Tanzania Unexpected First Impression vA 120

Tanzania Unexpected First Impression  vA 120

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Makamba, Burundi - Morning, my friends. Okay. - Oh, it's very tiring. - Goodbye. Bye-bye. It's tiring. Yes, it's tiring. - It's really tiring. - Thank you. - Thank you. Bon voyage. - Thank you. Bye. Goodbye. Let's go, guys. It's very bumpy here. So actually, yesterday, the hotel was invaded by the World Food Program.

That's why I didn't have access to the hot shower rooms. Hello. Goodbye. So today is a big day, is a long day. It's 100 kilometers to Kigoma, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania.

So we're going downhill on average, but still a 1,200-meter elevation gain during the day. And the border-crossing on the way, so... Hopefully, I can do everything on the same day. - How are you? - Good. How are you? - Ah, fine. - Let's go, guys. Hello.

Hello. Hello. - How are you? - Good, good, good. - How are you? - Hey. - Muraho. - Hello. - There's something quite interesting actually about Burundi.

If you compare, in terms of GDP per capita... According to the World Bank, it's the poorest country in the world. But still, when you look at the housing, just the houses for example, everywhere in the countryside, they look much fancier than in Ethiopia for example. So it's a bit strange. I mean, they look much fancier than in rural Ethiopia, while Ethiopia has a much, much higher GDP per capita.

- Hello. - Hello. Hello. - Yeah. - Hello. Hello. - Hi, hi, hi. - Hello. Bicycle shop. Hello.

Hello. - Hello. - Hello. Hello. A nice fancy petrol station. Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hi. - Hi. - Bonjour. - Bonjour. - Bonjour. - How are you? - The usual bicycle shop.

Hello. So we are exiting Mabanda. Last town before the border. And I picked up my Mabanda escort. - Hey, mzungu, mzungu.

- Mzungu, mzungu. Yes. - Peace. - Peace. I'm good, I'm good. And can you see the kids behind? Now that I go slowly because of the slope, they try to catch up with me. Hello. And the three strongest ones managed to catch me. It's funny you see people are used to cycling here, because almost everyone immediately realizes that there is something wrong with my bike: it's too easy.

No, no, no, the... - Where are you going? - Tanzania. - Tanzania? - Yes. Look at this road, guys. That's for us. (60 km/h) (70 km/h) - Where are you going? - Tanzania. - Give me $100. - Where are you going? - I'm going... - Ah, okay.

Me? - Yeah. - I'm going to Tanzania, Kigoma. - You go to Kigoma. - Kigoma. Good, good. Hello. - Good, good. - Good. - Musafi. - Ah, okay.

- Musafi. - Musafi. Yeah. Thank you! Thank you. What a landscape! So actually, all those roadblocks at the entrance and the exit... - Hey, hey! - ...of the villages are for taxes, for road taxes. But because I have a bicycle, I don't pay the road taxes. Hello.

- Hello. - Hello. - Fine? - Very good. And you? - Fine. - Can I pass? Can I exit? - You want to exit. - Yes, I'm going to Tanzania. - Where do you come from? - From Makamba today. - All right, all right. - Thank you. Have a good day. Have a good day. Bye. Hello.

So that's it. Stamped out of Burundi. Now we're crossing the no man's land to go to Tanzania. And look at whom I met. I met a group of cyclists at the border. That's more organized than the last border. Here they tell you where to switch sides.

The other border was very messy, no? - Yeah, it was. In the tracks, we were just... I don't know. Switching sides three times. - Oh, f... Yeah. Yeah. - If you were in a car, there was nowhere to pass.

- You can't. Yeah. If you're in a car, you're stuck, yeah. There is no way to pass. Yeah. - And overall, that border was hectic. - Oh, f... Yeah.

- They wanted me to bribe them. - Oh, really? - Yeah, yeah. - Wow. For the... At the stamp? - For the stamp. Yeah. - Really? - I don't know. I just... What came to my mind was just, "No." And then I just said, "No." - Yeah. Usually... Usually, it works. - If you just say, "No"... - Yeah. - ...they're just like, "Okay."

Interesting. (Stamped in Tanzania) Matoke. And we are in Tanzania, guys. Yes. And this time, to experience Tanzania.

Let's go to Kigoma now. Down to Lake Tanganyika. And I need to catch my cyclist friends who already left. It's not every day that I find some colleagues. Cyclo-tourist colleagues. Hello. - Good. Hello.

