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do you have what it takes to be  a tourism translator coming up [Music] hello and welcome back to the freelance first  thanks for being here thanks for coming back   to the channel it is time for another specialized  episode on the channel this time I invited three   panelists to talk about tourism translation  tourism seems to be a very highly requested and   highly sought after translation specialization  I see it all the time in my comments coming up   I'll send messages and I think it makes sense I  mean tourism traveling it's kind of linked who   doesn't like it right so if you can manage to  combine that that aspect of of life with your   work that can be an amazing career I'm about to  have the conversation with the panelists can't   wait to share this with you but first as always  this episode is brought to you by memoq thank   you so much memoq for sponsoring the specialized  series memoq translator Pro is a tool specifically   for translators that helps them increase their  productivity improve their translation quality and   to meet tight headlines if you're interested in  their product or their company make sure to click   the link below that leads directly to the landing  page and you can check them out now let's get on   with interview [Music] so hello everybody we are  back with another episode of specialized today   we talk about tourism if you've missed any of the  previous episodes I'm gonna link the playlist down   below so you can check all the countless I've lost  count at that point how many have done but today   I'm very excited to talk to Sylvie Fiona and Lisa  hello everyone thanks for taking the time could   you please start by introducing yourself Lisa  would you like to start uh yeah sure so I'm Lisa   I'm French English to Dutch translator and with  that I mean Dutch for Belgium I only translate for   Belgium I specialize in marketing translations for  on one hand education companies and on the other   hand everything that revolves around tourism  education tourism culture things like that   Sylvie hi I'm Sylvie I'm from the Netherlands  um I work from English into Dutch Dutch for the   Netherlands not like Lisa um I specialize  in marketing and translations and tourism   translations and yeah tourism travel Hospitality  everything that's related to that specialization   recovering all the Dutch  speakers today that's nice Fiona German um I'm based in the UK near Cambridge and  I specialize in marketing and tourism translation   as well interesting so I hear that it seems to be  I mean this is a question that I wanted to come   back to later but you both or I think all of you  mentioned that you also do marketing right uh is   that kind of uh interwoven marketing and tourism  Lisa you would say I think marketing is not   necessarily tourism but tourism does require the  same level of creativity you need for marketing so   um when I started out as a tourism translator I  did a lot of newsletters magazine articles for   tourism magazines uh tourism newsletters things  like that and I was very creative all the time   the main guideline clients gave me was don't  translate literally making your own text making   your own translation I could add sentences I  could I could switch around things add words   delete words and everything and that's something  I also do in marketing so for me felt natural to   do both at the same time to on the one hand  specialize in marketing but also specialize   in tourism culture things like that I think for  me marketing really is like websites social media   ratios and everything whereas tourism it's  more it's more storytelling it's longer text   um there's usually like a story to be told whereas  marketing can be very short posts and everything   yeah I think for me marketing is more it's broader  it's um like every company does marketing or you   should marketing a lot of translators including  myself say that they're specialized in marketing I   think on the one hand yes like Lisa said it's like  a very creative genre I guess but um on the other   hand it's it's just also a way of translating I  guess like very creatively but the the topic the   actual text it can be about for any company and  it can be um I don't know for a company you say   um they would like to hire people or they have  a marketing campaign to to get more employees   or it can be a holiday uh destination guide or  it can be anything so for me it's more more of a   and I'm proud of term more or less um most of the  people watching this this series are people that   are trying to figure out if this is potentially  specializations for them right uh Fiona what would   you say uh are kind of the backgrounds that one  would need all like they personally professionally   academically whatever to go into this area okay  what what Lisa and Sylvia said they're about the   kind of crossover and links between marketing  and tourism translation leads nicely into that   because I think I always think of it as there's  this kind of creative thread running through all   my work in both of those areas and I think that  creativity is so important and I think people   can get those creative skills in different ways  so just working on your target language writing   skills and being able to write well in your target  language is such an important skill for tourism   translation and interest in travel and tourism  and culture more broadly you know an interest in   in all the different areas of Tourism and then I  think academically I don't know I have a masters   in literary translation and then I've obviously  not gone into literary translation but those   creative skills that I picked up in in that period  of study have really helped me um later down the   line in a different way so I guess it's pulling  on those creative skills that people wouldn't   necessarily need a master's to get you could do  maybe a copywriting course other courses in in   writing well um interesting yeah what what caused  this switch from literary to tourism in your case