The Side Of Coron Philippines They Don't Show

The Side Of Coron Philippines They Don't Show

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in today's video we will leave the touristy  side of coron one of the most famous places   in the Philippines and discover what the  other side of the island has to offer what   a great experience here and so Random I love  the Philippines for their Hospitality here most   tourists come here for this or this but what  can you find when you leave the famous areas   and go where tourists usually don't go wow this  looks so beautiful here join my friend Roman and   me as we explore the other side of coron trying  to find some hidden gems okay I stumbled up on   local Thanksgiving party here in the Philippines  we are in a village in Kon what is this called againin coron language yeah yeah but that's kava   kava with sugar and okay so they  just offered us the snake to try here oh I like it it's really  nice like cake yeah like like   a cake I think it's glutinous rice  check out there's so much food here now okay so I was speaking with the lady earlier  she explained me that this is a local church here   and these are all the members of the church and  because they are celebrating uh Thanksgiving   today they're having a meal together here so  we have noodles here we have rice I think maybe   park over there and yeah me and my friend we  were just driving by here just exploring the   island we thought this looks interesting so we  made a stop and 2 minutes later we offered some   food this is typical Filipino Hospitality Hamburg  oh he has been to Hamburg in Germany what did you   do there I'm a Sean Sean yeah oh you were sailing  to Hamburg yes oh sailing in Europe anywhere in   Europe how many days from here to Hamburg from  here to HG Yeah by airplane by by boat by boat   no I I was a SE with ah so you flew there and  then went on ship yeah from here to Germany with   airplane ah I thought you take a boat from here  to Germany we learned to speak some German and   Germany Al Al Al CL Al CL it means like everything  all right something like that how do you say that   in Tagalog Aang Aang yeah it's like like mouti yes  like mati yeah similar like mati which means all   good all good you want to join our anniversary  much okay I was being offered to join the meal   so I can't say no of course by the way in case  you're wondering where exactly I am Line This   the line here okay okay in case you're wondering  where I am this is basically the northern side   of the coron island away from the touristy parts  of the island you can p in line so that you know   yes the line yep okay okay but I don't know they  have a unique line it's okay I can wait what is   the name of this Village here uh T it's Bang again  baranga baranga yeah I love it here this so when   literally just driving by hello hello hello hello  and no no rice just a little bit do you want maybe   some noodles but only a little bit little bit  okay okay okay Salam okay I'm just going to get   a little bit because I don't want to food here but  uh of course I also want to take the invitation   you like this this one is pork H Leon Leon okay  a little bit please okay that's okay that's okay okay thank you Sal this is okay just this  one okay all right this looks actually very   delicious here so we have some noodles and Leon  delicious looking Leon right here [Music] oh   wow this is really good must set up it's very  delicious very juicy freshly cooked oh you got   to try the pork as well it it's very delicious  delicious Mas yeah yeah it's really [Music] nice Lon yeah very popular everywhere in  the Philippines right yeah yeah yeah let's   finish this okay and we finished  the whole plate it was very must   up very delicious actually you are  the boss of the church here no the pastor do your church take donation okay yeah you   like I would like to donate something  yes that's my one another Pastor then youate yeah I want to give something back to the  church here because they were so kind inviting me   and my friend here I will receive the donation  donation for the church CH Church okay thank   you thank you very much my name is Ken Ken I'm  from Germany from Germany Germany yeah thank you   very much for the hospitality okay Sal thank you  very much thank you very much thank you very much   thank you okay bye-bye what a great experience  here and so Random I love the Philippines for   their Hospitality here hello people here are  all smiling always greeting saying hello waving   at us it's a very friendly atmosphere that  we are encountering by just driving around here I think straight here and  there's another church here igia nisto oh and the dog wow this looks so beautiful  here oh this is amazing wow it's incredible you   just drive like 20 30 minutes away from the main  touristy area and you don't see any tourist at   all anymore and still find very beautiful  places like this here I'm really wondering   why not more tourists are actually exploring  around the island more you know they're all   just sticking to the town doing the famous island  hopping tours which don't get me wrong they are   pretty beautiful but as you can see coron also  has a non-touristy site which also is definitely   worth exploring found no we didn't came from  here I don't remember this bridge no but looks   beautiful let's have a look on the other side  oh actually I thought this is the way we we   came from but I don't remember this bridge  at all here let's have a look on the other   side and then maybe we need to check Google  Maps again because this is not where we came from by the way all of this is like half an  hour away from the main tourist part coron town and maybe we should check Google Maps  just to make sure that we're not completely   driving in the wrong direction but look  at this I think these are rice fields   here looks a bit similar reminds me a  little bit about Vietnam to be honest   you have similar views in Vietnam at  