The National for Sunday December 3, 2017

The National for Sunday December 3, 2017

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You. A to Sunday December 3rd and this is the national the Prime Minister is in China to talk trade but, the plight of Canadians, detained, in that country, looms large, a good Samaritans, shot and killed in Hamilton, white police say he was just trying to do the right thing but we begin in Washington, and questions about a presidential, tweet, with potentially, serious legal implications. It seems, to suggest that Donald Trump may have obstructed, justice and adding. To the mystery who actually wrote, it here's, the CBC's paul hunter. In. A presidency. That's become near, continual. Fodder for late-night, comedians last. Night a skit depicting, Donald Trump and a kind of Christmas, ghost straight. Out of Charles Dickens, almost. So, who are you Jacob Marley you've got a lot of chains on no, I'm Michael, Flynn the ghost of witness flips. But. For countless, Americans. It's actually not so funny Michael. Flynn Trump's, former, national, security adviser pleading, guilty to. Lying to, the FBI over. Official, contact, with Russia before. Trump was sworn in as president Trump. Critics, today underlined, it sets, up a high-stakes. Either-or. One you could say he pled to a fairly minor offense, and that's the end of it and it's not a big deal the other you could say he pled to a fairly minor offense and that means he has a lot to deliver, to the prosecutors, but as investigators. Dig in now with the apparent, cooperation. Of Flynn a surprise, tweet, from Trump saying, he fired, Flynn, in February, in part because, Flynn. Lied to the FBI, contrary. To, Trump's earlier explanation. If true, it puts, another Trump, firing, that of FBI director, James Comey back, in the spotlight, if Trump. Knew Flynn, had lied to the FBI and then, as Comey. Has testified, Trump. Fired, Comey, for refusing, Trump's request to ease, up on, Flynn I think, what, we're beginning to see is, the, putting together of. Case. Of obstruction. Of justice, now enter. Trump's lawyer the highly regarded John Dowd who this, weekend, said it was he not Trump who wrote that potentially. Incriminating Trump. Tweet even. As Trump's, Twitter feed today grew, longer, I never. Asked, Comey to stop investigating, Flynn fake, news another. Comey, lie another. Tweet adding, the FBI is, dishonest. And its reputation. Is in tatters, even. Republicans. Are now advising, Trump, retweeting. Comment. Regarding. Ongoing criminal investigations. At your own peril I'd be careful if I were you mr. president I've watched this. And. Tonight in James, Comey, struck, back via Twitter quoting, himself, from this past summer Comey tweets I want. The American people to know this truth the FBI is honest. The FBI, is strong. And the FBI is and, always will be independent. And, Paul, tonight the president of the FBI agents, Association, echoing, that in a statement. Saying. In part FBI agents, are dedicated, to their mission suggesting, otherwise is, simply. False, well.

Let's Go back to something you talked about just a moment ago what are we to make of trumps lawyer John Dowd saying that he, is indeed the one who tweeted on behalf of the president, yeah. Look Dowd, isn't, a rookie at this stuff it's fair to say that it would be out of character for him to be so sloppy in crafting, a tweet such as that one. Not to mention is it plausible that, Trump would allow him to tweet, out stuff on Trump's, own account, without, Trump even seeing it let alone approving, it and one. More thing to consider remember, way back in June when Trump's tweets were in the news for other reasons as they often are and reporters. Here, were seeking, guidance from the White House on how much weight to give them Trump's, then press secretary, Sean Spicer put it this way Trump's. Tweets are quote, official. Statements, from the President, of the United States. Full-stop. All. Right thank you. Let's. Tell you a little bit more about that lawyer taking, responsibility. For the Flint wheat ball describing, him as not, a rookie will John Dowd well-known in Washington, circles, the, 76. Year old a former attorney for the US Department of Justice and an expert, in the field of white-collar crime, among. His past clients, the Commissioner of baseball when. The league banned petros, back in 1989, for betting on games doubt. Joined, the Trump administration in. June as a personal. Legal adviser to, the President and Adrienne, this has been a big story all weekend it'll be interesting to see how it plays tomorrow, morning it's. Already tomorrow, morning incidentally, in, Beijing, lots of scrutiny there too but but not for Donald Trump for Canada's, Prime Minister because this, is where Justin Trudeau is kicking off his latest international. Trip he, is there to chat with Chinese leaders about trade tourism, and, education both sides will, be carefully, courting, each other while keeping their own interests. Squarely on the table the CBC's Katie Simpson tells us what Canadians, can expect from the visit and what, Trudeau can, expect from China. The. Prime Minister is about to experience, a Chinese, charm, offensive, China, really wants free trade with Canada and this visit is likely going to be the start of a very long process to get there Justin. Trudeau arrived in Beijing Sunday, night local time ahead, of four days of meetings with China's top political and business leaders the, anticipated, highlight of the trip an expected.

