Sri Lankans don't even know about this place...

Sri Lankans don't even know about this place...

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Hello, guys good afternoon and welcome back to another video here in Sri Lanka we're probably over 40 videos in Sri Lanka proper series been traveling around with the lads and we are currently-- oh almost just crashed there just kidding. We're currently with we've got Harry right there, the British lad-- Hey, Suba Sandiwak. We've got the aussie lad Trav-- Mate let's go-- Right up there and we've got our brother what's your name by the way I’m Soiza. Soiza is taking us over to a waterfall which is about eight kilometers away from our hotel that we're staying at the Eco Lodge up there. You guys probably saw in the last

video where we did a tour if you didn't you'll definitely want to check out that video. We'll be showing you guys more of it later after this waterfall anyways but yeah, we're cruising over there to see some amazing sides of the nature here in Sri Lanka. So, we'll see you there in just a few minutes. Subadawasak Machan [Good day, bro] So, as you guys can see out here , we have rolling hills where the tea productions actually happening or the the growth of the tea plants out there and people are hand picking them. So probably while we're out here we'll make a visit into some of the fields see if we can speak to anyone that speaks English get an idea of what it's like to be working out there. But it is really a beautiful landscape and I mean they just have all these vines hanging from them up there probably the perfect place for the monkeys to do monkey business.

Hello, monkeys. Sire Ricky Ponting. Australia Everyone is just yelling every Sinhala word that we know.

What the hell's going on. Basically, this is one of the times guys you gotta say tell me you're a tourist without actually, telling me you're a tourist you learn three words and you just scream at people hoping to get in a reaction. I’d say that's pretty Elakiri [Awesome] if you ask me. Goodbye, Machan [Bro] He's holding the dagger. That's pretty epic.

He had the coconut slice. There's nothing I love more than when someone's yelling hi and they're just holding up a knife. I don't know if you guys can see it in the camera but nice people out here really really friendly.

For chopping coconuts? What do they use it for? The-- Yeah, but I will say that like from what I’ve seen in terms of the locals interactions just driving around here this is the friendliest part of Sri Lanka so far what do you guys think yeah yeah everyone smiles and waves and is excited to talk and most people are in most of the cities in Sri Lanka but I’d say like this is like a hundred percent of the people that we said hi to responded which other times it's like maybe eighty percent which makes sense right. --of the people here. All people are very good and very kindly. Very kind, yeah. Very kind. Very kind. Oh, let's see if we can get a knife wave

Subadawasak [Good day] 20 minutes maybe now it's been bumpy we're driving it literally through the jungle. and I’ve never been driving through a landscape like this where there's trees everywhere palm trees tropical everything here we're just getting tossed-- All that type of stuff and we have a oh Subadawasak [Good day]. We have arrived guys after an eight kilometer drive that ended up taking about 35 40 minutes I’d say it is We've got the jungle surrounding us noises in the distance. Hello sire, Harry the adventurer onwards--- Where are the glasses sire? Onwards to the waterfall but first I must put on my magic glasses.

Hello sire. So, guys this isn't a spot you're gonna be able to find on google maps or anything we're literally walking through tea fields right now at any moment a lizard could grab my leg, a python. a cobra whatever I almost ate it I was trying to explain to you guys cheese oh is that a python? How are you going back there? There's a whole bunch of things jumping out at me bro You're used to this. Yeah, I’m not

used to that I’m in flip-flops right now they can eat my toes off like it's a little sausage on there. Okay, oh never been better. My only reaction-- Hello, sire. Hello. You hear that. That is the sound of moving water. Nature is here. I need a chicken thigh Alright we're having a reveal down here because the water is definitely getting louder.

Alright, alright, I will say these these flip flops are not hiking shoes. Sire cross the drawbridge. Cross the river. Cross the river right. Release the crocodile sire. Let's see how cold it is oh oh that's

not bad actually that's kind of kind of warm. We are on a full natural haunt right now, guys we're heading up into the forest where anything can happen at any moment there could be leopards, there could be wild elephants, there could be birds that eat British lads Huzzah! This is mosquito repellent oh yeah smell it natural no it's aloe vera whoa yeah, thank you. So, I put it on my skin yeah okay Carefully it can cut you. Cut me. Mosquito repellent in its nature the funny part is that it literally smells like off. Oh one question for you guys do you put on off or do you put off on? What do you mean? Off mosquito spray. You don't even know the brand do you? No