least in the parts where I have been to should be around 45 minutes back to K Town  we're driving a loop basically now this by   the way is a yellow Main Road on Google  Maps but in reality it looks like this   but that's no problem actually it's more  fun to ride roads like this compared to   big proper main roads in my opinion wow guys  if you come to coron do not only go on the   island tours visit this side of the island as  well as you can see it's definitely worth it this is just super picturesque  very Serene very beautiful I love this to be completely honest I almost enjoyed  this more than the Island Tour maybe you have   seen the previous video where we too did uh yeah  the popular Island Tour here we had a private tour   around the the super famous spots which was also  very beautiful and you have to see that when visit   the Philippines but to be honest I think I also or  I almost enjoy tours like this off the beaten path   even more you know but yeah my recommendation if  you come to coron yeah you can't skip the island   tours obviously but yeah don't forget about this  side as well all right we're actually looking for   gasoline now and I think there's a shop here  where I can buy something let's see hello can   I get gasoline here yes yeah oh perfect okay oh  we have the gasoline here this is gasoline yeah   yeah for motorbike yeah green color yeah green  color oh but this is correct one yeah okay I   think I've never seen gasoline with a green color  before isn't it usually a red color yeah uh no it   depends it depends how much is this uh the one  is 40 40 yeah okay so let's uh fill up my bike   with this green looking gasoline here have you  seen this in green color before no all right   okay yeah let's put in the funnel oh no now it's  on my hand already probably I should wash it so   this time I'm not spilling anything everything  inside and just like that you get gasoline in   the village here okay I just leave it here yeah  yeah okay where do you get it from uh in town so   you go to a real gas station yeah we go there to  the gas station and Bo like in a g gallon and then   we put it in a small okay bottles for everybody  yeah what what's your profit on this uh you buy   cheaper and you sell more here right uh yeah we  just like added like two pesos or something like   that or like four pesos oh very little profit  yeah Oh I thought you maybe add like I don't   know 10 20% we can because people around here  can add afford a higher price so it's like yeah   they really a nice price for them so for their  motorcycle how far away is the next station the   the big one actually the big one will be the town  so that's like half an hour from here or so yeah   yeah yeah yeah almost okay and you are the only  person selling gas around here no no all around   there yeah more more people selling or more store  selling uh gasolin so you have competition here   yeah actually there's a small gasoline station  right there there okay yeah you have to drop coin   something like coin okay yeah okay you can have  gas all right okay how much was it again 40 PES   40 pesos for half a liter yeah and then the one  lit is 80 pesos okay okay oh that's interesting   you can buy cigarettes here in single pieces  right uh yeah oh I heard about that before but   I never saw that in the Philippines so you don't  have to buy the whole package you can just buy   per piece per piece right seven pesos each seven  pesos per piece yeah oh okay if you don't have a   lot of money you can buy yeah just just a few  pieces you don't need to buy the whole package   yeah oh so how does it work you you mix it now no  no no uh he's getting a a white one yeah because   it's too kind different ones it's different  the one is this one is menol menol cigarette   yeah oh and seven pesos for one cigarette for  one cigarette yeah oh that's interesting I've   never saw that somewhere else before that you  can buy cigarettes in single pieces 50 right   here okay thank you very much have a good day  very interesting gas station here we don't have   something like this in my country oh yeah should  have one yeah it would make sense in my Village   there's no shop like this the next gas station  we need to drive so you have now an idea the   idea to to have your own St gas station but I  think in Germany uh they're not going to allow   you to a permit to sell gasoline yeah we do uh  here also need we need to get a permit for the   store ah okay okay so we we we every year yeah  there it's a renewal ah okay okay they renewed   it and every year so and then you need to pay  for the permit yeah oh okay but I don't know   how much how much is to cost for that but well  if you only make profit two PES per bottle maybe   they are not going to uh we don't need to pay a  lot more for that okay oh interesting business   okay thank you so much thank you okay Sal bye-bye  okay thank you for passing by thank you for for   being so kind ah here you can see it 7 pesos per  stick ah I think up here as well so the myo is 9   9 pesos per stick I'm wondering can I wash my  hands somewhere because I have gasoline on the hands yeah I got some gasoline on my  hand so I don't want to accidentally   touch my eyes or something oh thank you  so much oh I can wa kitten let's wash my hands okay thank you very much Sal much thank you  I follow your channel thank you very much I have   wet hands I don't mind I have to say all right  how are you where you from M Malta Mal I think   I've never met someone from Malta first time  time myself went to seven waterfall seven oh   there's a waterfall yeah seven we didn't know  about that what's your name Miguel Miguel from   also from nice to meet you okay so they actually  just recommended a place a water only 10 minutes   uh from here down the road so let's make a little  detour a little side mission to uh go to this waterfall okay we're trying to find the waterfall   should be somewhere around here we  already drove for like 10 minutes now way