Spiritual trip to roof of Egypt (Mount Catherine, SINAI)

Spiritual trip to roof of Egypt (Mount Catherine, SINAI)

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Hey. Guys this is fellow adventurer welcome back. So. Today we, have a big mission we are here in the hub on. The coast of the Red Sea okay this is my friend Khalid. Famous. Egyptian traveler Alexandrian. Exactly. Is. From Alex yes I am H tire man. Just. Gonna go out of the town and we gonna hitchhike to, st.. Catrin and then we gonna climb the, highest mountain. In Egypt, which, is Mount Catrin it's about a hundred, meter over the, highest here, we are now in the hub is around 20 degrees there. On the top is gonna be at night probably about, below. Zero minus three we'll see how we handled that so it's gonna be quite a challenge, to get there and, this. So. Basically we gonna go from the zero which is the sea level. To. The highest mountain, of the update, ship so I think is quite great, mission to do and you. Guys keep, fingers crossed for us. Phyllis, host boy. We got a car again. Maids. We, got stuck in the police checkpoint, in the heart into car slide. We, have to show the busbar they search our fangs. Check ones here in a gym it's like another polar you know like it's like water. Water so many motors inside the country no so. Yeah it's working like, Forex we are not moving. We. Contributing. To petrol to this guy who give us leave now, heading. To next checkpoint and, from there hopefully we'll get a car straight to Catrin. Getting. Them on. Got, it we. Got this. Car it's. Like a bus I think. And we've, a little bit of money but. Hey. Guys we got his car I cannot, imagine the better way to arrive. To to. Catch him but with this crazy truck super old. Yeah. We are here we did it I'm so happy I'm. So happy to, be back in Reno in Katrina as. I lived here before and. This, feel even more. Is conservative. You know. Okay. Can you tell us what was the right. Guys. We. Are inside Catrin, it's. Much colder here. So. From zero zero, elevation to help now we are I think about. 1,500. And. Now. We have to continue, to the top to the so-called. Roof of Egypt right. Catherine, mountain. I. Cannot. Put into words how how, much happier I am to be back here in San Katrina I actually used. To live here I spent, here like three months in house living here and. It. Was a very, beautiful. Time so now all the memories coming back you know and. I. Experienced, many beautiful things here and the people here are so, nice you know it's this, place is still quite isolated, you know and not many people get down here I can feel like the hub is great and, it's. Beautiful, there there, is a Red Sea and all this but, this one has something, something. There you know there is something I cannot, describe. It's just here and it's so beautiful, and these people are so nice you know and they are not so much exposed to tourism so they are still like very normal and they, are between people and there are very nice people 3 2 1 check it out guys oh. My. God it's, beautiful, this.

Is The center of st. Katrina little. Little center you have all the shops you have a petrol. Station behind. There there is a there's. A bank there's a beautiful mosque and it's so different because last time I was here I was here in summer in. Summer it gets around 30, degrees and. Now. It's about maybe, five zero you see I have a I have my head from Iceland you know it's quite, cold I have, shoes you. See, I change for sandals we actually chose the, mud Katrine not, only because if it's the highest in a, in. Here but, actually it's not so famous like. Moses. Mountain you know the, gable. Musa or sunny mountain the, biblical mountain whoo, Moses. Has received. The. Ten Commandments from, the, gut, which. Applies for all Abrahamic. Religion, which. Is Islam, Judaism, Christianity. And, Baha'i, isn't this one is actually more touristic and it's more it. Can get more busy more crowded but. We could not go to this one there. Is an amazing. Open. House you know up to on the top where we can actually very gonna sleep, advice. We would be freezing to death I suppose so. We cannot be there you. Cannot spend a night maybe two we'll see how it goes by the way I'm. Making this vlog with. My new iphone, I got - seven I was following someone was resisting, two iPhones, but. I actually got this one not because it's iPhone well. It because the telephone is because it has a nice camera you know it has very nice camera so I want you to guys let me know if you like the picture if you if the sound is good for YouTube if, you can hear it well I hope this is the only disadvantage of this device. Is that I, cannot. Plug, external, microphone but I think as long as it is not windy, it should be fine and you. Should enjoy, the sound you know back home as a tripod I used to have the big big, camera big DSLR camera and I used to have a big tripod for it and for, this one I have just this one. You. Know so this is my this, is my shooting, gear now you know this guy and the. Camera and the iPhone, that's it you know hopefully it's gonna work for you guys it, works for me my lives it's easy it's, just in my pocket always and I, can shoot anything, anywhere. That's, it so we already got to welcome drink the, special recipe from the local doctor. So. This is hibiscus, sage, wild, mint and. Rosemary. It. Tastes so nice oh my god oh. My. God so nice this was such a warm, welcome here in psychiatry and when we came in they just make a bonfire they. Sit around, we got an oddity oh my, god I love it so much amazing, and now we are again in the street, I got. It he tries to rent, a house he's gonna stay here live here for months or so the, Sinai Peninsula it's. Holy land and, San. Katrine is in the heart of the South Sinai Peninsula. And it's. Such a peaceful place you know I can feel it and I can tell it you know it's, such a piece here and I love it so much so here we are this is a Bedouin camp Khalid. Is renting house in two days and now, we are here it's a beautiful it's, a beautiful restaurant, check it out we are so lucky we, got invited by, this value, in for. Amazing. Dinner so let's get to it these, are the car dark so I just walk in good night if you just get successfully. For the body, stretch it means shoe actually and. Now we are getting to another Valley it's called urban Valley which. Means for tea Wally, ice one is nice adventure so far super, dark. Stops. Oh. Man. Hey. Guys check it out so here I am this. Is the highest mountain of Egypt. Mount. Catrin two, thousand six hundred and, something. Meters. It's, pretty, it's pretty cold, I think is about zero degrees and, which.

