The Hustle is Real in Marrakech, Morocco

The Hustle is Real in Marrakech, Morocco

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bro how are you brother you have a jersey my size  yes how how much are they how much is something   like that too big too big how much is one like  this 250 2 oh bro that's expensive man good price   250 good price I don't know I don't really need  um I don't really need some socks right now but   let me see what I can give her here you know  what I'll leave you those and here this is for   you okay thank you if I purchase 20 cards can you  leave them at a better price I make you 20 and 180   what's up everybody Welcome to a brand new country  I'm actually back in Morocco I flew here from Rome   yesterday and man I'm so excited to be back here  it's actually been a year and a half since my last   visit to Morocco but Morocco is a very special  country for me because this is where my whole   Channel completely changed you guys have heard the  stories um I explained it on previous videos but   it's my very first video that's gave me a lot of  momentum that changed my channel was filmed here   in Morocco in the city of Fez actually however  last time I was here I filmed a great Series   in madesh and that's actually where I am right now  in madesh Morocco and I figured why not let's walk   around enjoy The Vibes we're going to take it real  easy I'm going to show you guys the little area   I'm hanging out in for the next week and of course  um later on this week we'll be diving on into the   Medina and all the historical parts of the city  now right now I am with with Gladis hello guys how   are you how are you doing are you excited to be  back here sorry I am very excited because Morocco   well it's such a beautiful country we already  went to mares hean um Fez Fez aad but that was on   2022 so right now I'm ready to explore again the  city and mares for me it's Heaven because there's   coffee chops every yeah there are there are coffee  shops everywhere there's a shopping mall right   down the streets we actually noticed um well last  time we were here we spent our entire time inside   of the Medina like our Airbnb was inside of the  Medina and to be honest we thought like that was   all of mares and to be honest the Medina is one of  those places that it's very special it's beautiful   but it can be hard for tourists I mean there are  a lot of scammers unfortunately a lot of touts   a lot of people that take advantage of you just  like as just like the are many incredible people   you run into a lot of scammers and touts however  here in the local side once you get outside of the   Medina you don't run into none of that because no  one here cares about the tourist dollars this is   where all the locals are spending their dayto day  all right let's cross the street over this way but   yeah I'm going to walk around maybe we'll interact  with a couple vendors on the streets but more   importantly I'm going show you guys The Vibes of  maresh right now in 2024 now right now the streets   are very active let me give you guys a time  check it is actually 7:30 in the afternoon in the   evening we arrived here um yesterday morning and  I haven't actually walked around or done anything   because my stomach is actually um quite bad it's  getting better but um yeah I've been pretty much   tied to my bathroom the last like 72 hours no more  details no more details glus doesn't understand   about caffeine yeah these I need to know and I  also just recently found so I I was telling you   guys that I was feeling very ill in Cambodia right  well I actually just found out that I'm actually   allergic to caffeine um I can't be drinking  caffeine anything caffeinated I got to stay away   from That's why every time I consume coffee I get  extremely sick so here in Morocco unfortunately I   know it's disrespectful but I got to start saying  no to the tea tea gets me incredibly sick as well   and we've actually tried it right in Algeria I had  a cup of tea yeah man instantly felt extremely bad   like had to man basically go home I couldn't do  anything afterwards so um I think your body just   changes as you get older and I can no longer  handle anything caffeinated which sucks yeah   so no more coffees with me neither every time we  go to a coffee chop he drinks water yeah I drink   coffee by myself but yeah here on the streets  there are man a lot going on in this area that   we're on we're actually near the train station I  don't know which which direction the train station   is I think it's straight down and to the right but  we're in a very Centric location they sell a lot   of tourist here in this neighborhood there's also  a lot of like um shops there's a big mall here on   the corner that we actually explored earlier today  they have like a an H&M what else did they have in   there a lot of the big stores stores yeah the  body shop there's a right down the streets yes   bario McDonald's McDonald's Burger King store  yeah they got everything you know what this is   actually something I need to grab for the members  let's actually grab some right now some postcards   I'm going to be sending out postcards to all  the level three members now unfortunately I was   doing