These Kids Offer Me WHAT!?

These Kids Offer Me WHAT!?

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hello there from Ambon and finally a beautiful day here, it's been raining quite a bit here   because apparently, it's rainy season so yesterday it just poured all day so which was fine it gave me time to work on  some videos for you today what we're gonna do, is we're gonna head the opposite  direction the other day we headed that way kind of towards the middle of town today we're going to go the opposite direction and go as far down the coast as we can. so Ambon is kind of like, I described in a previous video like an alligator head it has like two big you know it's like a big mouth basically   and so we're gonna go all the way down the  bottom lip or the bottom part of the mouth   i guess that's what i'm trying to say so but first i need to get across the street hello hello but first we're gonna go get a bite to eat we're gonna stop by the uh the place that i went to the other day hello hello hello hello nice to meet you nice to meet you hello hello we're going to stop by the satay Ambon place to get a bite to eat first   and then just continue on our way so join me as i do a little jalan jalan (walking) in Ambon, let's do it that's uh another thing it's kind of been  difficult trying to figure out how to get around this island i've been trying to call Gojets but they don't seem to be uh responding to my pings you see a lot of people on the sidewalks just waiting for you i'm sure i could just go up to one of them be like hey drive me all the way  down the coast which that's might be what i have to do today the other day I did take an angkot which is one of these but i just don't know where they're going you know i'm guessing if i just get on this road i want to go this way just kind of hop off whenever they're only three to five thousand which is like a quarter so unless you, unless they want to uh drive you around and be your private driver like in Bandung and Lumajang, then you got to be careful, not Lumajang where was that Lembang... i forgot the name but if they turn into your private driver, then you got to pay more money   i didn't know that though, that time he was like hey you want to go see the hot springs   I said sure why not, thinking that his route was going that way anyways but anyways i wanted to come here maybe on Saturday or Sunday but they were closed   let's see if she's here today, let's see if she is here today hello hello is Senda here? well, I would like to eat something and it's still good i'm ready all right so got a little bit of food in the belly he's going to take me to a rujak fruit salad place a place that uh a guy from my hotel recommended so it's on the way i figured why not let's go let's go eat a little more why not right here? yeah. (do you want to eat with me?) on no no  thank you no yeah yeah thank you

it looks like it just got done pouring rain ok, right by the ocean hello do you have fruit salad? yes, i would like to eat some rujak there's the ocean. i've been sitting in my hotel for the last couple days because of the rain   there's so much more of the island that i want to go see but part of this the weather part of it's not having wheels there it is yeah peanut sauce it's kind of like the satay chicken that i just had in that... it was covered in a type of peanut sauce gado-gado and rujak and all that is always covered in a type of peanut sauce this one looks a little different you can actually see the chunks of peanuts in there I've had gado-gado, which is essentially just the lonton, the rice, bean sprouts some you know sometimes vegetables   and covered in peanut sauce and i've had  the the rujak cingur in Surabaya that   had tempeh and tofu and bean sprouts and  rice that thing was huge remember that thing?   rujak cinger also has uh, i guess chinger  means like either nose or mouth of the cow but i've never had actual fruit rujak, and so this is a first a little bit of spice to it too   but the fruit, wow, that was nice and uh  crispy you can tell it's super fresh mango it's just a weird combination with the  peanut sauce and the fruit and the spice i enjoy it, it's good I wish somebody was here to tell me what kind of fruit i'm eating that looks like star fruit  maybe based on the shape i think i like this more than just regular gado-gado to me that's just... it's not bland, but it's kind of the same  flavor throughout the whole thing this has all different types of fruit so you're constantly you know, each bite is different papaya each bite is different juicy crispy some of them are sour that feels like an apple, but it's not an apple definitely not an apple   i am a fan of this this is good okay thank you, you're welcome  thank you nice to meet you thank you one tells me uh 15. she tells me 20.  no use arguing, i want to go this way, yeah this way check it out I've made it to my first beach on Ambon and isn't it a beauty hello   take a picture? okay sure sure yeah okay thank you thank you hello you're fishing whoa nice, look at that those are some funky ones too. wow  whoa we got a blowfish in there too  

