The Tale Blazers, Episode 1: Terra Nova

The Tale Blazers, Episode 1: Terra Nova

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[Music] okay so we're heading to terra nova yeah and this is the eastern part of newfoundland labrador okay and this is going to be one of the most beautiful areas i think that we've seen yeah we're going to terra nova park right we'll go that's one of the things we're going to do oh okay yep and we're going to do some cod fishing you you'll just wait and see just yeah but what are we going to do in the park we're going to stargaze mama and you know where we're gonna go today what where we're gonna go to swift current because we are going to this amazing car museum this guy named vernon car museum and there's like 60 cars in this place [Music] i'm marley and i'm morella and we're the tailblazers we're out here on the road to newfoundland and labrador in search of stories a place where there's a story around every single corner [Music] this week we're walking the plank over the east port peninsula and the terra nova national park rumor has it there's pirates and plenty of other tales to be found varela follow that tale [Music] this has got to be it yep i'm pretty sure that we are right here oh perfect okay and here we are i can't see what vernon scott to show us cool is this it oh yeah oh my gosh you're gonna freak okay let me see let me see look at this whoa oh my gosh good morning i'm vernon hi vernon and i'm marley hi i'm morel pleasure to have you come in and enjoy thank you thank you now so vernon this is uh mind-blowing so how long have you been doing this 24 years 24 years i mean that actually doesn't seem like that long really isn't it can we start with this turquoise one here i've got so many questions for you absolutely oh this is an el dorado el dorado tell us about this oh my gosh back in 1957 cadillac introduced the elder out of rome it's they only made 400 total production very very unique stainless steel roof more expensive than a rolls rice for example a rolls royce was eleven thousand dollars and this was thirteen thousand and seventy four dollars now that would have been a lot of money back then and so what else is it the roof that's the only thing that's really unique outside from it being stunning absolutely not what else well as part of the thirteen thousand dollar package uh it came with the ladies vanity kit and uh i am fortunate enough to have all the original uh bottle of french perfume in the original box in paris oh it still has a beautiful scent in addition to that of course was the built-in makeup kit with the cadillac insignia on it matching combination color combination of the car oh the lipstick holder the kind holder that is just so fantastic oh wow this is a girl she's going in okay my car it is oh my gosh i can't get over yourself [Music] and this i hear is the only one in the world in the world 70 dodge hemi charger rt everybody wants to see under the hood of course yeah apparently oh my gosh whoa that's the motor that's the hemi 426 425 horsepower basically one to one that is cool so how how fast could it go like how many like if you put it right foot to the floor it's registered for 150 miles an hour then remember oh yeah that's right oh my gosh wow this engine is so clean i could eat off of it yeah not recommended do you have anything that came in in such bad condition it took like forever to restore to the flood yeah it's literally deplorable what we have here is a 1957 bonneville pontiac a very limited production car they only made 630 of them see this was the condition you got to be kidding me gosh the tree was literally coming through the floor look at the back of this car it's fabulous it's almost as beautiful as the front really isn't it see oh look at that i could fit in there anybody want to see me get in there um yeah sure we do oh she's oh okay okay [Laughter] oh great that's just perfect let's get this down oh my god vernon this has been just amazing thank you very much for your information and your stories and sharing these incredible cars with us honored to have you oh we're happy that you're enjoying oh i just love you oh thank you so much and you were a good sport letting me get in there oh yes you were [Laughter] wow that's not a problem at all all right well let's move on missy we got a big day yeah when you've gone on the backs of that trunk i know you're killing me with that yeah everybody should come here though because these cars are amazing yeah like this is well worth it the colors so where are we off to next we are gonna go get some pirate stories missy what can i get into the thought just makes my blood run cool that was really good wasn't it fantastic i had fun now on to happy adventure yep oh yeah what did you say it was called happy adventure this is where we're gonna hear the pirate stories pirate stories um what is a pirate's favorite letter nope from a dad okay okay uh do i look good because i'm needing a pirate whisperer [Laughter] oh my god this is an amazing place the cove and then could you imagine having a house right there oh it would be fantastic oh here we are are you oh my goodness hi i'm chuck hi i'm morella marley marley all right you guys story teller today huh this is an amazing fantastic did your family pirate this away from somebody no not really this was empty territory when my