Is Good, I have a just. Gonna have a Sun, set, soon. Behind. Me check it out and here. On the top here. This. Is a this is a church here. Christian. Church. Here and this is it so. We made it with my friend salad here we are also. Also. Feeling amazing. I was, really I was a pilgrimage I would say wow. So, I just now enjoyed the sunset yeah. Beautiful all, the mountains around, amazing. Stuff guys, check it out and. The new friends over here. Did. You get here. What. Is it. This. Is the second night we are here and we. Just made, a bonfire we, get, some dinner you. Know and, yeah. Just warming. Up a little bit this room it was very nice I used. Some sage and, Palo, Santo to clean the. Area. Spiritually, and I think energy. Here is very good. It's. Very pure, mmm. Our service, by coming here it, was quite purifying, journey. It. Took us quite a while we came here at four o'clock in the morning and we. Were, resting, on the way and we were like. We. Were just resting, and we fall, asleep you know and it was just insane, you know but we actually managed. And, we came here now I think we are ready and we are now the second, night here we. Are are we are here on around, so which is actually great thanks God that. We have this place just for, ourselves now, and we can use it for photo for. The main reason why we came here so, I think we are very, close. We. Are much closer together I suppose 10 years like buying by. Being in such a elevation. Here and, like. I said everything, here, feels pure, like we're not super to clean, our bodies but but. Otherwise. There is no shower I know but there's there other things like the purity of the place itself it's like a program each place and it was lucky to look at me yesterday kind of ready. Anyway. So laughing, now we're ready to call it and I, brought with me here this, thing. Yeah, these. Mushrooms from Europe I actually. Make a powder from them so I can go through vedette, through the border, and. I did you know and yeah, that's cool so, now we can take it and I. Think it's. Gonna be very special this, moment because this place it's its first January. 2012. 20. Sorry well. I think it's very magical, number, I. Thinking. I think many things happened will happen this, year I think it's, gonna be huge transformation. And, the world happening again, lots, of people awakening and so on so, anyway let's, do it and. Yeah. Well guess we'll see we'll see you on the other side as, there, is no way back right. Even. At Ella's like you have some expectations, or you have some intention for this trip for this journey, I don't, have any expectations I'm just willing to accept whatever may happen are. You all ready you feel like you're ready for this yes, you. Wanna do, you think you wanna go for it yeah yeah, you. Have anything else to say you, feel on your heart to share with, us tonight. Live. Your life. Okay. It's. Nice actually I actually put the powder at, the, mushrooms. Powder of water and lemon. Okay. Guys this, is my turn, to. Take, mushrooms it's my sixth. Time. Yeah. I take it and first. Time was in Czechia second, time Iceland. First. Time Czechia, and. I took it two times yeah here, we go, now. I think it here I think, I know I have one more. Portion. And this I would like to take in Rosenberger room to, fill the area they're also, very. Peaceful. So. Yeah mmm. I will see what, what's. Coming up here managers. Not. Okay. Guys so this. Is it we are going to leave this holy. Mountain. Spent, here tonight, and, today. It's a 2nd of January. 2012. So I wish you happy new year. And. From. This beautiful, place. And. Yeah. That's, it the.