level ones and twos but guys the Channel's  been growing um you know it cost a lot of money   to actually purchase the cards and send them out  so from now on I unfortunately have to do level   three but if you become a level three member I  will send you a postcard from Morocco wow look   at this one this one's incredible now right now I  think I actually need to purchase like 15 of these   so let's see if we can get a good deal hello sir  I have a question um if I purchase 20 cards do I   get a a better price for 20 oh I got to enter okay  all right well let's actually um pick up a few and   and then we'll see what happens wow this one's  nice huh beautiful I like that one wow look at   this one a lady pouring tea wow those are gorgeous  you know what I'm going to give a couple more of these hello I have a question if I purchase 20  cards can you leave them at a better price I make   you 20 and0 dhams 20 and 180 Dirhams yeah okay  that saves me the price is 200 200 okay all right   let's do it let's do it we'll do it yeah okay wow  these are so beautiful um 1 two 3 4 look at this   one wow that one's beautiful as well okay which  other one should I get this is um J Jamal how   do you say it Jam Jam Jamal beautiful and I got  a question um what is the name what is the name   of this pot this is a CH tradition a whis Berber  whiskey yes but what's no only tea tea but it's   Berber whiskey that's what they call it right I  I don't speak English small but what is the name   in French the the pots this is Chipper tea yeah I  have one in oh you have one for sale yeah are they   expensive not expensive how much is a cha you like  for decoration or you like for tea no for like you   know decoration for decoration have 100 Dam we  have uh 150 oh there's some for 150 okay have in   100 okay let me come look let me come look let me  let me buy these ones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 you know what   guys I think I'm actually going to buy let's  do 10 here and then we'll do 10 somewhere else   because to be honest I think I can get a I think  I can get a better price let's do this one is that 10 okay that's 10 all right we'll take  those and let's go see what kind of uh   teapot she has because she seems  like a lovely lady okay um I got   10 um but I want to go see your pots  chippers chippers chippers thank you wow these shops are so beautiful the problem  is is when you come to Morocco everything is   so beautiful and because there's a lot of  tourists here there's a lot of souvenirs   for your jewelry oh that is beautiful that's so  beautiful hello how's it going okay they came   all the way down here wow this shop is huge  separate notp oh everybody's different shop owner if you want like for decoration um to be  honest I want something cheap and for decoration   for you like not not to use not to use you know  okay how much is something like that one cost   120 120 oh that's beautiful let me see it oh man  that's gorgeous so you can't you can't use this   one this is just decoration yeah yeah just  decoration you can't see okay look inside oh   yeah paint okay and those ones you can actually  use uh yes just one you can use and what's the   price of that one this one this for the size  cost 120 but little bit bigger more price huh   180 180 for that one like this one cost 300 but  it's not same quality yeah a lot of detail yeah   what's the what's it made out of aluminum no  metal metal metal yeah okay take this oh big   difference wow this one is will last a very long  time huh YouTuber yes yes yes no you've watched me   no no but maybe yeah maybe maybe I love  showing Morocco man it's my one of my   favorite countries okay you know what brother  um I think I'll take this one but I think I   like the to be honest I think I like um no  this one's beautiful I'll take this one okay   yeah I'll take that one please oh wow those  are beautiful yeah those lamps are gorgeous   the problem is is everything in Morocco is so  beautiful guys oh you can plug it in for us oh wow that is beautiful man that's gorgeous  how much is something like that 300 300 but yeah   that's beautiful okay you know what I'll just  take the pots today and I'll take these cards okay thank you so much you guys are so nice thank  you and this is this for the P yeah you can put it   you can put it t this is for hot for the kitchen  yeah oh okay how much is something like that 50   dams 50 Dirham okay no problem well what kind of  package we get the pots the cards and one of those   you know this is different shop this the card  not for me it's oh it's from another shop you can   be another people you you buy something but you  know this is writing price 10s anywhere anywhere   yeah anywhere 10 okay okay um well how about so  you said this one 120 yes okay for this one and   that's how much 17 170 one you in Morocco you  bargain you go in the 170 all right 170 I give   you know what amazing Vibes all right I give  you 170 um which one do you like wow this one's   beautiful let's check with the pot oh yeah which  one goes good with the pots is the pot like for to   make tea or not no this one's decoration okay yeah  that's the one to make tea so those ones matter oh   man that's beautiful I think that that