The National for Sunday, December 16, 2018 — COP24, Pot Shops, Mark Tewksbury

The National for Sunday, December 16, 2018 — COP24, Pot Shops, Mark Tewksbury

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On. This Sunday night because. It's not just up to the federal government this really has to be a team approach internationally. And also here in Canada the, government says the world latest, climate change deal is cause for optimism but, with so much urgency why, did nations not agree on new targets, for reducing emission. Everybody. Wants details and none are really available Ontario. Takes out the scissors to deal with a massive provincial. Debt my, residents, likely haven't seen anything, yet. Agent. I have never, in my life run, up to get such a movable, power and when that power turns, on you it's, terrible, and. Decades. After coming out March suits to him with his very personal take, on the Olympics what, he says he do if he was in charge this. Is the natural. The. Time for him was tight just two weeks the task was, an ambitious one agreement, agreement. Among all nations and the, target was tricky one new set of global standards, but, the urgency crystal. Clear, unrelenting. Climate, change, after. Intense talks went into overtime to, overcome. An impasse, finally. There was a breakthrough leaders, from almost, 200, countries including. Canada found. Some common ground Salima, ship G has a closer look at the new rulebook, that critics, say doesn't. Go nearly far enough. It. Is so decided. With. That the deal is done. -. Cheers and jubilance, from political, leaders after a long night of negotiations. To. Save the promises, to fight climate change made. Three years ago in Paris now. Each country, that signed on will have to keep track of their progress richer. Countries, will help poorer ones pay, for their measures to, tackle global warming. Arriving. Home the leader of Canada's delegation. Was full of praise in, this day and age where we've seen challenges, with different international, organizations. And you know a different geopolitical. Alliance out there you, had almost, 200 countries come, together and have, really tough negotiations. But on the ends agree, on something that is so critically, important climate change but, there was plenty they couldn't agree on how to count the emissions, reduced, in cap-and-trade, systems, like Quebec s-- that's, shelved, until next year so - the need to do more to limit the planet's rise in temperature, to 1.5. Degrees instead. Of simply talking about it for, some environmentalists, that, means tackling the question of fossil, fuels head-on. Starting. A difficult. Conversation, that. Canada, needs to have about, how we're going to transition, away from. Our. Dependence on the oil and gas industry. Difficult. Indeed. In, Grand Prairie today more than a thousand, people rallied, to, remind the country that Alberta is struggling, they, want the pipeline, that Ottawa bought built, a project, seen by others as an obstacle, to the federal government's, climate, targets they're, simply, not credible as long as they own and build pipelines, and expand, fossil, fuels when the scientists, have been very clear a difference, of opinion, that underscores, an enduring, truth however, tough international, negotiations. May be Canada's. Hardest climate-change battles, will, be fought at home, Salima. Chef G CBC News Ottawa. The. Size and scope of Canada's delegation, gives you a sense of the importance, the government attached to cop 24, there were more than a hundred strong, including. Members from every political party, provinces. From BC, to Quebec labor, unions, and a company working in the heart of Alberta's oil, sands, leading. The team of course was Environment and climate change Minister Catherine, McKenna Canada. Still has a long way to go to meet its own targets, I caught, up with her just as she got off the plane at the Ottawa Airport. Minister. McKenna thanks for taking the time to speak with us great. To be here so. There, was no agreement to scale up emissions targets, further to, respond to the scientific evidence obviously, that no g20, country is doing enough why, did Canada agree to put those kinds, of talks off given. The urgency of the situation, well.