oh my god that was too American for you guys there's a brand of mosquito spray called off and so, the running joke is do you put off on or do you put on off Yeah, because it's the brand name yeah oh which came first chicken or the egg? The chicken thigh. The chicken thigh. Alright, I think that mosquito stuff just gave me a rash my arm's burning from rubbing it we're literally walking through a tea farm I have no idea if these plants right here in one year from now are gonna be sitting in Sri Lanka or if they're gonna be sitting in a completely other country in someone's tea bag. Hopefully, in my belly sire. Yes sire three teas for the lad. This is one of those moments guys where I’m telling

you we're not on the beaten path we're literally off the beaten path because it's not even a beating path we're just walking through a forest Harry’s climbing down a boulder in flip-flops. Yeah, I gotta literally slide down this mud path I will tell you the water the sound of water moving is getting much much louder so it makes me believe we are very close to the hidden waterfall. And we shall find gold sire gold sire I will tell you if he said we're the only ones here I’m not even one percent surprised I’m pretty sure most of the world doesn't even know this exists. How are you boys doing? I’ll buy this sire.

The drawbridge has been spotted a fallen tree. Mini waterfall it looks like we're gonna be doing some proper jumping. He has located some sort of wild leaf oh, it's a natural paper airplane wow. You good over there? Never been better bro. Guys, I did not bring my first aid kit this time. Waterfall all the way at the top I can't see it from here guys we're doing a jump across the river, huzzah! I’ve got a two thousand five hundred dollar drone in my bag We've crossed the next drawbridge.

As they say do not try this at home sire and And there we are we've we have located the waterfall. One of them sire How we doing back there sire? Oh, literally we're going into Tarzan’s zone. Wow, now that right there that is a proper vine Whoa, look at that thing that's like a full tree size vine there guys. Alright, we're making progress and there's one there is and there it is the waterfall we have arrived.

Beautiful views of it but I think we're gonna be able to go close enough hopefully swimming it too. Alright, we're gonna walk through the water there oh that's kind of nice. Alright we're almost there, huzzah. Oh, that is a nice waterfall and we're gonna switch hands there and we're gonna climb up this thing. Voila the closer we get the more beautiful it is, wow. What's the name of this waterfall? No name. No name. I named it ah it's his own waterfall no wonder why nobody else is here can we swim in there? Yeah you can swim. Safe? This are is very deep.

Very deep? Oh, wow. 20 meters wow that's very deep looks safe. You're getting bit by something down there sire? They're biting me. Really? Yeah, they are like those fish you

know when you do-- And they eat your skin? Yeah. There's fish in there that bite the feet. Oh, bro that was not nice. Did it hurt? No, not at all. Here put your foot in bro let's see them all come to your feet it was [ __] horrible. Maybe they were leeches. Oh yeah, they came out of nowhere. It hurts or feels good no it just feels like ticklish. You go next? I don't like that. Alright, there's fish in here. Water's cold.

Oh, does it hurt? No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't hurt. Did that hurt? No, no. It doesn't hurt-- I swear my legs it's really ticklish. Oh, yeah because it's like you guys are tweaking me out I should have gone first. It doesn't hurt at all.

Alright, guys we're putting you under here we got the camera in we got the foot going in. That tweaks me out. Wow, there's a lot of them. Alright, he's braving in. Yeah, I was like sire you're done. How is it bro? it's cold man it feels good. it feels good. Oh, alright we're joining the club guys.

We're in sire. We're in. Phiranas. You're the next Steve Irwin. You'll be fine. Guys, that was a workout I’ve been only swimming in a salt water lately obviously, you're more buoyant in salt water than in fresh water so swimming here it's a bit more of a workout.

Vibe city. Alright, guys I must say after jumping in ice cold water mixed with a little of that feeling when you're swimming in dark water and you don't actually know what's swimming around you under you that was enough to keep my cardio my let's put it this way my heart rate was absolutely pounding faster than if I was running on the treadmill for 30 minutes but actually, it was an enjoyable thrill good workout nothing like the cold water lunge not super cold but pretty cold because there's so many health benefits for it and you're swimming in nature where barely anyone has ever been because it's in such an exotic spot and thanks to thanks to the green lodge eco hotel here eco villas that basically, they include this for your stay up there where they take you on this incredible journey through here and it's just more of a one-of-a-kind experience because nobody else knows about it and let me put it this way after going to like Yala National Park where there are so many jeeps and it's kind of overrun it's really nice to go to places that are very very unknown and most people don't ever make it to ah and it's a fun little hike to get here as you've seen. Guys, we're cruising back same route we took so unless something crazy happens I’m gonna fast forward us to once we get back because now we're able to put the flip flops on. --through the jungle. Back to the jungle sire. At any moment the snakes could come back out for us. Back to the tea plantations you can eat that yeah.