looks great  wow that looks good too what do you say it's hard   hard decisions to be made the green is beautiful  too wow wow that is nice yeah you're dude this man   knows okay you know can you help me with this  camera real quick lce okay 170 bro thank you sold Magic Box do you have magic box can I see   yes wow there's a magic box in Morocco  you guys you guys have everything I love it you guys are funny thank you first time  was in Sri Lanka let me see oh no oh I   get I open I get it for free no I give you  something free if you can't open okay okay   oh my God I I only can open the magic box from  Brazil guys but from Morocco okay thank you so   much brother thank you wow I've never seen one  of those before a magic box okay so I mean it   makes sense the magic box is supposed to be hard  for you to open but let's be honest if you stick   something valuable in there I'm just going to  take the whole box and just oh wait wait wait   wait wait I don't I don't want to open just  I want to go I give you the I have now where   is the what what he just whooped out a key  show me the key I think people missed that   look at the small key this is like it's a puz  magician the key goes here where does the key go this one it's very hard here only the  key just the key here I show you this is   and this one 2 three four five this is yeah  that is cool wow this is S Wood this is all   this is hand can I smell yes M it's dude  I want that box I love my boxes this is   the box here the key here we have this  one we have another one you you can take   it camera you you take it okay yeah open  this video video let me try open no this here yo it's a snake all right that got  me yeah that got me look the color is   Chang yeah you got me I'm sorry how much  is this one okay which wait wait they show   you another one open these oh my God I don't  want to open nothing no more take my time she said okay yo I'm smarter than a box I'm promise  you I'm going to figure this one out magic boxes   are these are crazy I love these I've never seen  these before really in sh Lanka they also have   magic boxes really yeah and in Brazil as well  I love this gift shop I feel like this was the   right way to come into a video man they're so  nice yeah they are so nice the right Vibes too   you know some people complain about the camera  guys like being a YouTuber you got to take it   Advantage when people are super kind man  you know we live in a world where people   don't understand that when they come out in a  video you guys always come and support their   business it's awesome okay but yeah I guess  I'm not smarter than this box this box is a   yeah there's like no details that show where it  could open but dude this is sick oh you open no   not even close I show you I show you yeah  please yeah this is like this not difficult   open I can open I can open this is like the  box from Brazil let me see yes this is like   wait wait wait wait wait wa no no not nuts no  like here in the corner yeah and we have this one oh that's incredible that's beautiful  thank you okay well um how much is this   one here I really like the first one  with the key this one I make you this   one normal the price is 250 I make you 200  last okay well you know what let me get the   teapot in the pad today and I come back  for that you got my word I want that okay   um here let me pay you for the pots okay  I give you uh 30am yes thank you yeah 30 dham yo that was awesome I'm coming back  for that box that is super cool that one   is nice man so many cute items okay  so I believe this is our bag here and   um I'm going to take the postcards  do I have 20 I do not I have a 50   I don't have 20 I'm sorry we just arrived okay  put it here you come for this is the oh okay   is the post post that's the postcard boss I will  come back and visit you for the secret box okay hello oh here's the change thank you so much   brother thank you I'll see you again  okay thank you all right so we got the change hello bro he doesn't want this is okay  he doesn't want to be on camera huh he does   like any camera I don't know why I don't know  why he doesn't want to be on camera okay well   you know what here um can you help me glattus  so I'm going to purchase a few more um yeah   let me I have many videos from Morocco you'll  love them I've been I've been here many times like it's me right there man 46 yeah it's fine  thank you bro thank you man Havey good day all   right so you know what guys um I'm actually  you know what he doesn't want to be on camera   which is completely understandable but I'm  only going to take five right now because   I don't have much cash on me I came here um  with the attention on you know just making   a video on not spending money but trust me  um I'll be buying a lot more postcards in   the videos for all of the members but  yeah um these ones here are incredible   look they look awesome so beautiful okay  so you know what let me put these ones back where they go right here  and I'm going to purchase these five here bro um I took five cards I put five  back because my friend didn't like the camera   see you see you soon all right all right guys  well I love supporting the businesses but man   they were good vibes so uh that's