The Vietnam they don't want you to see

The Vietnam they don't want you to see

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hello everyone from very far out in guava district i'm here with my friend oh no um and we're getting ready to go on an adventure we're gonna go to the far off mountainous provinces of zalai but before that we need to go buy some stuff so we're gonna go to a market a local market here and do some shopping let's see what the local market here looks like are you ready who is uh you ready yes oh yeah let's go okay good night [Laughter] okay next one next one part two next mission mission one complete already broken first uh five minutes can this guy fix his bike oh my god look at this this is disgusting my god he really needs to get his bike fixed that's so your disgusting dose of uh perfumes delicious okay finally i get to tell you these guys christ i gotta tell you guys where we're going um so like i mentioned before into the deep mountain mountainous provinces of vietnam we're going to a province called zalai which is um in like central west vietnam so it's it's uh on the border with laos if i'm not mistaken uh maybe cambodia too but uh it uh has a very large minority group of people called zarai which is i think where the name comes from there's this really beautiful water excuse me waterfall there so we're gonna take a night bus there um and then we'll hike into the waterfall i haven't taken a night bus in vietnam forever because night buses here are really scary they drive like fast um traffic in general here as you can see behind me is not uh super fun with all the motorbikes and people just like not staying in their lanes and in general not obeying the law people just like you know doing illegal turns and stuff like this going across the road as you can see behind me so uh even though i'm not the one driving that almost makes me more scared which is why i haven't ridden a bus like this in a long time but we'll see how it is i don't know this is the night bus to zalai we'll see how it is let's head over to the bus station and get the tickets all right we got our driver this is going to be a little bit close i was supposed to get her by five o'clock it's already 4 45 and i don't really know it's like on that well but i think it's gonna take longer than 15 minutes to get there indiana it's only like five o'clock now let's find holy crap okay we made it holy crap that grab driver was definitely tired we're gonna we're gonna make sure to give him uh a little tip for such good driving my guts gosh i could tell he was super super tired but we're here [Music] um oh we're on the night bus guys [Music] from okay this isn't going to be too comfortable but uh i don't want to put my camera down below i think it'll break that's right you gotta go for the experience on the night busters ally yeah let's get a little tour of the seat so this bus has two levels you got one seat on the bottom you got a seat on top what what seat do you prefer the top or bottom the bottom why because think the bottom maybe it will be a little bit uh stable more stable yeah that's true no that is true according to physics that's true yeah yeah it'll be so we won't move as much yeah yeah because the top you'll rotate more oh we just made it in time holy crap just made it i think it leaves at 5 30. well 5 30 maybe waiting for someone waiting for more people so i'm not the last person yeah we are not the first person so they will like say uh yeah they won't be mad at us we're not the last people you don't have to be the fastest you can even be late but don't be the last person that's the that's that's the golden rule they're coming by now with water and with jesus and with um wet wipes clean yourself off it's almost like a plane getting nice water you get wet wipes nice one thing that's really cool about the vietnamese buses it reminds me of like the night bus in harry potter is all these lights you get all these lights you can see here red blue yellow green it's like one movie have you seen harry potter so the brand of this water bottle is also via sun fat we're gonna give this a taste test see how does the water taste from vietnam compared to laffy compared to aquafina okay give this a taste test tastes like water not too bad on a scale of one to ten for bus water i would give this a nine lose one point for the packaging it doesn't look super nice nine out of ten no 920 pretty good pretty good okay he gave me the big shoes he saw he's like oh this western guy needs these big shoes his feet are too big oh this place is nice wow this is a pretty nice area check this out guys wow as far as pit stops pissed pit stops go this place is a pretty nice big area what do you want to eat come here i'm looking for a restaurant when you see the two letters wc you know you're safe i don't think i'll film inside here wow wow it's so clean very clean in here [Music] my god that's so annoying this place is really clean though oh my god usually pit stops are not this clean this place is really clean i'm very impressed no soap here though usually in aj you don't get soap oh see what they have they have pork pork or pork and vegetables it doesn't look too bad doesn't fail you get some good options here you got the rice you get your noodle dishes here you get the o good good options let's do let's just do the noodles a little a little easier that's like the same price as hanoi yeah it's more expensive than saigon keep track 50 more okay we'll have to see if it lives up to it 50k will it be really good let us see don't know who to give it to maybe we give it when we pick it up wow look at this though this one looks really good this is like something like this one this one is vermicelli vermicelli noodles wow look at that wow like spicy spicy is delicious where'd it go let's see where to sit wow this place is really nice very surprising yeah let's sit over here wow all right let's no no more talking let's try the food uh see if it lives up to the expectation we've got some moon set this down and try it spicy get the chopsticks and spoon mix it up oh it looks very spicy very red color ah don't look too bad not a lot of vegetables or meat vegetables who knows usually you get like a bowl of vegetables with it but all right let's see [Music] [Applause] i would give mine nine out of ten that's good a little a little too much oil but it tastes very good little too much oil though let's see what does how many would you give what how many points one to ten eight nine eight or we approve of this place what place is this is uh nice it's super good yeah super good yeah now this is really good normally most places like this i give them like a four or five foods not very good this is very good so cool let's eat and cook's enjoying it you guys can see here the oil is the only thing a lot of oil in the broth but other than that the taste is very good very strong okay one last one last slurp because we are you meet fans in the in the weirdest of places yeah the bus station in the middle of nowhere in the corner of the first station in the corner of the bus station