The TRUTH About the Pyramid Scams in Egypt

The TRUTH About the Pyramid Scams in Egypt

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no it's okay it's okay I don't like I know but  I don't like gifts man I like yours too to meet   you oh you're going to make me an Arab yes I know  you'll have a good everybody says I look Arab if   you've ever wondered what it looks like inside  of a pyramid this is what it looks like maraba   Egypt welcome give me 400 no it's okay thank you  have a nice day I love Egypt man welcome thank you   brother yeah I heard that this place gets like 10  million visitors a year all these working people   out here in the Giza complex they're not scammers  they're hardworking people and you know no one's   taking money from you no one's um forcing you to  do anything they're offering you their service   they're offering you to sell things and it's  up to you to pick and choose whether or not   you want to participate in those things what's  up everybody welcome back to another beautiful   day here in Cairo Egypt now right now I'm at the  Giza complex home to the Great Pyramid of Giza   and today we're going to go on in and explore  this beautiful site that is known as a wonder   of the world now I've been able to see the  pyramid from quite different spots different   angles of the city so far but let me just tell  you guys when you're here at the bottom of it   it is massive now there's already all kinds of  tour buses I'm here at 8:00 in the morning but   most people already have their tickets so they're  walking straight in I need to wait in line though   however for the tickets they do sell tickets  online but I always prefer to buy them at the   location that I'm at so yeah super surreal to be  here right now now I'm going to turn the camera   off for a second I'm going to purchase tickets  and then I'll let you guys know about all the   requirements to enter but yeah look they got a  couple rules right here where a face mask and   enclosed places I don't got one of those I'm  guessing those are Co restrictions that are   probably not too valid anymore and payments are  cards only visa and MasterCard okay so here are   the prices for visitors um 540 Egyptian pound  to access the grounds and then you can actually   pay to enter all of the pyramids so I actually  paid to enter the kufu pyramid for 900 and then   yeah 540 so I spent what was that like 1,440  Egyptian pound to enter now there's all kinds   of other tombs that you can enter in complexes  but to be honest um I just chose the ticket to   the Great Pyramid so time to explore I'm super  excited man I've been waiting for this day for   a very long time all right so there's get some  information and here's the entry let's head on inside hello sir hello sir okay sir thank you  okay and now we have officially entered the Giza   complex and yeah there's a bunch of um people  hanging around waiting for their tours but when   you don't have a tour booked you walk straight  on through all right I'm excited this is going   to be a fun day and you know what I actually  showed up here extremely early on purpose to   completely beat uh the crowd and the weather  because everybody told me it gets extremely   brutal out here and I didn't bring sunscreen or  a hat or water so wish me some luck let's see if   there is some water out um being sold around here  now the problem is is that I actually don't have   much cash on me at all the ATM at the hotel this  morning wasn't working so I have no cash I had   to make it on out here I think I have actually  let me set aside the money for the Uber I got   about like 800 lb so not a whole lot but we'll  make it work I'm so glad that they actually   received Cardon payments upon entering but yeah  here we are guys the Great Pyramids of Giza now   there's actually many different pyramids here on  this complex I believe in Egypt as a whole they   have found over 180 almost perfectly preserved  pyramids or fully intact pyramids so there's quite   a bit but obviously the big three here in Giza  are the most iconic and the ones that you know   the whole world undoubtedly knows about wow it's  hard to to put into words how insane this place   is now you know I was warned and I saw plenty of  videos on the internet about all of the touts and   scammers here at the pyramids and to be honest  there are a lot of touts just like everywhere   else every other tourist site in the world but  guys you can simply walk away from anybody in   this world you can walk away from anybody you do  not have to purchase anything so the fact that so   many people come on out here and make all these  videos called the biggest scam in Egypt is here   at the pyramids that is in fact the biggest scam  that's one of the reasons why I've put away this   trip for such a very long time was because I was  so worried about all the scams here in Egypt and   literally it's been nothing but love it's crazy  what people do for money huh they'll literally   ruin a tourism industry for a little bit of  Clouts and a little bit of a little bit of   Fame but yeah this pyramid is huge wow now I was  reading online that it's actually prohibited