The Reality of ANTI-TOURISM Protests in Spain (our experience)

The Reality of ANTI-TOURISM Protests in Spain (our experience)

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5 million people more than the last year if we  don't put a limit Spanish people is not going to   be allowed to live in this country you've likely  heard about the anti-tourism protests in Spain   from local spring Travelers with water guns to  demanding the government to limit the amount   of tourists permitted to the country each year and  you might be asking yourself is it really all that   bad well it is and as an American living in Spain  I feel the need to delve deeper into the problems   that mass tourism is bringing into this country  that I love so much and at the same time I feel   like I'm somehow part of the problem so in order  to do this topic Justice I need a Local's opinion   that's why I'm going to discuss this topic  with a very special person we're ready for welcome! hello, hello! okay so as many  of you know this is my boyfriend Pedro,   he's an economist and he's from Gadis and actually  we were recently in Gadis for vacation and we were   at the beach one day in cadis on the beach a lot  of people sell some different Mojitos maybe some   snacks right towels stuff on the beach and we  saw this guy selling fresh fish and shrimp so   we went up to him to buy some and you started  talking to this guy and the conversation made   me feel a little bit sad yeah because well he he  was talking about the the cost of living in tarfa   actually was increasing every single year and  it's so expensive to be like have like a normal   life there so it's so sad because it's happening  a lot in C I read the an article that said that   like the 50% of thean people canot have like  a vacation here yeah holiday here in their own   land yeah that's something that you said that  really shocked me you said we like we're from   Andalusia we can't even afford to have a vacation  on our own beaches it's impossible yeah with the   money that we earn with the possibility that we  have now it's totally impossible so ironically   when we were buying shrimp and some fresh  fish from this guy I looked right next to   him and there was a British family eating pizza  on the beach and it's like so ironic this guy is   talking about how they can barely he can barely  afford rent or afford to eat out at a restaurant   or go on vacation and then we see International  families eating pizza on the beach local F and   so I I looked up a statistic that actually the  top two countries that bring tourists are the UK   and France so about 17 million Brits come to Spain  every year and 11.8 million French people come to   Spain every year for vacation and I remember  on the beach I asked you what do you think   of these kind of tourists I mean Americans  British and French tourists like how is that   affecting local life well it depends uh it's not  talking about nationalities to be honest I think   the nationalities doesn't matter here because you  can be a good person being from the United States   being from America being from ger but the problem  is the the age and the tourism the age yeah what   do you mean the problem is that when you get older  you when you get older you you want something   else you want to discover new culture you want to  discover you want to go to mums party also but you   want to like a more culture travle you know but  when you are younger you want party that's true   everyone wants true it's true so problem also that  in Barcelona has been making a lot of troubles   is that the age of the storms is lower and people  come here to not all but also if you came here to   get drunk and to destroy and to not appreciate the  culture is those is this kind of story that Spain   has to try to avoid but it's impossible I can talk  about Americans who come here because in the US we   can't go to bars or drink legally until we're 21  yeah and I came here when I was 18 so little old   Emma the first thing she did was go to the club go  to a a bar because I can't do that in my country   you know you can in your country you can here you  have cheap alol and you can ask to to disco yeah   you are not going to be here to like to go to  see I don't know whatever a museum or something   Museum whatever no we going to go to a CL yeah  but it's assemble but the problem is that this   kind of tourists make an impact that it's really  bad so comp so we're talking about two different   type of Tourism right like party tourism  which I mean has its obvious consequences   remember last year when there was a game  there was some soccer game and thousands soccer okay a football soccer match yeah and I  don't remember what team it was I think it was a   team from the UK and thousands of people came from  the UK right and the alamaa which is like the part   alternative Street here was so dirty the  next day just full of garbage and pee and   alcohol after this game after all these  people came to party they came for like   one or two days and then trashed the city and  went home yeah like this isn't your garbage   can that's the problem that's the problem  that's that's one of the things that GES   of the totems yeah that they don't appreciate  that they came here to see whatever uh food   match or or I don't know to go to magalou that  they a lot of people magalou is a a city from   Catalonia a lot