eating food do you want any snacks sir what snacks do they have here wow this place is so nice look at all the all the lanterns back here so nice such a nice area he's calling us he's like come come here he's calling us he's like hey hey wrong way we're just checking the food hold on wow look at all these snacks cookies anything you want this one this one yeah okay this one's good got me then okay yeah okay this is such a fun bus this is the party bus yeah the party bus too was at my party party bus parking lot [Music] jesus that's the only thing with night buses in vietnam like i said they kind of drive crazy so this guy just this driver tried to pass this truck in this car and he had to slam on the brakes because there was a bus coming the other way so i hope he's going he's going he's going for it jesus you can see he's passing might be hard to see on this camera but he just passed a car with jesus so we just got to the i don't know what you call in english the district now we got to switch buses anyway that place and then um now we gotta go to the commune as it's called another area okay every time you get off the bus there's always people ready to take you somewhere where'd you go where are you going say ole miss they're called they're little motorbike taxis um wow [Laughter] this is a director this is our director producer okay this is um what is this this is where she cooks meat we got the cameraman over here she's making some fun wow we have a great cameraman over here [Music] wow um wow what a great guide in vietnam when you're a foreigner there's two options when you're sitting in a very cramped bus because our legs are typically too long you have option number one where you have to put your legs to the side before you have option number two you have to stretch your legs out [Music] i don't have the luxury of putting my legs forward he can put his legs forward i need to [Music] luckily this isn't very packed if this bus was really packed it would not be fun but there's not too many people on this bus so no problem [Music] wow guys we're taking these special bikes these are like custom-made bikes so we have to go through the forest and it's like 25 kilometers um we're going like the back way for for some special reasons that i'm not gonna say on camera um but it'll take about an hour and a half but look at the view guys beautiful supernatural the expressions of people is very funny [Music] um [Music] um wow look at the scenery guys [Music] okay foreign foreign [Music] like it i want [Applause] would you guys actually take this road oh my god this has got to be the worst road i have ever taken but this is so much fun oh my gosh what an experience guys no problemo this bike is like completely custom made it's like completely open which i think they're trying to like reduce on parts so that it's super super light because i foreign know wow look at this little river guys beautiful so we got our our not our guide here but uh one of our drivers is also the first time coming here so he's also having fun have our first our uh driver here he's also the first time coming in so he's not used to the roads they're very up and down very um oh my god look he's going down too the other guy has been doing this for many years so he's oh my god he's able to go down holy crap what a dr what an experience you have to run down it's so quick you can't even hold it jesus oh my god look at him wow oh my god it's so slopped that you have to run down look at this oh i need that the one is that wow he brought a fishing rod actually it's just a stick with a line on it he's gonna fish now a lot of fish a lot of fish here yeah because it's right below the waterfall so i'm sure biology guys wow there's a spider web on here wow wow didn't know that it was alive so what he's doing here is he's using this uh this thing is called komlam which is basically like sticky rice and they make it in bamboo shoots they stuff them bamboo and they'll like they'll uh cook it over fire and he's using this as bait nothing special but i guess they like the rice [Music] now we're gonna go there's apparently some nice pools around here where you can swim so we're gonna look look at this just to the right of the area we were fishing before is this super nice area check this out the waterfall is over there but it's blocked in this really nice area without any big um uh like currents wow look at this guys this is like a little private okay a swimming pool you get your you get the rocks and the pathway blocking blocking you from going down you get this beautiful view over here look at this but then you have this oh this is so cool you have this beautiful waterfall and you have this nice little pool and there's parts of shade there's parts with sunshine you can get like a little oh this is so cool you wow look at the water beautiful wow amazing let's hop in for some swimming we only got about 40 minutes because yeah we need to hurry so we can go back get some drone shots white anymore i need to swim yeah yeah we smell so bad one night a one day in saigon when it was sunny it was so sunny we sweat then uh it rained then we got on a night bus then we got on another bus then we rode bikes here and now we've been sitting here in the heat for hours so we definitely need a need a bath my god yeah it smells so bad you're gonna wear your shirt everything huh let me see you jump in ah okay go okay okay let's do it one two three you can do it come on it's not too bad it's okay it's not very deep are you sure are you shading here's a little deep here don't go past wow okay guys it is chilly so it actually gets really deep in there my god it's really shallow here but really fast it gets super deep i couldn't feel the bottom luckily i know how to swim doesn't know how to swim so i was trying to teach them how to swim a little bit but my god look at this isn't that just beautiful gosh i've never i mean i've seen places like this before but i've never like i've never uh been in a place where you know you can swim and it's just so nice in the middle of the forest there's no one here we're literally the only ones here it just feels like i feel like i'm in the movie avatar or something you know where i'm just like on another planet that's what it feels like amazing part of me just feels sad because i know like i won't be able to come back here that much if at all again this might be one of my only times i come i know there's got to be other places in the world like this but pardon me wishes i could come to places like this more often but i guess that's the reason why there's no people here and it feels like it's from another planet because it's not easy to get to it was easy to get to that's like every other place i've gone you know easy to hike to easy to get to tons of people it doesn't it's just different you have to come to places that are really off the beaten track to really get this experience otherwise it just feels different what do you think 10 out of 10. amazing 10 out of 10 how many 10 10 11 11 points me too you

2021-04-25 10:11

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