The National for Sunday January 28, 2018

The National for Sunday January 28, 2018

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You. It, is Sunday January 28th, and this is the National tonight, to. Young Canadians, among a group of foreigners, arrested, in Cambodia, why they're accused of quote dancing. Pornographically. A high-stakes, murder case heads to trial a white farmer accused, of killing an indigenous man how the case inflamed, passions and exposed, racial, tensions, in rural, Saskatchewan but. We begin with another harassment. Allegation, against a former Liberal cabinet minister, as MP, is acknowledged, there is a problem on Parliament, Hill. We're. In an environment where we have high degrees of power with parliamentarians. And often staffers, that have very little power and aren't, often precarious, work so it sets up a environment, that, is right for this kind of behavior. Harassment. And misconduct like. So many other work environments, right now allegations. About inappropriate. Behavior have, now hit the political, world in this country and as MPs prepared to return to Parliament Hill tomorrow it is top. Of mind this. As word of another allegation, of sexual misconduct against. Former minister of sport kent hair as CBS, News first told you an employee in, his constituency. Said, she was groped. By hair in 2016. Evan Dyer has the latest on that investigation and. What's being done to protect staffers. On the hill. Time's. Up, Justin, Trudeau talked briefly about harassment, but never mentioned, Kent hair making, workplaces, better, safer. More welcoming. Places for women it's not just the, right thing to do it's, the smart thing to do but today the Liberals confirmed, a new complaint, about hair is being investigated, it's, about his time on Parliament, Hill not, his previous life in the Alberta legislature, I've read this morning and that complain was, sent. Right away to the to. The person in charge of the inquiry it's not just about one MP, Employment. Minister Pattie Hyde who says Parliament, Hill is a permissive, environment. For her rosser's staffers. Talked about you know not wanting to be in closed spaces with certain people not, just in that case parliamentarians. Both senior, level staffers etc, there are a lot of young people on the hill very youthful. Workforce. And so a lot of vulnerability, associated with that part, of the problem hi do says irregular.

Work Hours and the, abundance, of alcohol, also, the partisan, atmosphere they also talked about team and you, know how hard it is and went, to come forward when it's actually a member of your own team because. It politically, can, jeopardize your own team's success, a bill which is being debated tomorrow, aims to change that right, now Hill staffers, work in a limbo that's not properly covered by either federal, or provincial, labor coats if c65. Becomes law any complaint. That can't be mediated, goes to an outside, investigator, it, is a unique position but the end of the day Member of Parliament permit, Aryans are employers, you have people that work for you and we need to have workplaces that work, but MPs who harassed staff will still have more protections, than other employers, they, can't be fired and they can't be sued for violating. The Canada Labor Code for, now hair, is out of cabinet. But still in caucus. Removing. Him will be painful politically. The, Liberals finally, broke the conservative, lock on Alberta in 2015. After years, of electoral, shutouts, they, elected four MPs in the province Darsh, ankang, left caucus last summer over, allegations he harassed a female staffer, if hair, goes to the, party will have lost half its Alberta, caucus, to sexual harassment, claims and all, of its presence in Calgary, Evan Dyer CBC, News Ottawa. Tomorrow. The minister of science Christie Duncan will officially take on more duties following, Kent hares resignation. Duncan was asked to pick up his sports portfolio, in addition. To her other cabinet, position meanwhile, the fallout from the resignation, of former PC. Leader Patrick Brown in Ontario, continues, today Brown. As you know resigned, amidst allegations of, sexual misconduct last, week a slew, of changes, have now been made at the Ontario legislature, and within the party, with, the most recent coming just tonight the, party president, Rick Dykstra, who served as a federal MP alongside, Brown, has also stepped, aside tonight saying as they, move to find a new permanent, leader quote I have made the decision to, step aside as president, and take a step back for someone else to lead us through the hard work. Andr. There's another story that's top of my little more policy, heavy for politicians today and that of course the latest round of free trade talks yeah that's right Rosie and after, a week of negotiations, there are some, signs of progress. On. NAFTA, we're, working hard to get a better deal for Canadians, a deal, that helps more people and reflects. Our deeply held Canadian. Values, and that, work may finally, be paying off the latest round of NAFTA talks is wrapping up in Montreal and as Katie Simpson shows us there is reason, to have hope. Security. Cleared the way for Donald. Trump's top man on trade, any word on the compromises, that were floated. While. Robert light Heiser had, little to say to reporters, the, US Trade Representative, is in Montreal, to deliver a message from the White House on the future of NAFTA, as the, sixth round of talks comes, to a close I think. It was. Canada. Used this round to try to ease tensions, around the negotiating table it presented. Compromises. On some of the most controversial. U.s. proposals, including, changes, to the auto sector light. Heiser's inner circle says he's, hopeful, about the talks. As. Promptly, as they can to reach, an agreement that's week. US, lawmakers traveled. To Montreal, to oversee, the negotiations. And some. Are more reserved, about progress, so far I wasn't. I'm not as optimistic right. Now as, it was when I got off the plane, any. Remaining ambiguity. Could be eliminated, tomorrow when, Canada's, foreign affairs minister meets with light hyzer and Mexico's. Economy secretary. To deliver closing, statements, the, last time that happened back, in October it, ended, badly frankly. I am surprised, and, disappointed by. The resistance. To change from. Our negotiating. Partners, that cannot, be achieved with, a winner-take-all, mindset. Or, an approach that seeks to undermine NAFTA, rather, than modernize, it all three, countries are hoping the tone will be more cordial this time obviously. It's a very dynamic, situation which, evolves, hour by hour but, I think the news that we see are encouraging, an encouraging. Sign could, emerge here tomorrow in, Montreal, if extra, rounds of talks are announced, it would show that all three sides believe, enough progress, is being made to keep going Katie.

