SV Awaitea goes from highs to lows with inspections, leaks & surprises @bundabergportmarina5145

SV Awaitea goes from highs to lows with inspections, leaks & surprises @bundabergportmarina5145

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[Music] w w [Music] so our water pump had a leak and it was leaking  out of these holes here called tell toil holes   which means that the seal in the pump is  no good anymore so this one has got two seals there's me I could answer that yeah two seals two  bearings and the seals go in front of the   bearings like this and those Telltale holes  go in the middle of the two seals so that if   the seal leaks it gets through one it comes  out of the hole so you know it's leaking so   it doesn't go into the bearing or into the into  the gears this is is driven by gears inside the   gener in the motor so we have to replace the  bearings the seals clean up the pump put a   new impeller in cuz this one's uh starting to  crack you can just see it there just but it's   okay but it's starting to crack so new impeller  and then put it all back together and good to go   so what I've done is I've ordered speed or I've  got spares for it now I bought double the stuff   so that if it happens in the future we've got  all the parts for it done good job good [Music] job that's nasty in there thread just bu it oh improvising yeah it's a bit tight but my gosh how far does it have to  go along the middle oh wow okay it's t right get it on yeah it's not good but  shouldn't have gone that way don't like it now as   a side story if you discover that your fenders are  rubbing on your paint work buy some magnets we did   and it's stopped the paint getting rubbed off and  that only works if you've got a steel boat why   are we blowing bubbles yeah come oh that's good  cuz otherwise I was thinking we might have had a hole wow I can near the wrong side [Music] see it's scratching out is that not normal  going to be 44.0 what it 44.8 [Music] yeah 29 39 44 didn't I say 4408 he's still trying tried it here on the  steel and now he's doing it on the concrete here this morning we've got Jess and Dave  here doing a rigging inspection so they're   going to inspect all of the rigging to  make sure it's safe let me know what's   wrong what needs to be fixed and so on so  we'll go down and see them see this see this yep that's that would be so old that's just  a like a yeah it's like a welded oh wed eye   to a stud which is actually it's not even a  true fitting that's not a real what we want   to do is we need to get something different  here yep looking at it yeah you don't want   to rely that's pressed into that fitting and  it's just spring out yeah see mil on this side y migrating out yep that that you'll be able  to find a solution for that yeah there'll be   some type of fitting that we can put there or  you know it be something there okay for this it   probably needs to be Dam right so when you're  hoisting the main up double braid stretches p   you can imagine if the sail's going up yeah and  you've got it hoisted imagine if it's like say   it's stretching like that over the sheath what  it'll do is it'll actually wear out the sheath   it'll make it like oval okay rather if you've got  dyema that's hardly got any stretch at all yeah   and what that'll it's stronger which is safer and  it means that you won't get a pumping action over   the she and it won't wreck the sheath as much so  that's just something for for you to know also   so you're going to go up on that I'm going to go  up on this Y how do you know it's not frayed and   hanging on by a thread at the top that's that's  the problem with the rig inspection mate so do you   have like uh some sort of drugs to give you big  balls something like that unfortunately not mate   unfortunately not um okay so if if if I let's  put it this way if I felt unsafe on this I can   put another Halid to me Adrian can also pull up  another Halid so technically I've got two so I'll   sit in that I'll see how I feel one like this yeah  I I even saw that one hey I something you would   straighten yep no it be fatigued so that whole  thing needs to be replaced then you so you guys   rig is betray originally sort of thing and you  come over to this or is that how you you started   on this so I well this this is actually I've  done this since I was 16 and it actually started   off with sail making and then moved into this  sort of moved into sail making and rigging yeah okay so when I sit in this when I sit in  this winch yeah see how bouncy it is yeah   right so that's something that really needs to  be changed okay not going up no it's not going   up it's going funny stop the she at the toped  out cuz I feel so it's pulling it over the top   of it is it yeah it's pulling it over the top  of it so let me down pulling it over the top   of it and it's G clunk clunk clunk clunk so  that she that the top needs to change fixed   or something like that so A few people said to  me oh just get someone on there that knows how   to sail and just go out and they'll teach you  you wouldn't have been out to get the sail up   I went I went well how about I get someone  to check it first yeah yeah absolutely yeah   absolutely cuz I don't want to be getting  somebody else into you know issues and all that yeah all good want to make sure  I can go back down I can bring your   smer short we got a Dr I can get it out  there for you can send it to me on the J [Music] okay [Music] so at the top of that sail there's a swivel which  allows that to turn and swivel the how you connect   the top swivel sails on the bottom so when it  turns itwi well that swivel has come on top of   the tube all the way over the top and so even  if you undo that helard it's caught on the top   of the tube it needs to come back onto the tube  come back down okay um so to do that there is a   strop between the top of the sail and that swivel  that just needs to be short okay and then that'll   get the swivel back onto the sitting on the tube  yeah cuz if it goes over the top of the tube um   it's it's just sort of resting on The Wire which  is not correct and should you need to pull the   sail down you can't yeah um then you can put um  the she are wide enough for the rope that we need   to put in they're all they're all F and is the  m head boled or welded what's that the the those   sheets can come out of the half section or is it  yeah you can take the sheets out yeah that's fine   they can be replaced from a l and then the  tail on the Windex is broken but that's no biggy and stop there that's [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's just there's a few things  like that make it difficult to sell for you   as well like this Main sheet is controlled from  here yes so let's say you're out there and it's   windy you're having to come forward climb up on  here Reaching Across here y um it might just be   rolling the boom's