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[Music] thank you [Music] well good morning from Hiroshima Pier I'm here with Katarina hi we just met at the hostel and decided we need to do the top day trip of Hiroshima which is it's early it's early we got up really early to uh get here and look at the crowds like it is popular so usually to get to miyajima island you have to take like the Jr a fairy and for us and an extra street car for us but luckily because we're near the A-bomb Dome there's like a boat you can take that goes directly to miyajima Island though it is more expensive so that is what we are going to do today we are going to climb up a mountain yes we're gonna see a shrine there's some kind of maple bean cookies really that are very good and apparently they're famous for oysters but I'm not like a big oyster person Hiroshima just has a lot of voices yeah Seafood in general is popular here so maybe I'll try the oysters even though I'm not a fan but miyajima is like a top place that you guys need to go if you come to Hiroshima so let's go check it out foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Island and there are very adorable welcome breeders here as well they're so cute right have you been to Nara no oh my God so this is perfect no they're pretty tame like it's really amazing here in Japan yeah I mean [Music] didn't we just read a sign that said they're aggressive in the Autumn if they have antlers I guess in The Mating Season so right now and I think these are ladies if I had to guess so I think they're pretty chill these you can don't be afraid it'll be fine don't be afraid nothing's gonna happen so nice absolutely precious Day made oh they're so cute welcome to miyajima Island friends otherwise known as itsukushima Island that is also named after the beautiful Shrine that is on the shores of the island this is a very important place for Japanese culture and spirituality and is also known as the island where God resides when you first get off the boat you will see a lot of different traditional shopping streets restaurants and there's even ryokans which are traditional Japanese guest houses that you can stay at overnight the main attraction of the island is definitely the large orange Tory gate which during high tide looks like it's floating within the water and as the day goes on and the water recedes you're able to walk up right beside it but what takes up the majority of the island is the vast Mount Maison which is a mountain that is 535 meters above sea level that you can either hike to or get to the top of by cable car this was my second time to miyajima Island since I also did this day trip the last time that I was in Hiroshima and it was certainly one of the most memorable experiences of all my travels in Japan it's a very calm and peaceful place to visit usually with a lot less people if we weren't traveling during cherry blossom season originally we wanted to start with itsukushima Shrine but the line was so ridiculously long that we thought we would leave it for when we got back from our hike and instead we went to another really beautiful Temple that is called daishoin daishowen is one of the most important temples of shingan Buddhism and it has a lot of different buildings statues and other religious artifacts like a really cool sand mandala that was actually made by monks from Tibet so if you have the time I would really recommend staying overnight on miyajima island unfortunately when I came it was just so busy and prices were super high so a day trip was the easiest thing to do but this is an incredibly beautiful place and these sunrises and sunsets are unmatched here oh my goodness I think this is where we should get the famous Momiji Manju cookies that they have here because you can actually see the whole process of them making them like look how perfect this robot is working to uh create these cookies which look absolutely delicious this is amazing and I got those oh and they're warm oh my gosh all right so first to hold it's it's a lovely little cookie let's do a taste test here yeah really good you can just tell how fresh they are like they're so soft and warm they probably just came out oh yeah that looks really nice all right so we've got the famous Maple cookies very good very good so this is a Mote Sando Avenue and and yeah this is oh my God look at the line for Starbucks of course [Music] so before we find a proper restaurant for lunch we are going to try the famous miyajima grilled oysters this will a hundred percent uh yeah so we are going to try two oysters that's only 500 yen which is like five Canadian dollars about four us so very reasonably priced considering they're absolutely huge these look absolutely enormous I don't think I've ever had an oyster like this before it's gonna be good what like Eva oh my God this is gonna be so intense this could go really good or really bad it's interesting that's what I'll say huh yeah it's really hot just be careful don't burn yourself don't burn yourself thought process this is really nice okay good good good good good pretty good I'd have another okay okay good well let's see if I feel the same I'm worried that I'm gonna have not as good of an impression as you because usually I don't like oysters I like the lemon on it yeah the lemon Health okay but I'm in for the close-up do you like it it's rosary it's too