Stephanie McMahon discusses her villain status, family, WWE and more espnW

Stephanie McMahon discusses her villain status, family, WWE and more   espnW

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All right so let's, bring her on Stephanie. McMahon, who has, been. Involved with WWE. Since she was just a wee little thing, great. That isn't that like incredible to just watch that and a little. Credit for all of that success right right, it had nothing to do with the other generations, that, preceded really. Not so all the hard work of absolutely everybody else in our company yeah Forth Worth for. Generations, yep right yep, started, in the 50s hey, Dad and you grew up in this world of. Superstars. And and, almost mythical, people, and Giants what, was that like I did well before I answer that let me just say Hannah how grateful, I am to be here today with. You in, particular with, everyone here in this audience I think, that I could actually interview, Hannah in. Fact all of the moderators, really have their own incredible stories, to tell so I do think that it's a round of applause for young. Author. Filmmaker. Runs, and owns her own production studio, has, her own foundation I, mean I'm I know I'm spinning it okay yeah you totally turned the tables. But. You know what that's I think that's what it's about we're here to lift. Each other that's right and, you, know put our arms around each other and inspire each other and so to. That effect, I think the fact not only what. You've done with WWE, in terms of the women's revolution and, bringing these incredible. Stories of these strong women to the forefront but within. Your, own sphere being. A woman such a powerful woman in this industry and, having, to do it within the scope of working. With your family yes your work is your, family, and what, many don't realize and, and they know your mother Linda, was, that she was actually the CEO yep, of this company yeah their years when you were growing up that's right and so you know I was actually quoted recently, by. ESPN, because, I never saw gender, as a barrier but. I think that it's so, important. For us to have those roles as women my just grew up with my mom is the CEO of a company so I never, assumed, women could be anything but CEO. And. It's very interesting to actually I was I was talking to another. Active in the industry she's, one. Of the few female, CEOs, in this particular industry and she was at a board meeting of, 24. Men and herself, she's the only woman and, they were talking about gender equality and how they were gonna bring equality, to. Their organizations. And it, was about five, or six, minutes in and finally, she said hey. Guys does. Anybody want to ask me. None. Of the men in the room had. Even, thought about asking her and, it. Was such a shock, to the men themselves, that. They didn't think of it it was really this aha moment like, wow, she's. Sitting right here how could we not have even thought to have asked her so, it was a great was a very pivotal moment, but she had to use her voice that way she, has to be that woman in the room we all have to be that woman and it, might be a job that we didn't sign up for we not may have thought that we needed to do that but we got to set the example and I'm, just so proud again of, ESPN, for giving us this platform to do just, that you, had this you know an incredible, role model but, you've gone on to, perform. In the ring and be this a, huge. Business person, with a massive job like, we just saw but, when you were small, and you were watching your parents go literally, from bankruptcy, to billionaires, yeah I mean it was this incredible.