It's not poisonous yes, it is what's it called? It's safe to eat though yeah yeah. Oh, it's kind of got like a oh a burning sensation. I was not expecting that it's almost like a fireball. Oh, even after spitting out my mouth is still on fire. Not sure it's my favorite but good to taste it what machans [bros]? It might be stuck.

Black pepper. What is it black pepper? Black pepper. Oh, it's pepper. Machans [bros] you want to eat some homemade pepper? We got peppers? Yeah. Yeah, I just ate so my tongue is still burning. I swear to God it's fresh pepper. You can even ask the subscribers. Are you sure it's it's not gonna poison me. Well we're all in in it together. Is this grown? Is it ready to eat? Pepper is in like salt and pepper? Or peppers-- Let me try one of these. We got pepper

over here I guess you'll be the judge Does it taste like pepper? Yep. Yeah, we got burning sensation number two in process Oh, wow. Yeah. My tongue's burning. Oh, it's cinnamon. I thought that was pepper. Pepper that's definitely pepper maybe that's cinnamon there? Oh, cinnamon. Oh, cinnamon is actually delicious try this. Yeah, you can place this. You just chew on it yeah, this one

do you is there the the stick cinnamon stick oh, that's good. Wow, you tasted cinnamon I feel like I’m eating breakfast right now. That's like cinnamon, yeah. Wow, my taste-- my taste buds right now are burning with peppers and then they've got a nice little like morning sweet taste from the cinnamon Wow. Machan [Bro] Harry has been attacked by a leech in there no wonder why machan's [Bro] only been in there once. Oh, god a leech is really bad for you? I don't know. it's not very He's tweaking out. He's done. He's done.

Oh, you also got attacked by a leech. Oh, yeah you did. Time to try this passion dankery. That is sour. G double O D. S double o U R. Yes. He's gushing blood all over now. You're making me kind of-- Goodbye Stootee [Thank you] Hondai [Good] oh, you're gushing down there bro oh yeah literally bubble and blood down there. The leech literally ripped you apart. I might have to amputate.

Subasondiavak [Good evening] hello Komada [How are you?] Nice people. Alright, guys we have decided to crash a cricket game which means Harry’s going up for a bowl oh, this is when things intensify. Here we go. Whoa, look at this pitch. Oh, that was a ball right there. That was a ball right there bro. Bowling, bowling. Come on-- We want a bowler

here we go machan, machan [Bro] Let's see what we got here. Look at this speed whoa holy it's out of the park it's gone it is gone machan [Bro] Alright we want a pitcher. We want a batter not a belly itcher. The level of this we got quite flat. Not too fast boss. I know what you're-- Oh, he's going full speed ahead. Here we go, whoa.

He's too good for you. He's too good. We want a bowler this thing's going out of the park. There it is. Oh, that thing's gone. Oh, one hit one bounce. Not bad, not bad. Not bad there.

If I could get him to go slower, I’d do it. We'll be able to go like-- Let me Ricky Ponting. Alright, Ricky Ponting, oh god oh god I’m scared man oh. Where is it? Oh, and he misses it not bad for my first hit I’m just warming up. I’m just warming. What are the rules? Did they touch the ball it's out? No, no, no. I better look at Marcus’s recommendations list whoa.

Almost got nailed on that one whoa guys you better watch out. We got one more this one's gonna be out of the park. You've got more blocks than Lego bricks I’ve never played cricket you know like properly before so I’m Australian. Alright, give me one more and then we'll get back together. Alright.

I want to see Mac daddy up. Yeah, bro this thing's gone, this thing's going out of the park. Let's go. Alright. Going for a six. That was-- that was out then. Well I gave it a shot. I’ll give it a shot. Alright, mate I’ve never in my entire life which way do I hit it this way or this way? You hit it with that side yes sir. Like this? Yeah, yeah, yeah, and you hold it down low you hold it down low hold it down low yeah. It's my first time. Tell him to go slow.