The Talks were always about the rulebook so the rulebook sorry looks critically, important if you want to have ambition because, you need trust you need trust that countries are actually to live up to what they're doing and the Paris agreement provides, for, increasing. Ambition, every five years so that's already part of it there was a recognition of the science, around climate change, this, one point five degree UN report that, did cause some controversy and, started the negotiations, a bit in a tough on tough, grounds, when the US Saudi. Arabians, from other countries, weren't, recognizing, the science I mean we certainly did that's why we're working so hard in Canada, across, the board but, working with provinces. Working, with cities working, with businesses, working indigenous peoples, because it's not just after a federal government this really has to be a team approach internationally. And also here in Canada but. If the UN and others are now saying we're looking at about a decade before things start getting more severe, can we really afford to sit and wait before we actually scale, up emissions targets again I don't. Think anyone's sitting around and waiting we're certainly not sitting around and waiting in Canada we have by over 50 different initiatives. That we're doing at the federal level, working with provinces, and cities and businesses, everything, from phasing, out coal to putting a price on pollution to, making historic, investments in, public transportation. Supporting. Cleaner solutions, and innovation. I think, the UN, report made clear that, we don't have time on our side that, we need to be serious about acting and that's why we're working so hard internationally. That's why we're working so hard here in Canada you. Alluded, to the difficulty, around the language and the United States was part of that given, the difficulty, the. United States the Curtin ministration, seems to have with dealing with climate change who, is stepping up on the world stage that, is maybe surprising. Or different, to fill that void well. I think you've seen a real shift that, you had one country the US was playing a really critically, public, role, they. Were there at the negotiations. And they were being useful, you know behind the scenes but you've, seen I mean Canada's really stepped up Canada. Created, an alliance with. EU and also. China but also playing, a role with developing, countries because you really need to bridge the gap between develops and developing countries and ultimately. Have trust and so, that's I think a really important role Canada, can play people respect, Canada, they know that we are committed to finding solutions and, in, the climate, talks they know we're serious we needed to show that the momentum around the Paris agreement is there that, we now have the rules of the game that we need to be more ambitious and, that we're all stepping up Minister. McKenna I'm gonna leave it there thank you very much for your time I appreciate it, great, thank you. Now. To Ontario, where Doug Ford's, cash-strapped. Government, has cut funding to various groups and agencies since coming into power this weekend, school, boards are the latest to grapple, with sudden, austerity.

The. Progressive Conservatives, were elected, on a plan of fiscal, restraint without layoffs, this, CBC's Natalina, now ski looks at how they're doing it so far and who's crying, foul. School. Birds were informed, by email, on Friday that, a special fund was being cut by 25, million dollars it, provides, programs, for students, with special needs and from low-income families, there. Was even a program designed to keep at-risk, youth off the street, after, Toronto's, spike in gun violence, now, Canada's, largest School Board is scrambling. To assess, the damage I think most sports had, the same reaction that it was surprising. Any we're only on Sunday now so everybody, wants details and none are really available some think the timing, and Method is part. Of the plan normally. The government will make an announcement during, the regular day it is, a decision, that they own this. One feels sneaky, a statement. From the province, says the, fund has a long track record of wasteful, spending this. Cut comes on the heels of others cuts, to midwives, the indigenous culture. Fund and of, course cuts, to French services, which. Sparked, numerous protests. Doug. Ford's government, says it's been saddled, with about. A 15, billion, dollar deficit, by the free-spending, liberals, and tough, decisions, are needed, was a deficit, we chose that because we thought there. Was a greater investment that needed to be done in infrastructure. That's, not the vision of this government, fair, enough, but, now we need to know what are their what is their vision I think, we see that the, cuts are going to be borne, by the. Poorest in our society, they could be, doing it quite cynically. I hope, not but they could be thinking while these are people who were never going to vote for us in the first place so they're really not losing any we, asked the government to clarify how much has been cut overall, and where, they plan to trim next but, we haven't heard back school. Board's hope they'll get a clearer picture on their, cuts tomorrow. Natalie. Danowsky CBC. News Toronto. Let's. Dig a bit deeper on this with the CBC's Queens Park reporter, Mike, Crawley Mike how significant, are these funding, changes in terms of getting rid of Ontario's, 14 and a half billion dollar deficit. Not at all significant, rosemary a drop in the bucket really, you add up all these cuts you're talking about something like thirty million dollars, so you do the math they'd, have to find five, hundred, more cuts, like this to balance the budget look the fact is that the salaries, of public sector workers, account, for the vast majority of the provincial, budget so, it's, kind of hard to see how, they could get rid of the deficit, without tackling, those things, okay so presumably, that that might happen where, would the Ford government, do that well. The biggest salary, expense is in the greater public, sector so people like nurses, doctors. Teachers police, officers, the government's already facing, some, tough contract. Negotiations. They couldn't get a deal with workers, at Ontario's, nuclear power plants, so they. Called back NPP's, tomorrow, for emergency. Back to work legislation and, when, it comes to even more militant, unions like the teachers, it's, going to be even harder to. Get deals with them and those contracts, expire next, summer that's. Probably, why he's tackling some of this so early on in his mandate Ontario's, credit rating though got, hit with a downgrade, this week - how does all of that factor, into this well. A downgrade means the province has to pay higher, interest on the debt that it accumulates, ontario, already, has a huge, debt the province is spending more on interest payments then it spends on any sector, other than health and education, so that credit, downgrade it's only gonna make balancing.