Announcement That both countries will agree to launch free trade talks China. Has a lot to gain by engaging with, Canada, it wants Canadian, agricultural, products advances, in clean technology, and its, natural resources plus. Canada, is a g7, nation, with a positive, international, reputation, the, potential, benefits for Canada, are significant. But far more complicated, growth, in China is something the Liberal government says it can no longer ignore China's. Middle class is made up of some 600, million people eager. To spend money invest, and travel, the Liberals, are also under pressure to find new business opportunities. Given, the instability. At NAFTA talks Donald. Trump's threats to tear up that deal have put pressure on Canada, to diversify, still. Any actual. Deal China would take years to negotiate the. Liberals will also have to navigate blowback, at home, China's, human rights record, is a problem, and so is its history of ignoring the rules of trade to get what it wants the liberals hope to mitigate those concern by incorporating, progressive. Elements, into negotiations. Canada. Is willing to agree to anything, there must be provisions, addressing, labor standards, gender equality and the environment, but that may not be enough to satisfy critics, will be watching Trudeau's every move closely. Katie. Simpson CBC News Beijing. So. You heard Katie mentioned China's. Human, rights record. She, asked the international, trade minister about one Canadian case in particular what, some are calling a cautionary, tale about doing, business in China BC's, John Chang and Alison Liu are, winery, owners, who were detained by Chinese officials in early 2016, accused. Of smuggling, I, have. Raised that issue personally. With. The Minister of Commerce in China when we last met I will, do so again on Monday when I'm going to meet them so, for us whatever consular, cases we have you. Can rest assured that this is top of our list because. There's. Nothing more important, for us to stand for, Canadians, which need, our assistance abroad. Since. They were arrested, Alison Liu has been released, from custody but she cannot leave Shanghai, her husband, John, Cheng is still in jail and their daughter says, his health needs urgent attention. Frier Stewart has more. Pains, those chances. In this promotional, video John, Chang shows off some of the wine he produced, in Richmond, BC he's. Originally from Taiwan, and has established deep, connections, both in Canada and abroad. During. The 2010. Olympics, one of the three wineries, he owns with his wife was, transformed. Into China, House and hosted, athletes, and delegates, the. Winery has also served as a backdrop for political. Announcements, thank, you to. John Chang, and Alison Lu who. Are the co-owners, of this. Beautiful, Lulu Island winery, for hosting us Chang was invited, along on a trade trip to China in 2014 with.

Then Prime Minister Stephen Harper, yep Asia for her and it was that country, that was Chang's primary, market, he. Went on to win an award for his business, accomplishments an online, article says his product accounts, for nearly 20%, of all Canadian, wine shipped, to China in March. 2016. Chang, and his wife Alison, Liu breasted. Will on a business, trip, they were in China traveling, to visit suppliers, and vendors and, out of the blue they're just arrested Chinese. Authorities, accused them of smuggling. Claiming, they were deliberately. Undervaluing. Their wine Chang. Has been in custody since then his family says his health is deteriorating. He has tumors, on his liver and he has lost nearly 20, kilograms, Liu, was, released in January, but is barred from leaving China, both, deny, any wrongdoing, and, my mom is worried sick every day and I am as well and we're, both doing the best we can what she can do in Asia and what I can do in Canada to, get my parents out in home last. Week Amy Cheng met with politicians. And she wants her parents, case to take priority over any talk of trade, I would, like a resolution, of my parents case I, would, really hope that he can get my parents home the, couple went on trial in May and while there hasn't been a verdict, yet the conviction, rate in China is, more than 99, percent which. Is why their daughter hopes, the government, can bring them back to BC and soon. Breyer, Stewart CBC, News Vancouver. There. Are other Canadians. Detained, in China despite diplomatic. Efforts, that in some cases go back years, well, look these, type of diplomatic. Matters. As you know are sometimes, like water on granite, you, have to be persistent Husain, Jalil has been held since, 2006. Over his activism, for China's minority, Uighur, Muslims he, has never even met, the youngest of his four children who. Was born in Canada after his arrest another. Canadian, son Chen was, arrested, in February for observing the forbidden, Falun, Gong religion. Reportedly. Treatment, has been rough at times solitary. Confinement darkened. Rooms insufficient. Food but, there is hope you, may remember Kevin Garrett a BC man whom China accused, of spying and held, for two years he. Was released last year just over a week after, Prime Minister Trudeau returned, from. First official, visit to China. Now. At the time, Ian the government said it didn't actually make any concessions. To secure, Garrett's release but you, have to know that now the expectations. Are huge all right let's move on to a story much closer to home police in Hamilton, investigating. After a, selfless act turned, deadly last, night he. Was trying to help as. Far as I'm concerned he was trying to do something heroic this led to Jen. Losing his life which is just a, tragedy. Her, murder is always, a terrible thing but when the victim is a Good Samaritan perhaps. Even, more so Lorraine, Doretta cop has our story. Yusuf. Al haznawi was, a first-year University student. And dreamed, of becoming a doctor one, day this, photo taken. Shortly before he was killed, it. Happened, last night when, he was standing up for someone else, police, say al haznawi came, across two young men confronting. An older man and tried to help but, he was shot and died, an hour later in hospital he was trying to be a good Samaritan he was trying to help, police. Spent the day canvassing, the neighborhood, looking, for the two suspects, and any clues just, a pop that was all I've never heard a gunshot before, so to me it was just like pop. Several. Neighbors went outside to, see what happened I did see a young man on the sidewalk. He. Was alive, at that point, he. Was alive and moving he. Looked in distress, definitely. In distress but there was no apparent. Evidence of, like blood, or anything like that I didn't see anything like that, police. Say the 19, year old had just left, this Islamic, Center with his younger brother, they walked, a short distance in this direction and, then, they came across a man being accosted, by two others, when. Al haznawi tried, to intervene the, two suspects, turned their attention onto him his. Younger brother witnessed. It all he's. Just 13 years old. But, people at the scene are raising troubling, questions, about, how emergency, officials, treated, al haznawi the. One officer did say to him, come, on buddy let's get in the car and then. Asked, other people that were around. You. Know does. He always act this way they were telling the poor kid oh you're fine you're. A good actor, and Talib. Al-jalil, II knew L has nowI and they kept on saying to the people around him tell him to stop acting why would he act why would we call the ambulance, police. Say they have no information about the handling, of the emergency, but would like to hear from witnesses the. Paramedic, Service says it would investigate, any complaints. Meanwhile. At the Islamic Center they're.

