THE BEST NATIONAL PARK IN CANADA? | Exploring Yoho National Park, BC

THE BEST NATIONAL PARK IN CANADA? | Exploring Yoho National Park, BC

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foreign will good morning from Yoho National Park I got my  co-star Lane with me today morning Elaine uh join   me for BC Adventures last year where we went to  Vancouver Island if you guys remember that and now   we are back to British Columbia in Yoho National  Park and Lane you have been here before yes I've   been here a couple times once in the spring and  once in the fall first time for summer and what   would you say was your favorite thing that  you did Emerald Lake where we are right now   it is absolutely stunning so this is definitely  like the top attraction of this area but there's   really a lot to see right like there's a lot  in Yoho National Park I'd say Yoho is known for   waterfalls there are countless waterfalls in the  area and what's also really nice is that if you're   coming here in the summer Yoho is substantially  less busier than Banff National Park because like   even look at this we're here not even that early  in the morning and there's so few people here if   this was Lake Louise or Moraine Lake I might not  get a parking yeah there's no way so if you want   to go a little bit off the Beaten Track and have  a bit less of crowding in the summertime this is a   great option but to begin our journey let's begin  with the top attraction which is Emerald Lake thank you just just a few hours foreign please so we just finished our adventures  of hiking around the lake   and we are going to get a lovely lunch here  on the patio at Emerald Lake Lodge looks like   they have a pretty good selection of things  for lunch and also a very good drink menu so while there are a lot of hikes that you can  do around the Emerald Lake Area another great   attraction is to rent a canoe and be able  to go on the lake now the first day that   lane and I were there it was extremely hot  during the day once we got done our hike and   also there was a big line of people since  it was mid-afternoon so we decided to come   back another day right in the morning when  they opened at 10 A.M and were able to get a   canoe right away it costs about 90 dollars  for the hour but I think it's absolutely   worth it because you get an absolutely  beautiful vantage point from the water after you finish up at Emerald Lake I would also  highly recommend making a detour to the Natural   Bridge from the viewing platform you get to  see the beautiful kicking horse river which   is actually quite strong and has carved a path  through the rock formations in the area and if   you're feeling extra adventurous there is also  the option to go white water rafting down the   kicking horse River I'm not exactly sure where  it starts from but I believe it's near the area for those of you who haven't heard of Yoho  national park it is a protected area located   in the Rocky Mountains it's around the southeast  corner of British Columbia it's actually very   close to the border of Alberta so if you were  already in Banff to drive to Yoho would only   take about an hour as Lane had mentioned earlier  Yoho National Park is definitely known for its   waterfalls the options are endless of how many you  can see in the park and as you'll see later in the   video it's also got some of the most beautiful  Alpine Lakes the largest and closest commercial   center to Yoho National Park would be Golden BC  keep in mind it is still very much a small town   with a population of just under 4 000 people but  in my opinion it is the most convenient place to   stay has lots of great restaurants and amenities  and just has a really beautiful charm to it so we just got back to Golden I think it may  start raining but I do have to say that I'm   very glad that we decided to stay here in  this very Scenic very Charming small town   because when it comes to exploring Yoho  National Park there's not really a lot of   big centers around it I'm pretty sure golden is  the biggest you could stay on the other side of   the park almost closer to Lake Louise but near  there there's not really a lot of accommodation   options there's not really any amenities  and then there is the town of field which   is in the park but that's an even smaller town  than golden so you don't have a lot of options   when it comes to accommodation or restaurants  golden is actually really lovely because it   does have that small town you know within the  mountains sort of field it does have a lot of   great accommodation options restaurants shops  and the place that we're actually staying at I   am super excited to be in because I've wanted to  stay there for a very long time which is the base   Camp golden Lodge base camp resorts actually  has a lot of different locations in the Rocky   Mountains in both Alberta and BC so I did of  course reach out to them and ask if they would   be willing to work with me on this video and they  very kindly offered me two nights complimentary   stay in exchange for putting them in the video  but you guys know that I would never recommend   a place that I wouldn't you know personally stay  at and pay for so genuinely if you are looking   for a great place to stay in here in Golden I  would definitely recommend base camp resorts thank you so friends Welcome to our humble abode  here at base camp Lodge Lane is hanging out   and this is actually a loft style room it is the  double Queen room that has one bed downstairs and   then another bedroom up there on the bottom  here we have the washroom lovely shower and I   also really like that our room has a lovely view  of the mountains how nice is that and then when   you come up the stairs you have the second  bedroom nice desk and I do have to say that   these mattresses are very comfortable very nice  perfect place to come back to after a long day   in the mountains hiking all day all right we  are off to dinner and luckily thank you Lane   luckily in Golden uh we really don't need to  drive because everything is in walking distance 10 minutes max okay sweet yeah  all right let's go downtown foreign all right so this looks really good had  really nice reviews a lot of different   sandwich options seared duck ahi tuna  I think there's