The Monumental Nats 2023 Video

The Monumental Nats 2023 Video

Show Video

disclaimer this speech contains potentially hilarious or goofy material anyone who wishes to subscribe should do so now [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we are here I think I remember that Dallas Love Field Airport we're on a layover that's going to Minneapolis for Nationals did you like our intro I love our intro we've been here seven years Maggie got a moldy grape and I got a disappointing sandwich and we smashed our tail light in the parking garage so overall it's been a very eventful and so all in all we are extremely excited to show you [Music] we are waiting in line for donuts but it's worth it because I have a crippling sugar addiction bro why do they call it smart water when you're in the smart in the out the dumb the smart cold water [Music] how do you say lions are 10 hours for sure sure you do that again your mom true or false New Mexico false wrong it's true look a restaurant I love eating dogs and then Claire's car broke down 10 great how excited you are to be back in Minnesota hey what happened you still haven't landed right yeah so bag that her suits were didn't get along we have it right there so we're no longer stuck here we are meeting a very special guest here at the airport and they're going to Ferry us to fairy fairy as in like to take us and they're going to Ferry us to the college y'all of course we're going to do every room [Music] yeah can we all fit in yes yes I got I actually have one yeah are we supposed to be uh no one really knows oh that's okay I have a phone to pick with this man [Music] hey Mom there we go let's not break the props [Music] just as I remembered oh my gosh we spent so long looking for an eagle here I smell like beef [Music] oh yeah this would be the last one excuse me good sir do you know Claire [Music] welcome to Nationals [Music] [Music] give me a bite no hey white hey are we out here same concept as Black Friday one and it's not Friday it's Sunday we want to be the first in line for the ncfca themed songs do we know what they look like no for all I know they could be infant sized they would only fit on my fingers I didn't see this in my first visit here oh I'm not trying to kill Harry Potter oh yeah ouch I could totally do this Luke's technological prowess will be able to play Mario Kart on this TV welcome to fit I mean Julia describe yourself in three words annoying you have two more Julia Grace Castle that's four oh man I love this dorm I love going down the stairs using the doors and the water pipe and I didn't know they had an extra space back here Samantha I'm about to sneeze dude so we have lunges [Music] [Music] Koopa Troopa it would be so awesome it would be so cool I don't know the rest of the lyrics there's more [Music] there's more some it would be so cool good luck on your upcoming debate what color describes your emotions right now burgundy man I love walking down this staircase look at the the door and the whatever the heck this thing is and uh Teresa describe yourself in three words no no looks I don't know what that was silly goofy okay my nickname has always been pizza and over the past year it was sorting the cheese what's what's the most embarrassing moment that has ever happened to you one time I walked in and you were pooping in the bathroom [Music] everybody tips [Music] in our backyard so the first logical thing for him to do was call in the Africa oh Neighbors in my mouth [Music] dude it is so great I love this this is crazy sponsor time this video is dedicated to a very special viewer this viewer has had a hilarious commentary to our Vlogs in the form of wander melons and strawbies and more and this viewer literally derives her emotional stability off of the frequency of our posts we'd like to dedicate this video to Teresa maniscalo thanks Teresa for supporting our videos and now we have a special message from her foreign [Music] touchdown [Music] Buffet a bouquet Buffet of cakes [Music] [Music] day two boys what do you think your record is so far I'm honestly it could be O3 so basically know you're letting the other people win exactly I'm letting them have all the Nationals Glory because because you know you're already going to beat them all on Duo and biblical and after dinner and X damn I'm giving them a chance yeah they're gonna all go they're walking Grace what is your most embarrassing speech story when I was online and I was giving a speech and Luke walked in and he tried he tried forgot about it and then I said sorry I gotta go halfway through my space halfway through your speech he said sorry gotta go Emma where are we going I'm so scared you know I don't like the darkness [Music] let's go the positive space is locked I'll be negative negative space my gosh it actually exists you found it I know you can't really see it but there's like piano in there Bruce stop hacking into the man oh look this is also Focus gamer focus focus let's take a little it's like a little ball Scrolls he's in the shadows we're testing if this room is soundproof [Music] thank you there's the four parts of their Writing Center that's great owl have you gone to the tutoring owl yet who opening and growing new markets for American-made products is critical to building our applicant who doesn't Global security issue judge judge judge judging please pay attention it's very important as a global security issue and we must do all that we can to reverse disruptions and trade and grow thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh we're just getting ready for debate um say the first word that comes to your head so um [Music] who are you hitting Luke Crosby love boys Lucy Crosby yeah I judged her open um are you excited are you ready nice awesome and what do you call that ham sandwich go for it you can't back out now okay [Music] um what is your open about [Music] yourself so she's prone to muscle spasm Carlos what is your [Applause] make it his way throughout the debate takes everything he's got trying to break it all his speeches hurts his brain