these are some exotic fish whoa look at that wow look at that thing that's pretty crazy catching all kinds of fish out there uh yeah yeah yeah wow that's dangerous, that will kill you, (if not prepared properly) all right guys see ya down there catching blowfishes and all kinds of colored fish wow all right see you guys all right we made it to a museum, let's see if  i can butcher this name.... check that out and i got the hey okay this must be it, tucked away back here still haven't seen a beautiful pristine beach yet something you'd see on the discovery channel or   national geographic or something like that you know haven't seen that i haven't seen any spices no clothes no nutmeg nothing like that. is this it? no maybe i should have got a bike or rented  somebody, or had somebody drive my ass up here and this has got to be it, this has got to be it  check that out the Hindu Center Ambon well that's the Hindu Center not the museum maybe that's not it whatever it is it's pretty cool looking unfortunately, it doesn't look like i can go in in that area but   i don't know if you can see there's  a pretty cool looking dragon   there's a Hindu god very cool Hindu temple and structure right there that's pretty cool but it doesn't look like i can go up there this is what we're gonna go see though i think breathing hard America your ticket sir. ok two tickets? two tickets, one for you and one for your camera okay so uh you got to get a ticket  for you guys for the camera, that's all right   yes uh did you already pay for...? i have not paid okay i got my tickets but i didn't pay. how much? i'm from America. yeah nice to meet you I'm Andre, tour guide over here. nice   all right thank you so much. yeah these we call prai. it's like drum  

but in the traditional local name, we call prai so if there if the marine or the men will in charge to give information hit these tools more than three or five of even 10 times it will be a sign of war oh and so this is kind of like a  drum like a drum basically okay a traditional Ambonese drum? from this we call it this is not uh... this is from Tanimbar, Saumlakki. no we have a technical issue...uh the lights are down. so yes yes  the lights are off right now but i got flashlights yeah so this a wedding dress is from Maluku actually from other cultures that we adapt or adopt.

yeah so that room is just a bunch of uh wedding clothes and dresses from different parts of Indonesia but the lights are off so you can't really see anything in there so we're gonna continue on, and maybe hujan(rain) yeah it's raining again   we move to the gallery photo. okay this is the traditional kitchen Indonesian main food is rice, but in Maluku if you're eating rice the first one you have to eat here is papeda okay i've heard of papeda oh so this is what they carry the nutmeg in yeah okay where is i mean there are there nutmeg trees on Ambon? of course, all over Ambon? yeah of course okay yeah as we said in okay and uh where are the clove plantations okay the clove plantations are located in the Suli village. okay   that's where we need to go. i haven't seen any nutmeg or cloves yet this is the gallery to honor the influential Malukan women. her name is Marta Christina (Beginning in 1817, Tiahanhu joined her father in guerrilla war against the Dutch colonial government)  what year was this again? 18 um,1817. so this is 200 years after the Dutch had already been here

okay so this is just the room that recognizes all the prominent women here in Maluku and their contributions more the recent ones but then over here from far back in the past. okay. one more time these three guys... three guys we call ....? or the captain...? the leader of the war, the leader of the war  yeah taking orders from the king in order to  kill the people to cut the head of people is the one requirement. ceremony walk into the village. and give it to the king, but in the past, they give the heads. i mean how many years ago was it when they were cutting heads off? it's it's very long because   200 300 400 years ago? yeah I don't know but well there's the rain uh the cotton okay spinning tools unfortunately the power's been out in all the buildings here what is this okay whoa a whale? yeah, the blue whale. a blue whale? wow

is this a replica? reel? it's a real one this is a real skeleton of a blue whale   oh wow we don't kill the whale, he's just dying next to the beach and cannot go back to the sea that is massive this one was what  year again? 1987, and 2003 both blue whales and then this one oh this is it the picture wow all right so a little change of plans, just left the museum unfortunately, the power in the museum was off so you couldn't really see anything in there so uh it was still cool to see a lot of the stuff   they have a lot of old artifacts and weapons and uniforms and all that kind of stuff from uh from way back when, from 1500 1600  from the Portuguese, the Dutch   and uh it was pretty cool but you couldn't see anything   uh the whale room was cool there was a little bit of lighting in there so i showed you that but we're not gonna go any further that way because it's just been raining on and off   and i don't want to get stuck in the rain so  i jumped on an angkot and we're heading back she okay? obviously he had no idea what she was saying all right guys we'll try again tomorrow, hopefully, it'll stop raining on us we can go see some beautiful beaches and some other cool stuff here in Ambon, we'll try again   the RumaRuma Farvet Residents, an awesome hotel if you're wondering

2022-07-20 22:38

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