The Budget even harder, CBC. Queens Park reporter Mike Crowley in Toronto tonight thanks Mike you're, welcome to. Break. Down some of what Mike said there the problem with deficits, is they do add up Ontario. Projects its total debts will surpass three hundred and forty seven billion, dollars in the, current fiscal year that's not just more than any other province but any sub-national. State, in the world the, interest charges also. High as Mike mentioned this year exceed, 12, billion. Dollars. Tomorrow. Marks. Two months since, recreational. Cannabis became, legal, in Canada, it's like just yesterday that. Was clearly a very big deal so big news editors have voted at Canada's business, story of the year easily, apparently, beating out the new NAFTA agreement. But. With any new business there, are growing pains legal, stores have, been slow to open, their, numbers, vary widely across the country and that means there are places where the black market, continues, to thrive as Laura, Lynch shows us Vancouver, is among many cities, still trying to weed out illegal. Shops. Days. After a court order to shut down, its, business as usual at cannabis culture. Where, joints, are being rolled and sold for $5 each this, is one of 28 shops, in Vancouver, that is in a dispute, with the city over licensing. The chain was raided last year it's one of hundreds, across Canada, shut down by police only to reopen now though there are fears of a severe, crackdown, legal. Stores are not opening up legal, supply, lines are being choked off this pot activist, says she's frustrated by, the bureaucracy that, threatens to cut off marijuana, to those who want it at this moment cannabis. Culture is in negotiations, with the city I'm figuring, out how much time there is to respond, and what, our response, will be in. The wake of the ruling pot shop and dispensary, owners have a decision, to make close, their doors or like the owner of this chain Don Briere keep, the business running and appeal, the ruling well, I'd. Say he's wasting his money I think that the law is very firmly on our side the mayor of Vancouver insists. He understands. The issues but, Kennedy Stewart says the illicit shops have to face up to reality realize. The jig is up really there's, nowhere else to go and instead of investing, their time and more core cases or other kind of I think, actions, that aren't going to work just just, get on with your business you know just, just, shut. Down your current operation, apply, for the proper licensing, and then move ahead and invest in that in, the end this is about business a flowering. Multi billion dollar business, so, no surprise, government, not only wants to control it but, reap the revenue it generates Laura. Lynch CBC, News Vancouver. So. While pot legalization is, certainly taking time to squeeze out the illegal. Pot it, hasn't deterred some cannabis, companies, from, their plans to try and dominate, the global market. Catherine Cullen takes us to Europe to find out why Canada's, pot expertise. Is in such high demand. Welcome. To Denmark postcard-perfect. Region. Of odenza. Swathes. Of agricultural. Land outside a major city where, they grow tomatoes, cucumbers. And. Now something. New. It's. Actually, coming from, Canada. A Danish, vegetable, grower has teamed up with a Canadian cannabis, company to, embrace the country's new medical, pot market, Dane, say they're benefitting from Canada, being, ahead of the game Canada.

