The Side Of Malaysia They Don't Show You

The Side Of Malaysia They Don't Show You

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in this video I'm going to take you with me on  a journey along the east coast of Malaysia where   you hardly see any Western tourists also all the  travel YouTubers that are coming to Malaysia they   are all showing you the same places Kuala  Lumpur Melaka langkawi Penang but we are   going on a two-day trip starting in Kuala Lumpur  heading south along the east coast and at the end   I'm going to show you one of my favorite spots  in all of Malaysia so how is traveling on the   last tour is the east coast of Malaysia will  it be struggling join me and let's go excuse   me do we have ice cream you have ice cream  yeah oh okay hello what flavors do you have   a cup okay this one or do I get a cone oh  this one the cone oh we have green green   uh that's the regular cone color the one that  I know but this one is a green cone this one   this one please maybe the taste is maybe like a  matcha taste or something yeah oh okay let's see   what Treasures he has in here ah oh it's all  mixed colors mixed flavors uh what flavor is   this vanilla manga chocolate okay not sure but  it looks delicious oh okay but I'm putting it three one two three three okay I understand  correctly figuring it okay okay I have five   ring it here okay thank you very much thank you  thank you oh yeah quite generous with the portion   check out the big portion right here oh it's okay  for you for you thank you you gave me such a big   portion thank you thank you very much thank  you oh nice let's give it a try check out how   big it is here and The Cone actually is it's  green and looks pretty nice wow okay [Music] you want to say hello you want to say hello to  the Vlog hi hello what is your name my name is Kim   what's your YouTube My YouTubers can abroad can it  brought oh the ice is melting so fast check it out   oh my God delicious what is the name of this place  ice cream ice cream no no the name of this place you want to race oh you go racing I'm not going to waste the teenagers  here in Malaysia okay let's give the   cone a proper try and see  if it tastes any different yeah yeah maybe there's a slight matcha  flavor to it but nobody's sure maybe   not yeah I mean what a beautiful road to  drive on you have the blue ocean on the left here actually there's also a  proper main road over there but I   prefer this road to be honest I'm not  in a rush so rather enjoying driving   a little bit slower on this road  than over there on the main road wow all along the coast you can find  these beautiful beaches basically empty   some people some locals are chilling  in the shade of the trees right there   but other than that it's pretty empty here and the beach quality is of course not  comparable with the beaches we saw in   the previous video on for Hampton Islands  but I would say it's still pretty okay here I'm definitely a beautiful scenery for a  road trip basically riding right next to   the ocean next to the beaches the whole journey  along the coast here and I have a new friend   this cat is following me hello  are you living here on the beach you want some water [Music] let's see I don't  have any food with me but maybe she's thirsty   yeah look she's following me the whole time   let's see if I can give her some  water where's my bottle right here you want water maybe I can come here I have water for you here we go yeah she is thirsty okay all right [Music] okay time to get some lunch and yeah  there's something that you need to   try when you are traveling on the east  coast of Malaysia something that's very   popular here and there is and if I remember  correctly that's like a fish sausage hello I would like to eat some Croley yeah that's okay I can sit  over there you make fresh now right and I mix half huh okay can I get two fried and two steamed yeah and yeah I think it's like like a  fish sausage and it's very popular   for the east coast of Malaysia you can to be  honest I I found the stall selling propoleco   every few hundred meters along the road  you can you can find it everywhere here it's a fish sausage right so yeah okay okay and fish okay  and the sauce yes original meat   your special sauce Special Sauce yeah  okay we have something to drink as well   then water okay that's fine okay okay so  we have the steam version here already here as far as I know like every state  or every Province here has their own   way of making the sausage you may remember in the  previous episode I tried one of these while I was   on Pantheon Island and that one tasted really good  and they told me it's very different compared to   the gropo Lego I found here in teragano so let's  give it a try maybe plain first without the sauce way fishier than the the version I had on the  Hampton Island let's keep it in right there sauces   like like a sweet chili sauce it is definitely a  kick to it a little spicy kick actually not bad actually not bad where are you from I'm from   Germany hello yeah travel yeah  yeah I travel from Kuala Lumpur many days many days yeah yeah not not  in one day the sauce is really good   it's not an original it's like a sweet  chili sauce chili sauce sweet a little   bit sweet a little