Journey That. You went on did, you see yourself in one, or, the other of those roles because, you have both both in and out of the ring I never, saw myself in the ring again. I think maybe there just wasn't that example, and. There were some but it certainly wasn't at it was maddening right majority. Man and I, always. Saw myself working for the family business I just didn't know how right. You know but I was willing to do anything and everything and, for the most part I did right. You started off modeling for the catalog, and yeah like eight or nine right modeling, not sure, we. Did not know. Come on really bad no no and. Then I know you interned, in literally, every department, but. Catch us up on that journey, because, you. You've done pretty, much everything, right. Writing directing, I have I have or forming, all of it so you, know interning, all throughout, school and in high school working you know after school and during the summers, but. Really after college, I started off as an account executive in, our sales office and at that same time which, really is a fancy title, for you, know, nothing. I went. I went on all of these different sales calls and I was actually way too passionate. About our business at the time because I'd go in and there would be all these you, know naysayers. And they media. Buyers these young people who were my age making, these big decisions and they just wouldn't even give you the time of day sometimes. And I would get way too passionate. About it so that was not for me you, have to have a whole different level, of patience, but. So then I became, a talent, at that same time right around that same time and what. I fell in love with was the creative and. I did have unique internship. With. My mom the CEO fresh out of college I spent three, months in her office where. I had the chance and I know this is a privilege and and I don't think anyone else that I know of has had this opportunity but to just ask questions you. Know and listen into all of these meetings and why did you do this and why did you do that and read through contracts, and just absorb as much as I could and then I spent six months with. My father who's. The chairman and the head of all of our and now the CEO and head of Oliver I would call him at work he's Vincent work he's been and there is Vince, at work and dad, at home and thank God there, they are both. But. Then you. Know I just fell in love with the creative and the storytelling, because, that is the. Most crucial piece and I think the most basic form of communication. So. Then it became you know what maybe sales isn't for you so, you're, gonna go into the writing team and you're, gonna be one of the writers you know for a little while and if you prove yourself and you learn that maybe one day you'll you'll take over the the writing team oh goodness. Gracious. So. Two weeks, into. The. Head writer quit, and I, rock I'm taking over the writing team and growing it from two people two guys yes thank you guys very much. Okay. Well you gotta highlight. I know, I'll. Be w/e on Steve I. Know like. On stage and like things are falling, right you know knocking. Things over. Yeah. John, Cena did that he's about to burst yeah right. Right. Right do. You like, in. Terms of your sort. Of persona. In that regard do you happy in the villain I love being the villain you do yeah yeah, and but. Just to go back first, I don't want to lose where you and I had talked about before so in. Terms of the creative writing team ultimately, then I went on to be the first woman and this is why I think it's relevant to run our live events booking, and marketing our talent development our talent relations departments. And the first woman to run our digital, department. As well which is when we launched social. Media and the WWE, app right before their. OTT service the WWE, where you were so I so, many things to talk to you about but you were so at the forefront of that WWE. In terms of streaming, your. Content and I know you've said that your platform agnostic, yes. At, WWE. But we saw those amazing. Numbers you, know and you can even when you look at the individuals, the performers. And their numbers are off the charts in. Terms of their social media followers can, you just walk us through how, you because. You produce all this content, yep selves but how, you get it out there and why you were so far ahead of the curve in that regard sure so we produce 1,500, hours of content per year and we. Leverage a Content ecosystem, with 6 billion hours viewed last, year alone Wow around the world around I'm Rembrandt. So, we, have this whole content ecosystem when we believe that one piece of the ecosystem, doesn't work without the other so there's, traditional linear, which we do still believe in it still reaches you know so many people we have our partnership, here in the States with USA. Network and then BCU we. Also have partnerships with ESPN, where there's an upcoming Ric, Flair 30 for 30 there.

Was A thirty four thirty on the XFL, there, was an e 60 on the Performance Center we. Also have a partnership with HBO Sports which is going to be doing a documentary on Andre the Giant or. E where we have our reality, shows total divas and total Bella's so. There's linear then there's a vaad, right, which is basically digital and social and that's crucial because. Not only are there short form clip reels of your content but you have to produce original, content, for those platforms. Repurposing. Content is not enough you need to reach. People where they're engaging how, they want to be engaged, and. There we do have original, shows like superstar, ink which is a show about our superstars. And their tattoos and the meaning behind their tattoos, which is always because, that's that's so personal I love. That concept absolute. That's a good way to get to know somebody yeah right and but. Then our stars also they engage, mm-hmm, and they're businessmen and women you know the same way a lot of athletes, are right because they recognize, the more popular their own individual, brand is the more meaningful they are to the team or the franchise, or, to the WWE, to the business and John, Cena's the number one most active American athlete, on Facebook, we, currently are, the second, most viewed, YouTube channel, in the world in the world in the world right which even like when I saw that stat I didn't believe it I had Wow can you please verify this statistic. We're behind a Bollywood, Channel and, ahead of PewDiePie. But. See any idea what percentage of your fans are from, outside the US yes. So it's very interesting because 70%, of, viewership takes place outside of the US only 30%, of the revenue so. There's a huge growth opportunity there that we're trying to capitalize on a couple, of things that I've. Heard you say and that I've read about you and one of them is in, regards, to social media that. Your philosophy, is that, you don't just push out your content, you're not just pushing out messages you're not just promoting, but you are very seriously, listening, to your fans and that is actually impacted.

