The National for December 19, 2018 — China fallout, U.S. troops out of Syria, Co-homes for seniors

The National for December 19, 2018 — China fallout, U.S. troops out of Syria, Co-homes for seniors

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On. This Wednesday night Canadians. Need to know that we will always as a government, as a country, stand up for the interests, of Canadians, the Prime Minister is pushed on relations, with China as a third Canadian, is detained, we'll, show you why that's not the only source of tension. President. Trump is. Running his Syria policy as if it's reality TV show heavy criticism from, all sides as the, US will pull its troops from Syria why there's concern, about a brutal, repeat, of recent, history but. Then. There are those other times, when you think oh I, wish I had someone, to talk to him as baby boomers age a long-ago trend is new again living, with friends making, a move away from loneliness, this, is the National. In. The diplomatic, chill between Canada, and China this, can't, possibly help. News, of another Canadian, taken into custody the third in less than 10 days now all, as the government's China travel, advisory, remains, unchanged. Not, surprisingly, it was a major theme for reporters, at the Prime Minister's year-end. News conference, Katy Simpson has details about the woman most recently, detained, and why Justin, Trudeau's response, to the crisis seems, so restrained. The. Prime Minister is trying to downplay fears. Over, escalating, tensions, with Beijing, a. Difficult. Task after, the arrest of yet another Canadian. Sarah, McIver an Alberta, woman teaching in China we, are looking. Into the details on, this most. Recent, one that doesn't, seem to fit the pattern set by the the, previous to Trudeau, says this case is different because it appears to be something routine, like a visa problem, which is not necessarily, uncommon. Whereas, former, diplomat Michael, Cove rig and entrepreneur. Michael's, father are both, accused, of compromising. Chinese, national, security, the. Government confirmed, this latest arrest after getting a tip from the Conservatives, one, of our members of parliament Alberta, received a call, from a family member and we're. Very concerned this is someone that's been living. And working in China for several months without. Difficulty. In. Any way and then. Suddenly. Officials. Pulled. The person in for for, questioning, in, relation. To their visa all, three, detentions, come after, Canada arrested, hmong wong jo the, CFO, of tech giant huawei, at the request of the United States and while, Ottawa, will not call Beijing, Zack shion's retaliatory, there's.

Little Doubt in the minds of observers, it's, hard to see, that it's a coincidence or. Because. There's, just too many of these things happening all at once I think is very disturbing. And I, think it is time I think for the Canadian. Authorities to. Take some actions Trudeau. Is defending, those actions, so. Even, as his critics call for new increased. Travel warnings and demand, he personally. Do more to help the detained, Canadians. Even, though political. Posturing might, be satisfactory. In the short term to make yourself, you, know seeing. Feel, like you're stomping, on the table and doing something significant. It may not directly contribute. To the outcome we all want. And. The CBC is Katie Simpson, joins me now all right Katie it doesn't seem like Canada's received a lot of public support from its allies in dealing with this diplomatic. Crisis but I understand. That that may change soon that's. Right a source with direct knowledge of the situation tells, me Rosie that there's been a quiet push, by Canadian, diplomats, to get Canada's traditional, allies, to speak out publicly in, Canada's defense Canadian. Officials are arguing, that China's, behavior really. Needs to be called out and while, Canada is being targeted today any, like-minded. Ally could be hit tomorrow there, has not been a lot of resistance to, this campaign, I'm told it is even, getting some support in the United States and there's expected, to be some sort of public, backing of Canada in the next couple of days Rosie okay, Katie thanks for this again tonight the CBC is Katie Simpson, continuing, to track this story for us in Ottawa. Of. Course the truth is when it comes to China it's not just about diplomacy, it's also business. So, the Prime Minister was asked today if he will ban Huawei, from Canada's 5g, network as three close allies have also done he, was, not definitive. It. Shouldn't it all be a political. Decision, made. On how. We engage but a decision made by experts. We're. Not there yet, spy chiefs from the five eyes intelligence, network briefed Trudeau at least twice this year warning. That Huawei is close ties to the Chinese government constitute. A serious national security risk, the u.s. Australia, and New Zealand have, banned the company from 5g. Development, the UK hasn't, ruled it out, now. Considering, the dismal state of relations Ottawa, may simply, be worried about more, Chinese, retaliation, turns out though this is not the only area of tension between the countries as Marie, Brewster explains, things had been heating up even before mum, was arrested. For. Months Canadian, military forces, have been helping enforce sanctions on North Korea and that has. At times raised. The ire of Beijing, according. To Canada's, top military commander. We have been interfered with on, our flights, in, the area and. Been challenged, inappropriately. In, an. International, airspace by, China by China, we. Fly in the region and we. And our allies have been challenged. And in some cases challenged, and appropriately. Can. You define inappropriately, flying. Too close, using, improper or radio procedure to challenge. Inappropriate. Language in. Other words they, were swearing at us we asked National Defence for more information, and all they would say was, that the incidents took place in October, and at, no time were, Canadians, at risk as China. Flexes, its muscles there, are implications right, on Canada's, doorstep, we also have to consider. Longer-term. Issues. As it relates to. What. China has said about access to the Arctic and how we see, access. To the Arctic, earlier this year Beijing, released its Arctic strategy, promising, to build a polar Silk Road along Canada's, northern border state-owned. Companies, in China have invested, tens of billions of dollars in, resource, development building. Ports and establishing. Ice-free, trade routes the prospects. Of the Arctic becoming. A. Point. Of tension on the globe I think. Are real most. Experts say the chances of a military clash in the Arctic are slim but that doesn't rule out the kind of intimidation, we saw off North Korea from happening here, one, day Marie. Brewster CBC, News Ottawa. Let's. Turn to the UK now where today marks a hundred, days until brexit. There's, still no deal for a smooth exit, from the European Union but the British prime minister insists. One is coming, soon. We. Will set out what is achieved in our EU discussions, when. We return. In the New Year we have had those discussions when, we bring those assurances, back, okay. But some business groups aren't convinced, though they posted this open letter today saying the risk of a No Deal brexit, is rising, and warning.