bit spicy really good sauce  and here the sausage gets fried in the oil here   actually they're the same sausage but you fry  it or they're the different sausage uh the thin   sources from the machine are the same and then  yeah I still get that yeah yeah and then before   okay so it's not a different type the  same type okay okay but from the uh okay let's have a look how they actually  uh make the sausage here I'm curious to see   so it's freshly made here hungry oh yes okay that's okay you  cannot go there I cannot go there   that's the the secret place over there no no no no problem oh she's rolling it here with the hands and  then you get the little sausages right here how many of them do you [Music]   do it 200 kilos in one day wow  it's wet oh it's red shoes so I   can have a look but not good I  thought maybe that's where you   make your secret sauce ah it's just  the yeah the floor is red over there it's only for the front for the  fried chicken that's only the fried the machine and then go in here get steamed oh and then over there selling okay now I  understand the whole system okay okay thank   you very much for showing me but that was very  interesting to see my cousin thank you thank you that's already okay curious to try it now  you can try okay a little bit texture yes I will wait I'll finish this first  okay okay by now the sausages here   have cooled down a little bit  so let's try the fried version but I would say the taste is not that different  I would say you can even eat this if you're not   a fish lover at all if you don't like fish  the taste of this is not really fishy at all   protection by the way is comparable with the  texture of chicken McNuggets and McDonald's I'm   sure most of you have tried chicken nuggets  and McDonald's so the texture is very very   similar very comparable very snack happy that I  found it here what is the name of your shop here almost the same wow how much do you get chewing it only okay okay thank you very much bye bye  bye-bye all right that was a nice stop here   great little snack okay according to  Google Maps it's 28 minutes from here my navigation system is in Germany that  means Drive Southeast okay let's go and I made it to Kuala tiranganu which is going to  be our stop for one night before we then continue   tomorrow and yeah behind me you can see the  iconic Bridge here of Kuala tiranganu it's a   really beautiful bridge I have to say and actually  I have a picture of myself in front of this bridge   which was taken over there during the Malaysian  Independence Day in 2020s or three years ago [Music] hello hello good afternoon all about quick room tour I think I'm paying 120  Ringgit here for the night I have a twin room they   don't have a double room available for tonight  anymore but only for one night so that's totally   all right unfortunately I don't really have a nice  view they are fully booked today so no better view   available but uh yeah it's gonna be all right  a little desk right here and then the bathroom   actually looks super nice as well and nothing to  complain about and I have stayed at this hotel   before about three years ago and this hotel is  also recommended in my Malaysia travel guide   ebook and yeah I'm going to spend the evening  right here now chilling relaxing a little bit   and watching some videos and actually I want to  watch highlights of the German Football Bundesliga   but as usual the video is not available to watch  and yeah that actually happens quite a lot when   I'm traveling that certain type of content is not  available to watch in the country that I am in but   I also have a solution for that something that  I can recommend to anyone especially if you are   traveling a lot and that is surfsharkvpn with the  help of a VPN service you can virtually change the   location of your phone or your laptop to basically  anywhere in the world so I am just making one   click now and then I'm virtually back in Germany  and suddenly the video becomes available to watch   for me and yeah if you're connected to a VPN  that also encrypts the data that is sent between   your phone on your laptop and the internet and  therefore your personal information your private   data becomes safer which is especially important  for me when I am traveling and I'm connected to a   lot of public Wi-Fi's or hotel Wi-Fi's of which  I'm not sure how safe they are and personally I   am using surfsharkvpn for almost two years now  I can highly recommend them it is the only VPN   to offer one account for unlimited devices and  if you want to check them out as well you can   click the link in the description on the pin  comment and if you enter the promo code can   you can get three extra months for free on top  and they also have a 30 day money back guarantee   so you can test it out without any risk thanks  to surfshark for sponsoring today's video and   I will see you again tomorrow when we continue  the journey and good morning and yeah actually   my night wasn't that great here I had a room with  plenty of aircon units right outside of my window   and these aircon units can be very noisy and  I don't even use my aircon in the night so my   aircon unit wasn't making any noise but all the  rooms around me use their aircon all night so it   