going bang bang bang and having  to come up here fingers around this thing mhm um   usually the main Sheet's really easy accessible  so that let's say big gust of wind comes yeah and   the boat's tipping over like soon as the boat  tips over like that the rud is less effective   yeah um you need to be able to go dump that  out get rid of the air take the pressure off   and get the boat under control again and that's  hard if it's out the front here yeah so you know   little things like that would you would have to  work out and it's something you can probably do   down the track you'd have to work out how to  lead that after the cockpit yeah okay um they   may have even had it like that on these sort of  blocks here I don't know what these are for yet   and there's this this cradle basically holds the  boom stop it banging around yeah when you go to   sail you have to top the boom lift a boom up on  this and one of these lines here should be the   topping lift on here right you lift the boom up  this comes out completely yep so that this boom   can swing fre this way if you were to try and  put the side up with this there the sail will   lift up the boom will bang around and you'll  knock that out yep so a few little bits and   pieces that sort of got to be aware of down here  if you look closely um see this strand here you   put this that little line there see that yeah  C so that's a Telltale sign yep okay um of it   weakening you know the knife goes into it yeah  okay called the master ship still Friday night   with a mahi mahi from AA yep and some locally  C cor yep so fried get some rice yes cheers FBI female body inspector that's my job I'm a  mile come on Merry Christmas are you or no I'm   not even going to say anything I'm shutting  up bye-bye Karl's getting prepared for a bad   swim he's been trying to fix the Sonar yeah and  it's not fixing so not working he's got another   job to do got to go down and see whether it's  covered in anything or I don't know what's wrong   with it so you are going to see up well I wasn't  going a bit I don't know how warm it is did you   touch it no touch it at all going be cold as hell  possibly I guess that's why the wet suits the good option all set yep I got my correct tool for  the job hopefully we'll soon see look about here w i d white belt for that yeah I'll try  a broom did you ever think you'd swim   with a broom not particularly don't swim  very good let sure put me things get on   be h what you can chuck a rope over so  like tied it off so I can hang on to it sure find it [Music] so it's still not showing what he [Music] wants oh scrubber  don't call me that I need a scrubber how many times have you dropped your  phone I actually haven't haven't dropped it   I'm really lucky I don't want to be like  a phone every few months you know what I mean what you doing our sona's  not working and he thinks it might   be covered with stuffff he doesn't  want to be in there that's for sure what what did you just do I just finally fixed  our dingy that I've been meaning to our tender   the winch that goes on the tender up to the dingy  davits which is the things that lifted up out   of the water had these little shackles look how  big they are they're like nipple rings and when   I hop in the boat so UND do it I've got to hop in  there with the boat so we're hanging off the boat   and I off that wow and I which is probably about  200 kilos which can probably well obviously it   can handle it but I think it's a bit too little  isn't it way I've taken these ones they were on   both sides look looks like some like kids meano  set or something look at that oh dear hilarious   and we put real ones on it good job that's good  another little job done fixed tick Jan is really   hard to see in this photo but can you see how it's  chaed there it's like half cut through there okay   right here right there yeah right there that if  that goes the sail will come down so you got to   be careful of that um okay so from what I've seen  on this it's okay the the thing is is that I can   look at all these and I can visually inspect  it but I can't see inside the actual sway yeah   yep so for safety wise which is what I'd say to  anyone that's boat is 10 years or old or older I   would generally say if it was my boat I would  probably look at changing these but it's your   boat your decision but that's what I generally  say yeah because I I don't know what's going on   in here in in any way um however the tuning of it  really nice I it's tuned really well um there's   a few little things up there like the sheet  and all those kind of things and what happens is to get those shees out otherwise I've  got to go up the top and what I've got to   be able to do is I've got to be able to  go up there and get those out so when you look look here so the sheath run  on these pins here so there's a   pin that goes all the way through  and then there's two sheath so look to sheets so so you can imagine see how see the gaps  here that's where the sheets are where the ropes   come out of see that pin there that there that  pin is go back this is the other side right so   that pin goes all the way through and the she  there's two shees on this side and there's two   shees on this side you have to slide that out and  get and get those out yeah change them and so we   can figure out why they weren't running very well  properly you can't you can't but can I get these   out can I can I get that out I don't know if  that's corroded or not the same with this one I   don't know whether it's cored or not and to push  that through being up there holding the seet is   really hard so what so you can imagine say you've  got say this is the Rope right yeah the Rope this   is the sheet say it's going over the sheet like  that and you've got two and you've got to hit the   pin through there to get it out what you got to  do is you got to have a bit of a bit of your own   rope dink a little bit of your rope over and and  get that one have another dink of your rope over   and have that one right got to hold those yeah you  got to have that prepped you got to have all the   little nuts undone what you got to do is you going  to be able to hold that like that and somehow have   three hands yeah then I've got to hit the pin  because I don't want them to drop in there cuz I   need them and I don't want them to drop drop down  do you know what I mean it's really really hard up   there need a punch there's a lot of time and labor  in trying to get that yeah thanks for watching and   don't forget to subscribe if you want a reminder  hit the bell and remember we always love a thumbs   up yeah I just want to be forever yeah yeah I just  want to be forever yeah I'm off the ground no I   can stop me now yeah I just want to be [Music]  forever other night I remember what it felt [Music] be

2023-11-20 23:22

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