a lot he speaks at 60 days sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows [Music] me pretty well you really go es down everything's coming up tearing it's raining tearing you can tell it's about [Music] [Applause] foreign what is your solution for people searching for motivation a Big Mac with Double G's what's your secret for optimism honestly not really caring about the results what matters is that you speak a message that you are given and yeah enjoy enjoy what you have and if you regret it then know that you can do better in the future what words can you say to someone that really shows them that you love them for a poopy doody [Music] thank you yo we're in the elevator what floor should we go into we should go to the LD room call me a Red Bull board because my lips be feeling chappy you get that done we're going the wrong way this is a wrong way guys [Music] yeah yeah true hi who I feel like that might be a lot oh okay [Music] look at this look at all [Music] look what is happening we're sitting here waiting for breaks we just gotta stay relaxed and focus on executing on a scale from one to ten how depressed are you right now a two if that's depressed one is depressed and I'm a two no it's like a scale of depressing one is like a little bit depressed 10 is like oh like a seven a seventh okay Terence yeah what are you doing I'm listening to Luke tell me how the Amazing Race is gonna go okay on a scale of one to ten how depressed are you zero it's like 10 the highest yeah I'm not depressed not at all there's a difference between depression and nervousness he has no thought still not worthy of a one out of ten okay Donnie how are you feeling okay good I think so yes that's you've got to commit to an answer bro it's good good okay on a scale from one to ten how to pressure definitely a three point one four one five nine two six five three five eight nine seven nine three two three eight four six two six four three three two seven nine five zero two eight breaks are about to happen you can't wait to break and open I can't wait to break your nose guys debate breaks just happened we both didn't break [Music] what is our strategy for The Amazing Race that's true thank you Carter [Music] ences [Music] what about when we have to take a picture with our team dude take a picture with the entire everybody photos really quick yeah because that's a lot faster yeah he is single he will stay single forever ladies hit this man up at luke.peterson.minecraft player Isaiah I think because our team has so many Browns in it and we're gonna be so fast we should call it the brown streak what is this place [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] just fine Johnny two please enough for courage to go in the elevator of the skeletons again um wow wow Carter come on bro you know we're not supposed to do that uh because of the wildfires in Canada The Amazing Race actually might be called off which I'm really sad about will never be able to avenge our previous time everyone is extremely sad that they can't do the Amazing Race [Music] they're both boys and they're kissing [Music] oh my gosh guys The Amazing Race is not canceled we actually it's happening we do it inside we do the Amazing Race and it's inside we do it inside [Music] oh [Music] stairs why we keep doubling back we need a map [Music] got all that [Music] um I don't know [Music] he shoots he shoots he shoots oh my God he shoots nah he shoots he's gone thirsty boy [Music] win [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you we did it okay guys I think we did it yeah [Music] we're getting ready for the Amazing Race if you guys are gonna win [Music] you ready to win oh I don't want to repeat we're gonna win we're gonna win [Music] um Rock From the City [Music] our first second place team team 47. it's time that's the Browns seven seconds [Music] Brown streak The Front Street one let's go hi everyone you just say Luke you're playing as Yoshi what's your strategy it's just slick and kick the Browns are certified Pro Gamers now they're beating up they're beating up the they're beating up they're beating up another day that looks like [Music] period welcome to getting ready for debate with me step number one [Music] lay in bed and give up guys we gotta we're gonna make a cheer for our speech breaks give me an S give me a p give me an e give me an a a give me a c c give me an S give me an h a speech speech William yo fist bump yo okay I need you to do a full review of that phone I feel like I'm gonna break it and just keep holding it what does it do it Folds is that it I don't Android [Applause] that is so cool [Music] look what we have done what are you guys thoughts going into this round with one facial expression um I want you to explain how you feel about this next debate [Music] he's accessing his memory of Chinese he's going to say something racist I guarantee you definitely gonna say something races someone let that sink in [Music] if you could eat one fruit for the rest of your life what would it be strawberries that's a good answer not with not bananas right I don't like bananas bananas are gross I know you guys don't have context but this we're we're all working together as a group that's the job baby jellyfish the final drawing turned out great so thank you Joelle Claire and Carter F the man of the actual hour except you thought of it now [Music] [Music] wiped out everyone's will to live for example Aubry will to live zero percent Ethan will to live oh God Julia will to live what is that ladies and gentlemen Welcome to the [Music] can you name awesome all seven continents that's literally so easy North America South America Europe Asia Africa [Music] Australia Antarctica and um Colombia Leonardo da Vinci George Washington Leonardo DiCaprio finish the lyrics the only room I don't know living in a lonely world living in a living room people like me no what yes yes from San Diego living in a lonely world living in a lonely world flying squirrel yeah okay when was the United States founded 2020 1776 726 1776. yeah 1776. yeah 1776.