was very noisy all night unfortunately the hotel  was fully booked so I couldn't change to another   room so yeah my sleep wasn't the best and yet  today is actually going to be the longest day   on the road since I started this road trip  about two weeks ago in order to get to one   of my favorite places and all of Malaysia I have  to drive according to Google Maps uh about four   hours three hours and 50 but that's if you're  going straight with no brakes and you know I'm   going to make breaks here and there so I guess it  will be like five to six hours on the road today   but I'm looking forward to that let's go all right  let's leave Kuala teranganu actually a city that   first time coming here definitely was staying  a few days I I spent I think around two weeks   here already in 2020 so that's why I'm  not spending more time again this time   if it's your first time coming here I  recommend to stay at least a couple of days okay I'm at the gas station now and do you  remember one of the previous videos where I   learned that in Malaysia you have to pay first and  then you fill up the gas hello uh I don't know how   much I need I want a full tank maybe five fingers  because I'm confused like if I paid first but I   don't know how much it cost to fill up a full tank  okay thank you I pay here okay there yeah okay   Malaysian gas station so confusing do you see how  the guy there is wearing his jacket like in front   of him I still don't understand why people do that  but it's it's like typical Malaysian style for me   I see that so often here in Malaysia I think  they are doing that because they want to avoid   the the sun on there on their arms probably do  you know what I love about riding a motorcycle in   Asia you can always sneak through the traffic  to get in front of the line you can't do that   in Germany it's not allowed in Germany Nobody  Does it in Germany but in Asia you can always   just skip all the cars and be first in  line I love that can't do that in Germany   but in Asia and every Asian country that  I've been through you you see that so   not only in Malaysia also Thailand  Vietnam the Philippines everywhere yeah I used to have a scooter similar like this  one as well when I was younger in Germany so for   a few years in Germany when I was like 18  19 years old the car was too expensive for   me so I was riding a small scooter like this for  several years in Germany Wow have a look at this   road that is absolutely beautiful and over there  is the ocean and there's another Beach I think   so I'm like one hour into the journey now time  for the first break and I'm hoping that it's a   beach again where I can find some drink and food  stalls but I think that might be not the case hello you have a menu okay okay what do you have here tea they open and this one   ice cream soda but you need to mix this with water  right okay yeah okay let's try the tea right here a little bit ice even and we have the  ocean over there in the background   and a little cat coaching hello I actually  see a lot of cats around the area here during it okay chewing it little snack  right here little drink not snake   oh very good oh set up set up oh yeah  plastic bag here [Music] thank you very much I think it's a regular just a sweet sweet  black tea but a cool version of course foreign I can go ah okay let's have a look at the  beach here yeah this is of course not a   not a tourist Beach no beach for vacations  just a random beach in a village here actually not bad I mean of course the Visa is not   not high quality white sand also some some rubbish  here and there which is actually sad to see but good enough to get a little wind blowing  into your face oh a little refreshment also we   have some clouds so the sun is not the sun is not  as strong as the past days actually at the moment pretty nice I like it what is  the local word for beautiful   thing I learned that before but I  forgot uh the beach is beautiful   very nice chantic that was the world I was  looking for Chantix means beautiful oh yeah yeah   can I sit here yeah bully sit down yeah okay let's  make a proper break here how many people live here oh maybe yep that works I think there's maybe 500.  how is living around here [Music] good burgers oh I think Bagus is good good  you like it okay okay she likes living around here   how long are you living here already what 40 40 years I think she means  40 years ah okay and you're home   home ah okay okay I think this is her  home here living here for 40 years already   little house here 10 meters away from the beach  coconut trees around oh chantic chantik very nice   I like it here yeah yeah oh very nice  area this is a drone I will fly in the sky kids are always curious when  they see uh me flying a drone   because yeah I want to get some drone shots  for you guys let's get some shots from above   it actually looks pretty nice here  right nice little village here   lots of coconut trees around that  always gets my attention okay bye-bye nice area friendly welcoming people here  great little stop a little drinking stuff   awesome now I'm fresh again for  the next hour on the roads [Music]   yeah my journey also gets longer because I'm  trying to avoid the main roads as much as I can   I rather prefer driving