The Nordic Regenerative tourism podcast - episode 05

The Nordic Regenerative tourism podcast - episode 05

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[Music] welcome to the last snic episode in this  Iceland tourism cluster podcast Our Guest today is   Dr Jessica Aquino who is an associate professor at  the hola University in Iceland and she's also the   leader of the noric academic group where I'm  also part of myself nice to have you Jessica   yeah thanks for inviting me Jessica do you want to  start by telling a few words about yourself just   you know a few sentences about your background  your career your path so we get to know you a   little bit okay A few sentences about all that I  think it'd be kind of hard so I'll do my best to   end in this show so um I am an associate professor  at holler University and I've been here I've moved   to Iceland about eight years ago since the 2016  um so I have a very interdisciplinary background   um my undergraduates in conservation biology  um which is now called sustainability and my   masters is in tourism Recreation studies um and  I looked more at like what inclusive um uh like   Recreation inclusion but and then my my PhD is in  Community Resources and development but looking   more at communities and inclusion and of things  how things affect communities in general and so   hopefully that's in a nutshell yeah I think  so I mean of course also I know you very well   so yeah and Jessica we have both been part of  this snic project from the very beginning and   uh it was super fun to discover this regenerative  tourism Paradigm which was super new together with   you and um like what does it mean for you to be  part of the snic project or maybe how was it in   the beginning what did you think when you were  approach to be part of noreg and how does this   fit into your own research Focus yeah than that I  was very well I was very happy to be approached by   olier to to join the the nor Edge project um and  I had started hearing more about what regenerative   tourism was and I wasn't at first I was very  critical of it I I was worried that um if uh   because we're very much focused on sustainability  I was very worried that if we focus you know all   on this New Concept that they might push us away  from sustainability and all the work that we've   been working there but um after working in nor I  I discovered that there is a lot of links to the   work that I've been doing with regenerative and  within as it as a concept um so I was I think very   fortunate to be part of this group because  it um it ties very nicely with all the the   research and the work that I've been doing with um  Community Development and inclusion um learnings   and networks and mobilities and sustainability  um I hope that well with if I continue working   with rine of Tourism that'll be able to contribute  um and help um you know help develop it and have   it um as more of a known concept than than than  where it is now and it's very I mean it's starting   to become very well known I think the past gosh  after covid it was it kind of just rather exploded   now you see regenerative tourism or regenerative  everywhere um and so I think now our work in the   future is more focusing on um establishing what  the concept is so that it's not so muddled so   it's the people actually understand what what it  is and can um participate in regenerative being I   think our role probably now is to be careful that  regenerative tourism doesn't just become another   bus word like it happened with sustainable tourism  yeah and I I mean I I still I don't believe that   sustainable tourism is a buzzword but I think a  lot of people use it as a buzzword I think that   um like with the sustainable development goals and  and what people have been trying to do keep with   sustainability but I think that there just needs  to be um a different concept on how we approach   sustainability and I feel that regenerative has  this concept because it's it's it does push Beyond   sustainability it looks at how do we become you  know how we become more reciprocal how do we um   give back to the communities that have given  so much to us and how do we be more conscious   you know conscious Travelers but there's still  issues within tourism because we we know that um   Travelers are still not sustainable and and many  Travelers don't even have may not even heard of   the this concept of regenerative so it's um I  like how with Norge we focused on we did focus   on businesses and um dmos and um getting the the  concept and the understanding of how to become   more regenerative and and in align that with  sustainability so I think that has helped a lot   with within the Nordic concept of regenerative  tourism MH uh Jessica you mentioned before that   there are links like between your former research  or your research focus and regenerative tourism   that you figured this out during noric what kind  of links do you mean do you have examples because   you're focusing a lot on Community Development  and Community weing yeah so I I think who made   those links first was all of ear because when  I remember having a meeting with her when she   approached me about the project and she said that  oh you know she had read my work with volunteer   tourism and um and then I think because she's  very um she sees citizen science as um could be   a tool for regenerative uh regenerative tourism  and through the work with the research that uni   Magdalena that we've been doing we saw we do see  some links with that with regenerative tourism um   and so volunteer tourism is um in that area  we're looking more at like how um with my   research was more about how volunteers who work  at nonprofit um organizations within communities   are are affecting their Community Development  projects and uh when I started working more with   regenerative tourism with norch I saw that there  was a lot of things that they were doing that it   was in the realm of Community Development so  in in Community Development it's it's more   than just like developing resources it's more  about looking at how can communities um attain   their goals for either the embedment of their  communities or to make things to make change   and a lot of that takes networks and learning and  mobility and um B basically that's what we were   doing with norid is that uh the they were creating  a network and we were