Simpson CBC News Montreal. Now. There, isn't much time left to work out a deal on NAFTA before politics, of a different sort possibly, get in the way the, next and final round, of scheduled, talks is slated for late February, in Mexico, but they, can still add more and if an agreement isn't reached by summer, negotiations. Could be suspended altogether because of important elections, coming up Mexico's. Presidential. Vote u.s., congressional elections. And if, they, can't reach a deal by next year the, federal election here. In 2019. Well. Too young Canadian, women are facing, a pretty scary ordeal tonight, in Cambodia. Jessica, drew Leigh Ann Eden Castle a asar among ten foreigners, arrested. At a popular, tourist destination but. As Ron, Charles tells, us it's the accusation, against, them that's really raised eyebrows, police, accuse them of quote, pornographic. Dancing. This, is where the young foreigner, started, the event that ended in arrest a freelancer. Took these shots for us today on what's known as pub street in scene reef at 4:15. In the morning still, teeming, with young backpackers. And foreign residents, hopping bars, but. All of this is within minutes of Cambodia's, biggest, tourist attraction, its venerated. Temple complex, and car wat, local. Police say what started as, a pub crawl ended, with a party, at a private villa they say that's where attendees took these pictures of what looks like partygoers, writhing, together on the floor of the, 77. People detained in the police raid only, 10 faced the charge described. As making images of pornographic dancing. That. Included. The two Canadian, women plus five men, from Britain and one, each from Norway, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. There. Are reports, they are being, held inside the offices, of the local police detachment, Global. Affairs Canada says it's providing, consular, assistance to, the two Canadians. Travel. Experts warn it can be easier, than many tourists, think to offend, the sensibilities of. Conservative. Cultures yes, they went to have fun that's what they were doing but, then they forgot they were in a new country, they. Forgot that that country, had different, cultural, values and. The. They probably went overboard with their later. More definition, of fun. Cambodian. Authorities, do appear, to be cracking, down on visitors. Behavior, and attire, especially. Close to religious, sites in, 2015. Three French tourists, were arrested, and deported for. Taking nude photos, inside, the temple complex the. Ten foreigners, currently, in police custody could face a year in jail Ron. Charles CBC, News Toronto. The. Government of canada has this warning. On its website for travelers, to cambodia, dress. Conservatively. Behave, discreetly, and respect. Religious, and social traditions, to avoid offending local. Sensitivities. It's. Been one year since a gunman opened, fire inside, a mosque in city killing six people it, was intact that stun Canadians, and forced, a national, conversation about, racism, and intolerance, in, this country well, it's, important, because you. Know we see some atrocities. Happening in the city and we. Can imagine happening to anybody and. It's a incredibly. Sad event and we want to make sure that we're here to show support and solidarity with, the, families and the whole community suffering, as far as I can tell tonight. In Quebec City a show of solidarity a, multi-faith. Ceremony, brought people together on the eve of the anniversary the. Shooting that happened a year ago tomorrow. Just. After the start of evening prayers at the Grand Mosque an armed masked man entered, an open, fire six. People were killed many. More were injured I saw several. Bodies inside. It. Such. The. Victims were friends, and neighbors IT professionals. A professor, a grocer, and a pharmacist assistant, all six, men were father's many, were community, leaders charged, with their murders, 27. Year-old Alex on Bissonnette, friends. Said they knew he had far-right, leanings, but never suspected. He could be capable of, this his, trial begins. In March. The. Shooting prompted vigils and marches, in support, of the mosque and, at. Least the start of a discussion about taller when I say that words, matter it. Means that words. Can, hurt words. Can, be knifes. Slashing. At people's conscience. Words. Are indeed powerful as the premier said and. As those gathered at the multi-faith ceremony in Quebec City tonight, are hoping that their words will have some power to Jayla. Bernstein was at that, ceremony JLo, give us a sense of what the message was there tonight. Well. The message and the word that we keep hearing in the context, of this anniversary is, is, unity, and as two to three hundred people filed into this arena tonight for, a multi-faith.