also some kind of Bison   tenderloin here and yeah this place was very  well rated so we are going to try it out this is something that I have never seen before  on a menu this is a candied salmon grilled cheese   and I think it has like spinach sun-dried tomatoes  and goat cheese on there and Lane what did you get   Burgers I'm vegetarian tonight oh amazing  and I was actually just thinking to myself   that lane and I are both from small towns  golden is a small town but in my small   town there were no restaurants like this  not like this we had one called father's   restaurant yeah yeah well yours was better  than mine then this looks super super good foreign good morning from base camp guys it is a lovely  but overcast and rainy day-to-day so Lane and I   just had some breakfast here and we originally  were thinking that we were going to do a taco   Falls as well as Twin Falls which is like a  super long hike I think 15 kilometers round   trip pretty significant elevation but I think  the fact that the trails aren't going to be   muddy might be a problem so we are going  to be doing a trail called laughing Falls   I think right lane instead and that's going  to be I think about three hours round trip so   even if the weather isn't amazing we should be  okay Behind You Were Always On My Mind foreign all the moves wow what a difference 24 hours makes right  yeah from like plus 30 yes scorching Heat   yesterday to rain maybe 15 degrees and this  incredible like what would you even call this yeah we're hoping that it's not gonna be  you know too strong of rain but it is really   magical to be in weather like this where  you have the clouds over the mountains and   there's also not going to be as many people  hiking today so that's also a good thing you ain't helping me at all the memories thank you foreign this hike turned out absolutely perfect  didn't it Lane So Far So Great so far so   great we found even a picnic table with a  view to enjoy our luncheon and one quick   thing that I feel like mentioning that  lane really knows about this stuff I'm   learning from her these are bear sniff proof bags  probably not the proper name but you know yeah   quickly Bears can really smell food so it's a  little dangerous you know to be carrying a lot   of food with you when you're hiking if you want to  put it in one of these bags it probably would help   so yeah we are going to enjoy our sandwiches  here at laughing Falls with a great View thank you good morning everybody we're on round two   of our attempt at Lake O'Hara which has the  guy down there said is supposed to be one of   the most beautiful Alpine lakes in Canada North  America North America so we actually attempted   this when we first got here but had an unexpected  situation happen which made us turn back but the   issue with doing this hike is the fact that they  don't allow regular vehicles on here you have to   get a shuttle pass if you want to ride the 11  kilometers to the lake and they all sold out   probably in the first hour that they went live  a few months ago yeah and there's very few spots   so if you happen to come on a day when somebody  misses their spot yes you could do a last minute   ride up there but like in our case it was all  full up today so we are going to hike the 11   kilometers one way one way to Lake O'Hara and  then uh once we're there ideally we'll do a small   hike in the area and on the way back maybe there  might be room on the shuttle shuttle I hope so thank you exactly three hours on the DOT we just  made it to Lake O'Hara we give ourselves a fat   on the back Lane that was a hike that was that  was intense but we made it and it is really so   special when you think about it because so few  people get to see this place in a year because   most people will only want to go on the shuttle  so we are about to see a magical Lake come join us thank you so this is definitely one of the most beautiful  lakes that I have ever been at like look at   this and in a way the best part is the fact that  there's so few people here unfortunately though   there are wildfires that are happening in BC  right now I think it's like in the northwest   of the province where it's really bad but all the  smoke from those fires have transferred over you   know to lower parts of the province and also into  Alberta I guess so while it is absolutely stunning   today and it has its own kind of Beauty in the  haziness I don't think the visibility would be   very good if we actually went up and had a view  down so because we want to have afternoon tea at   the lodge I think we're just going to do the  trail that's around the lake that way we get   to see it from all different angles and then  hopefully be able to catch the bus at 4 30. foreign foreign don't know exactly where she wants to  meet the last singer ran broken phone   the Rain's Gonna Be really soon foreign this has 110 percent been the best Canadian  National Park experience that I have ever had   yes there are still some that I have not seen  But Yoho National Park completely exceeded my   expectations like not only the diversity of the  nature in this park but primarily the lack of   people especially in such a busy season I almost  don't want to release this video because then more   people will come to this amazing Place luckily it  is quite big that I think it's all right but I do   have to say guys this is just a treasure this  is an absolute treasure here in Canada I hope   you have enjoyed this video and found it helpful  if you are thinking of planning a trip here also   want to give a big shout out to my friend Lane who  is sadly not here but waiting at the shuttle stop   for our place in line so hopefully we don't have  to walk three hours back uh down to the parking   lot so big show to her for helping me with this  video definitely give her a follow on Instagram   she's an amazing photographer and I would love  to know your thoughts in the comments guys like   let me know if you have been to Yoho before  what were your favorite parts and also if you   have any tips please leave them down below  as always thank you so much for tuning in I   hope you're having a fantastic day and keep  being you're all kind of beautiful bye guys

2023-07-24 04:11

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