The Unknown Mysterious Thailand

The Unknown Mysterious Thailand

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What does Thailand reminds us of? Gorgeous temples of Bangkok Modern city Night life of Pattaya Or pristine beaches of Phuket? No doubt very enjoyable However, when we planned for Thailand We thought What about skip this know route And explore something different? Let us take you to such Lesser known parts of Thailand Where there is mixture of history and contempt Cultural prosperity The feeling of seeing an unknown place And adventure We have come to Chiang Mai This is situated at North Thailand Name of our hotel is De Charme We booked at the last moment And got a big room It is a deluxe room Chiang Mai is the biggest city of north Thailand It is called the cultural capital of Thailand You can see the reason The unrestrained life of Bangkok is not Chiang Mai Surrounded by mountains This city wakes up very early And sleeps early The city is almost a thousand year old It was founded by King Meng Rai His residential place is now A temple called Wat Chiang Man It is the oldest temple of Chiang Mai There are over 300 Buddhist temples here Of which we had seen a few Here we found very old Damaged by earthquake Wat Chedi Luang Gold covered Doi Suthep Silver covered Wat Sri Supan We have a video with all the temples we explored You can click on the card to see it Or you can visit our channel to see all Thailand videos The most popular temple of Chiang Mai is Doi Suthep And it is rightfully so As beautiful as its location Is its structure 15 kilometers from Chiang Mai On the lap of mountains The temple can be reached by Winding mountain road Then there are more than 300 stairs To reach the temple It is a very holy place for Buddhists The 24 meter high chedi is Completely covered with gold And decorated with gold It is said that the first stupa of the temple Was made in 1343 According to the legends Monk Sumanathera had a dream Following it, he found a bone In Peng Cha It is said to be shoulder bone Of Gautama Buddha The bone has mysterious powers Following some different incidents The bone was tied to a white elephant And released in the woods Wandering in the mountains and forests The elephant reached Doi Suthep And passed away The king ordered to build a temple there And Wat Phra That Doi Suthep was built Mysterious ancient city Chiang Mai Is surrounded by an ancient wall And moat Currently the city is extended But has not lost its identity That was all about temples Let's find some different cultural aspects If you have seen the movie "Tangled" You must not have forgotten the scene Where the king releases thousands of sky lanterns In memory of his lost daughter We found the same experience in Chiang Mai Although the reason is different Yi Peng is the most important festival of this region It is celebrated on the full moon day Of twelfth lunar month of the year They believe that during this time The sky is the cleanest And rivers are full of water The whole city is decorated with lanterns The festival begins with group choreography And Buddhist chants Numerous cultural programs are held Throughout the week The most attractive is the Mass lantern release On the full moon day To witness the scene To become a part of the celebration Is one of the most magical experience Of our life Are you seeing religious places and festivals for too long? Let's find a different place In the lap of the nature A day full of mountain, waterfall Doi Inthanon National Park is called A detached part of the Himalayas It is the highest mountain of Thailand We spent a whole day to explore it We hired a car and came straight to The highest point of Thailand It took almost two hours from Chiang Mai As soon as we came out of the car The cold mountain breeze frozen us We quickly put on the warm clothes Then took a small hike to see The highest point There are many other natural trails here Within thick tropical forest They made wooden roads Forget about cutting down a tree They do not even break a branch Damp, foggy at times The trails feel mysterious Very big trees, weeds The trunks are completely covered with Mosses and ferns Even the pathways are slippery It felt really good to Spend some time in the natural trail After winning the highest point We started descending First, we came to the twin pagodas Within thick forest The King and Queen Pagodas Are built by the Royal Air Force of Thailand Decorated with beautiful gardens, fountains and waterfalls Buddha statue and Buddhist decorations inside Built for the King and Queen The two chedis are equally peaceful The twin pagodas are one of the Icons of Chiang Mai Descending further, we found Hmong hill tribes' village and market They sale different types of products cloths, dry fruits We roamed for a while and bought some dry strawberries Then we came to Watchirathan waterfall It is the most popular waterfall of the national park In front of the waterfall there is a grass covered valley which we liked very much As soon as we reached near the waterfall the splash made us completely wet There is a small walking trail beside the waterfall We explored the place and moved to our next destination Almost 14 kilometers far from the main road after crossing a few villages we arrived at Mae Ya's parking The waterfall is another one and half hours of hike The mountainous road is beside the river Because of its distance not a lot of people comes here In some places the road touches the river We can get into the river wet out feet and start the walk again Thick lush forest on both sides of the road Small creeks in some places Small bridges When we reached, it was late afternoon We could not see anyone else there It was a somewhat spooky ambience But above everything is the beauty of Mae Ya Coming from high hills divided into multiple cascades it took the shape of river at the bottom We stared at it for long Suddenly we remembered that we have to return a long way We took some pictures quickly We did not want to leave it But we have to The most beautiful waterfall we saw in Thailand Mae Ya Do you remember the Durga Puja Pandal of Deshapriya Park of 2017? A bright white temple It was built following a temple in this north Thailand But that is not Chiang Mai Further north of Chiang Mai at almost the northern border of the country there is a small city Chiang Rai Distance from Chiang Mai is almost 200 kilometers On the way, we first saw a hot spring A