to   um go up the pyramid and that most people that  actually go up they get prosecuted and you can   actually face 3 years in prison now first things  first we're going to enter the kufu pyramid which   is right here the entrance is right there before  all the groups and the rest of the tourah guides   all start coming this way so let's go knock  this out right now now I can't say that I'm   going to actually like walk all the way to the  top but we'll we'll have at it why not I'm okay   right now thank you sir thank you I look like  Egyptian huh huh no I'm going inside right now   thank you thank you oh um no California us happy  New Year brother I speak Spanish my family is from   Guatemala nice to meet you brother it's okay right  now thank you no it's okay it's I don't like like   I know but I don't like gifts man I like yours  too where yours what are what are those I like   those Egyptian like aviators you look like Tom  Cruz Tom Cruz you look like Tom Cruz right now   you look like Egyptian I know everybody says  that if you want to change I change with you   maybe next time bro okay all right thanks brother  have a good day take care brother from where um   the United States close your bag my bag's broken  bro no money in there man do a good picture from   this boy we do one picture with his street peram  one maybe maybe later I'll look for you what's   your name hammad my name hammad hammad nice  to meet you bro I am a camel man if you change   your mind about the camel you don't look like  a camel man you look like a skateboarder sure   you're a camel man thank you brother yes all  right I'll look for you later Ahmad thank you   thanks brother you too all right good people see  that's exactly what I'm saying though it's real   easy to avoid look at all the people taking their  pictures oh my god this is amazing guys it is huge   and these stones are unreal now I was reading  online that these Stones there's actually 2.5   million of these stones that make up the kufu  pyramid all right well I believe the these are   the steps to climb on up hello how are you sir  have a nice dayam from where the US California   Califor Alaska to Che my son what you've been  to Alaska took the photo okay photo I got you   photo photo together nice to meet you oh you're  going to make me an Arab yes I know you have a   good everybody says I look Arab yeah okay here  you go sir thank you I'll see you on the way out   okay thank you thank you okay thank you all right  time to walk on up the steps no you put that on me bro yo this is so awesome I can't believe this you know  there's some things that's you know you   dream you dream your whole life about  visiting and then once you're finally   there you're like man what the hell how did I  end up here dreams come true and it's [Music] crazy just a few steps and I'm already starting to warm  up definitely a good idea to get on out here early   if you're going to explore the pyramids and you  can see the town of Giza city of Giza out into the distance and look at these Stones  they are huge it's hard to put in   comparison the size of these things  in photos but I mean look I'm fully   standing up and one stone goes all the  way up to my waist pretty crazy all right hello sir there you go thank you so much  you're welcome Friend by thank you   sir wow this is awesome okay so we  are entering now wow this is unreal man what in the world yeah I got to  get some cell phone videos too man   but here let me turn the camera around  so you guys can enjoy this this is so incredible if you've ever wondered what it looks  like inside of a pyramid this is what it looks like this is so awesome all right let's cam up these steps and this is the little ramp that I've seen  all over the Internet that everybody tells me   it get super claustrophobic oh man definitely  does you know what let me take off my sweater   real quick all right I'm good to go let's climb  up okay yeah it's definitely super narrow and   you have to be in like somewhat decent shape  to visit this place hopefully we don't have   to come back down the same way that would  suck you have to come back down the same way all right let's go I think  there's people waiting to come down this is brutal actually so yeah there's only one way in one way up I just made it outside of there and let me just  tell you guys man that was brutal I'm sweating my   ass off and I actually made it to the top of the  staircase and then no joke I found myself like in   a complete panic attack I mean there was a couple  hundred people up there and everybody was coming   up and down just like a little narrow ramp and I  was oh man I was freaking out but super cool glad   I went up there but now it's time to walk around  and cool off a little bit I'm sweating Oh my legs   hurt off that actually you know what I need to  relax for a secondo no guys seriously say what   you want if you guys have gone up there before  let me know how you guys felt but that one was   not for me man I didn't realize how uh uneasy  I get in tight spaces and my legs hurt so bad   going up there if you're not in even decent shape  I wouldn't recommend going up there