spots you ignored in las venturas | san andreas world tour

spots you ignored in las venturas | san andreas world tour

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How well do you think you know  Grand Theft Auto San Andreas? Because me, I don't know it very well. I only  beat this game for the first time last month.   But I'm curious about the perspective  of the die hard fan. The perspective of   someone who played this game to death back  in the day. How familiar are you with it? I was genuinely surprised at this game's  scale. I've seen a few video game world   map comparison videos, and they literally always  have San Andreas right next to Skyrim. And sure,  

the math or methodology might be off  in these videos, but the point is,   they're relatively similar in terms of size. That genuinely rattled my brain for a  moment. Just intuitively, Skyrim feels   like a bigger game. And San Andreas felt so  small in my mind. But as you start to play,  

you really feel the openness. So many  areas to explore and things to discover. Think of how much you never saw. How many  details went completely unnoticed as you   decided to follow the path ahead  of you instead of going off-road.

I'm not gonna show you anything mind-blowing  here. I don't proclaim to have discovered some   long dormant secret hidden within this game's  depths for 20 years. I just wanna show you some   details and spots in this game's world that  I think are neat. And maybe along the way,  

you'll see a thing or two you haven't  before. Welcome to Video Game World Tours. Today's tour sees us exploring the  northern section of San Andreas,   the final part of it to unlock. But  before we cross the bridge into new lands,   I thought we should take a brief look at a spot  I didn't mention during our look at San Fierro. If you fly all the way to the tippy top of  the Gant bridge, you'll notice some writing. "There are no easter eggs up here. Go away." And this is definitely not news to a lot  of you. I feel like this is one of the  

most popular easter eggs in all of video  games. But I couldn't not talk about it,   it's such a fun spot. The developers are breaking  the fourth wall and literally speaking to people   like me. People who love to go where we're not  supposed to and look for weird little details. I   love that meta aspect to it. The level designers  probably liked this spot just as much as us.

Huh, we're pretty high up. It's interesting  that we can't see THAT far, the atmospheric   haze cuts off the horizon pretty close to  you. I feel like people don't appreciate a   shorter render distance in games these  days. I remember seeing screenshots of   the definitive edition's incredibly long render  distance. Yeah, look at this. This is the same   spot in the definitive edition, and look  at how far you can see. That's literally   Los Santos. In the original game, you can't  even see to the other side of San Fierro!

This looks so much better to me, artistically.  Earlier, I talked about how big the world feels   and part of that feeling is because you can't see  it all at once. My eyes are limited to seeing what   the game technically renders at any given point,  and mentally I kinda perceive it that way too. I   don't even imagine Los Santos being in that  direction. Or if I do, I imagine it being so  

much further than it actually is. My feelings  are independent of the actual factual distance   in-game. This already pretty big game world feels  even bigger when you can't see it all at once. Guess that goes to show that  just because you CAN render   out the whole map at once doesn't mean you SHOULD. Okay, okay. I promised to talk about the north  and we're still in San Fierro. Off we go!!! Genuinely, I don't think I  ever crossed this bridge before   this video. The main story doesn't bring  you to this corner of the map and there's   barely any optional stuff to draw you in  either. Do you truly know Bayside? I don't.

It feels like a richer town, I'll say that  much. Some super nice homes around here. Look at this, what a nice and normal house. Ooh,   and this paved path? This feels super comfy.  The vibes in this town are off the charts. But I still can't shake the empty vibes. There are   no enterable businesses here at all. I  wonder if something was planned for this   place early in the game's development  but it was cut. It has those vibes.

There's a handful of smaller towns in this game  like that. Everyone knows the big three. Los   Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas. But  do you remember Dillimore? Montgomery? Las   Payasadas? I'm sure they all have at least  one thing to bring you to the town. Whether   it's a business or mission objective.  Even Bayside here has a boating school. But the feeling I get driving through these  places... it's weird. I guess it's a lot like   pass-through towns on highways in real  life. You just go by without giving them  

a second glance. Or maybe you do for a  moment, but then you get back to your   main journey. But a lot of time and love  went into crafting that town. The houses,   the streets, businesses you'd  have no reason to stop at. What's that word for the feeling you get realizing   everyone around you has a life just  as complex and real as your own? Uh...