Preparing, For al haznawi funeral. Lorraine Doretta Kampf CBC News Hamilton. A Canadian. Man has been killed while on vacation, in Trinidad, and police, are treating this as a homicide. Vishnu. Nerine of Ontario, was in Trinidad his, homeland visiting, family local, media reports, say his body was found near the city of San Fernando about. 45, kilometres south, of the capital Port of Spain and just, a day before he was supposed to return to, Canada police. Telling a newspaper they believe he was robbed a. Funeral. Was held in Abbotsford BC, this weekend for a young Syrian refugee. Nine-year-old. Hala Alber, whom died Friday, morning when she was hit by a city bus at a crosswalk near, her school there. Was no crossing, guard on duty at the time the girl and her family had, only been in Canada for, about a year they thought, they were safe from all the bombs in the war in in, Syria when they finally found refuge. In and safety in Canada, it was a bus accident that took away their loved one police. Transit, authorities, and school board are investigating. A GoFundMe. Campaign has, been set up to, help the family pay funeral. Costs. Still. Ahead on the national a special. Report from Nava iny the fight for power within Lebanon, has consequences. That reach far beyond, the country's borders. We, take you underneath Montreal. Our team diving, into a newly discovered system, of caves. Plus. The meaning of the moment, trailblazing. Editor, Tina Brown on me, too I, think. That all revolutions, come with risk and I think we are seeing a revolution and revolutions. Get bloody and revolutions. Often get off the rails so, you're, gonna see corollary damage you're, going to see some, decent, men who are falsely, accused. Hi, I'm grant Lawrence from CBC music, with a song, that you need to hear this week it's, been about 15 years, now since Canadian, independent, music became a red-hot, export. Leading, the way bands, like Arcade Fire Broken Social Scene and, metric. A four-piece. Toronto, group fronted. By enigmatic, lead, singer, Emily. Haines. That's. Metric, with their songs dead disco, from back in 2003. And that's a great record after, a few years of international. Success with metric, Emily. Haines released, her first solo album under the name Emily, Haines and the soft skeleton. The music was much more subdued and, piano, based than metric. That. Is, Emily Haines from, her first solo record back in 2006. With a song called doctor, blind and, I'm pretty sure that video was filmed at zellers, r.i.p. Well, it's been a full 11, years, later and emily haines has finally. Once again taken time off from singing lead in metric, to create another, solo, album, this one is called choir, of the mind and if you're into emily Haynes's softer, side is worth, the wait check out this song called, fatal gift. It's. A deceptive. Deal. Weeks. Of the fatal, girl. They. Hover over, Whelan. That. Is Toronto singer, Emily Haines with fatal gift from, her new solo album choir. The mine. These. Are survivors, of a saudi-led, coalition. Airstrike in Yemen, at least a dozen people are reported, dead the, strike hit in an area that is held by the Houthi, movement Saudi. Arabia says the Houthis get their weapons from Iran and his Lebanese Ally, Hezbollah. Hezbollah. Has denied those accusations, but it is hard to deny the group is shaping events in the Middle East it helped, to save the Assad government from, defeat in Syria, it's, growing influence prompting, the dramatic, resignation. Last, month of Lebanon's prime minister in the, deadly regional, knife fight between Saudi Arabia and Iran Hezbollah. Is Iran's knife and as, now ayat explains, from Lebanon, it. Has a growing reach. Southern. Lebanon, has scars, as deep, as its memory is long. This, is Hezbollah. Heartland, home. To many of its fighters dead and alive and once. Occupied. By Israel. Hezbollah's. Story scripted. In border, taps like vintage, Bale mostly. Destroyed in, the biggest battle of the conflict, with Israel 11, years ago. Now. Rebuilt, with, the help of Qatar, and Iran but still. Where we were allowed to visit but only with escorts. Reviled. By the West for a history, of violence, here, Hezbollah, meaning, the party of God is revered. As the resistance. When. The smoke cleared after the war and despite, the costs, supporters. Insist they, had no regrets. We. Live with the party, and we are always with the party he says as, long as leader Hassan Nasrallah, is at the helm nothing. Scares us he's, the one standing in the face of the enemy whether it's Israel, or anyone, else he said. In. Lebanon, Hezbollah. Is as deeply, divisive, as it is deeply.