especially if   you know you're one of those elderly people but  yeah there's a lot of people I guess they're I   just talked to a couple from Spain they're walking  through looking up the tunnel and then just   completely coming back down and wrapping around  the pyramid but man that was brutal glad I went up   never doing that again though all right I'm going  to call off for a bit maybe about 15 20 minutes   and then we'll start walking but my legs are beat  to [ __ ] right now so yeah I definitely wasn't   the only walking out of there but yeah as you're  walking out there's all kinds of people constantly   trying to say Hey sir Hey sir you want a tour you  want a pitcher but like I said it's pretty easy   to avoid but wow I'm glad I went in can't say I do  that again though and to be honest I can't say I'd   recommend it because that really messed me up to  be honest with you guys oh [ __ ] there goes the   cheap backpack oh man I should have bought one  yesterday this bag has ripped in every possible   way I might just have to toss this here in a trash  can somewhere but um guys quick little update too   um I was actually I actually oh man I'm messed up  I actually brought my passport with me because I   thought hey maybe you need your passport to enter  the pyramids but you don't in fact need a passport   so um leave those documents at home don't bring  those with you but sometimes around the world when   you enter UNESCO world heritage sites or sites  that are of this importance often times they ask   you for it especially to verify your identity  because obviously Nationals versus foreigners   get different um ticket prices now this pyramid  was actually fully covered in Limestone from what   I was reading and now the only remnants of the  Limestone that's left is actually on that pyramid   right there which I'm not going to pretend like  I know what the hell I'm talking about because I   don't but um it is super impressive so let's walk  over towards that one now a lot of people said   that the best way to get around is like on a horse  or a donkey wow they even got some camels right   there but I'm not too sure I actually want to  do one of those right now yeah look at the camel Riders how cool is that huh camels are always a  Vibe whenever you're in a in a desert environment   especially by the pyramids why not but yeah  super beautiful let me know what you guys think   so far is this on your bucket list has this  been a place that you've been dreaming about visiting now I have been listening to a  lot of the tour guides um with the groups   of people walking around and it sounds  like they're they're getting a lot of   very valuable information so taking a tour  especially if you're not short on time is   definitely the way to do these things  if you're into um the Egyptian history man I'm so beat right now I like to be always  be fully transparent with you guys and man that   one right there really got the best of me to be  honest I was almost contemplating like just going   to the bathroom cuz I felt very very nauseous wow  there's actually tour buses over in that direction   too so I'm guessing if you come here on a tour  bus they probably Drive You from One pyramid   to the next because this complex is incredibly  huge now the ts are very easy to avoid um all   those people that you see on the internet that  are purposely getting themselves into scams man   those people know what the hell they're doing all  right anybody that's makes YouTube travel videos   that has been around for more than a day that  has been to several destinations in the world   knows when a scam is coming up or when somebody  just wants to take advantage of you yet people   will still get themselves into those situations  just to make a video titled the biggest scam in   Egypt and that right there alone is the biggest  scam because most people are you know they're on   the hustle they're on the grind they're trying  to sell you something take you on a tour show   you some pict take you some pictures but they're  not bad people you know I bought some souvenirs   but I think I'm going to have to actually do  some souvenir shopping here as well because why   not I got to go home with something from the Giza  grounds the Great Pyramid from what I was reading   out last night it was known as the Empire State  building of its time and they were saying that the   Great Pyramid was actually built by over 100,000  enslaved people and that it reaches 480t tall and   for 4,000 years as I mentioned it was the tallest  man-made structure in the world 4,000 years can   you imagine 4,500 years ago they built these and  Guys these Stones like I said are massive and it's   hard to put in comparison until you're actually  standing right here below them and I'm just super   glad and grateful that you know even the last  like 3 400 years um when people started Civil   um well I guess living in these areas again that  these were never destroyed and that they've always   been preserved for us to be here and enjoy wow  I can hear the the horse carriage is going like   crazy but to be honest I probably wouldn't mind  taking one of those right now the