Sonder! That's it. In real life, people live in those little  pass-through towns and everything there   is just as real as something in the  big city. And in San Andreas here,   even though the developers knew you probably  wouldn't spend a lot of time in this town, they   still put in the effort to make it distinct. They  put down all these buildings, decorated the yards,   hid some item pickups all over, they created a  whole-ass town that the player might not ever see.

So even though there might not be any super  interesting spots or details to notice in   Bayside here, I kinda just wanna appreciate  the fact that it exists at all. Some level   designer had to put in the time to create this  place. And I think they did a pretty good job. Let's head west to visit our next spot. This is really where you feel the scale  of the game. Just driving down a long and  

lonesome road with naught but the earth to look  at. It's meditative. Rockstar has a pretty good   grasp on the fact that empty space can be used  to make the dense spaces feel that much more   meaningful. All these long roads are kind of an  underrated aspect of this game if you ask me. I found this gas station while  driving around. There's a lot   of gas stations in this game and  this one didn't seem any different   at first glance. But then I uh...  notice anything unusual about it? This ground texture is stretched! I  hope someone got fired for that blunder.

Oh man... night time really is beautiful  in this region. For some reason,   the sky turns purple. I have no idea  why, I couldn't even begin to tell   you if this is scientifically possible.  But artistically? 10/10. Sometimes you   just gotta give into those urges and create  something that might not be 100% realistic.

Absolutely stunning. I wish I could camp  out here for a night and just stare out   at the stars. Might not be the BEST  idea considering we're in the desert,   but hey, I'm allowed a bad idea  every now and then. As a treat. The Lil' Probe Inn is a bar OBVIOUSLY based  on the ever-so-lovable grays. Considering this   region of the map is pretty much Nevada, it's no  surprise they'd lean into the whole alien thing. Inside is interesting because this is the only bar   with a unique interior in the game. The three  other bars that reside in the major cities,  

including the one we looked  at in the Los Santos video,   all share the same interior. But they decided  to give this one a special layout. I like it. All these UFO pictures. Man, I'm a  sucker for a good blurry flying saucer. I can see why people might think you'd be able to   find aliens in this game. You want to  believe after coming to this place.

Ooh, a backroom. Lovely. I like the contrast  of the cool lighting on this   side versus the warm lighting on this side.

Wait, is that a map of this game? Yeah, it seems  like it. I think it's different from the final   version of the map. Look, this river on the map  screen seems to be mountains in this texture. Yeah, according to the wiki this is definitely  a pre-release version of the map. It points out  

this island in the San Fierro bay. Oh wow, it  also points out that bayside isn't on the map. Huh. Kinda hard to tell. Bayside is so small  I would have assumed it's just right there. Wait, what are all these dots on the map?  Nothing immediately jumps out to me as to   what they represent in game. Ooh, maybe it's  UFO sightings. That'd be fun. If I was a kid   with more time than sense, I'd probably visit all  these spots on the map and look for UFOs at night. And while we're on the topic of aliens,   I guess I'll briefly mention Area 69. When  thinking of areas to talk about in this video,  

I remembered the whole interior mission area  for the base. You go running through some   labs shooting a bunch of bad guys, it'd  be so cool to explore it after the fact. But of course, you can't go back in. I've talked about wishing this game let you  go back inside mission areas in all three   of these San Andreas tours. And I would  probably do it in every future video on   this game if I kept making them. There's  something so alluring to me about a spot   that you only get to see once and never  again. Like Rockstar put a lot of love  

and care into the Area 69 underground.  Why not let me go in after the fact? Though maybe it wouldn't be as interesting if  I could go back in. Would I even care about   this spot if I could just waltz right  in? I did say not 4/10ths of a second   ago that I find these spots alluring  BECAUSE you only get to see them once. Honestly? I think I still would. Being able to  see an area in a context different from the one   it was created for is inherently interesting  to me. What was once a combat arena to fight  

through could now be a mysterious government lab  to explore. And come on, just let me appreciate   the artistry put into these levels by the  designers. If I wanted to see this space again,   I'd have to start a brand new game and play  through like 80% of the story. Thankfully,  

later games like Grand Theft Auto 5  let you replay missions. That's how   I was able to enter the Lifeinvader  building for my tour on the game. But I say, let it all hang out.  Keep the world open and free man.

