THE END COMES TO DUBAI: Alarming Phenomenon Is Happening in DUBAI!

THE END COMES TO DUBAI: Alarming Phenomenon Is Happening in DUBAI!

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a lot of people talk about Abandoned supercars in Dubai this is where damaged supercars or cars that have been confiscated by the police or abandoned supercars come Dubai is synonymous with opulence and modernity in a matter of decades it has rapidly transformed from a modest fishing Village into a glittering Metropolis famed for its architectural Marvels extravagant lifestyle and ambitious Ventures Dubai is nothing short of iconic however ever all of this may evaporate soon I think I 120 kilo so I have I can lose more than 30 or more in one month I will try more than the gold I'm keen on seeing how much I can lose the end have come to Dubai and this alarming phenomenon is happening join us as we explore this and other aspects that Define Dubai's unique character and future here are our picks for the 20 of the most interesting and amazing facts about Dubai number 20 camel races with robot jockeys camel racing is a local tradition dating back to the 7th Century in the Middle East however in Dubai it has undergone a futuristic transformation since 2002 the UAE has prohibited human jockeys and introduced robotic counterparts instead the robot jockey is a metal A-frame equipped with a cordless power drill attached to a harmless whip a small mannequin head and decorative racing silks it is operated via a remote control these robotic jockeys ensure the welfare of the camels while maintaining the excitement of the race during these races camel owners Drive alongside the track in their SUVs steering their robotic jockeys from a distance some racing sites even have special lanes for these remote controlled Vehicles adding an extra layer of Hightech spectacle to the proceedings the camel racing season season in Dubai typically runs from September to April be sure to catch it the next time you're in town so how come the end times have come to Dubai we'll get to that shortly rest assured this is one roller coaster ride you don't want to miss meanwhile weight loss just became exciting number 19 gold for weight loss Dubai initiated a unique weight loss campaign motivating people to shed excess pounds for money yes that's right for every kilogram lost participants were entitled to receive two gram of gold along with valuable prizes recognizing The Limited effectiveness of traditional social advertising campaigns Dubai authorities crafted a motivational idea that captured public attention the your weight in gold contest made its debut in 2013 the following year project leaders expanded its scope allowing o in families with overweight children to participate soon thereafter an additional incentive was introduced if all family members had weight issues the reward for weight loss would be doubled despite the stringent criteria for participation approximately 7,000 individuals participated in the campaign annually the record for weight loss in the contest is held by Ahmed Al Shake who astonishingly shed 20 6 kg in just 3 months in a city known for its modernity and Forward Thinking approach this campaign not only addresses health concerns but also underscores Dubai's unique ability to motivate and engage its residents in meaningful ways number 18 unique population Dynamics in Dubai the number of foreigners outweighs the local population locals constitute only around 15 % of the city's inhabitants while a remarkable 85% are ex Patriots Dubai is thus a true Melting Pot with an incredibly diverse population where various cultures converge 71% of the city's residents originate from Asia this makes Dubai a unique blend of Middle Eastern and Asian influences within this Asian Community the Indian population takes the lead representing over half of this significant percentage however the diversity doesn't end there Dubai also hosts a sizable population from other parts of the world creating a Cosmopolitan atmosphere that is unparalleled the coexistence of various cultures and nationalities contributes to the vibrant and dynamic social fabric of Dubai making it a truly Global City where people from different backgrounds converge live and contribute to the city's Prosperity number 17 abandoned luxury cars the prevalence of abandoned luxury cars in Dubai may seem confusing at first considering the city's wealth but it's not what it seems no Dubai's wealth is not a sham instead the people here are so affluent that they can afford to abandon their high-end sports cars without the need to sell them while this may seem extravagant it's rooted in Practical considerations locals in Dubai sometimes leave their vehicles in the desert a practice that in part results from accidents that render the cars impractical to repair and sell the logic behind repairing and selling for instance a damaged Lamborghini in Dubai is often deemed futile other than this the stringent laws of the Emirates make bankruptcy and other instances of debt non-payment punishable by law potentially leading to imprisonment in such situations people may opt to abandon their possessions including expensive cars and swiftly depart the country to avoid legal repercussions you can find these abandoned luxury cars on the outskirts of the city in landfills and even close to hotels in some instances the owners even leave the ignition keys in the cabin if anything these abandoned cars reflect the city's complex socioeconomic Dynamics where wealth and the consequences of financial challenges coexist of course despite this Dubai's Allure persists attracting tourist s with its blend of opulence extravagance and unique societal intricacies number 16 gold ATMs in Dubai you have ATMs that dispense gold Yes you heard that right these unique machines found in high-end hotels and shopping centers allow people to tap a few buttons and walk away with a 24 karat gold bar just like that catering to both tourists looking for a distinctive