The Vatican

The Vatican

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After. Exploring, the beautiful Italian cities, of Venice, Florence, and Rome it was. Now time to enter the holy Vatican. Sitting. At the entrance to the Vatican, is the fontana, delle pigna, or simply. The pinecone, and. Interestingly enough I learned from listening to the Joe Rogan show, that, this pinecone, statue, represents. The pineal gland, which. Is of course associated. With psychedelics. Enlightenment. And your third eye an, interesting. Curiosity to, say the least. Because. After, the bottom space. Given. Back to the Vatican in. The meanwhile to counterbalance the big. Huh. You, understand, why because it's a bell where they rebel with any diamonds beautiful view because we're on the peak over the Vatican oh. I. Understand. Why. You. See this courtyard. Is called the octagonal, Cordia, octagon, because of the eight sides and this, is the core the, heart of the Vatican Museums yes. Why because this was being the fifteen of six as. A garden, of orange, trees the. First ancient, Roman, statues. Sarcophagi. Must've. Stuck out in the city they, were displayed. Here. 15:06. That means five hundred fifteen years ago so this is the beginning of the valuation, so ah you should, imagine pike central cigar, the Pope's used to work here with, VIPs. And advised, the people of Troy not, to let the wooden horse will in the city because, those Rangers Abadie, listen to him, and are, trained at the goddess that protected, Julie system she, sent us name from, the sea. Today, wrinkles. On the face we've got to be open the mouth I like the detail, over the Flanders I see in the bay yeah. On. The right thigh delay, BC probably he was hell holding his arm under the chin like this with, the elbow in the hole in the in the whole life. So thinking, about committing suicide in. Any case it. Is not important, to know who we were sir, it's important to pay attention to the deviance I mean it's one piece of stone look, at the, way the Masters are carved consider. Them the, the, torsion of the body the twists are very. Beautiful, and important. Because Michelangelo's. Our that is based around you. Remember all the naked men. The Sistine Chapel all those naked men they look like that starch we are translating into matrix. I, like. The south. Like. The South the female pika, oh yeah. This. Is really. And. Around. The basin, in the middle is one is. Carry. Nineteen. Hundred. Years ago in, the Golden House of Emperor Nero so this worked as a found in an ancient such. One stone. From. Egypt called. The port theory stone. Really. Istanbul. It just finished. It's. Over but in any case it is the second hardest stone, to come after, the town. This, serie, was. Commissioned. By, the Pope, Leo, lay, on the. Bed. For me oh he died. 1903. He. Loved archaeology. When. He was a patron of the heart and, he loved, photography. As. Well since. You like taking photos of Sholapur TV. In. The middle see if there is a baby with a brown fox, yes. That's, the first, of. Your. Yeah. Yeah the first one, interesting. Michelangelo. Painted, the Sistine Chapel, between 1508, and 1512. At the, request of pope julius ii. It, is truly breathtaking to, stand underneath it and over, 500 years after it was completed it. Is still considered one of the great artistic, accomplishments. Of human civilization. 23. Years after it was completed. Michelangelo. Returned at the request of Pope Clement the seventh to paint the adjacent, wall titled. The Last Judgment another. Beautiful, and breathtaking painting. By Michelangelo. It took him seven years to complete. The. Dining room who, wash their hands. Today. I use Twitter by. Using the handset don't, need to wash them rats. Now pay. Attention to, the answer. I. Still. Look like sleeping. On the Stars but in reality all, these, charges, they have the class face ice or, painted, lights like in that marker. So they look like real, people. Look. Like sleeping, or like their today. So in reality all these ancient archers got painted, eyes. Even. The. Murli. Was. Never. See. Some fragments. Of big, medicine, in the floor so. You can see clearly that all these pencils movie, yeah. Since. You like taking photos take a photo of them it's beautiful, 1888, you see the two women they're the civilizing answer and, they. Are making a sketch with the two symbols, of God Saint Peter's DOMA on the right corner and the, kind of similar. They. Were conceived, always. To be hung by the wall in the neighbors never, to live the good on the floor has arrived okay. Have. A seat on the left side, 15:24. They. Were woven by using silicon, silver, moon and, God. There. Is so much gold, so. Much silver, in, this video, really. We, are woman, by using the cross-stitch, tech ninja, look. At the beatings these are events from Jesus, life firstly, this is the three kings handing. Over the gift to baby here since early in the you can, see there Joseph.

