The Joy Of Touring 03of13 Vietnam

The Joy Of Touring 03of13 Vietnam

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so today joy of touring promises a wealth of  new experiences in this south asian country   bordered by china laos and cambodia this s-shaped   country extends the entire length of  the eastern coast of the continent   at one time when we thought about this country  war was the first image that came to mind its   lengthy struggle for reunification sealed its fate  for decades but today the war is but a bad memory   beaches and tourism were the road to a  new beginning a door to the modern world   joy of touring invites you on the road in vietnam our tour of vietnam will take us from the  north to the south among the places we will   visit hanoi the capital halong bay hoi an and  ho chi minh the largest city in the country   it was a long flight but we have finally landed  in hanoi the capital of vietnam with a population   of 90 million vietnam ranks number 14 on the  list of the world's most populated countries largely vietnamese the khmer cham and hmong also  make up a significant part of the population although vietnamese is considered to  be the country's official language   there are no less than 54 languages and  dialects spoken throughout the country but we will have no trouble getting by in english   as many of the signs posted in  the larger cities include english translations hanoi literally  the city beyond the river   located on the right bank of the red river is  the historical heart of the country even though   it's not the largest of vietnam cities it holds  a special place in the hearts of the vietnamese   ho chi minh declared the country's  official independence here in 1945   and it was the headquarters of the resistance  to the americans during the vietnam war it is thus the best place to begin our journey our first stop is both historical and cultural we  are following in the footsteps of ning sing kong   better known as ho chi minh for the vietnamese ho chi minh which  translates as he who enlightens   is a liberator a source of inspiration  founder of the indochinese communist   party it is he who led the country to its  independence from france after world war ii uncle ho as the vietnamese affectionately referred   to him continues to enjoy much  respect and love from his people dead now for more than 40 years his embalmed body  remains on display in this mausoleum despite his   wishes to be cremated the country wanted to pay  him significant homage and decided otherwise not far away the last place ho chi minh lived is  open to visitors he lived here for a few years   before his death in 1969. it's a very modest house  located in a magnificent park overlooking a lake   for a man of his importance one might  have expected an enormous palace yet here everything says honesty and simplicity  even his desk is completely without pretension ho chi minh the father of modern  vietnam is admired for his determination for him the liberation of south vietnam was just  as important as the building of socialism in   the north in 1965 while the united states were  invading north vietnam ho chi minh not only led   the vietnamese revolution but he was also the  hero in all the national liberation movements after seeing ho chi minh's house  it's time for us to check in   at our own residence in the capital while in  hanoi we'll be staying at the mong tan hotel this charming four-star hotel is at the  center of one of the city's most lively   areas so we're definitely in the right place if  we want to check out the local nightlife scene the rooms are spacious and beautiful everything  is set for our stay in the vietnamese capital   at the beginning of this day we're already  well on our way with our vietnamese itinerary we'll be visiting one of the best known  places in the world the magnificent halong bay   halong bay is in the gulf of tonkin right on  the border of china and vietnam from hanoi   we'll drive about 150 kilometers by coach on  the roads our driver exhibits olympian calm   surrounded by hundreds of scooters and  motorcycles that keep zigzagging to get   ahead he seems perfectly at ease with a  situation that seems to be ruled more by   instincts than by the signs  or the lines of the road   all in all we feel safe and with our noses  stuck to the windows we look on fascinated after a few hours on the road we can finally  see the emerging seascape of halong bay we are all really excited about sailing this  famous bay all the more so because we'll be   spending the night here on the pier a small  shuttle waits to bring us to our junk hotel   a junk is a sailboat in the far east  here it is both for transportation   and serves as a tourist residence it  is by far the nicest way to enjoy the   unique experience of sleeping  right in the middle of the bay halong bay is an extraordinary natural heritage   being able to spend the night  here is a real dream come true   and our rooms on board are  very comfortable as well   halong bay stretches into the waters  of the gulf of tonkin and covers an   area of just over 1 500 square kilometers it's  equivalent to sao paulo brazil's largest city   the bay consists of exactly 1969 islands and  islets only half of which have been named according to local legend halong bay meaning  descending dragon