There's, Not enough time to prevent severe, dislocation, and, disruption. But. Today the, fear of future disruption. Gave way to actual. Disruption, in the parliament and while the Prime Minister is used to being the target of derision as, Thomas tagless shows us today it was the opposition leader who was called out for, words he seemed to aim in her, direction. Trying. To get into the Christmas spirit, this house, is hardly. The home of good cheer, especially. When the Prime Minister and opposition. Leader face off. Now. Read, jeremy, corbyn's, lips. Did, he call tourism a a stupid. Woman, once. The clip hit social, media. The. House of Commons erupted. The. Speaker said he missed it so MP's demanded. He review, the video. I. Saw, it sir, I saw. Him safe if only, for a moment, Britain took its eyes off brexit. And focused. On the crisis, du jour you wouldn't, accept behaviour like that in a nursery class and yet, this is that supposed mother of all Parliament's. So. What, did he really say in there Corbin's spokesperson. Was quick to claim the leader of the opposition said stupid, people, not, stupid, woman, so, here's. Another look. The. Prime Minister's response, everybody, in this house particularly, in this 100th, year anniversary of. Women getting, the vote she'll be aiming to encourage women to come into this change whatever. Corbin, who did say it wasn't, sorry. Mr. Speaker I did not use, the words stupid. Woman he's come under fire for his handling of, brexit, accused, of having no clear plan of his own this, won't. Help him I don't think you can directly say that because, he's handled breaks it in the way that he does he's, under. Greater fire now in. The Commons chamber but there is just a greater sense of anger around the place yes. Even holiday, spirit, can't replace the gloom felt here, Thomas. Daggett CBC News London. And. A little more gloom now the District, of Columbia, has announced it is suing, Facebook, over, the Cambridge analytic, a data breach the, suit alleges. Facebook misled users, about the security, of their data and failed to track third party apps, viewers. Might remember Cambridge, analytic it's a political, consulting, firm employed by amongst others the Donald, Trump campaign it. Obtained, improperly, harvested. User data from tens of millions, of Facebook users then. It tried to use that information to, target political. Messages, for maximum, effect when, the breach was revealed earlier this year it was a major scandal. For the tech giant, and not, the last one a New. York Times report, shows that Facebook. Has given dozens, of businesses, stunning. Access, to user data it's, a glimpse into the black box of, Facebook's, data partnerships. And it's opened a Pandora's, box of questions. More. Than a hundred and fifty companies, had arrangements, with Facebook, giving, some of them access, to things like names and contact information of not, just users but their friends, and then the power to read private, messages, as one, of the journalists, behind the Times report, notes there's, no evidence, partners abused. The status but the focus was that Facebook. Gave them broad access, to readers messages, including, the ability to read them and I, think that people's reaction, is generally, to be dismayed, the, Facebook has not been upfront time, and time again in disclosing, these types of different partnerships and special, arrangements that, they have with what seems to be an ever-increasing amount, of companies Facebook's.