family moved here because in the day there everybody lived out in barrow harbor and the islands and all that because uh there was no road tell us about the pirates though she's very eager to hear about me hearties yeah i want to hear all that well the most famous pirate would be peter easton and uh peter easton came to newfoundland in the early 1600s to protect the newfoundland fishing vessels because england was at war with spain so he was a good pirate he was a good partner he wasn't a bloodthirsty pirate either but he accomplished what not many pirates did a couple of things one he became more powerful than the government himself and number two he retired early still with his life and all his limbs with all his limbs both eyes no books bought himself a castle wow and uh it was in savoy you end up retiring uh in selboy so chuck tell us a little bit did about your family and did any of them ever have to like run from pirates or encounter them yeah well i'll tell you my family there lived in barrow harbor and there's one section of barrier harbor we call smokey hole which they used to hide away from pirates but one of my relatives i lived with her when i was young answered jane in fact she was my godmother she told me one story and you know about when she was left alone in her house and a boat came in and when she was by herself you don't know who it is so what she done she ran into the woods and hid away and she watched the boat there had three men roll ashore and she told me after being in the woods all afternoon later late in the afternoon she looked out and saw him go back but you can only see two men roll back and that story always stuck with yeah now you girl's got a real interest in pirates oh yeah i got something i could show you really with well it's something to look at i i got into probably a it could come from a pirate ship as one of the cannons oh cool come show me the cabinets oh my god i can turn on like fire yep now if you come down here i'll show you what i was talking about the old cannon i have right which is right here wow that's pretty basic it was just melted iron in a shape well in this day this should be a beautiful can in there but after a hundred years in salt water it's not much left to earth oh so it would have been smooth would have been smooth and black and like a regular cannon actually pretty well this is all corroded on the dead man's chest okay we just did something that we never thought we would do pretty special we talked through the cannon baby there you go thank you that's great [Laughter] that was so cool you know what i'm coming back and i'm making you walk the plank i thought you loved me you know he was great though he was awesome because his stories his family they've been there for like how many years hundreds hundreds of years wow yeah now you know where i'm taking you now no okay you're gonna love this this woman who collects salt and pepper shakers she has so many apparently in her home that there's like hardly a square inch where there isn't a salt and pepper shake and you know what i got i got in the back um i picked up a salt and pepper shaker of our van well that was so thoughtful of you kind of yell i am you know that here we are apparently she has like thousands of sets of salt shakers did you know that salt and pepper shakers yeah i can't wait to see them i think i like the animal ones the best i like the touristy ones i do have to welcome your ladies hi how are you nancy and i am i'm mariella and your morella and marley thank you for having us in your home i'll show you where my favorite spot oh oh there's wow see as you go man i didn't intend to go to this extent it just kind of happened three thousand and seven three thousand and seven and so you're did you have a lot given to you like oh throughout the years people would go places and you know well i had a friend who used to go to florida with her father they brought me back 80 cent at one time and then he went himself and he brought me back just about 40 of it was 38 or something like that do you have one in particular set that has like a particularly good story that was the time that i went to toronto him and i and and i picked up at a market there well i must have picked up private seven or eight set right and i saw this sitting i said no i won't invest the money so that was it that was the end of it we came out i got in the car and when we got in the car and coming home he gave me the set of birds that i wanted oh that's so yeah oh i love that story the romance but the point about it is you know if we went somewhere and we were shopping and he saw anything during this that so he would tell me oh really oh yes he would never say nancy that's enough no he couldn't no he no no no he knew better than that didn't that's true who would be leaving first well i'd have to think about it have you ever broken one one one one three thousand and seven and what will happen if i break one i'll kill you okay [Laughter] well we just wanted to thank you very much for having us here and we'd like to give you a little souvenir oh my god i don't have to of course you don't have them look at them we brought them for you oh well thank you you are so welcome now they got to go out on my dining room table because they also have to be marked they must be cataloged and marked well thank you so much nancy we really