The, Way you've done business and in particular, with the Divas yeah and you walk us through that absolutely. Yeah so I do believe that one of the reasons we've had such success success. In social media is because we recognize that if our fans are a part of our show right, they give us constant, real-time, feedback whether that's focus, groups live in the arena and I'm using that as a euphemism we're not actually doing focus groups in the arenas they are focus, groups in and of themselves mm-hmm, or it is digital in social media or it is merch sales etc but our fans give us that feedback and, they know they are a part of our story and they influence, what happens in the ring and what we do and the. Best example of that is when it comes to our women's division so, we have branded, our women's division, about, eight nine years ago the Divas division and an effort to give our women a spotlight, but, that was before divas. Seemed to be a negative term it was what Houston, and Aretha Franklin the divas of Sol right it was very positive but. We needed to evolve and ultimately, it did result in in total, Bella's and total divas so it was it was a positive story but. What shifted, was how we were training and portraying, our women in our, developmental, system so. That's actually my, husband's. Job and this, I could talk to you guys forever but life imitated, art I am, married to Triple H we were married in divorce on television then we got married in real life we have three daughters eleven, nine and seven right, he, has now made the transition, into the company and is now running a multitude. Of departments, among. Them talent, development and in the creation of our whole Performance Center he started recruiting elite, athletes men, and women from all over the, world and he started training the women the, same way that the men were being because because it used to be when, you're, talking about bringing women and they were models, you're looking at models, a lot of times a lot of some cheerleaders, that they weren't athletes, right, but it was looks first and, it was now that that mentality has changed, yep and I think it was a misperception.

You, Know in our business of what our audience wanted, while our audience told us so what happened was in our, developmental, system where. Their matches. Were longer their storylines, were better their character, development was better as women, often do they were stealing the show to the point where our audience started, chanting this is wrestling, and women's wrestling and that, transitioned. To the main roster where, we had our still Divas division a tag match for. Women in the ring competed, for 30 seconds, and that, was not uncommon and it, started, this had well one more give. Divas a chance and it trended, worldwide for. Three, days. Wow, three, days men. And women in our audience demanding. More from the way we were portraying, women it, was so loud and so strong, that our chairman, and CEO yes, my father responded, we hear you keep watching hashtag give divas a chance and from, there in our biggest stage which is WrestleMania. We, had WWE, Hall of Famer lead up I'm out and in, the biggest way possible announced. The rebranding of, the Divas division to the women's division she, unveiled the new championship, belt that was a butterfly, to being something more akin to the men's championship, belt but still feminine and, she, announced that our women were now gonna be called superstars, same as the men and since that, time our, women have been regularly, main eventing, our television, programming, and pay-per-view, events we've still got a long way to go yes, but, they are absolutely, that's fantastic. I am and. That comes, from listening. And. Engaging yeah, and then changing, your strategy yep, yeah and then our fans also at NXT for, example, which I had said really started as our Developmental, League and is now our third global touring brand they. Are deciding. With, their voices who, is gonna make it to the main roster and they, know it so, they're invested. In these, superstars, from the very beginning, and then that only continues, to grow as they, become bigger and bigger stars, and I think engagement. Is such. A key, part of why WWE. Has this incredible, reach and, success and yet with all this reach and success. I imagine, you regularly, come across people who really, don't understand, what WWE is. What's the biggest, misconception. That. You find it's. Changed, I think, that you, know before. Maybe. 10-15. Years ago the misconception. Was that oh yeah that's like barroom. Kind, of you know that, that's unsee mning the form of entertainment, then. I think the misperception, came about, ten years ago with the Attitude Era right, where we were explain that explain the Attitude, Era a little because you're competing with Turner we were in that we, were actually about the restaurant business, yeah because Ted Turner had just quite frankly deeper pockets, at that time and my, parents really grew our business, from a regional, territory, and into the global phenomenon that it is today started, in your house right yeah yeah, but they had to desk across from each other my mom had to decide whether or not to actually purchase the $12. A month typewriter.

