SSL504 ~ Time for a change...

SSL504 ~ Time for a change...

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Now that my friends is a beautiful  way to start the day, San Andres style   oh yeah. enjoy your breakfast Tiki, see you soon we'll be back in a little while **record scratch** that was fast, oh well what can you do   early morning checklists don't work  so good, I always forget something sunglasses, check, take two  let's try this again, ciao ciao Tiki, see you in a little while I feel strangely like we've done this before, deja vu but yes as you can see it is a beautiful day   and today marks the start of 2021 for us, this  is our first day out going for a walk in 2021   so we're very fortunate to have  a very beautiful day for sure somehow we ended up in Paris,  don't know how that happened   must have taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque but yes I think you can see there's  a fairly strong degree of normalcy   returning finally to our lovely island of San  Andres, that's good to see, lots of people out   lots going on, playing on the beach, everything,  and no problems no issues reported and we just   finished the Christmas and new year's holiday  season with literally tens of thousands of new   tourists and visitors here from mainland, you  know Medellin, Bogota, everywhere even all the   hot spots in mainland and no issues reported,  so that's, that's good happy to hear that   (somebody told them and they knew that the the  contagious go down a little bit) yeah the news   here has been reporting that contagious have been  decreasing and that's with all the new people   coming in and there's been no restrictions  you know, they request to wear masks you know   when you're in close proximity with a bunch of  people or anything like that but other things   yeah cleaning your hands when you go into stores  and shopping centers those are really the only   places where there's requirements but other  than that up in uh public places the beaches   everything is pretty much returned to normal  so (yeah everybody responsible for himself)   everybody's responsible for themselves  so they expect you to just, you know   be diligent, don't be disrespectful if somebody is  worried about it don't just be up in their face   or anything like that *coughs* don't do that, but yeah, no  they've left it up to the individual and so far   it's working, people have been very respectful and  been working along and making it happen because   everybody wants to return to normal so last thing  they want to do is screw up a good chance (send the   weather come back to the normal start the summer  time in the same hour live start to come back   and the normal start the year and we start the  budget, they work) yeah a long time we've been   dealing with lots of rainy squally days and stuff  like that you know even since the hurricanes but   that's all starting to fizzle out, now each  day is becoming more and more like what we   were used to last year in San Andres when we  first arrived, this is the nice season, January,   February, March, those are the best months of  the year before it starts to get really hot so yeah we're looking forward to  enjoying some nice weather again   after all the rain and everything we've  had lately, it's been a nice, nice change welcome to our SSL barber shop (yes) it's  time (I think it's new year new look)   yeah, like I say time for change, the change starts  with me (okay I don't know) should I be scared? (oh I   think it's no i try to cut short but not too  much) well normally I've been cutting my hair   by myself for over 25, maybe longer, years but  now we have Maddie and she wants to do it so   we're gonna go for a new look I'm gonna take  off get rid of the ponytail so we're gonna   cut at least probably two three inches off  shorten the sides, yeah, get out the chainsaw I feel like David Cassidy back in the 70s okay, next answer you ready? you ready? let's do this, it's time that's how you make changes. (which is there?  where is Capitan Rick?) who? (where is Capitan Rick?) who? (where are you?) that's how you make change,  but I think it's enough change for one day   it's time to go do something else   of course you know sooner finishes scalping me  it feels weird I gotta admit, I can't remember   the last time I had short hair, I don't know, did  I ever have short hair, I think they did yeah   but I think it's been 15 years or so,  that feels good it'll be different   good for a change hey it always grows back so it  doesn't matter if i don't like it or not but uh   (yeah strong, make more strong) that's what I was saying, she  no sooner scalps me and she's doing a hit and   run, she's off with Melby, Melby's here now? (Yeah, she's in the dingy) okay so yeah they're going to do their second   round of gift giving to all the local kids this  January 6th which is a big holiday of course and   it's a celebration so they're going to give  some more of the less fortunate kids in the   neighborhoods some of the gifts from our good  friend Jersey Jeff, thank you again Jeff, salute still got it in the Christmas paper  (I don't have any box i need to bring   something different, I'll be one minute)  yeah this is the last stuff to give away, cool   (good morning) ciao guys how are we  doing? (okay) yeah look she scalped me (oh very nice) yep all gone, the fresh clean Captain Rick I guess now I gotta change  my wardrobe, I don't know... huh? (new year new style)