Response, That many of these arrangements, are no longer in effect and no laws were breached but. Facebook is already facing a storm of scrutiny, over privacy, wisdom, suggests lawmakers, and officials in Europe and the US are looking hard at the company's practices is Facebook, limiting, the amount or type of data Facebook, itself collects, or uses. Congressman. Yes it certainly looks, like the days of Congress, essentially. Deeming. The high tech industry as, off-limits. Those, days are over as for users they are again left with a question do you know where your data is. So. There is a lot to look at here which is why Matt Bragg our senior technology, correspondent is here Matt at its core what's, the difference between the times revelations, and what happened with Cambridge analytic, oh sure, so this isn't another breach or some fly-by-night third, party app that slipped through the cracks basically, Facebook, is promising, to give these so-called partners, access, to data that most developers didn't, usually get more. Sensitive, data in some cases regardless, of a user's privacy set even, without their consent no, the reason being facebook, says is that these companies were essentially, acting as an extension of Facebook, itself, and so what, did they get well, Sony, Microsoft, Amazon, others, could, obtain user, names and email addresses through, their friends, without, consent as late as 2017, and Spotify. Netflix on the Royal Bank of Canada could, read a user's private messages, but. What's not clear to. Me anyway is why would net flicks or RBC even want access to a private messages, well there isn't any suggestion, that any of these companies was actually looking at any personal. Messages in particular, rather RBC. Wanted to let its customers, send each transfers, through Facebook Messenger, Netflix, and Spotify I wanted to make it easier for people, to share music and TV recommendations. With friends and for, that they needed the ability to send messages on your behalf, now it's still unclear how exactly, many of Facebook's other partners, use the data they had access to or why Facebook gave them so much freedom to tap into that information in the first place. What we know is that users were none the wiser, there was little to no transparency, about what was being shared with and, with who and, while Facebook I said it's been working to regain its users trusts, revelations. Like these make it hard to take them at their work and we will still, be talking about this in 2019, absolutely, ok Matt thanks very much Thank You Adrian, there's. A lot of talk now about, deleting, Facebook hard to say whether it's more than just talk but amid all the questions about Facebook's, handling, of user data the, company's growth seems, to be slowing at. The beginning of last year the company was adding, around 70, million active. Users each quarter, growth, this year has slowed to about half that but that's still growth, and for some perspective Facebook. Still has more than 2.2, billion active, users and, don't forget Facebook. Owns Instagram, its, growth is explosive. In less than two years the, number of Instagram active, users doubled. To more than a billion people. Let's. Turn to Junior B hockey now, which can be exciting to watch but in Manitoba the action on the ice is giving way to arguments. In a, courtroom, five. Teams in the southern part of the province have, broken away to form a new league and that has, sparked accusations. Of racism, the CBC's, Cameron Mackintosh looks, into the dispute. In. Peg was first nation to junior beat championship, banners hang as a third. Sits with the lead trophy, in all three, consecutive provincial. Titles this. Year players, were hoping for a fourth that. Was until half the league decided. They would no longer play here it's, a big difference between, motivation. And competition, everyone know the fans before, they coming out and watching good hockey against like the other five teams I came, here Manitoba's.