way that my   legs feel the way that my body feels and you know  what the worst part about this is I didn't have a   breakfast this morning because I woke up a little  bit late so I'm feeling very nauseous right now   at the moment and I'm just sharing all these with  you guys that way you guys can mentally prepare   yourselves and you know come here prepared because  the last thing you want to do is you know feel the   way I feel right no how are you sir how much huh  how much what are those the Arab Arab F any color   how much are those black one how much are they  $1 million $1 million no they're cool I like them yeah those are cool no no no don't put it  on me what's the price first what's the price   American money no Egypt I'm in Egypt why would  I pay an American money yeah I give you two no   I don't I one one yes okay I give me 400 no  it's okay how much have a nice day no no how   much that's how you walk away from touts  200 the pyramids nope it's okay thank you   sir you can sell that to someone else sir all  right let's keep walking yeah 200 sir I'm okay   I'm okay thank you 100 no I'm okay thank you  100 see if you would have told me the honest   price first I would have bought it from you no  it's okay thank you I'll find someone else thank   you but see that's what I'm saying most people  you can just easily walk away from but yeah I   don't like this honest people you like my you  like my beard I know everyone says that where   you from um the United States I silver what  happened America forever America's good Egypt   is good thank you sir B one like this maraba  Egypt welcome excuse me loose your back it's   broken nothing inside it's okay take a picture  how much for the camel picture whatever to give   me no problem whatever how much I gave you 100  for one picture easy 100 one picture 100 let's   do it see that's that's a good price for  one photo excuse me I'm not looking with   the money no it's I know I know because you  not come I like you not come here every day   I hope I make you happy me you you are making me  happy you're a good man you're a nice guy thank you oh yeah I'm going to get a good picture  right here look at this legendary man I host   silver America forever your name's what  what's your name Charlie Brown Charlie   Brown Charlie Brown Christmas yes merry  Christmas happy New Year Happy New Year to   you brother come on here you go I'll give you  this phone thank you here maybe you can hold   this one too okay one second put it my legs  here like a horse oh put my legs here like a horse oh oh oh man I almost fell off this  thing yes oh that was scary look here okay I'm looking Minit not can you take  one yeah vertical okay this is   safe right yes all right you happy  make us happy I know one handle like   that yes like that like can grab the  pyramid huh yes brother have one hand yes thank you sir oh that's cool y those  are cool excuse me you need one only video   you need video Yeah here one video okay  thank you you know what I'm giving you   200 good man good man good man excuse me  don't look with the money I hope we make   you happy promise you make me happy I I  work here brother I know you make me happy bro oh this is scary man I'm scared bro no  no no don't scared Hold On Tight the back   where we going here yeah only here okay not too  far right not too far oh he's getting some good video thank you brother can you do  me one vertical yeah wo welcome to Egypt okay thank you brother lean the body back okay go look here  this is picture this sh hey it's scary when it   comes down on the camel then scary wait wait oh a  shoot my legs hurt from climbing kufu okay thank   you brother you honest you're a very honest guy  thank you so much thanks for helping me take my   memories bro you're happy for that I wish you the  best you're happy for that I'm very happy thank   you s for help and that's why I'm telling you  there's so many honest people here hardworking   people and look he took my memories and I gave  you what I think you deserve I hope you make it   not happy I give you money back no you happy  for that more than happy thank you sir take   care brother have a good day you too man what  a nice guy if you guys come here look for him   are you always here in this area every day this  is your spot yes they're going to come look for you great guy but see that's how  you handle the situation guys all right well the horse carriage doesn't sound like  a bad idea right about now now I'm not sure   where the Sphinx is but I'm pretty sure it's  on this same complex if I'm not mistaken so   we're just going to get lost for the next  few hours and wander around one of the most   legendary places in the world the Pyramids  of Giza once in a lifetime destination if   you're lucky enough to come more than once  then you're blessed but this year has been   a dream of mine for a very long time and  to be honest no pictures no videos could   ever do this Justice this is amazing hello sir  good morning how are you how much what's the price but what is the price first she  price 300 for how long 300 over there   it where's the Sphinx s is down there after  you the everything 300 