The Alps Travel Vlog

The Alps Travel Vlog

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The sun is going down behind the mountains. At an altitude of 1700m (=5575 ft). The Alps Day 1 - Antwerp to Jungholz I'm here with Sylwia, my girlfriend, on a camping ground in Austria. This is our first bigger trip together, about 2 weeks trough the Alps. But those plans could change, because apparently it is going to rain for 2 weeks.

So since we arrived, we have had nothing but rain. We set up camp in the pouring rain. I even had to stop for a while because my hands were hurting so much. After 1,5 hours of cooking, I prepared this tasteless 'warm' food. - It's nice. - It's ok.

- But everything is nice when you're hungry. - Indeed. Day 2 We're ready to leave. We're leaving our stuff here. And we're heading over there. Taking a break to make some food ready. Thomas is going to do everything.

We were planning to cook water and make pasta, but we didn't bring fire... We're back for 5min and Thillo is already falling asleep. Day 3 It's the next day, we packed all our stuff and now we have to go to the bank. And then we're going to decide where to go today.

We arrived at camping site number 2! We're making delicious food: chicken with rice and curry and carrots and onions. And my voice is gone. Let me eat. Good boy! Sit! It's a beautiful evening at this lake. We can see some blue skies so the clouds have gone away for a bit. Just one thing, I forgot my GoPro charger.. But it's no big deal :)

Day 4 We wound up in this little hotelroom. Crazy how things can change. Yesterday it was such a nice evening and this morning was terrible weather: rain, clouds, mist - And the cold. Then to wound up in a hotel and warm up with a nice shower. Let's go.

Day 5 It is very cold here! We stopped at a parking area with a sign that said 'Panoramo'. Panoramo? I mean Panorama. And it's really pretty here. There's a lake here and crazy mountains all around us.

Just mountains everywhere. We're doing a little late night walk with Thillo. Thillo sees me talking and thinks: 'What are you doing?' 'What are you doing?' Yes.

Day 6 Day 6. It's the first morning without all the clouds. Surrounded by mountains. Wow! Sitting like this may be tricky, but it makes for good videos! There's a grasshopper that thinks Thillo's fur is grass. And it's a pretty big one. Yes boy, there's a grasshopper on you, but I'll remove it. This reminds me so much of Lord of the Rings.

'Destination reached' We made it! We did the summit that we planned to. We are at 2200m altitude (= 7215 ft) The view has been about the same. But crazy beautiful and higher than before. We're going back to the car. Downhill here. Then those 2 little peaks. Downhill again.

We already did the peak back there so we're going to pass that back to the parking lot. I think it's going to be 1,5 hours of walking back. Alright! We're going back. 'Back to life, back to reality' Be carefull! - Filmed it! I was just too late to film it.. Thomas slid a bit. Pure control! - Yes, unlike me, I fell.

- You fell hard! - That's not true! - You were crying and everything. You were like 'Aaaah I fell, can you give me a kiss?' - Just a little bruise on my knee. - I will show how you fell.

- Not true! - That's how you fell! - There was one stone loose and that's where I fell! Just checking wheter you watch all of these videos: I wanted to tell you that I love you and that I'm having a lot of fun! One of my best vacations ever! Love you! I'm making the weirdest sounds. Look here, Thomas slipped. - I just put my foot here and there was a hole. I gently went down as if on purpose. I'm actually comfortable. - Doesn't it hurt in all those needles? - No, actually very comfortable. - Funny! We're back at the car at that is where we were before, at those clouds. It took us about 2 hours to get back, here's the car.

Day 7 Day 8 - We're at 1300m altitude (= 4265 ft), it's 12:30 and we're just starting this walk. Let's go back! It's 20:10. We started at 12:30 so we've been walking for almost 8 hours. 8 hours is not bad and we hardly took brakes because we knew we didn't have much time. - Yes, we did good.

Day 9 - We're in Milan. - Just a little unexpected detour. We're at the Palazo Lombardia, it's got interesting architecture. Cool to look at. - It's supposed to resemble flowing water.

- We're at the new city center, there's a couple of nice buildings here. And there is the 'vertical forest'. It's an appartement building with a lot of plants on it. There's lots of birds that have there nest there. Milan is a nice looking city. But now we're back at the hotel and tomorrow we're leaving for Switzerland to see some gletsjers. We want to get hold of some snow! Day 10 - We're about to go through a 17km long tunnel (= 10,5 miles) under that mountain. Cool! We have arrived in Switzerland at the camping site and it's the most beautiful camping I've ever...

- been? We have arrived in Switzerland at the camping site and it's the most beautiful camping I've ever seen! Amazing mountains all around you. Paragliders everywhere you look! A crazy cliff here. It's extremely beautiful here, not normal.

I could just stay here for 3 weeks and ride around here and walk everywhere. That little village was also super cute wasn't it. And it's warm here but the sun is not directly on you because it's already behind the mountains. - It just 4 o'clock. So it's a very pleasing temperature without the sun shining directly on us. GREAT - The owner of the camping said the sun comes out behind the mountains at 12 o'clock.

- Perfect, so no waking up because of the heat. I'm just setting up the electricity and cooking water, meanwhile there are 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 8 people around me jumping of the cliffs, paragliding, etc. It's a whole new world here, crazy.

We're doing a little walk behind the beautiful camping. This cliff is 417m high (=1368 ft). That one is around 500 - 550m (=1750 ft). And those are 3800m high (= 12 500 ft). Day 11 - We're going to take the elevator up those mountains today. There's actually a village up there. There, we're going to have a great view of those mountains way over there.

And also the mountain over there behind this mountain. That mountain is over 4000m high (= 13100 ft). We're pretty close to this waterfall, we're going to try to get closer, but here we have a nice view already. It's really big! It's very very steep and slippery here! We made it! We took the elevator all the way up. We're at 2970m altitude (= 9744 ft). That's Jungfrau: 4158m high (= 13641 ft).

That's Breithorn, the mountain we can see from the camping site. Nice isn't it, very nice. We forgot that we have to make it back up there before the elevator closes. I hope we can do it in 20min. Otherwise, we have to walk all the way down.

We're back in Mürren. The village on the cliff. Pretty cool. Day 12 - We're going to take it easy today, It's the last day before we head back home. We're doing a little walk, we went the other way than yesterday and now we can see Jungfrau from down here. We're going to visit Lauterbrunnen. This is what we wanted to see.

Ah, bliss! Cool track! Nice view! Nice mountains, nice village. Day 13 - We're heading back home. The moment has come that we have to return.. We took a little break because there's this very nice looking lake. Very clear water. 25% decent. Sylwia spotted animals, so of course, we have to stop and say hello :) This time, it's alpaca's.

2021-02-18 17:15

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