of people came to from the UK  and also from Germany to to go to par to the   only thing that they do here is go to part to be  honest yeah and drink yeah so this is the Tourist   that we will try to avoid but what about cultural  tourism like people who actually come and go to   museums and that is most respectful tourism but  also follow the same problem the root of of the   problem is the same whatever the the quality  of Tourism yeah the problem is that the cost of   the of rent a house is increasing every single  year in Spain according to the the Sev because   we live in Seva the last year s lost like 5% of  the E population wow locals right locals 5% right   to another areas because you have to understand  and you are a fam a forigner you have to   understand that if you have a house and you can  rent and you can earn like in five days like the   money that you will earn in a month in a month in  two months obviously you are going to course yeah   that's is true but the problem is that the salary  here are not increasing at the same level as a   tourism yeah and I read the other day an article  that to be alone in seill you have to earn like   €2,500 to be alone to live alone right to live  alone yeah do people earn that every month here   is that normal no no I don't think so no no no no  no it's impossible so the thing that is happening   is that people have has to leave their own houses  to or it's like you can say that gentrification   right yeah of the people to to allow to this to  be in the center of actually I found a statistic   that says that the number of Airbnb style rental  properties in Sevilla has increased by 32% in one   year yeah yeah it's crazy but the problem here  and we are going we can't see the T as a negative   thing to be honest we have to change our Prisma  because for example the last year the seven not   the 17 no the yeah 177% of the employee that  has been created is related with the tourism   70% 17 17 or 17 17 okay of employe created in3  was related with does mean that is allow to the   people to come to the center and expose us no but  the thing is that we have to find an intermediate   point where people here can live with and with  the salary with their own salaries the tourist   can here without damage damage our economy it's  not damage but well I've read an article online   about this topic and I want to read some quotes to  you yeah okay so the first one the current tourism   model is creating uncontrolled multiplication  of tourist accommodation which brings exorbitant   increase in the cost of housing the deterioration  of historical Heritage and the deg ation of the   city and its transformation into a theme park  without Soul or true life yeah yeah about that   if you you have a work in Center most of the time  you listen a lot of languages that are not Spanish   like you feel like in Bristol or something like  that and I have never think about it but it's   like a big Park yeah it's like people can hear  but doesn't understand why why so important for   us or so right now the government are like working  in to create areas tourism and to put like areas   into the city with a high impact of Tourism okay  but it's not going to work until I don't know to   be honest I think that this is a problem that  is going to will have years to solve because   what do people want to see people want to see the  main attractions yeah so are they going to book   a hotel close to the main attractions or in this  special area and it's kind of ghetto to be honest   yeah those are going to be like kind of ghettos  I think that is not going to war to be honest   they right now they are trying to work on it I  think that you have to put a limit what are the   population of the United States right now I think  500 million people yeah I think I should know that   333 million 333 million in the US and Spain  47.8 so the last year United States received 3.8   million of Tourism 3.8 million and Spain received  how much 85.1 million with a population of 47.8   people right at least the double double the amount  of tourists than even locals close to double right   and that's actually a big difference that I was  thinking about while doing research people who go   to the US are likely people who want to move there  and make a life there people who come to Spain a   lot of them do hello want to live here but a lot  of them just come to be there for a few days or a   few weeks and go back because you here well we are  not a big economy and the thing is we are what we   are so we are not one of the most richest country  in Europe we are in the middle okay if for example   you are from Norway and you have a really massive  salary because they earn a lot of money you prefer   to live in Norway rather than in the south of  Europe because you are going to earn more money   but about tourism it can be like only talk about  tourism it's related with a lot of things yeah and   also the problem with the with the houses here  is also so related with the problem of that to   cover the demand of the house we need to construct  more houses so it's not only tourism the problem   that we are discussing there are lot of things to  discuss around it like like for example they are   discussing now we can discuss if the tourist have  to pay a tax to come to Spain I think so yeah they   should to cover right to cover things to Spanish  people where to cover