new year new style yep, not just the new year  it's 2021. oh are we disturbing him on day at the office? Sebastian is back (yeah) time for some projects so we're gonna get some of the work  done today, I'll get Sebastian helping   with engine, we'll get that ready and then  we just need to pull up our second anchor   for sure (yeah me as well) yeah we  still got hurricane anchors down (yeah, two anchors forever) so we'll work on that today and  see where we end up (let's see okay) good luck with that, guess we're  not getting any footage today every time she says I understand and don't worry,  yeah I know we're screwed (after she's coming with   a lap time) no footage for you! Maddie we love  her but yeah she doesn't get cameras so well   we'll see how she does, hopefully she figures it  out, now we get back to work because yeah we've   got to do some engine maintenance as we were  talking about because we might be getting to go   for a little test sail later this week, the weather  looks good it's just a matter of if we can get the   boat ready, so Sebastian's back on board we just  finished uh, well he's working on a project with   the microwave right now because it wasn't mounted  in there properly and it kept falling back into   the counter so he's working on that, and look  what he just finished doing over here, this was   a new gift for Madeleina, a new faucet, so she's got  a new restaurant style faucet here, so that's cool   so that's all installed and ready to go, and  I've got a couple of my own projects on the go   but today yeah just doing a little work on the  computers because we got a lot of footage to put   together so I've been working on that, so busy day... (we are  now away for giving the gift to the little child,   today we decide to go in another place or maybe  give to a different child and make a happy day) wow, wow, it's very powerful, it's  very smaller as we approach as you can tell, projects very seldom  ever go how they're supposed to   we no sooner opened up the engine compartment,  realized the engine bilge was full of seawater   like full, so we pumped all that out, just hand  pump, and then realized okay there's still a little   bit of water coming in from the back so obviously  where did the water come from, we started searching   it back and it's underneath the prop shaft so the  prop shaft seal has started to leak a little bit   you can see Sebastian is in here,  we've had to rip apart this cabin   to try and find the problem, which of course  he has found underneath (yes we found it)  (we got two drops every 30 seconds) two drops every  30 seconds (yeah) it's not beyond reasonable but it   definitely is indicating that there's a problem  with the shaft seal and that is something I can   tell you we've dealt with many times before,  I've owned this boat almost 16 years now and   prop shaft seals do not last forever, now I've  been fortunate I've only had to change it maybe   let's say three, four, maybe five times, I've tried  different seals that all claim to be dripless   none of them are ever fully dripless, at least not  for long, now the one you just saw there that's one   of the Volvo penta shaft seals, those are the most  economical and reliable that I've found so far   that's why i'm still using it, I had shifted to  some of the bellows type shaft packing, you know   and the two-piece ones that have the dripless  seal and the problem with them when they go   they just explode and now you've  got a real problem, you can't fix it   you can't fix it, there's nothing you can do until  you actually have a replacement to put on the   on the shaft so at least with the Volvo penta seals  when they start to go they start to drip they give   you warning and now you know, okay we need to pick  one up, means we could still get away with probably   another six months but our next haul out we need  to change that seal so, they're somewhere around   250 to 300$ typically but usually I get three to  four years out of them which is not bad, it's not   unreasonable it just has to be in the plan whenever  you pull the boat out and... actually you don't even  