Alas, Rockstar decided to not let it all  "hang out". They almost always lock stuff   up right after, the prudes. So now Area  69 is just this empty military base. Well,   it's not normally empty, I just locked  my wanted rating to 0 stars. Here's   what it'd be like if I didn't do  that. Not as welcoming, y'know?

The thruway on the outskirts of Las Venturas is a  warzone. Cars flying through at 200 miles an hour,   changing lanes in a picosecond seemingly at  random, god save your soul if you crash. I   like to drive bikes around, so I'm always falling  off. That is practically a death sentence here.   The vehicle behind you might come to a nice  and polite stop, but to anyone behind them,   this thruway is a demolition derby arena. They  come speeding in with no intention to brake.   Of course, they crash into the car in front,  which very likely leads them crashing into   you. And at that point, it's a pile up. There's no  stopping the lemmings from jumping off this cliff,  

they'll keep ramming into a heap of metal  as far as the game will spawn in new cars. I love the chaos of spots like this. Funnily  enough, I ended my Grand Theft Auto 5 tour   talking about the same phenomenon in that game.  There's just something so amusing about seeing   the relatively normal driving AI freak out like  this. I've been doing this ever since i was a   kid. I said I didn't play Grand Theft Auto as  a kid, that's because I had a gamecube. But I   did play a bit of True Crime Streets of LA. And I  remember doing the same thing there so many years  

ago. I guess this is something deeply embedded  in my soul. I just love to watch NPCs lose all   reason and drive like maniacs. I will no doubt  attempt this in my inevitable Grand Theft Auto   6 tour. I'll definitely include a section  about that if it's anything as good as this.

Lets head over to the next spot. My god,  driving in the oncoming lane here is stressful. Ow. Think I can cross this without getting hit? CJ   is about to go frogger mode. I write  these videos before I record footage,   so I don't know how I'm gonna do. Hmm...  what do you say we make this interesting? If I cross over without getting hit, I'll  do tours of Vice City and GTA 4 before GTA   6 comes out. If I get hit, then I'll never do  a video on either of those games. High stakes,   right? I was kinda looking forward to playing  those games and making videos on them,   but why not live a little? Risk it  for the biscuit, know what I'm saying? Alright...

Here we go! Well that's that I guess. Get subscribed to   see those videos when they come out  sometime in the foreseeable future. Alright, enough nonsense. The  spot we came over here for. Well, maybe a bit of nonsense. I'm  breaking out my nitpicking hat again   to criticize this game for a MASSIVE  flaw that is pretty much game-breaking.  

I'm surprised I was able to even beat  the game with this oversight existing. Here's this big 'ole chapel. Seems perfectly  normal, doesn't it? Nothing out of the ordinary? Yeah... no. We got a problem. There's this rock  bed that stretches all alongside the building.  

I kinda dig the vibes of it. But then we go to  the front door... and there's no path leading   through to it. The rock bed just goes right up to  the door. Same exact situation on the other side   of the building. Though neither side really feels  like the front door. It's like a cat-dog thing. Are the church-goers expected to walk  through this uneven rocky foundation   to get inside? That seems like a tripping  hazard. I can't believe the level designers  

and textures artists would overlook this, this  is truly the worst thing I've ever witnessed. I really hope someone got shot  into the sun for THAT blunder. And finally, we arrive at the strip.