And Cannabis, it's in, the front in the world so, they have a lot of knowledge and this, is only the beginning, Aurora, Nordic, is building a 1 million, square, foot facility with. Plans to sell in Sweden, Norway Finland. And Iceland. - they, want to be the largest pot producer, on the continent. But. There's, competition, the. Warm-ups over man now, we start playing it's great it's, just a start Canada's, largest pot, producer, canopy growth has, its eyes on the global market, - about. 90 percent of my time is international, right where I'm going is. Europe. South America last, week was Australia. There. Are now, 30 plus countries that want to regulate cannabis. He's. Building, in Denmark as well and exporting. To Germany's medical, market he, believes in the next few years more, and more countries will legalize, recreational pot. He's, trying to position his company, for, global, dominance. If, we do it just right, it. Could be one of those great Canadian companies that disrupts, the whole world. But. Back in Denmark recreational. Pot remains, illegal, I don't, think it's a top. Issue. Right now not. Enough interest from the public, little support, from police mean, few politicians, here are interested, in the legalization. Debate he says if. You look at the Danish Parliament I don't think you can today, see that there will be a majority. Towards. Legalizing. But. It's not today that, Danish and Canadian, businesses, are betting on only, that if Canada's, example, to the world eventually, proves, to be a good one others. Are, sure to follow, Katherine. Cullen CBC, News Ottawa. It's. Worth noting that one of the big changes we've seen here, in Canada, since legalization. Is just how, many Canadians, are getting involved, in the cannabis industry check, out the latest numbers from Statistics, Canada, they show that more than 10,000. People had. Cannabis, related jobs in November, not surprisingly, up, 266. Percent, from. The year before that's a lot the majority. Work. In agriculture meaning, they are the ones doing the actual growing, and producing of the product. Here. Are some other stories we are watching on this night starting, with the latest on Canada's diplomatic. Conflict, with China Canadian. Officials say they've had consular, access now, to Michaels favor the, second Canadian detained, by China met with Canada's ambassador to China John McCallum today, favored, and fellow Canadian, Michael Kovarik, were detained earlier this week shortly. After Chinese tech mogul moong Wong Joe was arrested, in Vancouver, at the request of the United States. We're. Keeping an eye on Sapporo, Japan tonight, after an explosion near a bar injured, more than 40, people the, blast touched off a fire so intense at, least one building collapse locals. Said they could smell gas after, the explosion, investigators. Are looking into what happened. About. A thousand, people gathered, today to pay their respects, to victims of this federal Christmas. Market attack in a square not far from where the deadly shooting, attack took place on Tuesday and as if to underscore the, stalinist, of the occasion, another, victim has now died a Polish, man passed away in hospital, today bringing the total number of dead to five the, shooter who was born in that same French city died in a shootout with police the. Investigation. Into the attack continues. There's. A violent day in Brussels, as thousands, of anti-immigrant. Protesters, hit the streets police engaged, in running battles with some 5,500. Demonstrators, organized, by right-wing political parties, who accused. The UN of undermining, Belgium's, sovereignty. The, largest, of those the new Flemish, Alliance pulled its ministers, from the coalition, government last, week over, immigration, concerns. Still. Ahead tonight on the national a new twist in the death of that little Guatemalan, girl in u.s. Border Patrol custody. Why, her father is now calling for an independent investigation and.

The. Underwater. Danger. Threatening whales off the coast of British Columbia will. Take you below the ocean surface and, the. National interview with mark Tewksbury Canada's. First openly, gay Olympian. 20, years, after coming out he, sits down with Adrian to talk about why it was so, important, and. So that was that was the moment where, like you, know that final. Tipping point where I just realized I'm. Obviously not, getting enough you know this is crazy that I'm doing, this dance and losing, work I may as well be honest here. You. The. Death of this little girl from Guatemala, continues, to break hearts tonight, seven-year-old, Jacqueline, call, died in the custody of the u.s. Border Patrol tonight. Her family is disputing, the official account of what happened, Ellen Mauro now on a quest for a better life that's become a search for answers. Jacqueline. Kyle McKeen's, mother and her surviving, children. Her. Young sons closed the picture of poverty, Jacqueline. And her father were trying to escape I. Don't. Feel very well, Claudia, McKean says and Jacqueline's. Father doesn't, feel very well because, she died in front of him Jacqueline's. Father now recall, is disputing, claims that, Jacqueline, did not have food or water in the days before she died, Jacqueline's, father took care of Jacqueline, make sure she. Was fed and had sufficient. Water she. And her father sought, asylum, for Border Patrol as soon as they crossed the border there's, also anger, that call was reportedly, interviewed. In Spanish, and asked to sign a form about his daughter's health in English, when, his native language is a Mayan, dialect, the family, is seeking an objective. And thorough, investigation and. Are, asking, that investigators. Will assess this incident, within, nationally. Recognized. Standards. For. The arrest and custody, of children. But. The Guatemalan, Consul who spoke to Kyle says Jacqueline's, father does not blame US, officials, and that he's grateful for efforts to save his daughter's life. That. Hasn't stopped angry protests, over her death though, the Department, of Homeland Security has denied, responsibility. Activists. Are tying the death to, the zero-tolerance illegal. Immigration, policies, of the Trump administration. That. Is why these migrants, resort to extreme, measures this, woman said this, girl lost her life due to the anti-migrant. Aggression. Of this administration. But. The politics, surrounding Jacqueline's. Death matter little to this family, distraught. And far, 'we a young. Mother who will never see her young daughter alive, again, Ellen. Morrow CBC, News Washington. Up. Next on the national Adrian sits down with mark Tewksbury the, Canadian Olympian opens up about his decision, to come out 20, years ago and, what it would like to speak out against, the International, Olympic Committee. Adrian. I have never, in, my life run, up against such a movable, power just.