was forged by a mother dragon   and her children who were sent by the gods to help  the viet people fight the enemy during the battle   the dragons spit out pearls which then became the  thousands of stone islands emerging from the sea we are not alone in this spectacular  setting several other junks that   like us have decided to take advantage  of this beautiful landscape float nearby the many islands are also peppered with  caves among the best known and most visited   the sunset the cave of surprises  definitely worth the trip   our shuttle brings us to the mouth of the enormous  cavity that has been carved into the stone french sailors gave the grotto  its nickname of cave of surprises   with its surprising 30 meter high ceilings the  largest cave in the bay certainly bears its   name it's so beautiful it's easy to see why  the cave is on unesco's world heritage list this site has been adapted to accommodate the  thousands of visitors that come from all over the   world a suitable dock for disembarking stairs a  nice terrace everything has been well thought out   a light show that suits this natural setting makes  this an absolutely amazing and breathtaking tour after exhausting halong bay we get back on board   our shuttle to meet up again with the  junk where we'll be spending the night tonight we will dine on a delicious seafood meal accompanied by an equally delicious sunset   waking up this morning the scene is magical  we're still in the middle of halong bay   surrounded by hundreds of rocky outcrops   looking at the other boats around us we  can imagine what it might have been like   to sail in the time of pirates in fact the  islands long served as a haven for bandits   it's easy enough to lose oneself  in this mountainous labyrinth given   that the place is full of caves and hidden spots before heading back out on the road  we'll have a last look at some of the   places where pirates may very well  have hidden from the authorities   this time we'll travel the old-fashioned  way no motors just good old paddling   since we're guests all we have to do is sit  back and enjoy being steered by an expert   the bay's shallow waters make it  impossible for motor boats to approach the caves are fascinating we can  cross right through the mountain   from underneath just as easily if we  were going through a man-made tunnel even though historically shady sailors were long  time responsible for running things in the area   there's no trace of their passage left  today except for these hiding places   where our imagination often  runs wilder than historical fact   it's time to say goodbye to our  rocky paradise in halong bay and   to continue our journey along the roads of vietnam leaving our floating hotel we  make a first stop in halong city   just on the edge of the bay of the same name   this area is well known for its pearl farms along  pearls are considered to be the most perfect by   jewelry standards a specific grafting technique  makes these remarkable pearls the envy of many   among those who proudly wear halong pearls  are the queen of england elizabeth ii   and the american politician condoleezza rice   before going into the store we get a  quick presentation about the industry   and more importantly how to avoid getting  swindled by unscrupulous merchants once we have the theory down we're ready for a   shopping spree where all of our  dreams are possible well almost back aboard our coach we're headed to  our next stopover the city of nin bin nin bin is located in the south of the country  a little less than 200 kilometers from the bay   once in the city we head straight for  the legend a four-star hotel located   just steps away from many of the  most interesting parts of the city but our first tour of the area will not be on  foot instead we'll travel on one of vietnam's   most typical forms of transport oxwagon in this land of rice fields and farmers oxen  have always been used as a means of transport   and as an agricultural tool in the south of the  country oxen races are held every year drawing   thousands of spectators from all over vietnam  we won't be racing today however our trip will   consist of a short visit to the area to gaze  at the scenery surrounding the city of nin bin back at the hotel it's time for  cocktails by the fabulous pool with a glass in hand we are already reviewing our   trip even though we still have much  to do and see we're extremely happy   with our journey so far tomorrow we'll  continue to explore the ninbin region the sky looks a little iffy this  morning but the gray clouds seem   to want to disappear as the sun  struggles to make its appearance this is the perfect time to  stay close to our hotel and   watch the vietnamese in their daily lives to better blend in with the landscape  a bicycle is a good way to roam the   streets and alleyways of the area just look  around there aren't many cars to be seen   the sun won it's time to resume  our tour and get back on the road our next stop is a small village  located very close to nin bin   will visit the bishdong  pagoda nicknamed pearl cave at first glance we can see a monument in the  slope of the mountain a remarkably natural sight   a small lake mountains and large trees seem  to protect the pagoda from the outside world   after meeting a fishing family and crossing  