The Hidden Maldives Most Tourists Never See

The Hidden Maldives Most Tourists Never See

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have you ever wondered what's life like for the  locals in the Maldives behind all the luxury   hotels I have been living my own life in the males  in today's video we are going to visit two local   Islands here in the Maldives Assalamu alaikum  hello where are you from because most tourists   who come here only stay at the so-called Resort  islands where there is nothing else other than   hotels but I am looking for a different experience  because I'm always curious to find out what's the   local life like in the countries I visit could  you imagine living here on a small island in   the middle of the ocean in my previous video we  have already explored Mala and got a feeling for   what's life like in the capital but now I'm also  curious to see what's going on on other small   local Islands here so let's find out feel free  to join all right and we are starting today's   Journey at the jety here in Mali the capital of  the malds where I am about to go on a boat to go   to hura Island and I am a little bit in a rush  because the boat is supposed to leave in less   than 10 minutes and I don't have a ticket yet I  made a reservation already via WhatsApp but they   told me that I need to actually buy the ticket  here first of all I don't see the company I am   with here this is a different name do you know  where I can find seashine seashine they will   mainly come to this J they over there over there  yeah that's white color T-shirt white T-shirt   okay thank you so much okay seems like they're  over there I have a reservation for seash shine   uh 10 to go to Huda 150 right all right that  was easy then hello good afternoon Hi how are   you I'm very good I can choose a seat right  yeah can sit anywhere yeah yeah sometimes I   have the problem that I get a bit dizzy on the  speed boats but uh the ride should actually be   only like 20 25 minutes and the water quality  here looks already amazing just in the harbor   of the capital but I think this is nothing  compared to what we will see later on the island all right and about 25 minutes later and we have  arrived is he going and here we are Huda Island   and my hotel is supposed to pick me up here en  you're going to P 12 C yeah yeah I'm from the   okay nice to meet you hello hello do you have  any luggage no just a backpack great traveling light okay thank you very much yeah so  Huda island is a local Island here in   the mald you have to differentiate between  two different types of islands we have local   islands and we have Resort Islands on the  resort Islands the only thing you find on   them is Resorts and hotels and then we  also have local islands like this one   where you have a local community and just a  handful of hotels and guest houses excuse me   how many people are living on this island  1,800 1,800 first Impressions here oh it   looks already quite beautiful we have  beaches all around palm trees coconut trees okay thank you very much maraba  to that's been welcome in a thank you   the first impression here beautiful thank you  very much for you thank you have a good day a   bye-bye from thank you are you from the males  no I'm from yma from yma you're from Germany   I'm from Germany yeah good good oh oh  right here okay how to say thank you in Myanmar yes okay thank you enjoy your day  thank you so this is what $150 a night   gets you on a local Island here in the  mald a very basic room but totally all   right and a very spacious kind of open  space bathroom which was really cool   which had for some reason two showers and  I also had a little terrce overlooking the ocean all right I got a bicycle from my  hotel which we are going to use to explore   the island now the island is not really large  so even if you would walk it would only take   about 15 minutes from one end to the other and  yeah there are I think no cars on the island   only these electric runs from the hotels and  then a lot of bicycles okay my first mission   is I would like to see a very beautiful place  Crystal Clear Blue Water typical mald something   like that and I would just like to get to know  the island a bit see how the people are living   here what are they up to and the people here are  so friendly everyone I'm driving by is greeting   me with a friendly hello and we even have a  football field here that looks pretty cool   but probably way too hot now to play football  okay let's go inside the village so we have a   few roads looking like this here with houses left  and right and then a few shops here and there as   well but as you can see it's relatively quiet  here maybe it's because of the time of the day   it's about noon now here we are  in the middle of a village in the males and as you can see pretty much every road  here is looking the same what a place to live   right could you imagine living here on a small  island in the middle of the ocean surrounded   by beautiful postcard looking like water and  beaches this seems to be a little beach here   let me park the bike and then we have a look wow  this looks beautiful here this is amazing check   out the water quality here I really hope it looks  as good on my camera as it looks in real life in   the background you can see pretty high waves so  that is where the open ocean starts I guess let   me see if I can get up here all right so yeah  over there maybe 100 150 M AR we have pretty   big waves and yeah behind