That She had been renting. Mm-hmm, um so they really did they started from the ground up and they learned, along the way one of the they learned as the importance of contracts, because, Turner was able to hire away a lot of our top talent. We. Didn't have contracts, with them as a handshake deal so. We lost a number of our biggest stars and, we. Couldn't go live every week we just couldn't afford it and and Turner was and they went head to head with us with the brand called WCW. At Monday, night nitro now we have a show on it on the WWE. Network because we won by the way yes you, did we want a big way right. But again we were trying to be competitive so you, know we actually just. Like my parents mortgaged, everything they owned to make WrestleMania 1 a success, they had to sell off a number of different personal, items to invest, in making WWE, success, again so we could, go live and, we could go head to head and the Attitude Era was one of those survival mechanisms. And, it was irrelevant, at the time it was you know the Howard Stern Show and, NYPD Blue and all that like it was was, the marketplace, right and. We had worked yeah and we strategically change. That and went back to family, entertainment where we rated PG now by our network partners and, have been for about ten years now so so, so that's something that you have to overcome it I know the drum that you always be is storytelling. Yes that, is literally, a portable, everything, that you do yes yes because. Storytelling. Look, WWE, is, no. Different, than a great book a great movie, an opera, a ballet, is, protagonist. Versus antagonist. With conflict, resolution the, only difference is that our conflict, resolution, happens inside a 20 by 20 foot ring with some of the greatest live action, that you can see on any, form of media 52. Weeks year no offseason no reruns yeah 52, weeks a year yeah about that yes right but, that is it. Is storytelling, and, you need to give people a reason to care whether it's your story right, why should I care about whether or not somebody wins or loses you need to be able to relate to them why. Should I be as a brand, why should consumers, choose your brand over another right, there's a proliferation, of content. Out there right now why, should people care about what you do more, than the next person, why do they care about WWE. I think because. We, we, listen to them right we give them relatable, content they. Can see themselves it's aspirational it's, inspirational. And we have over 200, different superstars right, so there's all different points, that you can relate to throughout our brand we engage them where they are when they are however they want and we, really do listen and I think also a brand, is important, to have purpose and value I. Really. Do believe that and I think it needs to be authentic our mission. Is to put smiles on people's faces the, world over that's. It super. Simple and you ask anybody, in our company from our stars to, our employees, from c-level. Executives, to even even, everybody, working in the mailroom and they will all tell you what our mission is and if, you can make someone smile throughout the day I consider. That a huge success, you. Know we do that whether it's through our content or by giving back to the community, and we actually have four key pillars to giving back diversity. And inclusion hope. Education. And military, supporting. Our servicemen, and women and their families and, you're wearing a bracelet for Connors, cure and this is a little eight-year-old wrestling. Fan who, lost his battle with cancer and I know that he's actually in your Hall of Fame yes as well, but. This is something that you and your husband Paul started. This yeah really near and dear to your heart and he. Is a fan right, yeah and our audience, relates to him and we put we've been, supporting, pediatric, cancer awareness month and I'm sorry I try not. To get him you're, getting. A little teary-eyed and. I. Have bronchitis because I've been traveling too much I apologize, and my medication, I'm not contagious and. But. Yeah. He he. Was. This light, like, you can't imagine and everybody. Who met Connor just absolutely, fell in love with him and and. My. Husband and I wanted to do something to ensure that no. Other child or their family, suffered like Connor and. We brought him to Wrestlemania, his biggest he, loved Daniel Bryan who is this superstar, who was really the underdog right again it's all storylines ironically. My husband and I were the authority figures that he was fighting which probably, ride a weird conflict, in his mind but he, got over it and we. Brought him to WrestleMania, at. The Superdome in, New Orleans for WrestleMania 30 and the doctor said he'd never make it they. Said he'll, never survive if he does he, won't be he won't be able to do very much you, know they really advised against, it and Connor overcame, the odds like he always did and, his.