a small stone bridge the site opens up pagoda cave and mountain blend  harmoniously with the landscape   lending bishdong a unique  air of meditation and mystery when at the beginning of the 18th century   two buddhist priests traveled across  the country to spread their religion   they passed bishodon and built three  pagodas on three different levels of the mountain to get to the other levels   you must climb many stairs the higher  you go the more you can see the temple   on the three levels of the mountain the pagodas  are as breathtaking as the view that they offer with its century-old pagodas majestic trees  and towering mountain marked by mystery   the pearl cave site is gorgeous after climbing to the very top we'll  continue to explore the area on lower ground after cycling the ox wagon and the junk will now   explore our surroundings  aboard a small fishing boat we are in the valley of tongnang not far  from where we have just been at bishdon   there is nothing very touristy here no hotels no  souvenir shops not even any restaurants truthfully   there are only a few fishermen and women here  and there and that is exactly what has attracted   us this large flooded area surrounded by rice  fields is for the time being almost completely   untouched and intact we go off for a few hours of  silent discovery and observation of the natural countryside it's a moment of pure  bliss the ride is done in tandem   one person pushes the pole with another rowing   all around us larger than life  landscapes are linked together   broken up only when we go through a tunnel   with almost no natural light and only our  camera flashes to guide us through the dark   we are aware of just how small we are in  relation to the nature that surrounds us   it's when we start seeing a few houses here  and there that we reconnect with civilization   this boat excursion was extremely relaxing  a true zen oasis on our joyful tour   once back on the bus reality catches up with us  we travel through a charming little village where   the bustle of daily life is in stark contrast  to the tranquil landscapes we have just left far from the buzz of the big cities but  still light years away from the countryside   we find ourselves on route to another temple  the sino-vietnamese cathedral of fat diem   this large catholic church was built  towards the end of the 19th century   overlooking a lake the church is  held up by 48 huge wooden columns behind the cathedral the bell rings for the  village announcing celebrations and other   important events that are taking place in order  to hoist the bell into the bell tower a large   dirt ramp had to be built once the construction  was finished the earth was spread out all around   the cathedral raising at approximately one meter  and thus protecting it from any possible flooding inside the cathedral the altar carved from  a single block of granite is ornamented with   many gold leaves and representations  of the different catholic saints   the effect is nothing short of outstanding we leave the fat diem cathedral to have lunch  at a small shrine of vietnamese gastronomy   for here food is almost on par with religion  even though methods and ingredients may vary   from region to region vietnamese cooking is  very strict the rules are well established to   better understand the subtlety of the meal we're  about to eat a short explanation is necessary damian after our friendly and succulent meal  we continue our journey towards the   hotel where we'll spend the night along the  way we make a quick stop at a local market   to say that we are completely disoriented  is an understatement the market bears no   resemblance to our supermarkets or corner  grocery stores back home fish are laid out on   the ground vegetables and herbs are heaped  in piles and the seafood roams semi-free even though sushi's japanese  we can see how popular it also   is with the vietnamese as seen in this window we finish our day at the hotel montan part of  the same chain of hotels where we spent our   first night in hanoi this four-star hotel is  a welcome blessing at the end of our busy day   after all our outdoor activities and forages  into the countryside a little luxury and   comfort feels very nice here we are well rested  and ready for another exciting day in vietnam   today we'll continue south to ho chi minh  city where we'll spend the day in the donghoy   area to see the caverns that  are over 400 million years old the fong na ke bang national park was  officially created in early 2000's what   is distinctive about this park is that we come  here to see what is not immediately noticeable the park is actually a large network of underwater  rivers and caverns estimated to cover an area of   more than 100 kilometers to date scientists  have barely cataloged a quarter of the area   in just a few years this beautiful park has  become a major player in world tourism the   renowned national times recently placed it on its  prestigious annual list of must-see destinations   it goes without saying that such a distinction has  led to a large flow of visitors the hospitality   and guided tours are however very well organized  and the locals are grateful for the financial boom more than a thousand vietnamese found jobs  thanks to the park like these boat operators   and these boats that