that is basically the  open ocean but here it's like a little Lagoon   close to the island and what I can see down here  uh you can see these little yeah how to call that   it's almost like a basket that is upside down  and this is I think for corals so these things   are planted and then usually they put corals on  the side so they can grow new because yeah the   the coral leaves around here are obviously being  destroyed by all the tourists here and that is of   course pretty bad for the nature here so what  they're trying to do a lot here in the mald is   to build new Coral Reeves with places like this  here I'm not 100% sure if this is such a place   but if you want to build Coral Reaves you use  things that look similar yeah imagine we just   drove by a school over there imagine your school  is there and every day after school you can just   come here sit by the beach do your homework in  the shade over there what a life and actually   right over there just maybe 30 40 me away we  have a resort island there's the Four Seasons   Hotel over there so yeah the the difference here  is huge like you have the local islands and then   just a few meters away you have a resort island  there's nothing else on that island other than   the Four Seasons Hotel and I think one or two  restaurants probably belonging to the Hotel this   is one of the most beautiful places I have seen  this is absolutely beautiful here hi hello I think   I saw you in Tik Tok you been to Nepal right yeah  yeah yeah I saw you Tik Tok you see are you from   Nepal yes oh Namaste Namaste hello oh W people  from Nepal recognizing me here from Tik Tok they   actually also huge crabs living in the Rocks here  I'm not sure if you can see them but there's a big   one right there a second one there and I see at  least three more between the Rocks here not sure   if I would like to uh play in the water here and  then suddenly you're stepping onto one of these   huge crabs here I'm actually going to sit in the  shade here now to fly my drone for a few minutes   and then I think this Shop sells some drinks maybe  we can get a refreshing little drink but first   I want to get a drone shot look at that there's  just a little area here where you can just chill   there's no Hotel here or anything just a looks  like a public place to chill super beautiful   view to the ocean the sun is shining shade from  the coconut trees this place is amazing so the   Drone shots that you already saw probably  in the video I'm going to take them right now okay half an hour later guess you didn't  see any drone shots in this video yet because   my drone is not working anymore and to be honest  this is killing my mood a bit because I'm at such   a beautiful place and suddenly my drone is not  working anymore in case you know anything about   drones this is the DJI Mini 2 and it says gimbal  is blocked so I can't do anything with the camera   with a block gimbal also I'm trying trying to  calibrate it new but that doesn't work as well   tried to search the internet about how to solve  this problem nothing worked so I'm at one of the   most beautiful places I can imagine and I have  a drone with me which used to work perfectly   the past years but now it doesn't Okay always  trying to stay positive well if I just look at   this again my mood is up again wow okay yeah  guess I don't have drone shots from my whole   trip in the malds which is very unfortunate all  right I need a refreshing drink now I literally   sat down there for half an hour trying to fix the  problem hello hello you have cold drinks here yes   yes what do we have what do you want one oh shakes  can I have a watermelon juice yes yeah that looks   good thank you so much all right we have a fresh  watermelon juice here with this view increases my   mood immediately again I then spent the rest of  the day exploring this quiet little village and   relaxing by the beach and my impressions are  that the life here must be very peaceful and   calm and now I was also very curious for the next  local Island where we will meet locals try local   food and get some more impressions of the local  Island life here stay tuned for that so the next   morning I decided to take the ferry to go there  and while waiting the driver who brought me to the   pier started sharing some interesting insights  about the life on the island here are you from   hura yes so that's your home Island and are most  people here on the island working in like hotels   Resorts tourism tourism and now we have a new  like a restaurant opening so so most people work   somewhere related with tourism yes I have been  living my whole life in the m and I'm still amazed   when I go different Island and do the snow and see  it's a different world so it's still beautiful for   you although you see this every day of your life  yes for me I would say it's very wow must be cool   like there are like millions of tourists coming  to this country every year yes and everyone says   oh it's so beautiful here and you're living here  for stress wise I will say I'm fre peaceful life   here right very peace far away from everything  from all the stress oh did we just miss the fery oh we were talking so much here  that we I think almost missed the   ferry but thank you very much  for all the information really   interesting I really appreciate that  thank you thank you for coming back okay nice to meet you thank you very  much thank you all right yeah how much and now it should be about only like a  20 minute ride the next