Keystone Junior hockey league once operated, as a province-wide, league until this, season when five teams split to form a league of their own leaving. Behind four, teams all based, in First Nations, communities, including. Penguins the team. Is asking for a court injunction against. This the new Capital, Region Junior League claiming, it's illegally, using players under. Contract, to the old cage AHL. While. The teams themselves all, have indigenous and non-indigenous players. Pegasus. Chief says there's, a clear message it's. Blatant, racism, I believe being three-time, defending champions, of First Nation team, it's, basically. Little. Johnny taking, the puck away and. That shouldn't happen in Canada the, lawyer for the new league declined, to speak in court today he argued the decision, to withdraw is, due to cost and safety concerns over travel in light, of the Humboldt crash meanwhile. Hockey Manitoba, which governs Junior B says the court has no jurisdiction here, it, seems like they were siding. With the. Other league and that shouldn't be there, here representing, all of us Junior, B is third tier Junior Hockey most, here aren't, NHL, bound but. In rural Manitoba it's a staple the, rivalries, intense, this. Injunction, could be the ultimate power play if successful. The, new weed could be suspended, these, guys just, want their old league backers it's, a pretty good league a lot of good talent is comes, out here I think right. Now there's more at stake in the faceoff in court than, on the ice Cameron. Mackintosh CBC. News hagas. Here. Are some of the other stories we're watching tonight on the national, new charges, in the sexual assault scandal, at a Toronto private, school police, have arrested a seven student, from st. Michael's, in school. You. Start to finish we have investigated. Eight different, occurrences. But. The charges have only been laid in three of those occurrences, it, includes assault, sexual assault with a weapon and gang, sexual, assault charges police, remain concerned, that video of the assault involving, students which they point out as child pornography is still, being shared online, that's. Perhaps a. Lesson. Here is it needs to be as these operations, need to continue to be assessed as they proceed a. BC. Couple charged with planting, bombs outside. The legislature, in Victoria, will remain free, the, British Columbia's, highest, court denied, the Crown's attempt, to have them retried, and was, sharply critical of, the RCMP, s handling, of the case John, Nuttall, and Amanda Kuroda were being investigated for terrorism but at trial, the judge said the undercover operation went. Far, beyond investigating. A crime and stayed, or froze, the charges, the, decision was upheld today. In. New York a Canadian man has been sentenced to 40, years in, prison 20. Year-old Abdul Rahman el-banna. Sowwy had, pleaded guilty to, conspiring, with Isis to commit terrorist acts including. Failed plans, to bomb New York's Times Square and the, city's subway system, the defense had asked for more lenient, sentence including treatment, for mental health and drug. Addiction, problems, still. Ahead on tonight's national after, years apart, a Syrian refugee family. Is reunited, in Canada, and CBC. News was there a frightening. New detail emerges, about the beheading, of two Canadians, in the Philippines.

But. Next a revolution, in retirement, living the growing appeal of cohousing, for, seniors, I didn't. Mind being alone. At times. But. Then there are those other times, when you think oh I wish I had someone to talk to. Oh. My. God much what's wrong here we are in the middle of a crisis, and there's no cheesecake. And. I love that show I know the theme song which I can sing for single, seniors, living under one roof navigating. Retirement, together the Golden Girls was considered, revolutionary when. It premiered in 1985, but today it's. Actually becoming more fact, than fiction. Tonight. We introduce you to three women who have made a similar choice part of what may be a, growing trend a new way to deal with the realities, of getting older, and being single, Castro Zi paid a visit to their new home in London Ontario to, see why, they're doing it and how it's working. Ok, I'll take that one down. And. I like this angel it. Might be cold outside. But. Inside there's. Easy laughter and a festive, mood among, three old friends. This. Year for the first time they're, doing something different. Spending. Christmas together under. The same roof we, didn't like living alone anymore. You. Didn't laugh very much I I didn't, mind being alone at times. But. Then there are those other times when you think oh I wish I, had someone to talk to loneliness, is a growing epidemic in, Canada, more, than 1 million seniors, say they're lonely being. Alone also, contributes, to serious, health problems, like, an increased risk of heart attack or stroke dementia. Depression, and, risk, of Falls by, living, together people, have. A community, and. Especially, people that lived in a family you know a partner, children. You, go you get older and you, lose all those supports, that are inherent, to living, with, others this is my room so. To fight, that feeling of isolation, and loneliness, these, baby, boomers decided, it was time to give their living arrangement, a reboot. They each sole their own houses, pulled, their finances. And by, this summer were moving into their new home in London Ontario what. Was the motivation if. We had to summarize I'd say economy, safety, and companionship. The. House had, everything they, were looking for space, enough. Privacy, and few, stairs to avoid Falls. Cohousing. Also. Means Co sharing, the household, bills we have. $1,400. Left to pay. Off the awning, but, cohousing, goes, beyond, just being a practical, financial, arrangement, it's, cheaper, to live with somebody else but more importantly, it's it's. Better for our health for, physical, health and for. A mental health so meri, you're gonna make four cups of chicken broth back in London the women say they're eating, better and healthier, than ever and there's, always someone, around for a walk or a talk, jumpin the onions, in so, no regrets.