souvenir and locals indulging in luxury these ATMs dispense gold in various forms and sizes accommodating different budgets and preferences the gold is pure and comes with a certificate of authenticity to verify its genuiness while this feature may seem extravagant and is unlikely to be viable in many other places due to security concerns Dubai's unique combination of opulence and safety makes it an exception the city's reputation for blending luxury with Innovation is exemplified by these gold dispensing ATMs number 15 artificial Islands ready to fulfill the extravagant desires of the affluent the waters near Dubai host an extraordinary array of artificial islands for sale several man-made archipelagos Grace the Dubai Coastline the first among these Marvels is the Palm Islands a collection of three expans Ive Islands named Palm Juma Palm jabel Ali and palm Dera remarkably these islands are shaped like palm trees creating a visually striking Panorama the total area of the Palm islands is more than 60 square kilm adjacent to these islands lies the world situated some 4 km off the Dubai Coast this project comprises some 300 small Islands when viewed from above these small Islands mirror a map of the world thus the name the total area of this intricately designed archipelago is 55 Square km they're not cheap either the smallest and most remote island is priced at around $7 million while the largest carries a staggering price tag of $2 billion on top of the price barrier the developers only extend exclusive sales offers to some of the wealthiest individuals on the planet ensuring that that the ownership of these luxurious Retreats is reserved only for a select few the sheer audacity and creativity behind Dubai's artificial Islands leave both tourists and onlookers astonished these engineering Marvels not only redefine the city's Skyline but also underscore Dubai's unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible number 14 Dubai Metro a futuristic mode of trans portation opened its doors in Dubai in 2009 and it continues to wow tourists to this day this is the world's longest fully automated Metro Network the Dubai Metro stretches an impressive 55.7 mies and has about 49 stations for passengers to seamlessly hop on and off plus it operates without the need for human drivers ensuring a smoother and more reliable Journey with minimal chances of error the Dubai by Metro is divided into two lanes the red line and the green line covering significant parts of the city the red line extends from rashidia to jabali while the green line spans from midis salote to Dubai Creek both lines intersect at Union Square in bouran facilitating convenient transfers for passengers as a bonus the elevated tracks offer breathtaking panoramic views of the Dubai Skyline the DU duai Metro has successfully reduced the number of cars on the road and contributed to improved air quality this strategic move positions Dubai as a city that excels not only in luxurious living but also in smart and environmentally conscious urban planning number 13 Burge Khalifa soaring to a height of 828 M the Burge Khalifa is nothing short of an architectural Marvel this height record reflects the audacity and vision behind its construction construction naturally it is considered a modern wonder of the world construction commenced in September 2004 and was completed in January 2010 initially it was to be named Bur Dubai however shikh Muhammad bin Rashid al- makum renamed it to Burge Khalifa at the opening ceremony in honor of Khalifa bin Zed al- Nayan the former president of the United Arab Emirates whose significant contributions bolstered Dubai's Prosperity the building served surface area is equivalent to 17 football fields and its weight is comparable to that of 100,000 elephants during construction a special type of concrete was used so that it would absorb less heat from the Sun addressing the unique climatic needs of the region the skyscraper's highest observation deck situated at a breathtaking 555 m above ground offers a panoramic view of the city moreover cleaning the Towering structure is no small feat it takes a dedicated team 3 months to thoroughly clean the entire building as for the cost the construction of Burge Khalifa came with a hefty price tag of approximately $1.5 billion currently the skyscraper houses luxury apartments the Armani Hotel 900 residential units offices gyms a restaurant and the aforementioned Observatory Dubai with the Burge Khalifa at its heart rightfully continues to cap activ at the world's attention as a hub of innovation luxury and modernity number 12 no addresses believe it or not until recently Dubai operated without a traditional address system there were no numbered streets and no familiar addresses for deliveries in mail Riders used landmarks business names or descriptive directions this is changing now as the city has begun employing the Manan system a coordinate-based approach in this system each building or entrance is assigned a unique code displayed on plaques near the structure to simplify the location for tracking introduced in 2015 the manani Dubai app available for Android and iOS has streamlined navigation for taxis and postal workers for many residents the workplace served as both their professional Hub and personal mailbox surprisingly this unconventional system was fairly efficient mail would be collected by someone within the organization sorted and either delivered directly to recipients desks or placed in personal post boxes as Dubai continued to evolve so did its Postal System the Emirates post group or OST has recently introduced a more modernized approach for personalized pickup and delivery services this includes options such as Thrice weekly deliveries to registered home addresses Career Services insurance for parcels and mail tracking if the old system was working fine why change it well the former unconventional approach sometimes led to confusion particularly due to naming conventions in Arabic culture the second name