The Nordic Regenerative tourism podcast - episode 1

The Nordic Regenerative tourism podcast - episode 1

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welcome to this Icelandic tourism cluster podcast  this project is a pilot project and our goal is to   give you guys an overview of all the projects  that the Iceland tourism cluster is doing my   name is Magdalena I hold a PhD in tourism studies  and I work in several projects in the Icelandic   tourism cluster and with me today in the studio  is Ásta Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir Who is the CEO of the Iceland   tourism cluster hi Ásta hi Magdalena Ásta can you  maybe sum up for those of the listeners that are   not familiar with the organization like what is  the Iceland tourism cluster and what is the role   of it what purpose do you guys have what are you  doing yeah well uh a big question we are a network   of um organizations that uh represent the value  chain of Tourism if you can say or the ecosystem   of of tourism um we work with our members uh  on a really focused projects uh and our aim   is always to strengthen the competitiveness  uh of Tourism companies and also to create   more value so value creation is a really really  strong DNA in um every work that we do and the   three main focus project that we have decided  to work on uh they are related to sustainable   and regenerative tourism uh Innovation and uh  digital Solutions and and travel Tech so those   are the big pillars and then we have several  projects underneath each and every like Focus area uh and the cluster is built up  like um if you think if you think about   the cluster as a body maybe you would think about  the core like the heart of the cluster are the   uh the industries in tourism so it's the travel  agents it's the hotels the it's the accommodation   um that that uh are the the center of the cluster  but for the cluster to work we really need other   uh elements uh to work so so we are building  bridges between between uh different stakeholders   in tourism so we are working with the universities  for example for municipalities uh we are working   with the dmos all around Iceland we are working  with um like the banks of Iceland uh the engineer   companies um and several other uh stakeholders  that all um have something special to put in or   gain from a a strong tourism so like for instance  the university needs to put in uh knowledge into   the into the industry field and then on the other  hand maybe you have manufacturers or Engineers   that are uh gaining from a strong tourism being  like building up hotels and and so on and so   forth you also need special services uh for the  tourism Industries like from law firms or Banks   or other special um specialities so you are always  Building Bridges between so we are always thinking   about the health of the tourism companies that  are the core of our cluster but we also need to   to know how to guide them uh back and forth uh  between the bridges the different bridges that   we are are building in that ecosystem I like this  metaphor of building bridges yeah so it's kind of   that you're the entity that Fosters networks and  helps the different stakeholders to come together   and to start the conversation yeah yeah we are  the platform for that and we also try to be super   relevant in um what is the topic like where what  is trending or what what are the challenges and I   I sometimes say that we love your problems because  we love to find out who who might be you know the   problem solver who who has the opportunity to  jump in or or or build Bridges to to solve uh   your problem so so bring your problems to  us is a is a metaphor that we could also use and also to connect different people like uh  when you start to talk to people in in this field   you feel like and and then you get the sense  of okay I've heard this conversation now three   times I think those people need to talk together  and and and then maybe you you talk to the third   or four person and and and she has the solution so  then you can connect them and and and the the true   magic uh will happen when when you get the the  opportunity to to connect people that you know   that yeah will solve problems when they when they  really meet and and start to work together that's   so avilable especially if these people would  have never met if you wouldn't have brought   them together yeah well uh me or someone but but I  mean this is a this is the network and this is the   field to to do that and and and make that happen  so so at least we we try to be useful in in in   those sense to to Really connect people that we  believe can do something more uh together MH and   uh you do that by being involved in a wide range  of interesting projects also both on Icelandic   level but also International level and uh in this  podcast we want to we want to use this podcast as   a platform to introduce some of them can you maybe  give us a short overview of the projects that are   currently ongoing in the isand tourism cluster  yes I can um as I said uh just to try to make   it simple um if I take for example the the pillar  the focus project of sustainable and regenerative   tourism we have an ongoing uh project called  responsible tourism where everyone can sign up   and and we give them this platform of toolbox that  they can have a self assessment uh tool toolbox um   where they can for example uh put down their own  sustainability strategy or put down a measurement   goals to also connect to the SGS and and and  and just get stronger in what they are doing   already we always call this like the the first  step that you can take towards sustainability   to be uh working on this responsible tourism in  this uh responsible tourism field um then if uh   we jump to the next step we have a Nordic project  called nor or Nordic regenerative tourism there   we connect with um Partners from five countries  in in the Nordic countries and we also uh provide   uh both uh an this common understanding of  what regenerative tourism means uh for the   Nordic concept also toolbox for the companies  and pilot project uh so the companies can can   work uh together on on building uh new new uh  products for example uh and and and make more value uh and then if we step to the third uh  project in that