the right way  to kick off any tour but yeah now seriously I   have about I think 150 left I have a 20 and 100  left so maybe we'll do a couple more purchases   but man that was beautiful huh nice little  teapots beautiful and the little the magic   boxes I love them they're a aome like I want  to have a with a collection of magic boxes from   all around the world what if you forget how to  open them no I can make instructions in a w and   PR and have it in my J Wow look the they're  selling sunglasses and football jerseys here   on the street hello brother what's up bro how  are you brother you have a jersey my size yes   yes how how much are they good price okay good  price that's what I like to hear price all right   oh hakeim too huh z z hakeim okay good brother  let's see what kind of good price we're talking about double extra large double extra large  okay very good very good double extra large   okay how much is something like that too big  too big how much is one like this 250 to oh   bro that's expensive man good price 250 good  price I give you this good good bro you sell   you sell glasses man you're supposed  to help me and then I help you after   friends yeah I know friends friends Moroccan  Brothers Moroccan Brothers okay I do 120 bro bro not my first time in Morocco  no problem2 no no no not 220 um good   price 130 130 bro okay brother 200 200  no I can't do 200 bro I can't do 200 I   no problem I know I know 150 no problem come on bro you charge man he's smart 400  short 400 come on brother brother   15050 brother can I help you good  price 200 no problem man I don't okay okay 160 good price 200 good price  brother you sure 200 is a good price 200   a good price okay let me try it let me try  it let me try take it out let me try it on   let me try hold on hold on you guys work  together here let me try let me try let   me make sure it fits me too much Taj  yeah oh very good very good let's try H name no hakeim bro yeah very good Hakim is  the best huh who's better H or who's better very good you know what I give you 200 you're a  good man okay you made made me laugh okay   no no mad no Madam no no b no money  for the honey no b no no no tomorrow   she tomorrow she go buy a nice inshah  brother thank you brother I baby baby   inshah brother inah look look look brother  that's your brother bro flexible flexible   yes this good this CST no no plastic oo  this is nice I can see the future oh man   nice those are lovely bro good okay what is a good  price price 300 no 300 look even he was like crazy man today same price same price no it's okay  bro these are $1 man how much those are 10   you know it's true thank you bro thank  you thank you thank you man thank you   guys to be honest thank you man it's okay excuse  me brother 150 no problem no no no no it's okay   thank you brother I appreciate you I got the  Jersey okay okay no problem thank you bro hey   to be honest guys I already got I got overworked  with the Jersey but he was a good vibes and you   know I respect it I respect it it's okay you know  what I mean 200 he was like yo I charge you more   cuz you're filming yeah that's respect bro you  got that's cool I appreciate that they it's the   guys I make money with the videos I don't mind I  tip people all the time to be honest I was going   to work it down and give them the tip but hey  we we spent a little bit too much time there to   just walk away like very nice guy but they're  all on the grind man everybody gots to eat all   right so and to be honest it looks beautiful look  it looks velvet here yeah it's embroidery yeah I   I like it it's nice and you know what I'm going  to take advantage of this and I'm going to I'm   not changing my shirt this whole week I'm wearing  this every single video every video tomorrow you   will see me in the Medina with this same shirt  all right but yeah right now um the area that   we're walking in there's this big mall here this  is where they have the H&M the cellow store I   never heard of this store before but yeah they got  the H&M over here and then along the streets here   you have like we I've noticed that there was a lot  of cell phone companies there was an orange shop   where you can buy a SIM card bunch of cafes yeah  it's nice man I like it I like you know I don't   know something about the Moroccan Jersey I think  it looks good on me to be honest like every time I   come to Morocco I buy one the colors fits you they  do they fit me well well I'm a handsome guy man   everything fits me well wow excuse me I'm joking  but you know confidence is key but yeah guys here   on this Boulevard there's all kinds of shops man  it's really nice to be back here and to be honest   it's nice being outside of the Medina it's nice  being able to walk around and not have anybody   follow you notice that no one approached us I  approached everybody and that's nice about this   area isn't it last time we were staying in a Riyad  in the Medina and every time we left the house it   was like hello my friend senorita and literally  from the alley that we were living in like   that was happening huh yeah it's a area for the  hustle yeah the hustle doesn't stop in the Medina   but we're still going to spend plenty of time  there however I'm