Entrenched. The. When they started. Started. Launching. Their operation. They started from here yeah, so this is the line of fire here. At. A mountaintop, Museum, Hezbollah. Tells its own story that, it exists, to counter, Israel, the tunnel now we. See everything as it was before court. For years to build that reputation and the museum in the very base from where its fighters launched. Their attacks. Hezbollah. Doesn't. Need to make, an Museum. To let people know more, about them. Hezbollah. Is is. In, government. Lebanese, government. He's. In our life. Everywhere. Including. In, Beirut southern, suburbs. But. More recently the iran-backed Shia. Muslim, Hezbollah, has evolved, in purpose. Hezbollah. Has gone from being mostly an anti-israel. Fighting, force to one that's playing a bigger role in the region, and that. Has made it a focal, point in the region's latest, crisis. Hezbollah. Has pushed beyond Lebanon. Fighting. With or advising. Regional, forces allied with Iran in Yemen Iraq. And, crucially, in Syria. Considered. A terrorist organization. By much of the West including Canada. Last, week Hezbollah, earned the same label from Arab, States following. Saudi accusations. It had a hand in a missile attack from, Yemen which, it denies either. Way Hezbollah. Has become the new focal, point for, Iran Saudi, rivalry. Well. Obviously Saudi, has made it about Hezbollah, but I think it's it. Really is also about Iran and, in. Targeting. Hezbollah, Saudi also hopes to weaken. Iran's influence in the region. Lebanon's. Prime Minister seemingly, forced, by Saudi Arabia to resign over the attack calling, Hezbollah. His coalition partner. A state, within, a state he. Backtracked, pending, talks that started, this week though, still insisting, Hezbollah, stick to a policy, of neutrality. I, don't, want a political party, in my government that, interferes, in Arab countries against other Arab, countries says, Saud had a leader, in. Syria, but given, Iran's staunch, support, for the group it won't be easy says this former ambassador, to the US. Hezbollah's. Cannot. Be neutral I mean they are they have army, in Syria, and Iraq they, have advisors in Yemen. You. Know and, Iran, won't. Surprise for this these are the cards of their hand they, have to be negotiated. Here. Again Lebanese, are divided, Hezbollah's. Foray into, Syria, has cost many of its own fighters, lives, some of them buried here in Beirut southern, suburb but. It is a popular, fight among supporters even those who lost loved ones like, Batusi Nadine whose, close friend Ali died, in battle, Kodama. Sheriff's. Know it's, our dignity, our pride, she says and our honor it's a March that we have to finish, my. Motility. Hardline. Hariri, supporters, meanwhile, Sunni, Muslims find it hard to trust Hezbollah, its ties to Iraq, didn't. Like its involvement, in Syria some, of its members are also accused, of assassinating. Hariri's father and in. 2008. It turned its weapons inwards, taking, over Beirut. As. Concern now its actions, may again invite conflict, or provoke, economic. Warfare. If Gulf, countries, which, employ tens of thousands, of Lebanese deliver. On threats to impose sanctions this. Issue is not resolved. I. Think. Failure, just to dissociate. Politically. Will, also imply, financial. And economic, dissociation. From our most, valuable, partners. The. Reality, is that there seems little. Choice, certainly. The most militarily. Powerful group, in Lebanon, is also. One of its most powerful politically. It is Hezbollah's, allies in the president's, seat and the majority, in government, loyally. Backed by Iran the. Hostage is the, whole. Sovereign. Lebanon and the whole institution. Of a. Sovereign state who are totally. Now controlled, by one. Party. That is holding the, arms, given.

Hezbollah's, Power and previous, experience, confrontation. Isn't an option says this future Party MP I'm. One of those who believe, in dialogue and, I. Think in. Lebanon, we cannot conduct, our affairs without, dealing. With Hezbollah. That. Would be folly, to think it would be folly to think otherwise. Hezbollah. Wouldn't give us official, interviews, say. Leaving. All the talking, to their leader who said outside missions. Are winding down anyway, but will they give them up completely. Husband. Was not gonna withdraw from Syria that's existing shell that's just like telling them drop, your arms don't fight Israel but yes Iraq Yemen, they, can make concessions on these having. A seat. In the revenues government, and a, majority. Vote this. Is very important, for an organization that is qualified. Terrorist. Organization. By the Americans, by, the Arabs and by the Europeans, this government, is offering. Illegal. Cover, for, them but. Is it. Ready to, pay the price for. This. Government to, stay this is what we need to know. Divisive. Certainly. Put. On notice as a junior partner, of Iran. Definitely. But. Hezbollah, in Lebanon, is deeply. Rooted so. Compromise, is inevitable, because the alternative, is war. As. Well s story here, continues. Now. Law at CBC News vintage, Abed Lebanon. Hezbollah's. Influence, is prompting, fears that opposing, groups are radicalizing. And arming themselves in, Lebanon. That evokes fears of another Civil War the, civil war that ruined the country decades. Ago gave birth, to Hezbollah. The. War was raging in 1982. And Hezbollah, was formed as Nala mentioned to resist an Israeli, occupation, of Lebanon, south some. Also believed it targeted, the u.s. the, bombing of the American, military barracks, in Beirut in, 1983. Killed. 241. Servicemen. Hezbollah. Was later blamed for though the perpetrators, have never been revealed. Hezbollah. Has clashed with Israel, a number of times the latest conflict in 2006. Its, influence, in Lebanon, has grown since many. Western countries including. Canada designated. As a terrorist, organization. Later. On the National Tina Brown weighs in on high-profile. Men taken. Down by sexual, misconduct allegations. You. Know it's distressing when a friend as, he is, suddenly. Fine you know you suddenly find this whole other side of him that that that, you didn't know about but, at the same time you know these penalties have to be have, to happen the. Legendary, magazine, editor also has first-hand tales of Harvey Weinstein, and Donald. Trump. Plus, what lies beneath, a discovery, like none other, under, Montreal. It's. Just beautiful there's five meters of water underneath and. It keeps going, we haven't region D and yet and. Go, deeper on the stories of the day earlier, in the day subscribe to our newsletter, at CBC News CA, slash, the, National, the, National today, takes you inside our, journalism, every, afternoon. But. Give me for putting on these, sunglasses. But. They're. Actually bifocals. And they're the only glasses. I have with me I don't. Like to see people wearing sunglasses, in, interviews. This. Is the, only poem I can read I. Am. The only one who can write it I didn't. Kill myself when, things went wrong I, didn't. Turn to drugs, or teaching I tried. To sleep but when, I couldn't sleep I learned to write I, learned. To write what. Might be read on nights, like this, by. One like me, through. His work Leonard, Cohen has cultivated a, public, persona just as interesting, as his writing writing, that deserves and has a new anthology, while. Cohen prefers, talking, about the present and the future this, book has him looking to his past. Early. Stuff was written between. The ages of 15. And 20, you know I think, it's been downhill ever since so I have. Real gifted. In. 1956. While still an undergraduate, at Montreal's, McGill University. He won a national prize, for his first book of poetry his second won him international. Acclaim. His. Heart, and my hand is heavy. As lead, his. Eyes through, my eyes shine. Brighter than love oh send. Out the Raven ahead, of the Dove. Cohen. Quickly, cultivated, the reputation, of a chronically, depressed poet. Who was both hip and hypnotic. He, dubbed himself The Grocer of pain and while. The Grocer of pain is still at his post since, 1967. He's been putting his words to music. Or. Dance. The child. There. Is complain. She's angel. Of compassion. She's, rather half. At. The beginning of his musical career friends.