Couple. Things I purged I wish I hadn't but a. Small. Price to pay for continued, health and companionship. Kasi, CBC, News London, Ontario. Lots. More still ahead president. Trump shocks his advisors, with a plan to pull, US troops out of Syria and the alleged executioner. Of two Canadians, in the Philippines, is still on the loose and there might be a troubling explanation, for that I think he's been a cop and that, has a whole nother, dimension for. The. Investigation, and the, reason why he's been able to evade both, the Philippine National, Police in, the military for, years. Sara's. Death has assured that no other individual, will be harmed by mr. Davi a Calgary. Jury is convicted, Edward Downey of two counts of first-degree murder in a disturbing, high-profile. Case from the summer of 2016. Sara, Bailey's, body was found in her apartment which, triggered. An Amber Alert for her five-year-old daughter Talia, Mars Minh the girl's body was found three days later most of the jurors recommended, Downey remain in prison for, 50 years before being eligible for, parole. Oh. There. Was some worried, parents in Toronto today as police, investigated. A possible drive-by, shooting, outside an elementary school that happened, just as the school day was about to end students. Were placed in lockdown and, were released class by class police. Officers did find quote evidence, of gunfire, at the scene but wouldn't, confirm whether anyone was injured this, is the third shooting in the neighborhood in just over a day. And. In alberta these truck drivers hoping, to get the attention of the federal government. More than a thousand, took part in a convoy, in support, of the oil and gas industry, clogging. Up traffic this, afternoon in Edmonton, they say Alberta's, oil sands, product, needs to get to market and the best way to do that is, with pipelines, we're, struggling out here we need our jobs back we need to get rid of these layoffs, we need to get pipelines, built, the. Rally comes just a day after the federal government promised more than 1.6, billion dollars to. Support the ailing, energy, sector. Ok. Let's turn to sudden. And controversial, announcement, from US president Donald Trump today he's, pulling American troops out of Syria and tonight, the White House put out this video message.

I've. Been president for, almost two years and, we've really stepped it up and we, have one against. Isis, we've. Beaten them and we've beaten them badly we've taken back the land and now, it's time for our troops to come back home, and. He. Means all 2,000. Of them but suddenly declaring, victory over Isis took a lot of people in Washington by surprise, and as Ellen Morrow tells us Republicans, are among those sounding, the alarm. President. Trump's decision to withdraw from Syria his Twitter declaration, Isis, there had been defeated sparked. Immediate, criticism, even from his own party the decision, to withdraw. An American presence in Syria is a. Colossal. On my mind mistake if, you're tired of fighting radical Islam I understand, it they're not tired of fighting you and. If you don't get that you're making each mistake it, takes to to end the war. President. Trump seems eager to fulfill his promise, to get American, troops out making. The move despite, top defense officials, wanting, the u.s. to stay just. Two weeks ago General, Joseph Dunford said, the job was not yet done about, 35, to 40 thousand, local forces have to be trained and equipped, in order to provide stability. We're, probably somewhere, along the line of 20%, through the training of those forces but with regard to stabilization. We have a long way to go and so I'd be reluctant to a fix of time analysts. Fear the vacuum, left behind President. Trump is running, his Syria policy as if it's a reality TV show if President, Trump makes this decision in hastily, withdraws, US forces from, northern eastern Syria he, will be responsible for, creating. The conditions for. Isis to re-emerge with the vengeance. There. Are geopolitical. Issues as well, concerns, Iran Russia. And Turkey will be able to assert more control. That. Could hurt the Kurds in northern Syria. America's. Partner, on the ground but foe to Turkey's, president air Dewan still. A president, Trump has his supporters, for, the first time in my lifetime we, have a president. With the courage to declare victory and bring, the troops home administration. Officials held, a background, briefing on the decision, today they, said Isis only has one percent, of the territory it, once held but, there was little clarity, on the timeline, or details, of the withdrawal, and while, the White House referred certain questions, to the Department of Defense the Department of Defense referred certain questions to the White House, Ellen, Morrow CBC, News Washington. So. Let's come back to Trump's declaration, of victory over Isis, a recent. US report says there are still as many as 14,000. Isis militants, in Syria its, last major, stronghold is, on the eastern bank of the Euphrates. River it's, close to being seized by forces, backed by the US Isis. Also controls, some desert terrain west. Of the river until.