Ceremony, That's what members of the public we're talking about that's also what religious, leaders were talking about saying they all wanted to be in one space together tonight on the eve of that tragedy, to show their solidarity with Quebec, City's Muslim. Community, so, tonight's, ceremony included. Representations. Addresses, as well as music from various. Faith communities, we heard from the indigenous community, of the Catholic community the, Anglican community as well as the Jewish and Muslim communities and, we spoke with two representatives, to ask them what kind of message they're hoping tonight's event will send. We. We don't mind. If. It's amazing, it's, a June, it's a you. Are an Newman. And. That's, that's, that's important. It's. An opportunity, for us to to. State once again and together that, we are religions. Of peace and goodwill and, justice, and that we. Can coexist and, live. Aside one another in peace and hold, that up as an example to, the rest of the city, the. Actual anniversary is tomorrow of course Jayla what what has planned for a, memorial, of some kind there. So. Tomorrow, there's a vigil, planned to be held near the mosque we're expecting to hear from several dignitaries including, Prime, Minister Justin Trudeau is going to give a speech as well as a premier Philip Couillard we're, also expecting, to hear from the mayor of Quebec City as well as the mayor of Montreal and, then after those speeches will be a short, walk over, to the mosque where people can leave any sort of tributes, candles, cards to show their, solidarity with the members of the mosque okay, thanks for that Jayla ji Bernstein, is in Quebec City tonight, and she'll be there tomorrow night as well thanks the. Mass shooting ended some lives and dramatically, changed others there were calls for tolerance, but racist, demonstrations. Have in fact grown bolder, leading, the Muslim community, in Quebec City uncertain. Of their place two, of the men shot, are attempting, to rebuild their lives we spent time with them to see how much has changed particularly. For, a Mandir, bally who is now paralyzed. Diwali. Was shot seven times part. Of the bullets still lodged near, his spine, paralyzed. With some ability to move his arms it, is exhausting. To do even the smallest thing. Tikka. Tikka. Masala. Dosa. Okay. Shigani aunty Peroni would. Never, physic. Vermonter. Psychological. A gigantic. Sea of it. He. Was close to death in the days after for, two months he lay in a coma and despite his weakened state he survived and likely, saved, many others from dying too. And. The reason I say that Andrew is because Diwali arrives late that night and. Sort of decided, to make himself a target to try and pull the attention from the shooter towards, himself and that ended up saving many. People we talk about that moment as well as you see his struggle there to reclaim his life right and, rosy the the mosque itself, has also determined, to push for obviously. You know when a gunman, storms, a mosque there is damage done they did some things to repair that will. Look inside the mosque to see what's changed and the one reminder, that they have kept will, have that full story for you tomorrow night on the National anger okay and meantime lots more to come on tonight's program, you'll. Meet a young boy who came to Canada as a refugee, barely, able to speak English but now two, years later he's. Beating the competition in, this class spelling, bee but, first we'll take you to Moscow where a protest, against, President Vladimir, Putin ended with the arrest of an, outspoken, opposition, leader, and it's a case that's highlighted, racial, tensions, in Saskatchewan. Colton bushi a young cream and shot, dead and a, white farmer charged, with second degree murder, David, comment takes us back to a community, still, trying to heal. Things. Like this. Should. Never happen. Should. Ever happen, to anybody. Margins. On car sales have become so, slim, that many dealerships, now make more, money on service, and repairs, than, on new and used car sales combined. What. You may not know is that service, advisers don't have to be mechanics, and the more they sell you the, more they can often make Lucas.

Lung Learned, it firsthand in his years as a service, adviser I would say 90%, of, these dealerships, do work by commission when, you're a service adviser you are a salesperson this is how you make, your living right so you have, to upsell, them they, come in for an oil change you're upselling, somebody, holy cow 1,200. Bucks marketplace, heard many complaints from across the country so we ran a series, of tests, an expert. Pre. Inspected, this woman's car then we asked a dealership, for their, diagnosis. It, came by phone get. The brakes done. On. The brake shoes. Wow. Is, that something that I can think, about but, our expert, rejected. That when, I had the drums off everything looked perfectly, normal for, that age of brake not only did the dealership, recommend, service that wasn't needed they, also failed to mention something, that was. The. Largest recall, in automotive, history the, cars potentially. Defective airbag. What does the law say about, a repair, shop telling. You you need to do something before, you need to do it or you don't even need to do it at all repair. Shops cannot, offer services, that aren't needed, Harry Malley is with Ontario's, government, watchdog, if I can't mislead you if if it's the service that's not needed they can't be like this is needed to fix your car. Head. To the dealership for. Months seven years and you're likely to hear this pitch. By. Vicki at 80 comments most. Of the 10 we visited, only mentioned seven-year loans only, rarely, did we hear about what used to be the norm for. Over, five years that. To me is is. Short-sighted. Just. A recipe for four, problems. Ontario's. Auto regulator, doesn't, much like that thinking. More options, should be presented, up front but, this auto expert, cautions, against using a long term loan at all long. Term loans with the low monthly payments, often encourage consumers. To buy a more expensive car just, watch a twenty thousand, dollar car, on a five-year, loan cost a hundred and fifty four dollars bi-weekly. But. A thirty thousand dollar car, it's just eleven bucks more as long, as you pay for two, more years but, beyond spending, more there, are big risks, with long loans the, last thing you want to do is be in a situation where, you're making payments on your vehicle, at. The sixth year or seventh, year. That's. Russian opposition leader, Alexei, Navalny being, grabbed by police in Moscow, today he was hauled away for, organizing. His latest, protest, against, the country's president such. As democracy. In Vladimir, Putin's Russia, Navalny. Was, later freed but not before his supporters had their say streamed, live, around, the world Chris. Brown reports from Moscow. With. More than a thousand, people waiting for him in central, Moscow Pushkin, Square. Police. Knew, where Alexei, Navalny would, be heading and pounced, as soon as he arrived he was manhandled.