all the big 600 600   you come back well how what what do  you do for 300 how long you go take   over there you will come back for 300 you  sure okay I'm coming can I come with you okay huh okay come on we good yeah yeah  yeah I know but I went to three I want   a tour told 300 no more let's do it  let's do it yes you wome thank you   thank you brother thank you you're  so nice I love Egypt man thank you brother all right let's see  where where we go we're going   to the first pyramid on the other side behind okay hello what's your name sir Nas Naser CH nice  to meet you nice to meet you happy New Year   Happy New Year to you brother wow you work in  a you work in the most beautiful place in the   world yeah okay okay cool you want to you go with  a nine pyramid no problem oh because there's nine   pyramids here huh nine pyramid here and no the  problem is I I only have a little bit of cash   thank youy I'm very happy I'm very happy thank  you I'm having a good day today this is my dream welcome this is what the horse eats yes  he eats the horse yeah wow your horse is   beautiful what's his name cigarettes no not right  now not right now okay no all right I'll take one   thank you thank you funny funny why not in Egypt  everybody smokes cigarettes it's part of the uh   the culture Egyptian breakfast coffee cigarettes  Maro what is the name of this pyramid sir macarine yeah okay some macarine and then the pyramid we  just left was kofu in a second in a second oh   yeah I see it right here so macarine yeah here  Kos Kos okay yeah I am a terrible historian I   mean I don't know much but yeah guys you know what  um I'm going to put the camera down for a second   and I'll see you guys here um once we make it to  the iconic photo location but yeah definitely a   great way to get around oh my legs are loving  me right now oh man and it's perfect weather   out here I can imagine that during the summer it's  probably quite brutal for the horses to be walking   around but right now it is cold out here it's  nice it's beautiful weather hello wow legendary views the kufu pyramid is the biggest pyramid  right 418 ft 480 ft I think it is yeah this   all the temples these are all the temples  right here yeah the temple ruins what is   that restaurant Cafe Hotel yeah coffee coffee oh  Coffee coffee shop how's business today slow good good wow they have a l Paris Cafe fancy  the King kofu Center wow this place   is beautiful in the summer it gets very  hot here huh August August September   too hot ni it's nice yeah oh okay are  you from kaido yeah you kaido yes oh okay I love kaido those are the three small pyramids huh  one you have three small the over there   you got the three small ones yeah three  small from here and the one go over there   with nine pyramids nine pyramids yeah three  big and six small okay yeah I'm here take for   three pyramid behind you come back thank  you bro yeah thank you so much yeah sh you guys have heard me say shran a lot shran   means thank you fan means you're  welcome what's another important word I'm learning little by little I hope I get better inshah come from  where United you thank you brother salum   amazing place you guys have great jobs man you  get to see this every day every day wow what a place oh you know where all the good spots are  look at the view behind me guys but good wow man bro you brought me to the best spots  look at this oh this is why you need to do   the little horse carriage tour and and look  at this this is beautiful I would have never   made it here look at this view okay thank  you sir don't take phot oh okay thank you   take okay thank you brother sh come come this  okay here let me put this here I put it right here yeah okay you tell me how  how like this like this how like this okay one like this thank you can you take me one like this up thank you sir can you turn  me one like this no just one   like this like this normal standing down like this you're good man man thank you brother  okay I just got done taking some amazing   photos great photographer he knows the all  the good spots the good angles and this view   is legendary it doesn't get more iconic than  this man I'm so happy to be here right now   it's unreal looking at this view crazy place  okay ready thank you sir I love that he lets   me take my time everywhere oh man amazing oh  my legs are feeling better yes woo all right   to go the big trip you want to go back theh no  to the Sphinx but you know what look Sphinx but   look here I'mma pay you now I'm going to give  you tip no I give you tip here 400 see I'm a   good man you good man 300 yeah but I give you  tip no just thinkx please I'm so tired man my   legs hurt you're a good man you always tip the  good man thank you so tips are important huh   thank you so much welcome brother thank you oh  man what an amazing experience this has been so far Egypt is so beautiful yeah I  love your country welcome egyp thank you how many people come here a  day too much too much 2,000 3,000   yes oh okay okay yeah I heard that this  place gets like 10 million visitors a year I love it here yeah I'm just truly at a loss for words  you know I've been to a couple