learning together about what   regenerative tourism is and what that would look  like and then trying to implement that into into   practice and that implementation was the mobility  part so it it just kind of that's why I felt like   it was very um fortunate for me to um be involved  with nor because it just aligns so closely with   already the research that I've been doing and and  the the some of the um the work I've already done   in the past and of bringing the parts together  right yeah that it just connected it connected the   dots really well and I think now um the work that  I'm I'm doing is still trying to get you know like   um I would like to develop more tools of how you  know um Community groups can be become more mobile   and and um you know and focus on like what are the  some of the tools with networks and and with the   we wrote a book chapter together about um the the  citizen science pilot project that we did in in   selness National um in selness uh looked at that  because we do have somebody that is is very much   of a mobilizer right she's get she gets people  together and um we had these meetings and we   learned about what what we wanted to do with the  project and how you know to put it together and so   from that that led to developing some tools you  know of how we could potentially use uh citizen   science as a as a tool for regenerative tourism um  but also just seeing how communities mobilize to   be able to make that change and so and that change  is trying to make tourism more um more sustainable   and and just just better for the communities yeah  and also just like finally focusing on the local   communities that they actually play a key role  in tourism development I think that's also like   already a big achievement yeah yeah definitely  and I think even with the I mean some of the   research that you do Magdalena with um lifestyle  and entrepreneurs that um at least in what we see   here in Iceland um many and we work a lot in the  the countryside many of the the entrepreneurs here   in the countrys side you know start their business  because they they like what they do but they also   want to contribute to their community because  you know they see a service that is needed and   they they want to because they live in their  communities they want to make sure that their   business is not harming you know the communities  or the environment and so oftentimes you see those   you know those entrepreneurs really wanting to  learn how to make their businesses better and   it it does when um when you run it in this manner  of being you know more regenerative then it's it   does make better business sense right you you feel  better about your business you also feel better   about yourself as an entrepreneur and you feel  better about like the kind of like the things that   you're leaving uh or you know that are being left  behind within the community yeah exactly exactly   and I think that's so important that we also shed  light on that from the academic point of view and   you mentioned Publications before Jessica and we  are talking about the academic group and uh last   year some of the members of the academic group and  among them were also you and me mainly even uh we   took a great initiative to get acad Publications  out because like we said this is so important   that we are writing about what we are doing so  we actually have the evidence out there uh we   had a book chapter where we introduced noric as  a pilot project then I think we had a paper where   we looked into regenerative tourism under the  lens of Community Development and the lifestyle   entrepreneurs can you tell a little bit about  these Publications that we threw out especially   last year and why you think they are so important  yeah well I hope they are I hope that that that   people who read them um that it's that it's  going to kind of highlight the work that we've   been doing with nor and kind of describe where we  think that um or from the from the work that we've   been doing with nor what the group feels where  tourism should be going because it was a very   collaborative effort um one of the book chapters  we talked about nor talked about how developing   this network but beyond developing the network  that also developing or coming to an agreement   of what the concept of regenerative tourism that  looks like in the Nordic was a very collaborative   effort and I think it now it should be more um  should be more inclusive right it should be more   because we looked at just particularly our group  so um it's a Nordic perspective but from our group   from nor but it may not be a Nordic perspective  you know like a whole region so it I think we   need to kind of like um still connect with other  academics and other practitioners that are working   Within the realm of regenerative tourism and and  try to understand that concept more as a whole   um but that's why it's really great that this you  know group started that because it's kind of felt   like it was the foothold it was the the momentum  that started this movement right um and the paper   that we wrote together with Frances um we talked  about um Community Development within regenerative   tourism and um and social entrepreneurs but we  just was basically basically just that about   trying to show kind of highlight what Community  Development is um because I think a lot of times   people may have a misconception of what Community  Development is because it it is all it is about   inclusion and making communities better and and  making them or helping them become more resilient   and I saw that with uh regenerative tourism  and um or at Le yeah with the concept with   regenerative so we wrote this paper that looked at  um regenerative tourism Community Development and   um focusing on uh Lifestyles uh lifestyle  entrepreneurs and um it was interesting   to see because you do again like you know I said  before that it's um people who you know work and   live in the community really do want to make  um their communities better they they want to   be you know good citizens in that sense but um  oftentimes when you work in a service industry   like tourism they they just want to help you know  provide better services to their to the community   but also to visitors that are coming but do you  think that we need more case studies because you   were talking a lot now that the tourism businesses  