Like The force, of it and and when that power turns, on you it's terrifying. It, was 20 years ago this weekend, that, mark Tewksbury said, the words out, loud the. Olympic gold-medalist, told the world he, was gay it. Was my time, hard. To overstate what a big deal that was, then front-page, news and, not, just in Canada. For. All the Olympic, glory, it wasn't easy being mark Tewksbury in, the 90s. He. Lost a six-figure, contract because, he was deemed too. Gay. But. Then came his place as a role model a leader who all these years later is, still standing. Up for human rights and integrity. In sports. And. Yes, he's back in the pool. He's. 50 now this, photo, shoot for his one-man, show this, weekend, reflections. On pride and purpose and whether, time guarantees. Progress. The. Show is at buddy's and bad times Theatre, in Toronto which, is where he first came out so. That's where we sat to talk. We're. Here obviously this. Is where your one-man show was but it's this. Is where 20 years ago you said those words out loud for. The very first time yeah, publicly, it's true remember, how you phrased, it exactly, I did it through the story of somebody saying you're, too gay and then I said I decided. Maybe, I'm not, gay, enough and, it was it Wow anymore. Why, did you have to say it out loud like what was happening inside you that you said you know what it's time I need to do this well. I really. Played. That dance, I tiptoed, around the issue I had a boyfriend, I, was out at events in Toronto, with the gay community but. It was that that constant, where am i Who am I telling Who am I in this situation and, then something happened I I lost, a big contract. Somebody, said. Explicitly. And it was a closeted, gay guy at a corporation, that saw me and whatever I did coming. Down the aisle to Abba dyed, my hair blonde he was like. And. He cancelled the tour and sometimes, that happens there's, sometimes, people within. Your own community, that are still not there and they, feel like you're gonna betray them if they hire you so this was what was this was this a speaking tour yeah it was November of 1998, and he actually said the words I was too gay and I wasn't out yet and so that was that was the moment where, like you, know that final. Tipping point where I just realized I'm. Obviously not, getting enough you, know this is crazy that I'm doing, this dance and losing, work I may as well be honest here is there something about coming, out then though, that surprised, you and were the reactions, that that, took you back oh I. Mean I remember, getting, work with an investment, banking company, and. Having to fly in from Montreal to Toronto to do an interview, first and I, know it was for them to test if I was to get or not if you came across looking. Gay or. Activist. Or all, of that you know that still existed, and and I kind of I decided, to go with it it kind, of made. Me angry, I would use other language if we weren't on the National, but. I decided, okay I can either just you, know say that's it I'm not doing it or be like okay I'm gonna show you I'm gonna double, down and I'm gonna be twice as good as anybody, you've ever seen but, to have to go through that was almost humiliating.