have to pull the boat out I've changed that twice  in the water because we've been able to just pull   the shaft back put the new seal on and put the  shaft back in, and you'll gush a little bit of   water for you know 30 seconds until you get the  new seal over top of the shaft but that's it   it's very harmless so.... but alright so that's  gonna have to be next on our list for haul out, but   now we can get back to well we were thinking we  could get back to our oil change (yeah) next problem   the girls have hidden the bag of all the spare  parts for the engine including the oil filters   I've checked all my normal places or where I  would think they would put it, can't find it and of   course Maddie's gone for the morning so we got to  wait until we hear from her and find out where's   the bag of parts because we can't take all the  oil out of the engine until we have an oil filter   to put on so that's the next step, so I guess for  now we'll kill a little time looking around see if   we can find it, but otherwise we just wait to hear  back because that's all we can do, we're just guys   who don't know where [ __ ] is on the boat  anymore, so what can you do, get used to it   guys I mean if you want to have women on the boat, yes  they're lovely but they love to just look at   stuff and go "why is that there? it would be so much  better over here, he'll find it when he needs it" oh boy (and after you ask for something, um the answer  every time is "I never touch it" yeah, yeah every single   time "where's this part? I need this part? I  didn't touch it, I don't know anything" yeah   typical response but, oh we love them, yes ladies  we love you, but just please leave our stuff alone wow okay Sebastian did get the microwave fixed  perfectly, that's great, yeah it's braced in   there nice now, opens up perfectly it doesn't fall  inside the cabinet or pull out it's locked in good   perfect, and what did we end up using to fix it? (uh  a little piece of wood) and a piece of exhaust you'd never believe what we have to use sometimes just in a pinch   because, you know you don't have the right piece of wood  or something to use so we found a piece of four   inch exhaust tubing that was only three, four  inches long it's just a spare piece, a waste piece   it's not really good for anything but it happened  to be the exact size we needed in space behind the   microwave to brace it in place yeah (really smart  solution) perfect do what you got to do man (yeah) Maddie's home, where's our filters Maddie? we need to  work (yeah don't tell me nothing please, it's in   all the time it was in here, inside this point is  under floor) yes exactly right now where are they   though? because they're not there anymore (yeah  but why?) because somebody moved them (no) and not I   (never the fault of the Capitan)  the captain has a place where filters have been   for 15 years and that's under the floor  in front of the companionway stairs (yeah I know)   but they're not there anymore are they Maddie   so cute, so cute, yeah where's my filters Maddie  (hey capitan wait) you want to go sailing we need   filters (yeah me too and I wait a lot of  time this time) sorry what? (you're making me a   joker it's not carnival you know it's no fish  of every in the first of ever or something)   that's not a black bag (yeah but yeah) or white  (is the same, I changed the bag, I, I think   but why is in the storage in the bow up over the  tank of gasoline?) that's a very good question (yeah)   can you tell me that please? (yeah I don't move) because  I would never put my engine parts outside anywhere (if   you need to clean everything me and Sebastian,  Sebastian was organized all and no no no never was)   I guarantee you I would never put anything outside  in the storage compartment, that's called a sail   locker (right I think...) it's not an engine parts locker  yes know (no it's not me, I don't...) is it the right bag though? yes!  filters, filters, filters, and more filters   (we need one orange filter) all right, at least  we got our filters, we can get back to work and then this happens yep, unfortunately my last filter I have in stock,  the bag was up in the sail locker it must have   taken a splash of salt water or something, the  other filters are okay but of course you know   even the gas like the fuel filter it's okay, the  Raycor filters are okay, they're all in plastic   bags, but yeah, this guy unfortunately  has a lot of bare metal exposed and... it's toast, I mean there's not even threads left  on the canister, so there's no way I'm gonna be   able to save that, so hopefully we're going  to find one of these on shore, so that's next   step, somebody said we just take it into nanny's  marina and he'll either have something or tell us   where we can get it because it's just a standard  filter for Perkins, Cummins, anything like that so   see what we can do, but that effectively  puts our oil change on hold for today   so we revert to next project in  line which is our solar controller   you guys might remember our last uh well a  little while ago during the... after the storms   we had the lightning strike and this guy  took a hit so we lost that solar controller   these two, everything else is working fine no  problems, but this is the one that's hooked up   to the panels that are on the rails, and the rails  must have been electrified with some stray current   toasted it, I can't believe it still but BattleBorn  saw that video and immediately upon seeing the   video just shipped me a replacement, said here plug  this in this should do the job, wow I mean that's   that's very cool, I can't thank you guys enough  salut, that's very appreciated and we're gonna   get that installed right now so it's a good time  to do it it's late in the day mid afternoon the   sun's low in the sky so no problem to disconnect  the panels from the other controllers right now   so you remember I hook it up to one of our  backup 50 amp controllers and this is the 70   here, so we're just going to remove that, I've  got Sebastian's here ready to disconnect that   and we'll bolt in the new one and then just switch  the wires back over because all i've got is the   wires just connected from the 70 over to the 50  and we're just going to move them back to the 70.   plug it in, turn it on, and we'll  be back in business good as new   so thank you again very much BattleBorn I can't  tell you how much I appreciate that service, it   was amazing you got it to my destination in Miami  on time, the ship got it here and we're good to go (okay perfect) okay and that's it for that one  guys now we got to do is just go into the   bluetooth setup and turn it on and it'll be back  in action, okay with that hooked up all I got to   do now is go into my Victron Connect app right  there, we'll boot it up, up comes all my systems   and there it is right there, you can see  it's the brand new one that says smart solar   it doesn't have a name yet so we click on that and  as you can see it's already putting out almost 300   watts, so that's about 22 yeah 22 amps at 12 volts  so that's very cool working well, all I gotta do   now is go in and just make sure the parameter  is set up properly for my system to be a couple   different... a couple different settings to  change that's about it, but we are back in business  

but that's today's theme, be the change so  that's going to mean something to every one   of you, so you got to figure out what that is and  don't wait for the world to change around you   be the change you want to see,  so on that I will say good night   have a good one and we'll see  you next episode over and out (it was always in this, under the floor in a...  before in a white bag, under after in a black bag   because we clean all we organized last time) I've  never heard of them in a black bag so I don't know   I always kept them in a white bag, under the floor, under the stairs there's too much stuff inside (yeah) a leprechaun (a leprechaun) yeah it's called Maddie   (guys very with two men, inside the boat,  they make a power, make a force together) us?  we always put our stuff in the same place, it's  the women that change it (no, no it's not true) that's why she's looking because she knows I didn't move it, if it was where I left it (was always here, I, I   I think so, we don't, it's not a little time ago  then we checked that all defeated things with Valentina)

2021-01-11 17:29

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