Now US policy has been to keep the troops in place until the group was eradicated. This. Month marks three years since the first government, planes arrived, in Canada Kerry, Kerry, and Syrian refugees, making. Good on a government promise, to resettle. 25,000. People whose lives were torn apart by that Civil War senior. Correspondent Susan, ormiston has been following the ton berry family since before they left the Middle East they had to say goodbye to heartbroken. Grandparents. Who were left behind now. Susan catches up with the ton baris as they prepare for a joyous. Reunion. Zenab. Alomar, can hardly believe she's, been in Canada three years already now. With a whole lot of hope and prayers and, help from Canadians, she's, back at the Windsor Airport, with her kids waiting. For their Syrian, grandparents. How, do you feel about them coming today. We, first met, the family three years ago in Lebanon, they'd fled their home in Syria, the, night we met they, were about to leave everything. They knew to come to Canada as refugees. That. Night was, the Last Supper. With. The elder Tom bars who would stay behind. Parting. Was, painful. Wrenching. Ida away from her son and daughter-in-law. And her grandchildren, not knowing, when, she'd ever see them again. Three. Years later the, three eldest children are in school in, Windsor becoming, fluent in French learning, English and hanging on to their Arabic. Language. Though has, been a struggle for their parents, still, only at level one in English what's, the most difficult thing, still. For, you to get used to living in Canada. Windsor. Has taken in nearly 2,400. Syrians. Since November 2015, adding, to an already vibrant. Arabic community, but. Even with government, help settlement. Is a long, process and some have adapted more quickly than others says Hugo Vega in the work that we do we we know that it could take a long, time I could take five to ten years sometimes for someone to really establish themselves. You. Know professionally, in the. Different facets of their life so. I think, that they're about midway in in that process I think we are seeing really successful, individuals. That. Are established that are independent already and others, that aren't. The. Tim Baris were government-sponsored, for, the first year and then, when a Windsor, group got involved they.