that whatever like in   Portugal you have to pay tourist tax yeah also I  in Morocco we have yes also for allow to construct   houses for the people or or whatever well we can  discuss about why the salaries here are lower   than in in the north of Europe but this is another  thing but this is the main reason because people   came here because well say with the money that I  have in Germany for example to have a holiday I   can pay the double in Spain the double holidays  I can oh you can okay I can spend four weeks of   course of course your money goes a longer way here  yeah we should try to avoid the dependency of the   tourism because when when we was in the pandemic  and spay close their froners Frontiers Frontiers   borders borders yeah ER there was a big trouble  restaurant the and I think that we have we should   try to to prepare another like another areas to  prepare another things another industry to depend   on develop another industry develop develop or  or whatever but try to avoid the tourism try to   avoid depending solely on tourism it's not only  but it represent the 12% of the GDP that is too   much we have not talk about mayorca and I saw also  protests in the Canary Islands yeah in canland in   ceville so there's been protest in major cities  yeah the problem here that is that the tourist   we need we Spain need the tourism need need it  Spain need tourist but tourist cannot destroy   this country and I'm not talking about museums I'm  not talking about Cathedrals I'm not talking about   City I'm talking about also the ecosystem of this  way because we receive close to the double to the   population and that's mean the double of water  the double of electricity the double of emission   of CO2 CO2 CO2 to the atmosphere so not double  well because no not all have the same car not   the same living but with airplanes and those kind  of things but this the tourist has also a really   huge impa in the environment and I think that  this a good point that we have no disc Scouts   about it how is that damage the damaging in the  ecosystem for example the Mediterranean the lot   of rash that they throw to the whatever that's a  good point waste the waste and also the droughts   because of the water the lack of water y so this  a really huge trouble and I think that it's not   going to be a easy solution from here to the years  I think that we have to work in a few directions   one of these is GI tax I think that the tax tax  the tourist tax is going to be released like   the next year or something I think it's for the  best I think for the rest we we should construct   more houses for Spanish people affordable houses  affordable houses yeah according to the salaries   here and in a way we should try to avoid those  kind of to those kind of bad touris the Destroyers   which are different from partyers yeah the  Destroyer I'm not talking about part you have a   you can have a party with you be a good boy or  whatever be a good boy I don't know I think so   well yeah prob is a destroyer and also if for  example you need to call an ambulance because   you drink a lot of alcohol this UL has been paid  with my taxes ta with my father the taxes with   you whatever Spanish people that I'm pay in the  Health Care System here so the year opportunity   cost to receive one people get drunk and cannot  pay another treatment yeah it's something to   think about it so I want to read one more quote  for you that's a little bit more hopeful right   just to kind of end on a positive note right so  the mayor of Barcelona recently said that by 2028   he would end apartment rentals for tourists by  stopping short-term rental licenses for more than   10,000 Apartments yeah I think that is the way  that well this is the way that the governments   are going to follow like right to to reduce the  license but the problem with this low is that   you have to also this is for the house that that  legally there you go also platforms allow to the   people that's that from of Old Point of View you  earn like an extra money with your house no but   the those platform allow you or know to whatever  to H to rent their houses yeah and room also so   they are not going to have a license of Tourism  for rent a a room they are going to try to catch   them of course it's a good uh I don't know a good  law a good alternative they are going to end with   it yeah it's a huge huge problem and I think that  it's going to be worse and worse everything every   single year yeah because we think I read like  in May the tourist was 10% higher than the last   year in May May yeah than the last year so this is  green every single year of course this this year   we are going to be the number one country people  I think and uh I I read say that English the like   the projection the pro and we are going to be near  of the 90 million people H next year right yeah   close to wow yeah I mean you're already close to  90 85 million people No 5 million people more than   the last year 5 million people we love it yeah I  know we just love Spain I know that you love Spain   you've been to the US you can see the difference  there and I like it the us but you are a young   country you don't have like those kind of thing  that we have you have also the weather the people   you don't have a lot of things yeah well that's  another point but I don't know we have we should   work on it because if we don't put a