want to make that businesses more sustainable they   want to learn about like what can can they do  do you think it would be more beneficial if we   would add more case studies to our research and  throw that down yeah yeah definitely because I   I I think right now what the view that we have  is very much focused on the entrepreneurs and   the people that worked with within this project  right um so it's a very I mean it's a very small   sample if you think about it if you look at Nordic  regionally and geographically as a whole is quite   big and um so we do need more case studies to  see uh what um you know what are those businesses   doing for regenerative and and what does it would  generative mean to them um so I I we the more that   we know about it the more that we study about it  I think we can give us a better understanding of   this this concept of regenerative tourism  especially since we call it you know the   Nordic concept of regenerative tour tourism  there are many like social groups that aren't   included yet because our our group was so small  but like looking at um indigenous perspectives of   regenerative tourism and looking at other ethical  concepts of regenerative and and um what um within   tourism itself how do we you know how do we  Empower local communities to make their you know   make sustainable um development for their tourism  uh tourism development and how do we like how do   we connect other more entrepreneurs to others to  be able to learn from each other right to because   to and to make those adaptions because sometimes  something may work in one community and it may not   work in another Community right so it's like it's  it'd be really interesting to hear those voices   and see what you know what are they doing to make  things more sustainable and and to make their the   communities more resilient mhm feels like there  are so many best practice examples of regenerative   tourism spread all over the world and it seems  like we should just bring them somehow together   right yeah yeah definitely and I know it's it can  be a little bit more complicated in the way that   we're making it sound because there is sometimes  some disconnect between um practitioners and   policy makers and communities and so there's there  needs to be tools that are that that we need to   create that um share capacity and share knowledge  in an equitable way because um often times I mean   we see it in um when we look at Civic engagement  um we try to get people together but sometimes the   way that we're inviting them may not be inclusive  right so we need to kind of like reconsider that   within tourism and within the tourism discussion  like is everybody included in this discussion and   who is being left out who are who is included  why is there you are their voices missing are   we missing a bigger picture and and that's the  same with these case studies right so we have   again like we have such a small sample so we need  to have bigger examples and from different places   in the Nordic to be able to see these case studies  to see how it's happening in their in their   communities right because um they may have like a  they may have something that's more innovated that   we hadn't you know we hadn't thought about um or  they have like maybe examples of how they've been   able to be more inclusive and engaging of the  of the communities um especially when with some   voices that aren often heard it's usually it's  you know youth so youth that are you know maybe   looking for uh training and education and they  want to uh they may have an interest in in tourism   industry like uh how do we engage the youth and  how do we hear from what they from their you know   from their viewpoints especially since they they  live in you know in their communities so and the   the aspect that I like more about with Community  Development is that um that's cool places to live   or cool places to visit right so if we develop  communities that are very you know resilient and   have um services that we need um people are happy  and there's more you know there's better wellbeing   but um if we focus just on tourism often times we  think just about tourism businesses right and so   there's that disconnect with communities so when  we think about regenerative tourism it needs to be   with the community at heart and when and thinking  about communities you also think about the natural   communities and also the social communities right  so it has to be very holistic that's why it's more   complicated then then you know than it than it  really seems but um that's and so and very big   and so it takes a lot of actors it takes a lot of  um people working together and I think that's why   we do need to develop those tools to be able to  work better together and you know more effectively   and also to make sure that we're inclusive that's  a super good point but I think also what you say   about the inclusiveness remember when last year  we were trying to instigate a project about the   local food entrepreneurs and we just didn't manage  to get local food entrepreneurs involved so even   though we have to include all these actors they  don't necessarily think yet that they should be   included yeah it's with other projects that I  worked on with when um so I worked on this um   Wildlife monitoring with with youth um sometimes  teachers feel a little bit like they don't have   the training or they don't have the knowledge  to be able to do that with their youth groups   but um a lot of times the things that we do is  just learning by doing right and so it helps   you become um more knowledgeable about about  something is that you just got to do it and   it feels more comfortable when you're doing it  together with a group that also trying to learn   about it so that's why you know this Collaborative  Learning you know helps kind of helps become like   this support right um so I I think it does a lot  of times when you look at movements and social   movements there's always somebody that is is the  mobilizer right that person that kind of links   everything together and um I think it's kind of a  matter of like meeting these people that are these   social mobilizers that kind of help bring people  together and um sometimes it works out sometimes   it doesn't you know sometimes we try to do it it's  a little bit harder when we try to collaborate in   different