appreciate it and you're coming back oh my gosh i think i'm going to start one myself i think you're going to start collecting them yeah i know then you have a memory and also a tangible piece of that place that's true okay you belt it in i'm belted in baby i'm good to go okay i love that lady she i think i was in her soul family i just felt so comfortable in there and uh that was like the most incredible collection i had to be so careful not to break anything you don't want to mess with her it was great okay now the one thing you've looked forward to the whole trip is what fishing yes cod jigging carjacking we're gonna go in there right now wow oh here we are okay here we go this is so cool i know i told you i thank you god jigging here we are no atlantic ocean hi i'm marley are you the captain i'm gordon james gordon james i'm morella hi i need to know can you guarantee that i will get the bigger fish well like i said i guarantee you can have a bit of fun i can't guarantee any big fish or anything you're not even gonna come close to the biggest fish i'm gonna catch the biggest fish so what do we need to do what is this first thing we'll do we'll get you for life jackets shouldn't we get on a scale to make sure this will hold us wow these these are inflate when i hit the water yeah okay hold on you i think that'll work okay perfect oh wow i am loving this already look at this my waist get in the board like it's going to take out that you can put your foot here oh boy okay like that's simple when he did it didn't it not much to it okay so take a look right there here little this there you go down there holy you're good wow all right we're okay bum first there you go put your foot there there you go there you go nothing to do oh you shouldn't do it you're right come in here so where's the fish fish is in the water somewhere this is in the water yeah so how do you know where they are like do they have like certain times of the year is where the caitlin are and the caitlyn is the bait fish what makes a cod like a normal cod oh they can run anywhere from five to twenty pounds okay twenty pounds that's a pretty big i'm gonna have a twenty pounder all right i'll do this careful there is this a captain this is all i do here's what here's what we always do okay actually take it to the line that way you can feel the fish better oh that's a better idea yeah so what can you tell us about this bay well like this entire bay what we see here we call this barrel harbor you know that's the the name i guess was traditionally put on it and i i think it had something to do with the fact that uh that during the salt fish trade the the salt used to come in barrels so and this was a place where a lot of business was done and uh like as you can see like you see the grassy fields up that way there used to be houses all along that shore there i think i got something oh what what do i do i just pull it yes pull it up hold it up oh my gosh a little bit heavier slow don't lose them okay i don't know what [Applause] oh that is a that is a pretty little fish that's fantastic come on girl we got dinner you got supper there for sure dinner thank you it's okay there you go okay doing good real slowly keep it keep a nice strain off okay there you go okay good yeah keep keeping keep them in place right what do you mean keep them in place oh i'm talking to him oh i think i see something i see something [Music] oh we're high fives later so what's the history of jigging here in newfoundland and labrador well i guess back in the old days when people came here first uh i think and lining or jigging was probably one of the earliest ways that they actually caught fish but certain times a year that's the only thing that you know the only piece of equipment that fishermen can use to actually catch fish so tell us about when there was a time when there was so many cod that the boats would have to like they'd be slowed down i guess they're talking about then there's times first when john cabot came over uh they said the fish was all that plenty for you could scoop them up in baskets and they were that you know the fish was kind of interfering with the progress that the boat was making that's so plenty for the fish was and do you have any stories of that you've heard that are like interesting like your favorite tales a real fish story well i mean i i've heard talk of people going to uh labrador and and you know they put out their cod traps and fish was that plenty for the boat ran around on on the fish you know wow and uh i've heard some of the old guys say that and uh you know it's probably fairly believable yeah i think there's somebody time now for us to head back to shore because it's starting to get late okay well yeah that was fabulous today was great thank you fish yeah we're gonna get him tonight [Music] that was so cool thank you here's the cod that you spent thank you so much you're welcome thank you okay well that was like so much air lots of oxygen now to my brain yeah yeah and that's scary and then you know what we're gonna do tonight no we are gonna go stargazing all right and you know the little surprise i told you about where we're gonna stay yeah we're we're staying in a pod a paw a pod it's like this tiny little it's like a tiny little thing up on stilts yeah this is perfect right here okay don't forget your lantern you got