1942 no I haven't taken American history on India Constitution of the United States are the Articles of Confederation okay it was first read publicly in 1776. okay there we go eight million what element does gay represent potassium um phosphorus right potassium yeah Kryptonite potassium nothing to say something down chromium nitrogen the coconut okay yes can you name all ten speeches [Music] after dinner digital impromptu informative yeah how many wait what is the what are your species Emperor uh emperor fun macaroni Madagascar penguins go with the stripes [Music] um Olivia celibos what blend has the tallest mountain yes Mars big Mars that is correct it's probably not earth I'm just gonna be hilarious I'm just gonna say Earth [Music] wait first what I feel some blondes this time what are the air sacs in your lungs called an egg in movies the only word I got those blue eyes of yours tall [Music] balls earthworms lungus airsakis broccoli Carter's not ready to read this one [Music] To Kill a Mockingbird uh Kill Mockingbird the Bible oh Lord of the Rings I would really hope this Lord of the Rings oh lucky all day oh you didn't do on it oh gosh what is it called okay yeah uh donkey friend said Uranus no I did not the sleeping planet plutar attention it's your bottom minus Ukraine George King George's planet yes he was thank you for playing now here are the winners [Music] oh what the dog doing Caleb with a score of nine out of ten has managed to be one of the two people who have won the trivia challenge now as promised we were going to give you five dollars but seeming as two people one um yeah yeah you could you get two dollars no no I'm kidding you actually do win your intended five dollars so thank you for participating you are smart [Music] and then Kylie disappeared before we could give her her five dollars so yeah we are thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] how you guys like the background music thank you how are you liking this background music it is incredible bro and Gordon but the spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him thank you raced upstairs and saw us need and ruined and disaster and in the very middle class bro I'm so glad there's no alligators at Nationals so what are we doing right now we are looking for eagles eagles get free stuff to get free stuff who can't wait to watch [Music] let's go [Music] through your hard work and it is defined as the combinations [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you oh [Music] boy this doesn't even matter what's wrong what [Music] Julia can you translate no [Music] I got it that was weird it's called the rabbit recipe [Music] that's one of the ingredients and ultimately it turns him into this despicable creature who can only cry [Applause] this one's for my one and only true love speech [Music] you're so cool biblical [Music] understand I'm gonna love you [Music] just features [Music] speech is speech is speeches we just speeches speeches speeches speech to speak speeches [Music] a thousand bias judges couldn't keep me first place speaks at the end of the line I'll go over time [Applause] okay what's your secret ingredient water water [Music] it's just your normal voice hi oh my gosh what region are you from it's an 11. it's four words specifically if you want to get really detailed what's been your favorite experience here at this debate tournament so far at this specific one yes I think the Amazing Race I mean you breathe in the Smoke yeah I have stronger lungs than you will ever know I have the opposite of asthma my lungs are too strong if I don't Breathe In Smoke I will die this is not this is not endorsement of vaping or smoking cigarettes don't do that what is it your name is how long have you been in the ncfca and I wrote this is it what event this room are you most excited for but it's past that so what what did you compete in um where are you um how often do Willow womens [Music] ooh I got it okay okay okay [Music] you know that like [Music] Olivia [Music] [Music] thank you owed it to a dying Chihuahua [Music] and with that the 2023 season has come to an end truly a heartbreaking and Bittersweet moment he's coming with us on our flight now we're going to transition seamlessly to the flight ready wait no thank you all so much for watching [Music] thank you [Music] I am so tired I'd like to thank you all so much for watching this video it's been a blast ing it I'm here [Music] thank you foreign

2023-08-12 23:29

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