Hello. Hello. So the border was very, very easy. Very easy on both sides. It just took a bit of time because of talking to the cyclists. Hello, hello. - Salama. - Hey. - Hello, hello. - Fine. Fine, man. - Yes. Hello, hello. Bicycle shop.

- Cool. - Hello, hello, hello. Hello. Look at these beautiful horns.

Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hi. - And one cyclist. Oh, they all stopped here. Ah, it's for the view. View stop? - Yes.

- Oh, putain. Ah, yeah. - It plunges. - Ah, shit. Wow! And there we go. Hello. - Yeah. - Hello.

- Hello. - Good, nice. - Good, good. Nice, nice. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello, hello. - Hello. - Hello. We've got a...

They get scared of the camera. We've got a new escort. They are afraid of cameras here. Look at this landscape, guys. Wow! Hello, hello. Hello. - Good. - Good.

Hello. - Fine. How are you? - Hello. Hello. - Hey, mzungu. - Mzungu? Good, good. Ah, no. No. - Mzungu! - Yeah, mzungu, mzungu. Hello. Cool, cool. - Cool, cool. - Hello. - Good news. - Good, good. - Yeah, yes then. How are you?

- I'm good, I'm good. - Oh, okay. - Oh my God. - Right here. - So they told you where there is a restaurant. - Yeah, it's that one. - You are tired. - I am tired, I am tired. - Ah, yeah. Here it is. - Ah, it's complicated. - It's rather difficult. - Hello. - Good. - Good? - How are you? - I am fine. How are you? - I am fine, papa. - Fine? - Yeah. - Very good.

- Hm? Ah? Oh! Yes, but... - Mzungu. Yeah. - Mzungu, mzungu. Yes. Yes, but I'm not a doctor. Sorry.

I am not a doctor, I am not a doctor. Bicycle here. No problem? No? Okay. - Hey, no problem. - No problem? - Yeah. - Okay. I cannot go further, so I guess I'll just... - Yeah, but it's okay? It's okay for you? - For me, it's okay. I mean, my valuables are here, so... I mean most.

- ...in Burundi. - What? Ah? - I... ...do you what? ...Burundi. - Ah, you speak French. - Speak French. - You are Burundian? - Burundi. - Burundian? - Yeah. Burundi. - Okay, Burundi. - Yeah.

- Yeah, I was in Burundi before. - Yeah, Burundi. - Yes, Burundi. - I... what... doing... - Ah? I don't really understand. Sorry.

I don't really understand. - Okay, bye. - Okay. Ah? I don't understand. Sorry. I don't understand, I don't understand. - Goodbye. - Goodbye. Yeah. - Thank you. - Goodbye. I'll take the same as you. I'll just... - They have rice, beans, omelet.

- Rice, beans, omelet? Yes, perfect. - Okay. - Sir, you have an option. If you need chips, it's just too little (meaning "close") from here. Rice, meat, fish — no problem. - Okay. - Oh, you also have fish. - Fish? Yes, there's some fish. - Okay. - If you want some. You eat fish. You don't eat fish. Okay. Okay. Sorry. Ah? - ...everything or just the chips and rice?

- For me, I prefer rice. Yeah, or... - Okay. - But yeah, chips — I'm fine. I mean whatever. - Then we take everything. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, I eat everything. - Sir, how many people want chips? - All of us. - All of us.

- Chips? - Four people. - Four plates. - Four people. - Oh. - Rice. - Rice is from here. - Oh, rice is from here. - Yes. - But the thing is I think because the chips are from another restaurant. - Yeah, yeah. - ...so they wonder what we order here also, I guess.

- Ah, yes. - Ah, yeah. - Yeah, the rice and beans or... - Yeah. - Omelet and beans or whatever. - Rice and... For me, rice and beans. I'm fine. Yeah, I like... - Four chips? - Yes, please. - Four.

- And do we also take four rice and beans? - Yeah. - Yes. - Brother, and we also take four rice and beans. - Pardon? - We also take four rice and beans. - Okay. Four rice and beans are available here. - Yes, yes. We take it here. Yeah. - Four... Rice — four plates? - Yes. - Yes.

- Four plates? - Or we share some, or hopefully, we have four plates. - Sir, for the drinks, we can order here? For the drinks, we can order here? - Yes, no problem. - We get them here? - Yes. - Okay. - No problem. Brother. - Do you have a Fanta? - Fanta. Fanta zipo? - Yeah, zipo. - Four plates. - Thank you.

