Staying In An Abandoned Hostel in Bali

Staying In An Abandoned Hostel in Bali

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hello there from desa Candikuning right here I'm guessing right in the middle of town you   head this way you go to Denpasar kind of where I just came from we're gonna head to Kebun Raya but i'm up here kind of in Jitaluwih up in the  uh the rice terraces want to come out here and   get out of the southern part of  bali and come explore this area there's a couple big lakes up  here that i wanted to come see   it's kind of unfortunate the  place i'm staying at though   it's kind of right here in the middle of the  city it's uh super cheap though it was a hostel   i'm the only one staying there i'll  show you what that looks like later   right across the street we got a big mosque here  which i'm sure they'll be nice and quiet for me   when i'm sleeping across the street at 4 30 in  the morning when they want to do the prayer call i doubt it i doubt it what we're gonna do we're  gonna walk down this street i saw on google maps   there was a big park down here and yeah looks  nice we're gonna go see if we can check it out   before it closes let's see what this little city  i already forgot the name of it of Jatiluwih okay all right thank you all right did you get  that that's where we are today yeah okay let's get   uh let's get on walking maybe if you see something  tasty d we'll have some food how about that hello up in this area it's famous  for the Jutiluwih rice fields   but today it's nice and cloudy and  foggy and so you can't see a damn thing   even brought my drone because i was like  i'm gonna put that thing up there and uh   get some really cool drone shots for you but  hey it's cloudy i don't have to do that for you wow look at this place is that a  house if it is they're doing okay   the nicest place i've seen up here this one looks  really good too look at that suburbia right here i just want to come over here and get  this little shot of these strawberries and   bell peppers right here over this bridge wow  look at that and then just check out that little   american looking house over there house on the  prairie and then you look and you see trash you   see trash you see this beautiful rainforest you  see the beautiful greenery and the plants and   everything and then you what should be a beautiful  clear river down there is just filled with trash is that a mercedes it has the  mercedes hood ornament over there okay so we've made it to this park and uh let's see if we can get in thank you all right i didn't know this was like a closed  park that you had to pay entry into i just saw   it on the map and said hey let's go check it  out okay this looks like a pretty massive place   so it looks like they have some golf  carts or some sort of shuttles maybe   some bicycles or some scooters that  we can rent to explore this place   i don't know what i got myself into  here but uh i think we need some wheels if let's have a seat you can  no see y'all going no seat okay okay let's do that that's okay okay sure man this place is huge really big we're  just out here writing them scooters   and i kind of crashed this group right here the biggest youtube channel  in Indonesia right here   you'll be famous do one more for the thumbnail  it's recording yeah it's video so just like   okay okay i'll take a screenshot laterthank you what's your name my name   is matthew okay matthew okay matthew what was  that is that funny nah they just love me okay oh okay that is intense looking is he oh  he's a monkey at the monkey face no   there are monkeys like climbing all  over them biting them on his ankles   biting the legs he's got one in his hand right  there wow kind of like planet of the apes right just like always if you have some more info to  add to this please let me know yeah there you go that's why he's yelling right there one of them's  on his nipple right there that's why he's yelling look at look how beautiful this  place is got some people over there   enjoying a little picnic feels  like Jurassic park or something so i just did this little tour with  all these uh wonderful folk from   Surabaya and he's trying to teach me some Javanese  what's a good word to know in javanese yeah   well what just what's uh how do you say  thank you in Javanese uh teri makashi you hey cole why are you corner  are you okay and uh what were you trying   to teach me just now um you can't he can't  remember he's trying to teach me something   maybe uh that worked that's a bad word okay exactly you've never ridden one of these  before it's going to be kind of hard good luck good luck okay i want to go up to   like the middle roundabout up here we just  kind of whizzed right by it for whatever reason   and just have a closer look it's one of them  another big hindu statue that i want to come have   a closer look at they're all really cool i mean  look at this magical place that we're at it's nice you know that probably was the  most touristy thing i've done   here in bali so far just kind of walked right into  it i wanted to get some wheels to cruise around   on and i guess i guess you can get a bicycle i  didn't know that you can get a bike and you can   go at your own pace but if you want to get one  of them green electronic scooters then well   you gotta get a tour guide and so uh you're  not able to fully freely roam this place   you just go from spot to spot you get off real  quick okay let's take a picture take a picture   nothing is really said about what you're  looking at or where you're at so if you   guys could kind of fill me in on maybe a little  bit more context and the significance of some of   these places that'd be cool but i mean some of  this stuff is really cool check this out this   this god over here with this bow and arrow   hunting down this uh this elk or something  over here look at that that's pretty cool yes they all wanna they all want a picture all right all right thank you guys lucky  lucky all right good excellent all right so this is what  i wanted to come check out   the monkey one is just way down there and we  just kind of zoomed by this one without actually   stopping and getting getting a closer look  but i want to come check it out this is just   gnarly looking in it this i think it's maybe  yeah maybe it's the same one it kind of has   a monkey face but he's wrestling this big  old eagle or falcon or something right here really cool okay yeah i was just sitting here kind of fixing  my shoe and the guy comes up hey do you mind if   i get a picture okay like they never seen a foreigner before but  again like this place is cool isn't it it's uh   it's really well manicured and  maintained and super green in there   i guess you could you know come here with  your family there's a there's a lady over   there having a little picnic with her  with their children and her husband nice thank you yeah have a good day yeah wow and this looks like something right out of Biodome. any of yall remember that movie   there's a lot of stuff in here  that you don't see on that little   scooter ride but this is something  else isn't it look at that looks like an abandoned building doesn't  it doesn't look like it's been used in   a very long time it's pretty cool  looking look at the front of that i would imagine because of corona this place  is probably closed i can only guess i mean it   is october 4th today 2021 so we're well into the  pandemic by now and so wow look at this fruit tree   what we got here looks like almost like  peaches almost definitely not peaches but yeah let's see some of these trees have uh   some name tags on them so maybe we can  figure out what kind of fruit this is uh a melodinus orientalis bloom whatever that is i'm just uh looking miley hot smiley hot  man just right outside the front over here   you've got all these shops over here  that i'm sure two years ago were awful   this huge parking lot right here this place  is made to to host many many people but there ain't no tourists anymore and the the group  that i was with they're from java so you have   a lot of people from jJava coming over right now  but that's about it it's they say Bali is going   to open up in october well this is october for uh  tourists but uh i don't think that's happened yet   but just look there's all these parasols  all these shops right here that used to   be open and now we just have a couple people out  selling some things some strawberries and snacks   let's see can i see what you have uh bubbles got bubbles i don't know if i need   bubbles this is a snack some peanuts let's see  and she's got fresh strawberries let's see here how much is the bubbles let's see if i get the tourist or  the local price how much for bubbles 20 000 right. how much for the crackers? 5 000 okay  maybe we can buy this and give it to uh a local   kid on the way let's see here okay i'll try  the uh Doraemon, pink Doraemon yeah okay thank you have a good day okay so we got  our Doraemon bubbles let's make our way back   to my hostel and i'll show you where  i'm living for the next two nights   it is uh it is classy let me  just let me just put it that way perfect does she like bubbles? you are adorable thank you  thank you thank you thank you you're welcome perfect all right let me show you where  i'm staying for the next two nights   this beautiful big abandoned looking building  right here yeah found this place on the pictures obviously were from before the pandemic   they have a restaurant over here on the first  floor that's been closed thought it'd be open but yeah it's empty the tables are just  waiting there for this pandemic to be over   to be over we have the uh. which i'm guessing this was the warung