bring us into the  caverns after a short ride the sounds   of our motors are replaced with the sounds of  waves laughing as we enter one of the park's caverns our guide removes the canvas cover that was  protecting us from the sun so we can better   see our surroundings we are in the largest  known cave in the country depending on our   location the ceiling can be anywhere from 10 to  40 meters high the stalactites and stalagmites   are very impressive and the different colored  lights lend to a certain magnitude to the space   but what is more fascinating are the stories  that our guy tells us as we drift along the charm people one of vietnam's ethnic groups  held buddhist shrines in the recesses of the cave   in the last century the caves were also used  as a hospital and armory during the vietnam war   reminders of the americans bombing still scar  the entrance to the cave we are captivated by   this tour immersed in the majestic setting of the  caves and the images that emerge from the stories   being told the silence gives way to the roar of  the engine a sound that brings us back to reality   it's time to get back on the road to  discover yet another vietnamese wonder   this time the treasure's not made of stone or wood   we find ourselves at the door of an  orphanage where dozens of little gems ask   only to be noticed our guide wants to bring  our attention to a very important cause one   that's not featured on traditional tourist  circuits sos children's village donghoy is a   center that houses approximately 200 of the  country's orphans in operation for almost   12 years now the children's development and  well-being are at the center's main objective   if the children aren't adopted they'll live  here until they are of age to find work it's impossible to be unmoved by  all these little eyes watching us   and it's clear to all that we are merely  visiting and not potential adoptive parents we can however adopt the cause make a donation   give them some love and encourage them with  our best smile we are grateful for having   had the chance to see a place full of happy  children and that in itself is no small victory   leaving the orphanage we  head to our hotel in donghuo the sun spa resort is a little slice of  paradise on the edge of the south china sea a memorable evening as promised at this four-star   palace with its luxurious  lobby and dream-like pool after a wonderful night spent  by the sea we are back on the   road to continue our all-inclusive tour of vietnam continuing our descent towards the  south our route will take us among   others to the cities of huay and  vinmuk after a hundred kilometers   along the south china sea we arrive at  our first destination the city of vinmuk to fully grasp the significance of the day  we're about to experience we have to make a   short trip back in time and understand some  of the stakes involved in the vietnam war   briefly the war featured two distinct sides north  vietnam which was supported by the eastern bloc   and the vietcong and south vietnam whose allies  included united states south korea and thailand   it was following the first indochina war  that the country was divided into two   diametrically opposing parts  the north and the south   it was this difference in ideologies  that thrust the country into such   terrible conflict here in vinmuk american  bombs almost entirely decimated the city in order to survive the  inhabitants went underground   almost 40 families totaling 300 people  piled in down here the heat down here is overbearing   each family had only a four meter square space  to themselves the equivalent of a small bathroom   each small room was linked to the others by  a series of tunnels that led to common areas   there was even a nursery history records  that 17 children were born down here   in all this underground city sheltered  its inhabitants for nearly six years   hard to imagine after only a few  minutes we are already feeling signs of claustrophobia once we emerge we head for another  symbolically important place during the war   the hyena luang bridge on the 17th parallel it was here following the geneva accords of 1954  that the country was separated into two distinct   parties the democratic republic of vietnam in the  north and the republic of vietnam in the south the   bridge crosses the benhair river where the bridge  spans the water the river is only 170 metres wide   in accordance with the geneva accord this was  the official partition between the two vietnams thus during the entire conflict each side  possessed 89 meters of the bridge each half   serving as a border but the americans bombed and  completely destroyed the bridge during the war   however it was restored in early 2000   on the south shore a monument was erected  in memory of the national reunification we leave this sad page in the history of  the country to get back on board our coach   we have another 100 kilometers to go  to get to hue and its majestic imperial city at first glance there is  a distinct feeling of deja vu   something is indeed familiar about this place hawaii's imperial city was built according to  the plans of peking's imperial city even though   the architecture and size are different the  resemblance is striking built on the banks of   the perfume river the citadel is surrounded by  a