Feet-first Into, a, police wagon as dramatic, as the takedown was was. Also hardly, a surprise he's. Been arrested more than half a dozen times before the, best scene we may achieve today is. To. Inspire, other. People who did not come here. To. Show them but. Not. Everyone suppose Kojima Putin even, after navami xerath the crowd here at pushkinskaya has continued, to grow with several. Thousand, people in the square now many of them shouting, slogans such as Putin. Is a thief boycott. The elections, in Russia, without. Putin. Navalny. Who built, his reputation alleging. Massive. Corruption in Putin's regime has. Been banned from the upcoming March presidential. Election, so, he's now urging, Russians to boycott the vote entirely, I want. To belong to my country not to be alienated, from it I want to have a viable, political system. And that's why I'm here. There. Were protests, in scores of other Russian, cities today as well from, Vladivostok. In the Far East. To. St. Petersburg. Moscow. Was where most of the action was and no surprise Navalny, social. Media savvy team got most of it on video, as. Volunteers, for broadcasting, on youtube police, broke into their offices, searching. And detaining, workers, I guess. They don't, want people. To know the truth about the. Situation. In Russia. Russian. Television shows. Propaganda, as usual. Indeed, Russia's extremely, influential, state, TV channels, barely, mentioned anything, that happened, one. Online, story merely noted, that there was an illegal protest. Traffic. Chris. Brown CBC, News Moscow. Now. Navalny is Russia's, most prominent, critic of Vladimir, Putin right, now but of course there have been others among, them Boris, Nemtsov a Russian politician, who tried to unite opposition. Forces against, Putin he, was killed just steps from the Kremlin, in 2015. Sergey Udaltsov led. A series of protests, against Putin until he was jailed in 2014. And Alexander. Litvinenko was. A former Russian spy who became a fierce critic of the Kremlin and Putin, he. Was fatally poisoned, by radioactive, polonium-210. Just. Over a decade ago. Here's. What else were watching tonight he, was the man behind one, of the world's biggest furniture. Empires, and, the reason for your love-hate, relationship, with Alan, Keyes I think it's just eight at this point we've assembled to look back at the life and legacy of the man who founded, idea, and, we'll take you to the California coast. Where folks are afraid there's, no escaping, an ecological. Disaster if, Donald. Trump gets, his way but, first an indigenous man shot, dead a white farmer about to stand trial up next day to come and takes us to Saskatchewan ahead.

Of What's expected to be a highly, divisive murder, trial. To. Me like. The law two. Ways to. A system, they're going you, know how they deal with the originals, and, the justice system and how they deal, with white people and a justice system how. Much faith then do you have that there will be justice, do. You have reason to have faith I don't. Really. Not. Really. In, 2017. Canada aimed to accept, 300,000. New permanent residents, to the country but, who are these new permanent, residents and how do they come in, so. Here's how immigrants, and refugees are, admitted. Into Canada. First. It's important to note that immigrants, and refugees are, not the same an immigrant. Is someone who chooses to settle permanently in another country, for, Canada it's mostly economic, immigrants like skilled foreign workers then, its family class applicants, who are sponsored, by spouses, or relatives, who are already here, now, a refugee. On the other hand is someone seeking protection outside. Their home country, some, may be escaping, war zones others, might be in danger because of their religious, or political beliefs, or because of their sexual orientation so. How. Does Canada, screen all these new permanent residents, well. Canada's, Immigration, and Refugee Protection. Act says all foreign, nationals must be screened to protect the health safety and, security of Canadian, society for immigrants. That starts, with a visa application to, Canadian, consular, officials, abroad officers. Will scrutinize their documents, histories and personal, relationships. And police, checks make sure that the applicants, haven't committed any serious, crimes or violated, international laws and if at any point someone, seems like they might pose a security threat but you have to go through interviews, with either CSIS, or the CBSA, and they even undergo, health screening, to make sure they won't pose a burden, on the health care system by, the time it all checks out it could be years before they're offered a permanent resident visa.

For. Refugees, the process is similar but, more complicated. Canada's, refugee, screening process, is divided into two categories, resettle. Refugees and, asylum-seekers, resettle, refugees start. Their applications, abroad asylum. Seekers like people who walk across the border from the United States into Canada usually. Start their process here either, at a CBSA, office or at a screening station, all resettled. Refugees must, be referred to Canada by a designated, organization. Like the UN's refugee agency. Before, that can happen applicants, are scrutinized, during in-depth, face-to-face, interviews, all refugees, to Canada go, through at least two of these interviews, identities. Are confirmed using biometrics, like fingerprinting, and facial, recognition travel. Histories are cross-checked, with into national partners and the names are run against databases. Of known or, suspected terrorist. Spies and war criminals then, CSIS. The CBSA, and the RCMP can screen even further only. After all of that can a person be granted, refugee status to come to Canada and remember. Many applicants, won't find a permanent home in Canada even if they are granted temporary asylum, of, the 15,000. In-country, refugee, applications, processed, in 2016. About a third were rejected, and that's, not counting the hundreds of applications, that were already terminated because, the applicants, either had criminal records or they abandoned their claims whether, someone comes here as an immigrant or refugee the process is thorough one, security source tells us if there are any remaining concerns, about an applicant they'd sooner reject, them or turn them aside then, take a risk. It. Is Grammy nights in the recording industry and, some of the music's biggest names walk the red carpet sporting. White roses, it, was a show of solidarity four, times on that's the movement against sexual. Misconduct, also. Setting, that aside for just a moment a big Canadian wind to tell you about Brampton, Ontario Alessia, Cara picked up the award for Best New Artist. The. Swollen waters, of the river sand are expected, to hit their peak overnight, after weeks of heavy rain, caused flood conditions in, and around the French capital it, forced, some, 1,500. People out of their homes and the worry now is for the suburbs where a lot of that water is headed a. High-profile. Murder trial, begins, tomorrow in the small town of Battleford, Saskatchewan, and it's a case that has polarized, opinion, right, across the province, Gerald. Stanley, is charged, with second-degree murder in the death of 22, year old Colton, bushi the. Indigenous man was shot on Stanley's. Farm a year and a half ago a Boucher's, family and others in his community have raised the issue of racism, and a heavy police presence is expected, at the courthouse when, jury selection, begins, but. Stanley's. Lawyer says the case must be judged on the facts, he insists, this is not a referendum, on race relations though even, still there, is a racial divide that, cannot be denied David.

