get on the outskirts of the cali area   we didn't really show you all much of the  drive because there wasn't much to see   lots of sugarcane fields and little  towns but we're almost there now guys we have made it to cali now kurt's  got to negotiate the city traffic   and get us to the hospital where  the doctor's appointment is so cali is no different than the other cities  get entertainment at each red light you can also   get your windows washed and buy just about  anything but this chocolate is pretty good he's a soccer player too so we're sitting here at this red light we  look over to her right we see this old jeep   can y'all see that license plate it's got  a florida dade county license plate on it this motorcycle's carrying live chickens guys poor guys i don't want to know where they're  going hopefully they're going somewhere to lay   eggs as we left our kit last camp spot and pulled  into cali i think we were both super excited   because this is like a big decision for us and  the weight is the hardest part and finally we   were going to get to meet the doctor and find  out what happened but as we pulled into cali   we didn't have the same feeling we had as we  wrote in the medellin we were both a little   how would you just yeah bummed um and i think  there's some parts i didn't tell you guys so the   medellin doctor we found through a medical tourism  website i had never met him or talked to him or   communicated with any of those people when we  went to that appointment the doctor here in cali   came highly recommended from the first doctor  we saw way back in nicaragua when we found out   i needed to replace this knee and i have emailed  with him and his assistant quite a bit and they've   been super helpful i was super excited to meet  this doctor and i really kind of thought this   is where we would be getting the surgery done  but when we pulled into cali it just doesn't   have the warm fuzzy feeling of somewhere  you would want to live for three months   and we drove all around and guys we dropped the  ball on vlogging yesterday we did get a little   bit of footage which you're seeing right now  and it was just a super stressful day because   i was so disappointed and then we went to meet  the doctor and i liked him just as much as i   thought i would kind of even made it worse because  she was really blown away by the doctor she liked   the facilities in cali more the problem is a  couple things it's really hot here and we do need   to do some work on the van we lost the water pump  for the shower so that needs to be changed out   but more importantly it's really hard to find  apartments here yeah it's it's difficult we were   very frustrated yesterday we had a bad day just  to be honest it was a pretty crappy day but last   night we did some research um the perfect scenario  would be as if this doctor was in medellin yeah   but that's not the case so we have regrouped we've  reset we are going to give cali another chance   we did some research last night we drove  out of town last night we're staying in a   cute little hostel about 30 minutes outside of  the city this big giant tree is full of birds   jesus wants to be outside chasing him he does  not want to be inside today and i don't blame   him he likes all the birds and butterflies  is the coffee done coffee is done all right so we're still at the hostel waiting on still some  emails some quotes some pricing and see a part   some apartment ideas to come in from cali so  kurt decided to take full advantage of the pool   here at the hostel look at this bright red bird i  don't know if you can see him he's on the back of   the basketball goal thing and he's bright red with  black wings and a little black mask and he's cool oh he chirps too guys this campground is loaded with little birds   there's a little tiny hummingbird  up there it's been a nice camp   maybe 30 minutes outside of cali all right  they got a little friendly game going on here   curtis playing basketball with some of the locals  so we're gonna see if we can get any action shots i did yesterday we drove through the neighborhoods of  el pinon which was the super rich area of town   some really nice parks around it and an area  called san antonio in the neighboring neighborhood   i can't remember the name of it which are more  bohemian culture filled type neighborhoods   uh san antonio reminded me a little bit  of 100 meters since crystal ball but   but it just was so hilly and it just didn't seem  like a welcoming place to try to live for three   months nothing against visiting the neighborhood  it would probably be nice for a weekend to scope   it out and then the el pinon neighborhood just  seemed maybe a little too ritzy for us what do you   think about that curt maybe i mean yeah and also  it's just tough to imagine yourself sort of living   in this city when we don't have more information  about it we only see what we see so yeah so yeah   so after our research last night there are some  more neighborhoods on the south side of town   that we are headed to today and a little bit  more spread out and maybe we could find an   apartment down there where we could keep  the van with us so we're gonna scope that   out and also i believe to the west of town is  where we're headed now a neighborhood called   manga we have made it to our first  suburb that we're checking out it is called manga and uh sorry you're hearing  our little google lady help us maneuver the   roads in the background but that's how you got  to do it and this is on the north side of town   probably 20 or so minutes from the hospital is  that right kurt yep so but the streets look nice   and there's supposed to be um kind of like some  corporate apartments out here that are good   for short-term rentals we're finding out that  colombia is not not super happy with airbnb or   uber or uber we don't i mean it's just  something to do with taxes or whatever so we're thinking that's why it's been difficult to  find something through airbnb so we're trying to   find alternative ways and that's where we're at so  we just talked to the lady from habitat apartments   and we'll be getting an email from her later today  with some pricings and availability but there's   one glitch they only allow one pet per apartment  so she's got to get with administration and see if   they'd be okay with two cats so that's option  one now we're headed to another part of town   so we're going through granada which  is a promising neighborhood except for   parking may be an issue we would  have to have a public parking lot but it looks like a nice area so we're gonna go check it out a little more we're sitting yes all right so we just figured  out that cali has cable cars   it's the first one we've seen looks like it  just goes up to that neighborhood up there all right we've made it to the south side  this is a neighborhood called our dean see   your dad day hardeen so we're riding around it  a little bit there's a couple of neighborhoods   down here we're gonna ride around and we're  gonna try to find some lunch and talk about   what we have figured out this morning and  whether cali is going to get a chance or not so this is a nice wooded area a nice park   with some apartments right across the street  so we'll probably try to scope these out online pretty on this road as hard as we're trying to make this not be  a frustrating experience driving around the   city in the van is a frustrating experience  it's just tough because the van is so big   but it is lunchtime kurt found a place  where we can actually park the van   see it right there in the background and  we're about to have some sushi right kirti   hungry and then i think we have  toured around the city pretty good   we'll probably find somewhere to park regroup  do some research and then it'll be time to start   making the decision but we do have a lady at  the international office from the hospital here   working on getting the quote for the  knee surgery in cali which is important   and for trying to help us find an apartment  so we'll see what she comes up with as well   and then i will have to compare quotes compare  living options compare cities compare doctors   and then make the choice so hopefully  by tomorrow morning when we wake up   we will know and we will be  able to share it with you guys all right guys we're exploring  cali a little bit more today   we found some pretty cool neighborhoods and we  found a park parque de gato it is cats park how   cool is that and we got lucky and found a parking  spot so we're walking over to check out this place   we hear lots of birds it runs along the  river it's really pretty and it's right   in the middle of the city right in the middle  of two of the neighborhoods that are showing   some promise el pinon and granada well let's  go see what this cat park's all about this is we're here in the cat at the cat walk and  they got all these amazing birds on these   signs but look at this it's actually i think  it's called a walking stick but it's a bug   you can see it's two little antlers its  eyeballs are right here again and he's alive how cool is that look at that that is crazy   yes so so far i think we've decided this is one  of our favorite cats it's a little banged up   it's got a banged up knee just like snow and  so we're here to fix her knees oh bandage job what a beautiful park there's loads of birds  flying around we don't have the big camera so   we're not going to be able to show you that we're  really enjoying these different uh fancy painted   cat sculptures also they have big bad giant bamboo  here and like i said the aves are everywhere super   nice park right here in the middle of cali if  you like this video be sure to subscribe to our   channel and hit that notification bell so you guys  know when we put out new videos and don't forget   you can always follow us over on instagram to  see what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2021-11-18 16:39

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