the entrance to my place is right over here you  have the indomart, indonesia's convenience store okay so back there i have no idea what's back  there not a clue this is what we're looking at nice lighting all right so i can lock the uh the  little gate outside i can lock that door   and then this right here, take my  mask off, is how you get to the rooms and yeah this is uh this is it right here and i did notice from from  the street these are tinted pretty good so you   can't see in here actually nobody can see me but  basically this is it i guess i'll be sleeping   there they got one two three four five six seven  eight eight beds in this mixed dormitory you   know this was only on 200 000 for two  nights which is about 15 bucks so you do the math this is the shower okay and the way the guy was explaining he was  like this is your hot shower and this is   your cold shower so i wonder which one i'll be  taking got four sinks out here and my toilet so i don't know about this place uh we'll  we'll stay here one night let's see here oh   let me get my shoes on we'll go up to the roof okay just uh this is the rooftop axis  you have this big pavilion over here oh maybe at one point they had a bunch of tables  out here you could enjoy yourself relax maybe just   come out here on this pavilion and just sit down  she got the view of kind of the city over here   kind of looking over this market  right here that's pretty cool back in here that looks like there's some kind of  bungalows maybe another guest house or something this is a market over there that uh we can  go have a look at later well alrighty i think   that's just about going to do it for today's  video got me some coffee i'm all checked in   and yeah i think i'm just going to sit here  listening to this traffic get out in a little   bit and eat dinner before it gets dark and  then come back here and hunker down and   see how tonight goes and then probably, I'm  guessing find a new place for tomorrow because i came up here to be by the lake and i haven't  seen it yet so let's uh we're going to go   somewhere else tomorrow but for now thank you for  watching and i'll see you in the next one peace

2021-10-11 03:17

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