Decided. To privately, sponsor, the senior, Tom Baris and an orphaned, nephew, lawyer. Aniki, Schmitt push to make it all happen I really. Feel, that it's important that the government before they can say they did did the job so to speak that they put something in place for family reunification because. It's not just about the parents or the grandparents, who. Might, have come under existing. Family reunifications. In some cases we've left we've left the more vulnerable people, behind so. Even if we do nothing else I think that's that's really a moral, obligation on, us to take care of. So. On arrival day Aniki, is waiting, with Zenith the trip from Lebanon has taken two days and the flights been twice delayed. Then. Finally, after, a 3-year. Wait, Mohammed. Tim berry and Ida Abdul, Karim. Greeting. Their daughter-in-law. Meeting. Their grandchildren, who barely remember them. It's. Your grandfather, she says. Kenan. Age 9 was raised by the grandparents. And he'll join his cousin's the, sponsorship, group is responsible for the first year, of settling, in. Muhammad. At 72. Is feeling unwell but he's made. For. The time being the, Tim Baris will settle their parents with them in their home and. After, so long it's, a bit overwhelming, just to be in the living room can. You believe you're in Canada. Zeinab, is, setting out a reunion feast, on. This. Night they, celebrate, a more peaceful future so. Different, from the last supper they, shared together Susan. Ormiston CBC News winter. We. Have to take a short break but when we come back, some disturbing, new details about, the alleged executioner. Of two Canadians, in the Philippines there's, never been that level of transparency that I think both Canadians, expect and, the. Victims families expect. First. Though look at a story you'll see here tomorrow night on the national Sasha a Petro sick takes us to Beijing, a city snarled. In traffic, and choked, by smog but, a look at why part of the solution could come on two, wheels here's. A preview it's. A twist on shared bicycles. That's taken, this country by storm, 23. Of them are out there across China and. They're starting to change traffic. Patterns. Riders. Say it's changing, my life and I. Hope it'll change the environment. The. Bikes go out every, morning to. Be picked up and dropped off by riders pretty, much anywhere. Instead. Of docks each bicycle. Is connected, tracked and unlocked, by satellite, and cell, signal. Riders. Use their smartphones. To scan a barcode and. The. Signal, does the rest. We. Have a very firm policy of not, paying ransom. To. Terrorist organizations, the. Prime Minister earlier today responding, to a question about Canada's, ransom, policy, this was after reports, that a militant, believed, to have killed two Canadians, in the Philippines, is still on the loose and more, than happy to show himself off on Facebook, we. Have learned a lot in the two-and-a-half years since those Canadian, men died but justice, for them and their families, remains, elusive in the Philippines, the military, has hunted, down some, of the militants, involved, but not the alleged killer who beheaded the men now, a Canadian, intelligence analyst. May have discovered an alarming, truth one the Philippine government cannot. Be happy about the. Boastful, thugs, of Abu Sayyaf the ones who kidnapped and, killed Canadians. Robert hall and john ridsdel have, never been able to restrain, themselves from, taking pictures. Some. Still on the run from the Philippine military clearly. Act with impunity, this, man has he's, known by several names including, Ben tattoo, and he, was the executioner. So, there he's taking. A picture of him himself, a selfie, in the jungles, in the Philippines, and the. Angle, of the photo the angle of his face it matched, perfectly to, one, of the execution, videos quietly. For two years now a Canadian, intelligence analyst. Acting, independently has. Been tracking the on-again off-again social. Media accounts, of Ben tattoo, who's, clearly, making it known he's now affiliated, with Isis so as you scroll through in, his search Jeff, wire says, he spotted something startling this, a picture. Of Ben tattoo in police uniform, he's, posted, it a few times most recently with the never surrender, taunt I think he's been a cop and that, has, a whole nother, dimension for.

The. Investigation, and the, reason why he's been able to evade both, the Philippine National, Police in the military, for, years, in. Other words the uniform, of the police units, that hunt Abu Sayyaf. Stolen. Uniforms, or uniform, sold on a black market, have been a problem in the Philippines but wire's says, he, sees other indications. Tattoo, may, have been a real member of the force look. At his name on the ammunition for example it verifies, also, his identity, he's labeled the grenades because he's responsible for them wires. Is also curious about an image behind Ben tattoo that he says looks like fleet vehicle, keys the, way police and military carry, them, cbc, news has gone through Ben tattoos most recent, Facebook page and has, found connections, friends, who are also police, officers, this. Doesn't necessarily prove anything, but the implication. Is damning, it suggests. One of the most wanted men in the Philippines at one, point was trained in a counterinsurgency, unit. Learned, all the skills he'd need to evade capture did. He flip sides, at one point was he both cop and Abu, Sayyaf terrorist at, the same time. Neither, the Philippine police nor military, have answered our questions, but it would be wrong to suggest, they aren't trying to find him just a, year after hall and Ridsdale were killed we sat down with the commander, of the unit that had tried to rescue the Canadians and other hostages, and the man who beheaded the two Canadians, what's. Happened to him many, people, involved, in the beheadings, that already died due. To homebut operations, I can, assure you that but. The leaders we, are trying to get them also, because. Leaders, are mostly. The, hardest. Part to crack because, they have many defenses. And deadly. The military, gave us these photos acclaimed, are some of the Filipino, casualties, of all those efforts how. Many soldiers, did. You lose trying. To rescue the Canadians, well what, I can say is that I'll give you a range that's from thirty. Thirty. To thirty-five. That. Range. From. Different. Time. Operations. They, lost their lives trying. To rescue the kidnap victims they Canadian kidnap victims. Always. Abu, Sayyaf were one step ahead it's, often the way they've, learned to navigate and, own the jungles, as well, as some of the local populations, but, is it possible been tattoo had the right training, to keep soldiers, at bay the. Stories. About the attempted rescues are verified, by one of the only people who really knows what happened test, floor she, was Robert Hall's girlfriend. I. Regret. I I. Was. Thinking, that I did my best. Because. I always, I did, lots of things to. To. Help. Robert. To. Save Roberts. Life but. It's not working. She. Told us she remembers, hearing the bullets flying she, and Hall could hear the soldiers, were desperate, to be saved. Sometimes. We've, got scared, of, course, and. Sometimes we after. After that fight when anybody said that no it's. Frustrating, because, we are still here tests. Would try to negotiate with the kidnappers, as the only person, who could speak with them she, even tried talking, to Ben tattoos wife I talked, to the wife. I. Talked. To her please, can, you please talk to your husband. Because. Of course he is our leader, can. You please talk to him, that this money that they were asking, it's ridiculous. She, also told me ok ok ok I. Will talk to him ever talk to him but I I didn't, trust them Canada. Does. Not and, will. Not. Pay. Ransom to. Terrorists. Canada's. Position was clear, and the hostages, understood. That but still hoped their government, would somehow help save them after. They were killed another, country eventually intervened, and Tessa and a Norwegian hostage. Will release a ransom. Paid, it. Was seeing her tell her tale that, Jeff wires has started, him on the path of looking, for more information, just trying, to help I. Think. The families feel like they've been ignored, from the start. In. The investigation. By. Their government, and, to a certain extent by Canadians. We, want them to know that that's, not the case the Canadians, do care but, to dig around like this isn't comfortable for anyone one, person close to the families called the report damning another, is angry, the research is coming out at a time that's. Hard enough as it is it's. Not known what will come of this but in the work there are warnings, van tattoo, is on the loose and getting bolder.