Begged Him not to sing, Cohen's. Voice is reminiscent, of a truck trying, to turn over on a cold Montreal, morning, not, pleasant but a familiar, sound and that, sound was honored at the Junos earlier this year with, the Best Male Vocalist, award. You. Know it's, only in a country like this that I could get the male vocalist, of the, year. Last. Week Cohen received a Governor General's, Performing Arts, Award. While, he's a bonafide star, around the world, musical, acceptance, here in North America is something new for Cohen, see this is this. Is my work. Writing. Is my work. I've. Always been a news junkie and now that I have news. Alerts on my phone it's. It's 24/7, do you sleep with your phone I do. As a matter of fact it's next to my bed let's put it that way it's never really off I can't help myself, that, is the Unsinkable, Tina, Brown and, her unquenchable, curiosity, and, that's, the stuff that propelled, her to the heights of the magazine, world delivering. Delicious. New insights, into wealth, celebrity. And politics. She, saw what was coming well before anyone else did that's her magic trick and she, still had it Tina. Brown has a thing for new ventures and for, news editor. Of Tatler magazine at, the age of 25, editor. Of Vanity Fair at 30, no one's gonna argue me out of a sentence I think it's a good one for an, editor, of The New Yorker, then founder, of The Daily Beast. President's. Royalty. Celebrities, and scoundrels. She got to know them all she, is responsible for some of the most daring, magazine, covers of the era for. Taking failing, magazines, and making them soar the, woman to the rescue, in the man's world of the 80s chronicled. With a lot of swearing plenty, of Secrets and a few regrets in. Her latest book the Vanity Fair Diaries. Tina. Brown's magic, was what she calls her observational. Greed and that capacity, to take the pulse of the moment please, thank. You which, is what we sat down to talk about a few days ago right here in the national student. So. If measuring, a moment, was one, of your great skills, how. Do you measure this moment, well I'm very much aware, of this moment as being a time in the United States of a great deal of unease some, of it reminds me of that period in the 80s were night because I constantly write in the door is about how precarious it, all seems it seems like it's a we're on the lip of a volcano and I, feel that constantly, now that. In. All the way through this last year with Trump that's something, some horrendous shoe, is going to drop because, people, are so tense and anxious and it's, partly to do I think with digital, disruption you know our world has changed immeasurably. And with enormous speed so. There's a sense of the. Piece of the digital has outstripped, humanity, in a sense which lives people with a lot of sense of unease about what's happening that they haven't caught so, there's a constant sense of a missed train that's really the the, feeling I get and I think it makes people uncomfortable what. Speaking, of trains what, do you make of this me to train, well. That's I think, a, watershed, thing that has happened I mean, not since the 60s have we seen such a volcano, of women.