island is not that far away here we are oh we yeah oh hello welcome  to thank you very much bags only this oh you   pick me up right in front of the ferry yeah how  convenient thank you very much so we are on Tulu   Island now how many people are living here in  Tulu is uh 2,000 people 2,000 people so it's a   bit bigger than Huda yeah so yeah this was a  local Ferry earlier in the video you saw me   taking a speed boat so you have two different  types of boats going around the islands you   have the local fairies like this one and you  have the speed boats so many goats here yeah   are you from this island no no I from bades from  Bangladesh I want just oh okay okay from Daka uh   yeah have you been Bangladesh no but I would  like to visit next year yeah you can that's   the hotel right Hotel yeah I recognize it from  the pictures okay so that was literally like a   5 minute ride only and here we are the reef Edge  Hotel get a drink here okay thank you okay so I   checked in into my hotel and this is by the  way $90 per night including the breakfast I   especially love the view that I have in front of  my room I can sit here in the morning drink the   coffee enjoy this amazing view over the ocean  but yeah now let's start exploring the island   oh we do have some kids playing volleyball  or football Hi how are I'm good where are   you from Oham alikum hello where are you from  oh hello hello I'm from Germany with us yeah   sure let's play yeah okay nice to meet you  hello what is your I'm Ken hello what is your   name I'm n okay nice to meet you are my little  brothers all right okay let's kick the first ball okay let me try let's see go back and then  kick the ball yeah okay ah that was right to him   that was a good pass actually okay and oh oh  yeah that was a goal very good good good okay   have fun playing I will continue to explore bye  bye-bye come get here okay oh that was lovely   but actually pretty exhausting I'm sweating  like crazy now after like 10 minutes playing   there I like the design of these houses here  these small cute houses you know what I think   my mom would really like to live here my mom  really enjoys quiet places like this so Mom if   you're watching this let me know if I'm right I  think you would enjoy this maybe I can buy some   drinks or snakes for the kids good afternoon  you have some uh snacks here like uh cookies   or maybe this one here chocolate puff  yeah let me get this one and maybe do   we have like a big bottle of some drinks  okay I will take these two please you   want chocolate okay you chare with everyone  okay and you can have the Sprite as well oh yeah hello hello thank you so much you share okay  okay share okay have a good day okay byebye okay   but now actually I also need to uh get myself  something to drink I'm really thirsty could also   go for a little snack as well and I actually  think that there's a little shop here on the   corner let's see what they are selling here  hello what are you selling here you have some   food here something to eat sweet oh this is sweet  yes oh like a like a cake me cake cake me pudding   pudding ah you make at home mm oh okay can I get  one piece please yeah do you also have something   to drink oh drink drink oh we have a fridge here  okay um we have funa we have Sprite energy drink   can I get can I get a Sprite yeah okay let's get  a little refreshing drink here as well as a snake   oh that looks like a delicious cake what flavor is  this cam cavor flavor pudding caramel pudding oh   okay I use spoon spoon yeah you have  a spoon that will be easier I think have how much is this wait 23 40 40 okay sexy  bag thank you so much okay but now let's give   the cake a try actually it's more like pudding  and I think she also said that actually yeah like   a caramel pudding but the shape is like a cake oh  I really like it that is delicious and yeah what   a beautiful location we have the the ocean right  over there with a beautiful beach basically all   around here and we have the beautiful coconut  trees here that is just a beautiful location   to enjoy little snack thank you very much that  was a miru miru miru miru delicious okay Chuka   thank you very much but now I do have one more  place in mind that I would like to visit which   is a Coca-Cola factory because believe it or  not there is a Coca-Cola factory here on the   local Island so let's see if we can find that all  right we actually do have have a proper football   field here as well actually two of them and a  volleyball field as well which looks really really   nice actually pretty new I think and there's  a second field here so you do have quite a few   sporting facilities here if you live here you can  easily do some sport activities and I noticed that   also on the previous Island as well as in the  capital Maly I actually saw plenty of football   fields there the sport seems to be a popular  thing to do here for the locals in the country   but first impressions here this Village here on  the island looks similar to The Village we have   seen in Huda we have these small narrow roads  here the houses look very similar but I see a   difference here on this island there are more  Western tourists here compared to Huda Island   especially many Surfers plenty of people with  surfing boards around here and here's a mosque   again of course there's actually also another  mosque right next to my hotel so we have at least   two of them here on the island and here we have  a little Beach looks beautiful right and there's   