Suamiku Di Ambil Orang || Cerpen Terbaru

Suamiku Di Ambil Orang || Cerpen Terbaru

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Hi, good afternoon viewers, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh see you again with your favorite channel on flash TV today I will give a very amazing natural scenery that breaks , namely natural scenery in a tourist location, note a village location where I was visiting to see natural scenery I present this especially to you all on this occasion. There are flat areas . The viewer . bordering the village of Depok Panggul District, Trenggalek Regency, for that reason, there is the village of Karangtengah Hai, where Karangtengah village is in the west . Hi, while I am in the north. On this occasion I am facing west. What we take is the village area, ah ah. Sudimoro or crackers are served jung there in the mountains we are Karangtengah village which borders with Hai village for that viewers because it is at an altitude So yesterday we were in Depok taking natural scenery in the terraced rice fields, while now we take natural views directly facing the mountains. another mountain Hi so that over there is a mountain but that mountain is still inhabited by the people Now it is a village while at the other end it is visible What is vaguely known is the area because it is my friend that is the other one taking a video picture we are together being heard because of the sound of the machine TV dynasty, not a love story. What TV takes the natural scenery here but we take it from a different point of view so even though it's in the same location but the direction of shooting is different, hi Before I give further explanation about the Vlog video on the occasion, n today the press TV wishes you all the best wherever you are, hopefully God always bestows his grace on us, it's made easy for us to carry out our daily tasks, it's easier to do our work and easy to do in every way. In addition, fresh TV, please support by subscribing like and share this content with friends or other friends so that press TV can be more crowded. Men see there are clove trees then there are palm trees

or coconut trees and at the end there are mountains. Hey mountains, which is a forest area . but there are several locations that are occupied by the community and most of the people here are relying on income from the forest itself in various kinds , before that at the end there was the Panggul sub-district, no dear, I show it happened on this occasion we saw that the city of the pelvis from its height I need to explain that b This idle stage or Panggul District is in the District of Trenggalek Hai, of course, East Java Province Hi, now this is a plant or a sengon tree and this is a petai tree.

Hi, this is perfect for the sea sengon tree, the reader is not a petai. Well, this sea sengon is a plant which includes the short term, which is different from teak, teak and acacia trees. Hi, this is really amazing. The officers will continue to grow later, we will take them from a different direction. Of course, he looks at other areas from a height . banana leaves, your authority to dance in society like this, it produces income from the main elements, plants that can produce more jackfruit trees, then cloves, coconuts, these bananas, these bananas, so it's very different when compared to those in the city, of course, hi when they are in the city they are se workers while in this village, relying on agricultural products or plants that are short or long term Hi so Hi because it doesn't rely on agricultural products, the life of the people in that village is so very simple, there the viewer looks like there is a stone it is Kertosono Village now this is a cell tree that looks fresh Hi so eh plants that are at an altitude are more fertile than those in other areas it tells a story like that which is the way Show it is the mainstay of seeds the price is like clear other areas So viewed from here to Hi If you imagine this is parallel to Hi steak, how high is the location of the scenery which is currently a very extraordinary gift of God's creation Hi even though it is in a highland area but the residents are still able to adapt Hi even though they only rely on plantation products but the people in this village live quite ordered even more so when the Jokowi's order is a lot of assistance given to the community, mainly cash assistance then wage subsidies then cooking oil subsidies then also non-cash assistance Hi Well, with this assistance, it really helps the village community in the economic cycle Hi myself at the time of taking this picture very amazed the readers are really amazing hopefully the Vlog video On this occasion can give what your imagination is how beautiful the scenery in the village is Dik Hai what is it right now in front of me this is a coconut tree that is so dashing Hi then at the end there it looks like the mountains are standing firmly Hi However, this area is also prone to natural disasters, the viewer is hi hi because it is at an altitude of course Hai is prone to natural disasters, the main thing is landslides, that's where it was formed Sherly lu viewers are quite good so the view at the top In the afternoon, the info is Hi with the natural conditions This highland is indeed very vulnerable Hi , but the people, because they have lived here for many years, So they feel very comfortable . this plant garden is another passenger, yes, the color life is at the end of the government, more clearly it is data from the Panggul sub-district which from the plan there is also a river flow that seems very heel. Just imagine from a distance it is still visible for the flat area maybe