There we go. You've got to put the bat down oh [ __] that was good though that was good for your first first hit. Yeah, not bad bro. Alright, let's do it then. One more, one more. Oh, no this one's yours okay That's two out of three hits.

Never played cricket before as well huh. Would we consider that a home run yeah Let's go. I don't know how to bowl.

You know how to bowl? I can bowl. Give it a shot. I'll give it a shot. Me bow no. Not Hondai [Good] Guys I must say I’m actually shocked that I hit the ball there no not super shocked he gave me a slower pitch Harry’s pitches or balls were much faster. Alright, these are always funny let's see what we got going on this way

Oh, who is that to? Who is that to? I’m gonna have to tell Marcus about that one I’ll try spin I’ll try spin. Whoa, No ball. No ball. Little machan [Bro] Komada [How are you?] You thought you had a one-handed catch.

Almost I’ll give it a shot. Bowling, bowling. Come on. We want a bowler not a belly itcher. The guy's over here bro. The guy's over here. Ricky Ponting. Not bad for a first time. Oh, first time ever.

We let the professionals continue bowling. I’d say that was a lot of fun that was my first ever hit. I’d say that was pretty good. You did really well for a first timer. Alright,

alright Sri Lanka on three. One, two three, machan [bro] Yeah, okay nice to meet you, nice to meet you Machan [bro], nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you machan [bro] Machan [bro] Little machan [bro] High-five? Down low. Here we go mini machan [bro]. Alright goodbye alright we're walking back wow look at how picturesque the land rover is looking pretty over here got the orange popping right over here we're looking good and we're hopping back in the cruiser. Goodbye1 Very nice locals they'll let us come and play some cricket. Wow, that was my

first time ever playing and I’m a little addicted I want to play again now Sri Lanka goodbye see you bye-bye Sri Lanka number one. Stootee [Thank you] Time to do a little shopping here get some essentials we got money bags British legend over there with the cash. So, we gotta follow him around. Yeah, bank of England in Sri Lanka. Alright, let's see what do we got going on

here we got the local market right downtown fresh veggies that's about as fresh as it gets actually, we probably had it as fresh as it gets because we had it directly off the trees. Drink, drinks? Pepsi, Coca-Cola? Oh, the good stuff. No, you got the candle that's good news alright danka-cola What do you got in mind there bro? I think I might get like a whole packet of biscuits. Oh biscuit time cookies as

you would say. Sounds like an Australian term yeah, I’m getting like knocked around by stuff right now hello. I did not expect that oh grand-- One liter oh whoa. Oh, you have sprite? Sprite for me. Yeah, two sprite, sprite two. Oh, no no caffeine I just like sprite. Alright, I'll take- I’ll take a coke actually no it's horrible for you I’ll do a little one I wanted something in between like this one's too small now it's too big. Bahoma stootie [Thank you very much] Oh, you guys are getting the Grande Elias oh yeah alright then I’ll I’ll step it up yeah yeah, we're destroying our bodies we're all in this together we've been to a waterfall we've done our exercise. Yeah, fair point, fair point. We

deserve it we'll do three of them then yeah No no just this. Yeah, yeah alright. Okay, three bottle. Trav do you want anything else? I think of biscuits yeah, I don't know dankscuits. Something chocolatey maybe.

A real chocolate cream biscuit. Okay no no this one, this one. Oh real chocolate, real chocolate cream biscuits. You better be sharing those bro. Sitting in bed eating these. Could feed the five thousand with them no

literally yeah, it's jelly time would you like anything? Yeah What would you like drink you want a drink? No. Okay coming right up is that homemade alcohol down there? Yeah, I was wondering no, it's an empty bottle oh well it's a extra special arak oh maybe they fill that up with gasoline oh yeah maybe is that gasoline petrol? I don't know. Thank you very much. How much was the total on all that? Three- three thousand. Three thousand? I'm kidding. Seven hindered. That's how the the British bank works over here he's like yeah split it split it's 3,000 even though it's 800 so that way he gets 2,000 back. Then I’ll tell you I charge 90 interests.

That's a pretty good bargain you got going on. Hello, machan [bro] Oh, what we got going on back here secret passageway not sure where we're going guys but we're doing a little exploration oh you make them tea. Oh, perfect yeah, some fresh tea let's do it as you can see guys we've got the tea-stand Subasondiavak [Good evening] Komada [How are you?] We're actually here now guys at about maybe five or five thirty a little dark in here and we're gonna have some tea. Alright we'll grab one of these right over there so it's a pancake yeah yeah it's like a crepe oh yeah it smells very good actually. How is it?