even an ATM here which I think is the only ATM on  this island on the previous Island there was not   even one single ATM by the way excuse me hello  I'm looking for the Coca-Cola factory ah over   there ah I can I can drive here yeah okay thank  you so much by the way these gentlemen they said   no English no English indicating that they don't  speak English and many of you are always curious   to know how is the English level of the countries  that I visit so far in my experience here almost   every person speaks English at least good enough  to uh communicate a bit with you so I haven't had   any language barrier issues so far here yet of  course I never expect people to speak English   when I am in a country that is not native English  speaking but it makes the life of course easier as   a traveler when you're somewhere where people do  actually speak English I have to say it's a really   relaxing experience to uh film here in this  country like sometimes I visit like very   hectic chaotic countries where it's also fun  to film I also like that but it's a totally   different experience from filming in a place  like this you know Island Vibes everything   is relaxed laid back it's a very different uh  filming experience here for me a few weeks ago   I filmed in pom pen the capital of Cambodia maybe  you saw that video and that was like a very busy   buland City a very different filming experience  compared to what I'm having here so here we have   red things already how do you call it in English  I don't know but this is already from Coca-Cola   here yeah the place where you put the cans inside  I don't know what's that in English this is the   Coca-Cola factory of the malds which is uh the  only Coca-Cola factory in this country and what's   really unique about this Coca-Cola factory is that  it's the only Coca-Cola factory worldwide that is   used using filterate sea water for its production  would you have imagined that there's a Coca-Cola   factory on this small local island in the malds  I find that actually very interesting similar to   as on the other Island it's very quiet here you  don't see a lot of people around I could imagine   that it's because of the the time of the day and  the temperature it's pretty hot of course here   that would explain why there aren't many people  around and also probably there's just not much   to do here so there's no reason for people to  be out and about but I still think that we can   get an interesting view into what it would be  like to live here on a small local island in   the malds and that is something that personally I  find very interesting and maybe some of you find   this interesting too I hope so and maybe some  of you are even saying oh this is perfect this   is what I would like living in a peaceful quiet  Village like this what's also interesting here   in the Maldives they have different types of  beaches this beach especially for tourist only   so they differentiate between tourist and local  beaches here because on a local Beach for example   it's not allowed to wear a bikini which is of  course yeah because this is a Muslim country   so they have special beaches for the tourists so  that they can wear a bikini here and that is not   only on this island I have seen that on the other  Island before as well as in the capital of Malle   but I can imagine also that some local islands  where there's hardly any tourism don't even   have a tourist Beach all right I have one more  goal for today and that is to hopefully watch   a beautiful sunset there's a place called Sunset  Beach on that part of the island over there are   so far I haven't been able to see a breathtaking  beautiful sunset here in the malds yet every day   when I tried to watch it it was too cloudy and  today is actually one of my last days here in   the country so let's see if I will be lucky to  see at least one beautiful sunset here in the males I don't want to get my shoes wet again  like you saw in my first video from the malds   so I'm a bit careful now and looks like  there used to be a house here but not   anymore maybe the ocean was further away at  some point and then the water came and took   the house basically I'm a little bit sad once  again that I don't have my drone anymore this   spot would be perfect for some drone shots okay  we have this piece of land here stretching into   the ocean and this is a spot right oh wow  I'm so happy to see this this is beautiful after visiting both hura and Tulu Island I've  seen a sight of the malds that most Travelers   Miss away from the Luxury Resorts life moves  at a slow pace here and the natural beauty the   welcoming locals and the authenticity of the  experience made this trip truly Unforgettable   for me if you plan to come to the malds I  highly recommend to stay on a local Island   as well and not only in the luxury resort these  are the places where you really get to know the   country yeah I hope you enjoyed this miniseries  from the Maldives and that you saw a sight of   this country that you haven't seen before I  really enjoyed my trip here but I am leaving   again in a few days and then I will see you  again from another very interesting country   somewhere where I have never been to before so  stay tuned for that and if you haven't seen my   previous video where we explored Mali the capital  of the Maldives then feel free to check out the   video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-10-20 17:21

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