Married, People to start with the elephant. Consider. That these the topics which they're woven by using the cross stitch technique there and. They were made types in visible why are the tapestries, is so popular. Mainly in the north of Europe like in England Scotland France, because. Depth of the heat shield, depth of the humidity so they make the castles, the room warm, okay, that's why that's so popular you. Can see that this topic is that Jesus. Ascension. Going, up to heaven and showing he to speak master. These. Tapestries are, damaged, by the boxer but. What. Right, the sometimes, the half-percent, establish, which the school of elderly, announcer, in order to restore them. We. Are, called the Mossad of the innocents, all. The babies, under the age of two they were condemned, to death by King Herod, because. The three kings said Three Magi they were looking for baby king baby Jesus, he, may kill all, the, babies under, the age of two very, common. Enemies. Of. The body connection that's Jesus resurrection. Jesus. Just came out of the tomb but and you see the tombstone, under, Jesus Peter that's, a mistake, because. In the Gospels, it is written that the tomb stone was rolled here, all means not rectangular but, even, though it is rectangular, as, we work for one you will see that that tombstone is rolling, to the right. People. Working, to. Given Jesus eyes. That's. The transparency. The. Water with the wine again. You. Can see Jesus Christ during, the dinner in a mouse down. Here a racket, and the dog fighting, for a ball so. Sacred and profane. In the same. And. These are not the only. Optical. Illusions, of this gallery if, you pay attention to the ceiling, the. Ceiling. Oh really. Wow no plaster. No really no star just everything in the city Wow yeah, I thought it was plastered, that's. Pretty cool. It's. In. English. Piece of cake just, to thank the shadow spaghetti Twiggy. I look. At it the next economy which is magnificent. Oh yeah. It's the longest gallery. We, wanted to have pull each other individuals, that we Phillipe represented, here within this, gallery. Is. Called the gallery cover the geographical. Makers. Because. On the left and on the right side you can see. Graphical. Reporting. In. 1584. If. Kinetochore, means no Google Maps and so this is the first example. Eataly. Looks like a female, oops. Yes so the heel of the boot is in the southeast, that region, that's cool yeah next. Time we come back we don't miss speed really. Cecily. Tomorrow, yes. That's upside, down because this is from the point of view of the bodyguard so all the regions on the left side are, upside. Down oh. Yeah. It's. A good Town Palermo. Relay. Keep it down the vodka. You. I see. Looks. Like a seahorse sir, but. Does, the. Grand Canal. McQueen. Dave Eiland push, down the inside. Because, the Sun is rebelled. Against, God. And as, a punishment they, were saying. That's. The one the famous to, sing be the square. That's. The line that you just escaped oh, no way Wow, one, hour under some production, a security, control Wow, skipped, all this because of its special it's. Definitely. Worth it and. This is the preparing for the Pope's audience, Olivia, are the audience next where the face of the people they are starting on here, at, the Pope's audience and the world famous, balcony, from. Which the new pope is presented, to the world that is different. You. See is. That the only time he comes to the balcony now he was there twice a year Oh on Christmas, Day on Eastern. Sunday our travel, those. Are the only times the two times the book. This, is the st. Peter's Basilica yes, one, of the most. Magnificent. Church. This. Was a stabbing in, 1506. It. Was completed, in. 1626. That. Means. 120. Years. 24:10. Chief, architects. To build saintly, the specific Wow remember, that this basilica, was built on top of a graveyard, the healer was a graveyard cemetery. 1900. Years ago Peter, the first pope was crucified nearby. In the circles of Caligula, which Bethulia after. The crucifixion he, was buried in this graveyard, precisely. After. The dissociation from bitches.

So, What mechanic. Okay. Can. You see the difference between, Jesus. Made God is so beautiful, enemies. Brain here because inside. That other. Begin, with the Sanctus, that means the st. John. Paul the, second, the BB means, so. This report joke. In avoid either get. Rid of the church. It's. Unbelievable, that they took you know this much. Effort. If you think 120. Years to build these and then 200. Additional. Years, of the decorate. You see. That, area, is called the confessor of st. Peters and. Exactly. Down there that's what Peter is left. Okay. 27. Feet. Let's, repeat. So I heard wonder of that surrounded. That's what the Pope's. The. Last queen. Did, he actually work on that. You see this is the best view of st. Peter Sodoma. And you can see there. Is a. Description. Yes it's a bunch of people. And, then from there. In, the Vatican now without. A doubt the most impressive, building, I've ever seen this is absolutely, spectacular I, don't, know if the cameras doing it justice but. Some. Livable 150. Years it took to build it, some, greatest, artist ever. Under, this altars where Peter was buried. The. Church was built right on top of him right here right. Here under this altar. The. Swiss Guard is an armed forces, unit that protects the Pope and the Vatican palace, and, serves as the Vatican's, military, unit was, established in, 1506. But pope julius ii. And is one of the oldest, military, units in continuous, operation. St., Peter's Square. I guess. That concludes the, Vatican tour. Really. Special and really glad it came to see it I highly, recommend you go see the Vatican. It's. Undescribable really just it's flat-out the most beautiful Church, the most beautiful building you can imagine. Well. Hope. You enjoyed it time to go get a pizza. Maybe. A few beers. And. Get some sleep flying to Sicily tomorrow time. To time, to move on see, the Mediterranean, Sea so. See. You when I get there.

2019-12-24 23:52

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