Cohen Went, to Battleford to hear from both sides. This. Should have never happened. This. Should never never happened. You, don't mopping done. At. The casa de. Deep. In Saskatchewan. Hinterland. Tranquility. Surrounds. The grave of Colton, bushi. A serenity. That escaped, the 22, year old in life and. Colton's, uncle Alvin Baptiste, he's. Struggling my. Nephew, has. Always been, a good a good young fella, but. Things. Like this. Should. Never happen. Shouldn't. Ever happen, to anybody. That's. Out there. Most. Um. On. The remote red pheasant, first nation, Colton's, death has laid bare some deep divisions. Why, was he killed why was he shot why. Would they do something like this to a young man. Alvin. Isn't. Sure he'll get the answers, he seeks to. Me like. The law two. Ways to. A system, they're going you, know how to deal with the originals, and, the justice system and how they deal, with white people and the justice system how much faith then do you have that there will be justice, do. You have reason to have faith I don't. Really. Thirty. Minutes down the road the trial of Colton's, accused, killer is about to begin. There. Are any theories, about what happened, to Colton Boucher a year and a half ago in the summer of 2016. But all that certain, is at Colton and several indigenous friends. Drove, onto this farm owned by Gerald, Stanley. Shots. Were fired Colton. Was killed and Stanley. Charged, with second-degree, murder he's. Pleaded not guilty. Colton's. Death rightly. Or wrongly became. The latest symbol, of the division between the largely white, community, and their, indigenous neighbors. Racial. Tensions always, on edge boiled, over with comments like these, circulating. Online I think. This case is probably the. Most polarized, of all the ones I've seen. Doug. Cut hand is an Aboriginal journalist. And has watched this case from, the beginning I'm, really scared about what's going to happen if. Mr. Stanley is found not guilty there's. Going to be an uproar in the Indian community if he's, found guilty there's. Going to be a more. Fear and more hatred. On the other side so. This is this is a case to watch but it's also a case that's. It's, going to have very bad implications. Both. Sides, are, tense, and some, don't want to talk about the case. But. On the farm separated. By distance, relationships. Can be hard to build especially. When. There are real concerns over safety well. The fear is. Who, helps you I mean. As. Farms get bigger and, communities, are getting smaller in the rural areas the, distances. Grow and, and, response times are significant. Very significant. Farmer. Mitch Hoover and Kim McIver have worries too but. Don't want to be misunderstood. A mile, up the road here a neighbor. Had his house, booked into they. Want to protect their land and their life's work and to, do that they. Have many tools things. Like guns are very common, in the country very, common if it's a coyote if it's a stray, beaver its, multitude. Of things may be getting to be a less of a less, of a common common. Situation, but very. Very common. Do. You have one. You're, hesitant a photographer not obviously. I. I don't want to mix up the I don't want to mix the two. EB. Is awkward and sensitive. Because. While games and relationships. Have been made they're. Fragile. Nations. North-south. Rated, within their jurisdictions, right in the middle yeah really good working relationships, with everybody, you know when. You say something works what, is it that works for, these two communities that, don't, always have trust for one another how. Do you connect them there's. Never too much communication, the more people communicate, the. More the, more understanding, there is for. Both both sides and. That's. How relationships, develop. And and process. Progression. Is made. That. Can only happen with trust.