the waterfall is called seven folds  by the way should be over there on the next turn but wow isn't it beautiful here guys okay somewhere here now all right there's actually a little  sign but no wonder we missed it because   it's very hard to see this way fults this  way okay oh we have to go down there what was that oh he's smiling over there what was that  sounded like a gunshot what are you having here   what's that what do you shoot with that what do  you shoot what's the bullets oh he has a little   s made gun here load ah nice what is this this is  called bamb Canyons I have a big one the big one   is big Lou is that just like a sound yeah [Music]  look so this one is very you don't shoot anything   no just the sound yeah ah oh that's interesting  can I see the big one yeah oh I've never seen   something like this before have you seen something  like this looks a bit like a c Germany oh how to   translate that yeah but you shoot potatoes with  it oh what is the spray alcohol yeah D chars okay this one is louder huh yeah oh let's see okay oh wow it's loud what what do you use  this for Al in lettuce but I mean like do   you just do this for fun or to scare away  birds or something fun and to celebrate the   Bon day oh you celebrate something today  yeah can I try yeah oh you want to phone   yeah so YouTube this is not an actual gun  I'm not shooting anything here so please   don't demonetize this video Facebook as well  Facebook is more strict than YouTube and Tik   Tok is even more stricter so everyone watching  this on Tik Tok this is not a weir gun so now   I just hold this and then I just push okay  the self-made gun in the Philippines here yes who oh my god wow this was very loud thank you  for showing us much thank you very much you want   to swi Sir yeah yeah we can go to the waterfall  but you need to pay on you need to pay yeah you   are the waterfall boss yeah okay how much is  it how much you get pesos per head sir again   50 pesos per head 50 50 pesos okay you have 100  yeah okay dire thank you for the demonstration   yeah we just go down there yeah yeah all  directions yeah okay thank you very much   oh that was very interesting never seen something  like that before and a little boy is collecting   money for the waterfall here but that's all  right let's see what what we will find down here if you don't know what this is you're driving  by and you hear a sound like that it sounds very   scary but wow this is indeed a beautiful spot  oh thanks to the guys from Malta recommending   this place to us I think you can probably jump  in here as well there's even a a rope probably   to jump okay let's see how refreshing this  is woo pretty cold but actually pretty good   because it's very hot out here today oh there  are little fish inside here as well not sure if   you can see it on the camera but maybe like this  size I can't feel any ground so it must be very deep this is refreshing you should come  inside as well he forgot his uh he forgot   his swimming pants in the motorbike  all right let's get a freshing shower here wo wo actually it's fresh water almost I I got  something in my mouth that almost feels like   it's drinkable you know the taste was  very fresh okay we are trying to find   a good spot for Sunset and the Sun is going  down over there and we see see these Hills   here and we think it would be nice to  go up the hill to watch the sunset but   we're actually not sure if we can go there  let's see if we can ask hello do you speak English can we go up there we can walk yeah  oh okay okay and this is uh good for sunset   sunset we can watch from there yeah we can drive  or Walk Drive and then and my yeah yeah okay thank you again this is your friend H hello I don't understand your friend yeah okay nice to meet  you Captain here your captain captain captain   Oh okay basketball Captain okay okay okay  okay Sal not sure what he was trying to say   maybe you can let me know if you understood  him but yeah let's see so it's like Sunset   is in like 30 minutes so we are a little bit  in a rush to get to the point let's see how   far we can drive and then probably the rest  we need to hike but yeah the weather seems   to be perfect today for Sunset so I'm really  looking forward to this could be a beautiful   one a very good one I think if we just go  up this little Hill that should be fine already okay so we are just going to  leave the bikes Here and Now hike up   here I hope there are no snakes or anything  here because the grass is very high but yeah   I do think this view is going to be  astonishing it looks already pretty epic yeah this could be a phenomenal view up there  oh and he's doing his still in flip-flops here not so easy in flip-flops okay they almost made it wow this is epic wow can see the whole valley  here now there's a very famous uh Sunset Viewpoint   in coron town which is where all the tourists  are going to and it's probably full with people   every evening but here you can find a view like  this with absolutely nobody here which is pretty epic okay yeah as you can see it was really worth  to hike up the little Mountain here because the   view here is really just incredible I think this  is one of the most beautiful sunsets I have seen   in a roial and we're also lucky today that we  have the perfect weather condition the sky is   pretty clear it's awesome nice spot nice spot  for Sunset and yeah once again as basically   every spot today no other tourists around  although this is the most touristy island   in the Philippines probably all right we  made it back down from the hill and now   the sun has disappeared and yeah this was  a beautiful day on the non-touristy side   of coron Island and if you're curious to see  our previous videos where we did the island   hopping to here in coron one of the must dos  in the Philippines then feel free to check out   the video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-01-05 12:03

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