Trip Is over we. Have to come. Back. All. Right. Bye-bye. You, want to say anything call it. Ok. He. Was outside, overnight. So. Now he's getting the sunrise to warm him. Up right. We left him some bread over there in case, he's, hungry and I. Think he's good here. It's. Beautiful, journey just. Descending, from the vodka, train so. Pitiful, around there's, beautiful Canyon. This. Is my new friend Sally. Salim. Salim, yes. He. Was okay and he invited us for the tea and do. You want to say anything okay. You come on Oakland Center katrell like. Good. Mountain he's. A guide. I. Cannot. Talk as my my lips are so dry so. There. Is one friend. So. Let's go let's check it out let's check out this little village at his place. It's, garden these, are olive, oil olive trees and the big. Row of the olives here and then later they make a very. Nice quality. Olive, oil. We. Have just left body, are buying the, 40 Valley and now we are in a body. Stretch stretch. Valley, I don't. Know if the the, phone is gonna catch it but there. Is a rent going firm it's. Very beautiful sound, you. Know, yeah. And here we are living body rich and we, are coming. To the Katrina, town. Yeah some Katrina, check, it out Cinci. This is a this, is the garden of my friend Salam I eat and. I, used to live there like one month I was renting this place from him not. A good memories, alright, guys so and Here I am in. My friends. Camp. My friend between Mohammed Hodder. Yes. Perfect. I used, to live here in this camp for two, and a half months now he is back here and I was so happy to meet him again after this long time he's, super cool guy and, he's traveling around climbing, mountains and now we're. Gonna go inside my shoes this is a Bedouin tent, him. A Badawi, check. It out what's, inside. Okay. So. Beautiful so we cannot sit now because it's bit cold you're gonna sit here. Around. The. Charcoal fire cannot. Drink sip some tea you know and just, share. Stories, whatever whatever. Comes up right it is so beautiful, to be to be guests of my friend to be guests of any value in. Its, I have a great time here I slept in a beautiful, Diwaniyah. Like a living room you know where we like, spend, the evening together you know socializing, eating. Drinking. Drinking. Lots of lots of tea you know. And. Then I slept there next. To this electro, stuff, you know so I was warm at night because. Now outside. Here it's about zero at night so. It was pretty nice, yeah. I had. So much food, you know rice, salad, chicken, you, know so this was so nice and then. I was so super happy that I just grabbed, my money and I went to shop and I bought some lollipops, for the kids around that are here with, the families and we, staying here another night and. It was amazing because there was this local musician as, name is Hussein and actually even asked him to play one of my favorite song, oddvar inside, 24 hours it's. A beautiful story it's a story about me I think you know. Yes. So I really enjoy that one you know so another amazing, night, here, things are happening and I, really enjoy so much isn't there is one more important, thing I want to show you it is a bread caboose. Or ice, baladi. It's like, Egyptian. Bread yeah and, because. We are in bedouin, land here. Is the local bread, this is a Bedouin right. Check it out it's a homemade you know and, it. Is and. They call it like a fakir you know they could call it here with you so I'll, really like it you know and then you put it here on the stove when you warm it up before you, eat it you know very. Nice but you can do the same with the Egyptian bread so, anyway let's, get down to the dinner. Today. We came here to visit dr., Hamid he's, the local. Famous. Doctor who knows everything. About helps, and he sells helps so, we just had like some. Tea you know and we chat, a little bit and. Relax. And, it's a nice doing. Here you. Know chilling, place and. I. Also check his animals you know he's got some girls they're so beautiful you know. My. Friend. This. One is curious. These. Ones are so happy so, happy sheep Wow. And now. We're, gonna go to his shop and I'm gonna get some, local. Herbs for me from him you know so let's go check it out. Yeah. I got all the herbs from here you know I got the, olive oil like olive, oil. Like when the best olive oil you can get is from here I have, very nice honey, it was quite expensive you know that, it's, just like a mess in here you know so it's a good value for the money and, I. Spend there like really lots of money you know but I'm so happy I bought all the spicy, you know the spicy but they're like a helps 40. And for different health, problems, I used to have so. I have to just like use them all just to be. Super healthy again yeah so I can travel more right so, check it out this is this. Is the olive oil from here it's. Been pressed, here in. The monastery of st..

Catherine Here. Is like, a homemade, tahina, you know very nice and. Here. Oh my god look it is these are elements, in the skin you, know we're, expensive, the, best animals in the world I think and. Tara. Honey. Is a nice honey is killer one kilo honey and. Also. This, is probably this was. The most expensive this is how, come off of. Honey, from Katrina, it, cost like 20, euro but, this is like a medicine you know you take like a 1 spoon a day and that's it you know super. Super, nice stuff you know and. What. Else I have I have lots of lots of herbs from here check, it out. This. Is a this is a viscous. This. Is a one, or two minute. This. Is a chamomile. And got chamomile. This. Is like oregano. Beautiful. Stuff. Actually. This is Artemisia. This is used for. This. Is used for curing. Malaria for, example. It's, called beta and in Arabic and. Here. I have handles, and this I need you know for a nice team. And. This. Is Maria, as a sage and. This. One the last one it's a this, is our. Rosemary, all, right nice so I get all these spicy, you know so I don't alter shopping and now, I can go back to the hop you know very. Nice, so after free, Osama's, here I spent, in the master, day lodge I'm, going can be checking back to the hub today it's, really nice better again it's something you know so, it feels great I think it's gonna be great great. Journey back home yeah so. Let's go. And. Become I was, so lucky I he. Checked my friend from Katrina so he drove me all the way down here and Here. I am back in the hub I'm back home awesome, so, I really, hope enjoyed this crazy trip with me it was really crazy it was awesome it was challenging, it was everything, was beautiful, now. I'm here back it's much warmer, Frank. Scott and this is it so anyway thanks. For watching my videos and I will see you soon next time love you bye, bye.

2020-01-22 14:52

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