History, Becoming, clearer, wires. Believes, he can trace him to the kidnapping, of a German couple years, before the, Canadians, were taken he's, right there installed, by his little. Brow there the biggest issue in this investigation, has been transparency, so. Even, than this the disclosures, by the Philippine, government to our own government. There's. Never been that level of transparency that I think both Canadians, expect and, the. Victims families expect, it's. Not just transparency. Canadians, allowed themselves to hope for answers to, arguably. They don't have either. Now. Neither the RCMP, nor the Ministry of Global Affairs would offer updates, on the investigation they, say they are aware of the, report, we just referred to but they're, just not talking about it, well. I sure was interesting up next on the national our moment, of the day Banksy. Strikes, again I, beat. Awake during the course that night because I haven't been feeling particularly well. Scroll. Through Twitter because I couldn't sleep and. I notice there were a few people starting, a post about possibility. Of a bouncy throw and being in the boot Arbor Day which is about 10 mile away. It. Is this street, art that has everyone talking in, a small town in, Wales today, it first, appeared overnight on two walls of a garage and that's, when the speculation. About Banksy, began. Just. The possibility, of catching, the elusive street, artists, latest, work was, enough for one man John Doherty jumped out of bed made, his way into town what, he saw and what, it turned out to be is our moment they. Just got in the car a 3:00 in the morning it. Was a chops at a car next to the location. Basically. He was the custodian of the the. Area of the night making sure that no harm come to it he was without doubt that, it was a Banksy which convinced, me at a time as well as the days gone on. It's. Been confirmed as a Banksy, whilst it's flatter, in a bun Chee's come there the image which is portrayed, and the message I don't think is that good obviously, you've got the Yun Chao Lane what he thinks is snow and I run the other corner of the building there's. A fire area which I think personally is symbolic. Of the steelworks, and the pollution from the steelworks and something, which will need to be addressed, but. Nevertheless it's, something. That's got the entire country, talking about and for this, to happen on our own doorstep is just mind-blowing. Okay. So he's, right it seems about the inspiration, there I guess back in July, it, was black ash that, was covering houses, from from the steel mills and. Then I guess a toll, has been removed or not nearby highway, which he was going to bring more cars more pollution Banksy. Has his finger on the pulse of that one it, is the power of Banksy, of course not only does he create art that is so evocative for the people who lived there but those of us who don't have been, scrambling, to maps, to figure out where this community is and thinking about that, pollution issue a dream that you just mentioned yeah, and it's so interesting the way he chooses these places because this is just some guys garage, now. Has Banksy, on the side of it so they're gonna have to put up barricades to protect it and as you say and everyone will come in visit that's. The National for December 19, good night.

Today. You.

2018-12-22 07:05

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