Well, Because you were acting or having, to audition. For, something that I really, my resume, was the reason they wanted me to speak not, because I was gay or not tell, me about the, couple. Who. Recognize, you, as the gold medalist and we're so excited to meet, you yes, and then what happened yeah I was at a really good friend's wedding and I. Was with my partner, at the time and, they. Were exactly, we were at the buffet line it was incredible, we were just like ha Oh Marc took three what are you doing here and I said let me introduce. You to my partner Benjamin, and, it just went like. Chill. Ice. Done. Ignored. Back, turned it was like wow. Wow. And, again when those things happen, thankfully. I live in my world where, that doesn't happen all the time but when it does it's, just that you, know right back to it like fag in the locker and grading it's it's, that initial source of shame and hurt over. This whole issue we're. Talking about this like it was yesterday but, with its it's 20 years later, right. The. Coming up on about the law. Is. Is, progress where you thought it would be well. I mean for myself, my. Life has transformed, a hundred, percent in the last 20 years from. Being brave enough to take that step to talk, about the topic when nobody, wanted to talk about it and enduring. Years, and years of people saying are we still, having to talk about listen don't worry I'm as bored as everybody else is sometimes, about talking, about this but it's still an. Issue. When, a major, and I'm not if but when a major NHL, player comes out it's gonna be front page of the newspapers, and maybe, then people will go okay male. Sport, gay it's, done but, it's still not very good you know you think about hockey, and I. Would have expected, that, hockey. Players would have come out at this point did, you think that you would hear from NHL, players like, as far. Back as 98, there's, this incredible. Community, hawky that is unless you're in hockey I think it's it's foreign to almost, all of us but I've been invited, on the peripheral, of that culture, twice, where. They were ready to have an announcement of, an NHL, player that was ready to come out and would I be on standby. To go somewhere for the press conference this. Is over 10 years ago. Both. Times it, got canceled so. There it does exist I'm a hundred percent sure of that might, not have been the big star you know that that's also something I think the.

Reason I came out was because there was so much goodwill built, around my reputation, and who I was and I think you, can leverage that you can use that goodwill and really challenge, people that might be closed-minded, to say surprise may. Have to think differently about this issue and I think a major. Major, professional. Basketball player, baseball player superstar. Will do that to the American public into the global public but it hasn't happened yet the, thing is there doesn't need to be that many there. Just needs to be one that comes out and that I believe could be a game changer well, let's talk about the Olympics for a second because I think if, when you think about. Gay. Athletes. Yeah. I for, me I immediately think of Sochi mm-hmm. And - how hard, that. Was how frightened. So many I mean no I spoke, with a lot of young athletes who were terrified. Of somehow. Being. Outed. Of, somehow. Being put in a situation where. Their, Liberty, was. It risk it was really shameful, to target, the LGBTQ. Community what, people don't understand, is when the government was out saying, that that's when all the test events were happening when, the athletes rachie coming, to the Olympics and they, felt in great danger through, that process and, thankfully. Though that mobilized, people I think that there are a few brave athletes before anastasia. Busey's was a speed skater from Canada that came out but, after it was a real tipping point I think for the, LGBTQ, community declaring. Their sexuality. So, that's. Progress. Were you ever in a position to, push the IOC for more and then get doors slammed in your face I mean I listen I was the first instigator, pusher. Way back in, 1999. Sorry isn't good, enough you. Have led Olympism. To, its lowest point in its history screaming. About the ethics of how Olympic cities were chosen calling, for one Antonio sandwich, to step down and agent. I have never, in my life run, up against such a movable, power just. Like the force, of it and and when that power turns, on you it's, terrifying. Well, has. The IOC changed, an iota, ah. I, still. Wouldn't serve on it you wouldn't certain no I'm really proud to represent Canada, on the Olympic Committee but. I think. Until you're accountable. To somebody how, can you be an institution. That has integrity. And accountability and. Value, based in any of it and still at the end of the day closed. Do. You see a future, for the IOC, I mean we look, at this what's just happened recently with Calgary saying no thanks we're gonna take a pass on the Olympics yeah it's I think it was very devastating, and what a shock that a city like Calgary doesn't want the Olympics I mean, listen sport attracts people that are power-hungry, and, because. Their governance. Is so difficult, to navigate it's. So hard, to make change but it has to and it will I don't know how yet it.