- In Burundi, when we ordered Fanta, we always got Coke. They always have Fanta on the menu. - Yeah. - And we always got Coke. - Oh, really? - Yeah. - Look at that. Nice rice and beans. - Please, people. No Fanta. - Pepsi? - Pepsi. - Pepsi?

- There's only... There's only Pepsi. - Pepsi? - Yeah, Pepsi is fine. - A cold one or a hot one? Cold or hot? - Cold. - A cold one? - Cold, cold. Baridi, baridi. - Cold, cold. - Very cold. - Baridi. Okay.

- Merci. - Thank you. - Let's try the beans and the rice. It's very good. Bon appetit! - There is also water. If you need water, there's also... - Oh, the rice is... Pepsi is very good. Thanks. - Yes. - And we got the second round. You eat it here, no? - Yeah. - Yeah? - What a question.

- You went... You went through Ethiopia. Did you get stoned? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean... Yeah, yeah, a few times. - A few times. - Yeah. - We also would need one more plate. One more plate. Yeah. - One more plate? - Yeah. Thanks. Thank you.

How is it? - It's good. - Yes. - The Tanzanian potato omelet. - It's a very thick omelet. - You now go to Burundi? - Ah? - Are you...? - Out of Burundi. Yeah. We're going to... - Kigoma? - Kigoma. Kigoma. - Kigoma. Okay. - Yes. - We come from Burundi. - Pardon?

- We come from Burundi right now. - Okay, very good. - Yes, yes. - Yes. You're enjoying riding? - Yes, it's very nice. Yeah. - Yes. - Very nice. - Yes. All the best. - Have a good day. Thank you, man. - Okay. Thank you. - Thank you. - All the best. - Thank you for the...

- Okay? Hello. - Hi. - Good. - All right. - All right. - Hello. You go to? - Ah? - Ah. - Kigoma. - Kigoma? - Kigoma. - Congo. - Ah? - Congo. - From Burundi. - Yeah, Burundi.

- Burundi — Kigoma. - All right. - All right. Ah? - ...you go? - I don't understand. Sorry. Oh, I cannot pass here. Just a bit of Swahili. Hello. - You go. - All right. - You go. - All right. - You go. - Thank you. I go. Goodbye, goodbye. Goodbye. - Hey.

- Let's go, guys. Let's finish our journey after this lovely — something I don't do often — nice village lunch. Let's finish our journey to Kigoma, guys, for the last part of our... Actually, today is the last stage of the very populated phase of my journey across Africa.

After Kigoma, it's gonna be much less... It's gonna be much more remote and less populated areas. So let's go to Kigoma, guys, to see Lake Tanganyika.

Hello. - Good? - Good, good. And actually, Tanganyika, the lake, gave its name to Tanzania, because at the independence, at the end of colonization, Tanzania did not exist. There were two countries. One country... The continental part of the country was called Tanganyika, like the lake, and there was Zanzibar. The archipelago of Zanzibar was an independent country.

And then they decided to merge to create Tanzania. "Tan" for "Tanganyika", and "Zan" for "Zanzibar". Tanganyika and Zanzibar together — Tanzania. Hello.

So now we're still in the highlands, and we're gonna start to dive down the lowlands, because we are probably at 1,700 meters high here, and Kigoma or Lake Tanganyika is at 800 meters high. Hello. Hello. - Salama. - Salama.

Hello, hello, hello. - Hi. - Hello. - Hi. - Hello. Hello. Ah? You're good? Okay. - Yeah. - Thank you. - Go. - Hello. Hello. - Yeah, good, good. - Hey. - Good, good, good. Hello.

- Yeah. - Cool, cool. - Cool, cool. Hello. - Hello. - You're coming from very far. - We're coming from Burundi today. - Burundi? - Yes. All of us. Yeah. - It's very far. - Yeah, it's far. Yeah. - So welcome to Tanzania. - Thank you very much! - Yeah. - Great. See you tonight. - See you.

- Or tomorrow. Enjoy. And I'm losing my... I'm losing my colleagues already. - Just one question. - Yes, yes. No worries. - Can you advise us? People who are living in Tanzania? Anything to advise us? - To advise you? - Yeah. - I mean, I don't know. I mean, who am I to advise you? Sorry. - Yeah, yeah. You know, you're our visitor. - To... Okay.

So if you want me to give an... If you want me to give you advice, okay. Freedom. To give economic freedom, to give entrepreneurship freedom to people is usually the best way to develop a country because people everywhere have many ideas... - Okay. - ... have ideas to create new things and have new ideas to do things. People have ideas; it's just that human beings have ideas, and you have to let the people develop their ideas.