Dad Said it was like he had his little boy back and. When. Daniel Bryan, won, ultimately. Did overcame, eight months of storyline, where he was being oppressed. Probably. Won the WWE, Championship, on his own went. Out of the ring and went right over to Connor who was in the front row and he said you, did this you're, the reason I, won this and you keep fighting. Connor. Lost his fight about three weeks after that. But. We've now raised with V Foundation and Susan Braun's here and, with our partners at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation over two million dollars we've, helped over 250. Families with things like parking vouchers and food vouchers because you just never really know all the proper what you're gonna need that's right right and so, this year for the campaign, we made this you know PSA, and we, said you know what we don't want it to be sad we. Want it to be hopeful, we want it to be inspiring, so, we shot these six kids who are survivors, and they created their own WWE. Superstar, personas, there, was Lance the tumor nadir hahaha. Max the Green Machine I mean we're, awesome, and when this PSA, aired to. Our house to the to the live event that's what we call it ten, thousand, people got on their feet and gave, him a standing ovation, all of those kids standing, ovations, and they, support, Connors cure I've run into people I travel the world I went to, the airport in Dubai and my there was someone there wearing this, Rowlett and, I made a point to come up to me I mean it's, just that's. The power it's the power it's right our but it's also the responsibility, you know we have so, many people on a regular basis on a weekly basis and and it is the responsibility. To spread. Those messages that are so important there's so many important. Causes mm-hmm, and they're all worthy it, has to come from the heart it, has to be authentic, and and, even you know, how great or how small you're. Going to affect a life and it's incumbent upon all of us the gifts that we've been given - that's right - effect you, know people, in great and small ways and, this is something that's important, I know as a mother that you are passing along to your three, daughters yeah, we, are a little bit about you growing up in this amazing. Household. As. Are they, both. Parents public figures and with massive, jobs, on the business side how. Does all of that, come, together so. It's it's challenging. My, daughters are 11 9 and 7 they, are all forces of nature and of course I'm not any haha, that want to be the ultimate I think all women are forces of nature by the way and I firmly believe, I believe in men too but I believe in the power of women, you know we. Have to harness it and believe in ourselves. And. I believe that for my daughters and I want to set that example you, know the same way my parents did I had people ask me all the time do you want them to go into the family business because, I have two requirements for them right, that they're happy they do what they love and then they work hard, for it that, work ethic is so important, because you. Know freedom, for your self-worth right, for your own value, you to work hard and achieve goals no matter how big or small that, that is confidence, building in and of itself and is so important, it's funny you know we don't talk about it and whenever I, have young people ask me for, advice that's, the first thing I say is that work hard work hard matter what it is right work hard, that's right right hard go after, it and and you do and I'm, wondering how that plays out sometimes, being a mom story, so that we call me I'll take really hard I've been in this month has been a lot a to tell us yeah okay.

So. My. 11, year old has been giving me a serious, amount of attitude, for. The past two weeks like more, than usual, and, I'm, really struggling with it and it was on my birthday actually, she threw this fit for three hours and, she knows what she's doing she doesn't even at school she can control that and it. Was just this weekend, where finally, it came to a head and she just looked at me and said mommy, you've. Just been gone too. And. She. Started crying and of course now I'm crying and, then, I was cuddling my my, 7 year olds can I was telling her you know mommy's gonna be away just for a few more days I'm almost done that this whole route. And then, she, started crying independently. Of my daughter and I held, her for 20 minutes and, and. My middle child she, saved it till till this morning when I called home before, they went to school. But, it is hard and it's you know my mom taught me it's never 5050, right it's gonna be 80/20, it's gonna be 70 times Ann at times and, I knew this was gonna be a particularly rough month and I manage their expectations but, their kids and, I'm feeling, it too you know and that's and that's part of the that's part of the what. Makes it hard you, know but and it is hard and. And. Growth, you know growth is painful but. I'm worth it at, the, end of the day and you just have to make sure that you commit that time to them you, know so I've taken Friday off I was come on day on how, do you yeah how, do you try to but. I have two, more things. That I have to travel for rest, of the year and then and then I'm good but it's this this is a rough period of you just you have to get through it and decide you, know you don't have to do it you decide if you if that's what you want to do or not what the value is yeah that's, what the priorities, are and then there's the time to say no no. We were having this discussion - and I have a hard time saying no do, you know I do oh absolutely I, do I don't, know why I think that's a female I don't know thing but I know that I have a hard time saying no I'm. A pleaser I think I'm a little pleaser, and I always want to deliver for my business and for my company because that's also my dad right. And my mom my family designed and my husband and everybody else and and my. Kids this is you. Know supporting. Them for their futures so it, is it's all wrapped up and and I think there's no clear. Message, other than you. Know it's not easy for anybody yeah. And I think that's important, to know it is important to everybody. That we all struggle with the same yes right, we're, all human, yeah you know that that's one of the things that I learned I became. An Eisenhower, fellow and and I know congratulations, very. Cool and, had the opportunity, to to really travel I went, to China and into, Brazil and the, whole point is really this personal, sort of sojourn and ultimately with the goal of this, fellowship and of course doing everything you can to invest in the world to. Make it a better place but what I learned is that we're. All the same we really. Are no matter where you come from our basic human needs are exactly, the same and if. We can just fill. Those needs and love each other a little more support, each other a little more be there for each other a little more instead. Of judging instead. Of tearing each other down but, just like kind of the way things are now unfortunately there's a lot of that you know brother but there is a lot of good. Too and you, have to take the negativity, out of your life and something I learned a long time ago, take the negativity, out of your life no, matter who it is if they make you feel not good about yourself, they shouldn't, be a part of your inner circle just. Just keep them out what, about people who are outside of your inner circle I mean you get it you hear all sorts of things if, you're a public figure, and. A villain and a villain so, it's all sorts, of crazy. Things. That I'm sure you get oh and. Facebook, and the rest sometimes, what people say is really nasty and yeah how do you compartmentalize. That I do best. To ignore it you do I do yeah and it's funny you know this maybe as a man /. Woman thing, because sometimes it does bother me right I'll be sitting next to my husband and I'm like oh God, even. Is coming, here there, was yes. Pnw put out a quote you know where I had said I never saw gender as an issue and it was in relation. To my mom being CEO but, it was just a quote with the picture and there. Was this one comment was just one a lot. Of other comments, and it said yeah well that's easy to say when you're the boss's daughter and.