of Wonders of   the World and I've been to Mach picu I've been to  Petra um here where else have I been yeah those   are the only ones that I've been to so far but I  think this one here is truly the most special one   and you know this is the only um have a nice day  thank you so much this is one of the only um I   mean this is the only ancient wonder of the world  that still exists so it's truly a special place   how many years did it take to build the Pyramid  how many years about 5,000 12,000 yeah 5,000 oh   5,000 years back yeah yeah but how many years  to build me 100 years right yeah to build the   Pyramid yeah yeah they said it I was reading  online that it took 100 years to build with   over 100,000 people I mean 100 years is still an  incredibly fast time now my facts might be wrong   but no need to hate just let me know down in the  comments I know a lot of you guys watching these   especially um a lot of you that are going to  be watching these pyramid videos are going to   be like really big into the history um but please  there's no need to bash anybody let's share advice   share tips and tricks and let me know how your  guys's experience was here at the pyramids if it   was any difference or did you approach situations  differently that might have you know impacted your   your stay or your outlook on your visits here  because to be honest mine so far you guys have   seen it it's been perfect it's been good the lur  Bakery most expensive Cafe in the world how much   is a coffee inside 300 lb one coffee huh yeah  expensive man rich people Rich VIP B you come   here oh the VIPs go there musala when he come here  he go there everybody says musala is the king of Egypt you like musala you like football what  you like football football no no he doesn't like football you can see the city of Giza  from up here too and the haze I think   the haze has to do with the pollution  to be honest with you guys I mean the   city is 25 million people so it  gets pretty um pretty smoggy out here I hope you guys are  enjoying this little carriage ride oh this is the second one we've done this  trip we did one in the city center of Cairo a   few days ago but this one here is man this is  legendary y it don't get much better than this   I mean look at this and to be honest his horse  looks incredible I love the um the hair super   shiny oh man look at this picture guys no if you  guys are watching this video right now make sure   to follow me on Instagram because that's where I  share like all the behind the scenes pictures and   stories and um I post on their daily so check  it out the links down below and let me know   that you came from this video I'll be sharing  these pictures on there so I look forward to   seeing you guys over on that platform but for  now I think I'm going to put the camera down   and I'll tune back in here in a second I'm  going to just enjoy this for a second I mean   not that I'm not enjoying it with the camera  but oh man dude this is a dream you know I'm   so grateful for the Spanish people I met when I  made it down the tunnel too they gave me a water   they saw that I was like shaking trembling  and there was many other people in the same   situation as me so thank you guys I hope you  guys watched this video cuz you guys save me today I think the horse this is the best  way to see the pyramids yeah cuz it's a   lot of walking if you don't I mean you'll  spend a lot of time here and if you're on   a time constraint then you know it's a great  way to see them to be able to make it to the   Egyptian Museum and all the other landmarks in  the city that are just incredible to see too this more those are more small pyramids huh yeah and these are more temples huh yeah all the it's incredible how they built these things come on how many any of you guys  are have difficulties like setting up an   Ikea furniture imagine putting together  something like this no way couldn't be me this is definitely the best time of year  to visit Egypt though too from what I've   been hearing like December to March very  cool weather very enjoyable out here right [Music] now from here so the s's that way the  S is here oh right here minute okay   okay oh I see it okay I see the S come  okay thank you okay thank you brother here thank you thank you I will walk I walk yeah  thank you okay man amazing guy amazing guy very   happy thank you I am very happy thank you brother  tip for me huh huh you give me a tip before me   I gave you a tip yes this 300 No I gave you 400  no 300 one and two one and two yeah this is one   man I I gave you 400 no no excuse me I don't one  here look I thought I gave you 400 let me see let   me see let me see let me see I know I know let me  see maybe I made a I made a mistake look the money   let me see what is this one that's 5 pound yeah oh  bro I got no more money that's all I have okay no   here I give you this too dang how am I going to  get home now I spend my money thank you brother   you're happy I'm very happy I am very happy thank  you brother appreciate you brother Shan dang I got   no more money is there is there ATM over there  ATM in the front look here good okay thank you   