limit Spanish  people cannot be well cannot be is not going to be   allowed to live in this country it's not livable  for locals anymore no and that's one side of the   problem right it's like the gentrification and  the housing costs but also we have to understand   xenophobia and it's only understandable that  people in Barcelona are shooting tourists with   water guns if they can't afford their rent for  example way that the police in mayorca cannot   afford the rent of the houses well it's a a c  okay but the other day I read another article   that people from Galia that they they said that  they pre is for for them was cheaper to go to   Japan than go than go from to C yeah this is crazy  but it's true for us are going to be like going   to Morocco going to another country more cheaper  than because Portugal is not cheaper also you can   criticize the tourism but also tourism give you  another things for example open your mind here of   course of course of course also allows you I think  is a really good thing to know other cultures   without visiting other countries like for example  here in se you have like language exchange change   yeah H that if you are like practicing or you are  learing or you are whatever you can meet people   and if you can afford travel to United Kingdom for  example to the United States you can speak with   that's true English people yeah so they have proos  also also International Love so yeah International   Love we are mixing right now but H well they have  Pro also you can afford the tourist The Tourist   and mass massification gentrification cusing  problems of course just like anywhere right it's a   normal phenomenon but it's so extreme in Sp Spain  it's yeah it's extreme it will happen the same in   copag of course it will it's happening the same  in Berlin of course but in Spain it's extremely   it's extremely so we have to work on it without  xenophobia without those kind of things shooting   people with water guns you have to understand  you can't live in your own land I get it it's   like for example if you can afford a house in the  US because a lot of Spanish people come okay well   not because of a lot of people from Spain but yeah  I mean gentrification yeah in any big city so we   talked a little bit about what the government's  thinking of doing of some possible solutions but   what can we as tourists do to be more respectful  and be more responsible and respect your culture   go to your home come on be Australia I don't know  what can you do limit yourself like limit yourself   as in don't drink so much that you have to call  an ambulance to pick you up that's a good point   I think that you can drink you can live the spanic  culture but before came to a country in whatever   not only in Spain in every single country that you  are thinking to to visit you have to learn about a   little bit about it little bit about their culture  about their people and also ER I think that is a   little thing but try to learn a few words with the  their language like a few like hola like whatever   the most basic yeah a few words then when you're  in a country you have to think that you are in   another house of another people like for example  if you are Vis visiting to your a friend of   yours so in this house you have to respect the  house you can do whatever you think you can go   you can go to into the kitchen but you have to  respect the house I think that is the same here   you have to respect the country respect but  live yes of course you are on holidays here   you on your holidays enjoy enjoy spend the  money that you want to spend please spend please if you have on a serious note be  curious travel into know the people talk   with the people learn a little bit of the  of the languages learn about The Cure try   with respect to the people and with this with  education and respectful you are going to have   very very good holidays here and if you can one  of one thing try to find places that legally has   like license for tourism good point like well  everyone here have you can have an extra money   or whatever it's okay but the point is that you  are legally doing it you you are going to pay   your taxes you are going to have a good service  for you as a tourist and you will be contributing   contributing to the to be more legal to do it  more legal learn a little bit about the culture   yeah learn a little bit of Spanish yeah treat  people with respect do respectful activities   yeah right what else and the last one yeah the  legal try to engage in tourism in a legal way   yeah I'm know talking about using like not using  the apps because they are really good to travel   but try to to search and try to use like hotels  if you can afford it or a tourist apartment have   license those kind of things are respectful right  yeah but I think on Airbnb you have to have a   tourist license I think so I know the process  isn't easy no to put your your your place on   Airbnb I think in the past was was easier it was  easier yeah now they're putting a lot of loss if   you like this video give it a like subscribe to  my channel because we have many videos talking   about life in the US talking about life in Spain  and also next week we're going to share a vlog   of our camping trip in GIS so go check that  out and see you next week bye it's been wi up

2024-08-11 17:12

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