Will It be pressure, from the outside will, be the corporate world that finally says, no will, it be no cities want to host the games so it's force to roam, they're heading down that that's not, so far away as it appears so for sure something has to change but I think part of the problem, with Calgary was no, one had the vision you know if you're just selling a project, on the cost and the bricks in the mortar it's, never gonna fly so did the mayor screw it up oh I, put, full, responsibility, on City Council and I know that's gonna outrage people and they're gonna be furious and you're not thoughtful and but, I just don't see how we could not, take this Olympics, and and really turn it into something beneficial, for the city well, what if there, is no bid city I mean how. Does it actually work then, I mean listen I'm not, to the IOC but if I was I would take a hundred-year. Approach, and I would look at each 20, years trying, to the five regions of the world and in each of those very. Strategically, deciding, who's, going to become your permanent winter and summer hosts and build. It around the world so the facilities rotate but, use one three or four times before you move to the net so that the facilities, are used and we don't incur this crazy, scenario. Every single time I want to have an Olympics just, a, thought maybe, the phone will ring. Some. Provocative, ideas there is you heard Adrienne and Mark discussing, their, the, 2026. Winter Olympics, are struggling, most, of the bidding cities have walked away citing, the high cost and logistical, problems including Calgary which still has much of its Olympic infrastructure. From 1988. So where do things stand now the. Election. To decide the winner will be held this coming June in Lausanne Switzerland the. One might argue they. Could just flip a coin of the seven, candidates, still in the running just over a year ago only, two remain, Stockholm, Sweden and Italy's. Two city partnership, of Milan, and Cortina. D'Ampezzo, but. Even they're shaky, many Stockholm, residents, are indifferent to the games while some city councilors are actively, opposed and Italy's. National government, has refused, to throw any federal, money into. The Olympic pot. Okay. I guess it'll still happen we'll see up next on the national will take you beneath the ocean surface you, can hear what's threatening an endangered, species of whales. It. Was a io, ponine, to be a whale it. Isn't an easy life I would say these days. So. This, is a recording, we made it lime film of killer. Whales with, the ship going, by in the background. First. So a preview of a story that you will see here tomorrow night on the National a rare and intimate look at the front lines of Canada's opioid, crisis we'll take you inside a supervised, injection site, in Toronto, that is facing, an uncertain future. Check out. Those. Little kid I used to like a job. Do. Drugs to stop driving. Once. I found, harm-reduction mr.. Bergeron he. Lost. 11 friends is here and. Most. People don't lose that many in a lifetime Hey, so. It. Was no offense. These. OBS sites are there everything. These. Sites are what gives, us the chance to save, these people. Here's. A look at some of the other stories we are watching this week the truck driver in the deadly Humboldt bus crash is set to make another court appearance on Tuesday, jóska ret singh sidhu has, been charged with 16, counts of dangerous, driving causing death, along, with 13, counts of dangerous, driving causing bodily harm he, has not yet entered a, plea and. Six. Boys at the center of the sexual assault scandal, at Toronto's, prestigious. St. Michael's College School returned, to court on Wednesday, they, face charges including, assault and gang, sexual. Assault Canadians. Were shocked last month when news broke of the violent, and demeaning, hazing, rituals at st. Michael's Toronto. Police announced just a few days ago they are investigating, two more cases now, and. Liftoff. And. SpaceX. Will cap off its record-setting, year with another historic. Launch this week for the first time it, will have implications for US national security, the companies, will launch a new generation, of satellites, to modernize the Global Positioning System using a new, Falcon, 9 rocket liftoff.