Saying, Enough, is enough and, I will, not continue as we have been started. With the women's March draft, role was the biggest, single-day protest, in American history, do you draw a line between the women's March and the meet you know I think it's a natural heart you, know I think that that March. In 2017. Was. A stunned. Sort. Of push back in a sense to what had just happened in the election and, a sense of outrage and a sense of regret and grief that women hadn't somehow woken, up in time to stop a macro, aggression descending on them in the face of the Trump presidency. Towards. The end of the year that you know it's gone on the boiling the kind of fury about that and, it's led to this kind of outrage. As it were after, the sexual harassment, horrendous charges. Of Harvey Weinstein, and it really just led people to think women to think this, is just cannot stand I mean and we know that it's not just this guy this guy's in horrendous egregious. Pig but. There. Are so many more guys who are getting off and we're just not gonna have it anymore what, determines, if the me to movement endures, where's. The risk for this movement I think that all revolutions, come with risk and I think we are seeing a revolution and revolutions. Get bloody and revolutions. Often get off the rails so you're, gonna see corollary damage you're, going to see some, decent, men who are falsely, accused. You're gonna see some, unfair. Reprisals. But. I think that the larger picture is going to be a healthy, one you. Referred, to Harvey Weinstein as a pick and, that's not just you. Looking, at him, from afar this, is a man you you knew quite well yes I know I worked with him for two years when I left. The New York coaches to. To edit talk magazine and yeah, he was a volcanic and and abusive, and profane individual, who you know I was most happy to not, be working with any more so, although I didn't see the sexual predations I you. Know did see an. Extremely. Bombastic. And, unattractive. Person, at work a big, bully but. You know was it what. He did in a sense has, let loose his extraordinary cultural moment so it's it's ironic that he of all people should have ended up causing, a sort of referendum, and masculinity I mean, nobody would have thought that it would be he that would let loose that kind of soul-searching, on the part of you. Know a very decent man I mean let's face it there are tons of men who were just as appalled by this as women and many of them asking themselves how can we let. Make sure that can never happen to all men again and perhaps, you thought you were talking to one of those decent, men about. A month or so ago when you sat down with Charlie Rose to, talk about Harvey Weinstein, what, does it change I, think, what we're seeing frankly, is that women have. Just decided. And pushed back definitively. That they will not have to deal with this kind of toxic, testosterone. Anymore. When. You look at that interview in hindsight now I wonder, what that feels like what. It's pretty stunning it's, pretty stunning and, you. Know it's distressing what a friend as, he is, suddenly. Fine you know you suddenly find this whole other side of him that that, that, you didn't know about but. At the same time you know these penalties, have to happen because, without the big penalties. It's. Gonna go on so, unless people, look at themselves I think my. God you know if I don't stop, doing this this. Could be me my whole career my whole legacy wiped. Out which is the most extraordinary thing we're seeing I mean the Charlie Rose legacy, appears to me in complete, jeopardy, now as is louis. C.k or Kevin. Spacey but. At the same time though, the death of talent might be the. Fact is that, this revolution, had to happen fair, price to pay, probably. Yeah. You talked about soul-searching, and it's interesting going through your book again I only took. A few notes of times where you were people spoke to you in a sexist, way or that were there were reviews, that would never have been written about a man but there's nothing, in there about you. Being, sexually. Harassed. And, you don't have to tell anybody about that but but did this not never well get, I was a boss from the age of 25, so, I was always had, a certain amount of control, over my own life and I certainly, think that. Sexual. Harassment is only, really. Completely. Bonafide, and since when there's a power change between you you know when you are a person, who does not have as much power as your, harasser that, wasn't the case of me because speak from a very young age I was sort, of the boss so I couldn't, be harassed in that sense do you wonder though if women. Weren't. Coming to you with. Problems about, sexual harassment I mean do you think back now well I think I think about it now and actually I don't think so in our company because it was a very, very female company I mean in in certainly in Vanity Fair was mostly female and learn a lot of gay guys actually, The.

New Yorker was a much more male environment I never, heard that from any of the women in the company but I did promote a lot of women and I think that one of the answers to that is a lot of women in management I mean at The New Yorker most. Of the new, hires I put into management were women so, I changed the balance in The New Yorker when I came in it was a very very male shop and in fact when I my first meeting at The New Yorker I looked around the table and it was all men, I have. To ask you about Donald Trump I just. I have. To, he's. In the Diaries all the time he is, you. Saw this coming it, seems to me from reading that. That you saw the hold, he. Had or the fascination, Americans, had with him, how. Do you explain that well. In you know it's interesting the first time I meet him, in. The Vanity Fair Doris is is, that, a events shortly after I had extracted, in the magazine as a cereal extract the art of the deal and, I bought, the book because I liked it a lot I read it over a weekend and I thought this, guy has it's total BS this book but it's authentic. BS. If you like it's, a real voice like it or not it's a real voice and I always look for a voice when I'm in in editing shortly after that I met him and it, was at a dinner party our, dinner partners weren't talking to each other so we were talking, across each other and he was going you know oh I went to the Opera last night three, hours no intermission, I said to Ivana you, know never again you know it was like that it was the whole thing was just completely, Moeller. Out of his mouth anything that happened I thought it was great I thought it was funny later. On he gets much less funny and I, start to realize that he's a kind of toxic, individual, is the truth we published a piece that he really hates in. Which the author says Marie, Brenner wrote that she had noticed that on his desk, he had Hitler's speeches and. He. Goes ballistic and, in, fact at, a benefit. Then six months later he passes, behind Marie Brenner at the dinner party and he empties white wine down the back of her dress and that. In a sense was a little, flash if you like of the Trump we know today if, you could for. One more month, get. Your hands on Vanity, Fair who. Would be on the cover right now when, I look at that most important story well. I was gonna say Megan mock up but actually they didn't make a mock off their credit. I'd. Like to do the three generals, at, the White House I'd like to do matters, I'd. Like to do McMaster, and Kelly why. But. It is a bit of a mystery it's one of the few mysteries in the sense of the Trump administration. Which. Is like who is in charge who, is really in control here and are. We lurching along to Trump's impulses. Or is, there anybody who can, implement. A kind of lasting, idea. And policy in that administration. It sounds to me like you think they are in charge I think they could be I hope they are well, perhaps I don't I've.