Building. It is the hope at Bannock house common. Ground in Regina were indigenous, and non-indigenous meat. Sometimes. Break bread together. Michelle. Downes grew up in rural Saskatchewan, her. Husband, is matey, the, Colton Busey shooting, do. You think it symbolized something well. Personally. For myself of course it did because. We, should, we. Should all be getting along together it's, sad but it's a different world, it's. A different world and in, people, people. Are, afraid. Does. This set back hopes. For, reconciliation, no I think I think it brings it brings more attention, that. We need we need to do something. When. You come here what do you think about oh, I. Come. Talk. To him I ask. Them to. That. You're in a good place now, back. On red pheasants, Alvin. Has those hopes to for. Our people, like today, they. Also to have to come and. Meet half ways to. You. Know we, blame everything on the white man. But. We got to stop blaming things, that are happening on. The. White man we have to try, and work, together ourselves, and. Healing ourselves and making a better life for children. And. Those didn't the, day, Nick day, before. That comes a search, for, justice. Father. No mother. No God kill walk munted and, the trial that will reverberate across, Canada. In its, symbolism, activate. I go take that theosophy. David, Coleman CBC, News on the, red pheasant first nation in Saskatchewan. Hundreds. Of out-of-towners. Will be in battle for tomorrow, when, jury selection, begins, they've been summoned, to be part of an unusually. Large jury, pool. 750. Randomly, chosen people, as compared to the usual pool of 400. Saskatchewan's. Department of Justice picks names from the provinces health card database calling, it the, least biased. Database, available, in this province, up. Next environmentalists. Are fearful, state governors, are up in arms but, Donald Trump wants more offshore drilling we'll. Take a look at what's at stake for the people and animals, along the u.s. coastline. Out. There you can see about one two three four five six seven offshore. Oil platforms. It's not a matter of if there's going to be an oil spill it's a matter of when get. The real story from CBC News Journal news, journalists. All day long find powerful images, on Instagram exclusive. Video on our Facebook page and, of, course you can tweet us at CBC, the national. And the, juno goes to. Jann. Arden. After. 18 years of, penning lyrics and humming melodies suddenly, Jann Arden seems, an overnight, success, Jann. Arden. Five, nominations, turned, into three Awards at this year's Juno's including, female vocalist, of the year. The. Recognition, comes after a busy year for Jam she's been touring at home and in Europe she released her second album living under Jun and hits, like could I be your girl have been striking a chord with audiences for. Everything. Changes, just your whole life. Changes how. You think of yourself and trying. To keep your feet on the ground and try not to try. Not to change but part of being human being is changing, but. Just try not to change too fast and, too much. No. Baptism. No reprisals. Sweet. Taste a victory at. Spring Bank Community, High School just, outside Calgary, Jan was known as class clown and star athlete, her, musical, success came, as a big surprise I. Was. Just amazed, when I saw, her on TV the first time I didn't know she was singing I saw her on Canada and one morning could have knocked me over with a feather really she. Was just an athlete as, she was never in our drama productions, that I can remember mind.

You This a long time ago but. I'm sure she didn't. Have anything like that on. Her mind when she was at school. But. What most at the school didn't know was that Jan had been writing songs since she was 14 years old I just, did it secretly because I'd found a serious outlet and a, lot of people have asked me why humour doesn't you, know go into my songs you seem like a really easygoing, person, indebted I said I and I just decided. That my music was off limits to that that. I finally, had a way to express. Myself seriously. And to, be taken seriously, not not, to have anyone else take me seriously but to have myself take myself seriously, it. Might be hard to believe Jan ever lacked self-confidence but. The fact is her transformation, from lounge singer, to Juno Award winner had its rough spots I didn't. Really know what I wanted to do and. Or. What I was doing with my life and you. Know when you're working in bars all the time you, know I was not, a very very, good drinker I just wasn't good at drinking now, whether or not I had I mean to me it was a problem because it affected the quality of my life you know I was doing stupid things and cracking. Up cars and but, just being young being in my 20s and truly, thinking, that, I was immortal. When. Enough people speak, up even. When you have an administration like the Trump administration you, can be effective in stopping, them from doing detrimental, things, California. Residents, have a message, for President Trump, not, off my coast. It's, a response to his administration's, move this month to expand, offshore drilling, the largest, expansion, in US history, allowing. Companies to lease. 47. Areas of American, coastlines, California. Is already the country's, third largest oil-producing State, but this plan would. Open up federal waters, off its coast for the first time in more than 30 years it would lease six, areas in three, different zones and as, Kim Brunner Harbor explains the backlash, has, already begun. What. Makes you like them so much so, many people don't know these animals have faces only, someone who really, really, loves, mollusks, could see a face in this. You're, like the Zamboni's of the seafloor, these bottom-feeding. Sea snails are white abalone, apparently. They're delicious were, fished almost to extinction, now, in a cramped lab at the back of a Long Beach aquarium we're, watching something special, this is how much I care about this space is something, that only happens once a year well, occasionally turn on some Barry White it's, breeding day I'm, attempting we gonna add massage Christian, aqua Lana was trying to manually. Excite. Them into releasing their eggs and sperm do. You get any sense that they're enjoying this I. Know. I'm not, this. Is not what she had in mind when she got her PhD but, according to her colleague sandy Trautwein, this, may be the only way to save the species there. Are so few white. Abalone, left in the wild that the chances, of their, eggs or sperm meeting. In the ocean, are very, very low and could, get even lower they live off the coast of Southern California, an area so full of marine life it's known as the Galapagos, of North America, but see those oil platforms, off the coast if the, Trump administration gets, its way there could be many, more, it has proposed opening, up nearly all of American coastal waters for million, square kilometers, to oil and gas drilling out there you can see about one two three four five six seven offshore. Oil platforms. We're. Off the Santa Barbara Coast in, the distance you can barely make out an oil platform called, platform, a and I'm sure oh well owned by the Union Oil Company is blowing out of control, in, 1969. A blowout caused one of the worst ecological disasters. In US history so, imagine this where I'm standing today all of it covered in crude oil up. To 16, million, litres, of oil gushed, out killing, thousands, of animals a lot of people talk about that as kind of the birth of the environmental, movement since, then most of the California, coast has been off-limits to offshore exploration, after. The Deepwater Horizon oil, spill which, leaked almost 800, million litres of oil the Obama administration. Blocked future, oil and gas leasing, in most US waters, but, the Trump administration says. That has cost the country billions in lost revenue. Environmentalists. Say The Horizon spill suggests. The cost of expanding, drilling, could be far steeper it's not a matter of if, there's gonna be an oil sports a matter of when. Environmentalists. Say that would be catastrophic to many animals from whales to the tiny abalone, which are so sensitive that even a minor change in water temperature, can kill them it, weakens, the shell so that they may be more prone to diseases, or, to predation or just simply.