wide moat on a nearly 10 kilometer perimeter   to get inside the citadel we cross through a dozen  fortified gates each equipped with its own bridge once inside we find two distinct areas the  imperial city and the purple forbidden city   the purple forbidden city was exclusively  reserved for the emperor and his family   unfortunately the citadel was bombed  and significantly damaged during the war   despite this all the buildings have remained  fairly well preserved declared a world heritage   site by unesco in 1993 the citatel's  wealth and grandeur are on full display   inside an imperial museum exhibits a part of  the emperor's wardrobe the city of hawaii we   abandon our coach for a highly effective mode of  transport the rickshaw it's a tricycle intended   to transport people or merchandise over time  it has become a taxi and a tourist favorite so this shall be our limousine to our next  accommodations the chic hotel residence in hue since the beginning of our journey  all of our hotels have been fabulous   and the residence is no exception we  are in an enchanting boutique hotel   once we have dropped off our luggage we  leave right away to end our day in style tonight we have been invited to an imperial supper we head to the green hotel for the evening once  there the evening's organizers take over our party tonight's meal is sure to be memorable  after a short explanation we are taken   to a room to put on our ceremonial outfits  our imperial supper will be authentic and   we will dine with the emperor and his wife  who are in fact two members of our group the rest of us will make up the emperor's  royal court we are his loyal subjects   after doning our silk costumes we are ready  for a short procession to lead us to the dining   room where our sumptuous meal will be served  accompanied by pages and musicians it is to   a backdrop of traditional music that we make our  way across the grand hall to the dining room it is   both magical and festive we take this opportunity  to immortalize our evening with a royal photo we are very surprised in the dining room the  emperor and his wife hold the place of honor   the tone is set this evening we  celebrate tradition and decorum   after the meal we're entitled to a musical  performance featuring vietnamese dance so we have come to the final leg of our journey  in vietnam and we have a very big day ahead of us we are on the road direction hoi on  approximately 125 kilometers away   afterwards it will be by air that we travel to ho  chi minh city at the very south end of the country   our first stop this morning is just  outside of hoi on we are expected   at hoi on eco tours to go fishing  with the local fishing population   hoyan is surrounded by a magnificent river teeming  with fish that empties into the south china sea   here many of the inhabitants  live off of fishing and tourism   it is with them that we will  spend part of our mourning to get to the boat that will  bring us out to the fishermen   we'll use small traditional boats they  are small basket boats called tung chai   the fishermen love the tung chais  because they are easy to use   they are spacious easily transported and stored  and best of all they can easily birth on land   in short there are many advantages to this little  boat as well as being a very fun way to get around one two so off we go in tong-chai to join our  expert fishermen once they show us how to fish   we're invited on board with them along the way  our guide explains what we are to expect on our   expedition once on site we'll once again change  boats and get to work catching fish but we won't   be fishing with poles today we'll be capturing our  prey with nets our expert fisherman shows us how   it's done once the net is folded properly we must  make a half turn and toss the net high up in the   air so that it will fall unfolding properly  once it's in the water we draw it back out   seems easy enough but it requires quite a bit  of coordination to get the net to unfurl just so   even though the results are mixed and we are far   from a miraculous hall we are  still very proud of our catch on the way back our guide demonstrates some of   their skills before launching  into a race back to the beach back on land we continue chatting  with our fisherman friends before leaving we draw an enormous net  from the water using an ingenious system it is with much feeling that we say goodbye  to this friendly region of the country   before heading to the airport to catch a  plane to ho chi minh city formerly saigon   in the biggest city in the country we'll  spend our last night on a cruise ship   we're invited to a private reception  where we will once more clink glasses   and toast the roads the cities  and the inhabitants of vietnam   from north to south from east to west vietnam  is open and welcomes visitors to share in its   endless treasures although the war has left some  deep scars the vietnamese have moved forward and   show the world a unified country whose fabulous  landscape phenomenal cuisine and beautiful people   have overcome the memories of the atrocities of  the war vietnam is now more than ever an easily   accessible destination with all the ingredients  needed to make this the trip of your dreams you

2021-06-20 23:51

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