This is just... hold on, we  can't be here during the day. There we go. This is just weird to me. I hadn't played this  game before but I did know some about it. I knew   about Los Santos, I knew about Big Smoke ordering  food, and ordering CJ to follow the damn train. I  

don't think I knew that there was gonna be  a Las Vegas inspired-location. Just seeing   all the pictures and footage of San Andreas over  the years, I thought of Los Santos when I thought   of this game. I didn't even consider that a  place like this would be in the same world. It was a great choice to include it. It has  such a distinct vibe compared to the other   two cities. I think Rockstar did a pretty  good job at picking 3 distinct cities from  

the west coast to include in the game. They  each bring something unique to the world. The glitz and glamor here is unlike anything  you'll find in Los Santos or San Fierro.   This is a place to finally spend all that  money you've been accumulating and maybe   build up an even bigger fortune if you're  lucky. Arriving to this major city last,  

it feels like the culmination of CJ's journey  so far. He owns a bunch of businesses now,   is involved in the casino game, and probably  has houses all over the state. He's definitely   grown past the grove. And you feel like you  have too. From humble beginnings, y'know? Let's visit Caligula's casino  and get a taste of the high life. Look, I'mma keep it a buck twenty-two, I  didn't finish the casino heist questline.   I got caught up in the main story  and just wanted to finish the game.  

But it's a pretty safe guess that  the heist would bring you inside. They did go all out for the games  in here. Blackjack, roulette,   video poker, slot machines. This is a  gambler's paradise. But I don't wanna   spend all day gambling. Well I do,  but I'll do that in my own time. I   wanna show YOU the backrooms in the  southwestern side of the building. On the side of the... is this the  cage? I know some casino terminology,  

I think that's right. On the side of the cage  here, there's an open door. That doesn't seem   very secure. You'd think of all the doors a casino  would like to keep shut, this would be pretty high   up on the list. Through it and down some stairs  leads you to some relatively unassuming rooms. There's a vent with the grate off.  I bet you're supposed to throw a  

smoke grenade in here or something. I  know Rockstar mission design too well. Through here is a nice little office  space. So cute. Definitely very 70s. Aww man, a locked door. And you  can see stuff on the other side,   so you definitely go through there during  the heist. Alas, I will never see it. Those   of you who have done the heist, I'll give you a  moment to appreciate that you know more than me.

Some stairs leading even deeper. What  could be lying at the end of all this...? That's uh... is that the vault? Did I really  just meander my way into this casino's vault? Guess so.

Oh man, I covered a bank vault in my Grand Theft  Auto 5 tour too, didn't I? It seems like I drift   towards similar things in these games. What  can I say, I love vaults and 83 car pile ups. Let's head back outside. Oh, I wanna stop at the pirate ship here  real quick. This is fun. I bet the 3d  

artists appreciated being able to make something  like this instead of doing buildings all day. A katana pickup. It's not quite a  cutlass, but it gets the message across. A bit of reflection before we visit my  favorite spot in all of San Andreas. I gotta say, despite never getting into  this game as a kid, it still feels like   home to me. Even if I didn't play it a bunch,  I can very easily put myself in the mind of a   kid who did. I'd describe it as second-hand  nostalgia. I can see the little bits of this   game that I would have latched onto as a  youngling and really sunk my teeth into.

And the world would most definitely be one of  those. There is just so much to discover. So   many weird little spots to come across. This  feels like the perfect game for my Video Game   World Tour series here. And with this being  my 100th video, I feel like I couldn't have   picked a better game to cover. It was so much  fun to not only play through this game, but  

go back and really go through with a fine-tooth  comb, looking for bizarre spots that stand out. Unfortunately, I can only include so many.  I could make a dozen videos on this game and   I still wouldn't have talked about all the  interesting spots. And that's saying nothing   of the spots so uninteresting they  wrap around to being interesting. And there is perhaps no place as uninteresting  as the Tierra Robada Research Lab.

This is my trump card at potentially  showing you something you've never seen   before. Or at least showing you something  you've never paid attention to before. This place has nothing going on.  Not like Bayside where that town   technically had a boating school,  this has literally... nothing. No story mission brings you here,  there's no item pickup to find,   no collectable, no cars to steal, no  stunt jumps to make, no... anything. I say it's a research lab, but  you wouldn't know that from the   exterior. There's not even a sign that  says what the building is! The only way  

we know it's a research lab is because  of the building's model name in the code. This is why I love this game. I love a spot  that makes absolutely no sense. This building   doesn't exist for the player. And considering  you never see a pedestrian or car around here,   it seems to not exist for anyone in-world either! It exists only for itself.  And I think that's beautiful.

Thanks for watching.

2024-07-28 01:49

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