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thank you good morning guys so we're just leaving  now and we're going for a day trip we're   getting a bus from our hotel it's a coach and  it's an agency that does it and they pick you   up from your hotel and they bring you to the  beach and then they kept you again at three   o'clock so it's a good way to see nice beaches  around the place and the name of the places so we're looking forward to it because the  water is meant to be nice and blue as well   so we're really looking forward to that one so  we're leaving shortly and then we're going to   be coming back around three half three so we're  gonna be there for today so we'll be back tonight I foreign I won't let you down we could  have the world to ourselves   so on the bus you have two choices you can do the  Boogie tour or you can do the natural pills now   the Boogie tour was about two and a half hours and  it's long especially on Sunday so it's nice to do   the natural pills we got the good reviews about  them so I think we're going on these boats over   here uh yeah it's going to take about 10 minutes  to get there so we're looking forward to it down down trust me I won't let you down without you I won't let you down so one thing to know for which every partner  told their partner but my partner decides to   let me walk out is the coral reef it  was really bad and I just put my leg careful it's really bad good morning guys good morning so we are  just arrived at so it's another Beach on   our list uh we didn't go to one yesterday  because I got a bit burnt but today it's   gone magically so we're good to go so  we're just on our way now with the tour the front it's got like different shops and  it's a lot more built up than the last Beach   we're at there's a lot more buildings  a lot more shops a lot more people   so we're just gonna go there now and  we're gonna get set up and we'll be back foreign so guys we just arrived at the place that we're  gonna stay in it's a restaurant and then they've   got access to it so a lot of the restaurants  around here seems to be where you have a   restaurant and then they have private access to  the beach and then obviously the beach then is   like public but you have to go through that and  then you have to eat food there so that's how   they kind of catch you out so we've left at the  minute because it is super busy at the moment   and we're going to take a walk around the  place because it is a really really nice place   so we're just gonna have a quick  look around now and we'll be back and so guys I've got to mention we are going  to the Natural pool now so we've done what   we did for yesterday and it was really good  and the water here is a lot clearer so we're   looking forward to this one and we're hopefully  going to take some nice shots under the water foreign so guys we just left the place where the beaches  and we're heading out to the Natural Hills and so it's not too bad it's surprised yeah  as well it's kind of like really all over   the place and it's gonna take about 10 minutes  to get there and yeah we're looking forward to   it the last one that we were at was really nice  and the water yeah the water here is a lot and   here so the water is a lot clearer  here so we're gonna pour up seeing   the fish and hopefully we can get some  nice photographs and enjoy the Sun foreign foreign thank you foreign guys we're just back from the natural Hills and  it's definitely worth it the water was not as   warm as the last one but it was still nice and  the water is still clear really care we're very   surprised with this and the fish itself there's so  many though especially when they had food there as   well so they were throwing it there fighting  over the food and yeah we definitely enjoyed   it there is a guy there as well and he does take  professional videos and photographs so we decided   to get it done we always wanted to get it done  so we decided to do it today so we're just gonna   upload a few and see what they're like so the boss  plays on the beach and it's only about a flight to   10 minutes more Riders and it's definitely worth  doing it so if you're in the area check it out to do good afternoon guys so we've just had our dinner and we're  enjoying the last hour or two of our beach okay   four o'clock we're gonna be heading home  we're heading back to the hotel so it's   our last Beach to here because we're heading  to Sao Paulo Wednesday but we had a really   nice day here all right let's hear some  prayer here she is yeah we had a really   nice day we've done the Natural Pools we  had some food here the food is really nice   and uh we're just gonna have one last swim  because the water is really nicer really   really warm and yeah we're gonna chill here for  another wife and then we'll be back later on hey guys so we're just gonna give you  a quick video of our accommodation   that we've been staying in Maceo and the  name of the area that we're staying in is I couldn't pronounce that so I got acted to  see it but anyways I'm going to give you a   quick tour of our room it was 30 Euro a night it  was a bit of expensive enough and there is such   a cheaper accommodation around but we've done  this on the last minute so that was our fault   anyways we're gonna show you around now so this  is the bedroom you've got a fridge just over there   you have a safe place to leave your clothes don't  mind the mess the targeters then you've got the   and you've got the desks so you can do any  work there if you want TV we only used once   then you've got your fridge over there you've  got a counter up there you usually charger stuff   then the room this is the bathroom so it's  basically got everything you want you have   your toilet you got your shower pretty  good pressure in the shower hot cold water   just got your place there for your face wash  toothpaste and then just hangers there and   yeah it's a basic enough room but it had  everything that we wanted but there is more   choices available around the place we just  joined in the last minute so check them out   foreign so guys our assay just came and for anyone  that doesn't know what it is it's a fruit   and it mostly comes from the Amazon itself in  Brazil so we're just going to show you what it is so you got banana you can get notes you can  get any sort of fruit you want any kind of   seeds you can get chocolate you can get whatever  you want and that's it there good really nice so   we downloaded an app it was called eye foot eye  foot you can just download it on your phone and   you can get a lot of discounts we've got a lot  of discounts or fairness and it's really good   and it was reduced for how much 30 down to  18. 18 videos which is about three Euro so   yeah you can't beat it so we're just gonna have  this now and then we're gonna head to the beach yes is it good it's always nice morning guys from nacio again so this is  today's our last day here sad sad we had a   great time the weather has been really nice  hasn't rained once all we're glad with that   so today we had to go and get something from a  place because I could have left behind on the bus   so yes I did not that's my hat I was  very tired so I'll be brought to the   beach the last day and we left them  on the seat behind us so we had to get   a taxi from our place over to us which  only was only about five or six minutes   so now we're walking along the beaches that we  haven't been to yet some of them are busy some   of them aren't busy but there's a lot of hotels  up this area uh the name of the beach is there so today The Identical beaches I don't see  any difference the thing is one parrot is   busy or the hotels are and the other  part is a bit quieter so we're not sure   exactly how much the seats are there are  usually 10 re-eyes each in our parts of   the beach so we said it could be a bit more  expensive up here because it's very touristy   so we're going to walk up along here we're  going to give you a show around dirty fill   there it's all right and I just want to  give you a show around and we'll be back too much so guys the main reason that we didn't  stay along this location is because it's   a tourist shop for number one well whoever  comes here does come here for holidays so   the hotels and everything is going to be more  expensive everything is the restaurants homes   everything is a bit more expensive so that's  why we decided to wait down a bit further   down now even though our hotel has got open  price as well so I feel like the pace gets   a bit more busier now and we've noticed and the  Sunshine is getting stronger so that's it guys   so guys we decided to go for a swim because the  walls are so blue looking and it's a really warm   today so we're just going to cool down so  it's really looking nice I'll be showing up yes and that's a wrap folks I hope you enjoyed our  video give us a like and comment appreciate it

2022-10-21 00:21

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