I Was. Like. Just rip me up and my husband's like why do you even care right why do you even read it you. Know and, and it's, a good question why do I care why do I read it and I think it's just I do value people's opinions and I think you just have to sift, it out and and focus. On the good and don't focus on the negative and. In terms of your businesses, when you're taking social media feedback focus on the themes you know because they're oh is that what you tell when you talk to other business leaders yes and they ask you your, strategy, and every figure it out focus on the themes yeah focus on the bigger themes because otherwise you can get mired down in so many so, much detail, but, but you pull out from it and see what those bigger conversations. Are what, do you think needs, to happen as so many businesses, are shifting, obviously. With social, media you know with all the different platforms everybody's, trying to figure it out I mean, businesses, across the board are changing, it's almost impossible to keep up with and the fact that you guys were sort, of ahead of the curve in that regard so when people ask you how, to make these types, of transitions, on a business level what, advice, do you give them so, I think it's important to focus on storytelling, right. Let's back to that again yeah give people a reason to care about your brand okay it is the content, ecosystem, how you put, out that messaging, where you put it out the. Engagement, mm-hmm, right maintaining, relevance. You. Heard Beau's earlier, talk about the important pop culture right and we have a whole, pop culture strategy, where we strategically, bring. In celebrities from, outside, celebrity, influencers, athletes we saw that and this is only right. Our stars outside right, right and. That's all to generate, as much audience as we possibly, can generate that water-cooler, talk and bring awareness and, the rising tide raises all boats for, their audiences, and homes so, someone like a John, Cena for instance yes who you referenced you know we're, seeing in movies and we're seeing him everywhere, seeing among heard are the Today Show and and, everywhere, that's a great, symbiotic. Relationship, for you whatever you tell yep John Cena's phenomenal. Mm-hmm, he's just been an incredible brand, ambassador, and by the way he's out there telling our story too and his own and a zoo right yeah so how much do you accept, how much do you, allow. Your superstars. To, you know be their own brands and how does that how do you dovetail, that within the, larger scope of WWE, it's a great question because our characters, are never really out of character right because it is it is 52, weeks here we have five minutes left in total so. That. Would bathroom yes it did but I think that it's just important, we encourage our stars to have their own voice and to be their own unique, individuals, to. Build their brands because again for the same reason the more people that are aware of of WWE. And what we do, hopefully that the bigger our family gets, does. Anybody have a question for, Stephanie. I'm sorry this clock like didn't you know so I want to give you time for more questions but does, anybody have a question in.