category we are working on a   um um European project called circular economy for  regenerative tourism and there we are working with   seven countries in Europe um and 80 companies  uh from all around Europe in in those partner   countries and also 18 companies uh of those  80 are uh in Iceland and in that project we   are working uh they get uh financial support uh  right over 8,000 EUR each and every company so   they can uh Implement uh strategies or or have  a special will uh help with implementing uh a   better sustainable strategies or regenerative  strategies in their companies so for the pillar   of innovation we are um reestablishing our startup  tourism accelerating program uh with Clark startup   Iceland so that accelerated accelerator program  uh will uh start now in the fall yeah and there   uh will be 10 companies chosen or entrepreneurs  in in in tourism that will be chosen to to um   be a part of that and the focus now will be  on sustainability and Technical Solutions   in sustainability and how we can accelerate  towards uh more regenerative and sustainable   uh companies and and way of thinking so that will  be super exciting also to to take part in that we are also always uh this first uh stop with  uh new companies like if uh if a startup or   entrepreneur is is starting a business in tourism  uh we are always giving out uh information on   on what to do first steps how to connect with um  maybe uh investors or how to connect with others   in the industry so uh we very often take those  first inter or or first uh talks with people that   are starting so uh we are really open and and  we are situated in grosa The Innovation house   uh in WM uh and we always have open doors to  entrepreneurs whether they are part of the   cluster or not we are always the first uh and yeah  having having this um first talk with them so that   is um super interesting and and super important  also that they find that they get support uh in   that and then the third category goes uh to the  travel TCH or the digital Solutions we have um   been working with our travel tech companies now  for over seven years in in in building their own   network kind of because tourism companies are  one thing but the tech companies of course have   completely different needs and and and of course  are working in a in a different area in that sense   so we have been hosting alongside the tourism  board the Iceland travel Tech um exhibition and   and Conference now for let's say about five years  uh and that's a platform where we can invite uh   our tech companies to come on States and and tell  about their um tell about their Solutions and and   and the and the yeah what what is out there and  what is new and and and so on and also for the   tourism companies to to seek more knowledge and  and and also to connect to the to the Trel tech   companies uh we did that a little bit different  this year than we hosted this uh mats making uh   event between the tech companies and the tourism  companies so there were uh over 80 companies both   from travel tech and and tourism companies that  met together on short meetings like I think we   hosted over 500 meetings with them uh on on  a two and a half for three hours and and that   was really great because we also hosted that in  the tourism week that we did for the first time   with all the major supporters in in the tourism  sector like the associations of Tourism and and   business Iceland or visit Iceland and tourism  board and and also all of the dmos from all   over Iceland we yeah yeah it was such a great  event and and the whole tourism week also had   a had a lot of great events going on and then in  in the same sector for the travel Tech we also   have been participating in this Nordic travel  Tech Network where we have been um available   or we have been yeah providing our companies uh  a seat in a Nordic accelerator program with the   aim of travel Tech so I think there are about  five companies from Iceland that have uh gone   through through that accelerator program uh it's  online and it is um it is uh organized by the uh   startup Norway so it's a completely different  thing uh for for what we do but we we by by   being in this project we can provide them with  um this new knowledge and and and being a part   of this Nordic network has been really important  and then on the European level we are working in   a a project called tpit and there we can support  seven companies in Iceland that are implementing   new tech or digital Solutions into their companies  and as the same for the circular economy project   we can provide them with over 8,000 ,000 each so  they are working on on this implementation really   different projects but really like each and every  company has has done so much more than only using   their 8,000 EUR so they are investing heavily in  new Tac and some of the TAC is also connected to   sustainability so so our dream of of of the of the  sister Tack and and sustainability with the use of   innovation is is really coming uh true in in some  of those projects so so that is yeah a a short   overview of our projects but of course of course  also we we host a lot of uh workshops and and   conferences and seminars and we try to be really  like uh open uh and and we are always willing to   to organize uh events that that um are um yeah  for for ideas that come from our members like   uh we hosted this storytelling Workshop uh we  hosted this um marketing like uh with specialist   from the from the marketing sector and then we  are uh planning on uh a deeper deeper conversation   about uh how to run a good business uh how to dive  in into your Excel seets and and and really nerdy   things so that we that we really yeah want to  sit down with our members and and give them the   opportunity to learn from each other and this peer  support is super important so yeah a a short intro   to that I would say so also like handson things  like what do companies need how do they what do   they need what tools to operate the business  Absolut that's so interesting and I think also   like this overview of the projects that you're  giving they all these uh topics like Innovation   sustainability and digitalization they go with  ongoing side Guist I think it is very important   and what I also like is like how you