Had Some really second. Thoughts about general Kelly recently, I think that maybe he's very trumpian, himself, that's, the interesting question about the story who are they, thank. You very much really appreciate you too thank you thank you, really. Interesting, interview it's been 25 years since the first text, message we'll hear from the man who sent it and get, a sense of how texting, has changed. Our lives I. Wouldn't. Quit a job over text, I. Still, wouldn't break up over text if it's been like an actual, relationship few. Dates think it's decent. But. First the destructive, toddler, and all of us lives for these moments today the charges, were set the Pontiac, Silverdome ready. For, implosion. And. It. Was loud but nothing. Happened, and just sat there I'm walking on lookers host, to everything, from the Super Bowl to Wrestlemania. To, the Pope in recent, years the Silverdome had fallen into disuse and disrepair, according. To the demolition company now is in really bad shape it could come down at any, time. The. New mission the next one the third one a. Lot. Of differences for you and in what you'll be doing starting, with where you'll be sitting totally, different view from sitting on the flight deck from where you'd been before, absolutely, yeah this is my third flight but the first flight where I will actually be on the flight deck as we go up into space so I'll actually see out the window this time any, idea, how. That will compare, to I just sort of sitting down below, it wasn't before that's right there's no real view of what, was going just staring at the lockers in front of me and sort of trying, to experience, the whole thing but through my what I was listening to rather than seeing, anything. Talking, to people who, have been on the flight deck for launch it's. A bit of a light show because it depends on what. Time of the day you launch and we're launching at night at the moment so it should be quite spectacular but. I can't spend too much time looking at the window I've got to do, a job here I'm ms2 on this flight which is the equivalent, of the flight engineer so, I sit between the commander, and the pilot and. I back them up so I'll, be focused on that maybe out of the corner of my eye I may see some lights yeah I'm sure you will. The. Mission itself once, you're orbiting. The Earth becomes a different one for you you were more focused on the scientific end of things on the other two missions this is more of a technical one and you, know I try, to read the the press release here from the from, the Canadian Space Agency, good people that they are and I'm. Lost, you're going to, deploy. Two giant. Solar, panels, 2/3, the length of a football field that's, right with a laptop computer. That's. Literally, what actually, happened somebody is actually key and, laughs top and, when, they put hit the button the last time it, starts the process of, deploying actually. To play one solar array first and then the other one it takes about 13, minutes for these things that are sort of accordioned, into a box to.

Fully Deploy but these are the largest solar arrays ever deployed on, earth or in space now these of course are for the International, Space Station, those 13, minutes it must, be a little more involved than you going okay I'll just so you know push enter here and the way it goes I mean it must be it, must be a lot more involved in that it is involved in the sense that you're continuously. Monitoring, it because, I mean this is quite an accomplishment to actually. Deploy, a, solar array and, there's a lot of potential snag points, or problems that can occur so you know just first. Of all you have to. Do. A whole bunch of entries on your laptop, to set up the proper conditions, you have to make. Sure all the powers going to the right places you have to make sure that the cameras, are in the right place to observe this because, if it stops halfway, through you've got a problem you've got a serious problem, for example during this whole process we put the entire space, station, into free drift free. Drift means that there's. Nothing, trying to maintain, it in a particular attitude because you don't want thrusters, firing well, this very delicate, process is, going on so, there's a lot of work that has to be done before you say okay we're go for deploying these and during the time itself you're watching it like a hawk, give. Me the pitch on the space station I like to describe it as a permanent, orbiting. Laboratory. You. This. Is pretty incredible this, is a major discovery, we made this doesn't happen many times in, a lifetime. Two. Explorers, have discovered a huge cave under Montreal, a previously. Unknown, cavern, right beneath the bustling, city above scientists. Believe it was formed, thousands, of years ago and that it has yet to reveal all of its secrets, the, CBC Simon nakanishi has, this look underground. Spelunking. Or caving. Can, be frustrating, and fruitless like. Banging, your head against, a rock but. Once in a while breakthroughs. Happen and secret. Worlds are revealed, and we started digging in the decomposed, layer, of limestone that was much softer and. Within. A day we were able to break about one meter long of. Constriction. And we, managed to open a. Window. Through, which we consider void beyond lukla, blonde Danielle kaha are believed, to be the first people ever to set foot in this underground vault, it, was formed some, 15,000. Years ago during, the last ice age a vast. Newly. Found part of a much smaller cave, discovered, 200 years ago and this is pretty incredible because there are 3,000, people visiting. This cave every, every summer that's been going for over. 20 years and nobody. Ever imagined. It could be this big cave beyond, it's also unlikely the people living here in st. lien art imagined. What lay below these residential, streets that, just 10 meters down is a massive, rocky vault, 6, meters high over, two football fields long it, doesn't end there eventually, we go, back into this aquifer and there we have to use an inflatable canoe we, did about a hundred meters the. Walls are perfectly, vertical, much more than here the.