Falling, Apart, back. At the aquarium it sounds, like the abalone just, aren't in the mood. The. Females, are shy the male can't perform so. They're going to fetch a new male 200, kilometers away in Santa Barbara but, they fear time may be running out not just for this fertility window but potentially, for the species, if exploration. In these sensitive, waters is allowed to proceed unchecked it's. The first major proposed, offshore, drilling expansion, since 1984. The, Trump administration says, the move will create jobs and reduce dependence. On foreign oil and the, association, that represents, the area's oil producers, applauded, the plant saying this announcement, could help California increase, our domestic energy production. But 15 governors, of coastal, states one third of them Republican opposed, the expansion because they fear it could threaten fisheries, and tourism, more, than 150. Members of Congress sent interior secretary Ryan Zinke a letter calling the move ill-conceived. And short-sighted, warning, where we drill we, eventually spill, as the administration, shown any sign, that they'd actually listen, yeah. I think that's a good question. You. Know in a lot of cases they haven't this, is a big day for our state to get the Secretary, of Interior to say that they're not gonna do offshore drilling he/she/it Simms inky did listen to the governor of Florida who asked that his state be exempt from the expansion zinc, he announced Florida was off the table which was later refuted, by senior, officials with, so much confusion, environmentalists. Say the solution may not be political, but legal, several. Californian, cities have already launched, lawsuits against big oil companies, for contributing, to increased risk of climate change California's. Governor has indicated he'll do everything in his power to block Trump's new drilling plan the, state of California, can say well you can't bring that oil onto the, state of california's land you can't bring that into. Our waters and then that makes it very difficult for the federal government to actually, pursue, any. New, leases, difficult. But, not impossible. Back. At the aquarium, finally, the abalone, er getting, as frisky as mollusks, can get. The. New male has arrived from santa barbara and he's, stud, these. New. Animals, represent, the future but, that future is uncertain. Even. If they do successfully. Breed their fate like that of countless other marine species may, ultimately be, decided not in the water but. In Washington. Kimber. Gruber CBC News Long, Beach California. Well. Today marks, the 100th. Anniversary of, the death of Canada's, John McCrae, a soldier, a physician, and a. Poet. It. Was during the Great War in, 1915. McCrae wrote that famous, poem, in Flanders Fields. He'd. Been deeply affected by the fighting, and losses, around him it was after a friend was killed a neap McCrae, drew, inspiration from the poppies, growing, among graves those battle, scarred reminders, of the war's deadly, toll that's, when he penned those famous 15. Lines this. Is a poll now a war to. You from failing hands, we throw the torch be, yours to hold it high this, is a call to arms from the dead in, Flanders Fields was originally, published in a London magazine called punch but within, months it grew to symbolize, the sacrifices. Of war and the poppy was adopted, as a Commonwealth's, flower of remembrance, McCrae. Did live long enough to know his poem, was a success, but on. January 28, 1918. He, died of pneumonia he. Was buried with full military honors. In France. But. Cogitating. On the foibles and vagaries, of the human species does, not come easily like. All truly creative. Minds Arthur, black, needs his space and it. Is here in his spacious, CBC. Office, that he comes up with his most brilliant ideas. So. What is this swap meet thing all about swap, meet the second annual swapping let's come on in the hall I'll show you some of the goods we got a.

Plethora. Of truly, unique. Items, carefully, chosen, for swapping, tomorrow, on the CBC Plaza amazing, what you can do with dried apples. And. Then, there's the other end of the spectrum. Classic. Ceramic, poodle in blue see. This, this. Is my talking back scratcher. It. Doesn't talk there, it goes. That's. A good one and this is gonna be real hot taker I think the trip Lewinsky, tapes I don't, know why they sent them to us but they sent them to us and the plastic is still on them I like to point out and well hey you, know what they say about beauty, and the beholder, and all not, my bathroom this, is not for sale at any price so, this. Is my pride and joy the king, that is, bloated best the. Final, promo. Yes. Basic black is about to disappear but not before you hear our final short recorded live in Thunder Bay last week and what a blast, you give me Thunder Bay Las Vegas northern City. I kid you not the final show. After. 19, years as, the host of CBC Radio's, basic, black Arthur. Black is retiring. Just, felt like the right time to stop it I there. Comes a point I think were you stay, on too long you know and and I didn't want that to happen to do, a, tour, of his office gives you a sense of what, black and his show is all about the. King that is bloated best the. Wacky classic, ceramic, poodle in blue the, wild, this is my talking back scratcher and the, whimsical, Wow. So. We had a contest on basic black whether he got people to send in the socks that they couldn't find a mate for and they sent them in by the thousands, so we, even had a subsequent contest, saying what are we gonna do with all these socks and a fella by the name of Chaz snow in st., John's Newfoundland said send unto me and, I'll give you a lump seat the, country is full of very, strange people love more, they. All seem to find a show you no mercy. Black. Got his start with the CBC 30, years ago in Thunder Bay that's, why he returned to that city to do his final, show, it's where basic, black was born the, show moved to Vancouver becoming. The most popular variety. Show on CBC. Radio attracting. 600,000. Listeners every. Saturday morning you know you know what the big secret of success we were ignored by the CBC nobody, tried to improve us nobody tried to bring, in focus, groups you know and and say say how we could have proven the real. The yield and the reach of the show they just left us alone and it kind of grew like a mushroom in the dark there this is for Ana apart. From the obvious missing. His colleagues, Arthur. Black you'll, miss being, behind the microphone. It's. Been part of my life for thirty years now and it's. Going to feel very weird not to have I'm going to feel like one of those those old guys with the paper hats when their trousers rolled up you know for a while. Suda. Krishna cbc news Vancouver. Here's. Some of the stories we'll be following on the national this week tomorrow in Winnipeg, the trial will start for the men accused of killing Tina. Fontaine. She, was 15 years old when her body was pulled from the Red River three, and a half years ago Raymond, Cormier was charged with second degree murder, in what has become one of the most well known cases, of murdered, indigenous women in, this country the. Trial is expected to last five, weeks. Since. My election we've. Created, 2.4. Million. Jobs and, that number is going up very, very substantially. The, next day on Tuesday. US President Donald Trump will address the nation at this at his first State, of the Union speech. Word is it'll be optimistic. Showcasing. The accomplishments, of his first year while setting, the tone for the second it'll, be an hour long under the theme building. A safe strong, and proud America. And. On, Wednesday the full moon will be extra-special when, a super, blue blood, moon will appear in the sky it's, a combination of three things a super. Moon which is a full moon when it's super close to Earth a blue, moon which is basically. What it sounds like thanks, to smoke, or dust in the atmosphere and, a, lunar eclipse when, the Sun and the moon are on opposite, sides of us according. To NASA this lunar, trifecta. Hasn't, happened in more than a hundred and fifty years. Okay. Off the top of your head do you know how to spell fluorescent. Nope.