brother you're happy very happy take care sh  okay let's walk around let's check this out now alikum thank you wow this is beautiful  no I thought I gave him that but I guess I   made a mistake in my in my um in my money yeah  all a lot of the bills look the same wow this   is beautiful hello hello how you good good  is close here yeah I know I'm just taking a   picture you want to go inside he's open there  no I just want to take a picture and then I'm   leaving I got no more time very short on time  the temple and the the pyramid here open yeah   but I'm just going to take a picture and then  I have to leave five minutes here inside it's   okay thank you sir come on thank you thank you  I appreciate it let's take some pictures what   for you no it's okay sir thank you I'm the  Watchman here don't worry no I know I know   but I appreciate it thank you you pict sir I I  I appreciate it thank you the temp back around   come on all right I'll take one don't worry  thank you want to be happy sir I am happy I'm   at the pyramids man yes of course smile whiskey  whiskey sisy Cyro come close the statue here   close to the Statue yes what is the statue statue  this is the guardian for the the guardian for the   temple this one yes come close back back back  back back back back close close together close   very close Okay touch it wow these are cool huh I  don't know about how I feel about touching it man smile thank you brother come here last one  right here in the middle in between the pillars yeah okay 1 2 25 whiskey action  action thank you bro thank you sir you're   welcome sir oh beautiful thank you thank you  you're welcome thank you very much thank you   sir thank you my I bro I had no more cash  I just spent it that's why I didn't want to   take the pictures make money I don't I don't  have anything thank you bro something bro I'm   sorry I don't have anything that's why I told  you thank you that's why I didn't want to take   the picture because I don't have for a tip  but nice guy thank you sir thank you though   I appreciate it next time next time all right  well yeah I mean at the end of the day people   are just trying to make a living guys they're  not bad people but yeah that's the reason why   I just you know strictly was trying to avoid  taking a picture because I like I love to tip   people too I mean guys I'm so passionate about  traveling the world and sharing stories with   you guys and I hate when people come and like  you know um label these people as bad people   when at the end of the day they're just trying  to make a living come on you spend thousands   of dollars to come to Egypt you can spare two  three bucks to tip for some incredible PCT you   know these people are making like very little  money and struggling to make ends meat so you   know you got to contribute but yeah this here  is the the pyramids now we'll work our way down   to the Spinx and then I think our time here  at the Giza complex will be coming to an end   but yeah the Sphinx is down there I can see it  hopefully there's an exit that way too because   I really do not want to walk all the way back  up here again wow look how beautiful that looks D they're smashing I already did one  thank you I just finished thank you so I guess that is the tour a lot of people  take it straight down to the Sphinx to to be   honest that was completely fair for me um 300 lb  $10 us for a nice little tour and he took me some   incredible pictures Trav by yourself I mean often  times you got to pay for uh situations like that   because then you're going to be able to leave  with your beautiful pictures but I'll give you   guys one more view because well it's time for  us to take on take off from here now and you   know maybe we'll make it back one day but look  at all the ruins out into the distance as well   I mean if you're into the Egyptian history man you  are going to go crazy here all right I'm going to   put the camera down and I'll see you guys down at  the Sphinx my legs are killing me dude I think I'm   actually going to have to go back to the hotel  after this seriously that ramp up there nothing   to play with man okay so down here is the Sphinx  and man to be honest on pictures I never really   knew that the Sphinx was like a complex on its  own but yeah it's actually a fullon complex on   its own and there's people down there as well  but I believe that's an extra ticket price you   actually have to pay for um the 500 lb gives you  access to all of the grounds but then you know   you can add on tickets to enter the pyramids  enter all of these different complexes but of   course it adds up quite quite quick hello sir  have a nice day back open it's broken man thank   you so much everybody in Egypt is so kind man  everybody wants you to close your bag and make   sure that you're safe but my bag's broken and the  strap broke I'm about to toss this thing in trash   you won't see another video with me wearing this  if you do feel free to just call me a cheap ass   because that's the reason I haven't bought a  new one I just don't want to spend money on a   new one but I'm going to go buy one today I'll  probably go buy one at the