So, if you look right there it's actually some sort of coconut. Coconut that's exactly what it is coconut with a like a very sugary taste to it Almost like a syrup mixed in coconuts here. Quite chewy it's nice for someone that's not a big fan anyways a coconut it's very good tasting G double O D good Very nice tea Stootee Machan [Thank you, bro] thank you so much we'll see you next time. I guess it's 6 30 p.m. not 5:30 guys got a little a little darker here but we're

heading back to the hotel now. So, guys we've made it back to the casa the place and we're actually gonna go grab dinner now you ready for chow bro? I’m hungry I’m hungry man I’m ready let's go let's go. That's gonna be delish. So, let's head over this way we gotta find sire. Sire!

Harry Potter. Time to eat. Dinner time. Dinner time chow master. That's a leopard attacking something bird. No, not bird. Leopard, yeah. We're back in Yala bro. Dude what the oh you're not even bringing your camera.

Is that- that screaming is a leopard attacking an animal? Yeah. You're-- how do you know that it happens a lot? Sire there he is he was sleeping. That light sprite Hello. There was a noise of a leopard attacking an animal. No, yeah. Yeah oh Machan [Bro] theek hai [Good] Oh yeah, it's gonna be chow time as they say chow chow now now oh hey. So, we got a nice big thing of egg rice oh, that's gonna be delish boys you ready for this or what? What are you eating? Hey, easy prince Harry.

You must share down boy down. Alright is this like a chicken noodle soup or what do you think? Pumpkin soup. Pumpkin soup. It's my guess. I think it's crème brûlée. Oh, it's definitely crème brûlée. That is good that is very very hot. it's

hot? Oh, yeah it almost tastes like a squash soup type thing but it's delicious guys the nice part since it is a little colder up here in the mountains I’m gonna be honest with you I’m only I don't know if you call this thing a sweater it's more like a pullover but the thickness of a shirt and I’m a little chilly actually which I’m happy about because it was pretty hot a lot of the times at the beach but the reason why I’m telling you all that is because this nice warm soup is literally warming up my body right now. It's a nice peaceful dinner right here as you guys saw when we just walked out there was like well depends on how you define peaceful there was a leopard basically, destroying some sort of animal and it was let's put it this way it wasn't enjoying it it was a proper suffer so you know peace be with that animal and let's say to the leopard sahten [Enjoy] enjoy your meal brother anyways yeah now we're enjoying our meals here we got the boys here sipping soups and we've got some good stuff that's coming our way very soon you know what actually might be kind of good toss that rice plate over here my guy. You want the whole thing? Nope nope I’m not gonna pull a hair man, but what I am gonna do is I’m gonna do something that almost don't do and that is to make chicken noodle soup out of-- What? You just went there my guy. And there's no turning back now there was a line and you crossed that. It has been crossed and there's no turning back my guy. Alright, well I mean I’ll let you decide it and then if it's good I’ll go exactly I’m the guinea pig for him let's try this one out.

Really. We're on to something boys. We are on to something. This is like two peas in a pot if this isn't perfect for each other I don't know what it is you might be starting a new trend in the world right now bless you some vegetables over here. Fresh veggies. Fresh veggies, yummy yummy. What is this chicken? Trav is like I don't now that one. We've got some chicken over here.

Sausage. we're gonna get a couple what I believe to be chicken sausages. You like your sausages? You know I do, I do like the ones that are chicken.

Is there an underlining meaning you're looking to talk-- No, no I am just looking you are going straight for the sausages first-- Do you like your sausages? Yeah, yeah. Sausage is great yeah. Perfect, perfect. Yeah, you're the type of guy that likes to have at least two. I mean there's two in your plate mate.

I hope none of you have dirty minds because we're just talking about making sure, we get our protein. Protein chicken sausage. and we've got the fresh chicken right there it's a little spicy one there we got some peppers you want to build in there alright we'll toss a couple of those on there. Alright looks good I think we need to also get some veggies you might pass those down bro yeah All yours mate. Cheers mate. The presentation on that very nice very very nice oily vegetables.