the creativity and I started working  in-house a translation agency actually   um and they specialized in marketing  translation and I was thinking back   um ahead of this conversation I remember actually  my first project I translated at that agency was   for a luxury cruise ship that was a brochure  um and I think maybe that stuck with me and I   enjoyed it so much and I just felt like it was  like such extreme marketing you know like the   oozing luxury and trying to encourage and entice  people to come on board the luxury cruise ship and   I just enjoyed it so much um and yes progressed  from there I guess I feel like English is always   the ideal language for all these like very  marketing luxury type of languages right I   always find it so so tough to write these texts in  German because it just sounds so fake most of the   times right so it's it's really difficult I feel  like to make this switch so I guess for you you   translate from German to English so you have to  add this kind of Flowery language this um right   okay okay I can see how this is more fun than the  other way yeah so much fun what I would say skills   that translates we need to work in tourism and  culture is definitely very good research skills   uh because for example my most recent project was  a an exposition on Mesopotamia and it has a lot   of archaeological things uh like ancient objects  that existed millions of years back uh thousands   of years back sorry uh but they don't use this  anymore and usually get this sometimes you get   a picture but no always they have to take them  and you don't find a lot of information on the   internet and you have to know what to do how do  you find the right term how do you know what it   is uh you should be able to research it maybe  go to the library sometimes ask questions to   your clients don't be afraid to ask for pictures  I think that's also very important that you have   the necessary research skills that you know  how to research things on Google library ask   your clients things like that yeah I agree I use  I use Google a lot mostly for tourism translation   more than any other type of translations and it's  it's nice to to learn stuff because you get paid   to learn things I like that and but also I don't  know for you guys but for me the my travel wish   list wish list keeps growing all the time because  I I wanting to go to all these destinations that   I try translated but yeah I think it's also nice  when you translate tourism tags is that you when   you're translating on a destination like something  in the mountains it sounds really beautiful then   the first thing I do is just look at pictures  I look at the video and just look at it like   to have a feel like what is it and like it's like  gorgeous and you want to to add the same feeling   uh of Amazement into your text the second changed  your whole vibe right if you're translating for I   don't know for like a treehouse Hotel rather than  a luxury hotel it's completely different uh copy   and style and register okay yeah one thing that  I I was thinking about preparing for this video I   also let you guys know in previously like when you  really think about it you could say that literally   anything can be tourism related right because we  translate for other cultures with there's of some   some kinds to to understand right and Lisa you  mentioned this this project it sounds more like a   perfect for a historian or something right  rather than tourism so how do you maybe say   that you can start off how do you define tourism  for you what is it you're actually working on   um for me it's like um specific  texts about destinations or   um a cruise line or a hotel chain or yeah  something like that and say it in first travel and   um yeah if you look at it it's a culture and  tourism they're connected but not exactly the   same so who would you work for then mostly is  it is it the companies in the travel industry   or do you work with agencies uh both I work with  some travel agencies or tourism boards and also   um translation agencies that give me jobs like  that's usually for the the big companies in in   travel they use translation agencies and  then there's a smaller companies that I   work with directly and for Fiona and Lisa  how is it for you text types clients how do   you how does your everyday workflow look  like Fiona maybe you could take that one   um so I also opened a mixture of  translation agents seasoned direct clients   so I started off working for working on Hotel  content copy I'd say through translation agencies   and then I've gradually kind of Diversified my  client base and brought in more direct clients and   um I was trying to think of them all and kind  of write a list to my head and it's quite nice   because it's so varied so I've got one client who  has a website and she reviews um kind of the main   tourist attractions and kind of hidden gems in  different cities around Europe and she has this on   in website articles and then has brought in a blog  as well so that's a couple of different text types   and I also get to work on um content about um  say Rome and Paris which I don't normally get to   do working from German to English so I like this  client a lot so I get to explore different places   um and then also um another direct client I've  worked with fairly recently I've translated to   travel guide um so it was for the city that  was the European city of culture um last year   in 2022 and I translated the the whole guide um  and actually if I could just do a little bit of   self-promotion I went there last week on  holiday and I went to the tourist office and it was so exciting they found it  for me it was really cool so yeah that's   the actual physical book like an actual  chunky copy that I could hold in my hand   um and then also travel magazines which are kind  of similar and Lisa what area do you work in   um so when I started out I worked a lot for travel  agencies but mostly via VIA translation agencies   with my clients like direct clients they were um  travel agencies or