glad that we're staying   elsewhere this trip oh wow there's a Starbucks  here I think I missed that earlier I did not   see that a Starbucks cafe man and that looks  gorgeous too it looks like a beautiful location   and actually right here on that second floor is  the RIS in blue that hotel looks awesome maybe we   should have stayed there but to be honest we're  in an Airbnb right now that's like I think $60 a   night and to be honest it has a kitchen has washer  dryer no no dryer washer um full kitchen nice bed   decent internet and it's 60 bucks a night so yeah  it's not awful but um these hotels definitely look   nice wow there's a lot of movement out here and a  lot of massage spots I see massages everywhere wow   hamam look with lights and everything yeah you got  to do a hamam I have to yes last time I think last   time you did one right yeah you did yeah I did  two ham in chfa when I try a a public hamam and   a hamam in a luxury fancy hotel I want to try the  public H oh my God you have you have to do both   because they're different experiences and both are  lovely like I love hamam I think it's great for   your physical body but also for your for your mind  for your mind for your spirit like you come out of   the ham renovat who look at this guy culture  damn I just cut glattus off but that dude was   flying yeah but you love the culture right it's  beautiful I love the culture about hamama and can   you guys please let me know um there's a lot of  information that glattus and I have read but I'm   pretty sure um maybe hamam is just different for  every household what do you guys go to hamam for   like what is your um reason behind going to the  hamam oh wow what is this lady sing hello how much okay wow these are nice nice socks you know what  to be honest oh well she has Nike socks all kinds   of socks to be honest I don't know I don't really  need um I don't really need some socks right now   but let me see what I can give her here you know  what I'll leave you those and here this is for you   okay thank you bye bye Shan a she was blowing  me kisses such a sweet lady to be honest man I   wish I had a little bit more but man we weren't  expecting to spend money on this trip like right   now at least like this video wasn't supposed to  do this and look there's all kinds of shopping   to be had oh no but to be honest yeah I can't  um keep splurging right now or else glattus we   won't even make it to like the actual shopping  videos like right now I got to take it a little   bit easy the sunglasses looks cool like everything  looks cool I it's a time for the sellers to be out   because the weather's fresh yeah earlier today it  was like 32 and it was brutal 32 33° yeah very it   was very hot but yeah look all the sellers are  out right now you know what maybe later on this   week guys we'll come out here and just go crazy  dud I I plan on making a lot of shopping videos   here in Morocco I'm going to blow a lot of money  here and that's because well you guys know the   engagement um when you're bargaining here in  Morocco it's just awesome right like there's   not that many places in the world where people  go crazy like that the place where just started   so you always feel like you give it back yeah I  got to give back I got to give back and you know   um even if I get overcharged for items and stuff  guys it's all fun in games it's fun I do it um   to support obviously the locals but of course to  entertain you guys so please like if you see that   someone overcharges me things like that don't  go to their business and get angry or get upset   um thank you bro not today thank you you don't  don't go out there and get upset and do those   and like cause problems because last time I was  here I got messages from a few of you guys like   I'm going to go to his shop on Monday and let  them know how I truly feel and it's like guys   this is all fun in games all right don't go  out and do those things because um obviously   you know they're charging me a different price  because I'm walking up to them with the camera   like all with all due respect like if I was a  seller I would do the same thing yeah so and to   be honest glce and I we really respect that to  be Fair because they at least know like it it   feels disrespectful when you walk into a place and  then they kick you out and don't even want to talk   to you like that makes you feel wrong like I'd  Rather somebody charge me more and be honest and   be like well bro it would be $50 it would be 50  DM cheaper but you're filming me and then that's respectable man the carriage rides  I forgot about those that's super   popular here as well huh yeah  they're on on the entrance toal   no yeah right in the front but in front of the  mosque yeah exactly yeah man it's active out   here right now earlier today it wasn't like  this look there's even a a man on a on a bike   over there like one of those statue guys I wish  I had more change now I have do you yeah oh I   got I got five GE 10 oh that's a 10 I'm sorry  yo let's go tip this guy and see what happens oh okay so he moves let's see what happens  hey dude that's sick oh look   he has an Instagram right here too  look Jumanji 77 man what a sick gig huh dude that's unbelievable