Is Scheduled, for this Tuesday at, 9 11. A.m. from, Cape, Canaveral in, Florida. Very. Precise there in the vacuum of space sound. Doesn't carry but beneath the ocean's, surface things. Can, get surprisingly. Noisy, and that's, posing a threat to endangered. Whales off the BC coast. Researchers. Are working to measure that threat and reduce. It the CBC's Breyer Stewart went to the Gulf Coast islands, to see where things stand. From. Each point on Saturn Island you can look out toward, the west coast of the US and Canada and it was the right time of year and, you're really lucky. This. Could be your view. This. Is one of the best places in Canada. Really, to. Be, able to watch the whales from, the shore and this is why they call this the whale trail so Turner Island is a serene, spot but don't let that deceive, you what, is happening underwater is so very different than, what we say right here is so peaceful and quiet well, if the ship is going by underwater it's not peaceful and quiet because. The noise emanating, from passing, ships and boats sound, much different to, those who call these waters, home. This. Is critical habitat, for the endangered southern. Resident killer whales they're, threatened in part because of a lack of chinook, salmon their primary, food, and. Also. Because the sound of marine traffic impacts. Their ability to, hunt for it. To, better understand, just what kind of effect shipping noise is having on them there's a lot of research underway, to listen in. Underwater. Let, me tell you this was not an easy that. Was. Larry. Peck and Robert Bruce, are part of this eternal Island marine research and education. Society that's. Nice deep water right here a citizen, led group that's installed to hydrophones, off the coast of the island when they heard their first recordings. A few years back. Say. It was exciting, but, shocking. You. Could see that these residents especially, were trying, to forage amongst, this din. Of noise. It, was a I open, to be a whale it. Isn't an easy life I would say these days. So. This, is a recording, we made it lime film of killer. Whales with. The ship going, by in the background, Jason, Wood has been monitoring, and analyzing the, orcas, and the ship noise off the coast of Washington state he's, a scientist, and a diver. So. He can repair and maintain the equipment's, himself. He. Says the noise can impact the whales behavior and the way they communicate. Echolocation. Clicks are used for navigation. They're used for finding prey if you hide it in essence in it for an acoustically, it, makes it harder for animals, to find find. Their way or to, find food, to eat his research found that the whales lose four to five hours, of foraging, time each day due to noise from ships and whale watching boats, over, the summer new rules came out requiring, whale, watchers, to stay 200, meters back from the southern residents. And. Commercial vessels are being urged to slow down so, this is a bulk carrier this, would be carrying something, like, green. Or Lea Robinson, is the manager, of the echo program for, the Port of Vancouver for. The past two years the port has run a pilot, project between. July and the end of October, ships were asked, to slow down when they went through the harab straight a stretch of water the whales frequent. Underwater. Recording, equipment, was installed on the ocean floor to measure the noise so. For a vessel like that how. Much was it being asked to slow down during the pilot so. This vessel would typically be going, about thirteen and a half knots on average and, we were asking them to slow down this year to twelve and a half knots, it. Would add about fifteen, or twenty minutes on to the trip but reduce noise by around two and a half decibels, the, pilot, was voluntary. But eighty-eight percent of the ships that came through in 2018.

Complied. Robinson. Says there should be greater emphasis on designing. Ships to be quieter, because, with or without the trans mountain pipeline, expansion traffic. Will inevitably increase. The, population alone, of this region is predicted, to grow by, a million, people by 2040. And with that. Population growth comes, more demand, for trade and more demand, for transportation. The. Orc are moving along and and the noise is following them and back, on Saturn and Larry Peck says that's the struggle he and his group want to install more listening, equipment but, saying much more needs, to be done we have the economic. Imperatives. Conflicting. With, the imperatives. Of nature, of our marine, ecosystem. The. Federal government, says it plans to put more monitoring, in place by, the time the whales return, here next year but Peck says the situation, is dire I'm not sure that there's a really good. Understanding, in, Ottawa, of what, the implications, are here, you. Know the economy certainly. Is something that's important. But. We've got to take a look at the fact but the marine ecosystem our. Long-term. And right. Now with just 74. Southern, resident orcas left he, believes even more needs to be done to. Try to make their life easier and the, environment, underwater, fire. Fire. Stewart CBC, News Vancouver. Man. Let's all move to Vancouver just, beautiful up, next on the national our moment of the day is the, moment the cat came back, actually. Quite, I, told, my mom why, did you mail my cat and. What did you answer she, said I didn't, know he was in the box. So. Last week when Jackie Lakes Cat Ballou went missing she and her kids spent, a weekend, frantically. Searching, for him putting up misty posters, all over the neighborhood and Dartmouth Nova Scotia. They. Did get a phone call but not from a neighbor from, Peru later Baloo alive, and well was at a shipping, facility, in Montreal. A thousand. Kilometres away, turns out, Jackie, had accidentally, packed Baloo into, a box of car rims she was shipping and this, weekend thanks to the volunteers at freedom drivers a group that transports, shelter animals the, cat came. Back that, is our moment tonight actually. I, told my mom why, did you mail my cat and. Somebody chancer she, said I didn't, know he was in the box she, was wondering, why the, box made 10 extra pounds. Yes. I'm very excited I just wanted to come in the house. I. Just. Want to love them so, here's a car that just arrived. Very. Anxious I just wanna see him make sure he's okay. He. Drove up the entire way from Montreal all volunteers, all volunteers, relay, style it's, quickly, to. See. Where he came from I'm sure he would have phrased stories. He. Looked on phase though Baloo to be home didn't he anyway you, know fred penner was on to something there someone send him that tape the. Cat does come back somehow or other, of. Course that could happen cats left boxes, anyway that's, a Nashville for defense December 16th, on that note have a good night. You.

2018-12-21 03:54

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