Don't refrain them from developing. - Yes. - Let them develop their ideas. Give money to the people who have ideas, who have good ideas.

And that's what helps develop the countries the most... - Okay. - ...to help and support the entrepreneurs. That's what America does very well, and that's surely the reason why America is the most developed country in the world, because they truly support their entrepreneurs.

So, I do think that that's probably the best way to develop a country because people, you know, you have many people. So you have many people with many ideas. Just don't stop them. Let them believe in their dreams, believe in their ideas.

And Tanzania will only get better if you do this. - Okay. - So that's my advice for Tanzania. - Thank you very much! - You are happy. Okay. - Come and invest in Tanzania. - Ah? - Come and invest in Tanzania. - Okay. Maybe I will invest in Tanzania. Yes, it's true. Yeah. - You're most welcome. - Okay. - Thank you very much.

- Thank you very much for this nice talk. - Yeah, okay. - Have a good day, man. - Welcome. I'm Raymond. - Good luck. Raymond? Okay. - Yes. - I'm Yves. - Yves.

- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, brother. - Nice to meet you. Yeah. - You're most welcome. - Thank you very much for your welcome. It's very nice. - Yeah. - For my first day in Tanzania. - Okay. - Have a good day, Raymond. - I appreciate it. Welcome. - Thank you.

This man has a very good mentality. I do... I like it very much. He wants to develop his country, which is awesome. You know, that's what Japanese people do. Some Japanese people travel the world to gather ideas from all over the world to bring them back to Japan, to develop them in Japan.

Because that's how you develop a culture, a country. No country knows everything. No culture knows everything. You always have to learn from others. Hello. A nice local market on the way. Bicycle shop. Hello. Hey. Good, good.

Hello. Oh, it's been a while since I rode in a true, big African city. Probably since Kampala. Look at this market. Nice. Some corn. - Yeah. Welcome! - Yeah. - Up. Traffic light, guys. That's not a common sight. - You take the videos. - Yes.

- Photos. - Of my journey. - Okay. That's nice. - That's nice. - I appreciate you, bro. - Ah? - I appreciate you. - I appreciate you, too. Have a good day. - Have a good day. - Nice people here in Kigoma. I think that I need to turn here. And down there is the lake. So you see, even the back roads are well-paved. Coast View Resort.

That's where I'm heading to. Look at this view, guys. Oh my God. Lake Tanganyika. And on the other side, it's DR Congo. Oh, and straight ahead.

Do you have rooms? - Yes. - Yes? - Yes. - Good. - Hi. - Hi. - How are you? - Good. How are you? - Good. Welcome. I like your bike. - You like my bike. - Yes. - Good. Everyone likes it. - It's your telephone? - No, this is for speed. - For speed.

- Speedometer. I can see speed. Do you have rooms? - Yes, I have. Can I test this one? Yes. - The legs from here. - This is wonderful. - This is wonderful.

- Yes. - Yes, it's nice. Yes. - Oh, this is an indicator. Take a picture. - I will remove it after... After. - Okay. - I see the room first. - Okay, okay. - For how much is it? - 50,000 ($18). - 50,000? - Yes. - Do you have wi-fi? - Yes, I have it. - You have it. Okay. - Yes. - It's beautiful here. Wow!

Very nice. - Yes. If you want to see the lake... - Yeah. - ...just go up there. - Ah, I can go up here and then I can see the lake. I will go after. Yeah. - Okay. - And do you take cards? I see. - Yes. - Do you take credit cards? - Yes. - Yes.

- So there's this one. - Nice. Oh, fantastic. Very good. It's quiet here, yeah? - Yes, it's quiet. - Very nice. That's what I'm looking for. It's okay. This one is good.

Yeah. - Okay. - Fantastic. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. And you have AC. - Yes. - O-la-la. That's unbelievable. Fantastic. - Yes. - Amazing. It's been a long time since I saw that. Since Kampala. - Kampala. - Kampala had AC. But after Kampala, no more AC.

My nice room. You see? Yeah, wow. Wow, look at that, guys. Beautiful. All the bay. - Congo there. - And Congo there. Yeah, yeah. On the other side. Beautiful, a bit of forest. Ah? - You come from France? - Yes, I am French.

- Ah, it's good. - Do you speak French? - Yes, I do. - Where do you come from? - From Burundi. - Ah, okay. That's why. And on the other side... - DRC. - ...DR Congo. - DR Congo. - So from this beautiful place here in Kigoma, in Tanzania, see you for the next adventures; ciao, guys.

2024-06-13 01:52

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