I  can't sit still for two seconds to be honest glce I think that's the first  uh that's the first statue or statue guy   that I have seen gold they're usually  silver I feel like yeah right in Mexico   City there's a lot of them but they're  usually silver aren't they they they   they are usually silver yeah exactly but  this is the first one I see when I'm Buy   very cool he Chang positions every time somebody  tip him yeah that's nice that's cool oh look this   is actually where we saw the Zara earlier and  then on the corner there's a McDonald's check   cashing place wow yeah there's a lot of vendors  out right now they even have SAR home a Zara oh   wow they do look they got the Zara Home Collection  too good glattus notices everything cuz she loves   to go shopping she notices all of those things I'm  the one that like I'll try and pretend she'll be   like oh my god did you see the SAR and I'll be  like no where where did you see that where did   you see it I didn't see nothing but yeah guys  the streets are very active man all I can say   is that I am so excited to be back here just off  of these few interactions like I'm so motivated   and pumped to get out tomorrow and just make the  funnest videos for you guys um to be honest we   got to plan our day's right because during the  middle of the day today we walked out and you   could instantly feel the heat so we got to plan  the day's right and this was empty empty yeah so   we got to come back out here at in the evening  but yeah guys this um whole little Plaza is just incredible a bunch of little shops it's super  green too hey I'm surprised aren't you surprised   glattus that's because of the heat how green it is  still yes I mean you would expect it to not be not   be so green because because for us it's hot but  for here and for them it's not as hot as they know it's yeah true true true that it's still not  as hot nowhere near as hot as the summertime   during the summertime it's incredibly hot here  the last few times I was here in the summer   man it was reaching almost 40° and when I came  with glattus to Morocco we were here in October   and it was like incredibly freshh yeah cold  in the evenings actually like you needed to   Beware of the sweater and I I am a weird though  because I wear sweater with this sweater I'm a   cold person I'm always cold I mean look at the  homie he's in tank top and shorts that's how I   that's how I feel like I need to be right now but  nobody's wearing a sweater yeah she's just she's   just very different like she gets cold quick but  yeah guys how many minutes are we at right now   oh wow look there's a KFC over there you know  it's funny is we saw an advertisement for a KFC   and they had uh KFC battered uh with Cheetos  yeah it's like a promotion they got going on   like hot Cheetos they got that battered on the  chicken it's crazy but yeah guys this whole um   part of the city is just incredibly beautiful  to be honest I'm upset that I didn't visit this   side last year look at the mosque right in the  middle of the shopping center as well that is beautiful God I'm so happy to be back in  Morocco man this country is beautiful and   like I said it holds a very special place in  my heart it always will I'll be back many more   times there's still so much more I have to  explore this year this trip actually the plan   is to um spend the week here in Marakesh then  we're also going to be visiting kasablanca and   rabbat but like I said this is my fifth  time here and um every time I visited we   have visited different sections of the country  and I'll be back to visit many many more but   yeah guys for now I think well I'm going to bring  this little video to an end from this beautiful   shopping center but I just wanted to clock in  and share with you guys that man I'm back I'm   back in Morocco I'm super excited to be here and  I'm super excited to share with you guys so many   more videos from this country um over the course  of the next few weeks let's see how many we film   I'm going to go crazy man I'm I'm so happy to  be back here you guys saw the engagement right   now um the interactions that's what makes Morocco  such a special place is that um the people just   love to talk and of course there's a lot of  tourists so um they know how to negotiate and   bargain but I guess everybody is realizing that  you don't bargain on YouTube and um I think that   this week we're going to have like a pretty tough  time trying to negotiate prices but I got to stop   being so friendly I totally forgot how to bargain  I I haven't done it in a while you got to go hard   though or else things get very expensive have to  say this phrase okay okay okay you won 200 I said   150 180 not for you not for me you know that's  what they say that's funny well um I'll see you   guys soon for another one thank you for joining  me thank you so many more videos to come both   for my channel and on Glades I'll leave all of her  details down below check her Channel out and Yeah   guys I'm super excited to be back see you soon  for another video from Morocco you always smart   I was the one to take a love I  remember how we started [Music]

2024-05-23 18:29

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