also like a cruise operator   I worked for um but at the moment I mainly work  with museums so I don't necessarily do the travel   things anymore but I really focus on museums more  and more um and cultural stuff so with museums   that's a bit special because it also goes through  a translation agency but it's a very small agency   and I'm very I have very I'm in very good terms  with the agency and at least in my country in   Belgium many museums there govern body government  and so all translations um go through tenders so   when a museum like once every five years they  think I had like oh we might need that many   words or that many expositions translated and  then they publish a tender which is visible for   anyone and then the agency me and then another  translator someone who translates into English   we apply it together we do test translation we  follow the whole procedure and then so far we   managed to to win a few attenders which is really  nice and that's how we get to work for museums it's also scary because right now we have a tender  for a museum and it's five years so for five years   we know that we will get all the translation all  the translations but we also know in advance how   much it will be because it's written in a tender  so it's going to be like three or four expositions   something which is a nice volume it's really nice  but then as soon as those five years are finished   you know like you have to reapply and the thing  with tenders is price is the main Criterium you   can't quote too high I say because there will  always be other agencies who who will offer a   wide low rates and then quality is not very good  and then it can get quite competitive working   for museums Sylvie it sounds like you are working  very much in the area where what I would imagine   a tourism translator does right you work for  destinations for cruises for traveling how do you   manage to keep up to date with cultural phenomena  cultural shifts in the countries that you work   in so you work you translate into Dutch right  so do yeah is your tourism is your is your uh   destinations usually in the Netherlands  or is it more in your Source languages   um well it can be anywhere really I mean  not so much in Netherlands but more like   Dubai or uh um cruise itineraries that go around  the world or just a river cruise in in Europe or   um I travel a lot my business name  is to travel traveling translator um um I'm off to uh Prague next week actually  yeah well I mean usually if you translate for   a translation agency then usually you just get  instructions like for Dubai and they ask like do   not use the word alcohol or don't promote alcohol  just use the word drinks or something like that   all right and um yeah and then mostly I suppose  it's just in the source text already like those   those words they don't they won't use the word  alcohol in the source decks so then you don't   need to use it necessarily in the ear translation  I guess like a destination like Dubai or anywhere   with more conservative values they would also  not want to uh promote different values even   in Publications in the Netherlands right it  makes sense yeah but that's an interesting   point that you mentioned so there you you  mostly rely on the bricks from the clients   yeah the reason what I know um myself about  the translations our destination sorry uh one   thing that I thought about when preparing  tourism was extremely affected by kovit   right I don't know Fiona were you already a  tourism translated during covet I did tourism   translation but through translation agencies and  also alongside lots of other marketing translation   so I didn't take the hit because it wasn't my  soul kind of specialism so I'd say the tourism   translation obviously dropped off in 2020 but  I had other work so I didn't notice that as in   the way that some other translators might have  but I think what I did notice was that in 2021   as tourism kind of kicked back in after the  main peak of the pandemic that's when I got   contacted by direct lines the 2021 middle of  2021 is when the work started coming in so I   kind of got the benefits after I suppose and  then I think from there I've done more and more   tourism translation as it's kind of past the  industry it's kind of built itself back up and   and kind of recovered I always tell people  when I talk about these times that actually   my profession was wanted was positive almost  positively affected by the whole thing I had   more work than than before but I assume in tourism  it was the opposite so if someone solely focused   on that right I don't know Sylvia and Lisa did  you experience any drop in in revenue or work   um not in revenue or work but the um like Fiona  the the amount of Tourism translations uh dropped   a little bit but then I got more other types of  translations in return and also very interesting   um some of my tourism clients they um kept  giving me work but um it wasn't wasn't about   hotel descriptions anymore but now this time  it was about cleaning how they uh or like what   covet measures they would take and yeah for for  an Airbnb or something or for me it was actually   funny because the full covered uh I was not yet  working for museums it was mainly working for   like travel uh one of my biggest clients at the  time was through in a translation agency was a   cruise operator uh and with covet all cruises were  suspended for a very long time I think even longer   than hotels and travel in general and that client  never came back so so all of my travel clients   that was those collaborations and that suddenly  we covered but the funny thing is that all of a   sudden uh my museum clients they were like oh you  know what we're going to have new expositions once   covered is over so you have like a bunch of new  expositions oh you know what we had this brochure   we drafted like 20 years ago we wanted to redo the  brochure for the whole museum you can do this I   was like what is happening exactly and organically  one door closed and one opened I guess yeah