Stumbled across a MYSTERY in rural Angola [S7-E85]

Stumbled across a MYSTERY in rural Angola [S7-E85]

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Unreal Dondo, ANGOLA Season 7 - Eps. 85 Good morning Internet, it is 7:55 in  the morning and welcome back to the channel Welcome here in Dondo, Angola. I am having a breakfast at the rooftop of the place that I've been saying last night and I  even have a view over the river again Look So that's not a bad place to start a day Alright, we got some egg and we got some bread and I think I'm going to get a tea as well The plan, the plan for today is, I want to follow this road over here And then I'm going to go up a little bit because somewhere over here are some amazing waterfalls That I want to see, so from here via this route that's about 270 kilometers Okay Have a good journey! - Bye, thank you! Okay, I'm first going to.. Have a good journey! - Thank you! First going to that petrol station that I saw to fill up and then continue Or start the day really. As you can see I shifted back to my old camera

I was not happy with the one that I tried, I didn't think the audio was good And I didn't like the wire sticking out on the side so.. .. I tried it but it wasn't good enough So.. Good morning.. eh full - Full?

Full full It's okay - Thank you Let's go! I am excited for today, I think it's going to be a good day Oh Little flooding Look at those mountains hey So beautiful I am hitting some dirt See it's not so muddy here anymore right? Angola is already a lot sandier I also remember that from Botswana that was also sand, sand, sand It's definitely not so clayie anymore like in the majority of West Africa Some lizards Another family living here I think Wow, it is gorgeous here What a lush paradise Hello Must be a village Hi! Very cute What a fun track! I am really liking this hey! It's also the temperature is now so nice. It's warm but it's not like boiling hot Thank you! Wow! Look at this Fantastic right? Is this the Kwanza again? Must be, no Kwanza River. Yeah it's again the river kwanza Good morning! Good morning! Unreal Good mornning! Amazing right? Yoi Stunning, stunning place right? Oh And these rock outcrops they are sedimentary conglomerates, but the conditions that resulted in these rock outcrops here That still remains a geological mystery So they don't quite know. Oh, I am loving today's ride really

It's.. it's so beautiful everywhere like Angola is blowing my mind And I am only halfway and I think the biggest attraction is still coming Those are the falls. So let's continue, it's 114 kilometers to go to the waterfall See my own tire track Not too many people come here, they  are doing a little bit of farming There's some people working the fields here Not on a.. on a very small scale only

I have only five more kilometers to go And then there.. well, there should be a place to stay right next to the falls Oh, water levels are really high you see that? All those trees are on the water here too Hi hello Good morning I have to adapt my Portuguese accent a little bit Because I was saying kind of like, in the Brazilian way, good morning But then people think that I'm Brazilian So I'm trying to sound more like Angolans They just say like the Portuguese way, good morning Oh wow, I'm actually getting sprayed from the waterfall This is not rain this is waterfall spray, I'm telling you Good morning.. eh.. good afternoon! - Good afternoon Wow, look at this Amazing! So let's see how close I can get to the falls, without being sprayed completely Um, so these are the Kalandula falls and they're over a 100 meters tall So there are some serious waterfalls  but there's.. there's almost nobody coming here Um, so I'm just going to see how close I can get, and if you then can still hear anything Because the sound of the.. the noise of the waterfall is pretty hectic but let's see how far I can go

What an amazing place Unreal, look at this Ha ha ha! Look at this! Wow! Fantastic! Rainbow Okay, let's see if I can get a bit closer still This way Surely, this is a path right? Looks like a path to me Oh, spider web, sorry spider Ah no, I can't can't cross here I think Ah my guess is that in the dry season, that you can come here Really easily. Somehow I am again in the wet season When the rainy season ended in West Africa I think it's kind of began in Angola and Zambia. And uh.. I don't know East Africa also has its own rainy seasons I think most of these areas they even have two rainy seasons a year So it's.. ah, it's almost impossible well, for me it is impossible to avoid it I mean I stopped for 4 months last year to kind of wait out the rainy season But yeah if I want to avoid it all the time then I am stopping more than I'm actually riding So there's just no real way to plan this perfectly you know But then again these waterfalls are obviously a lot more impressive when there is a lot of rain So that's the upside I am going to walk back to my room which has an amazing view on the falls So talking about a room with a view. Look at this! I have a straight view on the falls, how awesome is this And go work on some videos, do some editing So that was for today. I really hope you like this video If you did please give me a big thumbs up, subscribe down below and then I will see you in the next video

2024-03-04 13:56

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