Let me pass that back. Stootee [Thank you] And maybe we'll even load up with a bit more rice even though I filled up my entire soup cup with rice we're gonna see if we can make it all the way over three two one oh, that's actually kind of nice. Three do I have two for two There you go we might need a couple chili flakes on there and then we'll call it a day. Oh baby. Spicy. You have rolled him again? Oh yeah it is time to dig in get some chow going here. Alright we're gonna try one of those

chicken sausages here. Very tasty I like the rice. You like it? You got the chili pepper loaded in there right oh yeah, it's spicy. Alright let me try

it out I got a hefty scoop of chili pepper in here. The chili has really good flavor doesn't it. It does actually it's not as spicy as I was expecting but it does have some sort of spice in there that have a pretty overpowering but not necessarily in a bad way type of flavor you know having this rice only in the soup so far completely different taste but-- Delicious. Delish G double O D Triple O D. I have triple a good. Alright let's try out the the veggies here they're shining they're looking at me they're saying get in my belly. Gotta get your veggies. We need them bro. We haven't been eating

No, we've been having burgers and pizza. No don't tell them don't tell them just kidding curry only and roti for every meal. No, I’m just kidding the last couple days guys we've been in Dickwella and we were kind of just hanging around some modern restaurants that are like mainly owned by foreigners like there's an Australian one Bahia that was in one of the videos and then also we're working on the co-working space so it wasn't like traditional food so it's actually, really nice to be having traditional food again traditional Sri Lankan food I missed it. So we're gonna chow on a big old plate of this guys. How are you doing over there hair man? Oh, yeah, it's busy eating you haven't said a word. I could eat this all day I love this chicken like cooked very differently to the chicken we had for lunch but almost like kind of sweet like sweet sour chicken. You're right that's exactly how I’d rate it it's got a proper zing Bone. I’m I’m feeling full I

don't know what's going on what's wrong with me yeah I’m not gonna eat it much more oh no yeah, look I don't understand why that means pan. Have you had too many pancakes? Definitely too many pancakes I had way too many pancakes. Compliments to the chef though guys. Oh yeah, the food for both of the two meals we've had since we've arrived between this video guys and then as well as if you saw yesterday's video I’m impressed up here in the mountains too It tastes really fresh. Everything really fresh. Really fresh I bet a lot of these vegetables are from the gardens around here. Probably, probably. Oh, it's been very nice guys they've even brought out this is papaya yeah papaya thank you guys it's really nice they brought out some papaya for a little bit of a dessert and I needed a little healthy food to finish off the day here. Especially as you see the Coca-Cola right behind me sometimes gotta have the best of both worlds fresh papaya though refreshing it's super refreshing digging it. Fruit is the best in Sri

Lanka best fruit it's all fresh freshly grown on the trees it's amazing. Exactly and you got sire over there enjoying it. Wow, I think that's the first time I’ve had papaya really yeah so, you did not expect this in 2022. I was shocked. This does not surprise me it was actually, really good looks like watermelon doesn't taste like watermelon I can't really describe the taste that's kinda good. It just tastes like papaya. Very soft. So what does this papaya tastes like? Papaya. What does papaya taste like papaya?

Wow, the way they describe the taste of papaya blows my mind I couldn't have said it any better myself and while they were describing it I actually, cleared the plate because once again, we're back in the clean plate club with a delicious meal here at the green eco lodge. Alright guys we've actually just walked over from this room over to one of these common rooms we've got a massive I want to say maybe 80-inch tv and the boys chilling so gonna be finishing off the video there guys really really delicious dinner compliments to the chef here at green eco lodge and I just want to say that today was so incredible so much nature exploring just doing stuff off the beaten path was necessary especially after being in the south where you know it's quite a tourist area I keep saying things about the south like it's like they're bad things that they're not they're just a different experience right and so it's nice to have something you know with less tourists being able to move at our own pace and you know just be up here in the jungle pretty much up in the mountains so yeah, such a nice time here this is definitely not going to be the last video shot in this area there's going to be a full exploration date tomorrow. So we'll see you guys in tomorrow's video at breakfast to start out and then you'll see what adventures we're gonna be getting up to. So, you'll be able to find the boys links to their videos their channels both in the description below and if you guys have enjoyed this video smash that like button if you want to see more videos both here in Sri Lanka as well as all over the world hit that subscribe button below and I’ll see you guys in tomorrow's video. [Music]

2022-03-24 03:33

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