on these little side  roads small rural roads through the villages   the journey gets longer by doing  that but I think way more interesting   instead of driving on the main roads then  the highways or something like that that's   something that I can always recommend if you  are traveling for any country by bike or by car   take these small rural roads instead of the  highways to see way more of the country crazy   look at the amount of flags here and I see that  everywhere along the east coast they must put up   tens of thousands of flags all around the states  here that is incredible and yeah I think there's   an election coming up so I think this is probably  yeah the colors of one of the parties here hey come on where are you from Germany no I drive with my motorbike coming from  Kuala Lumpur and then go around today [Music] I'm picking up new subscribers here at the   gas station where am I at the moment  what is the name of the town Parker Ken k-e-n McKenna branch  well famous you are thank you okay bye okay thank you all right let's see watch the pink ice cream  here has to offer never tried this before like four and a half hours into the journey and  it starts to get really exhausting I think this   bike is not made for long distance Journeys  I mean the first one two hours are no problem   but after a while it gets really uncomfortable  to sit on the bike so I have to stretch myself   a little bit after like every hour or so usually  I make one break per hour and yeah according to   Google Maps it's like 45 minutes more to  go so we are almost there and I'm really   looking forward to arrive it's one of my  favorite cities in Malaysia actually it's   not refreshing it's very warm the water  let me uh put something in my face ah   yeah I started to I'm starting  to feel a little bit exhausted   I mean of course I enjoy the ride itself it's  very enjoyable to uh to ride along here really   beautiful scenery but yeah just after a while  this bike gets pretty uncomfortable to sit on so yeah which part of Germany a small village in  North Germany okay and I have a little problem   now my phone is almost out of battery only 11  left that will maybe last another 10 minutes or so   so what I always do I actually use my drone  batteries as a power bank that works totally   fine so I have the three door drone batteries  here let's see how much I left yeah almost   full so I will use them as a power bank to charge  the phone and I will put the battery inside here   and then you can charge the phone I'm charging  totally fine like this okay I'm going to   start the last leg of the journey now and I'm  really looking forward to this ah that's this   and yeah we are now in kuantan one of my favorite  cities in all of Malaysia I spent already around   three weeks here in 2020 and I'm heading now to  one of my favorite places in all of Malaysia and   yeah how was my experience of traveling here on  the East Coast the less touristy side of Malaysia   I really really enjoyed it personally I always  like to look beyond the touristy places of a   country to travel off the beaten path traveling in  areas where you hardly see any Western tourists or   foreign tourists in general and the only place  where I saw other Western tourists here on the   East Coast was on the pahensian islands which I  showed you in the previous video and other than   that I haven't seen another single Western tourist  anywhere along the east coast but of course I do   understand when you are traveling to Malaysia it's  your first time here you basically have to see the   touristy places right you can't skip Kuala Lumpur  Penang is worth visiting Cameron Highlands Melaka   I mean all these places are touristy for a  reason because they are worth visiting but   I can always recommend to also look Beyond this  touristy places also travel to some areas of the   country which are not that popular by Foreign  tours because that gives you an opportunity to   yeah really get to know the country so yeah  I always enjoy that and that's why you will   see me here on the channel we visiting countries  that I've been to before a second or maybe even   a third time and yeah now let me you one of my  favorite places in all of Malaysia the quantum   Riverfront right here very beautiful I spent a  lot of time here while I was here in 2020 and   actually I wanted to show you this place right  here which was actually my favorite spot there   were some cafes little restaurants down here where  you can drink coffee tea have a little snack a   little cake and I was enjoying sitting right here  with a nice view over to the river having a coffee   or something like that I did that several times in  2020 but this place is a construction site now huh   that's a little bit unfortunate I'm really  looking forward to sit down here now and if   you enjoyed my trip around the East Coast then  leave a like that really helps me out that helps   the channel to grow and if you haven't seen  my previous video from the prehension islands   two of the most beautiful islands I have  ever seen in my life then check out the   video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see on the next episode ciao guys

2023-08-21 20:02

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