if you think about it In my opinion, the altitude here is approximately 350-8 degrees above sea level. Below that is a resident's house, so the house is under the road or on a cliff, so it can be prone to disasters. the wind and it's a banana tree that thrives Ha i meanwhile, the mountains at the far end are also several villages, so indeed Hi. Our region is made up of mountains. Hai because the main village is in Panggul sub-district, of the 17 villages which are flat, only about 20% can be seen. The problem is

the loss of the mountain trees that are there makes it appear that the mountains are far away, very interesting to be seen by parallel to the Dek Hai elements, back from 17 villages, only 20% of which are flat areas, the remaining 80% are mountainous areas of Hai or highland areas. In the past there was also a remote teacher program, there is also something like that, but maybe now it has changed its name or replaced with other benefits. The natural scenery destination that I presented Hani on my left was a cliff again and below it was next to a resident's house is under trillion So if this happens until the cliff collapses now the house below it will be buried in the ground comments Hi, therefore hi hi hi Jaya hope hopefully nothing will happen that causes disaster for the people who live here Hi back next to the candidate we imagine later this is the cassava tree Now there is a tree whose roots are now being reused in the viewer's nature If you imagine when at this location then the atmosphere is at night now, of course at night the nuances will be even more different Hi However Here, I make sure the weather is very cold. Hi, because the area is quiet, this will save more electricity. Hi, maybe the residents have been sleeping since the afternoon. Hi so because you are sleeping, of course, the lights will be turned off differently, if in urban areas, people prefer to trade, so this is also it 's a waste if it's here because it's in a mountainous area n and when the night is quiet then they have been sleeping since the afternoon, maybe Subaru at seven o'clock tonight if it's on the plains want the pelvic area, yam Kertosono, the slave who has a flat area if he sleeps it must be around 12.00 or even more than 12.00 Hi, so that's the impact Hi, the light is

still on, hi, how many hours, it's over. Hi Naruto, it's worth being grateful for those who are here, the trees report banana leaves dancing in the wind . the ground from the flat area from the flanks and so on. That's called the desert wind so it's a little bit strong but it's comfortable to feel the cracks breaking Hi a fresh TV picture presents a very amazing natural landscape for you, hopefully it can provide entertainment Hi, I mean the cliff earlier an acknowledgment like that, above the house, even if this cliff slides , of course it will hoarding houses, there are two, the house is there. The deck is like this. Hi Before I go back to Remind you, press TV is a collaborative content blog, natural scenery, natural tourist scenery, this natural scenery, which we combine with the story in it, hopefully it can give Hi entertainment for all of you as what content Creator I want to provide as much entertainment as possible as good as possible for all of you wherever you are Hi and I thank you for all the support fresh TV can't reward you all just praying hopefully you and your family always given health and long life Hey back to my realm back to the village nature so the wind that blows the leaves shows that the location where I am is a very cool location Hey the wind blows that penetrates what hit me I feel so fresh Well because in the village of course not This pollution is very minimal, so the air is very fresh, it's still natural. If maybe the people in the city are different, if in the city the pollution comes from various types of pollution sources, it can be from hi, what is household waste that smells can also be a net, eh, factory smoke it can also be from motor vehicle fumes or I am from others Hi when compared to the village How is the natural scenery that is very present, now it's just cassava leaves dancing, yes. or this oxygen is really still pure then with this condition it can be maintained and have an impact on what Hi people and other plants this is because when natural conditions are very supportive of course it will have an impact on human health itself God gives a what is called 4 back so when we take care of nature they also give indirectly also give give us a reward, they give us coolness, namely a Hai dance from cassava leaves and banana leaves signifies that nature is so Peaceful Hey they Hi without sin Hi all thanks to the grace of God Almighty Hi the chirping of my nature The green of my village nature The beautiful scenery of the village looks beautiful in the distance a mountain of peace gives coolness to all of us so maybe those of you who are in the city can imagine how comfortable it is to live in the village However, eh Hai it does not provide many job opportunities compared to the city but spiritually or mentally it is living in the village peaceful because it can blend with nature like this Hi, the difference is venomous so without a lot of noise maybe only a few motorbikes passing by. Caca the rest are natural sounds that are nice to enjoy, so the sound of nature can be the sound of animals then the sound of the wind blowing then sounds of nature. the sound of leaves in the

wind and other animal sounds maybe brush TV viewers present a video blog this time it's enough hopefully Bleszynski can provide entertainment for you see you for the next Vlog video I hope you stop thank you

2022-06-25 14:33

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