communities you have to have like that  social mobilizer and these different communities   to to get together and move and I think maybe we  just need to like um it it does take a little bit   of luck you know to be able to to get that forward  but it's also very um there is a challenge with   tourism because in the tourism industry people  are very busy you know especially during the   the summer seasons here and the in the the  countryside here in Iceland we we experience both   over tourism and under tourism so we get a bit  of over tourism in the summer but in some places   there's just very you know not much not much  tourism that's happening um in the countryside   so it's it can be a challenge about even when  we're doing these projects and doing these studies   to try to get everybody together yeah yeah it is  and also like uh I think probably what the best   approach would be for like driving this concept of  regenerative tourism forward is just to do action   research right we as a researcher being with all  the time figuring out who are these mobilizing   people in the communities and then just be with  but of course we don't have all this time in the   world no and it it's yeah like it's it does so  through the networks you end up finding people   that you know are working on something and then  you kind of join and it does feel like it it it   just depends on who you um end up meeting and  how and then the timing of it if it just works   out but even if it doesn't you know like what I've  noticed with some other projects even if it didn't   work out with one project like let's say because  even applying so in the academic world God you you   start engaging people right and then you get you  get a group together then you apply and then you   don't get funding and then what right and so so  I think we're very cautious about it sometimes we   we as academics we just like oh I just want you  know we just want to write this application and   then if we get it then we'll start engaging the  the communities because then it can it gets very   frustrating when you um ask you know if people  would be willing to participate and then you   don't get anything and that that's happened to  me several times but um yeah and I I wish I you   know I wish there was funding that would be you  know I wish they would just fund us right that   we all as academics wish that that would happen  but like we um and like how so they like how do   we and I don't have the answer that like with  with funding like how do we um make sure like   what is the E you know um I don't know I think  I'm going to go down a road probably that you   don't want me to to go on but there is there's  several challenges with that the academics face   with working with communities getting funding  and um being like making sure that the project   itself is working and so there's there's lots  of skills that academic people need as well   right and there's also like um we have to also be  aware of like um like um you know people seeing   us as like like a higher higher ranking than them  right like we want to be Equitable so when we use   action research we everybody's included in the  in the research and then it takes it also takes   some skill in like giving up some of the control  within the project right so making sure that like   we have to make sure that the project itself is  scientifically sound but when when you work with   with communities you also have to kind of give  up some of that control as well and so a lot of   that's where it gets involved a lot of teaching  and training um and you know uh working more   collaboratively together rather than having this  hierarchy yeah yeah yeah I agree and I also think   like once you manage to find the balance there  then you get the results then people start to   trust you and tell you things that you actually  need for your research yeah yeah definitely last   question Jessica like what is your vision with  regenerative tourism within your work is there   something that you're focusing on at the moment  or that you would like to focus more in the future   that you think is super important my my vision  for regenerative tourism is I really do hope that   um we can make uh tourism more sustainable that we  can make it more um that it's that it's not taking   so much from the environment then it's not taking  so much from communities and that's why that's   why I was attracted to regenerative the concept of  regenerative tourism because I feel like it's more   of an a way of being it's more an understanding  of how we should just function and be in the world   um so but right now what I've been focusing on  with my research is is you know understanding the   concept of regenerator ism I feel like um or just  regenerative because I feel like it's um it's it's   not something that that you get right away I think  it's something that you have to kind of reflect   on a lot to be able to understand like the how do  we have this mindset for a generative right and   the projects that I've been working on I've been  focusing on knowledge sharing and capacity sharing   and um getting um mobilizing communities to have a  better voice um with decision makings in in their   projects um and trying to develop those tools  because like I said before it is a very complex   it sounds very simple but it's very complex with  the many actors nobody not everybody agrees you   know there's there's how do you uh handle disputes  and disagreements and uh this you know this idea   that there's many different viewpoints how do we  come to you know a better holistic view of what's   happening so it yeah it's very I'm hope hopefully  that I'm going to be able to kind of you know   uh give back to my field and in the sense that  I'm going to be leaving or um that the the work   that I'm doing is going to be of use of some  value is what I really hope I think many of   us hope that um yeah so hopefully yeah so  yeah that's that's I guess that's it yeah   so I hope that I can contribute to my field  and I really do hope that regenerative that   the concept of regenerative it does have help  the communities and helps um Wildlife helps uh   us here in this world sounds it sounds that  this would be achievable so fingers crossed   yeah yeah hope so thank you so much for sharing  your thoughts Jessica all right thanks [Music]

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