small break in between of a long drive There are some coffee shops and other stores We did not spend much time there but came straight to the white temple Wat Rong Khun It would be better to stay here for a day as it was already crowded when we reached from Chiang Mai The thought behind the temple is quite different From a hole in front of the temple hundreds of hands are reaching out These symbolizes our greed After that is a small water body and a small bridge called The Bridge of Rebirth After that is The Gate of Heaven guarded by two dreaded creatures Death and Rahu Behind is the gorgeous white temple symbolizing the heaven Leaving all the greed behind crossing the bridge of rebirth we have to ascend to heaven The outside of the temple is completely white and decorated with glass and mirrors Inside of the temple is also different Being a modern temple it is not only Buddhism oriented From ancient time to modern age the inside is decorated with everything The temple is created by a famous Thai artist Chalermchai Kositpipat In the same place, there was another ancient temple in the past Towards the end of twentieth century The temple went to bad condition Then Chalermchai took the responsibility to rebuilt the temple and on 1997 started building it with his own expenses The temple is still incomplete When completed, there will be nine buildings There is a museum close to the temple where we could see lots of arts by Chalermchai From the white temple, we came To the black house or Baan Dam Museum Everything here is black or of very dark shade There are 15 buildings here and all are decorated with remains of dead animals This is complete opposite of white temple and is a reflection of hell Although it is a lesser known place but had some good crowd It was built by artist Thawan Duchanee He decorated it with skin, teeth, bones of dead animals He did not kill any animals though He used remains of naturally dead animals and built this spiritual hell Then we came to Blue temple Wat Rong Suea Ten The temple is completely blue and golden yellow It was built by a student of Chalermchai named Putha Kabkaew Influence of the white temple is prominent is the design of it We arrived at late afternoon The sun is moving towards west We too were tired traveling since morning Literal meaning of Wat Rong Suea Ten is Temple of Dancing Tiger It is said that before a few centuries there was a different temple in this area and tigers freely roamed in that temple Later, the villagers decided to rebuild the temple and started in 2005 Rebuilding was completed in 2016 The main gate is guarded by two Naga Serpents and their tail is covering the stairs Finally, we arrived at the last destination Wat Huay Pla Kang The temple is situated on a hill and surrounded by hills and valleys At first, there is a nine storied pagoda Although, most of the Thai temples are built in Thai-Lanna structure this pagoda is influenced by Chinese culture Instead of Naga serpents, the stairs are guarded by dragons The color too depicts the chinese influence Each story of the pagoda is decorated with sandalwood sculptures At the center is a two stories tall statue of Guan Yin Next to the pagoda is a completely white meditation hall This is made in Thai style It is guarded by two Nagas The inside is also white and thoroughly decorated At last, is a 90-meter high enormous monument Although commonly known as Big Buddha, the monument is of Guan Yin who is the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy We entered inside the monument with an elevator At 25th flow inside the head there are beautiful decorations on the wall In the place of third eye we can see the valley and villages below Coming back to Chiang Mai city Bor Sang Umbrella village a small but beautiful place The nice umbrellas we see in pictures are crafted here We saw how paper is being made from berks of a tree Yes, these umbrellas are made of paper Then from small wooden blocks they are making parts of the umbrella Then from all the parts a complete umbrella is made Then decorated with color paintings We can draw small painting of our bag or other things We also bought an umbrella as souvenir Then we came to Thai Silk Village In traditional way they cultivate silk worms From its cocoon the make silk From it they make silk cloths It is of different colors different design There is also a showroom here We can purchase silk cloths from there Public transport of Chiang Mai is songthaew and tuktuk Songthaew is kind of shuttles Wherever we go we had to pay 30 Thai Baht At the heart of the city is walking street market On every Sunday the market sits across a big part of the city There is no such thing that is not available there Decorative items, food, plants, cloths In some places locals form bands to sing The Sunday evening is well spent here Let’s come to where we stayed There are a lot of hotels in Chiang Mai. There are some homestays and hostels too. To stay, to explore the city it is best to stay anywhere inside the old city The name of our hotel is De Charme Quite a good hotel Lots of rooms, own restaurants, library, swimming pool, gym In our room we have sofa, AC, wall decorations We have washroom here This is our king size bedroom We have a wardrobe here Another washroom There are possibly not included We are on the fourth floor All the restaurants here serves Thai dishes. As Indians come rarely there are no Indian restaurants Sticky rice is the staple food Pad Thai is also very popular Also different types of fried rice, barbecue, noodles, meat balls are available Lot of seafood are also available Mango rice is a popular dessert here But all the food has a typical flavor that everyone may not like So being open minded about food will be very much required here How to go? From Kolkata, there is no direct commute as of now We had to go to Bangkok first Then after another one and half hour of flight we reached Chiang Mai Apart from it, there re trains and intercity bus services from Bangkok Those who likes to go out of the known route must visit Chiang Mai We hope you liked the video If you have further questions please ask in the comment section We will try to answer as fast as possible Our Thailand exploration does not end here Next, we will fly to Krabi Do not forget to subscribe the channel so that you don’t miss our next videos We will be back soon Keep well until then

2021-03-19 01:54

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