Our 5c lay down or four minutes yeah please. Yeah okay, okay yes. And. There's your microphone, hey, Stephanie I'm Sam and I'm in brand marketing for ESPN thank you so much for the inspiration. We, believe in storytelling, as a competitive. Advantage and we, just love to understand, a little bit more how you develop, those authentic stories how does the. Inspiration get, started, does it come from the talent or does it come from a group, of storytellers, that are helping to influence. That star all, of the above so. It comes from absolutely everywhere when you're producing five, hours of live content, which is essentially, two, movies, every, single week you need as many different points of influence as you can sometimes. It comes from our talent sometimes it comes from our fans sometimes it comes from yes the team of writers that we do have where, it comes from anywhere, else in the company you, know that's one of the the key learnings. From my father has always been to listen right. Because you never know where a good idea is gonna come from. Anybody. Else yes, a. Little. Bit about your workout. Okay. I wanted, I asked for this video Thank You Cerreta because you heard, Stephanie talk about how. Busy she is right, with this huge job in the travel and the three kids tell everybody when you workout so, why. Work out at midnight because, after. My kids go to bed and, I'm, a bit of a night person anyway, and they're Auto early, that I'd have to be up at like 4:00 and, I'm sitting in front of it but, they're there. I can't even believe that you do this is a video that you do. At midnight yeah but I mean three of the athletes in the room I'm sure that it looked amazing, but, yeah. We trained at midnight because that's the only time that you and your husband yeah so, look at this yeah at midnight so what time do you go to sleep at this this, is how do you have energy to do this at midnight well, I nap, when I cuddled them okay. Go to sleep and I think like a little five-minute nap and, there's three of them so it's you know it's 15 minutes, oh my. Gosh and there ya, know that's Joe DeFranco oh these are strength and conditioning coach so he shows up at midnight yeah. Oh wow. Yeah. Okay, today where are you we are in tears oh my goodness and what time do you go to sleep late. Okay, like around 1:00 1:30 how much time do you wake up yeah. My. Middle child is not really right okay she doesn't sleep she don't wake me up so we had this conversation cause so fast I do have fake eyelashes, right and there are individual, eyelashes, they're awesome I swear by I can get up and I don't have to put on makeup I could run out the door but she used to wake me up by pulling, out my, eye oh, my.

Date Was because she was tall and, she pull out my eyelid oh this. Is such a crazy, oh my, gosh I, don't. Know that's like maybe that's like a wrestling, thing I don't, know I don't, know pull. Out mama by lashing sensation. Oh yeah. You. Were so. Delightful. You're, such an inspiration I, think it's so many ways and thanks for being so honest. And and heartfelt, and being here today it was just a real pleasure to talk to you and same time of year she's incredible, a ball of you and you guys are awesome audience, just awesome audience. So. Here comes the, sage Meister, doesn't like the poker to. Always. Want to ask you what that means but. Like. Work out why, no you're, already dressed. Yeah. Work. Out with Stephanie McMahon would be kind of amazing did you do, with me yes a midnight, workout and is like. I. Would. Do it all right no video cameras allowed that's yeah, good, thank you and, by the way how cool think you Thank You Hannah um. When's. The last time that. You. Heard any of you heard that a company I wrote this down a company's, sole. Primary, mission is to make people smile around the world isn't that cool refreshing I've, never heard that yeah, that's awesome to be able to make, that your mission and then execute it yeah okay really cool and it's very rare that someone doesn't have a wrestling, story no matter what time frame it is and whenever they tell that story it's. Like usually ear to ear you, know whether they ran into someone at an airport whatever it is so we're doing our job well but for everybody else to buy into it yeah also and that's so congratulations. For that worldwide that's cool yeah, okay, you know what else I heard wait wait. I. Can't read my writing but I did write something down um, Oh yesterday, and I don't think you were here for the beginning but our leadership panel which. Was awesome with those women has talked about a ton of things but in particular just. Just listening. Like listening, to our people and you have obviously, listened. And. And then to tell people no no they're super, smooth women are superstars, - yeah that's right not just the men but to meet those little things though such a long way and it kind of fits in with what we're talking about here yeah. Right. Thank. You thank you thank you oh by. The way you. Can I promise I'm done oh. No. Last, year I think it was Robin Roberts didn't Robin say no. Is a complete sentence yeah. It's. So difficult yeah, they do be here again this year too like I have remembered it and and, right I love thank you for being vulnerable in admitting that that yours messed up as I am, kidding. No it, is so difficult to, say, no and to just shut up but. Hashtag. Goals right yeah let's, work on that for next year okay.

2018-01-02 01:35

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