often represents the father's name leading to Mix-Ups in male sorting nevertheless Dubai is now transitioning to a more modern and standardized Postal System number 11 the troubles with oil money many claim that the end times have come to Dubai because the world is moving on from oil however Dubai's wealth is not solely derived from oil undoubtedly oil played a pivotal role in initiating the economic boom of the United Arab Emirates however Dubai's leaders opted for a diversified approach they allocated oil generated revenues to various sectors allowing Dubai to strategically expand its revenue streams presently the Emirate thrives on income generated through tourism real estate business projects and Investments this deliberate diversification has elevated Dubai to the status of a global economic Powerhouse their success lies in the Adept utilization of oil as a catalyst for development ensuring sustained Prosperity even as the finite nature of Natural Resources Looms on the horizon Dubai's resilience and AD ability secure its enduring status as a beacon of wealth and economic press number 10 oil production speaking of oil revenues the uae's oil production is quite staggering generating an impressive 4.5 Olympic swimming pools worth of oil every day that makes around 50,000 barrels of oil the Emirates witnessed a transformative Journey propelled by its significant oil production the oil boom which took off in in the mid 20th century catapulted the UAE into economic prosperity and Global prominence this surge in oil production coupled with strategic Investments has fueled the nation's rapid modernization turning Aid Landscapes into thriving metropolises substantial increases in oil reserves and production capacities have allowed the nation to take on a pivotal role in the global energy landscape the UAE is an active particip in the OPEC plus Alliance a coalition formed to stabilize Global oil markets OPEC Plus collaborates on production levels to influence oil prices the alliance can impact the global economy via fluctuations in oil prices which can have far-reaching consequences on energy dependent Nations and international geopolitics number nine The Garden of Miracles Dubai never fails to impress here is in the heart of the desert lies the mesmerizing spectacle of the miracle Garden that captivates everyone with its breathtaking Beauty established in 2013 the park sprawls across 72,000 square m and is adorned by 50 million flowers these floral displays are not confined to simple beds but are instead meticulously arranged into various compositions a stroll through the miracle Garden reveals vibrant alleys and captivating installations among the notable features are a life-sized Airbus A380 floral plane and iconic Disney characters moreover the park continually evolves annually this everchanging landscape invites visitors to return ensuring a fresh experience with each visit the miracle Garden is a seasonal Oasis that closes during the scorching summer months when Dubai experiences extreme heat the miracle Garden also holds two official Guinness World Records the floral Airbus A380 model is recognized as the largest floral installation while the Mickey Mouse sculpture claims the title of the world's largest topiary solidifying the Park's status as a global attraction number eight Dubai's version of Disneyland dubay's ambitious Ventures include the development of its own colossal amusement park known as Dubai land when Disney declined to build a Disneyland in Dubai the Emirate decided to take matters into its own hands Dubai land when it opens its doors will be twice the size of the largest Disneyland the estimated cost for this Grand undertaking is a staggering $64.3 billion this vast amusement park is envisioned to host a diverse array of attractions marking a significant move to position Dubai as a prominent destination on on the global family tourism map number seven low crime rates Dubai offers much more than a Perpetual summer and picturesque beaches along the Persian Gulf it also has an exceptionally low crime rate notably this rate continues to decrease each year Dubai is a Melting Pot of residents including businessmen and workers from varos countries the collective mindset of the divers population revolves around valuing the opportunities to earn a good living plus committing a crime in Dubai is a serious matter and the consequences extend beyond imprisonment offenders risk losing their visas and the chance to return to the Emirates for many this translates to sacrificing their livelihoods crime carries severe consequences and escaping punishment is virtually impossible in the Emirates which is a Muslim country and holds Justice above all naturally residents are mindful of the potential repercussions of crime on their careers and businesses the commitment to maintaining Law and Order thus remains robust for those considering a vacation in Dubai with their families there is little to fear the city is absolutely safe even for night walks the commitment to safety and the stringent consequences of criminal activities make Dubai a Haven where everyone can enjoy a secure and peaceful environment number six gold trade the gold trade in Dubai is nothing short of astonishing in 2013 Dubai played a pivotal role in global gold transactions accounting for a staggering 40% of the total gold traded worldwide to put this into perspective the volume of gold traded in Dubai during that year surpassed 2,250 tons this is equivalent to more than 354 For Elephants naturally the remarkable scale solidified Dubai's significant presence in the international gold market number five ski Dubai despite its eternal Summer Dubai has the perfect solution for escaping the scorching Sun an indoor ski resort called ski Dubai nestled inside the Mall of the Emirates this Resort spans 22,000 square m and accommodates 1,500 people ski Dubai is a true ski resort featuring Five ski runs of varying difficulties and Heights along with a dedicated zone for snowboarders the