mall and buy a good   quality one because I got a a lot more countries  to visit after Egypt and I don't know what the   hell I was thinking not bringing a backpack  but look at the view of the Sphinx wow that is   beautiful it's very well preserved too you got  like the paws you got the back legs man it is incredible I mean what a legendary view huh this  is like the P the pictures you always see is like   from the front of the Sphinx and got the pyramids  in the back I'm going to see if I can actually uh   copy that one hopefully it's not one of those  things that you go to the front and you're like   oh wait that's Photoshop you know how many places  I've been to in the world where you're like wait   how come I can't get that iconic picture and  you're like wait it's because they like masked   five six different photos together stitched all  those photos together man that is awesome I love   this thank you guys so much for um you know  making my dreams come true and for allowing   me to visit destinations like this I'm forever  grateful and you know I know I travel the world   full time I've been to so many parts of the world  but there is not one day that I wake up that I do   not take this for grant that I that I that I wake  up that I take this for granted so thank you guys   so much like I I'm truly at a loss for words and  man I love you all so much each and every one of you because you couldn't have told me when  I was growing up that uh this little kid   from Long Beach California was going  to travel all over the world and make   videos on YouTube for a living I'm okay  thank you sir I'm finishing I'm leaving   I I've been here for a few hours already you  good face Mr I look Egyptian s okay thank you bro very nice it actually looks  like they got like a you know a   bunch of chairs set up down there  so that you can watch like I don't   know some sort of events they also  got like souvenir shops on the back side what an amazing Place well I think it's  time for us to get on out of here I spent about   2 hours here in the complex obviously there  was so much more left to explore I mean this   place is huge but I'm guys I'm very short on  time and to be honest with you guys like I've   been mentioning it the whole time I'm not even  joking I'm in really bad shape and climbing up   that ramp in the pyramid really messed me up  I think not eating breakfast and you know not   hydrating enough like in the prior days really  messed me up so I recommend you guys do that um   before coming on out for sure so right now I'm  actually going to leave out of this other exit   this was actually another entrance that I saw on  Google Maps right now that I looked at my map but   yeah I was told that it's best to enter from  the main entrance especially if you get here   super early but yeah super grateful that I'm that  I was able to visit this place it's been a dream   for a very long time I hope you guys get to all  make it on out here and please if there's going   to be one thing that you take away from this video  since it wasn't very um historical it's that you   know you got to really listen to you got to pick  and choose who you listen to on the internet who   you take your information from because there's  people out there that are literally just filming   videos on the internet for Clouts for clickbaits  um obviously my title I'm going to go ahead and   probably I I don't know I'm probably going to go  ahead and put um the biggest scam at the pyramids   in the title because that's how it'll get more  eyes like everybody else however guys all these   hardworking people out here on the street on  on in the Giza complex they're not scammers   they're hardworking people and you know no one's  taking money from you no one's um forcing you to   do anything they're offering you their service  they're offering you to sell things and it's up   to you to pick and choose whether or not you  want to participate in those things but don't   come over here and you know accuse everybody else  of being scammers now I'm going to have to review   the footage when I get back home to uh make sure  that the two bills that I gave the man were not   two 200s because hopefully um that wasn't the  case hopefully he didn't you know switch out a   bill or something I hope so um I think it was  a mistake on my part but we will double check   that and then hopefully um the rest of my claims  will actually be valid that people here are not   scammers that they're hardworking individuals who  are just working to make ends meet and you know   show you guys the beauty that Egypt has to offer  so you know at the end of the day it's up to you   guys if you buy things from touts if you follow  touts if you follow someone that says that they   can take you to a nice photo spot that is your  fault if you follow somebody okay um that's what   they do for a living they're not scamming you  they're going to give you a service and you're   going to pay for it for now I'll leave you guys  with this incredible view of the Pyramids of Giza you always start I was the one to take a love

2024-01-21 04:57

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