interconnect  these topics within these projects so that sounds   very valuable um our first podcast episodes they  will focus on the noric project that you mentioned   the Nordic regenerative tourism project it's a  super exciting project where I myself part of   it yeah and um in the next episodes we will hear  stories from our various Partners in this Nordic   project and we are very proud of the noric project  it's a pilot project can you maybe shortly tell us   like what makes the noric project so special and  uh why the cluster sees value in this regenerative   tourism which is a new stream of uh thinking about  sustainability yeah we are super proud of um how   we have managed to to organized uh the project it  started in 202 um and we wrote an application to   the Nordic Council of ministers uh they are the  founders um and and provide the funding into the   into the project so we took uh part of a of a  really big uh competition uh about projects in   that and and we wrote an a heavy application to  to tell about what we wanted to do and why we   why we thought this was a really important thing  to to put on the agenda and also in the back of   our minds we were really um eager to to come up  with a common understanding of what regenerative   tourism for the Nordic could be uh and and could  we be like the foreigners of of the conversation   could we lead the conversation in a way and if  we could lead it uh in a way for the nordics we   could uh we could absolutely lead it for the for  the Icelandic of course but we have also uh seen   that we can lead it uh um on a on a global um on a  global field so uh the opportunity to get started   in the 22 uh was also because then a lot of the  conversation around regenerative tourism was   just stting and and people were maybe mixing it a  little bit with sustainability it was just another   uh word for a sustainability or another word for  um responsible tourism so it was like a new bus   word and everyone was just ah do we really need  to have a new words you know do we really need to   are we just stop then talking about sustainability  and and so on and so forth but it is so important   to understand that these are steps and these are  part of a um an ongoing uh development so you you   kind of cannot skip uh responsible tourism or or  sustainable tourism it's just a development into a   a longer Journey you know and and um and and also  this regenerative thinking is a is a is a is such   a big umbrella over uh many other things uh but  uh there's no way you can only be regenerative   without being responsible or sustainable so so  that is also and and just the the short uh s   meaning of of uh in in between like sustainable  you are if you're a sustainable Company You Are   having this Net Zero Do no harm but if you are  regenerative tourism company you are really   providing products to for the guests especially  to give back uh so it's always about a positive   impact on uh the society that you are visiting the  destination that you are visiting and how to uh   how to get products that will help you as a guest  to to do that and and we really think that people   uh that are traveling they are more conscience of  of what they're doing and where they are going and   they want to leave less behind uh but they need  help I mean they won't do it just out of their   own curiosity they need to be guided and they they  need to see also the value and learn what is good   and what is bad and and and and so on and so forth  so this is also a huge opportunity to us to be um   to educate people uh and and and um it's really  important it's a really important development   step for us also uh to be to be able to lead the  the discussion to be able to get all the nordics   around the concept of doing this together and nor  is just uh a starting point I think for a and I   hope I mean now we have the third year of nor  funded uh and the and the Council of ministers   uh are um funding that we work in the project  through the ministry of Iceland uh in tourism   so they are our supporters kind of in in in that  we we lead the project on their behalf and ol of   e is the project leader in uh for the Iceland  tourism cluster in in in that sense and and you   for yourself of course have been involved in this  project for for the beginning and and also for for   Jessica and others that have really been uh giving  uh a lot of input and and and we have had this   opportunity to develop this right from the scratch  so I think that is also such a um big opportunity   to to dive into both the research part of it  but also the Practical Parts like how can the   companies uh use this and and do this in a in a  better way yeah like this new way of thinking like   you say it's not just like sustainability 2.0 it's  a new way of thinking it's the next step yeah and   I also like how regenerative tourism is translated  to Icelandic which means literally nourishing   tourism I think this also shows like this aspect  of giving back yeah that's true we have also heard which is in in the same way something that  that gives you the sense of you're doing something   that is better that is that is deeper that is like  um something that that that makes you a better   person M you know it's something that adds to  your life and to the lives of others so I think   with that sense that we are thinking like and and  also like we have been talking about in in other   uh conversations like how we choose to use tourism  and not the other way around like we should use   tourism as a tool to build up to to make things  better but not to be in a reactive mode trying to   control something in the backseat or or or always  like running after the bus kind of like not having   control we we really need to sit down and and  understand and decide how we are going to use   tourism for the for the better like yeah that's so  important like this rethinking in order to achieve   something better yeah that's great AA thank you so  much for this overview and in the next episodes we   will hear some success stories from Partners from  the noric project that would tell us a little bit   like how they see this rethinking how they gave  back yeah so it's a great idea thank you thank you

2024-08-24 11:58

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