complex also houses the world's largest indoor snow park a 3,000 square met Wonderland with real fur trees wooden houses and a cozy Ambiance in the evening twinkling garlands illuminate the trees creating a magical christmas-like atmosphere as if all of of this wasn't impressive enough ski Dubai is home to real Penguins captivating both children and adults with their sociability while Dubai's ski resort may seem unconventional given its climate it reflects the city's commitment to offering diverse and extraordinary experiences number four Dubai Mall recognized as one of the Premier destinations for shopping in the entire Middle East the Dubai Mall is a bustling Hub of Commerce and Leisure amidst the Towering skyscrapers this shopping Haven spans a mere four floors yet it covers an area of 1 million square m housing more than 1 to 200 stores the Dubai Mall is a retail Extravaganza offering an extensive array of products ranging from local artisanal Goods to globally renowned Brands Beyond its shopping Allure the mall is also a multifaceted entertainment Destin destination for visitors visitors can unwind in a theme park under its roof providing a unique blend of thrill and amusement families can engage in quality time at a dedicated Children's Entertainment and educational center creating an inclusive space for both fun and learning the mall is also home to Modern Cinemas that offer the latest cinematic experiences there is also an indoor ice rink that provides a cool Escape for those seeking a different kind of leisure on top of this another standout attraction within the Dubai Mall is its awe inspiring aquarium which ranks among the largest globally housing more than 10 million lers of water the aquarium provides a mesmerizing window into the lives of 33,000 marine fish and animals Dubai Mall goes much beyond the conventional shopping experience you're used to instead it has evolved into a self-contained City where boredom becomes an alien concept you can enjoy a diverse range of entertainment options and extensive shopping choices the Dubai Mall stands as a testament to the city's commitment to offering not just Commodities but Unforgettable experiences number three income tax in Dubai the prospect of wealth is even more appealing due to its 0% income tax policy residents can enjoy the significant privilege of not paying any personal tax on their income Dubai stands out in this area as one of the most convenient cities globally for businesses this policy significantly contributes to the Emirates appeal for expatriates and businesses residents in Dubai can retain a larger portion of their earnings however it's essential to note that corporate entities may be subject to corporate taxes at the federal level the government employs a balanced approach that Fosters economic growth while ensuring fiscal sustainability this tax structure aligns with Dubai's broader strategy of attracting International talent and fostering a business-friendly climate to promote economic Prosperity number two Modern Dubai you may find it hard to believe but only two decades ago the landscape that now hosts the luxurious city of Modern Dubai was a mere fishing Village the transformation from a small settlement in to a thriving Metropolis is a tale intricately woven with the influence of oil the Turning Point began in the late 1960s when Dubai started oil extraction the Visionary leaders of the Emirates used the oil money to create a city of opulence where the world's richest people would aspire to come and lavish their wealth on the unparalleled services offered this Vision materialized in the form of a city with boundless infrastructure radiating an air of extravagance today Dubai hosts affluent chics limited edition sports cars and a plethora of shopping and entertainment centers offering everything one could desire the city's Allure is further accentuated by the picturesque Landscapes of the Persian Gulf and the pristine White Sands of the desert turning it into Paradise on Earth while oil played a pivotal role in jump starting the city's development today it contributes only 7% to the city's treasury Dubai's story as we witness it now is one of ambitious Visionaries who transformed a fishing Village into a global symbol of prosperity and luxury the city's success is a testament to strategic planning Relentless Innovation and a commitment to creating a Haven where dreams of grandeur come to life number one a new work schedule Dubai is transforming even as we speak the emir authorities have implemented a new work schedule for the country's working population in this revised schedule Saturday and Sunday are designated as the official weekend previously people took Thursday as a day off instead of Saturday however the new schedule is unique in that the people in the country work only half a day on Fridays this is because Friday is seen as a holy day for congregational prayers among the Arabs in line with the teachings of the Quran Muslims perform the Juma prayers on Fridays and this cultural and religious consideration has led to a modification in the work week a shortened work day on Friday is important for the locals and the country's economy the authorities wish to adapt to International markets while also addressing the religious needs of the Muslim population to observe prayers on Friday consequently they decided to provide the population with a 4-day work week with the workday on Friday being reduced to half a day this not only accommodates religious practices but also offers residents the opportunity to have an extended weekend fostering more time for self-education travel and family activities Dubai's commitment to balancing cultural and economic considerations is evident in this thoughtful adaptation of the work schedule based on global practices and local values well that's it for now thanks for watching don't miss this video you see on your screen right now it's truly unbelievable

2024-03-27 15:44

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