Ceiling Is a perfect, slab is. Just beautiful, it's five meters of water underneath and. It keeps going we haven't region D and yet the, new discovery isn't open to the public but, the city's working on that in the meantime Leblanc. At hall will keep poking around in the dark. Hoping for another breakthrough. Simon. At Kadesh D CBC News Montreal. The. First in a series of events was held in Nova Scotia's capital, today, commemorating. The worst maritime, disaster in, Canadian, history a. Small. Crowd gathered, in an Anglican, cemetery to honor some, of the youngest victims of the Halifax, Explosion two. Dozen, children who were living in a nearby church, orphanage. They. Were among the 2,000 people who died when the city was leveled 100, years ago this week December, 6th, 1917. A munitions. Ship collided. With another vessel in Halifax Harbour that, triggered, the largest, human-caused. Explosion. Before, the atomic bomb so. What was the day like well. Now CBC, News can show you take. A look. The. First world, war still, rages and, Halifax. Is an important, hub and, far, from danger at least that's what everyone thought CBC. News has launched a new exclusive. Interactive experience. Go back with Adrian to the day of the Halifax, Explosion. And experience. This story for yourself in 360. From, the sites to the sounds, be there to see what went wrong then. Learn more about the incredible stories, in the aftermath, including. The railway conductor, who gave His life to save countless, others, check. Out the 360 experience. On desktop, mobile, and headset, cbc. News dot CA /, Halifax. Explosion. A. 200-yard. Stroll, separates, the US and Russia and Expo this. Is an easy location, for that fascinating, comparison. That thousands. Make Erie today sometimes. Waiting an hour in line to do now the. Russians seem determined to show the visitor as much as possible, one, official told me everyone, knows what, America can do we, have to show what we can. It's. All here from atomic, icebreakers. To, power stations. There. Is a plush restaurant, to caviar. Plotkin bortion smoked, salmon and, just, about everyday estate check this, one an Estonian group showing that music, knows no boundaries. The. Most impressive part of the American, approach is the pavilion building, itself. Inside. Secure. And their industrial achievements. And efficiency, the Americans seem to say you, know what we can do this, is just for fun, so, there's cowboys. Ragdolls. Movie. Stars. Elvis, presley's guitar Debbie. Reynolds bed vinyl, spirit hostesses, and the longest escalator in, the world. The, one really serious note is an impressive display of, space, and achievements, it's. A fresh light-hearted, approach with, a mini rail running, sanely through the middle but leave some visitors, feeling vaguely unfulfilled. The. Russian pavilion by comparison, is impressive, but, some complain ponderous. And overbearing, whatever. Their reaction, most people feel. Very. Hard read CBC News was at Expo, 67. Welcome. To Expo, 67 -, man in his world. This. Is the Canadian Pavillion. Canada. Is a complex, country diverse. In heritage, and the, pavilion is a reflection, of this diversity. Doesn't. Tell the whole story of what we are. Some. Stories, were watching, for in the national this week a decision, by the International, Olympic Committee is looming, large over, Pyeongchang, on Tuesday. The IOC, will decide if Russia, should be banned from competing at this Winter Olympics, in South Korea as punishment, for state-sponsored. Doping, at the 2014, Olympics, in Sochi about. Two dozen Russian, athletes, have already, been barred from any future, Olympic, competition. And. The US president Donald Trump is expected, to make a controversial, decision this week one that has the potential to destabilize. The entire Middle East it's, about moving this the u.s. embassy from its current home in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem that, essentially. Would be a recognition, of Jerusalem, as Israel's capital and a momentous, break with decades of US policy. Palestinians. Also claim, Jerusalem as their capital and, some say moving the embassy, would, amount to a declaration, of war today. Trump's son-in-law and senior Mideast peace adviser said the president's, choice has, yet to be made. He's. Still looking. At a lot of different facts and that when he makes this decision. He'll. Be the one to want to tell you not me so so. He'll he'll make sure he does that at the right time and Trump's. Decision is expected on Wednesday.

Also. On Wednesday Time. Magazine, announces, its Person, of the Year the, man woman or people. Who've had the most influence, on the news this year. Donald. Trump took the title last year but this year according to the magazine's online poll the frontrunners, are Saudi. Prince Mohammed, bin Salman, the, me2 movement, former. NFL player and knee taker Colin, Kaepernick, Robert. Muller the man investigating. Russian collusion, with the Trump campaign, and not far from the top of the list Canada's. Own prime minister Justin, Trudeau. Merry. Christmas, not, an early holiday greeting, but words, with special significance 25, years ago today that, phrase, the first ever text, message and it's, had an impact on so much of what, we now do. This. Was the phone received that first text in 1992. Neil, Papworth sent, it he now lives in Montreal and tonight. He texted, us to say that he feels the legacy, of texting, is quick, and direct communication right. From your pocket email, existed, 25 years ago but from your PC not from your phone today. It's estimated every. Second, of each day, 300,000, texts, are sent around the world and while. There's no statistic, on how important, these messages, are people, sometimes, seem willing to risk their lives to read them and the, texts sure have changed our lives do, you remember like calling, a girl's house in high school and being like oh my gosh oh for dad doesn't pick up now, you just text people yeah, totally, not completely, different we're, just showing up to people's houses and just knocking in the door and seeing if they're there again, completely different world now we just always contact each other by text yeah, where are you or no, phone calls too much effort you, know you have to like stalk you know you can just write my message and you can ignore a message, as well there's made things easier to communicate. With people but. It's taken. Away that personality, that personal touch it's made the world even smaller, I. Can text to anyone I want at any time my brother lives in Dubai I can text him at any point just have like an actual conversation with him nobody text me nobody ever text me it's, actually, quite sad they, all text, their mother I think they love her more I I, can't. Relate to that I think my wife and I have that same relationship with our sons well. Firstly, that's only partially true that nobody texts you because I mean, unfortunately, we, end up texting, each other all the time sharing, the show which were probably the four I, know, Rosie's, doing it tonight but. A little tiny detail a man who invented it said, he didn't actually, patent.

It Which makes, me feel sad for him you know you always try to inject facts, into this conversation. I'll stop all right that is the National four December 3rd good. Night.

2017-12-08 22:31

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