good coming down coming down it's like burning in my mouth oh my God see this was a lot more traumatic than my experience yeah no it's good yeah I wouldn't like eat a lot of it I'm glad we tried it it is it's probably like the best oyster I've had yeah but I don't like oysters to be fair I think I could have Max like three or four yeah because I mean like honestly these are like it's Hefty right so yeah definitely worth trying if you love oysters you will probably love this area because there's just so many of them but even if you don't like try it it's fun it's good foreign so this is our Lunch choice for the day I thought I ordered just like a little beer but this is like a proper beer a little bit worried about biking or biking hiking hiking yeah what did you get I got a hybrid high ball yeah love it yeah I think that's what it is yeah cheers Kampai Kampai yeah Kampai it's cheers this looks amazing I got tonkatsu and Katarina is like into the oysters you got the deep fried ones to be honest those look even better than the grilled ones so they should be delicious and they gave like a nice little uh for dipping dipping sauce but yeah Bon Appetit looks so good we have made a change of plans for intense lunch or I should say I brought this up it was my decision at first but that's good you were thinking it so we are gonna do the role play to go there because it's like what is it 1 2 p.m and so if we had to catch the roadway back we would have to like we would have to walk so quickly up there and I just don't want to do that right now to be honest so we're gonna take the ropeway up see the beautiful view and then we're gonna walk down so I think that's a much better plan okay this is absolute Insanity guys the line for the ropeway is never ending and it says that it's a waiting time of 60 minutes to just get on the thing and then okay maybe 20 30 minutes to get to the top but that's insane I mean I guess we could either wait work climate which yeah at the earliest time I think takes two and a half hours but if we climb it that means we also need to climb down which is a lot of hiking and Katarina has a train to catch tonight she has to leave Hiroshima so she has to like be out of here by six at the latest [Music] thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you so sad news Katarina was not able to do the cable car Because by the time I got up here it is almost 3 30 right now it took basically an hour and a half of waiting in line and then it was two cable cars I thought it was just one so if she would have done this she 100 would have missed her train tonight so instead uh she wanted to go see the it's kushima Shrine which I will see later since I have more time but we are here and there is no way that I'm gonna take the ropeway down since it's going to close in about an hour so there are a lot of viewpoints up here on Mount Maison it's a really beautiful area to go hiking in or rather get lost in as I did the last time I was here so just make sure you leave yourself a lot of time you got water you got snacks you should be fine but also keep in mind there are viper snakes I guess in these parts so you kind of have to be careful where you're walking if you're on the marked paths most likely you don't have anything to worry about but just be aware that they are in the area [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] this is so cool guys I actually can't remember if I made it up here like to this particular spot when I was here the last time cause like I said I got lost so I was just trying to like get down the mountain before it was dark but obviously I did get to see some you know beautiful viewpoints I just don't remember if it was this one but either way the mountain Mison Observatory here that's the name of this area is incredible highly recommend [Music] thank you [Music] thank you okay this is wild just got down here and it was good that I took a video earlier in the day because you guys remember it was up to almost like the first pylon let me actually zoom in look how much the tide has gone out that is incredible [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign I should have gone into the temple as soon as I got here it is unfortunately now closed it's about 6 p.m uh the beautiful sun just set over the mountains but I have no regrets I am so glad I spent the last half hour taking pictures and taking in this beautiful absolutely beautiful sunset like a hundred percent promise me promise me if you're watching this video if you're coming all the way down to Hiroshima you have to come to meijima Island it is such a special place and absolutely worth the trip I'm so glad I came today because tomorrow I will actually be heading back to Tokyo and will be there for the next month and a half kind of recuperating from this last month of like go go go go go travel and I have so much stuff to edit so this is the perfect closer uh of this time that I've had here traveling around Japan it has been phenomenal and I'm already ready to come back for another trip to see more parts of the country so I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know your thoughts in the comments and as always I'm sending you so much love I hope you're having a fantastic day and keep being your own kind of beautiful bye guys foreign [Music]

2023-05-12 08:09

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