You're Wrong despondency. How about instantaneous. -, this guy though it's child's, play. This. Is marios Elbaz, ii a spelling. Whiz who actually spends most of his time doing what, eleven-year-old, boys like to do swimming snowboarding. Hanging, out with his older brother, it's. Pretty impressive because, 20, months ago, mario's didn't speak English, now, as crystal Yates explains, in that time he's acquired much, more than an ability to, spell. All. Right let's try commendable. Commendable. Comm. E and d, apoE. This. May not be most, kids idea of a good time but. When you meet sixth grader Mario's, al bossy it becomes, clear he's not like most kids this. Year I was like Peter and his following these coming. Jackson. Was one of a group of about 20, people who sponsored, Mario's, his, 13, year old brother yo Leos and their, mom Susan to come to Canada it. Was sort, of like I don't know these people so, oh my god I, just. Thought I was just kind of gonna help some, family. And then kind of move on but. Then Jackson, stepped in at a moment, of crisis, Susan. Got quite sick and was in the hospital that, was when really we got to spend some time together wasn't it when I slept over at your house and was sending you off to school, Jackson. Began taking marios, and his brother on outdoor activities, they, started coming over to his house to make food like, their favorite nachos. Trips. To Jackson's, cottage in an out port an hour's drive from st., John's have, become a highlight. Marius. Has even learned how to use power, tools we're, doing a big renovation but, then he also started. Using a lot of the leftover, materials, in he's building his own little house, and. All the while they, were building something, more he. Is my dad. I. Always wanted kids and was, never fortunate, enough to have any was, kind of a vacancy, one, would say Susan. Is learning English too life. Is good here she says kind. Of very, good beautiful. Children. Happy hair I don't. Think I would have been very good speller. Nobody. Would really want to be spending their time just, teaching. A kid out spell, what do you really want to do what, are your dreams for him Peter oh my. God well he seems to be one of those kids that can just do whatever he wants I have no idea what he's gonna do for his, living when he's older. And. Why. Not when, you consider how these boys escaped, conflict, and came, to Newfoundland, to meet their new dad Marius. Has every, reason to believe that anything. Is, possible, Chris. O'Neill Yeats CBC. News st. John's. IKEA. Is one of the world's best-known brands a retail empire built on good prices populist, design and flat-packed. Furniture you, put together yourself. Last year 1 billion customers, walked through their doors and the man who started it all died yesterday at age, 91.

Invar. Comprar was proud to drive an old car and bragged, about shopping, at flea markets that. Frugality drove, the mail-order business he launched at just 17, selling, small household, items from the family farm things, took off in 1950. When he started selling furniture made, locally, the company saved on warehousing, and labor by getting customers, to assemble, their own furniture. Using, these now iconic. Picture, based instructions, over, the decades IKEA grew to about 400. Stores worldwide, including. 13 in Canada, another. Key, to IKEA success. Marketing. Many. Of you feel bad for this lab that, is because you crazy it, was the feeling and the, new one is much better when, this Calgary, store opened a woman camped out for days to, win a shopping, spree I like tell one of these comfort. Was notoriously, frugal, but not cheap in 2012. Alone he donated more than 20 million dollars, to charity Comfort. Died Saturday. After a short illness his, legacy, lives on in countless, homes around. The world. I've. Been told Andrew that IKEA, is actually, the Swedish word for divorce. On. Account, of how difficult it can be it's all bad all like yes, of course I haven't but it's just it's terrible, right you, know funny enough though for all those jokes that people make about or maybe they're not jokes at all but I I feel like I've never had that issue and it might be because I've had a lot of practice, because I still remember, the, first apartment, that I had where you know sort of where I really struck it out on my own filled. With IKEA, furniture. It. Took a while to assemble, but there. It was well I'm gonna hire you next time. That. Is the National this January. 28th thanks, for joining us good night.

2018-02-01 05:54

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