yeah   like that so you would suggest to like people  to keep always some kind of door open not focus   fully on a very small Niche and then you know it  might always disappear I always tell people like   of course Niche down but keep some back door open  you know you can do some general things you can   have two specializations exactly three nations  is really is really nice because there's some   like also with covid like um everything that's  medical and financial suddenly was soaring um   they also have like the crash with 2008 financial  as well with soaring with other translations were   um we're diminishing and everything so there's  always like no matter what is happening there's   always one or two or three topics that are doing  really well in other hits so if you have two   niches for example which is perfectly manageable  I think uh like they're closely already lower   data for example I do tourism cultures education  education a lot of the museums I translate forward   and on the one hand they have the exposition that  has to be translated but they also have education   packs for schools they have games for children  and everything so that's also education yeah and   I think for if you work for agencies they they  keep sending you work if they like your work as   a translator and they're like I know this is not  your area of expertise but maybe would you like   to try this or that and I got a lot of HR all  of a sudden and it's like hey you want you want   to try that do you think you can do that and yeah  it's naturally exactly it happens organically and   usually you know when it when this happens it's I  don't know it's either like before the holidays or   before Christmas or on a Friday when the PM gets  stressed right and suddenly can you help me with   this and sometimes I have to say no I I can't do  this contract for you I mean that's insane but   if it's not extremely specialized then you might  open a new a new uh Avenue right yeah so we have   to already close this this one so quickly but uh  I always like to finish off these videos with a   word of advice from uh our seasoned professionals  so Fiona what would you tell the viewers or what   would you tell to yourself the younger self that  you wish you knew before don't underestimate the   power of Word of Mouth I was thinking about all  of where will these clients all my tourism clients   and all the really cool projects I've done where  they came from and most of them I can track back   to either a recommendation or the client's been  happy and they've referred me to someone else   or a translation colleague has referred me  onto someone who's contacted them so I think   make sure everyone knows what you do tell  everyone who'll listen shout about what you do   um and build your network of colleagues um and  you know be part of the translation community   Fiona is also excellent in branding you should all  check her branding I really like what she does so   thank you and Sylvie your words of advice um can I  can't say I'm actually just up there a lot people   use LinkedIn a post on there and also connect  with people not only other translators but also   people in your field so in Translation  in the travel industry and also try to   attend conferences and network events  to see your colleagues in real life and   um because if they know who you are in person and  they like you then they're also likely to offer   you work if you if they have too much and they're  like okay maybe I'm going on vacation maybe silvi   can be my replacement or things like that so  uh yeah just get out there and and don't be shy   it always comes back to networking I I  got the funny message yesterday from a   subscriber and she said I love your videos but  I hate it so much you always say how important   networking is but I'm such an introvert why  does this have to be the most important thing   and I just told that we are all introverts  that's that doesn't matter yeah we don't bite and Lisa to finish off the video I think I'm  gonna give two pieces of advice uh the first   one being as Sylvian fiancee Network you know it  is actually the tourism field is very small as in   everyone goes to the same events every country  hosts a few tourism conferences a year and you   notice everyone goes to those conferences all  tourism providers go to those conference and so   be there uh once you're in the field you know it  is like everyone knows each other so as Jenna said   Word of Mouth dance spreads very quickly uh and  my second piece of advice is don't be afraid to um   contact a more experienced translator and ask for  feedback on your translations that helped me a lot   when I started out tourism can get quite creative  and when I just finished school I was translating   like word for word kind of like that always  afraid to to move around words and everything it   was really nervous to do that was like oh what is  it for client going to think it's not going to be   if it's gonna be literal but then there's a  translator who really showed me like no you   can do this and maybe you can translate it like  this and she she gave me a lot of feedback on my   translation showed me how I can make things more  creative how you can play around with words uh   and that really helped me in terms of quality  to really see like oh this is a good tourism   translation oh yes I can do this or I didn't  think about this or this is a good resource   just reach out to more experienced translator ask  for feedback as for help for resources for tips   and that's really that helped me a lot that's  great advice and it ties into what I always   say of course I'm gonna link all you people's  links down below so if anyone watching wants   to reach out I'm sure you're more than willing  to help uh thanks so much to all three of you   this was fantastic and thanks to everyone at  home for watching let me know in the comments   which specialization I should do next I see  you next Monday with the next video bye bye

2023-09-17 05:26

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