it okay yep i got it okay yep perfect oh just this way wow this place is so cool wait do you see what we're staying tonight oh my gosh yeah i found this yeah and this guy is going to talk to us about the park and you know all of the oh curious hey hi hi are you dave i'm david and you are marley marley and i'm mariella marilla hi welcome to taranova national park thank you and this is beautiful now so terra nova is like two campgrounds newman sand is the big one this one is slightly smaller but it's really cozy here and you're in the forest and and look what we have here this is where we're staying tonight oh my gosh it's like a pod you call it an oasis oh my gosh i can't wait to get in there so is there any stories about terra nova park that you can share with us well i i started here around 1990 so a little while ago now but i used to do a lot of canoeing and and one night i canoed southwest arm which is a little finger of the sea teranov is known for these beautiful fingers of the sea so i was canoeing this with a lady friend and it was late at night so the stars were in the sky and they were in the ocean but it was seamless so it felt like you're totally immersed in a star atmosphere quite amazing yeah that's so romantic it is yes how did that go with that lady friend it worked out pretty good so girls you're in store for something great here tonight yeah we're so lucky we've got three of these units here at milady head they're calling oasis i know he said and you're going to be staying tonight inside a teardrop so let's go up and have a look okay okay tear drop everything's so poetic i love it oh look how cute this is never been in one of these so it's designed for for night sky viewing so up here we have glass to see it through and we have panels down here uh we got a great place up here for the young ones if you want to stay up here for the night up here because they can stay up there you open this little hatch and they can stay up there in the hammock can i stay up there you could stay up here in fact i'd recommend it yeah once i get my cpap machine on okay okay test it out what do you think yep you can make it for me it's big enough to make angels that's good for me i like it is that how you sleep just kind of all spread out like that yeah all right well this is great so we've got the bed made and now we want to go look at the stars right yeah because i don't know if i mentioned you guys off is a dark sky preserve the entire park really we're actually protecting the night sky well how do you do that let's head down to the next location and i'll explain there perfect okay i can't wait here you go it's getting dark already oh yeah it's gonna be a perfect night wow so we can follow the same trail you wow i love the darkness is it great it's beautiful yes you know we've actually got someone here this evening that knows a lot more about the dark sky than i do and he's right here with us now brent ray hi nice to meet you hi you too i'm marley hi morella hi morello nice to meet you so i just want to know a little bit more about the dark sky preserve so like why is this park particularly great for it or why you're like how does it how did you even make it happen sure it didn't happen overnight right um it took a while apart in the pond i got it i knew you're going there with that one anyway we started working on about four years ago and terra nova was a good place to start working on this preserve because we didn't have a lot of light so for us to get the certification we had to change lights we had to turn out lights we had to modify some lights which any of the light that you see now in the park is generally of a of an orange color or it's projected down at the ground oh that's okay i noticed that on the way yeah um brent why is terra nova park particularly good for night sky viewing uh well they've they've they've done a lot with eliminating light pollution so living in the city and or close to you know uh sources of light pollution makes it more difficult especially for imaging which is kind of my thing and so i love to come out to these dark sky preserves because we have no city light anywhere nearby and what that allows me to do is take long exposures through this camera all right so if you want to take a look i'm just checking my uh my exposures here this is uh when did you take this photo i just took this uh just this second here oh and i'm just checking gosh so what are we looking at so this is the uh this is the orion nebula and it's uh it's one of the most bright and visible nebulas and it's just one of my favorite targets but but this is a perfect place to to take pictures like this well i just feel quite so sci-fi this is great thank you very much thank you really really yeah beautiful oh wow this is amazing this is the best like i am laying under a blanket of stars i got binoculars here oh where'd you go okay yeah from the from the park rangers they give you these well you have to sign them up oh yeah these are cool oh wow oh you're gonna like this okay okay a great way to end our day isn't it a perfect way to end the day oh yeah so what do you think about newfoundland and labrador it's magnificent it really is just takes my breath away it's got everything doesn't it where am i plugging my seat back [Music] you

2021-03-28 02:11

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